Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi


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This is the story of a young s*ave gladiator in an underground arena. He doesn’t know about his past or how he got to where he is, only that his name is Aegir, and that he is strong.

One day he kills the boss and escapes the arena, joining a band of mercenaries as a new recruit. During one mission, they encounter the vampire, Lucy, who slaughters the band with her inhuman strength. After learning that Aegir only knows how to kill, Lucy lets him stay at her house, educating and taking care of him.

Two years pass, and on the day of Aegir’s departure, they both exchange a promise that if Aegir becomes a king and owns the land of Erg forest, he can come and take her as his woman. Making this his life goal, Aegir set out on a journey to become a hero, a king, and found his own kingdom.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Road of the Kingdom
Road to Kingdom
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  4. Male Protagonist
  5. Yandere Harems/ Yanderes/ Harems that have a Yande...

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87 Reviews sorted by

Nightwayne rated it
April 27, 2020
Status: c40
So I read this with certain expectations as I think some of you will. Although the story is good and other things are good too (; it is a smut novel for different types of fetishes. Be warned.

The protagonist goes on a quest after his vampire lover, Lucy, tells him she will be his only if he becomes king. In his quest to do so, he finds many (I mean many) women to do the unmentionable with.

I honestly enjoyed most parts of the story. Choosing to see whether the... more>> ending was worth me continuing, I saw comments made from the ending on a forum and chose to read the web novel ending myself. I

wish some things for the ending (read the web novel ending) would have been better.

To read the rest of my review, you will have to be okay with spoilers. Sorry.


Although I read it mostly for smut material (honestly) I found some of the characters good. Eventually, you may reach a point where every girl is just c*ck hungry. They often mention the size of the character's d*ck, saying its enormous. It can get tiring at times. Even still, the story is not bad if you choose to read it. They do talk of his accolades in battle which is interesting, at times. The MC has some redeeming qualities but often thinks about s*x and the story results from that intent.

My biggest beef with the story are three:

1. By chapter 500 I think a girl you meet around 30 or 40 named Catherine cheats on the protagonist and later has a child (not sure who's child this is). I personally don't like NTR (Lover/ Romantic Interest cheating on MC) so it was a turnoff. I personally preferred the Netori (MC helping cheat...I'll go to hell I know) in the story (irony... you get both with one character). She was one of my fav girls so that s**ked. Considering this may or not be a big deal for some, to each their own. Others said he did that to every girl because he never really asks them if he can lay everything. Fair point too.

2. Other things are some of the fetishes. Somewhere in the forum, they mention futa and or gay. And although I don't judge, it's not my cup of tea. He also enters women who are young (questionably young like 14 or 13 or...) which isn't my thing either. I personally skipped. One of the main girls is also into pooping which I don't understand but at least it will cover most/all of your wildest dreams? (awkward laugh)

3. Lastly, the story isn't bad. I think the ending was okay, personally, I'm more of a "perfect ending'' type of guy. He basically gets killed by one of his children after becoming king I think and ends up with Lucy and another person from the harem that follows him a lot *hint hint* as a vampire. He says goodbye to the rest of his harem tho and gets promised that they will be treated okay by a god I think (don't know the details honestly)... 500 years later and the world is like ours and the MC is a soldier. Okayish ending I think but I'm just spoiled and need better.

If none of these things interest then maybe read some/none at all.


If you just want to try, then be my guest. I personally think its smut that will probably contain something you like. *If you cannot read material that does not support gender equality, you probably shouldn't read this as you won't be able to empathize with most/all of the characters. * <<less
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Minokyuu rated it
May 13, 2018
Status: c150
Everythings is great other than the Protagonist keeps f*cking prostitute without even getting STD, and spoiling his who*e ass harem, especially mellisa, ... more>>

In a bath, she gave one of the kid servant a handjob and later on becomes guitly, if I were the protagonist I would kick the servant and the girl out of my household

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ryan1248 rated it
December 29, 2017
Status: c62
This is just an erot*c novel with good story, the problem being there are almost erot*c scene every chapter and some are even more than half of its chapter. I get dull sometimes and I just want to know the story, so I have to skip a big portion of erot*c scene every chapter and at this point I just can't read it anymore
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xluferx rated it
September 28, 2017
Status: c91
There are so many things to say about this novel...

To put it simple it is an excellent combination between Rance (Rance Series) and Guts (Berserk)

He is the definition of alpha male. An alpha doesn't mean that he goes raping women left and right like others MC pretending to be alphas yet are pussies in front of special girls.

... more>> The tags are in fact well placed.

Most of the chapters will have ero scenes yet there is actually plot which is direct and predictable however is executed very well and is very interesting to read. The story is building at a very good pace in which you can enjoy it and find it logical, and characters have their respective screen time. And not forgotten unless it is clearly stated that they would never seen each other again.

Also our MC isn't a picky eater, for him a woman is a woman, though he has preference for cute and beauties but also enjoy his time with other woman who aren't beauties or cute, which is also new to see because most ero novels only waste time describing and f*cking beauties after beauties. This one has variety.

And if you are worrying about Ntr in general then don't, is more like netori which is very different, and you read lines which he seems to be telling his girls to find other guy is more like a bluff or reminder because he is perfectly sure that his harem wouldn't betray him because he is simply the best in all regards, no guy could hope to compare to him.

I totally reccomend to read this novel, for both purposes. (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <<less
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summers rated it
July 20, 2017
Status: --
Amazing erot*c story and one of the few good novels I have read since getting into this.

The description says most of what you need to know. The MC is strong not overpowered, and the girls are likable and fleshed out. They don't always stick around; they come and go based on their own circumstances because they have and had lives before the MC came along. He does have a few one night-stands but even these flesh out the world. For example he capture and evil lord during a war and... more>> the girls he kidnapped want him dead; they "convince" MC that it would be great if he would kill the lord and how much they would "love" for him to bring down justice.

It also read like a hentai comic, other s*x novels surprisingly don't read like a comic but instead reads like a series of clipped awkward sentences that mostly end like this "and then he did this then that, then she did this".

So know this coming in. Its a pervy story but MC is not an idiot and no NTR. <<less
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dysry rated it
July 28, 2016
Status: c21
This series is pretty much the ultimate dude light novel. For the plot, see cover image. The MC is a man's man type, with a bird in each arm and several others draped around him, ruthlessly swinging his sword, as well as his 'weapon' of choice, focusing more on acting than thinking. There's not much plot, there's not much depth, but it's fast paced with enough action and 'action' to form a story. It offers everything it needs for its target audience, and not a cent more. While there's probably... more>> a lot wrong with it (no emotional development, hard to relate, the closest thing to feminism is that his women won't only sleep with him, etc), it's easy to read and there's nothing too horrendous or beyond the norm for adult novels. Though the s*x scenes and women were pretty standard too. <<less
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Truesellen rated it
December 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Holly sh*t was I disappointed that I wasted so many hours for this novel and I'm honestly surprised it's rated so highly.

TLDR: read up to chapter 350 or so ... more>>

mid South Yuguria which is a shame as we get more of Sekrit time

, MC being shafted by everyone because "he dumb", inconsistent characters

Up to chapter 400

mid South Yuguria arc

. After chapter 400 main enemy is getting plot armour after plot armour just to get rid of them in a chapter or two. Every chapter past that was honestly making me want to ditch the novel more and more the longer I read on but somehow I finished the whole thing. Yet ending was so bad the moment I finished it I was completely disgusted with myself for wasting my fing time. Personally I hate "open endings" in novels/books because not many people can do it right and give you the closure and this nove takes it to another level. <<less
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Ba_Ko rated it
June 11, 2020
Status: Completed
I won't be lying. If you want a real s*x novel with a lot of description and a good stories, this is a good choice. But, the more you read and advance in the novel, the more annoying become the MC. Too much gallantry, too much forgiving women.

  • The MC ALWAYS forgive women, even if they tried to assassinate his lovers/wife. At first, when he don't kill the woman who attack him in war, it was a little comprehensible, but at the end, he forgive everey woman, tell all his secret to woman who try to seduce him
  • At first, the MC was set like a warrior with a god-like intuition, and someone not very good at scheming or thinking. But, he is like a pe*vert who think about nothing but woman. Even his good point (war) became worse. He can't make any good strategies, and let the side-characters do all the works. His presences isn't necessary at all, and he just go and take more and more woman (One time, he took 10K woman's prisoneers into his territory xD)
  • Well, a good side of the novel is, of course, the s*x scene, who are detailed. The MC have s*x with every kind of woman, and even with a boy (not explicit).
  • Another good side are the war with good strategies, naval war etc
  • And the humor might be good sometimes.
  • Plus, a the end, the author made one of the worst ending, with Aegir letting his son killing him, and marrying his own half-sister
Because of th ending being bad, I give 2 stars, but if we consider like the 300st chapters, it was a ok novel (3, 5 stars/5)
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EvilPersonified rated it
March 15, 2020
Status: c182
Good story, but should have been written as r-15 instead of r-18.

This novel's story so far up to chapter 68 137 182 is quite good. Decent world building, fairly fast pacing while not seeming at all rushed, though rather derivative of Berserk in particular amongst a number of others. The protagonist Aegir makes haste slowly toward attaining his goal. Also he is nearly fully alpha, with almost no beta male traits, which is rare for a japanese novel's protagonist. He gives his women whatever they want, whenever they want it,... more>> no matter how much it ruins his reputation, depletes his assets, or makes him look like a douche, just like a beta does.

freaking guy even makes the worst possible woman ever (Nonna) into his legal wife, just because she cried some obviously fake tears. Literally her only redeeming feature is large breasts. Also it seems that for every 1 gold coin he collectively spends on all of his myriad other women, he spends about 500-1000 gold coins on that useless b*tch. She is an even worse person than Megumi from PLIC, for those who are familiar with that series (everything selfish that Megumi from PLIC would do subconsciously is carefully and maliciously planned then acted out by Nonna).


The s*x scenes up to chapter 68 137 182 are, to put it gently, s*upid, weak, absolutely pathetic and should have been left out. The author needs to lose his v**ginity so he can better describe such scenes, perhaps they will improve later in the series? I hope so. I only skim over the s*x scenes now just to make sure I don't miss any plot points, as these scenes are so boring, repetitive and unimaginative.

also s*upidly thought out. For example; that time after the goblin subjugation, in just one night, he ejaculates 4 times each into 30 women, with each round lasting several tens of minutes, and each ejaculation lasting at least 5-10 minutes. (Incidentally, he apparently releases several litres of c*m per load.) All in just one night. One. Night. How many hours does that all ad up to, and how many hours are in a night again?


That being said, I started reading this not for the ero, but for the story, and am sticking with it entirely for the story. I may update this review as I read further if I feel so inclined. <<less
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za123 rated it
February 15, 2020
Status: c413
I'm hooked on this novel. Even if there's no le*d story I would still like the story very much. The scheme and plot the characters use are very interesting. The characters itself are very interesting. But sometimes the MC are so ret*rded that it pisses me off XD
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laqi rated it
May 23, 2019
Status: c316
I like the story a lot, I have not found similar stories and the few that are assimilated to this or have been canceled or are in hiatus for a long time.
The world and the characters I like, the development of history too. The few incombenientes that I see, are the little development that have some personages since they have enough, especially female characters. Another thing that I do not like at all, is the carefree character of the protagonist who shows in certain occasions, sometimes he can understand it but there are others that irritate me.
Also what bothers me most in the frequency of publications of the chapters, although this I think happens with many other people like me who want many more chapters.
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Szini50 rated it
April 27, 2018
Status: c57
Its a Hentai-with-plot Novel. The plot is very good considering its all about s*x. Honestly its to much for me, the fetishes are strong with this one - to strong :/ I literaly felt corrupted after reading it, its just to much. The MC is the opposite generic Jap MC, like really - 180° differente. For him all woman are subjects/sex-toys/sex-friends etc. Nothing more (maybe except the Vampire with is shown only at the very beginnig, atleast until 57ch), there is no romance in this novel. There is no plot-armor... more>> when it comes to his harem, they leave him etc. This made me 100% certain that I like plot-armor, I think thats why I cant read anymore. Its very extreme thats for sure. Im giving it 5/5 only because IMO one should rate sth. Always considering its genre. <<less
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stanljpierre rated it
October 13, 2020
Status: --
Not all that great. The smut is nice and all, but when he’s jumping onto any girl he sees it gets dull. Every girl is too easy in the sense as if they’re just throwing themselves at him in the span in one or two chapters when he’s not even doing all that much to warrant such behavior from them. The plot is simply atrocious and almost pointless to read. Overall, this novel has good smut, but the story leaves much to be desired.
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October 3, 2017
Status: c93
This novel is a mindless adult novel lol. MC is strong as hell who wants to build his own kingdom and I hope will lol. The story is good with random as hell adult plot but in a good way lol. Good novel for adult tag.
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Sherrynity rated it
May 23, 2017
Status: c20
I had a good laugh.

I was looking for le*d story and found this series. At first I thought it's​ going to be a bland, le*d scenes packed with hypocrisy and blatantly illogical s*x scenes. Well, the last part was right, yet I laughed more than I expected. The MC is totally honest with his perversion, and the joke didn't feel forced, as if the author put them there because why not, it fits just right. And contrary to its title, rather than building a kingdom, it's more like building a... more>> harem.

Don't expect any political weird sh*ts happening in the earlier chapter. He's just a mercenary, or maybe a free man is the right term, because he always does anything as he please. <<less
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Kuro no Maou
Kuro no Maou
January 30, 2016
Status: --
This guy is like 16 and he gets pu*sy like mad, but that's not the point of the story.

Like I said, the MC is an absolute harem magnet, but he is quite levelheaded (although he pulls some ret*rded sh*t at times) and likable. The ero isn't bad, but the plot and the MC are the main attractions of the novel.
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Fathermother rated it
August 5, 2023
Status: prologue (c1-2)
Well, I am a creative writer who wants to grip the forbidden quill of 18+ writing, and I can say that this is educational for me, the plot is seriously engaging and thought me a lot how to write a world that allows s*avery, my only concern is, why the hell did he humped a child?

Anyway, it's a good read and a good "learning material" for me (I am reading this at a different site and stumbled across it here, so I gave my reaction here as well.)
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sonny rated it
November 9, 2022
Status: c600
I read this a while ago. I dont know what chap im in, but its around when he leaves the empire/kingdom or something that its ruler has the same D size as him. And it made me realize, that the author is somewhat changing our mindset to be ok with NTR. Although theres no NTR that happen when I dropped this (except for that one girl where he get scam by a painter or something, but I wont call it NTR as the girl is just a decoration and im... more>> not attached to her), but its feel like its leading to it, or the author is preparing us to be ok with it. Lol <<less
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talosparoxi rated it
June 7, 2022
Status: c300
this is basically what you get when you mix conan the barbarian with erotica, and I mean that in the best possible way. The series is funny at times, gripping at others, and absolutely raunchy in its down time.
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March 7, 2022
Status: c559
  • Action: 9/10
In a nutshell long and great fights with a lot of twist and gore. The only think that the author wasted was:

... more>>

This guy has 2 dragons and a dinosaur and they weren't properly used in wars 🤦‍♂️


  • Adventure: 7/10
This is a review by genre, in the beginning I can rate the adventure 10/10 but:


As he became a noble and got a land the mood was like he was stuck in the same place.


  • Fantasy: 10/10
Though not well developed in the main series, all the non-humans, mystical beasts and the feeling of the unknown all round the place, allow the reader imagination go wild and think of a lot of thinks in this world like:

  • What really makes people a magic user?
  • What can really be done with powerful magician like Alice?
  • Can magic be learned or improved?
  • What is deep in the abyss?
  • What are that creature from abyss that look like aliens?
  • Are there more monster that can control people minds in the abyss?
  • What is the ancient civilization that perished more than 1000 years ago?
  • How could the ancient civilization develop war mechas and a machine with feelings?
  • What is the power of Aegir's sword after the dragon spirit awakened?
  • What is the ancient dragon bloodline?

Though these long list appears to be plot holes list the main history is not about it (there are a lot of things left in the open). The novel is too big the way it is and in its own purpose the ending is well done. I think the author will explore these things bit by bit in extra chapters.

  • Harem: 8/10
It would be 10/10 but in my opinion only being large doesn't make a good harem. All the harem members need to make constant appearance. Although all the harem girls are really unique and have lots of personality and development. It was a given that in the later half of the series it got saturated as the members were increasing like crazy. Girls like Meirelle and Rebecca were poor developed sadly (I even forgot the main heroine in the middle of the book, lol).

  • Plot: 10/10
Massacre, greedy, loyalty, betrayal and love... All the good element to make a complete plot with lot of twists. The end is awesome with a lot of twist after twist, though I am a bit sad about his decisions I am happy I read a decent history where the power of love or friendship prevails and everyone lived happy thereafter or a history where all loved ones are dead and there is only hope and despair.


For me the climax was when he killed all his friends he made in the beginning of the history including his best friend that gave him the opportunity to become a great noble with large territory. All for the sake of his dreams and desires.

PS: Some people keep complaining about how he betrayed them and although he did a betrayal was not against them but the King. In truth people only picked their sides (none of them right or wrong everyone fighting for their dreams). I am sad because his close old friends chose loyalty over friendship even though the current King gained the power with schemes and betrayal. Well, that was the end for the one who want to know before read, he becomes a king killing all his path to the capital, friends and enemies alike.

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