Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi


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This is the story of a young s*ave gladiator in an underground arena. He doesn’t know about his past or how he got to where he is, only that his name is Aegir, and that he is strong.

One day he kills the boss and escapes the arena, joining a band of mercenaries as a new recruit. During one mission, they encounter the vampire, Lucy, who slaughters the band with her inhuman strength. After learning that Aegir only knows how to kill, Lucy lets him stay at her house, educating and taking care of him.

Two years pass, and on the day of Aegir’s departure, they both exchange a promise that if Aegir becomes a king and owns the land of Erg forest, he can come and take her as his woman. Making this his life goal, Aegir set out on a journey to become a hero, a king, and found his own kingdom.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Road of the Kingdom
Road to Kingdom
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  5. Male Protagonist

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87 Reviews sorted by

AkatsukiZero rated it
January 21, 2018
Status: c128
The Best Ero/Kingdom Building Novel

I Recommend everybody to read This because its great:

1. The MC its not like anyother MC in LN, He will take responsibility for anything

2. Even though his womens (and girls) hate his harem growing but they know that theyre man is destined to be fickle in love (Nah I think its becuase of lust:))

and many more reason to read it!!

So I recommend it and give 5 Stars
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cartman-un rated it
April 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Wow, what can I say, it used to be interesting but it went really down hill for me. You can feel that the author is experiencing a writers block meaning he was struggling to write some part of the story, so he resorted to NTR.

Also the strong NTR is really a badtase for me. Yes NTR not Netori. One of the main girl got cucked so hard not once but countless times, other heroines also cheated, but this one particular main heroine really put me off lol, but the ending... more>> is somewhat satisfactory if you forget about the NTR. Imagine following this story for years just to see your fav heroine got NTR'ed and got pregnant by a different guy.

At least the MC was able to finish his goal to become a king, but man this gotta be one of the blandest MC. <<less
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charioles rated it
November 14, 2015
Status: --
This is an insanely great read... I've read many novels from KR, JP, and CN which include various type of genre in adventure, fantasy, harem, comedy, and slice of life. But this, this is like the pinnacle of fantasy adventure with its erot*c theme as one of its most distinct theme. The first few chapters are an extremely well-defined erot*c chapters (If you don't like this kind of erot*c scenes, then this series is not for you), nearing the 10 chapters the adventure will begin which is also pretty good... more>> with some erot*c sense mixed in between.

What makes this so good is that the writing styles is almost perfectly depict what's happening, from sword swings and battles to the action on bed. It's all very well depicted that you are most likely will read it again and again just for the heck of it.

It's that good, definitely a must read for those seeking fantasy adventure with a strong MC (which is also an alpha womanizer), especially a mature adventure that shows s*x scenes a lot. (Don't worry, the MC is a decent good-natured guy, it's just that he's a total womanizer). <<less
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AonDuine rated it
February 25, 2018
Status: c25
Eh. The erot*c parts of the novel aren't very good. Rough and ugly to read for the most part; starting off at their best then deteriorating as the story progresses. The chapters are of good length, and the story isn't the worst. Unfortunately, the pure quantity of "meh" erot*c scenes ends up breaking the pacing of the story and quickly begins to feel like filler. The main character starts out interesting, but again, quickly becomes less so as he devolves into a standard OP horn-dog. Nothing feels like it matters,... more>> and there is nothing particularly noble or otherwise worthy of respect about the MC. Unless his ability to get into bed and sexually satisfy every female he comes across is considered as such. To be honest, I like erot*c parts of stories when done right. When they actually add to the story and are able to reveal different aspects of the characters. At this point though, the erot*c scenes are just thrown in almost willy-nilly, as if to fill a quota. I mean for God's sake, there is a "s*xual partner" counter at the end of each chapter.

The problem isn't that it has erot*c parts in the novel, nor that it is so frequent. Rather that the ever so frequent erot*c scenes are sub-par past a certain point at best, downright ugly at worst; and thus take away from the novel as a whole. <<less
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ssj4maiko rated it
January 31, 2023
Status: c580
This is one of the best and most complete stories around, however, there are topics inside that are not for everyone. If you are too sensible towards towards certain topics in R18 content, then you may not want to read it. There is something for all sorts of fetishes, including the bad ones, and I hope you understand what I mean with "bad ones".

So, what I mean by complete? This is a complex story that, if you were to remove the R18 content, you would still have a very good... more>> story with complex schemes and politics and all the stuff. However, the R18 is part of the story, usually used as a form of humor, although those will still influence the story, the political events and so on.

Unlike most generic stories where MC is strong and just, then meets heroines who love and support him, and the story revolves around this "perfect relationship" as if it were written by a sad Gary Stu, Road to Kingdom is a complex story that still tries to be realistic, and there is a huge cast of relevant male characters, some are losers, some are good men, and so on.

Another thing to point out is that this is not a story of a Hero of Justice: He kills, he is brash, he is friendly, but he is not against doing crimes, although most of them are the likes of Tax Evasion and so on.

So if you are in for a short or simple read, this is also not the story you are seeking.

This is not an isekai, and our MC is just a s*ave fighter who was able to escape and survive. Joined a bandit group but fought against a female vampire who killed all of them but MC, and she adopted him like his own mother, teaching him all sorts of things, but cultural, educational, martial and also sexual. 2 years later, she sends him out. He is in love with her, but she refuses, and tells him that she will consider if he becomes a King.

Hence the title, Road to Kingdom.

Aegir starts as a nobody, traveling, meeting women, and has to go up in life to achieve his objectives, starting as a lone warrior, then getting hired for a private army, fighting in a coup, getting rewards, becoming nobles, making connections...

Ah, I forgot to say, but Aegir is actually really dumb, so he doesn't understand all the complicated stuff, but by his side, he is lucky enough to get all sorts of allies, like the strategist Leopolt, who always has a serious face, and is only accompanied by a mysterious little girl... Aegir is sure that he is a pe*ophile, but he is never able to confirm it (he is not... probably) , or Celia, a street rat little girl that he saved, and with no place to go, she asked him to take responsibility for giving her freedom.

This world may seem of the realistic type, but there are races like dwarves and elves, magic (very few humans have it, but all elves have it normally), and monsters. It's a mysterious middle ages settings with a proper geography and political structure, we have the main Kingdom of Goldonia, there is also a Federation, an Empire, other Kingdoms, City States and even a democratic nation. There is a little bit of everything in this story.

And when I saw a little bit of everything, I'm also including the sorts of kinks and girls that Aegir meets. There are normal girls, small girls, MILFs, fat women, monster girls (human upper half only), reversed monster girls (human lower half only), gynoid, etc.

This is not a story where only MC gets women though, many of his allies do too, even his horse gets girls (You were already warned). He will pick on anyone, and at the end of most chapters there is a counter on how many women he has slept with, and once children start being conceived, their number too. His c*ck also goes through "transformations" later on in the story.

But everything is take in good humor, MC is treated like a super Chad. Imagine Guts from Berserk, but change all the rage and curse into perversion. Aegir is a strong fighter, he is not invincible, but he is someone who fights with very heavy swords, and fights creatures that would normally kill anyone easily, that's not to say he would have an easy fight, but if he wins, he won't be unscathed. Whenever a serious report is given to him he is incapable of paying attention, and instead fondles on any female around him (It's his adjutant girl who keeps tracks of everything).

So besides the women, he also has the protagonist's luck attribute, what other people would have a lot of trouble dealing with, he will have connections that will make it the problem extremely easy. Need reinforcements? He is friends with a muscle brain king who is as strong as him. Needs to deal with problems in harvest in the territory? The Elves can help it easily so long as you give them what they want. No money? The friendly Dwarves don't really care about Gold, so they are willing to trade it with something they care more cheaply.

Of course, not everything is that convenient, the Dwarves have great technological capabilities, however everything they create, besides being powerful, is extremely heavy, thus useless for most cases. The Elves don't work for free, and it's not like he wants help anyway.

Even the politics are not all clean and honest, even the protagonist' side is doing stuff that would be treated as illegal by the Kingdom.

This is why I say this is a very complete novel, and even if the R18 were to be removed, you would still have a quality funny novel. This novel presents serious settings without being overly serious itself, and loves to insert proper comedy when portraying Aegir as a musclehead idiot. This is not a novel with only s*x, nor is this a novel with only action, it has a bit of everything.

So if you are one that can appreciate all these settings: strategy and politics alongside the comedy and heavy R18 settings; you will also very much appreciate this story.

But if you are trying to identify yourself as the protagonist and thinking he will only act as you would. Then no, you are too young for this. <<less
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Artistisk rated it
May 6, 2021
Status: c500
MC is just a beta, pretending to be an alpha. Loves to cuck and being cucked.

smol brain and big pp, reverse of the female saying, big chests = no brain

I don't even recommend it for hentai purposes, really sh*t work. I'd rather read a doujin and bust a nutt than continuing reading this dogshit.
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Johnnycabra rated it
June 28, 2017
Status: c115
This is a really good funny hentai novel to read (one of the few alpha male MC in a JP novel). Elmion is half right. It is like golden age Berserk in that Aegir has the same feel as young Guts (pre demon eclipse summoning fiasco). The thing is it also has the post emperor Ganishka death and mixture of all planes when Femto/Griffith made his kingdom (vampires, dragons, elf, dwarves, demons, monsters such as orcs, goblins and trolls and all sorts of magical creatures showing up and becoming visible... more>> to humans). They do fight monsters at times (they do exist but are kinda rare) but most of the time they just fight humans. There might be magic incorporated later in the form of enchanted weapons and armor but in a super rare hard to obtain form were very few to almost none have any because their ancient and most might be lost due to time.


So far he has a cursed vampire cloak from Lucy and a mythril sword which is Nonna's ancient family heirloom. Like I said they might have enchanted weapons later but in a scarce form.


This is a good read for those who like gore, erotica writing, real harems and dirty jokes in general. It's written really well with chapters being long. This is one of the few novels that did not make me skip or brief read the chapter. <<less
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abconline rated it
May 9, 2019
Status: c300
There is nothing else quite like it out there. It has s*x, it has war, it has politics. It has a great protagonist: no-nonsense, not wimpy, physically strong but not very smart, who thinks with his d*ck most of the time, disregarding consequences. It has every fetishes out there you can think of (ok this is exaggeration, but it has a lot of fetishes). Definitely a gem among erot*c novels, and light/web novels as a whole. Definitely give it a try!
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Shieko rated it
December 30, 2017
Status: c121
Let's see the other people who review this novel with negetive response

But I like it

First the MC I agree he's a harem magnet but he didn't leave it unresolved like other Japanese sh*t he's strong straight forward he make dicision fast not like this

O what should I do I can't do that

He just do that if you want to read a erot*c novel with good plot a brave and almost one of the best Japanese harem protagonist then this novel is for you
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ieh rated it
December 12, 2017
Status: c106
I want to like the plot of this story but the excessive erot*c writing is so stilted and Gary Sue that it grinds at your soul. Story reminds me of Conan the Barbarian movie. He's amazing at combat but is smart enough to knows his limitation and surrounds himself with people that compliment his skillset. Most people have their own motivations and values before but they as the chapters continue they all get brain controlled by the power of MC's pen*s. I've come to dread all the non plot chapters... more>> because they are always filled with awkward s*x where the MC makes women join his ever growing cult. Every arc is followed by an interlude where the Author has to write about the MC having s*x with every single member of his harem after every event. This gets extremely tedious when his harem closes in on double digits. <<less
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Drake888 rated it
July 26, 2017
Status: c73
Probably the best erotica on novel updates in terms of plot and story. Excellent masculine wish-fulfillment. The MC is incredibly simple and straightforward. Plenty of harem building without any of the weird mind games in similar stories. The MC takes what he wants and doesn't shy away from direct confrontation. His harem members like that and stick around. If you want some erotica with sword and spear combat interspersed, this is must read. The only real flaw is that the author tries to add various fetishes into some of the... more>> s*x scenes and so a few of the NSFW chapters wind up a little weird. But I'm sure some people will find that to be a plus. <<less
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Dassina rated it
July 10, 2017
Status: c66
MC doesn't play around, is straight forward, says what he means and does what he wants. Though he is kinda an idiot, which makes sense.

The s*x is okay, not really amazing but not too bad. Unfortunately, the s*x is the main focus so the plot suffers while the s*x is meh.

On a side note, there are a ton of chapters but the translation is slow. It doesn't help that the series is on its 4th translator.
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i7s rated it
June 7, 2017
Status: c57
Review at ch.57

So far it's pretty good. It's a normal world with no cultivation and normal armies and monsters that evolve with vampires and shit.

Protagonist has a goal, wich the tittle and intro describe pretty well. It's been a good journey so far. A good ratio of le*d scenes/plot advancement for a r-18 ero novel.

... more>> I was actually looking for a novel in Army-building/kingdom-building category, but this got on top of my "most expected next chapter" list.

Chapters are long enought to pass a good amount of time. Longer than usual novels by 2-2.5 times. And the translation is very good unlike some similiar genres.

In short words, this novel is a must read.

Id give this novel more stars if it was possible :) <<less
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rdawv rated it
March 9, 2016
Status: --
Review as of Ch19-2.

This is a story of a young gladiator who escaped and found himself being mentored by a vampire, who later taught him about the world and how to please women to mold him into a fine man of her own tastes. Then she let him loose, challenging him to come back after roaming the world, make something of himself and sweep her off her feet.

What you are going to encounter are casual descriptions of violence, gore and explicit s*x scenes. Very explicit s*x, and a lot of... more>> it. It basically reads like a hentai game (eg: Rance) where the main character is self-assured, has boundless stamina, the women are subdued by his hyperweapon and their hearts taken after being done in silly. Monsters and bandits die under the sweep of his huge two-handed sword and like what other reviewers say, it brings forth images of Gatts from Berserk; minus the angst and turn up the le*dness by a 100. Later on the author would include a small status window that includes the number of s*xual partners he had enjoyed, so that tells you the focus of the novel.

The story plods along simply as there is a vague objective for the MC. Don’t expect much in the way of subtle prose, the dialogue is le*d and direct, the text energetic enough when it comes to the action scenes. Interactions with female characters eventually lead to s*x unless she is underaged, and even then the author and the MC is postponing it for ‘future development’. It’s not really arousing, but probably good enough to be made a H-game. In fact, there’s probably one out there already that has similarities to this. <<less
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imacute rated it
February 16, 2016
Status: --
as much this I prefer this MC than a bunch freakin dense pu*sy virg*n boy like most Japanese MC harem novel cough cough ichika*. You going to see a lot s*x scene. It really good but not my forte. Here is the thing he pretty much conquer girls with s*x. I prefer man of romance rather than a man of lust. He does romance just a bit yessh. If you like ecchi. This is for you. If you looking good romance courting. You better look somewhere else. This is not... more>> one of them. It has simple plot but has good detail of it <<less
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silver247 rated it
November 25, 2019
Status: c381
This novel is really something else its combine with very very much harem and s*x scenes but the plot and story background is really interesting.

To tell the truth even skip s*x scenes and focus on story its still worth for reading.
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Aharlequin rated it
July 23, 2019
Status: --363
This is what you called masterpiece. Simply say erot*c Novel with GREAT plot. But Plot armor is too thick. Every Man should read.

MC is not dense but hiz head is full of about p**sy. That part is so annoying. MC is likeable but sometime he is annoying when he need to think seriously and author mixs with some boring s*xual desire parody.

I am the weeb so if you are a weeb, you will enjoy it.
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Axelord rated it
December 6, 2017
Status: c91
Stopped at c91

It's not bad overall but there's nothing about this story that's really worth it. Other novels do it better, might as well read those instead. Still, you could do worse, I guess? Characters are nice, some of them at least. MC is a meathead in the truest sense of the word. I don't know why anyone would want to focus on such a person for so long, but whatever.

The real deal-breaker would be the erotica... Unfortunately, that's kind of a let down the further you progress. The... more>> eros is graphic, which is nice, but it's like the author has only know how to turn up the volume up to 11 when it comes to se­x. It's bombastic and flagrant and very much in-your-face about it all the time. Caps-lock on, cruise control on, let's go! It doesn't help that the author only has three specific kinks and almost never deviate.

It would have been fine for 50 chapters (or even pushing 75), but I'm simply burned out. There's almost 450 chapters written as of now. That's NINE times over past the Goldilock-zone. <<less
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grex31 rated it
April 3, 2022
Status: c314
Personally, I enjoy the story but it could've been better

The MC actually works on his goal of becoming king instead of staying at home just f**king his wives, lovers, maids, and prostit**es.

The MC actually trains on becoming king instead leaving all the work to his subordinates, hell I would just be happy if he learn the basics of running a kingdom. It is just that he made no effort in trying to become a better leader.

The MC was just a little more serious just sprinkle more, the MC is just... more>> dumb and sometimes lacks common sense. If the author was trying to be funny it work for the first few times after that it was just annoying to read.

The MC stop thinking his lower head all the damm time and control his lust for women. I know the tag has harem and ecchi but it's just ridiculous how the MC 95% of the time thinks with his lower head all the time. For example, he gave a merchant a monopoly on all business and let her build and run a city on his land all because he slept with her and her assistant. That is just one example of the MC ignoring common sense just to f**k an woman.

The amount of women he MC slept with is just s*upid like why does he go sleep with prostit**es with he has 50+ lovers back at home to sleep with. I'm on chapter 314 so far the MC slept with 530 women, 42 of them are his official harem and he has 66 kids that we know of.

The way MC treat people if you guy and you are not his subordinates, friend, or boss MC sleep wouldn't care at all and will just go around to sleep with their wives. If you woman the MC will treat you like a treasure and will come up with a way to sleep with you and make you his woman even if you kill his soldiers, an enemy, or a criminal he left you off the hook with some kind of s*xual punishment. So far I haven't seen the MC kill one female enemy, males so far he kills up into the hundreds I think.

Also, the way the MC picks up some women is very questionable. He had all types milfs, daughters, small and big breasts or ass, white or dark skin, lolis, netori, and non-humans. Those were fine with no problem, but there were still some problems with like some were underage the age of 12 while it didn't go full course only some touching still big no n0.

The story could have been better if the author made the MC a little more smarter, serious, control his lust for women, actually being proactive in trying to become a king and keep things above the age of 12. The MC didn't have to become a genius or anything just had some more common sense and was proactive in his goals.

3 out of 5 stars. <<less
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May 29, 2020
Status: --
Spoiler alert : it was very good harem story in the first 500 chapters, gradually deteriorated after that. Bad and rushed ending

... more>>

I read until the ending. The story become sloppy & rushed nearing the ending. It had kind of rushed bad ending, something we never expect based on the first 500 chapters.

The MC died, killed by his son. But he then resurrected as vampire, he then said goodbye to all lovers, in a rushed and unsatisfying scenes.

The girls from mountain village got Netorared as his son took over as new chieftain.

Sekrit was abandoned cheaply by MC like his wives and lovers.

It is very s*upid ending, I think the author just wanted to get this serie over and move on in his life.

The only satisfying thing is the 2 girls Mula and Irijina got pregnant finally.

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