I Started a Magic Tool Repair Shop


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A regular high school girl gets caught up in the hero’s Truck-kun isekai teleportation. Declining the hero’s invitation, she leaves the royal palace because she’s just an ordinary human.

She tries to find work but keeps failing. Eventually, it’s discovered that she has a talent for being a magic tool craftsman, and she finally lands a stable job.

From there, things start to look up, and she eventually opens her own magic tool repair shop.

This is a story about an ordinary girl struggling to make it in another world.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Madougu no Shuuriya Hajimemashita
Related Series
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Latest Release

Date Group Release
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c82
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c81
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c80
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c79
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c78
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c77
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c76
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c75
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c74
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c73
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c72
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c71
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c70
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c69
08/05/24 ThatTwat3000 c68
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2 Reviews sorted by

acmangalover rated it
July 15, 2024
Status: c38
The girl was really just a regular girl - no powers or ability to use magic.

Honestly that would be traumatizing what she had to go thru at first, until


she figured out her special power. Once she did that it when from hard mode (real world troubles) to easy mode.


I'm on chapter 38 and it's till too early to judge, but it's a quick read so try reading it yourself!
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PiRho rated it
June 5, 2024
Status: c8
Quite boring so far, lacking in description and depth. Characters are the flat cookie cutter type with no embellishment. I would also say very cliche if we were following the male lead... summoned as a hero to a magical realm to defeat the demon king, princess gushing over the hero, hero has holy magic... etc. Fortunately that's not the case, the story is about the female lead. You would think this is a good thing but it's not! The female MC (Setsu) apparently has no magic so it's a mystery... more>> as to how she will work with magic tools. She does seem to have an aptitude for understanding their function with little to no explanation so there is a sliver of hope there but that's about it. With no friends or family as support and her enormous dislike for the medieval setting, this is a tragedy in the making! What a horrible fate to be summoned to a magical world and not be able to use magic. <<less
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