Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God


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Starting over once more, he has entered this “living game” in order to control his fate.

This time, he will not be controlled by others.

Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life.

Money earning methods! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Location of equipment! Undiscovered battle techniques!

Even the secrets Beta Testers had no knowledge of, he knows of them all.

Massive wars, entering godhood, reaching the peak with just a sword; the legend of the sword god has just begun.

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alter1 rated it
July 15, 2022
Status: --
MC is supposed to be a "REINCARNATION OF THE STRONGEST SWORD GOD" but unfortunately we have another dogsht Author who wants to force the Plot, it would have been understandable if the MC did not reincarnate but hey authors like this should not get the fcking recognition, dont understand why this shtty as dog sht novel get so much attention when its literally a complete garbage its all ruined by the author himself for forcing sht instead of letting it the way its supposed to be.

MC is a... more>> Reincarnation (has all the knowledge, known as sword god, etc) BUT, proceeds to mingle with people when he could just solo bolo it or just create his own party wow? someone who reincarnate dont even have the minimum 10 IQ to think?

unbearable to read tbh cant even consider it as junk food its literally a toxic chemical...

hope authors like this should just fcking stop writing for the good of all fck sake spreading their stpdity.. <<less
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Davr rated it
May 4, 2022
Status: Completed
I think this novel is underrated. It is a very entertaining read even though there are a couple plot holes in the story. I would say this is at least better than Martial God Asura and almost on the same level as Emperor's Domination.
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samd0001 rated it
April 8, 2022
Status: Completed
This series has been my favorite for a long time. It has a lot of problems, but it is addictive to read. When the author stopped writing for a long time and I thought it was dropped, it really upset me. So I was very happy it got an ending... and truly shocked that it got a sequel. Especially given that the ending was rushed. There is a lot of filler and dropped story elements. If the author one day has this thing properly edited and condensed, it would make... more>> a killer story. All 3000+ chapters could probably be condensed into 700+ truly captivating chapters. There are a lot of good ideas here, much that is unique. The story combines wuxia cultivator with litrpg and a sci fi futuristic universe. But the author needs to learn how to say it, not spray it. Every chapter, I read the dialogue then skim the 4+ paragraphs in between that are expositions on why what was said is so shocking. If you do that, you can really enjoy the novel. After all, if it is shocking, you don't need some 2 bit character to tell you that. You will use your own brain to come to that conclusion. A lot of people talk a lot of smack about this novel, but tell me, if they hated it so much as to give it a 1 star review after completing the novel, would anyone really read 3000+ chapters of it! So take all those terrible reviews with a grain of salt. There is a lot to be frustrated with, but there is also enough to keep people coming back for a very long time. I have dropped a lot of better written wuxia novels, but I have stuck with this one despite its many flaws. They did too, and there is a reason for it. Go find out for yourself and give it a try.

Edit: March 2024 currently at sequel chapter 862.

This author has serious ADHD! He has so many great ideas, but jumps from one to the next so fast that he never truly develops them. Reading his sequel is like going down the rabbit hole. The MC gets a Mythical story quest, then immediately gets sidetracked into something else. Then he gets another Mythical quest, and the original exciting quest that the author has just spent a bunch of chapters explaining why it is so important is immediately forgotten. So many authors can't even come up with one good idea, but this one has way too many. Yet, he can't focus on any of them! Reading his web novel is like looking at notebook of ideas that someone makes before actually writing a novel. I hope one day the author stops writing and starts editing! Unfortunately, it is rare for Chinese web novel writers to ever do such a thing. From the very short chapters filled with one part excitement and nine parts filler, it is clear that he is just trying to fill the quota and doesn't really plan to use his talent. It's a real shame. <<less
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Hijikata rated it
February 28, 2022
Status: c3033
I'll give it a 4 since it was able to hook me up to chap 3033 and have a great world building... I'll admit that the alternative end is good for now it's just why... ... more>>

Why... All of the interactions in the past is just gone... Gone gone... Unless? All he's experiencing in the alt end is also gonna go back to the previous world which will also be... Sigh... Or maybe mix but that will be kinda... hmmm...

Oh well overall has a great world building and all... Well so many things are repetitive (the reactions) but I think it's fine it's at the very tiny bit of satisfaction on how he was able to past through those ordeals... But damn I saw hundreds of plot holes but don't mind it and just go with the flow so you might be piqued on the overall world building you can imagine how many things how it can go which is one of my enjoyment? (was that the correct word lol)... <<less
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February 9, 2022
Status: c154
It gets boring pretty quickly. It keeps repeating the same scenario but it different antagonists that the MC has to face. Bad guy wants something from MC but MC does not give it. Then bad guy goes to war with MC mobilizing the full power of their guild and at this point many players think that MC will lose but surprise surprise MC defeats them. Rinse and repeat. The antagonists would all have one mentality when facing MC - "How dare this puny human go against me. I am the... more>> famous so and so from the famous guild blah blah blah. I will teach him a lesson and make him downgrade to level 0." The characters does not feel like real people. It seems that after meeting the MC they all would have water in their heads and be so adamant in going against him that they disregard all rationality.

The other characters are just one dimensional and you would sometimes forget about them because they won't appear for several chapters. They would only appear if the MC needed them and you won't see them interacting together to create a strong bond. After using them to complete a task MC would go solo again for several chapter. This makes it harder for others to establish their characters solidly. They're just like puppets standing there to wait for the MC. Then there's the MC. I don't understand why he keeps getting surprised by finding precious and rare skill/equipment, when at every turn he is picking them up like cabbages. "Oh my, I never would have thought that this legendary sword/equipment would be here. Such an unexpected harvest~" This would be happening in almost every chapter. It's fun at first cause he keeps getting amazing treasures but at some point it just gets boring. I would even skip the chapters where the MC goes on an adventure to find the powerful treasure and go to the next story line just because I know he would get it at the end. There's no thrill and the fight scenes just ain't it. <<less
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Fulek rated it
September 11, 2021
Status: Completed
All thou the author describes even the most simple things over and over which got me annoyed to the point of skipping half of a chapter, I rl enjoyed this one. I loved every training arc and how the Author was describing them. I am a fan of "One man army" concept, since I don't rl enjoy wars with thousands of people in them. Furthermore, I recently found this "back in time with previous memories" thing and I just devour every story with that kinda thing. Don't let the comments... more>> or rating foul you, as long as you don't care if MC is a machine that, just keeps thinking about his game life, you are good to read this. The thing I didn't thou is author keep forgetting about mission MC have to finish. Also, I wish Anna and Kite's personalities would develop since they were so fuc**** smart but no, 2d characters that act as AI bodyguards. Lastly, I feel betreyed that author forgot about

quest (Undead World), I was the most hyped up for (quest Shi Feng got from male Archangel after landing a hit on the Bronze Dragon King)

Side stories from what I checked are pretty much what core members were doing in their past, but the alt end is looking very good so far. I just hope it won't take the author too much to complete it. 3.5/5

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zereow rated it
July 13, 2021
Status: c2918
The beginning is good, however, as the story drags on it becomes messy. So many skills have been added that I can't keep track of it anymore. The ending seems rushed because it's tr*sh. He took around 2700 chapters to go from tier 1 to 4 but only 200 chapters (around 5 months in the story) to go from tier 4 to 6 (take note that it was stated at the first 100 chapters that the difficulty for completing tier 5 and 6 is nigh impossible). The author totally forgot... more>> about his personal guards in the last few chapters, they were supposed to be OP but they were nowhere in the last battle. Also, the last battle has no substance. The MC is just too overpowered, he was already a tier 6 while the others were just around tier 5. The MC just uses one mana technique to f*cking wipe out around a million of the enemy's troops. The reason for his time travel isn't unveiled either. If I just wasn't curious, I wouldn't bother finishing this novel.

tldr; The first 200 chaps are best, 200-1000 is good, 1000-1500 is bad, 1500-2500 is worse, 2500-2918 is tr*sh. Give me my time back. <<less
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Celebration rated it
July 4, 2021
Status: c2918
It starts really good, but it gets to a point around the 1500ch area, where you can skip 5 to 10 pages at a time, and not miss much. The ending was straight tr*sh tbh. But it was a gentle read. Nothing ground breaking but for the length of the novel, it's passable. Solid 3. Not great, not bad. Seen worse with hollywood blockbusters. Slightly above mediocre for not dowsing us with ridiculous romance tropes, and straight no nonsense fighting grit. So I can appreciate that. I just wish the... more>> writer was better. This story could get over hauled by a better writer. But meh. It will do if you have nothing else to read and don't mind skipping and skimming. <<less
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Purps rated it
July 3, 2021
Status: c47
everyone hates MC for no reason, classic wuxia bullsh*t about Strength reigns supreme and knowledge aint shit

everyones a hypocrite unless the MC is friends with them
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Blank_12 rated it
May 26, 2021
Status: --
Don't waste your time reading this thing it's bul***it. The MC got ridiculously OP and the story is only a repeat of a few lines.

Retarted 1-d characters and self centered villians with only a few lines to be repeated by every other villian... more>>

For no apparent reason MC got ridiculously OP items and an item to increase his luck on drop rates.

MC meeting legendary players hidden NPCs all while eveey chapter reminds you that these NPC are so rare he could only dream of meeting them in his past life.

Furthermore every time MC encounter a problem he somehow get a broken item or skill. And again we go "This item actually dropped. If superpowers know about it they will die from envy blah blah blah".

Every villian is some kind of heir to major corporation having billions but still fail to get the MC

Same old troupe : Some arrogant villain appears demands MC to give up or comes with some kind of s*upid cooperation demand MC obviously says something back or refuses his demands and here starts the war. After being defeated villain says "Don't go too far. Do ypu even know who I am. If you bow down and apologize I'll let it go. " And ends up dead by the MCs hand, only to come back again some time later or send someone higher level than himself. The villains never learn so this scene keeps repeating itself almost every 80 chapters.

Whenever MC needs something there we go luck encounter Random High tire mobs come looking for the MC and give him exactly what he needs. People idling around in the hotels and bars got more levels than leveling maniacs. MC never lost a gamble throughout the whole seires.

Mythic monsters line up to get slaughtered by the MC. The other people are scared of the monster while the MC says we got blah blah chances lets try in the end MC fcking pulls out sh*t outa nowhere and its done. Bosses that need party of 1000 players gets killed. The Loot is always in favour of the MC.

The scale of raids 1k 2k 3k people hunting down our MCs party then MCs part of measly 100 or 200 kills them all then repeat over and over and over. Brain dead villians never learn

The author doesn't even know how a game world works. Kind of nonsense combat techniques ultra OP no need for skills we got xinxia experts.

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Johnmophet24 rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: Completed
Well... I enjoyed reading this despite its million flaws...

I don't know if anyone noticed it but I think the author have default structures/composition for his chapters. For example when mc's guild was raiding about a boss monster, every goddamn time, the chapters are the same. Just change the name of the monster, increase the stats, make the mc's guildmates became shock or scared, MC chuckling and always felt it wasn't strange but got his ass pulled in the end but then he only gritted his teeth and the boss died????????... more>> Then so on. Copy and paste? Author's idea of cliffhanger was always the same too. Just copy and paste. Shi Feng: Is that so? or Shi Feng: You overestimate yourself! Then he slaughtered them but let a few to escape.

Next, the antagonists... well is there any antagonist? Nah. Let's just enjoy reading it.

Parents? Forgotten.

Friends? Nope.

New Characters? Yes! Yes! Yes! Too bad, they are not even relatable as their background stories are mostly the same and with the MC (luckily/spontaneously/opportunely/or any ly's you can imagine) saving them.

Super guilds? Peanut gallery or punching bags or to make tension (which doesn't have effects). These guys are just good plot device used by the author if he can't think of anything to push the plot.

The author also keep retracting his words. One moment this achievement is impossible to achieve then next countless enemies are able (WTF) to achieve this! Or this legendary equipment is so OP no one can defeat the MC now... or so we thought! The author made mc's and other people's mind so strong. But despite that, they keep getting shock one minute after the other. There are no chapters that these strong willed can't get enough shock/scared. I even thought they might die already just from how shock they were. In conclusion, the novel are not following any logic at all. The author can say one thing but do something else later on.

Based on the above alone, I'm confident the author didn't think/plan/organize/etc the middle part of his novel. I'm sure everyone can relate that the author really did his job in early part. You really feel your blood boiled in expectation. But the repetitive grinding of 2000+ chapters but only gave you the same EXP, damn that's spoke volume how author didn't think of this problem. As for the last part, I won't mention it. You guys know.

Anyways, the first star is because of the hard work (and copy and paste) of the author. The second star is because of its premise. If only the author utilize it well then this novel will become a classic. Just the world building alone made me awe. Also the relationship of virtual and real world is close tight which is a plus point for me. <<less
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May 10, 2021
Status: Completed
This is my second ever novel within the Wuxia, Xianxia, RPG etc section (basically one of the novels that got me into reading). I remember this was probably 2 or 3 years ago? I don’t remember but I really enjoyed it back then because it was just so refreshing, since this it was such a change of atmosphere from the stressing school days and such so I do hold bias towards this novel.
Personally I do recommend people to try out this novel for themselves to see if it is suited to your tastes as novels like these can have a variety of opinions and you can not tell through the reviews alone, but you shouldn’t expect too much out of this novel as it can disappoint in some areas such as the real world which may sound surprising as this is mostly focused on the game itself and how Shi Feng progresses and uses his past life to reach unreachable ranks that he couldn’t of reached in his previous timeline but as someone who followed this novel for years I would’ve liked to see his relationships develop in the real world.
This novel is also pretty generic and does seem to hold many repeating lines and plot lines such as Zero Wing always getting underestimated etc however if you do not mind this, and would like to read for a decently long time I would definitely recommend this novel to you.
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KaranameKira rated it
April 26, 2021
Status: Completed

It was rushed at the end

Too much info dump in the whole story.

Whatever happened to Zhao Yueru? And some other characters

Good Journey tho

Awesome World Building

I want a sequel

... more>>

what happens in the real world he will go to with other 60?

It irked me that how was MC getting real world advantages from virtual world. He eats something in virtual world, it helps his brain and soul irl. Well they cleared that up by the end.


Just hope its a full fledged cultivation world for the sequel (if any) where MC actually has to work to get advantages.

MC got the law of destruction way too quickly. Let's just hope its a low level technique rather an actual law or maybe 0.001 percent he understood of the actual law other wise its just way too easy

Also hope that that MC is violet cloud XD <<less
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OuroborosD rated it
April 4, 2021
Status: c2918
first biggest problem with the novel.

the MC, first he is the worst leader, know best spots to level up, but never help his own guild, but always help the beauty who is leader or vice leader of some random guild and don't tink much of him. but he has his incredible habilite to find the best level up e equips, who are supetior to all other. but dont do anything to help his guild. never explain anything in the reunions, tell them to make do absourd things, and... more>> tell "i don't have time to explain, just do it" or "i don't care enought to explain", always leaving after this. but in the next ch he find some beauty whose the guild is in dangers, because of some guest, and expend the next fell days or weeks helping them. or when some vast changes will happen in the world, important things to the guild, and he don't tell to the vice-leaders of the guild, this brings the guild near to downfall, until the MC show up e fix the problem, that alread know the would happen, and knew the solution, but don't tell anyone. This f**k**r have the same abilities who MCs of wuxias, create mortal enemies doing nothing. It will be fine if the MC has not the batman of the guilds, " no I can't no destroy the guild, despise this is the X time that they attack us". With this, the same enemies attack the MC guild 4 times on avenge, there is one who attack the MC guild each 100 caps for more than 2000 caps, this become f**k**g annoying.

second biggest problem with the novel.

is the power, or more precise the ranking of power, seems that the author don't have the brain to think in next enemies for the MC, is always a power more strong, who make the previous enemy an insignificant thing. its still ok, if is just 2 or 3 times after all this is a mmorpg not a wuxia, but is always... always, like first guilds, are the more powerful gilds, MC guild win a war against. no super first guilds, are the stronger, they can crush a fist gild like a ant, MC guild win a war against. no, super guilds are the strongest, they can crush a super-fist guild like a ant, MC guild win a war against. no this group who show-up last week is the strongest, they can destroy supper gilds...... this continue until the author there no more ideas to put strong enemies in the world to fight against the MC guild, if you think this is the end of the novel, you are wrong. he create another world, that can attack the MC world, and they are a lot more stronger than MC world. so the same thing happening again.


when he win agains the other world, is told that thier world are of low grade, e there is world more strong, now they have to fighter against the other worlds of a high grade.

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November 3, 2020
Status: forgotten
No Star Review:

This was my first novel, two years and a half ago when I read it so I didn't have that much experience in reading. It was like a new sweet for me to try, though I do remember some plots that even I with no experience in reading would think of them as over-exaggerated too.

I think I've read 700-800 chapters, but then gave up on it because it started to get repetitive. Even with that, I'm still glad I had read this novel, otherwise, I don't think I... more>> would have the hobby to read:D

I do not recommend this novel though, it simply starts to become worse with no different plots from the author plus the dialogue is funny.

Good night. <<less
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July 22, 2020
Status: c2694
The fact is that we love op characters. Yesh, this is awesome novel except for the line that says "i refuse to believe". Its annoying af when someone says that.
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June 9, 2020
Status: c1193
Litrpg junk food.

Its not really healthy nor filling nor exactly that tasty but you kinda just read skim through it when you have nothing better to do.

The first 1000 chapters were forgivable but its only now that its becoming a chore. Its the same progression through each arc. Even the items and stats get boring.
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Regular Reader
Regular Reader rated it
June 5, 2020
Status: c2695
Just read it if you have nothing else to read. There's many problems in this story such as mentioned below

-The Author keep either repeating the same sentence or word especially for the antagonists and the random players

-The Antagonists always does this, underestimate the MC or his Guild, always say something about MC is foolish and his Guild is going to be destroyed or something like that, even when his Guild has defeated a coalition of Super Guild branches, the next war they go against the enemy doesn't even mention about... more>> it, as if the don't know how many Guilds and Companies Zero Wing defeated

-The MC's experience is equal to nothing when he fights against someone who's more experienced or higher realm of perception or something, it's as if his game knowledge only extent to the treasures and nothing else.

-The arcs are too long, the Author puts too much detail, however I'm pretty sure the Chapters will speed up as the Author's leave notice did say that all the chapters after he comes back will be just a summary.

-The MC is too passive, I know he wants to hide his Guild's power, but he needs to attack for once, in fact I don't think the his Guild ever attacked any other Guild with large amounts of members.

-Authors forgot about old quests, and equipment. Like I remember several quests that the MC never completed, and for the equipment, there's several things that could've been used to help him complete his Tier 4 Promotion, minor spoilers on the Item, one of them can increase his Tier temporarily, and the other one could summon a monster that could've atleast tank the monsters attacking him for decent amount of time.

That said, this novel is best to just kill time with, I wouldn't recommend to read it's details, but you do you. <<less
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malik.o rated it
April 21, 2020
Status: 1170

the main character gets a op fruit that can make him even more op then he gives it a way and nobody would do this, he also gives away a lot of things that can help him and he also runs away from fights by making his guild members do it. In my opinion there is also too much dialogue, like a fight is about to start at the beginning of a chapter and the fight doesn't actually start till the middle of the chapter. He also chooses money over strength so if you like that then this is perfect for you but it isn't an ideal novel for me.

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BadMaSh rated it
January 31, 2020
Status: c2323
hmm... so many chapters he finally reached tier 3 where he was before...i think the story will soon go in fast mode after this since from the very beginning it was said that the higher tiers players will make all the difference later in the game and he has collected some of them in his guild.. if all his main team reaches tier 5 or even tier 6 then thay will actually able to help the guild rather than relying on the MC which is actually becoming clearer.. like aqua... more>> rose defeated an entire guild by herself later in the story. his advantages will show after people reach tier3 or above coz normal players cnt reach that if they dont train well in both the real world and the virtual one since their bodies fitness and brain activity determines how far they can go in the game... MC has been training his people since the beginning and the same goes for the major corporations investing in the game.

i dont understand one thing though that how the corporations earn money through the game thats all...i think author should explain that once.

and for people complaining about MC being lucky and everything... the guy got luck as his stats and also an item which insanely increases it.. he even said that if people found out he got that that kinda equipment the whole of god domain will hunt for him I think thats enough telling about how important that item is. and that item and his luck stat is the sole reason that he gets so many rare drops. and also he already knew what he can get by getting first clears of many dungeons and areas and thats what he did with his guild.. thats why he had so much of an advantage over even super guilds but that he lost coz they got lots of money.. the adv is not that big, , he is barely keeping his guild alive against those super powers,

people complaining about the wuxia elements like refinement realm or domain realm or even the realms of truth which the game itself introduced.. they dnt get the simple fact that the game is pretty much the same as the real world just with super powers... the veteran fighters would obviously hv an advantage over normal people who r not that good at that... those realms r just what differentiates the expert level players from each other...

even if the guy is insanely powerful with over 10 levels advantage on the opponent if he cnt hit them then whats the us eof those legendary weapons or high stat? the same thing is here... he is strong but he was not an expert... he slowly became one and he is now after 2000 chapters and absolute monster with high level, epic equips and almost at the peak in experts.. he took time to grow... he couldnt become an expert just coz he had high level or strong weapons... gods domain is not a game which u can rule over with just high stats he said that since the beginning... its like a boss fight in normal games... the boss has higher level, more hp, more damage but if people can dodge they will still kill the boss regardless of how powerful he is... he is the same.. in the beginning he defeated experts who had combat standards above him through sheer adv in stats and equipment but even then he knew he wasnt strong enough unless his real body levels up too...

now some were complaining about how the rich people had nothing better to do than just stay in a game and play around... dude wtf? 24 hours in real world = 48 hours in game world... the game pretty much doubles their life... in his era on earth people already live as long as 150 years.. if they cn increase it to 300years or even more than that then why wont they do it? the entire population down to the beggars in the street would want to do it much less the rich guys or ppl who can afford it...

again the only doubt I hv about this is how the corporations earn back the money they invested in the game... author should really explain that...

then someone was complaining he didnt talk to parents or didnt send them money?.. dude u s*upid? do u think he wouldnt? be probably already deposited millions in their accounts.. just the author didnt need to say that coz thats kind of given.. even children can understand that point... since the parents werent introduced the author kept it as it is on kept them as invisible entities... why would they waste an entire chapter showing him talking to them and everything....

talking about cons... first one for me would be so many girls bt no romance...i like rebirth of the thief more than this one for solely this reason only.. could hv introduced one bt no... for no reason at all the guy is single... romance is forever important in an story the author doesnt understand that..

2nd would be now that the higher tiers r approaching I hope the author wouldnt make his guild as weak as always coz the superpowers got as many higher tiers like him coz he collected them since the beginning... just that after tier 3 and above the advantages of the people he collected should start to show now and that his guild should be able to fight at least a single superpower in a frontal battle without needing him to come up just coz of the sheer presence of higher tier people in his guild... there are like 10-20 people who can reach tier 5 in the last timeline which was not even possible for 1 superpower to hve that many..i hope the author wont give the enemies the benefit of having as many higher tiered people as the MC just coz they r rich... the MCs guild should be able to dominate now after being passive so long..

3rd would be that the enemies arent destroyed with time they just keep piling up... beast emperor introduced in beginning is still a threat..i think the author should remove these kind of enemies since reading about them is just too boring and borderline annoying.. same with some of the corporations like starlink and blackwater.... enemies need to be defeated and dealt with...i think one con is the author keeps bringing the same one back again and again...i hope he does something about it after he returns from his hiatus...

4th would be...i hope he can kinda make it comedic undertone coz they always sooooooo damn serious that it just doesnt feel good reading it for a long time in 1 sitting....

i dont hv many complains since most of the things the MC does or gets the author explains it clearly so I wont say its plot armor or something..

i guess the 4 complains from my side I already said it... overall I would recommend this for light reading..a good novel which doesnt make me want to kill myself like some others..i would edit this if the author returns and write some more.. for now its a good one <<less
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