Reverend Insanity


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Humans are the spirit of all living beings, Gu* are the essence of heaven and earth.

With his three views* unrighteous, a demon is reborn.

Former days are but an old dream, an identical name is made anew.

The story of a time traveler who keeps on being reborn.

A unique world that nurtures, refines, and uses Gu.

Spring Autumn Cicada, Moonlight Gu, Liquor Worm, Great Qi Golden Light Worm, Slender Black Hair Gu, Hope Gu…

And a great demon of the world that acts as his heart pleases!

A story of a villain, Fang Yuan who was reborn 500 years into the past with the Spring Autumn Cicada he painstakingly refined. With his profound wisdom, battle and life experiences, he seeks to overcome his foes with skill and wit! Ruthless and amoral, he has no need to hold back as he pursues his ultimate goals. In a world of cruelty where one cultivates using Gu – magical creatures of the world – Fang Yuan must rise up above all with his own power.

Note :

Gu are legendary venomous insects, often used in black magic practices. They can take on the form of several insects, usually snakes, crickets, worms, etc.

Three views = one’s world view, values of worth and philosophy on life.

And not for weak minded people

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cổ Chân Nhân
Daoist Gu
Gu Daoist Master
Gu Zhen Ren
Master of Gu
القس المجنون
เทพปีศาจหวนคืน (ไม่มีตอนจบ)
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334 Reviews sorted by

God slayer
God slayer rated it
January 27, 2021
Status: --
My fav novel besides lotm. This novel is great. None of the characters are dumb. Protagonist is extremely intelligent. He is true to his character. Though I don't like one thing bout him which is he isn't vengeful. Yup he is evil, ruthless, cold hearted and won't stop at anything to achieve his goal (even if it means destroying the whole world). But he isn't vengeful cause although a certain male/female 😵😵 I don't know what to call her/him. But whatever he/she is extremely annoying I would have been extremely... more>> glad if she was killed cause he/she has him foiled MC's plan couple time. Of course MC isn't kind or anything he just thinks it more profitable to keep her alive. Aside that another thing about MC's character I don't like is he lets his enemy grow if it profits him. Of course due to that MC gets immense profit. But after the enemy has grown enough powerful they flew most of the time. I feel like if the novel continues he will become a dungeon's last demon Lord like boss character and his enemy who are in reality every single person of this world will form a party together to slay him. But this novel is great it's pity that it probably won't continue. It was good while it lasted. It's the 2nd novel which I have read till the end. <<less
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Maple leafs and syrup
Maple leafs and syrup
December 23, 2020
Status: c2439
4.5/5 - The plot is decent, the characters are generally 3D with a few rare cases of 2D characters and some Minor plot holes that bring it down half a star but other than the content is solid. The novel is themed around a talentless MC that goes against the system with nothing but his own efforts by any means possible and is what I would say makes the novel interesting. The MC ****s up quite a few times as do many other characters in the novel and give human-like... more>> qualities to the characters. The MC’s careful planning balancing between the edge of success and failure create a type of tension that actually gives the reader suspense (for the first few hundred chapters anyway) that makes you wonder if he is going to win or lose (MC fails quite often). There is no romance and although idk why the transmigration part even exists, this is a refreshing novel that stands out from your typical cultivation tr*sh (I personally call those novels literary pollution but each to their own devices I guess).


- 3D characters and genuine thought processes shown by most characters, as in they have a brain and are capable of some critical thinking

- cleanly written time travel (I won’t get into too much detail but the time travel is at the very least logically passable and interesting) and chain of events that follow after each time reversal

- no cliché on stuff such as ‘jaded-like beauty falling head over heels at first sight’ or ‘lucky encounter that just so happens to pop out of thin air’

- the cultivation system and setting are both unique and fleshed-out nicely with real relevance


- slow start (may not be the most attention grabbing from the get-go)

- Some characters from the righteous path Are just carbon copies of each other

- Some minor plot holes <<less
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Boobla rated it
May 20, 2020
Status: v5c1652
This is pure Greatness. Is MC bias for women? NO here's some examples on how he deals with them ... more>>

-Meets a cute loli, first thing he does is considers whether she's more valuable to him alive or dead -Slaughters his fiancee (whom he got close in the first place for benefits) without bathing an eye to then plunder her clans resources for the sake of profits.

Are the characters dumb typical young masters who get offended for no reason whatsoever? Definitely not, in fact characters get more cunning and treacherous the older they are. The author makes plots so well thought that most readers finish their chapters amazed. The ending of every volume (especially vlm 2 and 4 I think) are AMAZING (and that comes from a guy whose seen both seasons of Code Geass). In fact, after reading this novel, every thing else will seem dull and dumb (I'm not exaggerating). <<less
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BizarreBeing2508 rated it
May 10, 2020
Status: c1000
Very nice and unique novel. There are rarely novels like this. MC has a brain and thinks first before doing stuff. No s*upid bastard rich young master like other chinese novel. MC is not pure evil he just seek for benefit. If doing good things benefit is bigger, he will definitely do it. Sadly this novel now hiatus.
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Xanthene Xia
Xanthene Xia
May 5, 2020
Status: c200
Well. This is my first to write a review and I made this account just for this. I made up my mind to rate 4 stars cause I'm still currently in chapter 200. Maybe I'll update this in the future after reading the chapters.

Well, I found this novel after I read the manga. Why? Because the novel has another title " Reverend Insanity" while the manga is "Master of Gu" and I'm too s*upid to spot something like " Alternative names".

I really like this novel because:

1. If you like the... more>> MC to be some Good Guy that kills Bad guys. Well, this is not for you. Basically the MC is some evil guy in the beginning. He gets reborn to the past because of his "Spring Autumn Cicada" and then starts his new life again and to the path of evil. *evil laugh*

2. I'm starting to make MC my teacher or something. When I'm reading, I got some Life Lessons from the sayings, quotes or something like that, and it really hits the nail.

3. Oh. The picture from the Cover o the Manga. I think I knew the "White haired woman" in the right side of the cover. Its Bai Ning Bing.

4. Bai Ning Bing. He is the Bai Village No.1 Genuis. He got Ice power. He is very powerful cause He always battles with MC. But they got along in the end. Why? Because, MC saves him from dying and they are of the same species. They are throughly evil. U can call them demon if you like.

Well. I'll just stop here. I'm still in ch 200. Like F*** u know. I know. How can I rate and write a review if I'm only in ch 200. Well, I think most of it is just some unnecessary rambling of mine. Then... have a good day <<less
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stupidsmart rated it
May 1, 2020
Status: --
This is one of the most well done novels I have read, I almost would not recommend reading it as it'll set your standards very high, once I started getting into it I couldn't put it down. Every chapter is very entertaining and will keep you on edge and wonder what ordeals and tribulations the MC will face next and intricate plan he'll come up with next.

The novel follows the story of a scholar transmigrated to a different realm centred around the power system known as Gu. Who, through a... more>> following of events, proceeds to continually reincarnate because of said Gu. Without spoiling too much, unlike other novels with the reincarnation trope, the MC isn't the only trans-migrator and his special status isn't ignored and is explored through the novel. So far as of now we know very little about the MC, Fang Yuan, personally except his whole being is devoted in the pursuit of Eternal Life, which I will address.

I won't go into depth with the power system as to avoid spoilers but it is very well done. The conflicts are very in depth and almost every variable exists and aren't randomly made up, which dictates the outcome, even MC's plot armour runs out and turns out to be an in depth variable. Almost everything has a reason for existing sometimes even the author's ramblings turn out to be useful, I say sometimes because most of the time it feels like its purpose is to up the word count. With such rich writing and entertainment Reverend Insanity is a nugget of gold found in mud amidst its competitors.

Why I rated Reverend Insanity 3 stars and for my fellow RI enthusiasts. (Long)


Now lets discuss why I only rated Reverend Insanity/Master Of Gu/Daoist Gu 3 stars despite my high praise. Like most other novels the MC has almost no personality, this issue is also addressed briefly, where our MC even says he himself feels like he lost his humanity. Fang Yuan pursues the impossible dream, as he describes, of Eternal Life. Where and which he claims things such as fame, lust, kinship, wealth and so on are just a means. That sounds really cool and all but what will you do once you achieve it? What's the point of Eternal Life if you can't enjoy it? For me this is the biggest plot hole so far and has yet to be addressed and is probably the reason as to why the author named this novel Reverend Insanity.

Another unavoidable outcome is the novel starts to degrade heavily, especially during the Zombie Arc (I almost quit reading during this phase). Due to the nature of being a Gu Immortal they are all extraordinary people, because of this, scheming starts to slowly become redundant, which is unavoidable I understand, seeing as there are far too many possibilities that exist and would only end up becoming another Berserk. People start becoming very 2D, characters such as Bai Ning Bing and Hei Lou Lan, the two mindless physiques, end up becoming mindless s*aves, especially Bye Dingaling, honestly so sick of this dude with nothing to his name except his special physique and being a s*ave for the right people acting so arrogant for. You'd think he'd feel humbled by someone like Fang Yuan who worked his way up from nothing to become, very possibly, the next venerable. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Bye Dingaling could theoretically become a river lord.

Another thing that was passable at first but started to feel forced was the setbacks, I understand it was Heaven's will and luck path but there's only so much a man can take, the setbacks felt very forced and many times felt like the enemies had plot armour. I'm glad the author realized this and started to wrap it up by creating Heaven's will and luck path, because it was just not a pleasant experiences having the author constantly preaching and comforting me.

Continuing from earlier, Fang Yuan, like most novels' MC, this guy is a robot. I understand that all the character development was done 500 years earlier but seriously one of the things I enjoy most are the little snippets of his life experiences before reincarnation. I pray to the door of life and death every night to bring Fang Yuan's personality back. I theorize that the reason for this is because of the Spring & Autumn Cicada is only rank 6 and can only bring Fang Yuan's will, i.e. His purpose, back in time. Though personally speaking Fang Yuan's character was quite an inspiration to me and to some degree I believe everyone should strive to be like him. This concludes my rambling hope you enjoyed.

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In Other Words
In Other Words rated it
November 14, 2019
Status: c1301
Everyone, please just read this novel your missing out on one of the greatest novels out there, And ill elaborate for that. Everything is actually good in the novel, its vastly good in fact, and you could say its top notch and the greatest, dragon among novels, the only thing that had maybe hold back people about it is some reviews or maybe just some spoilers by dickheads so read comments or reviews in your own discretion. Mine is spoiler free. I didnt read any comments or anything whilst I... more>> was reading RI cuz ive experienced somethn similar before.

NOTE THAT THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN WORKING THIS NOVEL FOR 7 WHOLE YEARS ALREADY, So you could expect a great outcome, great stories and writing, unbeliebably alive characters, also expect to get the worst possible 'fledgling state' (volume 1 up to mortal part) and the best possible latter part, 'dragon state' (immortality and beyond) What I mean By This Is How The author improved and improved along the way, and each volumes gets better and better, and I literally mean it, other fellow readers could confirm this without a doubt. And they could confirm as well that the latter part is the best part of the series, read it till there and you could perhaps understand the enthusiasm about it.

ALSO BIG NOTE that realistically every novels are flawed so if you could accept this little flaws about it you would be rewarded with something you ought to deserve.

also one last thing, more like an advice and a mix of rant is AT THE BOTTOM please read it for my elaboration about the misunderstandings about xuanhuan (wish fullfillment, harem, plot armour, lazy writing) that I often see on some reviews on this xianxia novel (Hardworking MC that also Fails [shows how life is unpredictable], Dao, Chinese, humanity, Life, every chapter tells a story, 7 years of work) it was kinda stuffy so I moved it at the bottom but I think itll be worth it to read it

Now comes for my elaboration, though id like to point out im not a good convincer, by all means, all I can do is hope you read my review and read this masterpiece. Now, as for the beginning part of the novel it starts off at the center of our MC and his ideologies, how he developed to be the great demon that he is and his way at viewing life, so you could relate in many ways in him in this essential part and the authors way of saying we are all humans flawed and imperfect and some of his experience treading on life this is where we get caught up in this world of gu and how we become them, past this world building are the great things of this novel how everyone who have read it liked it so far. The insanely good so much effort 'schemes' that fang yuan makes that sometimes fail and sometimes not (shows how life is unpredictable). Then we get to the middle parts of the novel...

(hope ive convinced you thus far cant really decide if to write all of it cuz I think ive convinced you thus far... message me if you want to read more of my review ill gladly complete it, for now I dont have anything in mind to write (largely contributed)...... will edit my review more with your message just message me for now, "happy reading")

This be the last note (not actually) if youve read bad reviews that mentioned xuanhuan on it dont bother reading them, this is a xianxia novel came from dao and chinese it doesnt include any fairies, fantasy, harem and plot armour, lazy writing on it, its straight up xianxia so expect; the MC to be hardworking, every chapters tells a story, 7 years of hardwork its not tr*sh in any way. reason why I dont want you to read reviews with word 'xuanhuan' on them is xuanhuan novels that are 'against the gods', 'peerless martial god, martial world', 'martial god asura', 'dragon-marked war god and many other overrated novels out there with those young master and harem plot armour settings on it, chances are, Those are what they typically read, the xuanhuan industry *cough* "that tr*sh actually dares oppose young master xxx" "Courting death" *'cold bloodedly' mu*dered young master* *lets it underlings escape cause theyre too fast* etc. Etc. and continues on, those kind of things are what they typically read so chances with those reviews being inaccurate is 100 percent they dont even know the basic difference between a xuanhuan and xianxia and creates reviews here on good novels lol this wish fullfilling bastards sure are everywhere (largely influenced from jp isekai novels) <<less
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alexyay rated it
March 14, 2019
Status: c825
One of the best novels of this genre I've read (I've read most of them). I r8 8/8 m8.

-Each arc is unique and has it's own well crafted plot that touches deeply on the lore of world.

-The world building is top class, where every part of a vast world is slowly explored and made use of.

-Extremely unique cultivation system involving basically physical spirits in insect form (called Gu worms) each with unique abilities (the range of abilities are endless). They can be used used with primeval essence (this worlds most... more>> basic form of energy), combine, crafted, changed, must be fed unique things or they die, reverse crafted... etc.

-Main character is the smartest and scheming MC I've ever seen. He makes me look back to the typical righteous MCs I've seen and just shake my head. Also, all his actions are extremely reasonable, on top of being smart. I've never gotten annoyed at a choice or opinion this MC had.

A must read my friends. No BS. One thing I could see is that some people would think this novel has a slow pace. It takes time to do sh*t when you build a complicated system and world. Preparations! Other novels just have the MC keep fighting and gaining money. Going on a mission, killing these people, looting their bodies and gaining the resource at hand. IN THIS NOVEL YOU CANNOT LOOT ANY RESOURCES OFF PEOPLE YOU KILLED for the most part at least. You'll find out why my dudes.
I could on forever, about how this novel beats others in most aspects.

My eyes have been opened, I truly did not recognize Mount Tai :D

After commenting, I've read other reviews and a lot complain about how this guy is evil. The whole point is that good and evil don't exist. Only benefits. He is the epitome of the demonic path, not restrained by any societal morals. It literally explains how on earth people are tied together and have societal expectations or morals of each because it's impossible to live without each other. In this world you can dominate the world if you're strong enough. If you want a hero to do random sh*t for people and girls cuz of 'justice' there are tons of other novels for you. Personally, I get pissed when MCs do that. Although this is heavily skewed away from doing such things, the author makes it work with the abilities and setting. Let go of your earthly moral bias, and enjoy this MCs demonic path ways. <<less
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September 26, 2018
Status: v6c2075
This novel is good. This novel is so good that I dropped it twice (early & 3rd Volume) only to have continued to read it. The protagonist is evil yes, the author doesn't care a single dust to what others thinks about his novel. Then by Volume 5:

... more>>

When all sh*ts going wrong for him. When he is marked for death by literally the entire world. When he suffers defeats more often than victory. And when you learn his past, his unrequited love, and what he has gone through in his previous life, you really can't help but to root for this guy. His tenacity and perseverance doesn't came for no reason or some BS cliches (protecting/revenging clan/family bla bla), but towards his selfish pursuit of eternal life. No things or any others can sway his mind.


Plot is unpredictable, but can be boring sometimes only to have it masterfully interwined together and becomes a huge plot twists. There is also some nice comedy along the way, seeing the MC conned a variety of people really makes one laugh imo. Characterization is probably the most strong aspect of this novel, it portrays how much length an immoral person has sunk to and how much moral an upright person has, even the history itself (e.g Human Ancestor) can become a fantastic storytelling if executed well, which this story has.

Really recommend this novel, and even when you can't stomach the story itself, I suggest endure it for atleast a dozens or so chapter, that is probably when the story shines. <<less
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gonyyong rated it
August 19, 2018
Status: c445
Thought about writing a review for this around ~ ch 200, saying it was hidden gem. Really loved it.

Got to chapter ~405, end of book 2, this is now one of my top 3 favorite novels.

I would say there were some dull moments ~ch 300, but it all connects later, like always. Why did I even doubt.

I love that this novel is not predictable, not even the, oh it'll just happen the opposite of what he expects blah blah, but actual reversals of what you were imagining. Yet, it still... more>> connects, especially with the "fables" included in the story.

Solid 5/5 <<less
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raidou99 rated it
April 24, 2018
Status: c200
It's a good novel. Nothing more, nothing less.

The cultivation system in this novel is new but a bit boring. The characters too are a bit 2 dimensional. You will have a hard time understanding and enjoying the characters.

The MC is not evil but anti-hero and a nasty one at that. Some will love him but some (like me) will not be able to absorb him.

... more>> He is so focused on his belief of not trusting anybody and doing everything himself that it feels a bit (a lot) childish.

Read this novel if you want a different experience of the cultivation genre. <<less
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evildave rated it
April 19, 2018
Status: c228
Fang Yuan is evil. Really, really evil. It's still an enjoyable tale, even as he sacrifices a second and third child as ingredients (so far...). Not to mention all of the people of all ages he exploits and slaughters, just going about his daily business. Did the 'doomed' ones, who were already fated to die... did they really count as victims, anyway? There's definitely a blurry line between the righteous factions and the demonic practitioners in this world, whenever they interact in the story. Apparently the only thing that makes... more>> someone 'righteous' in the world of this story is being part of a big team of people who work together, to do all the same awful things as the 'demonic' individuals.

So perhaps Fang Yuan just 'well adjusted' in this world.

Anyway, fun read. Plenty of action. Plenty of sinister twists... though mainly coming from Fang Yuan. <<less
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Sceer rated it
February 26, 2018
Status: v1
This novel is amazing! Our MC is not OP, he has an average body (rank C while others are rank B or A) but has 500 years worth of experience and the rank 6 gu with him. This is not bullsh*t since this rank 6 gu is the result of his hardwork.

The pace is slow but this shows the MC's hardships despite his "cheat" since his body is still rank C ... more>>

later he turns to rank A at the end of volume 1


And at the end, arghh ??

I really thought Bai Ning Ning would die for the third time! Yes, he died twice. First is in MC's first life then the second time when he sacrificed himself for the MC to live. I thought he will die the third time when the MC asked him to die again.


I almost thought that the MC is heartless to the point of no return but that is not actually the case. <<less
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Jass rated it
January 28, 2018
Status: c172
Reverend Insanity/Gu Daoist Master is a novel that excellently executes an anti-hero MC.

Fang Yuan is a ruthless and cunning MC that throws away the concepts of justice and morals in order to obtain immortality. This is his ultimate goal, and he legitimately does not give a sh*t for anything else. He's an apathetic man, and he cares not for revenge or being nice unless it helps fast forwards his goal. 500 years of shitty memories has pretty much made him into a sociopath.

This is very unique compared to the typical... more>> xianxia stories. This protagonist is one of the few that are openly selfish and cruel, yet it still manages to make him a charming person because of it.

Keep in mind though that this story involves a lot of politics. The biggest reason why Fang Yuan is so skin tough is because he's been screwed over by political bullsh*t in the past, so you will no doubt see a lot of pragmatic and scheming side characters in each chapter. Also, there's some philosophical ramble and some gore that can last a chapter or so. If you can handle that, this is a refreshing read. <<less
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Shaiole rated it
January 25, 2018
Status: c89
Bad points:

The MC is too selfish and evil for my taste. He does not love, nor care about anyone, like the 500 year old dude he is. While this is good in short term, I have no plans of reading hundreds of chapters focusing only on the MC and disregarding all characters.

As far as I know, all characters are either pawns, cannon fodders and enemies.

... more>> As some reviews has said: this is not some anti-hero shit.

The MC is your typical evil villan mastermind.

Good points:

Once you have pass the bad points, this novel is actually good. They uses witts and logic. The world building is commendable. Although side characters are meant to be discarded, the author showed their personalities and characteristics (unlike random arogant young masters in novels of most CN). <<less
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dragonNEET2526 rated it
January 8, 2018
Status: c152
I have always been waiting for a novel like this and I am happy to finally find one where doesn't give a sh*t about responsibility and women.

I don't mean to say that regular re-birth novels are crap where MC dies with regrets and after rebirth they use their knowledge to turn things around by saying he suddenly got a secret master who taught him invincible skills and taking a chick from each place and becoming a hero but they are boring as most of the novels contain the same plot.

... more>>

But this is almost opposite of the above paragraph as MC only changes himself and maintain it as a secret without bullshitting.


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Citizen27 rated it
December 16, 2017
Status: --
One thing to say - to all who loves Warlock of the Magus World, come here to find a journey after leylin's end. And believe me, the two share the same traits that make them awesome, but remain distinct that keeps each other as unique mc's, and to add on, both have an amazingly detailed and well used world filled with well written and given background knowledge, where nearly everything is relevant in it's details. The world doesn't go as they want and they take what's needed through their power... more>> - and here, it's extremely brutal and dark.

Neither gets bullied or bullies unreasonably because this isn't some mindless repetition like MGA, so rejoice <<less
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Mahiro9 rated it
August 16, 2017
Status: c207
The execution might be a breath of fresh air to others and yes, it ends up better than most cliché CN novels, but he's no different from other "evil" main characters.

The author wants to show that the MC is smart, deceitful, and always calm but because of that he acts distant and cold to others.

He'll do anything as long as it could get him advantage, even if he "offend" others, but no one could punish him because he "acts within consideration".

He'll still kill those who offend him or those who... more>> are threat to him without second thoughts. (If they have no significant background, kill 'em. If there is, do it sneakily.)

In the end, it's just the author giving the MC excuses to justify his actions.

At least most of the antagonists at least have brains. Though still not all of them, there are still some characters that only exists for a brief moment to antagonize the MC and die after the next few chapters. But meh, you can't expect for there not to be a stereotypical chinese novel villain when the very word "chinese" is attached to it. <<less
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Zeke27 rated it
July 27, 2017
Status: c163
This is a fantastic novel. The characters action actually make sense, and the elders actually act like elders they think things through first before acting. Unfortunately for them the MC just has more experience.
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Temremaes rated it
March 10, 2024
Status: c2334
Probably the best Chinese webnovel though I will argue that Lord of the Mysteries comes very close so depending on your tastes LOTM might surpass it.

There's plenty of people riding this novel's meat in the reviews already so I won't repeat their thoughts, if you're undecided about whether or not to read this novel, don't be, go read it. The beginning is a little awkward but also has a lot of great moments so if you don't like let's say everything until chapter 600, don't force yourself to finish it.

The... more>> main thing about this novel that shines is how no side character or enemy with powers is s*upid. Anyone who could make it to that level of cultivation has talent and at least above average intelligence.

There are no systems, cheats or absurd luck events.

Since all the pros have been mentioned already, I suppose I'll go with the cons.

The numbers Mason, oh god the numbers. This novel baffles me in how simultaneously consistent and inconsistent it is. The main inconsistency is the problem with numbers. The author cannot for the life of him get numbers right. He even makes fun of it himself. Certain things are too big to make sense and other things are too small to make sense. For instance, the amount of immortals in the world is stated to be in the hundreds barely approaching a thousand. Yeah no bullshit. There should be at least 1 thousand immortals per region with 2-3 thousand in Central Continent. Does it sound like I pulled this number out of my behind? Well this is exactly what the author does? He just pulls out random numbers at times to emphasize his point. He clearly wants to state how little immortals there are in this world so boom only 5 rank 8 in the northern plains and under 10 immortals in a small super force like Dong Fang clan.

Granted, this could be the age old conundrum of power inflation throughout the chapters, but truthfully the later chapters are so well done that it really just feels like there was power deflation at the beginning. So towards the end of the novel, with the huge amount of rank 8s appearing, it certainly feels like there are thousands of immortals per region.

My rambling about immortal numbers (don't read unless familiar with the story) :


13 super forces per region. Weakest super forces have a peak rank 7 with a gu house maybe. Average immortals/super force is implied by the author to be 10-20, bullshit. The way the organizations work clearly shows that there are roughly 5 or more rank 7s per force. Conservatively, let's say 30-40 immortals/super force. That's 400 righteous path immortals per region, add to that lone immortals who match the righteous numbers and then demonic path immortals gives something a little north of 1000. Central Continent is just another story altogether with the old geezers in the graveyard, making rank eights pop out every few seconds. There are also the 10 great sects with rank 8s each. Not to mention the Grotto Heavens who all have rank 8s as well. There should at least be 50-100 rank 6/7 for every rank 8 master and I can easily list 30 rank 8s off the top of my head. Rather than saying there are too many rank 8s, I'm saying there were too few mentioned in the beginning of the story (mainly cuz the later chapters are really fun).


Even if I said the main character doesn't purely rely on cheats, it could be argued that he's only really extraordinary due to his rebirth advantages and accumulation from other venerables. Sure he's worked hard for it, but so have all the other characters in the novel. Even then, he's a very good main character and thoroughly enjoyable to read. <<less
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