Sage Monarch


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Yang Qi was the son of the patriarch of a wealthy family from a small town.

Believing himself to be in love, he stole a pill for his lover, only to have the girl betray him, by taking the pill and leaving him behind.

Caught, his dantian was crippled and left to die under the lightning.

This lightning helped him to recover his lost martial arts and also helped him gain a new, divine-like cultivation technique.

After this second chance, he gains more power as he sought revenge and also to find about his missing mother….

Associated Names
One entry per line
Sage Emperor
Sheng Wang
Thánh Vương
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Yang God (Chinese Novel)
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88 Reviews sorted by

Kildarien rated it
April 30, 2019
Status: c97
This is a really fast paced novel, chapters are decent size with top notch translation done by Deathblade.


  • MC's secret power/family is very similar to Ancient Godly Monarch series where there is a special power inside the MC.
  • Cultivation and Story progresses at quite fast speed
  • Family stays important, same for friends. MC helps them power up quite often.
  • MC is quite intelligent, he tries hard to keep his true power secret
  • Translation is very good
  • Battles are in my mind quite nice, sometimes a battle might last 3 chapters, sometimes its over in half chapter. Some are very well written, while some are little short and bland.
  • Quite many interesting World Lore elements are teased (Will update this later, at this point this is a PROS)

  • Because the pace is so fast, character/world development sometimes suffers a little because of it.
  • Battle, but only sometimes. Also the novel is still in below 100 chapters, I will update this once we reach 200/300 chapters.
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December 24, 2023
Status: Completed
If you are looking for a Xianxia-type novel with the plot of "boy becomes god", this novel will satisfy. There is little subtlety or character development, and lots of tropes, but it's generally executed well, and the overall plot is entertaining.

Pluses include:

+No harem or angst-filled romance. In fact, after being burned in the very beginning, the MC is completely romance-free. The only friendly relationship with women is that of family or comrades.

... more>> +Many of the enemies are intelligent and full of plots, rather than just arrogant young masters.

+Some of the early relationships last throughout the entire novel, rather than being abandoned and forgotten.

+The translation is excellent.


  • The MC likes to monologue like a cheap villain, including spilling important secrets to not-yet-vanquished enemies.
  • For much of the novel, the MC's morals are not particularly different from the villains. He is self-righteous, but basically selfish and ruthless.
  • I didn't care for the emphasis on empire-building and the whole "destiny of empire" thing. Others may enjoy it.
  • There were a couple of "cockroach" characters -- adversaries defeated who keep coming back.
  • The usual faults of Xianxia novels -- poor relationships, no sense of humor, weird time pacing, evil schemers who cannot possibly spend more than a minute in cooperation before betraying everybody, absurd numbers and scales.
  • Minor nit: we never get closure of the Purrling, and almost no understanding of the Great Necropolis.
The conclusion was rushed but not unreasonably. After all, it's hard to write anything suspenseful after MC achieves omnipotence. <<less
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June 26, 2022
Status: c563
Sorry but I cant help giving 1 star. Its quite interesting at first, where he schemed in intelligent way, caring and protective toward friends and family. All in all the first arc, just after demi chancellor... is good. But it started going downhill, MC started becoming psychopath, killing and avenging every single grudge inhumanly.

The cultivation system division along with its subclass name is useless. No need for that as MC only need to use the crucible to upgrade himself easily, nothing matter (i.e: yin yang stage? what is the use... more>> of that name if nothing shown regarding yin yang, might as well put number like subclass/stage 5).

NO PLOT, MC killing and upgrading left right with the deus ex machina hell portal. <<less
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susano rated it
January 19, 2022
Status: c1601
After finishing this I have to say that it was pretty decent overall other than the rushed ending that left out many questions unanswered and we didn't really see much of the other figures that were spoken from the beginning until the end. At the end of the day I would recommend if you don't have anything else to read.
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Arkanth rated it
January 1, 2022
Status: Completed
A succession of generic tropes, steamrolled opponents, and arrogant young masters. If you've read other novels of the genre before, you know what this one is about.

What if a religious fanatic was a power-hungry, demon-eating cultivator on his path to becoming a tyrannical dictator sage monarch? That is more or less the plot of this novel. The story begins with a fairly ridiculous premise that defines the personality of the main character moving forward and starts a rapid succession of arrogant young masters throwing themselves at our protagonist and threatening... more>> his family and friends just to be completely obliterated and/or subjugated by him, leading to some other experts showing up to chastise the main character for doing the exact same thing they are here to do and once more threaten the main character's family, producing an endless loop which moves to plot forward.

As you might expect from such a novel, the main character is overly strong, fighting enemies leagues beyond his own, the secondary characters are completely forgettable and two-dimensional, and any other plotline other than the main character's conquest is quickly forgotten and abandoned by the author.

That being said, the novel is a fast-paced, explosion-filled, entertaining mess that might fill that void while you look for the next one.

The Good:

    • Pium pium! Aahhh! EXPLOSION!
    • The names are quite funny. Old Man Superdestruction? Ape Electrospace? I mean...
The Bad:

    • Just about everything else.
    • Technique and treasure names are way too long, e.g. "Universe-Origin Many-Heavens Myriad-Manifestations Transformation-Destruction God-Sphere."
In conclusion, the novel is ridiculous and generic, but you already knew that if you are looking into it so might as well give it a try. If, on the other hand, this is supposed to be your introduction to the genre, you might want to look somewhere else, lest you think this is the best it can offer. <<less
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Feenix rated it
September 30, 2021
Status: c515
It started of great with so much potential. I was really happy to find a story like this but then it bacame mediocre to worse.. At the end of chapter 510 it became complete tr*sh... Not only there is no character development the story the dialogue everything starts repeating.. The hero became a psycho killer and everyone around him is like ants to him... And no need to talk about villains.. Except for different names all are same... Each and every villain will lust for the hero powers.. Then every... more>> character repeats the same dialogue.. "Give me your secrets and bow to me few times so that I won't kill you and your family". And the hero will be like " You talk about my family.. Then no can do.. die"... Man it got so repetitive that I thought I was reading previous chapters.. This is not the first novel for me to read where the story starts of great but eventually goes downhill but this just became utter tr*sh... even now thinking back reading many idiotic episodes makes me irritated.. People who starts new beware.. Close the book once the crown prince is defeated otherwise you'll definitely regret... <<less
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Lazy Dude
Lazy Dude
November 2, 2020
Status: c149
all right the story is solid: an OP MC, the usual yadda yadda yadda---revenge on former love interest, face/kick slapping, etc. My only angst is the constant yapping about "sworn sibling/brotherhood" crap. NO ONE will just out of the equivalent of picking their nose, blowing the booger in the air or spitting on the side of the road chance that ANYONE will just say: "yo I like yer style bruddah, let's get doin' a ritual and become sworn sibling coz dat shite slaps!" everyone else: "BET!!!"

just no. Stop with... more>> the swearing coz there is no precedent that swearing an oath is actually no cap. There are no instances or even side narratives that "swearing an oath of being sworn siblings" and betraying said oath actually does something. A LOT of wuxia and xianxia blatantly imposes this crap when there is no actual proof written about it in their stories. I'd probably give this a flat 3 star and a definite 2 if this sworn BS crap saturates the whole novel. <<less
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synthiandrakon rated it
March 28, 2020
Status: --
This is a novel with a lot of potential in the world building and a fairly unique cultivation system. However the key problem with this novel is that the main character is irredeemably unlikeable. There are many novels with demonic/devilish cultivation systems or ones where the MC displays questionable morals but this one takes the cake for the most evil hateful spiteful MC.

The main character is simply unlikeable he is viscous to the extent of commuting genocide with no real redeemable qualities. Usually when we get a darker cultivation novel... more>> there is always a little shred of humanity in them to make the main character not be just plain evil. Usually this manifests in two ways one is the love interests, someone he wants to protect (his humanity) and the people that the MC kills are generally pretty terrible people so even when they commit mass mu*derer it feels justified. In this novel it's just a brutal power struggle where the MC wants to be a god and thinks that's his right because he has his special. The MC is impossible to relate to and the novel is unenjoyable <<less
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Silver Spark
Silver Spark rated it
March 15, 2020
Status: c600
I want to give 2 stars but mistakenly given 3.

First thing that is good in this novel it fast paced, have op MC and a translator which is trying everything to make this novel a good one.

Their is no depth in this novel. If you have some medicine you can achieve any level regardless of talent of comprehension which is not even mention. The characters like sworn brothers or something come and go. I cabt fathom that they never contribute to any plot and just look like some side characters... more>> which can be used to show how benevolent MC is with them.

Third thing is just why the hell every leader of institute is a twisted bastard who do nothing for the intitute instead harmed it by not forcing people to carry the rules and destroying the environment <<less
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Blackartemis rated it
December 26, 2019
Status: c499
Honestly this is a very interesting book to read all I can say is that it's nothing like Issth and A will eternal... this novel takes things to the extreames.

Oh and it's deathblade.
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NoctisMi rated it
December 23, 2019
Status: c575
First thing to mention is, that the translator is doing an amazing job and is loves doing it.

Yes the MC is ridiculously overpowered.

And yes he has one of the thickest plotarmor and luck in the entire universe.

BUT! It is super fun to read and if you love to see the enemies blow up to bits und beaten with their own Words than this is a perfekz novel for you :D
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Diplus rated it
December 23, 2019
Status: c574
It's good if you like an overpowered MC and loose combat.

It's bad if character development and things like that are your main thing as this novel has none of it.

I personally enjoy it and just look past the characters being bland as I enjoy the setting enough to look past it.
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Axwl rated it
December 22, 2019
Status: c573
The plot with each chapter improves more and more and also the translator is great in what makes it highly recommended to read if you want a novel with novel ideas and sudden and unexpected twists of the plot
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Jey-nii rated it
December 22, 2019
Status: c573
It's an average novel.
The writing itself is solid, because it's Deathblade that translates. But the story doesn't have anything extremely surprising yet.
It's not bad, it's not good. It's average.
The main character starts as weak, oppressed and basically on the run, but "quickly" (let's say after 400 chapters?) become an unstoppable powerhouse, that only needs to not be noticed too early by bigger powerhouses, but is otherwise basically invicible.
It's a bit sad as I think the part when he was weak and had to use his brains actively was more interesting (so the first few hundred chapters) than when he can just steamroll everything that he faces (or almost).
Obviously, there are still ~1000 chapters to go, I can still be surprised.

Overall, I don't regret reading it, and I will read it to the end (well, hopefully, who knows what can happen in life...), but I wouldn't go out of my way to promote it as a masterpiece. I'll repeat myself, it's an average webnovel.
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DAOvsMMA rated it
September 24, 2019
Status: c193
If you want to read an extremely predictable novel where MC never loses, and powers up insanely fast with zero effort, then this is the novel for you. Deathblade is one of top translators out there, but I really hope he drops this lousy novel.
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June 24, 2019
Status: c206
The novel had OP MC, but I don't mind that. Those types of novels have their own flavor, not everything had to be a struggle. So far, I have not find that either.

This novel is more fun than serious for me. It is a good addition on top of something more serious where the MC had to struggle, or whatever. Think of it had a delicious side dish, but it can be a meal if you want.

The naming convention and description of skills, levels, techniques, etc may be weird, or... more>> even absurdly fantastic. I do enjoy them though. They do get quite surreal in description, but I find it poetic.

I'm giving this 5-stars because people are a bit too harsh and are expecting to ultra-original writing. The story does follow the typical Xianxia tropes, but that is what makes them attractive. <<less
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essencexn rated it
June 11, 2019
Status: c181
Generic & cliche tropes but really satisfying! Has a fast pace and language/terms flow really well; really descriptive and I'm getting really into it though it definitely draws a lot of cliches; but even MC is pretty OP you are genuinely scared for his life sometimes and that's pretty nice
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November 5, 2023
Status: c155
Okay. Usually I see people who leave an early review like I'm doing and think it's pretty s*upid, you've barely gotten into the story what're you doing leaving a review. Well, I'm only on chapter 155 and I've struggled to pull myself this far.

The MC is not smart, he's arrogant, headstrong and super c*cky. He acts like everyone's schemes are silly and that anyone who offended him before he got an overpowered ability picked on someone they should have known not to.

The plot armour is so damn strong with this... more>> guy, he's not even really gotten hurt at all here.

Where a lot of my gripe comes from however, is the traveling. For a novel with "world traveling" in it's tags, you'd expect a journey rather than just a skip to the destination right? Nope, not here. Something that would take a few months to journey to? He'll use his power that he pulled out of nowhere super early and skip half of it, before suddenly deciding he needs to be cautious and walk. Then, you'd get some traveling dialogue surely? Nope. He traveled, had some encounters and arrived. Now, that's not me describing what happened, that's literally what the book says. Not in those direct words, but it literally says some events happened, not going into further detail.

This MC becomes sworn brothers with everyone, as if everyone's just came out of some hunky dory kids show, everyone just loves to swear their loyalty to him, even if they're only met him for a day. Seriously?

So the power the MC has, he gets struck by lightning and gets a boost. Fair enough, he's given a technique too. Sure. But he, without any research or explanation for how, knows how to do things that other people couldn't dream of, as if his op ability increases his brain power or something, I reckon it's solely to propel his family into higher realms, but in doing so it makes it seem like the realm of power, which is supposedly super high and can take hundreds of years to get into, if you're even talented enough, is pretty damn easy to get into so long as you have a formation.

Don't expect any character development either, this pathetic MC just stays pathetic. He offends everyone without a thought to the consequences and gets away with it because he will randomly power up whenever it suits the author.

Just to hopefully get a hint of how bad the writing here is.. Here's a small bit of dialogue from a "bad" side character who just had his invitation to join his school club declined.

“So be it! You’ve got some real nerve, you people. I can’t believe you actually refused an important person like me. Tired of living? Is that what it is? You think you’re going to join the martial arts competition? You won't last until then! You’ll be dead before it ever comes around. Understand?”


Look, I've read an ungodly amount of stories like this now, I've read all the good ones and many of the bad ones. I'm pretty much out of books to read at this point with the plague of bl and female protags going on. I picked this up because it wrongfully showed up in my reincarnation search for finished books. There's no reincarnation, time travel or anything of the sort, at least not yet.

Waste of my time. I'd suggest you don't waste yours either. <<less
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OP_Female_MC rated it
June 27, 2023
Status: c146
The MC becomes sworn brothers with everyone who is remotely nice to him lol, like at this point its giving disparate to have friends!

Also he goes on about hiding his cultivation level every other sentence and them proceeds to shock the world on how he can defeat people way above his cultivation level and then finds a 'plausible excuse for it'.

Also any issue he has no matter how big or minor gets resolved in like the following chapter with no effort lol its like 'oh this is terrible how can... more>> I survive this issue, if only I had a super magic rare mushroom rabbit that hasn't been seen in this world for the last 100 years as only one grows in a generation I could solve this problem".... following chapter, ' how unexpected I stumbled into a field of super magic rare mushroom rabbit and even though they are tough and poisonous and only fairies can touch them I just happen to have met and killed a monkey Tree that ate a fairy a few minutes ago and its blood got on me and so I can collect all of these!" lol

The other funny part is that the demons are evil because they kill humans to cultivate, meanwhile the humans kill the demons to use their cores to cultivate, but somehow the humans are the righteous good guys?!

And every 50 chapters or so the story repeats in a slight different setting. <<less
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nikkiy rated it
September 7, 2022
Status: c42
42- 3/5 - It has been very... "naively written" to say the least. I could easily see those 40 chapters becoming 100/120 chapters.

MC seems so boring and flat, all characters have generic names and their lines are just so cringe omg.

But seems like the autor was lazy or didn't care enought to this novel foundations, what a shame. I will update my review as I go.

Edit. 283- 1/5 - Ok I give up, this is too bad, the author sems to know about what he's doing, but the intercations between... more>> characters are just too bad.
The MC is just a child, all "enemy" seems to share the same braincell. None of the sidecharacters are likeable. what a waste of time. <<less
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