The Novel’s Extra


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Waking up, Kim Hajin finds himself in a familiar world but an unfamiliar body.

A world he created himself and a story he wrote, yet never finished.

He had become his novel’s extra, a filler character with no importance to the story.

The only clue to escaping is to stay close to the main storyline.

However, he soon finds out the world isn’t exactly identical to his creation.

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One entry per line
소설 속 엑스트라
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August 26, 2020
Status: Completed
Spoiler free

The first half of the novel was one of the most enjoyable reads I've had in a while. The MC has to actually think about his relationships and how to handle them, granted it's in a fantasy setting so there's some bullsh*t here and there but it's bearable. When the MC is weak he plays very strongly into his strengths and weaknesses and fighting indirect battles using other people. Couple with Chae Nayun and Yoo Seonwha's dynamic creates a very interesting and dynamic story.

Then they decide to throw half... more>> that sh*t out the window in the second half where the MC is jerked off for being so strong left and right and him not being aware of how strong he is. Then he becomes f*cking Itachi from Naruto with Sasuke levels of edgy in his personal relationships. You reach this huge climax with a showdown between two characters and then he pulls out the 2 year line or somehow loses the ability to speak. At some point the fantasy mumbo jumbo gets too much to bear when the MC starts a part time job as Jesus Christ himself. Some explanations later on don't even make sense.

A lot of the plot points built up just have some of the most disapointing conclusions and it's a real shame. I wouldn't say it's necessarily a bad read and would still reccomend it I think the author's writing has a lot of potential and will still be following them in the future. <<less
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kawyua rated it
August 19, 2020
Status: Completed
This novel has a good basis of an interesting world and diverse cast with the chameleon cast, the kim suho and the gang, and all the others. Its just... that's it other than the setting, its never really clever with anything else. Despite some neat characterizations and stories to build up the cast in the school arc, but it doesn't go anywhere other than that.
To be clear, I really liked how the initial world was introduced through the characters. That made reading the first half of the story intriguing. Still, the latter half fell apart. The amalgamation of cliches that was used to set up the story becomes bare for everyone to see once the author decided to split the cast up and making a 3 year skip. filler filler filler.

The fact that the MC is the author of the story is inconsequential and only for convenience. Like, wow, for fifteenth time things didn't go as the normal story! wow, you knew something the other characters didn't. Nothing ever creative or imaginative, a little more explanation about reasoning the stuff he did would've been okay.

Chae nayun's betrayal was the only thing interesting towards the end of the long school arc, but then the author just dragged it on an on... WHY? Personally I don't mind the plot point itself so much, really, it would've been welcome to hear if the other author would meddle with their relationship more in fact. but that was it. It was extremely irritating to be reading about after a 3 year time skip and then 100 chapters of constantly thinking about that.

The power leveling of the MC with his stigma, you know if you can create any ability you want with these story points its awfully convenient. All the MCs meandering about with his "art" and people fonding over it is irritating at best. On a personal level, I'm kind of fed up with his "hacking" and all the bullsh*t that his truth book is. The amount of awe and praising for being both Fenrir and black lotus (really? both?) didn't help.

Finally, the story ends by wallowing in the meaninglessness of being a story in a novel. And you know what, I guess I should just feel that way, too. Really lazy finish in the latter half.
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Purry_1412 rated it
July 24, 2020
Status: Completed
overall its a nice read except for the drama part... even after finishing the novel, I don't think all those drama are even needed for the plot :/

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I mean Chae Nayun is a useless character... author kept making her like an important one, saying she's a genius swordsman, or for her sad past, and even on the epilogue, when MC said that she might be the reason he came to love that world, but ?? on what part? unless I didn't realize? I dont even see any character development from Nayun until the very end, sure she found out the truth but she didn't really change, for me it's just like she has come to a realization and thats it, author kept on bringing up her name every damn moment he can, and she's not even the FL, I just didn't like her from the start specially when she started misunderstanding that MC has a crush on her, wow what an attention whore~


think of it as reading Tower of God, like how we all hate ******, whenever she shows up, that's also how I feel whenever ***** gets mentioned~~ <<less
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jopaaan rated it
July 24, 2020
Status: Completed
Sorry about my bad english

Finally I finished this novel after some time reading. It's an extraordinary novel, because of the good character building, so I can feel like living in it.

Truly a hidden gem. This novel has an unusual story, moved to another world but as an extra character. So far I haven't found a novel like this anywhere, maybe there are novels like this out there, but Extra Novel is still my personal favorite webnovel

There are some things that block in my mind, like below

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I hope that Kim Hajin's relationship with Chae Nayun should not end as happened in the last few chapters. I can't believe that the development of Chae Nayun's character and his complicated relationships, such as misunderstanding, hatred, and love for Kim Hajin must end sadly.

Kim Hajin and Boss, the writers did decide to pair them, but I still can't accept them, because I think Chae Nayun has the right to a happy ending, given what she has experienced and misunderstandings throughout the story.

The story is very exciting at the beginning, around chapter 100-150. The story starts boring and spinning, when Kim Hajin leaves the Cube like entering a tower, then to another world, after that to another world again (Akatrina)


But it can't be denied, that this is one of the best Korean webnovels in my opinion, you have to read it and I don't think you will waste your time in vain. <<less
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Centrophy rated it
July 14, 2020
Status: c378
Starts out decent enough. I was compelled to binge read up until the end of the school arc then after that the cracks that were always there start getting bigger and bigger. Towards the end I was forcing myself to finish it due to the sunk cost fallacy.

"I'm so close! Just a bit more, maybe he'll turn this around!"

He (the author) never does. Apparently this is normal for this author since apparently Monster also self destructs. There's no reason for the final boss battle to go for so many chapters... more>> but then after that there's more needless suffering until a shallow ending that leaves no one satisfied.

It's a bit amusing how the co-author considers the story a masterpiece at the end when it's anything but. There was also no reason to take Hajin's power and gear at the end since he can apparently give stuff back and there's a lot of loose and abandoned plot threads like Chundong and Akatarina.

Incredibly unsatisfying.

Translation is fine. Tower arc is okay but the author breaks the pacing too often in it with side stuff. Give it a read but be prepared to be disappointed and/or mad. I know I was mad at the end for wasting my time. Stop reading when you start getting annoyed since it's not worth going to the end. <<less
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May 25, 2020
Status: Completed
I would like to thnx the author as well as translator. Thnx for ur hard work.

The novel is good overall. Only thing that troubled me while reading was, One time he would easily slay heros and other time he would say, my stats can't match them, but well whatever, I enjoyed it.

U guys should go for it. It's a good one.
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Leinyl rated it
April 26, 2020
Status: Completed
One of the best novel I have ever read. It has a balanced MC that is strong but not too overpowered, would save lives but knows his priorities, has enough sensitivity to notice other characters feelings and accepting his feelings as well. The other characters are all fun to read about even those that were just recently introduced and their character developments are very well thought out in my opinion, the harem is not instantaneous and knows how to build the feelings over time. The story has some very emotional... more>> moments and paced properly so it knows how much to increase the challenges for the characters each passing arc. It also has great world building and intriguing mysteries waiting to be unraveled not only to readers but to certain key characters. Honestly I was tearing up reading the last few chapters because I won't be able to read about them anymore especially Yoo Yeonha which is not just best girl but the best character in my opinion.

That said there are still flaws:


As other readers have pointed out, the story went downhill at the latter half of the story which in my opinion is because of 2 major reasons:

One would be not giving any justice for Chae Nayun with the author not giving her a proper talk with the MC until the last chapter, it is a shame since MC and her was a much better and much more interesting pairing. Not that I don't like who MC ended with but Chae Nayun and MC's chemistry before their parting was just too good that it is a shame that basically nothing follows up on it especially when we are teased about their meeting every 5-10 chapters when it actually happened at the end. This was such a major problem that this reason alone is what made me feel bitter about the ending. She deserves much much MUCH more considering what she's been through.

The other problem was that on the climax of two major arcs, the Orden and Baal arc, the MC had very little participation in that all out battle against them. I know that I said the other characters are interesting and I get that Kim Suho has to be the major participant but these characters are only made interesting with the MCs intervention that is why it feels dull when he isn't participating. In those fights all I could remember that he did was pass on his power to Kim Suho and fire a single bullet while waiting at the right time respectively. With the other characters having too much focus, it had become less about the MC and more about the other characters.

As a side note: I wished that Rachel and Yoo Yeonha had at least conveyed their feelings to MC in the end but unfortunately they it didn't happen, but there are still side chapters so I can look forward to that. There seem to also be some side stuff that the author failed to deliver on like on the two devils Vassago and Leraje, really wanted to see Leraje meet Kim Hajin again and want clarification if the accessory Vassago requested was actually made and given to her, she even gave a time limit of 3 days making it feel like a big deal.

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April 25, 2020
Status: c105
Honestly I liked the work, its your usual isekai yaay fun and it would've been an enjoyable read if not for those annoying girls ugh ahem rant ensues

Rachel was somewhat okay though I haven't read it full so idk what might happen later but she has been tolerable

Chae Youn though! She's so annoying? If MC ends up with her I'm revolting. She's such a mindless brat, though I understand they're still teenagers, immature and she has been berated by other charas for being self-centered.

But the way she gets so worked up over him even interacting with other girls when she was the reason he got bullied for so long? And she never apologized?

so rude, I don't like her at all.

Yoo Yeonha, nah. She suits more as a business acquaintance than a love interest. And the way she acts a certain way and feels another and then kind of self-victimizes herself? Like girl you're so cool why ruin your awesome character arc by playing the bachelor with other deluded girls for a guy who doesn't have an ounce of romantic feels for you.

I would rather prefer Suho with him than any of the girls, at least he has got decency and charm.

IDK if I'll continue tbh

they're getting on my nerves I can't handle their s*upid whining
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Gsichtselfmeter rated it
April 22, 2020
Status: Completed
This is a great novel. It really completes the korean dungeon/gamification/returner style.

The characters are alive and fun to read, the story has a story and a complete end, and the system is very cool.

In the later half the perfect story starts to crack, with random arcs and plot devices that are not utilized properly.

For the whole story I was waiting for the juicy parts to be set off

... more>>

his complicated relationship to the different girls, his secret identity, the incident in the back story


but the story finishes without resolving them.

Still I finished reading this in about a week (thanks Corona!), so this is a 4.5* <<less
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SkyOfSky rated it
April 9, 2020
Status: c130
Kim Hajin is a good likable MC overall. Frankly he’s too much like a babysitter to his novel’s characters. Yoo Yeonha is likable yet not. Chae Nayun is very very unlikable. Rachel is slightly likable. With these choices in harem members, this novel should just stick without the so-called romance.
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M mars
M mars rated it
January 24, 2020
Status: c378
It's enjoyable novel

if there is one thing I am not satisfied with is simply THE MANY PLOT HOLES THAT IN IT!!

Seriously, powers (a LOT of powers!) and characters and sometimes some things happen but never spoken about ever again

like hundreds of dragons coming out of who knows where to their world

Never heard anything about this ever again


It deserves 3 stars but I will give it 4

After all, it was enjoyable and I don't regret reading it
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January 15, 2020
Status: c4
this thing is seriously top tier!!! The characters can learn. The main character is not that naive compared to other MC. The ending is a bit predictable but that's okay. Since whats important for me is the journey and not the destination. If you want a relatively weak MC but smart and sly as hell. This novel might be for you!!
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korneliswicaksono rated it
January 5, 2020
Status: c378
I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. The characters showed a distinct personality yet they still can grow. The storyline is unpredictable so does the ending.
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edvy69 rated it
December 29, 2019
Status: Completed
first off, it is really interesting to read a novel from a person who has some sort of disability
he might have Alexithymia, because this novel doesn't read like a person wrote it, more like
an alien that had to do an essay on and write a human novel, so its all textbook interactions
but when it comes to inserting emotions into the novel's characters it feels very off and weird.

besides that the system in it is interesting and since it is such a weird novel with the characters
that do not act normally it is worth a read just over that the ending, isn't as bad as his previous
book, but I do wish this author would stop his sort of fetish of picking one character and treating
them like utter garbage, I think he was used like this by a woman and he is letting his frustration
out through the story.

overall I can see why people rate it as a 5/5 but it just barely passes as a 3/5 worth a read but i
wouldn't pick this over one of the other books such as omniscient reader.
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un-known rated it
December 7, 2019
Status: Completed
First, I gave it 5/5 not because I think it is perfect but because I genuinely enjoyed every last bit of it.

Second, I read this story as I was having a transition period on my evaluation criteria and this story kind of tuned my criteria to the better (I guess?), now I focus on execution much more than the story (i.e how well it is engineered not how well the story is)

Into the review:

The story is good and consistent (with but a few loopholes)

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sad that the author kinda forgot about the fake akatarina tower seed - might have made the ending more wholesome


The delivery is superb as you can feel every scene materialize in front of you as you read it.

The execution is top notch as you would need to ponder for a long time to come up with a better way of handling most of the scenes

The characters are full of life (even the most generic ones)

lastly, bonus points to showing us an author perspective (Hajin feels kind of very good author if he took his time writing the story) <<less
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Lawkz rated it
November 26, 2019
Status: Completed
Outstanding novel, the only reason I give 4 stars instead of 5 is because the drama never connects with me and the quality of writing really drops in the last 100~150 chapters to the point where I'd give only 2 or 3 stars for that section of the novel.
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FatMenBeTrippin rated it
May 9, 2019
Status: c294
I was very pleasantly surprised by how good this novel is. It’s one of the few novels that I’ve been happy to read that doesn’t have a clear power structure, in fact the power structure is a little broken in my opinion and it’s very hard to gauge who is powerful compared to who.

No harem in this so far and while there are a lot of love interests I get the feeling that they will find other partners and leave the MC with just one.

... more>>

Hedging my bets on Rachel right now because of Evandel


The story progression is nice and doesn’t get hung up on anything for longer than necessary, and I get the feeling that the novel is only just beginning. It also feels like it might be coming to a close lol I can’t actually tell. <<less
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Hunterx12 rated it
May 8, 2019
Status: c113
I just want to say to those who are looking for a well written novel to read, this is one of the best novels I have ever read. All the scenes, characters, dialogue and plot seem real and you get attached to each character and root for the main one
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Caraweelo rated it
May 4, 2019
Status: c74
Just a quick review since I'm completely immersed in the story.

This is the first review I've ever posted about a web-/light novel and the reason is simple- this novel is brilliant. At least so far.

I'm still new to the whole web-light novel universe, and since my first two (Release That Witch & Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World) I have waded through some seriously questionable content. Whether it's Chinese novels where everything is dreary, everyone is insulting each other left and right and people die by the literal... more>> thousands or it's Japanese novels with rather disturbing "loli-fixations" (I just see it as borderline pe*ophilia), or female characters written by meninist's, I had almost given up hope and was about to throw the towel in when I fell over this little gem. So far, there is an actual plot, genuinely diverse characters that aren't two-dimensional or the typical cartoonish villains, female characters written by someone who appears to actually have met women/girls irl, and honest to goodness real morals and ethics. Don't get me wrong, the MC isn't a monk, but he actually cares about civilians and you know, LIVES! I was despairing about how MC's in web-light novels were so cavalier about innocent people dying or how quick they were to kill people who looked at them funny and beginning to think that maybe this "genre" just wasn't for me, but it seems this author is a normal human being who knows how normal human beings think and react and is capable of describing such.

The story so far flows naturally and I seriously have to commend the translator as well (FudgeNouget) who is, by far, the best translator I've come across.

I may update this review at one point, but if you're on the fence, I seriously recommend you to give it a shot- <<less
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Whize rated it
April 1, 2019
Status: c280
A really great novel with a great story and almost life-like protagonists. One little problem with some guys being almost forgotten until the appear again but still good job and keep up the traslation ?
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