Martial Arts Master


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Here, martial arts are no longer legends. They have been passed on from generation to generation, from century to century.

After being confronted by science and technology, they have completely integrated into modern society and all kinds of martial arts competitions are taking place across the country as the consensus between who’s superior among scholars are hard to reach, but among martial artists, it isn’t that difficult!

Lou Cheng has found an unknown cultivation item that fuses with him and helps him with the first part of martial arts, meditation.

Facing his dream and the glory in his heart, he will advance step by step, becoming the warrior of this modern city and the hero of the era!

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103 Reviews sorted by

morrrie rated it
November 8, 2020
Status: c708
This was a refresher.

It started off in a low key manner, taking the time required to build the ambiance, introduce the characters, their motives, establishing what the novel is going to be about, and, of course, making sure our MC gets a proper lucky encounter. After that, it still takes some time to get to the exciting parts, but among the pile of CN junks, this can be grouped in the 'Something Different' group. Maybe, because it was set in a modern setting, or maybe it was because the MC... more>> here doesn't go around saving jade beauties everywhere, swearing to give them a deluxe life as long as they let him do it, or maybe because the author made it clear from the beginning what this novel was going to be about, it was pleasant to read the journey of MC.

This novel is "clean" compared to most of the CNs out there. It's a smooth read. With glimpses of MC trying his best to woo his crush, trying his best again in honing his skills to be worthy of his crush, descriptions of MC chatting with his crush non-stop, along with the author creepily making us aware of the tiniest of the details there was, starting from the text to every emojis with its accurate description, it was a bit overwhelming at times to read these parts in the story. Not gonna lie, this book, at certain times, did feel like reading a guidebook on how to talk with your crush over a messaging app.

Putting all these aside, after reading this book from the start to where I am dropping it at, it did feel like what a typical Cuttlefish (the author of this Web Novel) novel would feel like, maintaining a certain level of censorship, executing the cliches right, archetype characters, well-thought-out and brilliantly written fight scenes (better than most CNs), etc. This is the very definition of what a novel written by Cuttlefish should look like. I always had a gripe with the characters in all of the Cuttlefish novels I have read, they (the characters) never exist for reason more than the situation requires them to. I found the same problem with the characters in his other books. But here, he has done a relatively good job. Maybe it is because this is essentially a slice of life genre novel or maybe there was some other reason, but here I definitely related to the characters better than I ever did with the characters in his other novels. It was not the best work when it comes to the characters, but definitely at the level where you can bear reading them and also might end up liking some of them for different reasons.

If I had to tell what this novel made me feel like, then I would say that this novel came across like a movie. It was a movie with a generic start, bearable romance, great fight scenes, and having some great moments to look back at. But... this movie got stretched a bit more than it should have been and after a while, the initial euphoria after seeing the hero overcoming all the difficulties, as he should, vanished and it became boring really quick after that. And at the point where I am at in the novel, I couldn't continue reading it. It became all predictable, and I felt like what basically left was waiting for that "happy ending". And Cuttlefish is infamous for his abrupt and "incomplete" endings, so I was not going to wait for that.

Well, yes, there are still some characters left that have still yet to showcase their full fighting skills before the MC and our MC has yet to unleash his full potential... but the movie is over for me. I think it's better to leave it while I am still feeling like I enjoyed the journey rather than nose-diving into the pit of Cuttlefish's "incomplete" endings. So, it was a good read, much better than most of the usual web novels out there, but in the end, it is like a movie and it depends on a person if they enjoy it and how long that enjoyment remains.

So, give it a try. It's definitely worth giving a try. <<less
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Asola182 rated it
August 30, 2019
Status: c640
This is the best novel I've read so far. Initially I thought it is about cultivation and becoming stronger, like any standard xuanhuan, but I was wrong. Although there are competitions ant cultivation, but thats secondary, main point is romance and slice of life, it is well written to the point that you can not find plot holes and every side character is interesting with his own temperament, thoughts and environment.
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tides rated it
February 2, 2018
Status: --
this novel is nothing special TBH.

it focuses ALOT on the interactions between the MC + female MC and alot of people like it because of it.

BUT everything else in the novel is flawed and boring. The main premise of the novel is basically UFC cultivator version. While it is interesting at first, it makes no sense later simply because it's cultivators fighting. Not to mention that the MC literally eats a jindan (which is considered one of the strongest level in the novel) and did not explode.

so much is foreshadowed... more>> about the jindan that he ate but NOTHING is ever revealed. <<less
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January 28, 2024
Status: --
I picked this up because I saw so many positive ratings for it here, which was clearly a mistake.

It's centered around a bunch of hormonal teenagers. It's extremely off-putting to have such an immature protagonist. His sole drive to practice martial arts was to impress a girl.

The martial arts in the novel are very lame, they are more like sports.

All-in-all, it's just too damn boring. I lost interest very quickly. Perhaps this is one of those "I'm too old for this shit" scenarios, but I can't recommend this drivel to... more>> anyone. <<less
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Loulaim rated it
January 17, 2023
Status: Completed
Bland is a very fitting word for this novel. MC is martial artist in a modern society where martial arts is like sport, but cooler. Whole story is about two things, first to become strong and cool, second is to get his first love from middle school as girlfriend. First point is very generic spokon (manga/anime about sport), with no interesting or exciting setups, second is generic romance without any drama.

I struggle to remember what happened in the book even after I just read it, in the beginning there is... more>> some good characters development and setups, but this is it, after 100-200 chapters characters basically set in stone, MC already strong, he already have his girlfriend and the rest of the book is just he constantly talking with her and participating in competition with the most boring 3 vs 3 on round arena.


  • His girlfriend have personality, and her own thoughts, unlike what we usually have in Chinese novels.
  • MC don't have too OP stuff, there is some, but mostly he is winning by being good at learning new moves and predicting opponents, besides he often loses the fights.
  • There is some good humor here and there.
  • Novel mostly about cozy relationship.

  • MC get what he wants very early in the novel, he is strong enough and have his love as a girlfriend. So there is not much to accomplish anymore, he is training just because he will have more money for his girl.
  • Most of the novel is just him talking to his girlfriend about some silly stuff and very same fights in the ring, other than that people praising him for being cool (he even have his own asskissing forum ffs). And all of this basically do not change from first chapters to the last.
  • Competition format sucks. Fights in the round arena with referee is boring, why they didn't try the battle royal, survival game, hide and seek or some other forms of competition is beyond me.
  • There is a lot of racism and stereotypes, straight insults to south asians, Americans are s*upid, Japanese are suicidal "samurais" and hypocrites, Egyptian cultivation is about drinking blood etc. A lot of more subtle stuff, like most of the world is war-torn, besides China and America, every cultivation is weaker than true Chinese path. Yes, it's the same in the most asian novels in one way or another, but still.
  • A lot of useless dialogues. You can just delete his forum, book is not gonna lose anything but couple of good jokes in the ocean of water. A lot of "socializing" where MC talks to influential dude, trying to get on his good side so he gets some benefits later, or other people talks to MC in the same way, but this never leads to something meaningful.
Overall it's just a novel without anything really interesting, almost all ideas used in the first 200 chapters and after this 550 chapters of repeated stuff, no meaningful conflict, no interesting drama.

P.S. I saw a lot of people hate having relationships in the novels, if you are one of them - don't even try to read this, save your sanity. <<less
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zetnnik rated it
November 23, 2022
Status: c26
Boring! I'm only on the 26th chapter and I'm struggling to read through. The pacing is slow moving. The MC is boring. The way he was described in looks, personality, and abilities -- he really has nothing going for him. Why is he the MC? If he has non-descript looks, he should at least have an amazing personality -- either amazingly good or amazingly obnoxious! Anything that would make him stand out, please...
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MyeTezz rated it
January 31, 2022
Status: Completed
Decently good casual read [B].

The unique thing about this novel is that there are interactions between both the MC and FMC throughout the entire novel from the start to the end (almost every chapter). Take note that this is a slice-of-life coming-of-age shounen wuxia martial arts with romance. If LOTM has this constant subtle tension throughout with zero romance, this novel is on the flip side with zero tension (stress-free no worries) and full-fledged romance. World-building and plot are both simple and straightforward. The plot is heavily centred on two... more>> elements; first, the progression of MC and FMC relationship, second, the progression of his martial arts. Initially, the romance seems kinda cringey at times and make you feel that MC is too much of a simp. However, as the relationship progress everything about their relationship will gives off wholesome vibes (and they are both extremely loyal). If you don't vibe with their relationship, you most likely won't like this novel. The fights are mostly in tournament format, just read through the first 100 chapters and you will know what to expect. There is no "arrogant young masters" trope and does not really have any hateful characters.

This is my 2nd series read by Cuttlefish That Loves Diving after LOTM.
Nothing too spectacular but if there is anything that sells the novel to me, it will be the "fresh" romance relationship between MC and FMC plus with the addition of martial arts along.
Thanks for the work author and translators.

Date started: 24 Jan 2022
Completion date: 31 Jan 2022 <<less
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mommmonn rated it
December 10, 2021
Status: Completed
Its by far the best written martial arts novel ive read.

It has the right amount of action mixed with comedy and romance.

The female is also great and not a one dimensional character and she actually has her own goals/ dream she wished to persue and did persue.

I love how the author handled the romance in this novel form the initial coarting to the end where they get married. It never gets biring amd you really feel their love and decotion for each other. They both gave it there all to... more>> make sure their relationship survive without it being unbalanced where one side sacrifices more than the other. <<less
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October 22, 2021
Status: c322
Honestly pretty terrible story. At same time if none of these points bother you than probably highly recommend.

First of all fighting, IN MY OPINION, might be the worst I have ever read. This is a wuxia story might I add. I've just basically skipped nearly 95% of all fights as they are really terrible. At the same time making it to 322 should tell you something, either something here worth reading or something really f*cking wrong with me.

Romance. Romance isn't everyone's cup of tea and this is also not logical... more>> topic. This is 80 if not 90% of the story outside of the fighting. Romance here is basically stalker level of affection.

Romance is a take or leave subject which can cultivate by literally seeing each other in a hall to glancing at the other in passing. Love is a feeling simular to liking. Doesn't and most often won't make sense so stop trying to f*cking make it logical. (This story has Romance I personally like.)

Finally in summary this is at best two to three star story. Writing for fights just feels god awful (my opinion). Writing in general uses tournament format for nearly everything.

Tournament writing is something that 90% of the time shouldn't be put on paper as its only worth after is to be tinder for fire. If you want to add interesting characters do so don't use this garbage tool to add bunch of tr*sh filler to word pad a book. It's just boring. <<less
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Silent Cosmos
Silent Cosmos
September 2, 2021
Status: Completed

One of the best Cultivation novels ever.

Be warned that this is a 50% cultivation/action and 50% romance novel. There's a ton of romance content.

... more>> Overview:

The story is based in modern world where martial arts is widespread and commercialised. Large tournaments and title competitions are held and famous winners get fame and money as reward. People idolise such masters and online debates are held about their techniques and such.

Obviously, there's a dark side to this. Due to their power, some masters tend to work for military and are used as tactical weapons. Certain areas are termed as warzones are powerful people fight for land and resources.

Now, our story is about a shy college students who joins the martial arts club to get close to his crush. He accidentally comes across a jindan of a cultivator which gives him certain benefits. Cliché, I know.

Pros :

  • Personality development. MC starts out as a shy guy who can barely talk to his crush. With time he gets confident enough to give speech on TV and talk calmly in front of powerful people.
  • Interesting romance. The romance is slow and realistic. Obviously there's bad side of this.
  • Girls don't fall for MC left and right. Moreover, he doesn't act like a ret*rd or a pe*vert in front of beautiful women.
  • Since, its a modern world with stable government, there are no young masters ordering people to kowtow, face slap or cripple their cultivation. Nah, none of that bs here.
  • MC isn't OP. Now, his cheat (jindan) only acts like a boost and gives him stamina. His main speciality is his hardworking and combat instincts. MC doesn't pull sudden abilities out of his ass. Except

    during his first tournament when he awakened his special ability. Even then he only won the match and lost the tournament as he had to pull out due to injuries.

  • Fight scenes. Oh boy, this is the best part of the novel for me. The fights are detailed and realistic. Now, power levels
  • are quite varied. There are 9 levels in amateur levels. People start from 9th pin and go to 1st pin. Same for professional 9th pins. In professional level there are certain stages people have to pass through to reach the above level - Dan, inhuman, physical invulnerability. So, it's not easy for 9th pin to defeat 8th pin. Now, fights aren't purely based on power level. The fighters aren't idiots who simply hurl ability at each other. There are a lot of strategies and tactics involved. Especially in team fights. That's why, it's possible to win against a stronger team by using right methods.
  • Every fighter has their own specialities due to their school and personal abilities. The good part about MC is that his combat abilities are sharper and his judgement is reliable in battles which is why he can win against stronger opponents. Of course that doesn't mean that he always wins. Now and then he faces a stronger or a smarter opponent who defeats him.
Cons :

  • No antagonists. No drive. Since MC has a normal backstory there's no drive for him to reach the higher level. He simply does it to protect his wife and family.
  • Romance. Now, MC acts like a dog in front of his girlfriend. Not in a kinky sense but...... you will understand when you read. He basically does everything she says and acts like a beta in front of her. That kind of relationship makes me rather uncomfortable. I don't know, maybe Chinese households work differently or maybe it's a cultural thing.
  • The story stopped before MC reached the Forbidden level.
  • Nicknames. MC's nickname is 'Sky Shaking Roar'. Wtf is up with that. Even those Japanese chunnis would find it embarrassing. There was such a great potential for nicknames - Untiring fighter, Cosmic Overlord, Lord of Evernight (LoTM, haha), etc. But no, author had to give him that shitty nickname and the story ended before he could get a proper title. What happened to his naming sense? LoTM and ToMA had such cool titles.
All in all its an awesome novel. No cliché no bullshit. Just a nice smooth journey of cultivation and romance.

Worth a read. <<less
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Madfalcon rated it
March 15, 2021
Status: c753
I intented to give 3 stars but missclicked.

Hi everyone, firstly this is my first review so please pardon my mistakes :)

First of all this novel is really good, easy to read and there are no fillers. Overall everything in a balance but there are some points that I want to mention which effects novel negatively.

There will be small spoilers below so be ALERT please.
    • Romance seems really nice but any person with a little experience should know that what MC feels is not love anymore but close to obsession. He doesnt any life other then his GF. Not even with his family or friends. No hobbies nothing. He is like a piece of wood.
    • Cultivation system is sooo bad and you dont even know why MC becoming so powerfull. There is no explanation about it.
    • MC has dull personality. For examlpe, Besides his GF which mostly teasing her, there are no conversations. I think he doesnt even know how to talk people properly.
    • Ending so bad and fast, you dont even understand when it come to end.
    • Overall MC is the one the worst one I ve ever read. Any one of the side characters which around MC is way better than him and more characteristic. But the storys is okey and in balance so if you re looking for a story like this one some romance some slice of life, it is fine you can read it but dont expect some nice cultivation system or good MC whatsoever.
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stanljpierre rated it
November 12, 2020
Status: Completed
Honestly the best CN I’ve read of this genre in regards to romance. There’s no cultivation/martial arts type novel I’ve read before this that compares in this aspect. Heck, this even triumphs over the strictly romance genre types. Enough dog food to leave you having a toothache and diabetes in tandem. As for the martial arts itself, well it’s definitely nothing outstanding and is okay at best. It definitely doesn’t compare to other cultivation novels which are highly acclaimed. Though I have to emphasize again that purely for the romance... more>> alone, this is a fantastic read. <<less
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luckymorris rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: 753
Great novel.

Alright, first off, do not take this novel for some typical xianxia/wuxia novel, there is cultivation but really you should read this novel as a "sport novel", to give example the structure is similar to the manga "hajime no ippo", there will be fight but there will be a lot of slice of life.

The characters are all great, no one is forgotten, altough there will be some side characters that do not appears anymore, it's not because the author forgot about them but because the MC is walking on... more>> his own path that happens to drift from his friends. It's very natural, and sometimes a little sad to say goodbye to them but at least you get the opportunity to say a proper goodbye to them unlike MANY chinese novel.

The progression is never rushed, the MC is quick to improve but not to a point that it is unbelievable, there is several other characters that are as quick as him.

For the fight, i'll be honnest, I don't care much about them as it is purely descriptive and no dialogues, not that it is bad, I just prefer to skim over it.

The romance is absolutely great, it's sweet, believable and have proper progression meaning that it won't be "hand holding" for 300 chapters or directly s*x after they get together. We go from "like" to "love" in a very natural way and it's great. It's a f*cking miracle for a chinese novel that are either superficial or filled with angst.

The ending was a bit disappointing, it really feels like the novel should have gone for about 300 more chapters, or maybe a sequel that will come one day, anyway a lot of plot weren't exploited. You could say that the objective of MC is fullfilled which is why it's only a bit dissapointing, but still a lot more could have been done, for a chinese novel, I'm surprised to say that there isn't enough chapters, it's usually the contrary. <<less
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Eternity Warrior
Eternity Warrior rated it
December 4, 2019
Status: c372
Honesty the story itself is good and other reviewers talked about it in more detail. The reason I am giving this 3 stars is because translation quality is absolutely atrocious. It is only one tier above machine translation, I'm pretty sure this was translated by an absolute sh*t tier translator.

Most of the sentences are butchered, many of them being completely nonsensical, and the grammar is atrocious. It is also very obvious that the translator just used google translate for direct vocabulary translation, because most of the word choices are idiotic.

I... more>> would give it around 4.5 stars if the translation was decent, but I fried my brain trying to make sense of some of the paragraphs. <<less
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sleib rated it
July 20, 2019
Status: c405
It's a great novel with actually more realistic romance and relationships. Action parts are also pretty good and not boring.
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Koruya rated it
April 30, 2019
Status: c438
I will not write a long review. I just say three things: best romance I ever see in this type of novels, no dark story at all, good environment building.

I like this novel very much!
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Ominous Raven
Ominous Raven rated it
July 14, 2018
Status: c430
I would give it 7 stars for the romance part alone. The girl doesn't blush easily and ... more>>

you can see the progress as MC chase his girl from an acquaintance to a friend, close friend with occasional flirting, lover, and finally a husband and wife (hope there's no ntr later on while the girl goes aboard)

. For me this novel currently has the best possible romance in this site.

Oh and in this novel the MC is not omnipotent, he loses sometime but he will get his revenge later on. There's also no hero saving a beauty continuously. Sadly the power level are not described with detail, but the fighting part are described clearly that you can imagine the battle scene. Overall this novel is realistic compared to other modern xuanhuan novel. <<less
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June 14, 2018
Status: c381
Having read the entirety of translations on Qidian, I have no idea what the quality was previously or if there was any associated drama.

I can say this resembles a sports manga, with a heavy emphasis on the main character's personal relationships. In a way, I am reminded of the tennis manga Baby Steps: the main character is a 'hardworking nice guy', the main love interest is 'talented and beautiful', his rivals are 'famous and powerful', his friends 'comedic and friendly', the parents 'concerned but supportive'.

The romance is pure and pretty... more>> much the norm of Asian love stories. We get to read the entirety of their progress: from the initial 'fancy meeting you here!' to 'I swear to make you my wife'. Every nervous moment, every cringy displays of affection, secret exchange of glances, every blush and thumping of the heart are described.

Some readers might find it slow-paced or unbelievable that it takes so much flirting and sweet nothings before even their first kiss, but this is the staple of any Asian drama that feature a young couple. Much of their initial conversations consist of internet chatting accompanied by emojis. The translation is done well enough that you can imagine these in your mind.

The action itself is based on a premise where martial arts and psychic powers are the norm and even regulated by the government, with competitions between schools being as usual as any other club activities. We read how the bland MC had ingested something that basically gives him an additional reserve of power. Like so many sports and martial arts stories that feature an underdog, the MC trains hard and uses his limitless stamina to advance leaps and bounds in a short period of time; stunning everyone around him.

This is not to say that he has a smooth sailing. It's like a talented player suddenly joining the ranks of world class specialists. Fortunately the combat is relatively light reading, and even if one was to skip past the duels and focus on the dialogue, one would not miss out too much. Some reviews here complain about the non-fighting aspects of the novel: to them I say that they are reading the wrong novel. It's like complaining about the 'side dish' being larger than what they had expected.

Overall it's a great novel to read. In fact it would be a nice introduction to Chinese novels in general: light reading, romance, action, good dialogue, plenty of translated chapters. <<less
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Night Ghost
Night Ghost rated it
January 21, 2018
Status: c345
In all my years reading CN, this is the only novel where the side characters are actually growing along with MC. The author did a very good job on writing the character development. You can see how one of MC's friend overcome his nervousness on stage. I can confidently say that the character development in this novel is superb which is a very rare sight for CN to have.

Yes I don't like MC's purpose learning martial arts, but that's much better than the other CNs where the MC has no... more>> clear goal for learning martial arts.

I don't get why this awesome novel gets so many 1 star. Is it because this novel is translated by QI ? If yes then you are no better than QI.

I highly recommend this novel. Of course if you don't like slow paced novel, don't read this. <<less
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kkngs rated it
December 15, 2017
Status: c269
I'm really enjoying this novel. It's a nice change of pace from a lot of the other CN novels. It's a very happy, pleasant story. Nice guy learns martial arts while wooing a very sweet girl. It's beautifully written and well paced. Good fight scenes as well.
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