The Slag Gong wants to Kill me


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I think my husband wants to kill me.

Whether it’s forgetting to turn off the gas or finding the bathroom door locked after I just finished bathing, it all makes me feel that he wants to kill me.

I know that I shouldn’t be considering this because we are a gay couple and we have been together for seven years.

Our relationship is also stable, and he is very good to me.

But I really think he wants to kill me.

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72 Reviews sorted by

PeachesUntamed rated it
October 14, 2020
It's good to occasionally have a change in plot in the genre.

I love it,

kinda reminds of Gaze at the scenes of debauchery, even tho they're two different plots I think they both add weight to the whole genre
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Cheru rated it
October 2, 2020
Status: Completed
This is my first time writing a review, and so I'm just saying this is 100% my opinion, and if yours differ, I respect that, so please respect mine too. Anyways I finished this in a single sitting before I write this review and call it a night. My emotions were on a rollercoaster. There was really no deep plot, but the revenge plot (ya feel?) was super entertaining. It's not like Escape the Infinite Chambers ofc, but I was entertained reading this for the past hour or two. It... more>> was a good time killer, but I do not recommend reading before sleeping. My adrenaline was too high so I had to do something (this long useless review) to calm myself. I liked the idea of not giving names yet still understanding the characters, though, with my limited brain cells, I was EXTREMELY confused in the epilogue. After thinking a bit, I understood the basics though.I wouldn't say this is a story really. Hmm. Ig it would be similar to an appetizer compared to the main dish? It was short. Simple yet intriguing/ unique. I would definitely reread this later. Ooh. It's like a one-shot, but not. There is no deep plot, and all of this makes no sense logically. But where's the fun in all seriousness? If you enjoy a revenge plot that had no failure- an act of complete perfect revenge- and you have time to spare, why not give it a go? (Being able to handle gore and adultry between guys and such) <<less
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Rustle silver butterflies
Rustle silver butterflies rated it
September 19, 2020
Status: Completed
f*ck... It's too hard and dark. I thought that will be fun comedy show and this description just an unusual joke, but this is damn psychological thriller.

I don't recommend it If you are not pe*vert as me. Check the tags please.

Our MC realized that his husband wants to kill him. Guess what he will do ?... more>>

he will mu*der him, also will be cannibalism

MC is calm (indifferent) person and good at acting like poor, naive guy. He is smart enough and cruel. Shorter, he is psycho.

All the novel MC perform own plan of revenge. He is successful at this. It's was interesting, I like read about such corrupted things.

Don't expect good romantic line, he will be with one person at the end, but novel about his strategy and a bit gore. This is also pretty short so you no need to waste many time if you don't like it. <<less
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SayMrrp rated it
August 27, 2020
Status: Completed
This story is quite eerie. Not exactly horror, but definitely creepy.

The MC... is wack. The bad couple was immoral, but at least they were kinda normal... excluding the slag wanting to kill the MC. The MC is sly and REALLY WANTS THAT REVENGE.

The revenge was more creepy than satisfying for me...

Who is the ML is quite confusing, and I've seen some other people get it wrong (*cough*, even here). The last chapter reveals who it is though.

Ending spoilers:

... more>>

MC gets his revenge, "forces" cannibalism onto the remaining cheater, maggots happen, and the MC gets together with his editor who knows everything. He doesn't get with the Film Emperor, that dude's a pawn.


In all, this was a dark and creepy read. <<less
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BlueAmethyst rated it
May 18, 2020
Status: epilogue 3-8
This is the first story I've read which has this kind of story-telling, so I don't know if it's because of how it is written or the plot itself, but I find myself wanting to click the next button after every chapter read (thankfully I've read this when it's already complete :)). My overall rating is 4.1, but I'll give this a 5 to boost the rating.

The title says the premise of the story - the slag gong (aka Husband, or H) wants to kill me (the MC) so... more>> MC tries to get 'even' with him by plotting H's slow mu*der. The title also somehow directs us to the motive of the mu*der:


H is a slag and is cheating MC for a long time with his childhood friend/sweetheart (let's call him CS).


How MC plans his actions - from his image projection to the details of the mu*der - were impressive enough for a fiction novel, but not enough to be done in real life (sadly - JK HAHAHA).

Some examples of what would be questionable, maybe can be considered illogical or obvious, in real life (WARNING, PUZZLING SPOILER AND SPECULATIONS AHEAD) :

    • If CS did indeed plan to kill H, he would've not scheduled a delivery of the medicine at HIS OWN HOUSE on THE SAME DAY HE WENT OUT WITH HUSBAND, which is COINCIDENTALLY THE SAME DAY OF THE mu*der. Suppose it was done specifically by CS to arrive at that day, why did he not take it with him on their outing? If it was 'accidentally' delivered at that day and he forgot about the delivery, isn't the courier irresponsible for just leaving the package in a home without anyone around (idk in other countries but this can't be done from where I live - someone should always receive a package, even if it's only mail) ? WHY WOULD HE LEAVE SUCH AN OBVIOUS EVIDENCE BEHIND? He's so s*upid to do that if that's true, and if this (leaving behind evidence) is deliberate, the resulting effects does not give him any advantage whatsoever for the case. If he did not plan the mu*der AT ALL, and everything is just plain COINCIDENCE (H just accidentally died there after sex), why would a 'sane' person's response was to CARVE OUT the person's body and EAT him?
    • That last sentence brings me to a very questionable point - WHY IS THERE A KNIFE IN A BEDROOM? Did ANY, JUST ANYONE, of the officers there contemplate on this? I get it if there are food, etc. In the scene (food scraps can be evidence that there was once food in the bedroom) or was once in the scene (an autopsy report or a medical scan of CS's body can prove this), but why would these naive officers focus on the LOCKED DOOR rather than the KNIFE that was taken as the mu*der WEAPON? Suppose CS took the knife in and mu*dered H, then the circumstances in the first bullet will implicate him but would also question if he's being framed. Suppose H took the knife in the bedroom, then that's a whole other story (don't want to elaborate on this since it would take more than just a few sentences). Suppose everything is an accident, why would CS, rather than take the knife and use it to get out of the room or get help, again, use it to EAT H when CS's a 'sane' person (and a celebrity who has to take care of his reputation) ? So many logic holes and probable circumstances, I don't even know in which way I want to investigate if I were there!
    • What kind of person will deliberately save EXTREMELY CASE-RELEVANT INFORMATION in their laptop's HIDDEN FOLDER? Moreover, IT'S A TYPE OF EVIDENCE WHICH MAKES A COMPLETE TURNOVER IN A CASE? I get that people often have a hidden folder, but the files in them are usually important documents (government IDs, company files, etc.), explicit content (videos, pictures, voice records, etc.), or blackmail material, right? Who f*cking saves pictures of their NORMAL day-to-day text conversations in their laptop's HIDDEN FOLDER? Okay, I understand that these kinds of texts (which can be taken as evidence for cheating) needs to be hidden, but keeping it to the point that even the MOST RECENT dialogue of a person's outing is saved, when he can just back-read them (especially the most recent convo) in his own phone (maybe he can save the convo pic at a later date as remembrance of the outing - this logic is so stretched - but definitely not when he's just planning to go) ? This screams staged men!

There are some points that I commend the author though:

    • That misdirection - creating a lock room mu*der case instead of a medical-related mu*der case - is brilliant! At first, I thought MC would unlock the door after a few days or weeks since a lock room mu*der will extremely implicate her as a suspect but he can't go back to the scene without a substantial alibi, even if it's just a couple of hours to unlock the door. But then I realize, setting a drug overdose mu*der would implicate her MORE than a mysterious lock room mu*der case - after all, HE'S. THE. FREAKING. LEGAL. PARTNER! HE. SHOULD. KNOW. MORE. ABOUT. HIS. HUSBAND'S. MEDICAL. RECORD. MORE. THAN. THE. MISTRESS! And that's why it's so clever (*laughs maniacally*) !
    • All along the story I thought MC's a one-man performer - setting the stage trap (mu*der), guiding the audience to the expected outcome, etc. - So I was disappointed because having no accomplice in preparing everything, although beneficial since no one knows the secret other than you, limits your perspective in handling a 'perfect stage'. It's just like how one is rated as a 'good movie' - you need to have a good set of main casts, some reactive background characters, and an effective back-stage crew who reviews the plot and/or checks if there are any potential mistakes in the story. I thought MC has no accomplice, but then epilogue came, and it turned out HE HAS SOMEONE MANAGING BEHIND THE SCENES TOGETHER WITH HIM. That's a super pleasant surprise for me!

If there is something that bugs me in this story, even after I've read it, it's Ji Qu's true identity (WARNING, CONFUSING SPOILER AHEAD) :


I can't seem to decide who he really is before the epilogue.

If he's Editor B, which is in line with logic since he said he's been in love with MC for a long time and is then assumed to know MC enough to guess and help him in his mu*der plans, but why would CS worry about his reappearance when there's no indication in the story that they're related in any way (or did I miss something) ? Also, does he have enough 'power' to eliminate some old company men, which from the tone of the chapter, seem to be influential people? Also, why did Elder Brother-in-Law react like that upon meeting him in the asylum, when there's no indication that they've met before?

If he's the Film Emperor (FE), who definitely can affect CS if he reappeared in front of him due to their past relationship, has enough influence due to his background, and already met Elder Brother-in-Law once before the mu*der case establishment, why did he say he's been in love with MC for a LONG time (I don't think 3/4 years can be considered 'long' in this case, so have FE met MC before the story happened) ? Also, he's a famous celebrity 3/4 years ago, so if he lost his memories and was not able to act, how come no one 'noticed' him among those from the forum group?


I'm so confused. I hope to be enlightened so if you know the answer, please DM me. But as long as I don't know this, I think I'll unwillingly remember this story.

Overall, it's an awesome story - definitely recommended - but I should've not read that epilogue - it's like experiencing Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint's epilogue all over again. <<less
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Shin_hye rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: Completed
At first I thought this story will be like others crime story, or maybe like others psychopath story until I read it through chapter 3 does I realize this is one of the greatest crime and psychopath story ever...

It's really hard to published a story with such of content, but the author managed to do so and this make me adore the author so much..

To came out with great crime plan without abandoned the logic and existent of regulation, it make me feel awwed and curious on how the author... more>> will help the MC settling his crime in perfect oder...

This story make me addicted on wanting to know more on how the MC vanished all records in order to turn all the blamed to the mistress...

I have no regrett on read this story till end because this story potrayed the dark side of the MC which rarely put by others author... If I can give more than 5, I will rate the author and the translator 10, which such an epic storyline, really can make a blockbuster <<less
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March 11, 2020
Status: c1
Cool story! It is nice to read about a calm smart MC that notices the red flags and does his best to stay alive and give the cheating couple what they deserve without a sudden love interest shoved in. It is a rare novel that addresses the issues directly rather than have a re-birth /transmigration premise
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AmaAI rated it
November 15, 2023
Status: Completed
It's a nice short and sweet revenge novel...


The Husband and his lover had such a great ending!


I'm happy the MC actually killed his husband and made them suffer. DEATH TO CHEATERS!!!

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lilricegrain rated it
May 11, 2023
Status: --
i don't know what I think what's gonna happen to the ML but certainly not that ... more>>

he's gonna die

I was so shocked when I found lol, loves the author for making me hate the gong and not having a sympathy for him, , surely I can read till the end without stopping, ,

i love the MC so much, he doesn't give a fck and just decides to

kill off the gong for having an affair


i also like editor b? Been shipping them since the beginning, the ending is kinda open for me but that's good, I can imagine they are together at last


but this novel is creepily accurate I was actually scared at some point

the gong deserves this so much, how can he cheated for 10 years? Childhood sweetheart also, , I don't tolerate with cheating everyone, that's their problem for messing with the wrong person


you guys can read this if you're tired of kind MC that forgive anyone I mean not everyone deserves a forgiveness, and will actually hate the gong


the very sad thing is he absolutely loves the gong for those 10 years, feels bad for the MC but at least he got friends such as the editor b and film emperor, , even though he's just using them

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Asheza rated it
October 13, 2022
Status: Completed
God, this story is so chilling.

I agree with user Wolvelyn that MC is a psychopath.

... more>>

His point of view throughout the story was him telling us a story without any names, it was not suspicious for me at first. Then the conversation between him and his editor somehow got a bit off, especially with the 'minor illness' talk.

And the fact that the editor 'loves' that side of him and is so patient to wait for the MC means he already have done enough mischief in the past that the editor willingly dived in to just to back up MC.


Kudos to the author and the translator for bringing this thrilling masterpiece. <<less
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loneplum rated it
June 15, 2022
Status: Completed
Read this for a refreshing change from the usual BL! This is a dark and sinister short story of revenge with a twisted and brilliant MC - worth reading. The chapters are short so you can finish in an afternoon or less.

To enjoy this, don’t overanalyze the slipups in the crime. It’s not a detective story - it’s a tale of vengeance.

And don’t get hung up on how unrealistic the story is - it’s a fantasy tale of vengeance. Just enjoy the ride!

4.3 stars for plot but bumping it up... more>> to 5 for the creativity of the storytelling and the great translation. <<less
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mellonna rated it
December 7, 2021
Status: Completed
Satisfaction! This is one of the best

It's still unclear how that scum gong married MC for, but he really is unfortunate enough to get a psychopathic wife LOL

The chapters are short, considering I have binged it in one day, I still wanna know the after story of his life just a little more even though it's not going to be that thrilling as with this scum Gong but it's still a good story to pull out some stress IMO

... more>> (there might be spoilers ahead!)

Summarizing the story :

MC realized his scum husband got into an affair and also wanted to kill him, so he will kill him first but slowly.

Carried with supporting characters letting him get to his goal, stealing a sentence from MC talking to editor B : " one of the robins died while the other doesn't have much time to live " <<less
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Bob127 rated it
November 12, 2021
Status: --
Very dark but ngl it was kind of funny sometimes in a dark way bc the MC is so nonchalant and doesn’t bother to remember anyone’s names. It was surprisingly interesting and a different read.
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adria rated it
September 22, 2021
Status: Completed
WHAT THE HELL THIS IS SO GOOD! The MC is unlike the other MC cheating victims. He’s definitely a psychopath. During his narration, he sounded so distant and unattached. From the books that I read with psychopath characters, the MC was similar to them. He was so cunning and manipulative, he really got everyone fooled. This was beautifully written! Ugh, one of the best reads.
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August 30, 2021
Status: Completed
Well that was interesting. Wish I could figure out who was who in the epilogue. Though I could have skipped the couple paragraphs of the gore.
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the beau fujoshi
the beau fujoshi
August 19, 2021
Status: Completed

The MC is so coollll. Finally, someone who is decisive and cunning.
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qeesa rated it
August 13, 2021
Status: Completed
I love this, It was satisfying. Gong absolutely deserves what he got, him and his side piece both. I enjoyed this one immensely. MC should've been an actor instead of an author, but then again, with his personality I'm not surprised why he became an actor.

I'm not going to repeat what everyone already said, most reviews already showed my thoughts on this, so I'll just say:

will I re-read this? Yes.

will I recommend this? Absolutely.

I'm still confused who the guy he ended up with at the end - ... more>>

is it the movie emperor or his editor? I'm more leaning towards the editor from the descriptions (the film emperor looks lilke a pretty naive guy to me).

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Kuzo rated it
March 19, 2021
Status: epilogue 3-8
Totally great novel! I really like MC though he kinda over cautious..


Editor B know too much about his crime, so MC kinda told B to get hypnotized to not remember anything for 3 years. If he didnt remember anything for 3 years, MC will give B a chance to pursue him since B love him.


Though I love this novel, it's not my cup of tea since I want to see MC to loose abit for his guard since his plan too smooth...
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Pyonhyeii rated it
January 19, 2021
Status: Completed
You know those stories that once you finish reading you just feel so amazed at the imagination of the author and the story that they created? This is it.

It’s a fairly short read and took me less then an hour to finish as the chapters are all pretty short. It’s also written in the perspective of the MC who is the one that the slag gong wants to kill.

There were some aspects of the story which leaned heavily towards the MC but I honestly can’t fault it due to why... more>> the slag gong wants to kill him.


I gotta say, the MC really is something. There’s no actual names being used throughout the entire main story which makes it easier to follow along except during the epilogue where the reader is forced to figure out just who is who. I think it contributes greatly to understanding the personality of the MC as the first-person perspective really shows how detached and emotionless the MC is from the world.

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siler30 rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: Completed
This was honestly so good. Very dark with questionable morals obviously, but the warning is given well before.
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