Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God


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Starting over once more, he has entered this “living game” in order to control his fate.

This time, he will not be controlled by others.

Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life.

Money earning methods! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Location of equipment! Undiscovered battle techniques!

Even the secrets Beta Testers had no knowledge of, he knows of them all.

Massive wars, entering godhood, reaching the peak with just a sword; the legend of the sword god has just begun.

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226 Reviews sorted by

Yuzu rated it
January 17, 2020
Status: c2010
Totally lost me after the first 1.2k chapters. Persisted to see if it got any better but honestly not a series to keep on a bookshelf.

The whole martial development from playing a game and reflecting it in real-life-vice-versa is a bit of a put off. Especially using that as a means of recruitment and development.

I wouldn't be surprised if some real-life assassination/ political warfare were to pop up in the story.
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Chumchum rated it
December 9, 2019
Status: --
Warning! It's repetitive, has antagonists who just keep jumping right back up after getting slapped and never learn, and it's really slow really really slow, has massive plot holes..

Sometimes the MC just stands in a daze reminiscing while others are fighting.. all upper echelon members are girls.. I just hate Sharlyn

But I like it.. I guess I like the constant face slapping... Just read a couple hundred chapter every 2 months.. Or you might burn brain cells
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Particleman rated it
December 1, 2019
Status: c2106
The story starts strong. Even though it is similar to other VRMMO stories, it remains enjoyable for a while (earning 5 stars). Unfortunately, there are many shortcomings that appear as the story progresses (reducing it by 3 stars).

The key issues are the balancing, repetitive issues/complications, impractical reactions and situations with guilds/groups, and constantly forgetting story elements. Read the spoilers below for some additional details.


... more>>

The author constantly struggles with balancing. There are times that skills are everything. Then it's gear. Then it's personal skill and capabilities. Then it's a balance of the 3. Then it picks whatever the story needs at the time.

The biggest problem is the personal skills portion. One arc the MC can fight thousands of strangers alone, but then he won't fight 100 strangers on his own in the next arc because that would somehow be impossible.


Repetitive issues:


The story seems to follow the same pattern again and again. They are looked down upon, so they fight. The guild wins, and then the enemy either partners with others or resorts to another attack (this could be physical or a monetary fight like a bounty or shop prices). The MC then uses the newly acquired capabilities (item, skill, people, building, city, or money) to combat the situation. This is especially seen when the guild is just about to make a lot more money because of whatever the MC just finished doing or getting. It gets old fast...


Reactions and situations:


The guild is constantly underestimated. Even 2000 chapter into the story where they are the primary guild of a kingdom, highly competitive in a few other regions, resisted attacks from many guilds (including 1st rate, super-first rate, and even a super guild) most think they don't stand a chance against whatever the new problem is.

The story mentions after every major event that the guilds and players investigate the MC's guild Zero Wing, but they never seem to investigate well. Even a guild that lives on gathering information always underestimates the guild. The worst part is that you even have the same guilds that just got stomped reappearing and underestimating Zero Wing time after time. It gets old.


Forgetting the story:


The author constantly pulls something out of the hat to make the story cool or to add a new element, but then it is forgotten later. In particular this happens with skills, items, and even NPCs that supposedly were fought over even 10 years into the future because of what they could sell or provide.

Some skills or items are used a lot once they first appear, but then they disappear for a while (sometimes hundreds or thousands of chapters later) or completely. The same is true for some items that would make the situation much easier. The worst is when the MC supposedly can't do something that the skill or item could resolve if only the author remembered. Instead, the MC has to use a secret item or go on a quest to get something else to take care of the problem.

The worst moment for me was a situation where the author contradicts himself not even 3 chapters later by changing the way an item works (1 minute cool down ring is used multiple times within a handful of attacks).

The joke some commenters on the story's site say is that there is a different author every ark. It certainly feels that way when the author rambles about something that isn't true. One example is a time the MC encounters a dragon that speaks in the dragon language. The story then takes a whole paragraph explaining that he can't understand the language but the MC learned it about 500 chapters beforehand. That isn't the only time that has happened in this story, and this mixed with the other issues make me almost support their theory. Haha...


Overall, the story is good if you can shut off your brain. Otherwise, you may want to find another story to read. <<less
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August 5, 2019
Status: c2100
Well this Novel started pretty interesting, the concept is rather cliche, if its not a soul transported to another world, is an expert going back in time to get a second change to become more awesome than he was previously.

The novel has many things that it does right, I wont gonna lie its not even close to the best MMORPG novel out there, but honestly, no MMORPG novel is any good, because all authors grants the main character the "Power of a Protagonist".

Lets Be honest here, the odds of an... more>> actual MMORPG player read this novel is pretty high, I bet that the majority of readers of this novel are MMORPG current players, or played one at some point in their lives, so they know how the systems of that kind of game works, with that in mind, the biggest issue of this novel can be summarized in one term "Suspension of Disbelief". Although the novel tells us that its a game, the novel goes great lengths to keep us convinced that is a game, it fails really hard because many MAJOR things in "God's Domain" are things that would NEVER be present in an actual successful MMORPG, and we all know it.

Lets break down first the Game, then the Novel:

Pros (Game) :
- A lot of player freedom, the game feels like a sandbox MMORPG that focus in their community actions instead of a programed storyline like our current MMOs.

-Variety of builds, items and skills have interesting mechanics and it feels like a whole build can be created around a specific set of weapons/gear

-Mechanics that we actually like in current era MMOs such as PVP, Guild Wars, Player housing and Player focused economy and development.

-Focused on Group Play, detail that most of the current MMORPGs seems to have forgotten, the game is supposed to be played in groups, afterall.. there's a whole genre of games for people that like to play solo, its called.. SinglePlayer Games, right?

- Progression is hard earned and it feels like every level matters, its not like our modern games where "The game only starts at the max level" in terms of progression it feels like Vanilla world of warcraft, very good indeed!

Cons (Game) :
- The game is 110% pay-to-win, so much pay to win that only real world multi-billionaire companies can have any hope of actually doing anything.

- The game became a Job, many players join the game to pay for their bills, and the author goes great lengths to tell us that this game is the next big creation of human society, you know like the wheel, so the whole world is shaped around this game, sounds cool but makes me think that the whole world economy would crumble because of this, who would work in the real world anymore? there would be no one producing food, or goods, or anything really, there would be no new developments because only the game matters, so much that every big company in the WORLD invests billions in this, and focus all their resources in conquering a virtual world, again.. "Suspencion of Desbelief"

- Unbalanced and Broken, players can solo world bosses 10~20~30 levels higher than them, and others might say "only the protagonist can do it!" yeah but the mechanics are there! everyone could do it, its just that the protagonist is the only one that knows about how broken it is, its not like he is special, its just that he is the only exploiter, and a game with so many development flaws.. is a terrible game!

- Takes your REAL LIFE body as a factor of how powerful you are! this is so funny and ridiculous, which genious decided that? of course the author throws s*upid concepts on how characters manage to become a worldwide martial master in like 2 weeks hahaha, instead of hard work going to the gym for 5 hours every day and training, they only have to play a game 24/7 and drink some special juice.. and BAM.. they are now grand masters!

Now we talk about the actual plot of the novel, the characters and stuff like that.

Characters: It has no characters! the protagonist doesn't have a personality of his own, he is what the plot requires him to be, everyone on the protagonist side is extremely loyal, hardworking, and nice! at the same time everyone against the protagonist is evil! every villain is the same with different names, they all talk the same, they all react the same.

Plot: The plot is easy, its a story of a guy making the top guild of "ZE WORUDO!' without using the Pay-to-Win mechanics of the game, people that don't pay to win in this game is ridiculed and laughed on, what a twist of reality, right?. Anyway, the protagonist is from the future, he knows pretty much everything for the next 10 years of game, all expansions, all the mechanics, all the grinding spots, all good items, and he exploits it.

At the beginning was really interesting to see him helping his guild to grow without spending a dime, his hardwork was entertaining to read, but then he achieves it, he manage to make a stable guild and we can clearly see that its only a matter of time for his guild to conquer the world, so what the author does? he just throws enemies so that the development of the guild is stopped, that's it! that's the novel! the author throwing enemies without even a good reason to do so, and more, the Author make sure that the diplomacy skills of the protagonist and his guild are bellow 0%, just to guarantee that the protagonist will always make the ONE decision that makes strong people his enemy, after all, if the protagonist had a more intelligent and strategic mind the novel wouldn't be able to be dragged and stretched to its limit just to sell more copies!


At one point there's this random girl that his vice-leader invites to a real world auction related to the game, and he doesn't know her, he doesn't care about her, its just some random person that he allowed his vice-leader invite to use the last spot of his invitation card, and when they reach the place, one of the top 50 companies of the world seem to hate that one random girl, and wants her expelled from the auction, he acts in a polite way towards the protagonist, even saying that the protagonist didn't know so wouldn't be fair to blame him or his guild for it, and would even pay for the inconvenience of having he, and his guild members, stopped randomly like that because of 3rd party's conflicts, if it was me I would look at the random girl and say "Sorry you were not honest with us, you didn't explain anything and just came along in silence, we have a guild to take care of, we just got out of our 50th war, and we need to develop, we cannot just start a new war like this".. but no.. the protagonist goes and "f*ck you mate!" to the dude, to protect a girl that he didn't EVEN.. KNOW!.. WHY?!?! I will tell you why, because the author already used all the major methods of making "Young Masters have a conflict with our protagonist" and the protagonist guild already wiped them out.


To finish this, the novel is not bad, but its not good, I would say mediocre with a repetitive plotline, MC Grows a bit > Some Enemy Shows Up > His Growth is interrupted until he finishes his opponent one arc later > MC grows a bit more > Another Enemy Shows Up... and repeat! Guild Wars are really fun and interesting, but done by the right reasons, public opinion is as unstable as a atomic bomb, at one second everyone is praising the Enemies, saying that the MC is truly done this time, on the other everyone is praising the protagonist because they 'underestimated the MC power and his guild" which is fine the first two times, but after the 10th? 20th? 50th? why people still underestimate the protagonist after he had won EVERY SINGLE WAR he ever started?!

3/5! <<less
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Flying Jade
Flying Jade rated it
July 19, 2019
Status: --
The storyline is repititive and full of plotholes. But I'll give it points for being able to be exciting and capture attention. It can be exaggerated but not to the point that my teeth ache, it only makes me wish I could see the ending and round it up finally. Still a lot better than similat moves out there.

Edit @ 2630+ chapters:

Bull$hît! The author is just spewing stuff of of his derriere at this point. It is uninteresting, lacks direction and flavor. It's now an endurance masochistic match to train... more>> my mental fortitude. P.S. Where did all the male character on the mc's side go? Only females get a position. It's like the author wants to write a harem but doesn't want to turn off the readers that are left on this crumbling mutt fest. <<less
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Silvaine rated it
July 7, 2019
Status: c818
Boring boring boring. The novel starts out well. Reincarnation, going to prove to his gaming world he's the best. When he starts the game he quickly established friendships, groups, and meets many beautiful women. At this point it seems like it will be about progression, friendships and romance. Nope. Nope. Nope.

This book rapidly devolves into an author who fell so in love with his game concept that he wants to tell you how great his game is and totally forgot he was supposed to be writing an actual story. Zero... more>> character development, no romantic interest at all, the MC treats women like employees and his friends? They all get abandoned and you rarely hear from them again.

The book becomes more of an instructional manual in game play coupled with the reminiscing of when the MC played the game before. On average there is 1 chapter of story to about 7 chapters of game explanation.

For those of you who like romance or harem? From what I can see the tags on this book are outright lies. Over 800 chapters in and the MC has shown zero interest in any female. Hasn't even held the hand of a female much less kissed one. <<less
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WordsOfWisdom rated it
June 7, 2019
Status: c1442


Leylin before he Reincarnated is level 250 tier 3.

And right now the current Leylin is level 50+ tier 2.

What I tried to say is, NOVEL IS ALREADY IN CHAPTER 1442 AND HE STILL LEVEL 50+!!.

this is chapter that already reach 1K!!

And he still lvl 50+!!,

just with this you guys will know what happens in Novel sh*t story and progress.


Actually, at first I thought I will put the detail why this Novel is tr*sh and a Lazy writing story. But when I see that many new 1* (one star) reviews has been says almost all the words I need to say. So I thank you people.

If you guys are wondering why the Novel still has plenty 5* (five stars) rated. The answer is, most people and almost all of them are giving their rate in the early stage of this Novel.

To be honest at first, I was like them. Thinking that this novel is Interesting and make me excited to read more. But when I reach around chapter 600-800, I suddenly feels like "What the hell is happening" there is so many inconsistencies and plott-holes.

(well even below chapter 600 there are plenty, but I ignore it causes there no real impact in the story) I was thinking,

hmm ok just give it another chance, lets keep reading, there must be some changes and the Author might noticed his wrong doing and correct it. And so I reached chapter 1.000+,

then I start wondering are this Novel is the same Novel I read at the early chapter?

Why the problem is not get better but turn to even worse, the Author keep adding more and more events to Leylin (Shi feng) but his other Events is abandoned and forgetting, its not even complete yet but the Author put another new quest/events. Instead of recovery,

the Author become more and more like sh*t when he writes. And when I reach my current Chapter

1442 I said ok im done with this shit. It was like you already give high expectations and then the moment later got crashed


    • Many Information in novel has no value and is completely wasted, because it keep mentioning in almost every chapter, but didn't necessary need too. For Example about the Equipment, item, tools, etc. The Author will mention it again and again in almost every chapter,

      but in the end some player will have it just like it was easy to get. (More like you win on jackpot again and again without break with chance of winning is 0, 0000000001% but still you win every time)
    • Leylin has overwhelming level gap, attributes, gears, tier, experience on battle. The gap is so big that it was like Leylin was lvl 10 and his enemies is lvl 1, but the funny thing is he fight desperately to win, the enemies always make Leylin got cornered despite having overwhelming gap.
I'm not mean to be rude to people who says this Novel is masterpiece or Really good or something like that.

But please you guys need to check your brain about this Novel. Are you guys really "REALLY" read the Novel or what?

To not even noticed those things that feels wrong.

I know it depends on taste cause people has their own taste. But, again even thoug it was, it didn't mean you guys to blindly reading this Novel and ignore the wrong things that happened in the Novel.
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terrythor465 rated it
May 8, 2019
Status: c1463
Edit: chapter 1463

Xianxia in VR is pretty much what this is... and it fails hard. PvP, guild wars, wonky as hell NPCs that do nothing, and absurd patches that make the game harder to play. This is just a train on a endless loop.

MC offends Big Guild, Big Guild retaliates, MC pulls off miracle move to save the day, go grind, make items, maybe a quest, and then repeat.

Every character in this story is s*upid including the MC. In fact most of the situations his guild even faces is because... more>> of him.

Overall, had lots of potential in the beginning, but author has no creativity and doesn't understand the gaming genre at all.

1/5 now and that one star is just the pacing it still at a steady pace

Old at chapter 763

Extremely average if you ignore the obvious faults with the story that breaks up the story flow.

Lots of filler and mini arcs. I would say that the pace is alright, but fails big on that no real big events occur with any build up.

Side characters, other than the MC's guild, and antagonists are f*cking s*upid throughout the story. Guilds are also f*cking over glorified to the point that I have no idea what they are about. This pulls the story down so much since I really want to like it.

The guilds are basically tr*sh at everything. It makes me really doubt about a lot stuff about the game's logic. Big numbers galore and impossible bosses showing up super early sounds incredibly dumb especially since the story states that the game is under the supervision of a "super A.I.".

They get a lot of good stuff that normally super hard to get with little effort. NPCs aren't life like despite the story saying they're suppose to yet we have guilds taking over cities at level 20-30. Let that sink in. Money is also thrown around despite it being rare to gather a lot of.

The guilds are the worst part of the story. They serve no purpose other than to be the big scary bad guy. Isn't there any decent guild in this story? No, none at all. All of them are competitive as f*ck players that declare guild wars because someone offended them.

Reads as a Xianxia. VR is basically used as immortality to extend antagonist's lifespan by ten. Game balance is terrible since legendary items can be found super early. I don't mind that as much as others but the amount he gets is a massive turn off since only he has so many of them.

2/5 <<less
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Peanutonaboat rated it
April 9, 2019
Status: c949
It's basically the same concept as Rebirth of the thief, but if madsnail was a terrible writer.


And I mean almost literally the same. As in:

  • rebirth into past to play a video game and has loads of future knowledge
  • get super strong by beating over-levelled mobs with exploits
  • beats the first dungeon on hell mode/ specialist difficulty
  • Powerful corporations get in on the action and then get into fights with rich enemies
  • Building a trading firm/potions shop and a guild (which focuses on 'elites') to make money
  • Buying rare consumables that no-one else has heard about to win in fights
  • Everyone being way too happy to start guildwars for some god damn reason
  • changing the future by doing something early
  • and so, so many more
The difference here though is that the character has all the same overpowered future knowledge and yet he uses it like an idiot. If you don't like OP MCs you won't like this and if you do, you won't like this.

Some examples of his s*upidity compared to rebirth

In Rebirth the MC uses his knowledge of previously powerful gamers to build a powerful guild and potion shop whereas here he uses his knowledge of powerful gamers to... nothing. In Rebirth the MC gets revenge by being clever. Okay, so it might still be plot armour but at least he uses his brains. Plus in rebirth, the MC has a personality, has some friends with personality and actually has his friends fight with him rather than being a loner. I like loner books, but not when the MC seems so... hollow. Oh, and this MC also makes sure to have every powerful person become his enemy by being a rude arsehole to them whereas in Rebirth he gets some actual backing.
The author somehow found a middle ground of making the main character physically overpowered, and yet mentally thick as bricks. Plus, in rebirth, it feels like the character drives the story at least a little bit making it fun if not groundbreaking, but in this, it's plot armour followed by serendipity followed by plot armour. It's like he read the first hundred chapters of Rebirth, copied it, and then had no new ideas except making it worse.

Plus the author successfully makes everything pointless. I mean he introduces things as difficult or big bad enemies- can I just say that underworld is the worst played bad guy I've read in a while- and then shows the MC laughing at them and beating them. There is no concept of him losing despite him not trying.

Don't get me wrong, that's sort of the point of OPMCs but at least some of them, ala rebirth, make us think that the character has to try. This guy seems to be trying intentionally to make his own life harder, and things still turn out his way.

This is excluding the usual issues with CN novels like the rampant sexism but who has time to talk about all that as well as ignoring the oh-my-god-so-many plot holes (48 hour game days anyone?)

Look, this isn't the worst novel out there. I wish it was, because at least then it would be interesting. You might be wondering why I read it for so long. Simple, it started out OK and kept having enough moments of, huh that's not terrible and, well I see what you tried to do but I'd had enough. The only thing this book has over Rebirth is the name of the main guild is cooler.

If you like the concept and haven't read rebirth of the thief read that, and if you have read just it again. Or read moonlight sculptor for a better VRMMO novel or everyone else is a returnee which is similarly OP but actually quite well written.
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avidnovelreader95 rated it
April 7, 2019
Status: c1193
This novel is so bad I can't continue reading this. As of now that I'm dropping this novel i've read 1193 chapters.

so before I go into why this novel isn't great let me give you some info on this novel. This novel is about a reincarnator who reincarnates and is given a second shot at life. Previously his life mainly revolved around the game god's domain and it will revolve around it during his reincarnation as well.

now reasons why this novel is so horribly written

    1. theres simply too many ret*rded enemies popping out of nowhere like, every time theres some new s*upid big corporation coming out of nowhere like how is there even that many corportations, hes practically went through all of em.
    1. MC is not op enough considering... more>> the setting, I see lots of reviews complaining about how op he is, but infact I think hes not op enough. Considering that he pretty much has the cheat codes to life he should be head and shoulders above everyone else by logic but for whatever reason theres always some super genius that comes out of nowhere that can stand as equals to him.
    1. theres too much sh*t going on, theres so many issues going on that it feels like there isn't even a main story line it just seems like hes running around patching whatever problem arises at that instant
as for positives there really isn't much guess the only bright side is theres no romance cause for if there were it would have only add more to the existing chaos.

edit - anyways I was bored out of my mind so I read a bit more of this l00l not even 100 more ch I felt my blood pressure skyrocket this novel is so garbage, honestly idk why people read sh*t novels like this but I'm sure the same group of people who like this is probably the same delusional morons who like martial god asura. Anyways I'm reiterate don't read this just save yourself. <<less
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PandaEyes rated it
February 7, 2019
Status: c2398
I've read this novel upto the newest chapter and quite frankly when reading it I just skipped so many lines and just read the lines of characters.

Btw I just read it for all the items, blacksmith/engineer/alchemistdesigns, or other things he gets.

Most common thing i've read in chinese novel: MC meets some guy with biga** background and they have some little disagreement. Guy from biga&* BG"I HATE YOU TILL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH YOU WILL REGRET BY SAYING NO OR REJECTING MY SELFISH OFFER" or sometimes just by merely associating... more>> with a female that is not even in a relationship with the guy.

I read it until the latest chapter because I kinda liked it buuuut the entire novel is soooo full of plot holes.

    • What kind of company even made the game? They talked about shhton of companies yet they did'nt mention the company who made the game, its like it just came out of nowhere.
    • Most of the chapters are just descprition of an item or what will happen.
    • Douchy company exec:"we buy 51% of you stocks we help you guild, we make you stronger". MC:"nah". DCE:"you will regret this we will be you enemy". MC"come at me"... MOST OR ALL OF THE REASON WHY MANY GUILD HATES THE MC GUILD.
    • I guess almost all the people here already said about it but i'll still talk about it. WTF MC is levels above the enemy, has really superb items, his stats I think are even many levels above the enemy yet sometimes he struggles bcuz enemy has orbis the same physical level as the MC.
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Zoroz rated it
October 11, 2018
Status: c826
One of my favourites and yes like all second chance VR MMORPG it has its tropes and faults but overall its quite good. No reason to give low star reviews IMO as its a lot better than others in this genre and a very active translator atm.

Though I do note that novelupdates has stopped adding links after c781 on gravitytales, for those looking for more it was transferred to Webnovel. Com and is behind a pay wall.

However they give you free daily" spirit stones" (that can also be purchased) that... more>> you can use to unlock the 3 daily chapters, or if you can stomach raw txt then google QidianUnderground on reddit. <<less
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PeadarMac rated it
August 8, 2018
Status: c613
Dont listen to people comparing SAO to reincarnation of the strongest sword god, of course they are going to be similar but SOA lacked alot of what I was looking for in a vrmmorpg, and that was the actual adventure, SAO gives you some good stuff then cuts to 3 months later, what happened during that time? How did he power up? What items did he get? What beta secrets did he use? In reincarnation the author brings you through the entire process of him getting new items and abilities.... more>> He also bring you through the thought process of the main character and other secondary characters. Imo I really wish that SAO screen time was given to reincarnation of the strongest sword god instead, just so I can see it animated. The best part is that the stories told by other players that included info for secrets were either a lie or they took the easy option so it leaves alot of room for twists and turns. Give it a chance before you scrap it. <<less
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June 26, 2018
Status: c478
I dont know why experts keep popping up like cabbages, and Shi Feng seems to have a hard time. I mean come on you have like fragmented legendary, many epic items, full dark gold set, and an advance T1 class. Surely you can dominate the game with those items that boost ur stats like hell. But no... Someone is always faster and stronger. I mean u can pretty much solo bosses but cant defeat experts? He litterally dominated them in term of stats alone, and his enemies have at most... more>> only dark gold items, how the hell did they pump up their stats with such measly items. Author seemed biased towards PVE than PVP, its like MC have nerf buff when facing players. All future knowledge pretty much useless, non-reincarnated MC's with bullsh*t luck will probably do a better job at dominating the game than this guy. <<less
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zouave rated it
June 24, 2018
Status: c2294
Note: Do not read this novel if you can't handle plots holes/inconsistency and author throwing numbers from his a$$, exp required to level being ret*rded, and mainly typical face slap novel with s*upid characters... there is more but go ahead and read it if that didn't faze you.

Update1: I had nothing to read so I ended up reading until chapter 210, dont ask me How I got that far, I somehow did. Overall the novel is generic and can be read if you have nothing to read but the... more>> problem arises with authors spontaneous inspiration and inconsistency/ lack of continuity showing every few chapters...

Update2: I still enjoyed the novel so ended up reading the raws instead that way I don't have to care about the inconsistency as I can blame it on mtl and just skim fight scenes specially and go for plot development, which wasn't much even after 2k chapters lool

To sum it up, author keeps forgetting what he wrote previously hence resulting in so many annoying, easy to fix plots holes. <<less
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kennyaugusto rated it
June 19, 2018
Status: v13c1210
Read it in raw.

TL;DR Story is incongruent

MC is s*upid beyond comprehension

... more>>

1. Some things got forgotten completely without any follow up. For example the card set that is said to be useful at level 15 and the MC hoarded a bank full of it.

2. Aqua rose class got changed in the middle from elementalist to cursemancer

3. Blackie class got changed from cursemancer into elementalist in the middle as well

4. Too winding explanation on details. Please stop explaining the same thing over and over again for 3 paragraphs

5. Precious soul pearl was said to be unable to drop upon death when MC wants to get it from other player but then suddenly in the next chapter becomes 100% dropped upon death just to give MC a reason to go back to city and triggers another story line

6. Seriously mysterious flame that promotes so much damage without any drawback and its not even a skill is completely never used late game. Let alone the soul flame that is able to oppress opponent vitality by 40% is also only used once.

Furthermore it was said that abyssal bind which was most likely stronger than tier 3 restriction ability which makes it unable to be relieved even after using "immune to restriction" skill and then got promoted suddenly became more useless. Can be broken almost by every skill.

And then MC got an OP item which can make all player in a huge AoE to be unable to use any skill or item. But never uses it at all in late game. Previously that exact same skill could even cancel rage mode of Lord level boss and kill over hundreds of player. Like why is the MC so dumb?

7. Lei Bao deal was to join the studio to be a player and train them in game so as not to disturb his martial art practice. But in follow up he became their trainer irl

8. The only redeeming quality is that the lore and equipment effects are quite interesting

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Commoner rated it
June 8, 2018
Status: c2180
I still suggest to try read this guys but -Warning to those with WEAK HEART you might get a HIGH blood or those possess a thread of temper to ABORT- the spawn of s*upidity will increase the more chapter you read

RSSG (reincarnation of the strongest sword god)

Swardsman, cleric, mage, elementalis, cursemancer, assasin etc.. LOL

Whats the use of those classes and and a game that needs a team or a hundred players to kill boss or clear quest If the MC can solo and can use skills better... more>> than other classes with equipment ?..

the MC a SWORDSMAN?With hes gear and skills the classes like assasin, mage, elementalis etc... Are all useless with just an item you can surpass other class skill, MCs range attack is better than mages, Assasin hiding skill and so on..

I really LIKED this Novel at start but in later chapters it is getting annoying.... the equipment he obtain feels so unreasonable for ME Ex: with just a ring you can already use 7 skills the is fuxking OP that put other classes to shame and its only a single equipment you guys might be able to guess now just what the MC other equipments capabilities have.


I would really ne happy if the author focused more to strengthen the team or guild... At 1st the author keeps saying that a monster needs to be killed by a hundred or so players but later the MC accidentally got lucky and recieved a rare quest or something that is really hard for a single player and MC still cleares every sh*t of them... Next its plain bullsh*t the MC subordinate, its obvious that the author just forced to give a role to the male side characters, all main conversation is for girls the team and the guilds higher ups are mainly girls even the crowd want to warm MCs bed and always blush... plain BuLsh*t so unreasonable for me..

And the NPC sharlyn to unreasonable for me.


I still read this Novel because I can still smell a HOPE.. if the author gives important role to atleast a single male char like blackie it would be good.

Female characters devoured the Guild, MCs real life and the NOvel

Its not like I hate girls its just that its to f*cking Much to the point its hard to digest. <<less
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anjaana7877 rated it
March 14, 2018
Status: c2031
I did a binge read this novel few weeks back and while I do feel there are pretty lame scenarios where in you find it hard to accept the situation, the overall novel is passable if you are in VMMORPG novels.

Although there are so many female characters in the novel, everyone is so damn busy with daily gaming that therez zero romance between any characters what so ever. I am not saying that it necessary to have romance in every novel. But I did find it weird to feel that... more>> all the characters in the novel act more like a robot with a goal driving in a unidirectional motion with no concept of rest or leisure what so ever. To put it in more plain context the MC is surrounded with girls who are described as ravishing, mind blowing etc etc. And all he thinks of is how to go to dungeons with them or mob clear stuff. To put it brief, It isn't just MC, you would be dumbstruck to find any romance whatsoever throughout the novel.

MC is way too lucky for all it can be said. When ever his guild faces an issue, BAM and he would be there right at that moment and it would solved with some new war weapon or due to him being overpowered or some other stuff. I am its OK once or twice but whats the point of MC having to come and rescue every time the guild is in trouble. If all it takes is for an MC to solo everything, whats the point of guild members. I just feel as if they are there to look at MC with awe faces whenever he comes and saves them.

Too many left over plot lines. Author introduces something MC remembered and which he feels that makes lots of money only to be left over. After few chapters MC remembers something again and the story goes on.

Final opinion: If you don't have any other novel and would just want read it to pass time. Then I would recommend it. Just don't put too much logic into stuff. <<less
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RedIska rated it
January 17, 2018
Status: c147
Up-to-date MTL reader.

Best VRMMO novel that I've read so far, Second Reality that doesn't tries to mimic Reality made splendidly - you don't need to eat food, but you will, you don't need to trade, but you will, from small noob to solemn Guild Master all can experience a complete Game.

Honestly it's would be cool to have more different povs, MC pace is terrifying and many things that ordinary players experience we will never have chance too with such self-ruthless MC.

Short, but it's still being released, 6k chapters to go... more>> ? I hope so. <<less
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Tedious rated it
December 17, 2017
Status: c1979

The only thing I liked is the overpowerness of the MC with his knowledge of 10 year of being a 3rd rate guild leader, still he can't cover all the OP items, kinda dislike that since the apex enemies are ganging up and MC guild isn't looking very good since his guild foundation is newly created compared to other superior rate guild that have foundation build over the years from other VR games. He training his elite members in a rare training area but if one of the member betray and exposed the area Superior rate guild will gang up and destroy MC guild for posing a threat just because of that rare area.

5 star simply because the novel has the best skill levels provided with the complexity of the A.I and the game plot,

also because the VR game developer is an A.I itself.

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