Tales of the Reincarnated Lord


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In a world where magic is long but a thing of the distant past, where humans have the potential of harnessing a dormant power within them, called Battle Force…

A man from modern-day Earth finds himself suddenly waking up in the body of Norton Lorist, a youth of noble descent that had been exiled from his homeland in the North by his family to Morante City, the capital of the Forde Trade Union on the pretext of pursuing his studies.

Little did he know what would await him when he receives a summons from his family years later to return to the Northlands and inherit the position of the family head…

This is the tale of his life before the summons…

This is the tale of his journey northward and the allies he gathers along the way…

This is the tale of his rebuilding his family’s dominion and keeping it safe from other power-hungry nobles…

This is the tales of the Reincarnated Lord.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chóngshēng zhī lǐngzhǔ chuánqí
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
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  2. Novels i Have Read
  3. Novels That I Have Read Over The Years
  4. The Mt. Tai of Chinese Novels
  5. Best Kingdom building novels in NU

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156 Reviews sorted by

AutumnSnowz rated it
February 16, 2018
Status: c86
3.5 out of 5. The storyline is okay. The interaction of character seem very superficial. Nothing special and dialog are at middle school or maybe high school level at best. Decent read to waste time.

Update: The longer you read the more the MC start to become and as*hole tyrant. He would kill people like fly cause it to troublesome for him to deal with. I don't understand how he was a modern human society before. Even if he came to another world, his personality shouldn't have change that... more>> much not to mention he didn't suffer much to have a excuse to be able to kill people so easily. There was no dramatic event that happen to change his personality so easily from the beining of the novel to the point he is right now. It just suddenly his out look on human lives change and they're now no different than flys to him. He's no better then the people he's fighting beside that fact that he's the MC. 2 out of 5 rating now. <<less
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Mahiro9 rated it
August 14, 2017
Status: c236
I would have given this novel a higher rating but it suffers from a lot of things.

Info dumps are everywhere. At first I thought I can just bear with it and that it'll get better. After a while though, I couldn't bear it anymore and just skimmed through most of the info dumps.

It doesn't feel like I'm reading a novel anymore, it feels like I'm reading a school textbook.

... more>> Author over-explain things that doesn't really have impact on the story, heck he even explain things that aren't needed to be explained.

The world building and character would have been great if not for the author always "telling" but not "showing", which a lot of amateur writers suffer from.

A novel is supposed to be entertaining, putting some "facts and trivias" in the novel would have been fine but overdoing it makes it no different from reading a school textbook which most people will find boring. <<less
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Dark_Messiah rated it
June 28, 2017
Status: c197
This novel is good, but it also has large (ish) issues...

The first part of the novel was quite interesting but was constantly interrupted by annoying flashbacks that they could've integrated and compressed better.

After that is the second part of the story which is the journey...

... more>> Now, this was kind of boring and drawn out but it had it's moments, however...

In the third part, after they've arrived, at first it is interesting to see how he deals with things, but as the story progresses it becomes kind of repetative...

Now, it isn't bad, its just really boring because there are whole chapters dedicated to dialogue.

As in chapters that have nothing else but 100% dialogue and because of this, the story pretty much slowed to a crawl, not to mention that the MC has seemingly no ambitions at all other than to develop his territory, which, coupled with the dialogue chapters makes this 3rd part rather bland and boring.

I'm giving it 3 stars because when the MC isn't talking the whole chapter and there is action it is actually quite good. <<less
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fuwull rated it
August 2, 2022
Status: c394
I love the sorytelling and worldbuilding, even though it can be somewhat slow and frustraiting. However, the romantic subplot and the way it was handled was horrible. Specifically, I hate Sylvia and every chapther she is in. She has no personality except for "I am beautiful, chidldish and I love you", she is there to hinder and twist the plot's flow. Even if you remove her, the sotry would be the same.

It is a pity that the autor dropped the novel because Chinese's censorship. I would have loved to read... more>> more <<less
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SproutlingUnderARoof rated it
April 26, 2022
Status: --
Wanna read about an MC that gets pushed around by everyone? Well you're in luck! This novel right here *pats novel* can fit a hundred people that'll push around your MC because he's too 'kind' and 'naive'.

Seriously, the only good thing here is the translation. It gets so frustrating to read most of the time and it never improves. Don't waste your time here.
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Rhaelbarnes rated it
February 22, 2021
Status: c590
Tales of the Reincarnated Lord is a wuxia novel that successfully escapes the typical pitfalls that make wuxia novels bad. It's highly realistic and gives a new flavor to various aspects we have seen in previous novels. Also, beware that the story is somewhat slow as the author probably was going for the long run (more than 1000 chapters) but was forced to drop it.

... more>>

First, the starting 50 chapters are flashbacks\info dumps about the world we are entering and the starting situation about the MC. Some people claim that you can skip them without missing something about the story but I disagree. There are a lot of niche details that later on the story are essential to understand some actions the MC takes or the knowledge he posseses. Also the body of the MC in the start is about 12 years old and at the end of the flashback 10 years have passed. So it's obvious that in the span of these 50 chapters the behaviour and the outlook of the MC will have greatly changed compared to his counterpart in before he transmigrated (you can't possibly enter a different society, with completely different customs and morals, for 10 years and not have changed. It's impossible and if you believe it's possible, you have probably been poisoned with the typical isekais where the 18+ MC transmigrated and after several years their behaviour or outlook haven't changed a lot.). Moreover there is a mention of the brief lovestory of the MC when he was still young in the academy. It details how they met, began their relationship, the MC tried to help her fulfill her dream (which is a clothes store on the level of gala) and how she broke up with him (she left him for a Duke, who promised to help her on everything she wanted on the premise she gave him an heir. Also, she is also a fallen noble from the same country. Far later on the story she meets again with the MC but her position is far from favorable. Although she got back part of her previous land but her little borther, the heir of their house, is basically a puppet and in the future he would be required to marry someone from the same house of the Duke. Moreover the whole thing was revealed to be staged by the Duke.0. In the end the girlfriend got her wishes superficially fulfilled but in vain as later on she will lose everything. Personally I alwayes felt bitter about this relationship as it affected greatly the MC. Later on it shown that he never got a relationship as meaningful as that except maybe the princess.

After that we spent some chapters seeing the daily life of MC as an instructor before he leaves to claim his house's land. During these we get an idea how the cultivation system works and we also see the MC making connections with some powerful people in the Union. When he finally leaves we see how some of those connections make the MC's life easier (Like able to easily buy goods for the caravan, as his ancenstral land is poor towards trade and some important resources.).

Later on during the travel with the caravan the MC gets embroiled in various situations/adventures as the 'Empire' he crosses has resently been through a rebelion and have been fragmented. In various places those fragments are still actively fighting. A lot of his adventures during this journey set up various future events. Like his relationship with the future king of the most important fragment (where the previous imerial capital was). When he finally reaches his land. Not everything has gone well. He lost some companions, gained new ones. His caravan had multiplied. Also his House was in a bad situation the moment he arrived.

We basically see him engaging in tue kingdom management. Economy, city building, education, army building, etc. He also doesn't do everything alone. On the contrary he has people around him that help him. He mostly gives ideas taken from the modern era he came from and he lets his advisors or technicians implement them to this world. He sometimes make mistakes and has to fix them. Although he comes from the modern era, he was a merely factory manager where his factory specialized in metallurgy.

The fights here are some of the best both personal and army wise. He deviates from the normal cultivation techniques at a certain point and he uses a ki technique from his homeworld. So his actual combat prowess usually gets underestimated. Although usually he wins most his personal fights, a lot of them are flukes (like sudden enlightment, etc). He also loses quite a few which result in him getting in some difficult situations. The army battles contain a lot of strategies where he tries to grasp every single advantage he can, so he can lower casualties and loss of equipment. One of the major reasons he can produce excelent results in the army battles is theri superior technology. For instance better armor than the enemy and better longer range 'weapons' and equipment.

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Vincent66 rated it
December 13, 2019
Status: Completed

That was something I was looking for. Every aspect, economy, military, love..., is sufficiently described. A big plus is that the names are easy to remember and not like other Chinese novels or mangas with, for me, relatively difficult names. At one point in the story, I was simply gripped by it and I had to read it on and on. Couldn't stop at all.
I didn't criticize many things, but sometimes the author explained too much and repeated himself relatively often. Sometimes I think the main character should have acted differently than he did.
Why do I only give 4 stars? Unfortunately it was broken off, which I really think is a pity. That's the only reason, the other reasons are b*tching at a high level.

If someone knows alternatives, please write me a message. I would be very grateful.
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NovReds rated it
June 9, 2019
Status: c590
Really great novel. Wonderful plot progression. Good Character building and their setting. The story gave a vibe of "Vikings War".

If you ignore the blood, gore and s**, then its a great masterpiece.

Too bad it got stopped due to some censorship.

I should recommend it to all the readers, because even if it got stopped, it was an entertaining journey.
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frostcrystal rated it
April 8, 2019
Status: c328
I guess I'm probably far enough along to add a review now. Since I've made it to chapter 300+, I can confidently say that this is a pretty good novel. It's got it's flaws, but it's gripping and engaging.

Other people have described the good parts, so I'm going to fill those in later maybe if I get around to it.

The flaws of this novel in my mind are two-fold: One, you really have to get used to the author's writing style. He's super prosy and can be quite long-winded. Fortunately,... more>> the translator is superb, otherwise this would be really hard to read. Even as it is, I mostly skim paragraphs of exposition; just the gist of things is already enough to get a good story.

Secondly, I honestly just hate harems. This is even one of the better ones I've read, but they're all cringey to me. It can kind of be justified here because it's a very military-based novel, with having multiple wives and concubines presented as a common thing, but I just can't help but roll my eyes hard every time the MC acquires a new conquest. There's quite a few of them, too, and his first concubine's scenario is even kind of r*pey. It doesn't help that there aren't any female main characters at all (there are a few powerful women, but they're all side characters), despite there being female knights in this world.

If you can turn a blind eye to that, then you might enjoy it. <<less
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TubeAlloys rated it
April 4, 2019
Status: c342
It's a good story, however it does require some patience. The author is basically the Chinese J.R.R. Tolkein - every single character, family, location, etc. etc. has a ten paragraph backstory. This isn't a flaw so much as a stylistic preference which I personally don't mind, but it will probably put some readers off.

Apart from the above I have two major criticisms - firstly, the world isn't internally consistent. And I don't mean things like the magic system or the timeline, I mean the literal physical world. Some things that... more>> take months to travel to suddenly take a day later down the track, some things that were in the east are suddenly in the west, landlocked nations suddenly sprout a coastline... things like that. It's very difficult to imagine where things are in this world when they just keep jumping around.

Secondly, there is a specific part that bothers me where the MC acts way out of character, I'll try to limit the spoilers but don't read on if you're not comfortable having minor plot points ruined


So this is a transmigration story, and for the first sixty or seventy chapters the MC upholds his previous world's civilised views, particularly towards women. He treats them equally, is polite and not at all sexist. He even goes out of his way to chivalrously save a woman in distress... Then all of a sudden out of nowhere he r*pes his maid. She clearly hates it, and trembles in fear every time she sees him after that, but he continues doing it, and treats it like it's totally normal. Then after some time he buys her compliance with gifts, and she somehow falls for it and all of a sudden loves f*cking him. That's not how s*xual trauma works Mr. Author.


None of this is to say it's a bad novel - these are just the most glaring flaws. If you're fine with the long-windedness and you can get through the bit mentioned above, it's a very well thought out and well developed empire building story who's characters actually have some depth and who's world is realistic and fleshed out. The humour is good, the plot is solid, and the story builds upon its self rather than just spanning episode-like arcs.

If you enjoyed Sevens or Release that Witch then this novel is probably one you'll want to pick up. <<less
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Sami-IB-Med rated it
April 2, 2018
Status: c403
Mediocre novel where the one of the only reason a person would read it is because it is one of the few true kingdom building and war novels.

Too many chapters full of info dumps. The heroines are bland and forgettable, as are the characters, to the point that I have only memorized the names of 6 characters. The wars are kinda boring. Nothing interesting.

The translator is great, and so is the proofreader.

A solid 3.5/5 novel.
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dan7cor rated it
September 6, 2017
Status: c252
This story is great, starts really slow and really weird, but after he becomes the Lord, he starts a real kingdom building story. There are no beautiful girls in every corner, there are some beautiful girls, and not all of them drop their pantys for the MC, some of them fall in love with his friends and subordinates, just like it would happen in the real world. This is one of the more realistic kingdom building stories that I have found, and I love the genre so I search for... more>> them a lot. The MC is great, I love the story, I love the way everything develops, one of my favorites stories. <<less
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July 19, 2017
Status: c218
Okay this was a favorite story of mine but I gave up... MC really went down the amoral path.. there at the end it was all about control mu*der and power.

Still 200 chapters of a decent story so I would recommend this story but it got dark after awhile.. the comedy is all early in the story..

I gave it a good rating because it really was a great story...i just dont like stories that get twisted all dark... once I started keeping track about the MCs crimes I realized how... more>> horrible a human being they became and so I stopped wanting to hear the story. <<less
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storybookknight rated it
January 19, 2017
Status: c115
Thoroughly mediocre overall, but has some redeeming merits. The worst part of the story is probably the writing. The author hasn't really mastered the principle of "show, don't tell" and resorts to cumbersome flashbacks to build out his world in the beginning. While this does eventually get better, there are plenty of other things to nitpick at, such as the author's obsession with precise numbers when discussing logistics, and a certain lack of consistency in the main character's personality.

However, other than that, the story has several things going for it.... more>> First, unlike many xuanhuan, it starts things off with a main character who is already strong, avoiding the usual state of affairs wherein a modest-seeming but fast-growing cultivator is challenged by a never-ending stream of arrogant idiots with poor pattern recognition. Instead the main character gets started on achieving their ambitions relatively quickly, which is a plus. Unfortunately, it does still fall into the problem of things being a bit too easy for the MC; otherwise I might have rated this higher.

Secondly, the author does manage to include a good deal of secondary characters with interesting personalities, which is a welcome change from many "lone cultivator" stories. This is a real strength of the story and although there are other books which do this better, there are many others that do it much worse. All in all, it's a story that's probably worth reading, but not until you've already finished better stories. <<less
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shuiko rated it
August 9, 2016
Status: c0
A huge issue I have with this novel is the loop de loop of repetition of the same plot over and over again.

The MC isn't exciting or very interesting. Sure he has hidden abilities. If I wanted to waste my timeabout stuff like that I could just dream it and it would be better.

Writing is subpar by original author, though there are moments where side characters shine otherwise it's boring. (From RAWS)

Basically filler read. To be fair average isn't HORRIBLE, it's average.
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deathcoy rated it
September 16, 2020
Status: Completed
Tales of the Reincarnated Lord has a lot of sub genres associated to it so although I feel its a pretty good read, its also a jack of all trades and master of none. Its also worth noting that this novel was axed very early on (not on hiatus), apparently due to censorship issues in china and author seems unlikely to continue this novel. Due to this, a lot of the buildup, setting, backdrop and events in the novel remain unconcluded or riddled with plotholes. A shame since the it... more>> has huge potential and author really put in effort on the story premise and plot buildup.

Setting is medieval fantasy world with a couple of warring human kingdoms and also fantasy races like dwarves (though none make a direct appearance, possibly due to novel being axed) but are declining. The world technically has regressed most likely due some apocalyptic event (some fantasy races even possibly went extinct). There used to be magic and mages/sorcerers however that was all in the past and instead what remains of the power system now is more of a westernized cultivation based system for warriors. That said, higher tier warriors are extremely rare and the top tier warriors are non-existent. Interesting backdrop but sadly was not focused and expanded on, again probably due to novel getting axed.

As mentioned before, novel has a lot of subgenres. Theres everything for everyone but its a jack of all trades and master of none. It dabbles in political intrigue and power struggle but ain't that well written, theres no schemes within schemes and factions outplaying each other. Theres a lot of wars and battles going on but lack depth. Our MC is both the commander and fighter type. Tactics and strategies are sadly pretty basic. Action scenes are glossed over but short and sweet. I would say the battles in this novel is more of a logistical battle and lean more towards military bureaucracy. Protagonist tried to introduce modern technology to the world but to limited success as the world has slightly different laws of physics and chemistry, he did get cement and cannons going but not stuff like assault rifles. There are attempts on espionage subplots but poorly done. Theres a lot of focus on kingdom building & management and modernizing society, its quite extensive however its still lacking compared to other kingdom building juggernauts. Its a transmigration theme but so far it feels more of an afterthought rather than a overaching plot. I believe you get my point, novel is a mile wide but an inch deep.

Theres really a lot of characters involved but unfortunately lacking character development. They don't get into the limelight often so we can hardly see any developments in their respective relationships, interactions and mindset, only having fleeting presence through the chapters. There are some interesting ones and with potential but too much focus on the MC that they didn't have a chance to shine.

Our protagonist is both a like and hate for me. I think some readers might even hate him outright (he kinda r*pe his first mistress). He has both strengths and flaws to his character. Although I didn't like his trying to be the good guy and righteous persona but its not his main dogma as he does not practice what he preach all the time, you would say he is a hypocritic too which is not a bad thing. Its not the shallow contradiction where you are morally upright pacifist but still kill to protect and refuse to realize you are a hypocritic in self denial. Its a much deeper kind where you try to preach the good but won't shy from the lesser evil out of necessity, instead accept and acknowledge this truth. I would say he feels real and is overall a three-dimensional character. He is a King (Duke) that wants the best for his land and people but also not a perfect one. MC does get some substantial plot armor but author drops in a few setbacks and obstacles that help his character mature.

Worth noting is during the arc with his first mistress, their first born son and one of the top ministers of the family. Son grew up spoilt and corrupt, assault citizens and s*xual misconduct (to put it politely), his mom turns a blind eye and always try to cover for him. The minister wants to form factions in their dukedom to push the son as a successor and heavily support the son and mom. Mom also wanted to play politics and get her son to succeed her husband. During the MC's absence, they got a small coupe going. MC returned, crushed the rebels, got his son to be tattooed with sins committed and then hanged in public. MC got his favourite mistress secretly poisoned and the minister exiled for betrayal.

Our MC may be a good leader but not a good father nor a good husband, he has flaws (wanker can't keep his wiener in his pants and has a harem). He has to face dilemmas especially in a lose-lose situation, he has to do both good and evil, make tough decisions, the lesser evil etc. Actions have consequences and protagonists must face them even if its a bad outcome and not get protected by plot armor. I'm not a sucker for tragedy but things like this make up a proper character in the novel. Their experiences both the good and bad, success and failures, their character make up and traits both positive and negative (also what audiences hate and like) all contribute to a well written character. I feel that the author nailed it on the protagonist's character.

Overall I do enjoy reading this novel, setting and world building is interesting, MC is well written, like the side characters but lack development, plot is fairly ok. Main flaw being its a jack of all trades and master of none subgenres. Also it doesn't help that it got axed thus a lot of the plot potential kinda got lost. Despite that, its still worth a read since its quite short too. <<less
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sawwon rated it
May 8, 2019
Status: c124
Dropping this story in disgust at the inane forced drama... Locke has killed more people than probably anyone in real history has, up close and personal with blood everywhere, but suddenly he can't bear to kill a few civilians? Even when that means the siege drags on longer causing more death? Even when he's under time pressure to stamp out this situation before enemy armies arrive?

It's unbelievably poor time management, and it means I can't take any of his challenges seriously anymore, especially after the extended "prologue" in Morante City... more>> did such a convincing job of portraying someone who lets a lot of details slip through the cracks because he's busy and has a lot of balls in the air. Can't believe how much time I wasted on this garbage. <<less
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NePlusUltra rated it
March 2, 2019
Status: c590
This is one of the best kingdom building novels I have read. The author goes into a lot detail about the world and develops most of the main characters pretty well, though female characters are less develped on a whole. The only problems I had with it were the author's penchant to be overly tecnical without having the actual knowlodge to do so and his introduction of women who serve no purpose that to have s*x with the MC or be given to his subordinates. But upon deeper thought it... more>> actually adds something to the novel as he had stated that the world's laws of physics where different and since the MC's original world seems to slightly different from the real world (ki masters actually existed in his world) the physics or history there could be as well. And in medieval times, sad to say, the role of women is similar to how it's portrayed in the novel. <<less
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toto rated it
October 13, 2018
Status: c400
This novel is actually good, it is mostly well-written and the english translation is close to perfect.

If you enjoy detailed descriptions and actual plots in a medieval setting with a tinge of fantasy, it may be for you. If you come expecting an overpowered protagonist (you have one, though) plowing through every obstacle with his own strength and slapping dumb young masters, you will be disappointed.

There are shortcomings, though, and the most glaring is women. Women is this novel, are mostly s*x toys who yield to the MC's (repeatedly mentioned)... more>> amazing talent in bed and kept silent for dozens of chapters after the MC's s*xual release most of the time, as the author clearly does not know how to write in some romance or even half-deep female characters.

The other one is the addiction to numbers, as not a chapter goes by without a mention of detailed number of troops, detailed amount of money left or to spend (there's even a character whose only role is to remind them to spend less money by each time enouncing the amounts).

It is also a bit slow to start, as the first 40 or so chapters are quite useless to the plot with tangled unclear flashbacks that serve no purpose. <<less
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legojoe rated it
April 28, 2018
Status: c380
I wanted to give this a 3 but there are enjoyable moments which brings this above average. The MC has a somewhat relatable personality with actions that you can completely agree to... Most of the time. The problem lies in when the MC making a mistake, it's a completely unbelievable way that makes you question whether or not the MC came from modern times. Those mistakes aren't ones that someone should have as experienced as he is but the writer will say instead, "He's inexperienced, " as an excuse. Yeah... more>> sure, someone who has gone through nearly a year journey filled with battles, invasions and defenses, is 'inexperienced.' Even a moron could figure out someone being silent for nearly 3 months must be plotting something but oh no, protagonist is 'inexperienced.'

Another thing is this story is incredibly slow, so slow that you can feel the need to skip an entire chapter because you know that specific chapter is merely a chapter that tries to show you the world of Grindia which is nice but the author puts it in the worse possible times. MC versus enemy! Battle, cliffhanger... and then an entire chapter of history that we honesty couldn't care less than 20% of it.

And then the funny part is... The author could not care even less about some of the battles and just puts in an 'excerpt' from the Chronicles of Grindia with a SINGLE paragraph detailing how the battle went and that's it. Oh that powerful enemy? MC appears, stabs him, and that's it.

Characters are attempted... and for the most of them are pretty much forgettable. If not for the fact they are reused so much, I'd probably forgotten about 90% of them.

Heroines... don't exist I guess. At the beginning MC has two girls but they faded into the background quite easily. Funny how a modern man could put so little 'effort' into the girls. "Oh he's very busy watching over his domain." What? Everyone else is incompetent? The most s*upidest part is the writer on a few occasions even has the MC stating why he's so busy and in all the reincarnation books he's read, those MCs have it easy!

All in all, it's a big pile of mess. Enjoyable to read until you hit those points I feel that holds the overall story back. Modern MC creates cannons but too s*upid to add a rangefinder on his cold weapons of war. <<less
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