Tales of the Reincarnated Lord


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In a world where magic is long but a thing of the distant past, where humans have the potential of harnessing a dormant power within them, called Battle Force…

A man from modern-day Earth finds himself suddenly waking up in the body of Norton Lorist, a youth of noble descent that had been exiled from his homeland in the North by his family to Morante City, the capital of the Forde Trade Union on the pretext of pursuing his studies.

Little did he know what would await him when he receives a summons from his family years later to return to the Northlands and inherit the position of the family head…

This is the tale of his life before the summons…

This is the tale of his journey northward and the allies he gathers along the way…

This is the tale of his rebuilding his family’s dominion and keeping it safe from other power-hungry nobles…

This is the tales of the Reincarnated Lord.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Chóngshēng zhī lǐngzhǔ chuánqí
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  2. Novels i Have Read
  3. Novels That I Have Read Over The Years
  4. The Mt. Tai of Chinese Novels
  5. Best Kingdom building novels in NU

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156 Reviews sorted by

Bro.ccoli rated it
April 14, 2020
Status: --
Since the early chapter, I was really interested and binge read not until when I reached halfway (chapter 140-160). It's not that its bad but it just felt dragged and I was eager to know the latter part of the story and resorted to spoilers (>.>) therefore the element of surprise was gone and decided to drop it.

Here are some good/negative (Depends on your preferences) features of the story that left an impression on me:

1. Steady kingdom building. MC has some flaws in which step-by-step he overcomes them.

2. Slow... more>> paced, given how very detailed it was.... Characters, strategies, deployment (say it... yes)

3. The MC is unlike other transmigration novels' MC where they immediately integrated themselves into a foreign world.

4. Author doesn't put much emphasis on MC's familial relationships but yes to brotherhood.

5. MC is Op in some part, especially in combat (not to the point where its ridiculous), but there are also things where MC lacks which made the story realistic (reasonable).

6. Romance is okay for me fully aware of the setting of the story and tags.

young×old, harem, widow×not, s*ave/captive/maid×master, etc...


7. The translator is of course commendable for such an amazing work (there was some mismatch in some information tho but idk if it was the translator or author but it was minimal and not that it greatly affect the story). The novel was delivered very well.


8. ADVENTURE <- it is where it brings you! <<less
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January 15, 2020
Status: --
I just read somewhere that this is an Er Gen level work. I was starting to hate the guy till I read his 2 famous novels, Pursuit of truth and ISSTH. That made me realize how wrong the review was.

Enough about that. This novel made me realize why I hate kingdom building novels, no matter how hard they will never compare to real world kingdom building. Like this MC can't hold a candle to Alexander the Great. The only reason I read it was for the strong from the start... more>> tag on it, not for the world building.

Alas, it was too boring to even make the world building interesting. It's like the author tried to make the MC as realistic as possible in a fantasy world so all you get is some boring guy from Earth who makes the story even more boring.

In the initial chapters, we are introduced to the amazing world with Fairies, demons, dwarfs, etc who conquered stars and traveled to other planes. As I was getting hyped for it, it is completely forgotten by the author and only stays a myth. And all you get is a history lesson about how some guy ruled over some land.

There is nothing that can suprise me or capture my attention in this novel, it's just about some guy plagiarising Earth's knowledge shamelessly, claiming he's an innovative genius. He's always been privileged so I can't feel an underdog aura from him.

His first girlfriend got ntred from him and I know he deserved it. Who meets are random chick and immediately provides her with ways to conquer the world? He simply saw how beautiful she was and immediately offered to help her regain her dominion, and the reward was for her to be his girlfriend. At that moment I hated the MC for being a useless pe*vert and wish she got snatched, which she did. And none of his ideas were his, but plagiarized from hard working great people from Earth.

This is that kind of clique novel that hides forced plot points behind an amalgamation of endless info dump.

There is no shocking drama, the comedy is just the MC being ret*rded for some reason, the cultivation is so slow that it feels like normal training, and the strategies of battle are simply some old fashioned styles used by villains while MC grabs some from Wikihow.

What made me annoyed at first was how he fell for his ex the moment he saw her, but never loved his wife on Earth or anybody else. And even knowing that it was a fling for her, he has the moxy of treating her like a b**ch or sl*t when he practically did the same on Earth. He even gave her a cold shoulder when they mate years later. What actually annoyed me was how the author made it seem like she regretted her decision, even though she's supposed to be living a happy life.

Honestly, I am just rambling on since I'm annoyed by how boring the novel seemed to me. I couldn't care less about how detailed the world building is.

Maybe this novel isn't for me at all <<less
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Swarmyne rated it
April 4, 2019
Status: c390
It's really good. Probably the best Army and Kingdom building novel out there. Though, it is a novel that I progress very slowly, as it is banned and forcefully discontinued... it makes me sad.
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Drake888 rated it
January 27, 2019
Status: c590
A very satisfying nation-building story with lots of action. Unfortunately, it was dropped, so there is no proper conclusion. The beginning is a pretty slow and there are plenty of minor flaws but overall a great series. If you like the tags, I highly recommend this novel.
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December 26, 2017
Status: --
It's hard to say if the story is good or bad, since it's comprised of about 90% backstory between very small portions of actual plot. I'd give it a higher rating if not for the fact that they literally went into two, several chapter long, flashbacks over the course of a single conversation which would account for less than a chapter itself.
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Hitexh rated it
September 10, 2016
Status: c25
Im not having a good experience reading this just because its not my genre for the introduction part. If you like tragedy, and MC with low ambition, and easily control by surroundings, learn from its mistake and get better, then this is your thing. I prefer the story can be skip where he got titled lord. I really am. Thats why I gave it 4 star hoping it can let bygone past and go to the main story instead.
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samurai99 rated it
March 1, 2024
Status: --
Well, if you like One Piece like flashbacks every single minute, a MC who's getting used and taken advantage of by every single character in the novel, and info dumps about everything, be my guest and enjoy the novel. I personally cannot go past chapter 37.
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KirbyReviews44 rated it
November 18, 2023
Status: --
This novel is way too overrated. It really doesn't deserve to be a novel. The author does try to create a unique world with unique plot. This novel is not rehashing tired tropes, cliches, and copied plot lines. The author is using his brain to write some unique.

However, the author forgot to use his brain for the most important part. He is supposed to be writing a fictional story, not a book report, not a history text book.

This book is filled with info dumps, paragraphs and paragraphs of exposition explaining... more>> things that has happened, is happening, and will happen as if the author is a history professor. He is literally not writing a story but a report.

A minor thing happens, and he will spend an entire chapter of exposition explaining the background of said minor thing. A huge battle happens, he will also only spend a chapter on it, glossing over the detail for broad generalizations, just like a history text book.

It is like the author took the world building notes he created for the novel and just dumped it all across the page with some pointless dialogue scattered in between. <<less
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August 8, 2023
Status: c304
Hot, hot garbage. Had not touched this form of media for a while so I can only blame myself for wasting this much time thinking it was going to get better. The initial premise attracted me enough to waddle through the swamp that was the first 50 chapters, and for some reason I had hope, but at this point I realise it was all misplaced. Dont get me wrong, I enjoyed parts of it but as a whole, not worthwhile if you value your time.

1. World building. Many people have... more>> already mentioned this, but there is so much useless, wasted info dumping, through out the novel, but especially at the start. Then as the novel progresses, any foundations that the author put down are discarded as the scale dramatically increases. We begin with penny pinching, the author taking great care to inform of us of every gram of food or gold, but very soon this all goes out the window as the MC proceeds to stomp everything and hyperinflation hits every number and resource. From the humble salaries of a mid range power level character being 10 gold coins, to casually raiding the first enemy and receiving 100k instantly. The scale get destroyed pretty much instantly, so the rest of the "development" aspect is not so much a carefully planned and executed administration based on the modern understandings of the MC, but rather the author showering us with nonsense that does not matter and the MC just saying yes, or having half a chapter dedicated to the MC telling each character which backwater garrison they ate going to be in charge of when he goes off on the picnic. If you are getting into this ignoring the points I'm going to make below, you will be very disappointed

2. The MC. Honestly surprised how I made it this far before quiting. First thing first, character does a full 180 between the interesting but tiring start and the rest of the novel. He is an invincible (for the most part) warrior, an inventor/engineer/scientist, brilliant tactician (compared to every other goon in this universe, as narrated to us) master planner and of course has a huge penis, as the author is so fond of bringing up. He starts off as a calm collected, laid back secret badass and by this point in the story he is a genocidal, uncooperative, harem building God. Everything he touches is made into gold, the only losses he ever faces is nameless soldiers dying at a 1 per 100 enemies rate, but only every 3rd battles, because the rest are flawless victories with the only casualty being someone falling of their horse. His territory gets raided and he slaughters 100k civilians for christ sake. There is a distinct misunderstanding by the author in what he tries to sell the character as and what it is he does. The 3 sisters falling into his bed at the same time, in a completely useless off shoot of an off shoot was the tipping point for me

3. Women. My god, I have read a fair few of these novels in my time and this has to be the worst, especially aggravating considering the promising start. The main character is mature, just gone through a tough break up and is bitter. Nothing remains of that useless plot point by chapter 50. Instead, the MC basically ens*aves every woman related to his enemies and gifts them to his goons. There is not one female character of any note, and every scene that includes a woman it is either to ridiculous her or f*ck her. I wonder if, through his writing, we have somehow experience the personal journey the author went through whilst writing this. His originally mature though after a perceived unfair break up turning into bottom of the barrel misogyny. MC is 100% a self insert so this would track.

4. The enemies/stakes. Already touched upon in previous points but by god there is nothing more infuriating than bad and incompetent enemies. It is fun for the MC to out smart or out fight or out develop an enemy. But when every battle, every conflict is a complete and overwhelming victory by the MC, not due to his extraordinary brilliance but because all the enemy powerful figures are morons, both tactician and fighters, and the author especially at the start, finds it hard to let a single person die. At some point the numbers get so s*upidly large that he has to let the MCs soldier start dying but we are talking every single battle being the equivalent of meteor falling from the sky and crushing the enemy before it starts, leaving all their serfs and gold and food for the taking. And it all comes back to the original problem authors writing these kinds of stories have. If you do not have a clear plan, an excel spreadsheet of where you are and where your world is, it just gets so goddamn ridiculous.

In conclusion, extremely ambitious and extremely bad. Authors attention to detail and love for info would have been great in a smaller scale adventure following a couple of perspectives rather than attempting to write a grand epic. They set out to make lasagna, and ended up with dog food drizzled with ketchup. I only made an account here to leave this review just to help in case someone else goes to waste this much of their time as I did. Read something that has been printed, those usually have passed quality control. I can recommend Children of Time, excellent book (part of a trilogy although great as a standalone) with some fascinating world building from and incredibly fresh perspective. I can't believe what a change 1 week can make to the stuff I read, honestly embarrassing reading this novel after it. <<less
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December 8, 2022
Status: c590
Fantastic series. The plot is complex, believable and satisfying. The character was properly developed with with many of the supporting characters grow up together and not forgotten even at the end of the book. Too bad the novel was dropped as I believed there are many more plot that can be developed.
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Feenix rated it
December 16, 2021
Status: c328
This is one of the best kingdom building novels I've read just below release the witches. The one which impressed me most is the setting of the story. The novel is more realistic with the approach of world building. They don't have over the top fights. It doesn't have any magical elements which is also great boon for the stories realism. The side characters aren't noteworthy except for few characters. The shift in the change of MC after first 50 chapters is somewhat distracting but I got used to it.... more>> What more is the character growth of MC is also very well written. I mean he's the correct balance of both righteous and evil I say. He is not some psychopathic killer who kills every one who opposes him nor the angel to forgive the enemies. He is well balanced and know enough who to kill and how to profit from others by not killing someone. He does massacre an entire Kingdom but it does convince me because of the atrocities the villains did. Although what he did was morally wrong, but thinking as a human every one will dire for revenge and as a pride noble and dominion lord he doesn't give a damn about what others think. The one factor I was most impressed is that even though he is an overpowered MC like other novels he has his own set of failures and he learns From everything. It's definitely not a "junior you dare..."... or "You insulted me..I'll kill you whole family"... kinda novel. He also has his own set of worries especially with his harem. The wives of his are not some angellica who always desire for MC's love.. They have their own ambitions and gives trouble for MC like any other wives. The only factor that troubled me was how the author made the woman of this world portrayed. There is not one noteworthy female characters. According to author all the women in the world are only used for s*xual needs and no other reasons. The way he portrayed is as if the author has got some lifelong hostility with the female gender for him to showcase them in this light. Also I'm stopping after 328 chapters because it starts somewhat dragging. And it's like author doesn't have any idea how to move the story. And also I know since the story is dropped. It's a good read just about it. It's not the best Novel I read but not the worst either. If you like the kingdom building attributes with an op ruthless MC you can definitely go for this... <<less
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CadetMarshal rated it
September 30, 2021
Status: c590
As others have stated, the acutal kingdom building and technologacl development is pretty good in this story. The pace and style of writing is actually written like a traditional novel, and its development is paced quite well. There seems to be a shift towards the last 1/3 of the novel in its (gravitas/morals/direction) seems to shift much darker than in earlier chapters, but the overall story is still excellent. I did orginally admire this story for not going down the harem/echii/s*xual route, but be forwarned that these do occur towards... more>> the end as well. Overall one of the most enjoyable webnovels that have gotten to read. <<less
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synthiandrakon rated it
April 17, 2020
Status: --
Nice story, protagonist who is pretty cool. But the writing style is frustrating at times, way too much exposition, way too many flashbacks, such that at parts you are just desperate for the plot to advance.

At some point the MC just becomes super brutal in a way that feels especially cruel. Like at one point he just has the civilian population of a country excecuted. And I just can't keep reading because I no longer want the MC to win.

Also at one point a woman forces himself onto the MC... more>> and like I get this is supposed to be traumatic or whatever, but it feels pretty hollow when the story has shown the MC forcing himself onto women the entire novel and the only real difference here is the author has decided that the woman is unattractive and therefore making the situation bad. <<less
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miscjt rated it
January 10, 2020
Status: c590
Really enjoyable for most of the series. Slows down near the end (wasn't a massive fan of how it got wrapped up) but still a fantastically non-fantastical look at kingdom building and an uphill battle for a man trying to carve his place in the world while doing his best to build his ideal society.
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Diskat rated it
October 22, 2018
Status: --
Has a sh*t beginning. I didn't really care much about the backstory. And it was slow. Do yourself a favor and skip like the first 50 chapters. It's really not too important. It really starts to pick up after that when he was called back home.

... more>>

What I didn't like was the science was very arbitrary. Yes, it is a magic world and the science could be different. Yes, gunpowder and concrete couldn't be made correctly unless additional materials from that world is used. At the same time, it has been shown that saltpetre was made basically the same way how it is initially in our world. Clearly, chemical reactions seem to work properly until you make more complicated materials. It's not really consistent.

What I am happy about is that he made cannons eventually. It wasn't described very well on its first usage in battle though. I do find it strange that at the beginning, other lords only used ballistas, but don't have the tech for catapults and trebuchets until he "invents" it.

Also, wish he could have at least made up to a steam engine but given how we're nearing the dropped chapters, it is unlikely. It's kind of strange, because a steam engine is far less scientifically demanding as its just boiling water, but more mechanically tech demanding. He was able to upgrade the ballista, but not able to create even a primitive steam engine. It's definitely something he could make, but never had any thought of doing into.

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lbt rated it
August 10, 2018
Status: c530
A really slow story that feels rather inconsistent.

So why read? Because I love this kingdom building genre and the story seems rather interesting first. Pity I can't stand its progression.

P.S. Read it to the end. Is it only me or the author doen't like women much? All his female characters span between pretty fools and idiot b*tches. Though male characters are not very bright in the long run either. Is this realism for you?
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