Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint


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Kim Dokja does not consider himself the protagonist of his own life. Befitting the name his parents gave him, he is a solitary person whose sole hobby is reading web novels. For over a decade, he has lived vicariously through Yu Junghyeok, the main character of the web novel Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse (TWSA).

Through Junghyeok, Dokja has experienced secondhand the trials of repeatedly regressing in time, in search of an end to life-threatening “scenarios” that force people to act out narratives for the amus**ent of god-like “Constellations.”

After reading 3,149 chapters—long after all other readers lost interest—Dokja finally resigns himself to the story ending. However, he receives an enigmatic message from the author, stating that the story will soon be monetized, before his surroundings suddenly go dark.

He swiftly realizes that fiction has become reality and he is now living through TWSA. Although he is the singular omniscient reader of the events yet to come, his success in the scenarios is not guaranteed—but perhaps his advantage will empower him to step into the protagonist role that never suited him before.

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Omniscient Reader
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443 Reviews sorted by

December 20, 2021
Status: --
This novel is very good.

The story itself actually has a fairly general theme (a kind of level up character like in a game) But is wrapped in a unique way, which no one else has used before.

Unfortunately, since entering the middle of the story, the story began to decline, the things that became a factor in the story declining itself were :

  1. One because of the translator of the story was changed
  2. The second is due to too much repetition of the plot about self-sacrifice.
And if I'm being honest, I'm really fed... more>> up with point number two.

Because it was really sickening to see him always make self-sacrificing, which in the same time was made all the members of the group depressed.

I mean if it's happed once or twice then it's okay, even if that sacrificing things happend three times is also okay.

But if it's up to 4-5 times??? It really makes people wonder how thick the Armot's plot that he have. <<less
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Xiliqs rated it
May 28, 2021
Status: Completed
Rating for main story (before epilogue) : 4

Rating for epilogue: 5

General rating: 4.5

... more>> This will be a short review where I'll only talk about my impressions while reading ORV. I don't intend to talk about plot points or details.

First, I need to say that the novel starts pretty generic. The main difference is that instead of the person getting isekaied on a novel universe, we get the novel's universe to become real. So, in the beginning, we basically get MC using his memories of the novel to save people and do what he thinks is better. Like I've already said, there is nothing very original at this part. Nonetheless, it is really fun. I really liked the interactions between characters, Kim Dokja's interactions with the kids, with Yoo Jonghyuk, with Han Sooyoung (my favorite character) , with Uriel and other constellations. So, for me, what urged me to continue reading was the interactions and some funny moments that happened here and there. Sincerely, I'm the kind of person that prefers character-driven stories instead of more plot-driven stories (I mean, in cases when we can't have both).

However, while I was reading the main novel (I mean, everything before the epilogue), my thoughts were alternating between: "WOW! This novel is great, super intelligent, creative, and, even brilliant. I love it." and "This novel is bullshit. It is full of plotholes. I don't know wtf I'm doing reading this. I will only continue because of the characters.". Thus, I was super conflicted reading this. I had the feeling that it showed flashes of brilliance while full of stuff that didn't make sense. I was not convinced about the behavior of a few people, like "why are they helping MC's group?" or some random people sacrificing themselves.

But, boy, when we get to the epilogue... This novel reaches another level. I have this impression that the novel was written because of the epilogue. That the epilogue was what the authors really wanted to show us and they developed it prior to everything else. Do you guys get what I'm saying? Most, if not all, of the problems I had while reading this novel get an explanation in the epilogue. It makes so much sense! And even though I had seen a few spoilers (unintentionally), I didn't see a lot of stuff coming. I got a lot of surprises! Until the last moment, I was still thinking "ok, so what will happen now? Will everything be ok?". And we, the fandom, still don't know a few stuff and get to theorize and discuss with each other (And I love this feeling!).

Lastly, this novel works with a really nice concept about reader-character-writer. I think that every reader will like to read about a reader's interaction with his favorite character and with a writer.

In conclusion, this novel is fun and interesting. I think you should give it a try. <<less
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Entreaty rated it
December 26, 2020
Status: c376
At the point of review, I have read quite some novels about OP protagonist with information about the future or cheat skills, be it through rebirth, as a reader, isekai tropes, transmigration etc.

Review is full of spoiler so please skip it if you don't like spoilers. And also, since I didn't finish the whole novel, I may not have understood the meaning of the novel fully, so I'm may be biased. As the MC mentioned, I'm just one of the many that 'got off'. Feels kinda sad haha

It started off... more>> strong but went down to average around chapter 300 onwards



  • The premise is unique, the concept of constellation watching/being sponsors, the people as 'actors', the Dokkaebi as the 'youtuber' kind of roles. Although I read quite some of the tropes I mention above, this concept is new to me so it was something refreshing.
  • Side characters are not useless. The side characters have their own stories and some maybe even stronger than our MC. They have character development too, some even more than the MC
  • Exploring on human emotions as we see the people face ordeals and challenges based on the decision they make, be it physical challenge or mental ones. This make the characters less 2D.
  • Breaking the 4th wall on some of the novel cliches we see often.
  • The story about all the gods is quite interesting to read about since I don't really read up about this stuff on my own. It can be quite informative for some of us who don't know much about the gods if you ignore the bias parts of the author against some gods. I like when author does research for the materials they use in their story, though I'm not sure how accurately it was portrayed in the novel.
  • Not really a point but something I ponder about (?). In a sense I feel we are similar to the constellation, hoping to see more refreshing 'stories' while 1st generation stories are slowly being neglected, yet we miss the feeling of reading '1st generation' stories for the first time. Although not as extreme and godly as the constellation to the point of desiring bloodshed for stories, I feel that we are similar in the sense of our comments, sometimes praising, sometimes bashing authors. Seeing this being talked about in a novel is quite contemplative. There are also other contemplative things incorporated in a novel which is interesting to see and ponder about.
  • Biased point: As a fujoshi I'm happy with the bromance moments. Also appreciate that there's no romance cause harem is getting annoying. Even if there's no harem, usually romance in this kind of novel is not executed well. If it's executed well then its okay.


    • Repetitive. I think this is a point mentioned in a number of review which I agree.
      The MC: Although the arc each time is different, at one point you just feel: Even if he dies he is not gonna die anyway. He's just going to comeback stronger. His party will just feel worried/angry that he 'dies' without telling them anything. MC starts apologizing, party member forgives him, then he repeats this whole sh*t again.

      Antagonist: Not sure if the author got something against the gods but anyway: The Olympian gods. At first it was okay, I didn't mind the author trying to make some gods antagonist since this is a story and all that but. In this story there is the concept of probability, and the olympian gods trying to impede the MC consumes the probability. They did so many grand scale thing and consumed so much probability just to hinder the MC, and MC being the MC survives and comes back stronger. That's okay. Then next moment, you see the same group of antagonist disturbing the MC again. Like what??? What happened to the probability?? They do it so many times it makes me wonder just what is the point of the probability. Then when the MC face probability issue his body always disintegrating like paper burning. Then here comes plot armor and MC survives. Seriously. Then next this sh*t repeats with other antagonist gods after the olympian gods suddenly got some other issues to take care of.

      Relationship: I might be biased with this point but I'm honestly tired with the sudden falling out that happens at the most crucial moments. I get that they may have arguments and all due to misunderstanding and the tough things they experience, but this sh*t happens so many times as if the previous talking outs were a joke.

      Maybe I'm just not empathetic enough with the characters?

      Unexpected: I see this word a whole damn lot, especially when said by the MC. He always says its unexpected, but somehow he always got some countermeasures. Then what is so unexpected about this? First few times I was unexpected to see the unexpected word but after seeing it for the Nth time its not so unexpected anymore, the MC just gonna solve it anyway, at most 'die' a few times. I guess I'm just doing the same thing Dokja did to jonghyuk, complaining its repetitive.
    • Plot armor execution: Since we are reading this kind of OP MC novel, we all know that the plot armor is there. However, the plot armor is not well executed here. We already know the MC has plot armor yet the author is shoving that fact into our face. This is linked to the previous point about how MC keeps 'dying' but comes back anyway or how things are 'unexpected' but the MC got backup plan anyway cause he knows future information - of which we get to know it only after MC execute all his back up plan. Since the MC is not actually going to die anyway, I would rather get to know the future information alongside the MC and know what he is doing while he is doing it, not after everything is over. I also see others talking about how the author is mystifying everything unnecessarily which I agree.

This part is not related to the novel content itself but the issue of the change in translator.

Overall I'm appreciative of both translator. They both did a good job in translating the novel as I see their efforts in making the translation smooth and comprehensible.

There are many complains about the change of name and terms. As a reader myself, I understand why people are unhappy as we are already used to the terms and names used for around 300 chapters and a change in name makes it hard for us to adapt all of a sudden. English readers may find it easier to read the more 'english' versions of the name. However, I also understand the translator wish to be as accurate as possible with the translation. I guess its more of the style of translation? It's not that hard to adapt, just read the chapter a few more times and you will get use to the name. The translator is also making an effort to bring the novel to us so let us be appreciative of it as we are not entitled beings. Names and terms aside, I can see that the translation is of good quality and comprehensible. As a reader we all know how terrible it is to see a novel stop being translated halfway. I'm thankful for the first translator who brought us through more than half the novel, and the second translator for taking time to finish the other half, though I only read a part of it.

As a translator myself, it is quite discouraging when we see these excessively negative comments. I'm not saying its wrong to complain about the translations as these comments can serve to improve the translator's translating skills, but comments can be done so more constructively and not with excessive hate.

Perhaps both translators and readers can learn from this.

As translators we should take into account that people are already used to the names/terms, especially in long novels like this. While it is not wrong to try and make the translation as accurate as possible maybe a poll asking whether people would like the change in terms would help as we are not only translating for ourselves. But if the terms are really inaccurate then I guess there is no choice but to change. Also, if terms have to be changed it probably has to be applied to the whole novel starting from chapter 1.
As readers, learn to be appreciative of the translators efforts. They are humans too and are not your translation spawning machine. You can give constructive feedbacks but please not with excessive hate. As I mention before we readers are not entitled beings. A little positive comment such as 'thank you for the chapter' might just bring a smile to the translators and motivate them to translate more and better:)
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Aurerius rated it
November 17, 2020
Status: Completed
Can recommend to read it, but after the authors did this really unexpected thing to the MC the novels gets a chore to read.

The beginning part of the novel is the best one in my opinion (~300 chapters) and aftewards the novels gets mediocre. The setting of an "omniscient reader" is quite interesting but has its disadvanteges. Especially due to the repetition of certain parts again and again because the MC knows the novel he is in and some smaller reasons the reading experience suffers at the later parts of... more>> the novel.


The concept about how the world is created and how the MC can star in it is never really explained properly. Yeah there is the "Most Ancient Dream" but how everything started is never uncovered. Even if someone wrote the novel that the MC reads and has to read to keep the world lines alive gives no explanation how the first word line started.


In conclusion I enjoyed reading the novel unit the aformentioned ~300 chapters. After that the repetition, plot armor, lacking explanation of certain details and to long epiloge made it hard to continue reading the novel. <<less
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GenoFour rated it
June 12, 2020
Status: c357
This novel is not good. Don't get me wrong, it is not a dumpster fire, but it is not enjoyable to read past a certain point. It is of no surprise to me that the rating for this novel is so high, as the only free chapters are the opening ones which coincidentally also are the best ones by a large margin.

Do not spend your money to read this novel. I repeat, DO NOT SPEND YOUR MONEY.

The issues with this novel can be summed up in two points: TL;DR, the... more>> novel doesn't respect (ironically) its reader, repeats story beats to an ABSURD degree, and the 2nd main character evolves from a depressed teen to a depressed three-years old.

1) Every story beat is repeated. And when I mean every "story beat", I do not mean "some story beats", I mean pretty much all of them. As of 357 chapters I counted the same exact plot, just with different skins, happening 4 times: (very light spoilers)

Our Main Character encounters a problem and solves it, which so happens to coincide with the very imminent conflict he is about to face. The conflict arrives, and our characters are outclassed/outsmarted, but they manage to win anyway. BUT WAIT A SECOND, a second, worse, problem arises, this time the characters don't have any hope..... until MC-kun (I mean Kim) pulls out a deus ex machina out of his ass, solves everything, and then disappears for a while, usually by fake dying.

Meanwhile we are given a lot of useless information that will maybe come into play 50 chapters later in a very unsatisfactory manner, or will just be forgotten. And speaking of forgetting...

2) Oh my god is the 2nd main character an absolute child. At the start this makes sense, but there's only so many times you can do "Muh I don't trust anyone.... Aside Kim.... OH WAIT I DON'T TRUST HIM" before you start to think that he has some sort of mental disease

(Which he has, but it is cured very early on)

. This is actually the reason why I dropped the novel. MC number 1 blindly trusts MC number 2, giving him information he should not know and doing everything in his power to keep him not only alive, BUT HAPPY, yet MC number 2 is an ungrateful bastard that constantly betrays him with the excuse of being betrayed first, only for the conflict to be resolved with the power of friendship, ONLY FOR THE CONFLICT TO BE REPEATED JUST A LITTLE WHILE LATER. <<less
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May 8, 2020
Status: Completed
Very complex theme.

Invokes a heck lot of emotion.

Uses common tropes found in most webnovels but uses them in very creative ways.

The tropes are not the main draw, the tropes all falls back as a background. The characters and their interaction between each other is the core of this novel.

Insane drama but not melancholic, MC is decisive.

Lots and lots of action. 500+ chapters..... more than a weekend binge.

I don't ever write reviews.... but for this novel, it is an exception.
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znukhsoc rated it
November 16, 2023
Status: c389
I wasn't really passionate about ORV and it was just a mildly interesting story to me but somehow I couldn't quit reading it. Maybe because the word count activated my competitiveness. Then 3000 pages later (around 200+ chapters) somehow I got who Secretive Plotter is and oh my god, I found myself punching pillows, I was crying randomly middle of the day, while working, while cooking.

3000 pages later I got why people ship them too... They are basically married. But I'm a bit salty about Yoo Joonghyuk, I don't know... more>> how Kim Dokja read about him for 3000+ chapters. He. is. boring. AS HELL. I get the melancholy and the emotions the character gives since I literally cried for him and because of him but UGH. He is insufferably stubborn and a BIG DUMBASS. Maybe that's why he died 1800+ times. I want to punch him so much.

4000 pages later I got... a little bit bored. The story island arc killed my soul.
On hold for now, maybe I'll continue it as the manhwa makes progress. <<less
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gnnnicole rated it
September 2, 2023
Status: --
I finished reading the novel (4 times) n I've read them not here but in the link that I've got thanks to that another fan who shared it to me.

All I can say is this is one of the best story/novel that I've read. I'm not the type of person who'll re-read a story again, cuz for me (1st) that's a waste of time n second what's the point of reading again if you already know what's going to happen. But this story?

Nope, I keep reading this over n over!... more>> The reason why I kept re-reading this is because


I wanna change my pookie squid's end! Please he deserves a happy ending! I want him to be reunited with his companions (especially yjh).


Overall, this story is a MASTERPIECE!! I recommend y'all to read this! ❤️🙌🏻 <<less
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Bryre rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: Completed
Repetitive. Previous world building falls apart as new concepts are introduced. Conflicts are solved using plot armour.

Was okay until roughly chapter 350, then slowly went down the drain.

Huge letdown.
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April 16, 2023
Status: c87
So many inconsistencies, author talking about cliches while making the ultimate cliche - bending everything for plot cliche and destroying all rules established previously cliche.
here be spoiler analysing a single event that happens ch68-70.

MC needs to get Changsin station, but it's been occupied by Tyrant King, MC needs to either get the Tyrants flag or go to Tyrants main base and put his flag in the flaghole.

Jerk Yoo breaks through the roof and drops down on Tyrant and kills him, then MC runs towards Tyrants corpse and picks up Tyrants items but not the flag which would imply that Jerk got the flag but why not the items?, all the while Jerk Yoo is running towards MC, see the problem?

next MC is not allowed to enter Last Kings challenge because MC doesn't have the Changsin station, but then he gets Changsin station flaghole and puts the flag into it this accomplishing the requirement, except that's not how it works, only main base flaghole counts so he needed to put the flag into Tyrants main base flaghole but Tyrants flag was taken by Jerk which means that even if Tyrants main base was Changsin then it would have changed to Jerks main base, if Jerks main base was Changsin then Jerk would lose his King qualification and be kicked out of the Kings free-for-all battle, see the huge problem?
Jerk Yoo was not kicked out so that means he didn't pick up the Tyrants flag but then why did MC not pick the flag while picking Tyrants other items, wtf is with this convoluted bs plot? Everything would be fine if MC took the flag but noo, then all that bs "oh no! What do we do now?" and then that bs "clever" way to get the Changsin flaghole is all just tr*sh bs padding.

And why the hell did MC and Jerk runs towards each other and not meet? Jerk is super and faster so there's no way he would let MC slip through.

it was stated long ago that Changsin station was taken over by Tyrant so getting Changsin flaghole wouldn't work, the conclusion that might work is that after a king dies and no one picks their flag then their territory becomes free but it was never stated that such a thing was possible because it was explained in a way that contradicts this possibility.


but author likes breaking established rules for plot since a while ago

some people managed to enter the station and enter the movie theatre even though the station was blocked so no one could leave or enter the place.


And let's not forget the sinister undercurrent of the novel that questions what is real

basically MC world and Jerk Yoo novel world are being merged into one, kinda hard to write so simply people from MC world are looking at novel world as fake but novel world people cannot accept that, but MC world people are being turned into novel world people, and MC doesn't understand that possibility, like jeez your name is Dokja which translates to Reader, what a damn coincidence eh, is it hard to believe that MC is just a character in another novel, but MC cannot accept it just like those novel world people cannot accept it.


I'll continue reading and it's too soon to give a rating by me, but apart from interesting world and overall plot, the author is still lacking in writing continuity or is just tr*sh and did that on purpose. Just another great novel being ruined by a bad writer at this point imo

edit: wow author creating plot by making MC forget things and then remember them at crucial moments, if that's not a cliche then what is? I was honestly thinking MC turned into a ret*rd but no he just has bad memory lol
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LehmD rated it
March 15, 2023
Status: Completed
This novel is really though to read if you dont know a lot about korean gods and other mythological creatures. There will be what feels like thousands of different gods appearing that you have never heard of but the author assumes you already know about them. I did not Subtract stars for that but I gave the 3/5 because I dislike the MC, the Power System and the ending.

So MC is the only Person who finished this one Web novel with like 3k chapters when suddenly the world gets transformed... more>> into said novel. MC will use all his knowledge to get stronger and Form Bonds with the Main characters of the novel. Then he will try to go for his desired ending.

First of all I dont think the MC behaves like a Real person. Monsters start appearing on his way home and other than that the world is exactly like the Real World so what is his assumption? Oh I must be inside a novel and nothing I do really matters since this Is not Real?

Other than that I dont really like the Power System. MC gets early Power up by killing insect eggs that give same strength as killing humans, what kind of bs system is that. Also it starts out with a game like strength system but converts to a system where

your stories aka your experiences turn into your power. Its really abstract since stories can basically do whatever you want so your skills arent clear at all. It basically means if you did that intetesting thing ages ago you can now stomp on everyone that did a lot of mediocre stuff in the past.


What the authors did really well is the relationships between the characters and the flow of the story. Everything fits together neatly and you just cant stop reading.

The ending doesnt make much sense as well

its a time paradox explained by "dont think about it or your head will hurt"

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Reader kun
Reader kun rated it
March 4, 2023
Status: Completed

Reread Material

If you're into fast paced action, this is not for you.

But if you're into an action fantasy with friendship as focused rather than romance, this is for you.

One of the best web novels I've ever read and I've read 2000 so far.

Btw don't judge a book when you haven't finished it, you noob
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zegye rated it
January 31, 2023
Status: c214
I read this novel like I got a prank which was said to be good and many praised it, it turns out that what I got while reading this novel was boring lol.

at first it was good in the middle of the chapter it became boring, the story decreased not as good as at the beginning, the writer was really inconsistent.

MC with inferiority complex always feel guilty

the plot is repetitive/stale, dokja knows how to solve problems because he already knows what happened, he sacrifices himself, after a while goes back... more>> to his friends everyone will be mad at him for sacrificing himself, rinse and repeat.

the fights are too long, convoluted, too many wasted words and repetitive.

one more thing that bothers me, the gay vibes between the two MC are very pronounced.

this novel is good and unique at first it becomes boring and repetitive in the end. <<less
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izuvy rated it
January 28, 2023
Status: c551
Reading the other reviews was definitely frustrating, "Main character has only plot armor and he knows everything!" I assure you that you'd only say that if you've read it with your eyes closed, the novel takes a huge turn towards middle to end. Personallu I adore the novels and how likeable the characters and backstories were, the sequence of events was good. The art was also really pleasant and I feel like the writing style was understandable. It was extremely slowpaced tho, I definitely didn't like how it was so... more>> long and surely procrastinated alot. It was very worth the time, Perhaps a new hyperfixation. There were some bland and boring parts but every novel has its flaws. <<less
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January 11, 2023
Status: Completed
This will Forever be my favorite novel. A ride of emotions and the story... God it's superb. To the lower star givers that are whining about the characters choices and the end, y'all just cant handle heavy angst. I think the characters decisions were pretty humanly. Humans are greedy, selfish, ambitious, impulsive, protective and more, and I think the authors did a great job in showing that in the story. The end for me hurts but it's GOOD. I love how even if the novel has ended, all the readers... more>> would still be thinking about their own choice of "ending" for the novel. Man I'm too lazy to profess everything I love about this so just read it. <<less
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SlayrEye rated it
January 2, 2023
Status: Completed
Started out good, however things come too repetitive and the ending... This makes me hate time paradox more

Seriously give dokja a break. ... more>>

It gets annoying how every single turn he has to sacrifice himself, his companions are even tired of him doing that. He claims he won't again, but does it again. How is he different from Yu Junghyeok in the end. Yu Junghyeok too commits su*cide so he can save his friends.

Dokja basically gave Trauma to his friends to the point where even near the end they don't even trust him. Sure they trust him during scenarios but for the ending of these scenarios you can see each one of them, as the novel goes on, they don't trust him when he says everything going to be ok. Gosh this sucks. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth having to read a novel where only sacrificing oneself means giving a happy ending to others.

And what with that ending. It was soo frustrating. After soo much HE. AGAIN SACRIFICES. HIMSELF. oh my God. I sacrificed soo much of my sleep because I wanted a satisfying ending but I'm seriously so annoyed.

I really enjoyed the concept of this story, however if the same thing keep happening over and over, readers are going to get bored. Even the ending makes you frustrated.


Some might argue the ending is good the way it is. No its not.

In the end due to dokja's action, his friends had to regress, had to face once again from the beginning that awful world, sure they have experience but the fact that they hesitated before deciding to regress shows how much trauma they had.


In the end, the stars are only for the beginning of the story to the point where he started his sacrifice. Afterwards 0. Epilogue of scenarios was good. But Epilogue of this novel was 0 star <<less
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hardpeanut rated it
November 9, 2022
Status: Completed
Here’s a spoiler without a spoiler: There’s a Kim Dokja among us and that’s what makes this novel a reality. You just have to believe that.

Read the whole story in 5 days, sacrificed a portion of sleep to finish because I just got so engaged, and I loved it so much.
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HolyDozo rated it
September 16, 2022
Status: Completed

Overall though the story, plot, character development, and ending are all really well done.

I think there is a reason so many people have highly reviewed this, you won't be disappointed.

My only negative feedback is that the novel can get a bit repetitive if you binge read it.
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EmotionallyAttachedToBed rated it
August 7, 2022
Status: Completed

At first glance, ORV was generic. The first 100 chapters didn’t intrigue me that much as it was kinda cliche: cunning MC who knew all the things to do and had special ability, the devastating scenarios, people dying, companionship etc etc.

Then the rest? Absolutely phenomenal.

... more>> All the things that had happened throughout the series were throroungly unfolded rather than being left unexplained. Character development and relationship was done well. There were hidden details/foreshadowing along the novel so when I realised I just went “ayo wtf”.

At the end, ORV really made me tearful. It was everything but a generic power fantasy. <<less
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bluemoon240 rated it
August 6, 2022
Status: prologue

you want a book that rips your heart out one moment and make you laugh so hard the next? Want book that intertwin tragedy and comedy together? Want a book that absolutely f+ck your sh+t up sideways and down?
Then read Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint!!!

i was mentally ill before and after reading this my brain was even more screwed up. 10/10 gonna get therapy for me and my buddy kim dokja.
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