The Warrior’s Ballad


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Only a pure soul can become the brightest star, and the brightest stars are the most destructive.

Maybe the Demon King and the Hero aren’t too different after all.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Ballad of the Hero
용사의 발라드
Related Series
Children of the Holy Emperor (1)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Things I've Read That Don't Suck (1)
  2. Skibidi list2
  3. Bon, Bon, Bon
  4. Perfection
  5. goat list

Latest Release

Date Group Release
01/23/25 woopread translations c64
01/21/25 woopread translations c63
01/19/25 woopread translations c62
01/17/25 woopread translations c61
01/13/25 woopread translations c60
01/09/25 woopread translations c59
12/25/24 woopread translations c58
12/25/24 woopread translations c57
11/25/24 woopread translations c56
11/24/24 woopread translations c55
11/21/24 woopread translations c54
11/13/24 woopread translations c53
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6 Reviews sorted by

TywadS rated it
September 4, 2024
Status: c24
This is so unbelievably fire it's embarrassing. The novel so far feels like it's written by an old soul which works incredibly well given our MC. Not to mention it having some fire lines. It's also just fun seeing an OP/competent protagonist do work.

Kudos to the translators for doing such great work so far!
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asianscension rated it
August 30, 2024
Status: c19
enjoying it so far

simple pleasure of an OP MC kicking bu*t + emotional depth of the reincarnated MC's mature mindset + solid and touching start in character and world building

plus no harem so far!

feeling good about this story's potential

thanks for translating!
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Janisse rated it
October 12, 2024
Status: c47
This MC is not your typical MC, while he's an empathetic person he's not overly kind (he admitted it himself). The narrative is well written and concise you could actually tell the character is an old person XD I like that it's not just train, fight, and gained reputations because the MC actually don't care nor have grand ambitions lol. The MC reminds me so much of yoriichi from demon slayer and I gotta admit I'm hooked to this kind of characters.

So far no potential harem/love interest because if it... more>> does I have no choice but to drop this; (I'm not a person who enjoys romance I really hope the tags are right... <<less
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Iamshera rated it
November 19, 2024
Status: c53
The novel is really good, the pacing is fast. All characters have distinct personalities and have growth. This just hooks you from the first chapter and the never lets your interest fade.

Bust translation is too slow, with no set schedule and no mtl present online it just kills to wait for new chapters. Hope either they pick up pace or a new translator picks it up.
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schell_4x4i rated it
October 26, 2024
Status: c49
It's such a great story, with such a great premise and an even greater execution. The prologue itself was already explosive, and it maintains that high quality throughout.

The MC has the set up of a reincarnator. Unlike other reincarnators, he retains the maturity of someone who had lived a long and difficult life. But he has a very straightforward and refreshing mindset, whilst being mature. A very competent person. A case of OP done well.

More excitingly, it's shaping up to have no romance/harem/etc, or at least that isn't the focus... more>> unlike other stuff in this genre. I'm hoping for it to stay that way, half because I hate romance and half because the MC doesnt seem interested either.

The supporting cast are also great! My favorite so far is Dad X... I shed a tear or two.

The plot up to this point is already so riveting. It's such a high quality story so far, and hopefully that doesn't wane as it progresses. I'm honestly excited for this to get more popular and hopefully get a manhwa adaptation. <<less
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seutelar rated it
October 24, 2024
Status: c48
Good great lord. This is SO GOOD. I can't believe it. Ugh the writing is soooooo top tier. This novel feels like a breath of new fresh air. How the author build up the narrative is so so so damn good. I love the main character. He has flaws but he's not an a-hole. He's great, idk what to say. He is perfect for this story. I couldn't ask for more. And the side character? Oowhh so good too. Even the one that appear just briefly makes me feel some... more>> kind type of way (i cried). I love that the author slowly build up the world without info dumping on us. Like, the little convo they make truly makes me believe that this fantasy world is really real. The hardships, the enviroment, location, people mindset and behaviour. It is perfectly captured in this story. You get why they become the way they are.

Reading this feels like I'm reading a fairytale. Which is why I thought the title for this novel is so fitting. Top tier writing, what can I say. I will say the translator also did an extremely great job. Every line flows very smoothly, it doesn't feel weird or disconnected at all.

I will also add, that every chapter in this novel is quite long. Def longer than normally how 1 chapter should go. So, take your time reading this. <<less
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