Reverend Insanity


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Humans are the spirit of all living beings, Gu* are the essence of heaven and earth.

With his three views* unrighteous, a demon is reborn.

Former days are but an old dream, an identical name is made anew.

The story of a time traveler who keeps on being reborn.

A unique world that nurtures, refines, and uses Gu.

Spring Autumn Cicada, Moonlight Gu, Liquor Worm, Great Qi Golden Light Worm, Slender Black Hair Gu, Hope Gu…

And a great demon of the world that acts as his heart pleases!

A story of a villain, Fang Yuan who was reborn 500 years into the past with the Spring Autumn Cicada he painstakingly refined. With his profound wisdom, battle and life experiences, he seeks to overcome his foes with skill and wit! Ruthless and amoral, he has no need to hold back as he pursues his ultimate goals. In a world of cruelty where one cultivates using Gu – magical creatures of the world – Fang Yuan must rise up above all with his own power.

Note :

Gu are legendary venomous insects, often used in black magic practices. They can take on the form of several insects, usually snakes, crickets, worms, etc.

Three views = one’s world view, values of worth and philosophy on life.

And not for weak minded people

Associated Names
One entry per line
Cổ Chân Nhân
Daoist Gu
Gu Daoist Master
Gu Zhen Ren
Master of Gu
القس المجنون
เทพปีศาจหวนคืน (ไม่มีตอนจบ)
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334 Reviews sorted by

onlycrimson123 rated it
January 31, 2024
Status: c1260
In merely 100 chapters, from 1160 to 1260, I went from thinking this was the best novel I've ever read to hating every following word I read.

This novel has enough praises, read any other review to see why this is a fantastic book. It is a fantastic book, but there is one single situation that makes it difficult for me to continue reading. I will be briefly describing it here. Spoilers ahead of course.

... more>>

The main character has the opposite of plot armor the entire book. He is incredibly unlucky constantly, and that is initially explained by saying it is the side effect of Spring Autumn Cicada. However, he now has "amazing" luck apparently, even using an "extremely powerful" luck immortal gu to raise his luck. It makes no difference. If you want to see a main character that succeeds, this is not the book for you. He fails at everything. It is to the point that if I see a good thing get introduced I know that the main character will not be getting it.

However, there was one single exception to this. That was the Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu. This gu allows him to reshape his aperture, gain enormous potential, and make up for every other missed opportunity he has seen. The novel built up to this single Gu for over a thousand chapters.

Now, onto the situation.

So, the main character wants to gain strength quickly so his enemies don’t overpower him. He is worried that they will grow stronger than him if he gives them enough time. This is already baseless, as he has dozens of times the potential of them and simply letting time pass would allow him to get astronomically stronger than them.

The main character decides f*ck that, he wants to rank up to rank 7. The reason given is that he will get more potent immortal essence and be able to do prolonged battles more easily.

First of all, he easily did a battle lasting more than a week straight without putting him in a bad situation. That is the most extended a battle has ever been in this novel by far. Like by multiple times. So there is literally no reason for him to even worry about that.

Secondly, and more importantly, he can completely make up the difference in immortal essence through money. Immortal essence stones = immortal essence. He stated numerous, numerous times at this point in the novel that he was extremely wealthy and was getting wealthier by the minute. There is literally no reason for him to want to get to rank 7 as he has zero need for it. The only increase in battle strength gained would be the more potent immortal essence but he doesn’t need it.

But, whatever. Doesn’t matter. Main character wants to get to rank 7, then whatever. Right? Wrong.

The main character has 3 options at this point.

Give up on s*upidly attempting to raise his “strength” by getting to rank 7 as it literally doesn’t raise his strength. Instead, speed up the immortal aperture’s time flow and raise the heavenly eagle to rank 8. He has 720 years of lifespan gu as well, so he could easily bond with it for like 50 years and have it be super loyal. The time in the outside world would be minimal. He would gain a ton of immediate combat strength and still preserve his continuing advantage through his natural potential in this method. Though frankly, he doesn't even need to do this. Just by living he will be progressing at a faster pace than them.

Get to rank 7 by progressing the speed of time in his immortal aperture. This would allow him to face numerous calamities and tribulations in a row, rapidly gain strength, and become rank 7 in like a single day. Additionally, this rank 7 wouldn’t just be shallow and provide only better immortal essence. He would be the best among the best rank 7s. An overlord who can fight head-to-head with rank 8s. There's no need to even stop there. He can continue progressing through rank 7, then rank 8, he could literally become rank 9 in like a week if he wanted to. The only concern that might be had is “he isn’t strong enough to undergo all of these tribulations.” You are correct that he cannot immediately face off against a myriad tribulation. But by the time he gets to a myriad tribulation, he would be able to! By progressing through tribulations he can gain strength immensely quickly because of the potency of heaven’s attacks. He could easily sweep the hardest myriad tribulation that could possibly be thrown at him. f*ck, he could probably fight rank 9s with his rank 8 body, a feat that no one has ever done before. All in ONE WEEK. Or...

He can consume other people’s immortal apertures. This will rapidly help him progress to rank 7 realm. It will just take, idk, a month. This will also make him skip all of his calamities and tribulations so no worries there! Oh, wait. Now that he is skipping all of his calamities and tribulations, by the time he gets to rank 7 realm he will have ZERO gain in strength. The only gain will be from having more immortal essence, which, again, means NOTHING since it can be replenished with money, which he has an abundance of. It also completely f*cks up his future because the gains that he missed now will never be able to be regained. The author tried to say some bullsh*t like “he gains more dao marks from immortal apertures that he devours.” No, he f*cking doesn't. That's only comparative to other people. In his own situation, a single devoured aperture gives him about 7000 dao marks and progresses him past 4 tribulations. This is lowballing it because I'm not counting heavenly tribulations btw. So, in those 4 tribulations, he would gain approximately 10000 each time. Yeah, you heard that right. He becomes weaker, it takes longer, it's more difficult to accomplish, it ruins his future potential, it gives him a lower immediate effect, etc, etc, etc. This is literally the worst possible decision he could have ever made. This is probably the most impactful decision in the entire story at this point. It completely f*cks up the gains he got from the past 1000 chapters and ruins his future gains as well.

The worst thing is that the author clearly has gotten too far. He realized that his main character was too good and was getting too strong so he made the main character ret*rded and made his strength obsolete. Most of the time I would say whatever, like the main character will get strong later anyways. But we were building to this for one THOUSAND chapters. I spent weeks reading the accumulation until this point all to have it thrown away on a f*cking whim. It is so s*upid and aggravating I am actually considering dropping the novel here.

This is only the first part of the situation. Second of all, the main character has a constant pestering enemy. One that shouldn't exist in the first place, shouldn't exist now, and shouldn't exist in the future but still persists. I'll explain.

The enemy shouldn't exist in the first place because his escape from Southern Border was based upon his usage of Fang Yuan's Fixed Immortal Travel. That should NOT be how using lent gu works. Throughout the novel, dozens of times the author repeats how gu is not easily stolen. How the owner can destroy it with a single thought. Now, suddenly, 1000 chapters in the author changes his mind. For some reason, he can take Fang Yuan's gu and use it. Whatever.

But this enemy won't f*cking go away. The main character interacts with him so much, proclaiming that he wants him dead a dozen times. Then the main character goes over and finds him and the enemy runs away. Main character can't chase for whatever s*upid reason the author cooks up, and this scene will repeat again in 20 chapters.

This wouldn't be AS frustrating if it actually made sense. If it was just a smart enemy facing Fang Yuan, then whatever. But it isn't. This enemy is CLAD in plot armor. So much plot armor you would never believe it. The author straight up forgets the plot when working around the plot armor of this guy. Like, for example, the characters would be fighting in the sky, above an ocean, and one of the enemy's lackeys pulls the earth from the ground and defends against the main character. They are in the SKY above an OCEAN. Even if he can do that, which he shouldn't be able to, how can he do it so quickly that it surpasses the speed Fang Yuan attacked? Did he pull the earth up with light speed?

Then the main character fights them and instead of like going around the wall or targeting one point in the wall or using a strong move to break through the wall, he slowly chips away at the way, layer by layer. He doesn't poke a hole in it, he starts destroying the whole wall. Why??

Then, predictably, the enemy gets away again after some more boring terrible unrealistic plot-armory fight scenes. It reads horribly, seeing how the author straight up doesn't care about the rules of his novel anymore. He just makes stuff up and it suddenly works because it is the enemy doing it. The novel feels increasingly shallow with this total disregard for reality. To see this from my perspective, imagine watching a horror movie where the characters are constantly breaking the fourth wall. It totally ruins the immersion and the world that has been built. Every conflict that does happen will feel fake.

Also, this isn't even the worst part of the novel atp for me. It is the insane amount of background characters and how much the author focuses on them. In the past maybe 20 chapters only about 2 have been about the main character. The other chapters have been following background characters completely unrelated to the plot. Like people who have zero influence on the story. The entire 18 chapters dedicated to them could be summed up in a single sentence and it would have the same impact on the story.

All I want is to be able to trudge through this part of the book where this enemy is being annoying and get back to the realism but it is taking hundreds and hundreds of chapters because of this. It is to the point where I feel like I'm going to catch up to chapter 2300 whatever and this guy will still be around. I am so sick of it.


Despite the essay I just wrote b*tching about the novel, I still gave it 5 stars. For the first thousand chapters, I absolutely loved this book. I am also going to continue reading this book. I just had to get this frustration out of me and writing a review was the easiest way. I'll update this review when I finish it. <<less
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truebulge rated it
April 2, 2023
Status: c550
TLDR: If you enjoy reading or at least want to try reading selfish people do horrible things to each other, you will probably derive some enjoyment from this book.

I don’t really regret reading what I’ve read so far because I did enjoy my time with Fang Yuan, a pretty unique MC, and I was able to get to chapter 550 in the first place. However, I’m not willing to go further.

As for why, the biggest issue by far is that the whole novel is tedious to read. In comparison to... more>> other novels I’ve read, RI already has very high word count for each chapter, and this is exacerbated by the fact that many explanations and dialogue are repeated over and over. In general though, there are so many unneeded sentences to the point where I genuinely feel like 100 chapters could be cut out from the 550 I read without any issues.

Characterization is also pretty weak. Certain character archetypes get recycled over and over, and after each iteration of an archetype reenacts the same actions as their predecessors, Fang Yuan screws over those characters using very similar methods. Also, because most side characters aren’t interesting, I didn’t care about their backstories or most other things they did outside of combat, which further adds to the tedium of reading. <<less
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JingXingXiu rated it
January 5, 2023
Status: c1
I love this novel. Because it shows the reader a real world of cultivation. The protagonist Fang Yuan was not a bad guy from the beginning. He survived in this world for a long time and slowly became a person who only wanted to pursue eternal life. He is full of feelings, but his ideals are above all else. His persistence is touching. I highly recommend reading this book.

However, due to translation problems, the reader cannot experience the charm of his original text. There are some poetic harmonies in this... more>> that cannot be represented. This is very regrettable. <<less
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alome226 rated it
September 3, 2022
Status: c2334
The Best.

Its a bit sad that this novel was banned.

I'll skip past the general stuff of this novel cause there's tones of em in other reviews.

... more>> Anyways... Fang Yuan is the perfect execution of the philosophical concept of "Neutral Evil".

This novel is a bit dark... not for the faint of heart. But, if you get past that darkness, you will see deep philosophical concepts woven into the story. The concept of Fate, Emotions, Love, Success, Failure, Self, Luck, etc., are well explored but also greatly integrated into the story itself. The "Legend of Ren Zu" in itself explores the Self, what it means to be human, hence

the greatest human path inheritance, and in my opinion, including the readers


If you delved into philosophy before, and also reads cultivation novels, maybe you'll share my opinion of this novel being a masterpiece unlike any other. <<less
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ColdFrontDM rated it
April 30, 2022
Status: c2332
This novel is something else. I will give it credit where it’s due. The MC is a great character. But, boy is this a slog of a read. The only people giving this a 5 must be edgy teens. There is so much filler it’s insane. And not just chapter filler. But entire arc filler.

nothing has consequence only set backs when he can turn back time. And since he dosnt care for side characters much. Then losing them is not a consequence either.

the MC is the only saving grace. It’s... more>> all “slapping young lord” but worded differently, no real stakes and too much filler. <<less
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kohaichi rated it
April 27, 2022
Status: c2334
All I can say is that, the MC's character is so good! (the MC is not a good guy though)

Call me an edgy teenager, idc. I really like this MC!

From the MC's character, you will never feel frustrated with problems like MC having no choice or sth, because he needs to consider a lot of things before he acts.

Here, the MC has no reservations, which makes it so nothing can limit his choices, no one can threaten MC by holding a leverage on him, 'cuz he could easily... more>> let go of all those sht as long as his benefits/survival are guaranteed.

Other than that, what made me really like the MC is when I saw how different he is in the past (before he got reborn with the autumn cicada). Or when that one time MC's unparalleled perseverance was shown (it was in ch 1285).

This MC has really grown on me after I read about his past life.

Specially, that one part about the MC with old guy when the MC was still in the caravan (that he joined when he left his hometown) and that old guy was about to die (man, the feels, MC even cried there).

That time the MC still didn't know much about the Gu world.


Southern Border, dawn.

The wet dew and the dense cloud-like mountain fog produced a depressing feeling.

The merchant caravan did not continue moving, moving in this dense fog on the mountain was very likely to create problems.

The young Fang Yuan was sitting beside a simple bed.

Gu Master Big Beard was lying on the bed, and was already on the verge of dying.

"Fang Yuan, thank you for the medicinal herbs." Gu Master Big Beard spoke with an extremely weak voice.

Fang Yuan was feeling extremely stifled, as he sobbed: "Uncle Big Beard, you will get better."

Gu Master Big Beard shook his head: "How could I not be clear of my injuries? Don't cry, child, crying is of no use to us."

"I was once young like you, and had big dreams."

"Unfortunately, my aptitude was too bad, and I finally sank into this current state."


"This world is too big, while we are too small."

"When I was a child, I wanted to be a grand hero, like those legendary figures of the righteous path. When I was a youngster, I wanted to be a clan leader. When I was an adult, I was satisfied with becoming a clan elder. When I was a middle aged man, I was exiled from the clan, I felt that I could live by myself just as well, I was satisfied with just raising my Gu worms and myself."

"Do you know what I want now?"

Fang Yuan wept softly: "What?"

"I just want to quietly lie down inside a quiet room and slowly recall the past, until death comes to take me." Gu Master Big Beard had a self-mocking expression.

"Then, then should I leave?" Fang Yuan did not know what to do.

"Leave. Let me be here alone, I don't want others to see my dying appearance." Gu Master Big Beard said.

Fang Yuan slowly stood up and hesitantly walked to the door.

At this time, Gu Master Big Beard spoke once again: "You must have read <<The Legends of Ren Zu>>. There is a chapter which tells the story of the miniman walking out of Ordinary Abyss."

"We are all minimen, and we all want to walk out of Ordinary Abyss."


"You must continue on, Fang Yuan."

"Continue living, continue persevering."

"It is a pity that all my Gu were destroyed in the battle. This is my advice to you, my only gift. To us minor characters, crying is of no use, no one will hear us even if we shout, we can only persevere by ourselves."

"Persevere until you accomplish great feats, become extraordinary. Either that, or embrace death."


And then the contrast when he was already 100+ years old. Here's a glimpse of the MC in the backstory in Ch 1673 of when he helped the merman girl to repay her from saving his life.



Facing Frost Tide tribe's leader's long-winded speech, Fang Yuan fell into silence. (the Frost Tide tribe leader, called the MC "naïve" for being "selfless" in helping the merman girl, Xie Han Mo)

But he only fell silent for a short period before he chuckled and transmitted his voice: "You think I am not aware of what you said? You think I am an inexperienced youngster? No, I understand all these tricks, clearly in fact. I know these truths and have accepted them."

Frost Tide tribe's leader was frustrated, replying quickly: "Since you know these truths, then you should know you are taking great risks now! This is our merman internal political battle, what are you, a weak human Gu Master, doing by meddling? You like Xie Han Mo? I can guarantee that after this matter is finished, I will gift you many more beautiful mermaids! Don't doubt my sincerity, I can swear an oath to the Sea God!"

"There is indeed no need to doubt the sincerity of a merman who swears an oath to the Sea God. But... " Fang Yuan continued: "Although I accept these truths, it does not mean I like them. You think I like Xie Han Mo? No, no, I only want to help her. Why am I taking such risks to help her? Because I have my own principle, favors must be repaid, hatred must be returned."

"I have used lifespan Gu, I have lived much longer than you can imagine. I used to wish for a long life before, but now, I am tired of this thought. Life has become increasingly boring. Sometimes, the final destination of the journey is not important, the important thing is the process of the journey and how you feel during the journey."

Frost Tide tribe's leader involuntarily opened his eyes wide at these words, it was hard for him to understand Fang Yuan's way of life: "You are saying the position of saintess is not important, the important thing is helping Xie Han Mo in this competition?"

"Correct, but there is still more. You talked of the dark side of politics and promised to gift me mermaid beauties, both have no importance to me. Let me put it this way so you might understand a little, I have lived long enough that I am already sick of wearing a mask to live. Death is not scary to me at all. Right now, I only want to live using my truest emotions and feelings, I will achieve my goals in my own way. Only by living like this can I feel the excitement of life and the desire towards living!"

Frost Tide tribe's leader was dumbstruck and stupefied, he finally understood as he shouted: "So that's it, you are a lunatic! You have said so much but they are nothing more than saying you have lived long enough and don't want to live anymore! So be it you were a Gu Immortal, but you, a mere rank three Gu Master, want to live life your own way? You are dreaming!"

Fang Yuan smiled: "You think becoming a Gu Immortal can allow people to live according to their will? Live without wearing a mask? A place with people has society and conflict. Survival and living are two different things. The way you want to live does not have to depend on your strength and cultivation level, but your own heart."

After a brief pause, Fang Yuan continued: "Actually, low strength is also quite interesting. When you live without a mask, low strength will allow you to face more difficulties and challenges of reality; surpass these difficulties, face these challenges, and life becomes much more wonderful."


(These two spoilers doesn't really spoil you in the story's plot so feel free to read!)

Tbh, there really are many boring chapters (specially in arc 4) but I still persisted till the end (though the story isn't really finished yet cuz it got banned TT) just so I can read more about our MC, Gu Yue Fang Yuan. <<less
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auroraRMC rated it
March 6, 2022
Status: Completed
Really enjoyed this! One of my most favorite cultivation novels so far. I was a fan of how the main character was very weak yet kinda strong at the beginning but is slowly able to use his wits to barely stay alive through extremely stressful situations. Really wish it was longer—feel like the whole theme of him looking for eternal life and how they weren’t even really close to a viable solution meant that there is a lot more potential there. Honestly quite sad about it.
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Kid sasuke
Kid sasuke rated it
February 20, 2022
Status: c425
When you want to read a 'true' evil MC, but don't find it, because of the the usual shitty righteous MCs, and fake evil MCs, who will forget they are evil when they see a beautiful woman, or they seem more like anti hero, who will torture or kill the bad guys and don't even feel the tiniest of evil MC (aka. Disguised shitty righteous MCs), you will finally appreciate this gold of a story. You don't have to agree or understand the MC (of course you mustn't), but I... more>> am sure as heck you will like the MC sooner or later if you appreciate a true 'evil' MC. I will say this though, if you don't like extremely 'true' evil MC, don't read this, if you read it then, don't bit*h about him being evil or whatnot, you're warned. To all 'true' evil MCs lovers, this is your story. Is fang yuan one of the best 'true' evil fictional MCs ?, yes, he is, but does that mean I am agreeing with his doing or goals ?, no, I am not. <<less
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ashTT rated it
January 6, 2022
Status: c2006
Family, love, relationships, money, reputation, work, interests, intelligence, helping others (or even annoying them just for the sake), all meaningless. If humans live only for a hundred of years, what is the difference between life and a quick dream? Assuming the reverend insanity world is eternal-and will not die like ours, there is a possibility for immortality. This is a serious novel but a bit edgy with the elements of stealing Pokemon and killing trainers in the Naruto world. Being smart in this novel is not just a character trait,... more>> it is reflected in the writing (death note). The novel is not always good but always creative. The chapters 100 to 1000 could be removed. The stories "Legend of Ren Zu" are not interesting, I skip them. Fang Yuan is a manipulative sociopath and he's always starting sh*t because it is faster than cultivating. <<less
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Thefirstreaderinthemultiverse rated it
January 4, 2022
Status: c57
This guy seeks to much conflict and is not deserving of the tag clever protagonist and because of that plot armor is there to safe the day every time.
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October 25, 2021
Status: Completed
  1. Arguably one of the best Chinese novel out here
  2. I can't possibly right all the pro and cons here
  3. But the thing when are shown in the comments are absolutely wrong many people are thinking that it's not worth for the hype and all but no it's not at all
  4. First foremost when u read a novel don't come to the comment section to get the review having to taste something without anyone pointing out is the real deal
  5. And the people who don't like this are either childish or either people who don't like evil MC, I know there are evil MC out here but I am not saying a good person or a cold MC I am saying evil, which means killing a child, mother etc I know many don't like this so I am not obligated to tell u to read but it's somewhat gets me in my mind that there are this type of dumb people out here !
  6. The plots progress is absolutely great the writing is good and the things which this novel teaches is something not really seem in chinese novels, as people have already stated many pro I don't wanna elaborate further into it but the novel is absolutely great if u really are bored
  7. Don't have any prejudice or hope while reading this, feel the power of the novel by reading it oh and I prefer u guys to read the manga for the first 100 chapters such that u can deal with some boring or unnecessary arcs but the by the fire 400+ chapters the author has made the world building itself some dumb people are saying that he is like a robot just trying to achieve eternal life and all and is practically emotionless are st*upid like he has already lived a life of emotions and feelings for the first life and for the second Life he doesn't want anything other than his main goal, it's not a cringe goal like I want to protect my family, like the fami won't betray u at all
  8. There is a huge side-effects by reading this u can't go back to reading the same boring cliche novels cause u would feeel that the MC are dumb, st*pid or useless or unnecessary, which means u can't force yourself to read tr*sh after reading this gold
  9. One of major downside is that the great Chinese CCP has baned the novel such that the influence from this novel won't affect their power in the society
  10. Basically this novels tells u about harsh reality and thinks humans want to hide like people killing their own for selfish reaoons are acceptable till u imagine yourself in the middile
  11. The gu cultivation system is priceless abslotuley amazing and very invotive
  12. The plot tiet are high till he leave the village
  13. The story really starts from the fight in the village
  14. Plz don't read if u don't wanaa
  15. Cause people can be forced to eat fish but telling them to so that everyday is impossible so u have to teach them fishing but here I don't wanna force u to read this as this already has neeen good
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atomsphere rated it
October 20, 2021
Status: c50
I started reading this because it's hyped all over the place. So far, it's incredibly disappointing. At its best, it reads as a bad fanfic of a good book. The framing is isekai + second chance. The first iteration of his life seems far more interesting than the current one. At its worst, it's just kind of boring. It keeps referencing back to his 500 years of experience, but in all that 500 years, he seems to have no regrets about personal connections. Even with his own brother, he doesn't... more>> regret their falling out. So he's a psychopath. That's fine though; I get why people like mu*der hobos. Really, the 500 year time repeat just seems like an excuse to dump all the loot in his lap. It's not luck if you went back in time with the lottery numbers memorized. <<less
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VeritasNorte rated it
October 4, 2021
Status: c111
Okay, it took 18-19 chapters for the story to get interesting, the author himself puts a note on that. Before that it was at most 3 stars, after about 4 stars. Although it's almost half of the first volume, which I think is nonsense.
But alas, I don't understand why the score is so high.

1- the guy has 500 years of experience, but he didn't understand things that even a monkey after so long would have understood.
2- he has his memories of Earth, but the first time he fell for their uncles' tricks, not to mention other people, who are extremely ordinary that with just a little intelligence would be blatantly obvious. It took him 500 years of xp to understand the schemes, his words included.
3- he has the memories of the Earth, so he's older than his age, I guess, adding the two, out of 500 years, over 35 years, but the first time, when he found out he wasn't a genius he didn't even react with the 15 years he was.
4- I've read reviews talking about the intelligence of the extras, and that there are few young masters, but despite all the novel's scrolling in less than 15 chapters, one has already appeared. Outside that the protagonist's own twin brother is dumb as a door.
5- the cultivation stones give an energy level, but he manages to go through all 4 small cultivation realms, each one with energy twice as much as the previous one, with the increase of his expenses in just one stone. I wouldn't be shocked if it quadrupled each time, because it uses something else that also wears out, although I would also accept it if it doubled, but instead, it doesn't even seem like that happened.
6- from the moment he entered the academy until he left, he extorted 53 stones weekly and earned 3 that were his, excluding 3 other people which varied, but it was a constant of 56. And he kept a weekly cost of 28, when he raised a small realm, it increased to 35, so he had a reasonable profit, plus he already had 538 spare stones. BUT the bastard is all the time talking about how it's not enough, how it's ending, how he's in a tight spot. ALL THE TIME. So much so that I was so anxious that I was forced to calculate and it came to that. At the end of the academy, he didn't have more? Not. He ended up with over a thousand!!!
7- often the protagonist comes out with some third-rate philosophical phrases, in exchange for nothing. He comes away with incredibly silly and distorted sermons for no apparent reason. And roll, roll, roll (important things are said 3 times, lol) on that. If you take the first 20 chapters, you can do 10 with that alone.
8- he lives having reactions and attitudes to certain things that far have nothing to do with his personality, but simply appears in the story.
is this and other reasons why I don't think the note of the novel should reach 4, more than 3? Certainly. More than 4? Difficult.


I'm updating as I read.
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Master10K rated it
August 26, 2021
Status: c2334
Hard not to go into Reverend Insanity with high expectations, as it is recommended everywhere. In the end it certainly does set itself apart from the typical Xianxia WN. With a fairly unique Cultivation System (Gu Worms), akin to working towards a synergistic build in my MMORPG of choice; but without all the simple game mechanics, as acquiring strength is an extremely costly adventure. Featuring Fang Yuan, who's exactly what I'd expect from a reincarnating centuries old monster. Ruthless & indifferent. Which he needs to be as his finest opponents... more>> are far too competent, a rarity in this genre. Although some righteous characters that will become his greatest foils are exasperatingly optimistic, covered in Adamantium levels of Plot Armour, yet surprisingly well developed.

As Fang Yuan's schemes often don't follow the route one would expect; every now and then the story tiresomely falls back onto the well-trodden Xianxia path, with the MC getting chased around by everyone, alongside some mind-numbing protracted battles. Until something greater at play is revealed. Like Heavenly Will or involving Time. Even though the story tends to drag and dialogue or events are often repeated, this is still one of, if not the best Xianxia WN around that may never see a definitive ending. <<less
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TheOceanSings rated it
June 29, 2021
Status: --
Prob the best novel on this site despite it's shortcomings. Read it and have a brain and not be a ret*rd, and you will see how it is better than basically every other novel.

This novel could be one of the best novels of the century if the author got an editor and liberated it from it's webnovel format. All the criticisms of it being slow, etc would disappear.

Also, all those dumbasses saying the MC is inconsistent needs to check their reading comprehension. Throughout the entire novel, the MC stays true... more>> to his code. The only few times where he seems a bit rash is because he was being manipulated against his will by an enemy.

I've basically read this novel multiple times and remember everything about it. The only inconsistent things in this novel are that the early part of the story doesn't use killer moves and that chapter 1 is bad and inconsistent in that he's in immortal surrounded by mortals. Even if defeated like that an immortal could sneeze and kill all those mortals. Learn to read you ret*rds. This novel is way more consistent than any chinese novel I've read. <<less
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kkcc1509 rated it
May 13, 2021
Status: c150
Definitely a good novel, at times a little more philosophical, but better than others. The type you get hooked after reading first 3-4 chapters.

That said, after reading it I can somewhat understand why Chinese government would want to put restrictions on novels. It certainly promotes rebellious behaviour. It has a vibe similar to psycho-pass anime. Well definitely a worthy read.
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Immortal Emperor neo
Immortal Emperor neo rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: --
Oh god, this novel, is the greatest of all. A story with with an actual evil-MC who isn't a beta with b*tches surrounding him. This is the peak of novels if I do say so myself. From the cultivation, characters, world building, everything is top tier. It is a blessing I got to read this novel in my lifetime.
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Phil1403 rated it
March 9, 2021
Status: c80
Started reading Reverend Insanity.

- Already read 80 chapters (entire novel over 2275 chap)

- MC start with a medium grade talent, as a 15 years orphan, and has to cultivate on his own. But as a « blessing », he gets himself a 500 years old demonic soul.

... more>> - Style is close to the excellent RMJI novel, while MC (= main character) demonic side is much stronger. So, it gets cruel and truly gory/psychopathic here and there.😅

- Cultivation system is coherent and rather original (Gu = Ki, with Gu living beings & upgrades blocks for cultivators, that he has to find, take care of and fuses). By the way, first time I read a Chinese author so good at basic math. MC has to develop real budget management skill 😆

- So far, storyline quality is slightly lower than RMJI, but still not by that much. And it’s more than good enough to give that strong realistic feel. Therefore it’s truly enjoyable, especially with the MC living on a mountain within a primordial nature.

So yeah, I truly recommend it 👍🏼 <<less
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February 28, 2021
Status: c2229
It is a must read. Takes reader to a whole new world where MC is hellbent on obtaining eternal life and is willing to do anything for it. Righteous or Demonic... Nothing matters to MC as long as it can contribute towards his goal.

Allying with enemies for potential benefits- everytime and if goal obtained then he just betrays them.

MC doesn't have a bottom line.

... more>> In the beginning it may look bland but after he leaves the mountain away from his clan then the story just keeps on getting interesting.

Just so you know it is a reincarnation story but even that doesn't help the MC much.

He is not at all op, and each and every turn using his schemes to manipulate people around him to his benefits. Sometimes manipulation backfires but as for how he escapes his blunders that's for you to find. <<less
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user2099 rated it
February 2, 2021
Status: c1045
The author got caught up on his success at writing a wild card psychopath ally and now he has spent several hundred chapters trying to recreate that relationship while failing miserably.

the first one: (tried to make the spoilers vague here)

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Was an ally of necessity because the main character was too weak to live on his own, but he had a card he could play to control the 'ally' and treat them as a bodyguard/servant. There was going to inevitably be a confrontation between the two due to their natures, and the author did a good job at writing that part. The start of the fallout is a well written scheme, and the other party makes a very satisfying counter. It was very good step in a very interesting relationship. Both parties had understandable motives and neither acted incompetent.


the second one: (heavy spoiler (about 2nd one only) filled rant)


Hei Lou Lan, the 2nd one, is brought in to replace the first 'ally' after a very boring arc. The main character and her are both caught in a field where winds of death are trapping and approaching them. The MC has 2 methods of teleportation one is super valuable but single person and the other is sharable and less expensive; Hei Lou Lan has exactly no way of getting out. So when Hei Lou Lan breaks out a scam from all the way back in early Runescape saying "If you give me the valuable one I will return it along with something of equal value I will steal using it. I would use the sharable one. However, you control where we go with it, and I don't trust you enough to follow you." the MC readily agrees. Later when she comes back and has failed at stealing the valuable thing to repay him with he comments "Oh, getting this back was a nice surprise", and he never asks for other compensation.

That wasn't some scheme or anything he just went along with it. There were several reasons why this is even more ret*rded than it seems at a glance. Firstly, the MC is very fine with the idea of dying while pursuing his dream while Hei Lou Lan is very attached to life until she fulfills hers. Hei Lou Lan had a consumable that would turn someone into a willing follower, and the MC had ready access to a marketplace and the resources (He could buy 10s of thousands of the things easily) to buy them. He also got very good value out of one previously and should have well known the value in having one around. MC also had access to a space where he could take her to make her completely powerless if he felt rushed in that situation. The MC had all the leverage in their negotiation and a very reliable way to get compensation, but he still went along with her farce for some reason.

He somehow ends up in an "equal" relationship with her, but she does absolutely nothing to earn her keep. He helps her pursue her dream of killing her father, comes up with a way to include her in his business venture (purposefully giving her a lot of easy money to buy her loyalty), and he even ends up directly saving her life. I really can't think of one time he benefited from their alliance after all that work though.

If she wasn't bad enough on her own Hei Lou Lan also brings her aunt into the alliance, and the aunt develops some weird religion around keeping the MC in check because he is "growing too fast." It is a very annoying set of characters, and there is another f*cking one. Hei Lou Lan thought that MC asked for too much compensation when he saved her life so she calls in a super bad ass aunt from out of nowhere with no foreshadowing to break the alliance and extort the MC.

The first 'ally' was competent and self reliant. Hei Lou Lan is incompetent (despite the MC repeatedly claiming otherwise), and she couldn't even betray the MC until her deus ex machina aunt with top class fighting power, "smart schemes", and an endless supply of guilt towards Hei Lou Lan comes to save her. We see a competent MC turn into an incompetent one and fight with an impotent rival. It is just sad to see.


I got past the supposedly worst part of the novel, but I am so sick of the author dragging around this ret*rded waifu of his and forcing reverse plot armor and bad decisions to the MC. I can't continue anymore, and I wish someone had been kind enough to tell me to just stop at about chapter 400. You will probably want to continue, but it just isn't worth it. <<less
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