Tales of the Reincarnated Lord


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In a world where magic is long but a thing of the distant past, where humans have the potential of harnessing a dormant power within them, called Battle Force…

A man from modern-day Earth finds himself suddenly waking up in the body of Norton Lorist, a youth of noble descent that had been exiled from his homeland in the North by his family to Morante City, the capital of the Forde Trade Union on the pretext of pursuing his studies.

Little did he know what would await him when he receives a summons from his family years later to return to the Northlands and inherit the position of the family head…

This is the tale of his life before the summons…

This is the tale of his journey northward and the allies he gathers along the way…

This is the tale of his rebuilding his family’s dominion and keeping it safe from other power-hungry nobles…

This is the tales of the Reincarnated Lord.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chóngshēng zhī lǐngzhǔ chuánqí
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Recommendation Lists
  1. ALLCN+
  2. Novels i Have Read
  3. Novels That I Have Read Over The Years
  4. The Mt. Tai of Chinese Novels
  5. Best Kingdom building novels in NU

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156 Reviews sorted by

Nu-me rated it
April 25, 2018
Status: c419
A tremendously flawed MC in a believable sometimes relatable (sometimes not) way.

Characters are compelling, although after they serve their purposes they can be somewhat forgotten; that is only to be expected in this sort of novel.

The setting itself is entirely feasible, rational - well constructed. Leaders of different organisations and countires have different personalities and motives that make sense. Cultural differences have been seen to an extent (though have not extensively impacted things yet).

Things do not always go to plan. Sometimes the MC gets unlucky, sometimes he screws up and... more>> sometimes he simply gets outplayed or is not in a position to take advatage of a situation (and these scenes are not merely excuses to stumble over a half buried deus ex machina or have some other lucky encounter).

That said, some of the things covered are confronting.

Rape, killing a pregnant woman, genocide...

I must admit, I am kind of hoping our MC dies a horrible death. When you consider the amount of innocent blood on his hands, he is one of the most deserving of death in the novel.

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DaDeDiDoDu rated it
January 19, 2018
Status: c200
This story is good. But I'm dropping it.

My reason?

Unfortunately, I've read several novels of similar themes. They're actually a lot less better than this one, and I honestly wished that instead of reading all those novels, I would just have read this ONE.

... more>> I won't waste space to repeat what you have already read. The other comments will tell you every aspects that this novel is better than compared to its "peers".

As for the negative comments about the first 50 chapters...... hell! The beginning was MY favorite part of the story, even if it doesn't even cover the sypnosis. It's what sets it apart from those other novels. If the whole novel went that way, I for one wouldn't mind one bit........ <<less
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venu101 rated it
October 18, 2017
Status: c283
A decent kingdom builder experience is given which is my favourite and no the MC is not downright op he is just a bit stronger thats all. He is also not a downright complete achiever in the technological development as the worlds former magical presence has changed chemical and physical compositions of the minerals and resources though his knowledge from Earth gives him an edge from his competitors it takes time and resources to experiment and create.

He is also lacking as a lord in some terms as he is good... more>> at long term planning but will miss out some small details unlike charade who is good at planning expeditions and trips and whatnot without missing any such detail but is not a far sighted person like MC thus the characters will support each other out. The MC is also not downright op and often wins thanks to his enemies underestimating him and sometimes just barely surviving fights against stronger enemies (zarinan) by strokes of luck and help from his men.

A SMALL WARNING- there should be an ecchi tag on this as there are intimate scenes and such that I totally didn't see coming when I first started reading and one of the issues is how the MC is a serial rapist of sorts and it seems the maid and the scholar suffer a little from stockholm syndrome not that he cares and intends to further expand his harem. <<less
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novelbrah rated it
December 14, 2016
Status: c171
UPDATE 4/1/2017********
If I could summerize Tales of the Reincarnated Lord in a sentence, I'd use "best character development I've ever read from an amateur novel comparable to many published fantasy novels".

The novel keeps getting better. There are a bunch of world/city building novels out there, but this really takes the cake. Why? Alpha MC. That simple. Not only is he smart and quick on his feet, he also is ruthless when need be. It is also a lot more realistic in terms of behavior and not a harem. Men and women have needs, whether they're s*xual or emotional, and TotRL focuses on BOTH unlike some novels...

Another similar novel is Release That Witch which is also really good, but the MC is not alpha, can't battle and is a timid virg*n entranced by women, always apologizing. Also, the harem keeps building, so it's very frustrating to read.

Original REVIEW**********

What a joy it has been reading this novel. I won't lie and tell you that the first 30 chapters are rough. Too much info dump, BUT, the story really shines after that. I knew from reading some reviews that I just needed to go through the initial grind to reach the sweet end, and they were right.

ALL the characters have life and personality. This is a masterpiece as far as web novels go. I am not surprised that it's published under Qidian as they have QUALITY novels.

I highly suggest reading this! Sooner or later, this novel will become really popular and I guarantee it. Right now it's kind of a hidden gem.

PS Being a noble back in the day brought a lot more advantages and privileges than just being rich... If you've read the first 30 chapters you'll understand why I say this.
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Fathom rated it
October 14, 2016
Status: c57
Thus far up to Ch 57, MC hasn't returned to his home land yet. Excruciatingly slow place. The story seems more Slice of Life more than action. All the action is very simplistic with MC accomplishing everything in several moves despite his low level (but OP skills).

If you haven't started this series yet, I'd recommend waiting to just marathon it when a couple of hundred chapters translated are out. It's pretty dry storyline with no real suspense and tension. MC is pretty happy with his life and doesn't seem to... more>> want to strive for more selfish goals other than just accruing money for retirement purposes. His lack of driven desire communicates to a lack of tension or suspense to the reader. Because of the pace of this storyline, he probably won't even be back in his homeland for another 100 chapters or so.

It's a soul migration story, but MC's history seems pretty shallow. His previous was lived in modern time, but was basically mediocre. In this current world where it seems a bit medieval, MC uses his knowledge to make a quick buck here and there. He also uses his former's life family cultivation skill which gives him more skills than his current level should have. Other than that one cheat which prevents him from leveling up, his personality isn't really fully fleshed out. No tragic events in his former or current history, other than his host's body being exiled in a far away land due to his spoiled behavior 10 years previously.

Overall, uber slow. Ok storyline if you're ok w/ Slice of Life. MC sleeps around mostly w/ his previous ex-girlfriend and prostit**es, but no harem yet. No real romance yet either, other than the failed one w/ his ex. <<less
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joshb3 rated it
July 4, 2021
Status: c590
This is as good as it gets for webnovels. It's a shame the story wasn't finished. Still a recommended read if you like world building.
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Deathwing rated it
January 3, 2021
Status: c590
Survive the first 60 chapters or so and you have a great story awaiting you. A very nice kingdom building with nonexistent plot armour. I was really sad when I learned that this story was banned/dropped in China.
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vindo rated it
August 14, 2020
Status: Completed
solid 4.0

great world building, and I personally love the kingdom-building tropes. So yeah, it's a good read for me.
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Foompa Loompa
Foompa Loompa rated it
August 2, 2020
Status: Completed
Ok, so I'm not a very good reviewer and can't create a very well structured review so I will just splay how I feel about this novel down and I apologize if it is too chaotic.

This novel is probably one of the best written Chinese novels I've read up to date. Now, most CN novels I've read have always felt like junk good; tasty, fun, and entertaining but lacking substance and just being objectively "bad."

Now while this series is far from amazing I believe it is leagues ahead of its... more>> peers.

I'll try to split this up into segments to make it more structured.

The Pacing:

Pacing is something I've always never really understood and tbh in IMO it is one of the most objective things in a story, the pacing can be perfectly fine for one person but horrible for another so I'll just tell you how I literally felt while reading this story and let you judge from that.

The beginning was really really slow with tons of info dumps and mostly just trying to explain our Main character, the world, and the situation he's in. I would have preferred if they had split this up and told us slowly but I don't really know how he could have done that so I won't really complain. But just know the beginning is the hardest thing about this series as it took me about three tries to finally get into it. Now while it takes quite a while, when he finally gets to his territory it kicks off, the only time I really got bored again after that was when he returns to find the caravan and bring it back to his fief, I just highly enjoyed anytime he was in his fief and so having to take time away from that to go aaaaall the way back to the caravan and spend a whole arc there was annoying to me. But other than those two points there wasn't any other part of the story where I felt bored.

The Story:

The story is pretty straightforward, a guy returns to his fief and tries to make it the best damn fief out there. He has no intention of conquering the kingdom or anything but people keep coveting what he has and he has to end up fighting them, in turn, he gets stronger, gets better things and then bigger people want was he has. The story does a good job of keeping both him and his forces strong. He gets strong along with his fief and while he gets pretty OP it's not to the point where he could take on a whole army by himself.

The kingdom building is really fun and the way the MC solves problems seems very within reason and not just pulled out of his ass. He believes in first making his people happy and healthy and if they do that they will work harder and are far less likely to rebel, than if he oppresses them and taxes them into poverty and forces them to work ungodly hours. A lot of the series is explaining economics and how they work, I do not study economics so I couldn't tell you how accurate what the author is saying is. But from what I can glean the author seems to be pretty heavily promoting capitalism and free trade. There is even a Free Trade Union which is considered the most prosperous country in this world. Now while the opposing government system in the series is a monarchy and I am still able to gander a guess at why this series got canceled. :/ The Characters:

For me, the characters are really the highpoint of a series. If you have good, believable characters the chances are the story will naturally be good in turn. Similarly, a really good story can be ruined by bad characters. Now this is just my opinion and I don't blame anyone for disagreeing but I just want to emphasize how much a story's characters mean to me, as I really connect and get attached to characters.

This series of characters are not amazing but, again, are leagues ahead of other Chinese novels I've read. Many of the main cast are unique enough and understand their goals, personality, and drive.

The Main Character is mostly a good person, he treats his people very well and fair. He is always there for his friends and family. However, he will tear down his enemy and do questionable things in order to defeat them. There was a particular case where one of his subordinates was killed by another lord for no reason other than they wouldn't join his army. When MC found out he took an army to the Lord land and slaughtered his family and annexed his land. But this doesn't mean he isn't capable of making amends with his enemy if the conditions are right. But he is also capable of doing some rather messed up things at certain parts of the series.

Now it has a large cast and with that comes the problems of a large cast. A lot of characters are not very memorable and this is particularly the case with his many subordinates, many I found myself forgetting with a few exceptions like the Archer and his original knight that came and found him at the beginning of the story. Most of the subordinates from the beginning are actually quite memorable.

Most of the villains are fleshed out too. The major ones don't just seem evil for no reason, they are just driven by greed and self-gain which is a particular realistic human trait and drive. But each major villain is quite memorable and there is even a case where two of them put aside their grievances and decide to make an alliance to fend off outside forces because they all see the benefits of it. One of which ends up becoming one of the MC's best friends and staunchest allies despite being one of the main villains for a large part of the story.

Now for the main reason, I decided to write this review. I saw a few posts that called this story a stereotypical harem story and I came to say this is farthest from the truth. Granted I couldn't help but notice the people who said that had only read ten chapters.

Each of the girls is quite different and have different goals and things they want to do. Now I will say I feel their relationships aren't fleshed out super well but that honestly feels more realistic in a monarchy style harem.

I will now go into more detail but these are heavy spoils you are warned


The first concubine was a girl that was assigned as his handmaiden when he first arrived at his fief and to put it bluntly he r*ped her. Now while it wasn't violent he used his authority to pressure her into s*x that she clearly didn't want. This character isn't explained very well if I'm being honest. She was the quiet shy type and so we didn't really get much dialogue out of his and couldn't understand her very well. But I ended up liking her character a lot.

At one point in the series, the MC moves his capital to another city he built and begins to live there. He tries to take the handmaiden with her but she refuses and he leaves her be reluctantly and goes to visit her when he has the time (which isn't much) She has two kids with him, both of which he almost never gets to see because she won't leave the city and come to the capital. Finally, when his first son was maybe around six he visits them to find out that his son is a little tyrant and does whatever he wants under the threat that his dad will have them beheaded. He also finds out that the reason the handmaiden wouldn't leave is because she has complete control over this town as the highest-ranking member staying there as his concubine. He gets extremely angry with his sons behavior and has him taken away from her and given to one of his subordinate's families to raise as his wife is known for being very strict with her children and they don't tell her who the child is and say he's an orphan. He does this in hopes that his sons behavior is corrected.

Now it is important to note that the MC has announced that no matter if his child is born from a consort of the main wife he will give all of his children equal opportunity to succeed him based on their ability to rule and character.

The handmaiden believes that her oldest child should be ruler because he is the eldest, ignoring the fact that she is only a concubine.

To sum it up his son doesn't improve and even gets worse until finally something happened to the MC and everyone thought he was dead. One of his closest servants betrayed his wishes and used his oldest son to lead a rebellion and try to make the son the new head of the family. The rebellion involved trying to kill his Main wife and other concubines and children and his closest subordinates as they all knew the MC would never have wanted his oldest as the heir. The MC returns, promptly puts down this rebellion, and executes his son in front of the populace. Afterward, he had The handmaiden secretly assassinated as he knew she was actually the orchestrator of this rebellion. Now this was just one of his concubines

I've already spent too much time on this so I will explain the other women briefly.

His second concubine originally swore an oath of celibacy as she wanted to be like her adoptive mother and devote her life to research as a great scholar. She however eventually succumbed to seduction and agreed to have s*x with the MC. He wanted to make her his main wife but she refused and also stated her two children would give any rights as heirs and they wouldn't even take his name as she wanted them to carry on her mother's legacy.

The other two concubines were the most boring. It was a pair of aunt and niece that he met at an orgy. I don't remember their backstory too well but I think the niece was being forced to marry into another family in order to keep her family alive because her parents had died and her brother was too young to rule. I believe the MC backed her and helped her family so she finally agreed to become his concubine. The aunt was just tacked on. She liked him and was going to be with him no matter what the niece decided to do.

Finally, his wife is quite nice. She was a fighter that was originally his enemy that he beat in a fight. She became interested in him after she lost to him and started to go visit him more and more. Originally the MC was annoyed by her and didn't want to have anything to do with her but the more he spent time with her the more he began to like her. The problem was that her grandfather was silent enemies with the MC and that made the situation rather complicated. Eventually, her grandfather basically offered her up to the MC to try to force the MC into giving the grandfather something he wanted. This hurt her rather badly and she ended up betraying her grandfather and running away to marry the MC without f*cking him over as the grandfather wanted.


At the end of the day as much as I loved this series I can't bring myself to truly recommend it as it's not completed. Which is truly a tragedy. <<less
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Sun1244 rated it
August 2, 2020
Status: Completed
A really great read, I'd 100% recommend. Be aware that there are some info-blocks for the first few chapters, just be patient, it pans out and gets to the main story.

One thing I will say; this novel is incomplete, dropped by the author for reasons. It was a huge buzzkill when I was thoroughly enjoying reading about the MC growing his domain and army to amazing heights, achieving great feats, then suddenly, over. Done. Adios. Right as something major was going to happen to boot. So dissatisfying. Granted, I got... more>> to enjoy 590 chapters prior to that, which was great, but....I don't know, be prepared for that eventuality I suppose is what I'm trying to say. You will never get an ending. <<less
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bthnccklr rated it
June 20, 2020
Status: c590
well, it was nice. Story didnt end so if you read a novel 590 chapter and it isnt ends, it tastes bad. If you dont like hiatus forever stories, dont read this one.

I give 4/5 because author gives lot of info and you dont even need to read them. They're just meaningless infos and sometimes half of chapters are flashbacks. It is like, I mean I am not brainless, I dont have alzheimer, you dont need to remind me past 500 chapters, god!

Characters are good, there are plenty characters and... more>> some of them forgotten like slyvia. Slyvia is mc's wife. She is always there actually but only like this "I kissed her", "we went to beach" etc. At first, slyvia was a character with traits but then these traits are gone. Altought I said some characters forgotten, it is still better than most of novels actually, you can tell the differences between them, you can distinguish them so it good.

what I like about this story mostly is, MC came from earth so he knew tech but he dont knew details so he cant go like invent everything! Invent some crazy overpowered shits, he needs grandmasters from the continent which they are masters of their major. At another novels, mostly MC tries to invent crazy sh*t like he wasnt a neet but doctor/engineer/physician. You are just a neet, I doesnt matter having an internet access you can go middle ages and invent shit! This story gives you that feeling. MC working like 10 years at academy, he work for learn, he has friends with different skills which help him to govern, solve problems, invent stuff.

So, in a nutshell, this is good novel and I recommend it. <<less
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Jusbored rated it
March 20, 2020
Status: Completed
Great read! Great character progression and includes more adult/mature themes. The only downside is that it was never finished by the author due to publishing issues.

Overall, I highly recommend it - still enjoyable and epic worldbuilding.
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00petar00 rated it
March 12, 2020
Status: c408
This novel is just so unique, its weird that so many people think so badly of it. There are fillers, there really are bad info dumps but I don't think you'll find any other novel quite like it.

Outside of the info dumps, you'll be surprised how interesting this novel is, as long as you can read though them, most of the info dumps have their purpose even though they've been inserted badly as there's just so many of them.

Here is what you can find in this novel:

It is about a... more>> person reincarinated from China into a position where he is inheriting a fief. It is obvious he'll make mistakes and there are quite a lot that happen in the early chapters but he is learning from them, many novels don't do this properly.

Knowledge is used very well, not just randomly inserted, firstly he must gather resources for mass production and figure out how to build something before it happens. It is much much better then any other novel i've read that tried to insert technology in medieval ages.

I've read probably over thousand of novels and I learned English language on my own by reading English books when I was younger. When I say that a novel is unique, it really is, this one really fits that category.

It really annoyed me when this novel was cancelled because of the explicit s*x scenes that are forcefully censored in China. I haven't even read the last 150 or so chapters because I wanted to wait for more to be translated before getting back to it.

I still think it is really worth reading and you should give it a try if you think you'll like it based on what I wrote.

I'll stop here, there's no point in me going with this any longer if what I said here doesn't get you to read it, I won't be able to change your thoughts. I tried to keep spoilers to the minimum so I didn't write about anything specific happening in the novel. <<less
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IllusionBreaker rated it
September 2, 2019
Status: c590
By far, one of the greatest online novels I've read.

(Many thanks to Ryogawa for the TL)

The Battleforce system has a corny naming scheme. The plot starts out with a glacial pacing. Oh noes, the protagonist's morals and values are mix of pragmatic/selfish/utilitarian, he didn't go full SJW. The horror.

It doesn't matter. What amazing worldbuilding. Such incredible self-consistency. An awe-inspiring devotion to detail, whether political, technical or character.

And the character development/interactions/tradeoffs/consequences... Such realism.

... more>>

Synopsis: The MC goes from a poor exiled "spare" heir into the greatest, most powerful lord ever seen, easily capable of taking on the rest of the empire, and shaping the course of the world.

During this course of events he fails to spend enough time with his waifus and children, resulting in his first child becoming a rotten "silk pants" rapist/mu*derer/robber "Young Master".

MC executes his first son, shocking the other nobles, and regrets not being a better father.

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msdzeroo rated it
March 24, 2019
Status: --
Those who like kingdom Building Novel I will recommend this anime. Trust me MC Talks Logic. Full Character Development was smooth and also auteur and translator didn't forget the side characters. From Zero to Hero is best way to explain it.


Adult stuffs consider as hentai

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Branko rated it
March 1, 2019
Status: c590
Reading this feels like huge civilization building game. At some point it gets kind of repetitive, there are same kind of conflicts just of a bigger scale, but the ending is always more or less the same - MC op military forces dominate everyone. At the end there really isn`t anyone that really can be at least an open danger to the MC. The last antagonist feels kind of weak. Well I still would`ve wish see some kind of ending to this, not just dropped like this...
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d4sh rated it
December 22, 2018
Status: c42
Wow. It's amazing so far.

The world is already there and the author just pushes us into the deep end without explanations. You can feel the grandeur and the atmosphere as the world is slowly revealed to us through the experiences of the MC. I don't know how else to describe this writing. I feel like I know the world this is set in. The kind of people in it, the technology, the empires, etc. But I obviously don't know them. So when they are revealed (eg. Currency breakdown isn't explained... more>> till mid 20s chapter) it's joyful and amazing.

The pacing is perfect. We slowly build up to the point where the MC's life goes into high gear.

I honestly can't describe this novel. It's amazing. Read it. You will fall in love with the world that the author built. You will fall in love with the characters. It's almost like Brian Jacque's 'Redwall' novels.

You will not be unsatisfied even if you do decide to drop this novel. <<less
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Aqualaguna rated it
February 13, 2018
Status: c177
Reincarnation story often come with cheat. But this novel is not.

MC is commoner from earth. He want make technology firearm. But the recipe is different from original world.

Such making technology breakthrough with other-world knowledge pretty much impossible.

The world is following the rule cultivation. It's rare novel to see in sea of novel. Because MC is not OP and he is building his territory step by step. Not instantly like typical novel.
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Dream Seeker rated it
December 19, 2017
Status: c141
Perfect story, and plot, and such but seems like the author forget the main character was reincarnated. He doesn't have the culture sense of someone born in our times of equality, but more like a genius noble of their times. I highly recommend this though for it's kingdom building and it's politics that have the symbolism of realism.
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Forsakenas rated it
October 26, 2017
Status: c293
Started reading this novel yesterday, now at chapter 24. Story timeline is that MC came back from some mission in another place, met some friends in the inn, ate some food, slept, got new place to live and went to take some stuff from ex. F*cking 24 chapters for that and still not seem it will be back to real story. Most of the chapters is about history. I like to know some background about the MC and stuff, but why would you need to write half chapter about rats... more>> or 6 chapters about his ex. It's not like he will meet her much more. And even if he meets her, it is better to tell short stories, not dump all 6 chapter story in the start of the novel, when you need in get reader in this story to get intrigued. Don't know, don't know.... For now it looks pretty poorly written novel, but I will continue to read it, just because MC looks pretty intelligent and chill dude. 2/5

Okey, it started really really slow, but got it rolling and got better. Atm I am on chapter 293 and got some action, little romantic, much comedy. The kingdom building storyline is decent too, don't have too much of complains. Furthermore, how MC is not overpowered is commendable. I will rase to 3.5/5 If it won't get out of hand, it is good 4 for this novel. <<less
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