The Slag Gong wants to Kill me


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I think my husband wants to kill me.

Whether it’s forgetting to turn off the gas or finding the bathroom door locked after I just finished bathing, it all makes me feel that he wants to kill me.

I know that I shouldn’t be considering this because we are a gay couple and we have been together for seven years.

Our relationship is also stable, and he is very good to me.

But I really think he wants to kill me.

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72 Reviews sorted by

LilithGrace99 rated it
February 23, 2022
Status: Completed
This book was so good. The epilogue was a little confusing because the characters were finally named, but I still really loved MC's viewpoint without the names. I feel like it kind of shows what kind of character MC is. MC is the 'if you betray me, I will return the favor ten-fold' kind of person. I really liked him.
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Ho_boltd rated it
January 13, 2022
Status: Completed
Hey comrades! Do you want a bl, that is very dark, psychological and a short read. Well then! I must recommend this to you.

The story is how the protagonist, slowly but surely plans how to deal with his husband. You see the husband was very much the scum of earth, but MC found a way how to let him sleep peacefully

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The husband died, well you could actually guess the outcome, little who*e had gone crazy also. Yeah by the way, the story when they found the body was so gross specially the way they described the maggots crawling up the little whore's ass. Disgusting.

Oh yeah if you're wondering, the MC ended up with the editor b, it also had a big plot twist at the end, I'd rather not say it, you guys are getting spoiled too much, don't wanna ruin the excitement.

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Lelouch_49 rated it
March 7, 2021
Status: Completed
The best revenge bl novel hailed from China. If you are tired of scums like Gu Yansheng from Black Lotus, then this is for you. Everything is just so perfect, the execution of the mu*der, MC planting inconsistent evidences so the trial won't run so smoothly, the ending of the sl*t childhood sweatheart, the death of the husband, MC using the influence of the film emperor, the execution of officer D, MC giving Editor B a chance, the death of the husband's father and the husband's mother going crazy. Rating... more>> this with 5 stars is an understatement of how great this thriller novel is.

And to those who said that the MC's reaction to the infidelity was unrealistic and is lacking of emotions, the MC once said that he is an "observer", from that alone, it implies his indifference towards the situation. <<less
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Staringatastar rated it
December 19, 2020
Status: Completed
You should listen to "no body, no crime" by Haim/Taylor Swift when reading this book. It perfectly captures the mood and roughly reflects the plot of this story.

I thought when I read the summary that this book would be about some misunderstanding, but it really it about a husband who wants to kill his spouse. There is revenge, manipulation,
mu*der, cannibalism, warped relationships, and induced psychosis. I like how no names are used until the epilogue, when the whole plot is tied together in a very confusing reveal.


The novel starts with a husband who realizes that his spouse (scum 1) wants to kill him. We are left thinking this might be paranoia on his part until he starts digging out scum 1's affair with his childhood sweetheart.

He then proceeds to plan and execute a double mu*der, dragging his editor in as an alibi/accomplice, and gathering up admirers by pretending to be pitiful and innocent.

In the end, while he uses the film emperor's connections, and the brothers pity, the only person who knows the real him is his editor friend. After the editor helps his resolve all issues with scum 1, he finally gives the editor a chance, though I'm left wondering if he isn't just bribing the editor with his body. It's sort of funny, because he ends up enacting this revenge because of a relationship between his husband and childhood sweetheart, when he himself always had a childhood sweetheart left waiting in the wings.


The author does such a good job of setting the scum husband and childhood sweetheart up as the despicable pair, that I was left quite happy when the elaborate revenge machine started to roll into action. Objectively though, the main character would actually be considered a toxic sociopath (especially in the epilogue), though I guess his hand is forced by the fact his spouse is trying to kill him.

Regardless, as an obviously fictional story, I loved it. It was a great follow up to "The show must go on", which also has a completely over-the-top, dark revenge.
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Reyleisha rated it
November 10, 2020
Status: Completed
Rating: 4.5/5- I read this after Gaze at the Scenes of Debauchery and it was such a mood lifter. This MC is kickass and this plot is so satisfying! I do not condone mu*der, but in the context of cheating, this story would satisfy anyone who has been hurt by infidelity.


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I will admit that I was hella confused about the identity of Ji Qu but irrespective, the facts point more to the editor than the film emperor.


Perhaps I will re-read it again and it may be more clear. It’s an excellent read either way. A strong and intelligent MC who refused to stand for being made a fool.

His revenge was hardcore, ludicrously crazy and stomach churning but who cares about morals in fiction, (just jokes- I always care about morals. ALWAYS!) because I sided with him all the way to the end.


The MC is truly psycho though- he completely removed himself from the entire situation when he plotted the mu*der and he looked upon the entire thing as if he were a bystander. Perhaps the trigger for such cold behaviour was his suspicion that his husband wanted to kill him first to live happily ever after (I’d be hella pissed).

I like to comfort myself by thinking that perhaps if the husband came clean and walked away in the beginning, instead of cheating and making the MC a fool, the MC may have been quite okay, as he never had a great desire to fight or monopolise his husband. He even stated that he was okay being left alone. It made me feel like he knew that their marriage wasn’t satisfactory to him from the beginning.

Perhaps the selfish behaviour from the MLs family as well as how the ML actively made the MC a fool with his s*upid mistress for almost their entire marriage, was another trigger. Whatever drove the MC to reveal his inner psychopath was subtly and implicitly revealed so I don’t feel like the revenge or the MCs behaviour was out of place. It’s not as if the affair was a recent activity, both the ML’s friends and family were aware of it from the beginning, even when the MC supported that bum of an ML to start up his successful company.


It was a case of an ungrateful as*hole biting the hand that feeds him, but the ML and his friends and family just took it way too far to allow the MC to forgive and forget.

I guess never mess with an author... lol.

This is a must-read! It’s gripping, excellent and smart! Mostly though, it’s satisfying to see such a profound and ruthless reaction from a person betrayed. Sometimes feeling hurt and betrayed is not enough- sometimes cold and heartless revenge is just what the doctor ordered. <<less
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amruta rated it
May 11, 2020
Status: Completed
The story can be a bit confusing at times since names are not used. But its a good read. The translation is decent.

Even though mu*der is wrong, you can't help but cheer for the MC. The reason is simple. If you love someone else and want to be together with them, divorce your spouse. What is the need for cheating and plotting mu*der? MC's scum husband and his slag lover are not only cheaters but also want to kill the MC. MC kills them instead. And in a very gruesome... more>> way. MC then had his HE with someone else. (The film emperor I think).

A short story about a psycho MC's revenge and how he gets away with it. Without rebirth. Yay <<less
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Happyface143 rated it
April 29, 2020
Status: Completed
Very interesting read indeed. I don't even think I consider it "Yaoi", because its a just about a psycho wanting to kill his husband and his lover.

For stories like this it's kinda a shame thats it's in the Yaoi genre cuz most people would ignore it. No intense s*x nor sweet fluff. This was a story about a man that has been cheated on by his husband and thinks his husband is trying to kill him, so he wants revenge.

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which I don't actually believe cause after the MC started to plan this mu*der, all attempts of the husband

ending his life stops.


A nice touch to the story is that no one has a name in this novel until the epilogue

Read if you are interested in:

    • mu*der
    • Infidelity
    • Revenge
    • Psychology
    • Smart and clever MC
I would avoid if you are sensitive to:

    • Betrayal
    • Abuse
    • Gore
    • Cannibalism
    • Little to no romance
About ML if y'all interested:


Basically doesn't exist, I guess the MC does end up with someone at the end but it's very open ended and their romance have little to do with the actual plot.




HE...I guess? According to MC

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PasserByS rated it
April 15, 2020
Status: c30

MC in this novel is not a typical MC who can forgive easily. He's a bloody psycho. How he plans a mu*der step by step is very exhilarating. Its the first time I read this kind of novel and I don't regret it. Overall, it is very thrilling. People who like revenge, dark concept, horror types of novel will definitely enjoy it.
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1Sami rated it
March 31, 2020
Status: c26
This was really interesting. None of the characters have been named so far, they're just called brother A or editor B. I've never seen that before in such a long novel, maybe in one shots, but not novels. The MC is somewhat of a psychopath which im sure we can all appreciate, even though that really only becomes obvious after quite a few chapters. He plans everything out and has such a good grasp of human character that it's scary. I really liked it!
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Popsicles rated it
October 26, 2022
Status: epilogue 3-8
This is a novel with a lot of hurt and a whole other level of revenge.

Alright, buckle up.

The author has a way with words and style. I haven't read their other works, but this has left a deep impression on me. This novel is written in the protagonist's direct POV, with the protagonist -I nicknamed him, The Unnamed Author -censoring every characters' names and using replacement instead (Brother A, for example). It brings this feeling of: Yes, I have problems and I'm not going to call their names correctly. I don't care, meh.

... more>> Really!

The Unnamed Author's name as well as the others' were revealed later in the epilogue, when everything is truly over. Then, we have to do some guesswork on who is which.

Now, the plot.

Haah. Pure revenge, and not the petty kind. Not the one where it ends in one night, quickly forgotten with no follow-up. The Unnamed Author's revenge was the kind that makes you aware of the danger from angering authors. They're wordsmiths, the one who shapes the minds of those who reads- You'll see the relevance of that sentence later on. Don't worry, that's not a spoiler.

There's a lot who are unsatisfied with the ending, and even with the whole revenge in general. For me, though, it's actually great.


I think that it was great his first decision after knowing his husband cheated on him was: "I'll kill him. I'll ruin him, then kill him and that Childhood Sweetheart of his."

This is just a conjecture, but perhaps the protagonist was already too deep in his mind to care about divorce. Perhaps he was already to hurt and shocked, that it simply didn't click on him that he could just divorce his bastard husband. Or, perhaps it was because he's the biggest shareholder in his husband's company- and he wanted back what he had given. The fame, success, love, and everything.

That, or maybe he was just an undetected psychopath. You'll see it in the epilogue. He got a decent and lovesick dog after all that. He is a psychopath.


Try to read this in the morning, not at night! There's some mild description of gore. Beware, beware. I've warned you: This is danmei, revenge, and gory. :) <<less
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Calif rated it
September 18, 2022
Status: c38
Hay, reading this novella I doubted the adek for a long time.... more>>
Hay, reading this novella in me gave birth to two feelings

1. I am obliged to write my review about it, because even despite the rather weak and meager writing style (my opinion!!), this novella leaves me thinking that it is better to never betray people. Nobody. Never. Yes, there are times when it is necessary, but if not, then it is better to live with them further. Otherwise, your betrayal will surely come back to you with 100% return (if not 1000%)

2. The protagonist is amazing, in the sense that he did not become a broken person because of betrayal. I don't know how to express my emotions exactly, but to some extent it's amazing, at least to me. Yes, he did something for which I would like to send him to prison, but at the same time.. It evokes dual feelings of respect and negative emotions. I really loved it. (But I still think it was a pretty bad thing, both on his part and on the part of the traitors - her husband and Husband's lover. It would be better if all this did not come at all)

I recommend reading this work! <<less
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Xylia125 rated it
September 6, 2022
Status: c11
I was rather sceptical about picking this up.

But it was surprisingly interesting. Nothing like anything other novel I have read before.

I think the author did a great job portraying what the Main Character's personality is like. I enjoyed how as readers we did not even know their names thill the very end.

Poor Ex Husband never got a name at all


Word of warning that this is not for everyone.
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Give.Me.A.Piece.Of.Cake rated it
May 24, 2022
Status: Completed
WOW, this is one intense story to read but I like it because I got bored of the Mary Sue character in most of the cheating stories. The MC is one crazy character; it's like reading the story from the POV of a villain.

I don't blame the MC for killing his Scum Husband and takes revenge on those who wronged him. Since the story was told from the POV of the MC, some of the information can only be inferred from the evidences/info dropped by the author, so I am... more>> going to dissect my own theory here for each character based on the info dropped.

On the MC:


Although it was not explicitly stated, we can infer that the MC is probably very, uniquely beautiful. Why? Because he has quite a few pursuers in the entertainment circle. His scum husband married him even though he has quite a few celebrities pursuing him. Husband also appears to like MC after first meeting. The film emperor appears to fall for the MC after first meeting too. ML (Editor B) pursues the MC for 10 years and is willing to kill for the MC. Brother A (husband's brother) seems to have a crush on MC too and was quite protective of MC. The childhood sweetheart, mistress, is very jealous of the MC probably because he felt inferior. Other people MC husband cheated with appears to hate the MC out of nowhere too and I think because MC is quite a beauty and married to scum husband (rich).


On the ML:


Editor B and he is crazy for MC. He is also part of MC plan for mu*der and if you read the last extra chapter he and MC had s*x in a hotel and even plan to "take care" of some people who used to probably support the husband in the company. Seems like MC took over the company after husband died.


On the scum husband:


His death was gruesome but it was somehow very satisfying. It was not explicitly stated but you can infer that he did not cheated with just the mistress. He appears to cheat with a few stars who wanted resources from him too who hated the MC since the MC is the legal spouse. His favorite seems to be the mistress and he f*ck the mistress everywhere in the company and all the staffs seem to know. He was trying to kill the MC in the beginning probably from getting the idea from the mistress.


On the mistress (childhood sweetheart) :


He sleeps around a lot and is probably not serious about the husband and the film emperor. It appears he was in a relationship with these two because of the resources they can bring him. I suspect his real secret lover is the policeman D. BTW, it was awesome he ate the husband. Got what he deserved. He also really hates the MC and appears to want the MC dead. I think policeman D is his real hidden lover and he was going to have the husband kill the MC and have policeman D covers any evidences left behind but atlas our MC killed the husband first.


On the Policeman D:


He is probably the real lover of the mistress. They are step brothers and probably hide their real relationship as lover (as the story was from the MC POV, we will never know for sure). Policeman D is very dedicated to the mistress as you can see from the story that he was willing to do anything to save the mistress. He was willing to pay money to bribe the fake person who testify in court to get the mistress out, he was protecting the mistress while the mistress was under authority, he was willing to give up his career as a cop and hide as a fugitive for 3 years to break the "prison" and escape/elope with the mistress BUT atlas he was caught by the MC plan and was sentence to death. Base on these information alone, I think he and the mistress shared a pretty deep relationship and he is probably the real lover of the mistress.


On the film emperor:


He was dating the mistress before but found out mistress was using him and cheating on him so he went and found the MC and seemed to fall for the MC after first meeting (?). He is quite dumb and was used by MC for the last 3 years and have quite a bit of resources from his rich family. Not sure if he ever slept with the MC as there is this vague scene of MC inviting him to the house in the extras.


The extras wrap up the story really good and give a very satisfying ending. The chapters are short so you can finish this in 1 or 2 hour if you read fast. <<less
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IvaAres rated it
April 14, 2022
Status: Completed
My lil summary

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So basically the MCs husband has been cheating on him for yearssss with his childhood friend. So, he has been trying to kill him. MC realizes he is trying to kill him and investigates why, finding out about his husband's cheating. MC then makes an elaborate plan to kill his husband and punish the Sweetheart. It was an amazing revenge :)



Editor B helps and knows about the MCs killing of his husband and loves the MC. MC uses hypnosis on him to erase his memories for 3 yrs and promises to give B a chance if he still falls in love with the MC after being hypnotized. He falls in love. MC gives him chance. It's not all sweet and happiness tho since the MC doesn't rlly like him.

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invix rated it
July 26, 2021
Status: Completed
Absolutely perfect for a light, quick read. Some other reviews mentioned plotholes and unrealistic themes in this story, and theyʼre possibly true. I havenʼt thought about it yet.

It won't hinder your reading experience, however, as you'll be able to see from me. I give a full five stars from my enjoyment in reading this thriller, gory, light novel.

I like MCʼs character. He's so sly. And another thing about the story:

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The way the narration doesn't mention any names at all until the epilogues? Absolute genius. It's because the narrator for the main story was the MC (Shen YiZhen), and he had some sort of mental illness that made him unable to put names to people's faces. Meanwhile, in the epilogue, it was Ji Qu — Agent B, who was narrating, hence the influx of names.


Give it a try. You won't regret it unless you aren't into gory imagery, in which case please do skip that part and/or just leave entirely. <<less
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March 14, 2021
Status: Completed
I loved this. I really loved this.

Man finds his husband has been having a long-term affair, so he takes it upon himself to take the two to task. Does he succeed? What does he do to the husband? To his husband's lover?

This is a great look into the dark heart and mind of a man who has been stepped on one too many times by his philandering husband.

... more>> Does this justify his actions? I'd say it depends on whom you're asking.

If you're asking me? The ends don't exactly justify the means--it is more than a little out there, but I sure understand his motivations.

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dee_ism rated it
March 13, 2021
Status: --
Plot wise, it's interesting and definitely not common. But try to read it without thinking much, it has a lot plot holes, hahaa.

For its uniqueness, I give another star, round it up to 4.

It's dark, twisted, but interesting.
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MadGhostOfBrownHollow rated it
March 11, 2021
Status: Completed
Many people enjoyed this novel, and I can see why. It's a good novel to read for revenge and the gore (in a later chapter). It can get dark and is a fast paced read.
My only major complaints with the novel is how cardboard most of the characters feel. There isn't much dialogue, and most characters are represented by names like Editor B or Officer D, etc. There isn't much backstory, and everything feels very plastic.
Yes, you think: "Ah, the gong really is a scum and deserves to die. The Childhood sweetheart is tr*shy! They both deserve to die!".

Everyone in the novel thinks so too that knows about their affair. This leads me into my next major complaint: The MC is overpowered. He never faces any challenges, everyone loves him immediately. "How clever, how psychopathic! He can still deceive everyone into thinking he's a sweetheart while scheming to kill his husband!".

That leads me to another question, why does his husband want to kill him over an affair anyways? The novel never explains this, it's simply just a dark novel so everyone resorts to violence and mu*der immediately.

Even the detective hits the MC purposely with his car because he believes him to be the mu*derer, I mean, he's a cop... I'm sure there's a number of legal procedures someone who's literally trained to follow the law could resort to instead of attempted mu*der but okay.

So, overall, it's something to read if you want a hour read, with a guaranteed win for the MC who cleverly and without resistance defeats his husband and his mistress. Honestly, I'd more rate this story 2.5 just because it feels more like a story outline I'd type up before writing the real novel, but it is very interesting (although I see no reason for it to receive the amount of praise it's been given, I understand the various good points occasionally reflected in the writing... the gore in a later chapter is very good).
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Peachyxist rated it
January 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Omg the most satisfying revenge ever !!!

There’s no naive, Mary Sue, innocent mf MC noooohohoho honey this is different. This MC is the type to bite back once you start going against him. Badass, tho there’s some gore so be warned lol I love this vengeful story ughh so good.
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HanYuri rated it
January 7, 2021
Status: Completed
Scheming and plotting to kill his cheating husband and his husband's lover.

It's kinda like open ending.
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