Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End


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The moment the little tyrant of the nobles, Roel Ascart, saw his stepsister, he recalled his memories. He realized that he was in the world of a gal game he played in his previous life. To make things worse, he was the greatest villain in the common route of the game!

“I’ll be killed by the main character and the four capture targets ten years from now. Is there still any hope for me?”

Just thinking about the fearsome glints of those sharp swords those beautiful capture targets held in their hands, Roel couldn’t help but tremble in fear.

Till a voice finally sounded in his head.

【Welcome to the House Resurgence System】

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Evil Young Master Doesn’t Want a Bad Ending
Little Tyrant Doesn't Want To End In Shambles
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290 Reviews sorted by

May 15, 2024
Status: c122
The translation makes me want to love this a lot. You don't get such quality very often, even rarer one translator who translates the whole novel.

I have no issues with the infodumps, most of them are interesting and help build the story.

My issue is with the sister of Roel. The way Roel, a grown-up, interacts with her, babying her and the way Alicia keeps saying "my brother this, my brother that, my brother is mine." The fact that the author thinks it is okay for his 8-year-old sister (albeit adopted)... more>> to act like that over her brother is disturbing.

The only decent character is Nora, a 10-year-old S! Imagine her being the best character among all three.

The main fault of the author is making the characters children when they could make them teens and make their whole characteristics more acceptable <<less
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February 8, 2024
Status: c17
A Chinese novel but feels like a Western Fantasy Korean novel with a Japanese MC, well MC is better than many of JP Isekai MCs out there but you won't like it that much if you prefer Chinese MC's. For me I have developed my own outlook of Protagonists from different cultures such as..
CN - Cunning, Arrogant, Rational.
KR - High EQ, Confident, Charismatic.
JP - Impassioned, Heroic, Dense.
(Ofc this only applies for fictional characters and not irl)

MC is my main reason for not liking the story, as well as Nora. MC is dense, nervous and lacks the maturity despite his actual Age. There's #CleverMC tag but I don't really feel it as there's #DenseMC tag too, MC is clever at something but dense in another which really contradicts it for me, maybe he will grow better since there's #CharacterGrowth but I'm not patient enough to wait hundreds of chapters for that especially since there's a #Reverse-rape tag too. This kind of MC isn't my cup.

The more I read the more flawed my preference become, I might enjoy reading this kind of Character if I read this in the past. I prefer MC's with Dominant character and with higher EQ than just simply an intelligent character. I won't give scores as I didn't get far but I might try pick it again next time.

PS: If you enjoy reading NE or SCOG. Try this story.
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LoveToReadstories11 rated it
January 26, 2024
Status: Completed
I actually preferred the start of the story, when there was just Alicia and Nora. It got really messy afterwards when the harem got bigger.

Interesting premise at the start but devolved into a typical ching chong god-wannabe story. Disappointing.
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insanemaelstrom rated it
November 26, 2023
Status: c649
HS a brilliant start with well thought out lore and power systems. The characters have their own motives and the plot is intriguing enough to be a good read.

But later on around chapter 600 it suddenly turns into typical Chinese LNs. MC gets powered up, defeats enemies no one else can (heck he defeats an enemy no other human supposedly could) but then loses to the next. He struggles, gains another power, and repeat. The story feels like a after though and the characters that you began to love... more>> are barely there. It feels idiotic. Would recommend reading till chapter 600, but it's all downhill from there.


As an example, suddenly there is an ancestor who for some reason never appeared before. This ancestor is "powerful" enough to defeat the MC after he gains the power of the creator god. It just feels idiotic

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Scyferine8878 rated it
May 26, 2023
Status: --
For me personally it's boring. It's a very slife of life kind of novel where nothing too exciting happens, no real thrill and excitement of tragedy. It's just a romance novel, I thought it will become more like villain-like plot. What I don't like is that MC changes personality completely when he transmigrated, completely disregard the villain roles like the game (well bcus he wants to survive but it's boring), there are many 'villain' MC novels like this. I don't really like a novel where MC is still a child... more>> even after hundreds of chapters.

Characters are a bit interesting and shallow at the same time, like the harem members got an unbelievable personalities for a kids like sadistic asf and manipulative but it's interesting just a bit, but also bland at the same time. MC is bland asf. He is not interesting for me. He is a bit of a beta but better than like most chinese MCs where they become arrogant asf and act as if they are the righteous one and become a hypocrite.

I'm generous so I'm giving it 3* even tho I don't really enjoy the plot but bcus I don't expect a Chinese novel to have this kinda good of a writing that I thought it's a Japanese novel for a sec. I could give it 3.5* just bcus of writing alone if I just based it on Chinese authors writing. <<less
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JoeMama15 rated it
February 4, 2023
Status: c218
* I deleted my previous review, it was my first review so it wasn't that good so I'll try to make a new/better one. Also been a while since I last read this so I may not remember everything perfectly. * I want to first make it clear that there are only two things I didn't like about this novel which are info dumbs, which can be annoying but it gives important info so it is understandable but still annoying, and the MC, and sadly he is the main reason I stopped reading.

Before explaining myself I first want to give a few minor spoilers of what Mc's ability (reveal pretty quickly in the novel) is so that I can better explain myself:

Mc's ability is to travel into a historical event in the past and he can bring the person closest to him with him into it.

Note: The historical event that he gets transported to is just a copy of the event, his actions won't really affect/change history.

Ok now that you know of his ability we can get to the explanation of why I really dislike this MC.

MC has basically three personalities:

  1. Before or while meeting a new potential love interest - During this time his personality is pretty good and and he is a pretty respectable character.
  2. When MC and a potential love interest are transported to a historical event with Mc's ability - this is when MC is at the TOP of his game. He becomes super proactive, his rizz is all the way up, he is brave, smart and much more. Here MC is awesome
  3. And lastly, when one and two are over and the love interest has completely fallen for MC - When this happens, MC throws his two other personalities out the window and becomes an exact copy of a Jp romcom protagonist. He becomes a pushover, not proactive in the least, follows whatever whims the girls have, dense, etc.
What makes #3 worst is that that is his most dominant personality in the novel.

I have seen a few people here complaining about how crazy the love interests are, specially the sister, and I agree. But the only reason they are so crazy is because MC lets them be. MC can easily keep them all in check if he wanted to and with very little effort as well. But because Jp romcom MCs aren't suppose to be proactive, he doesn't.

This novel is very clearly inspired by japanese novels, and that's why they made MC this way. It is for this same reason that it doesn't matter how obvious love interests are about their feelings for MC, he will either not notice or even if he notices he wont do anything about it because development in romance is supposed to be left for the very end of the story, like in jp novels/mangas.

I actually don't mind if they leave the romance for the very end but at the very least give us, the readers, a good reason. Is MC too busy worrying about saving the world? Is MC not comfartable dating girls much younger than him?

But no, we don't get any excuse of why he isn't doing anything.

I want to give an example of a situation that happens where it was so goddamn obvious that someone was interested in him and he doesnt really acknowledges it


MC and a girl, lets call her Mia, just got out of the historical event. Mia falls for MC so this means that MC changes into his third personality.

anyways, when coming out of that historical event, MC was really badly hurt that he couldn't even get out of bed. So Mia, which is his fiancee, decides to take care of him. So she spends most of the day by his side helping him with anything, she sleeps with him holding him tightly in her arms. They were literally like a married couple. With all this actions, it is pretty f*cking obvious that she has feeling for him, but of course after he gets better he just forgets all Mia did for him. He doesn't even wonder if she really has feeling for him, he just keep acting normal


I'm tired and wanna go sleep so I'll end the review with this. Everything about this novel is great, the story, the villains, the harem (when they behave) and specially the world building.

Sadly author was a bit too inspired by japanese manga and decided to use mc's indecisiveness/denseness/s*upidity/pushoverness to prolong the story and development in the romance department as much as possible. Which is a shame
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Mikufanboy rated it
February 1, 2023
Status: c300
A purely dumb fun novel, lots of interesting potential the author probably imagined in his teenage desires, fulfilled here clearly and it shows. From cheats to convivences, bail outs to plot armor, this novel has it all. While the story sounds interesting, it'll only be that way for you if you haven't gotten tired of these types of novels. That being the protagonist with a wallet full of get out of jail free cards, female love interests falling for the protag within a toss of a handkerchief, and forcing out... more>> conflict with the dumbest of reasons, courtesy of the writer. Whether this is better than those dumb fun h**ny protags that can never get some like To Love-Ru, you decide. <<less
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ReachQiye rated it
January 26, 2023
Status: c563
Definitely the best novel I've ever read let's get rid of the boring part those are here at least read enough novels that your typical MC, hero, righteous, generic never get a rise out of you anymore but this is what I call PEAK

What I expected is your typical villain MC turning things around, your normal stuff, but I was mind blown by how the plot works in this novel it's not your systematic the plot revealing always revealing a little foreshadowing as if to test you when it suddenly... more>> drop a bombshell that you didn't expect everything was well planned not some ass pulled you usually sees, and this novel have quite a few references if you knows enough to get what it referring to would always get you,

The females main characters is not one dimensions and get forgotten, they have feeling, emotion, their growth was shown graduately with what they experience maybe some sees the reviews of how they have problems, and stuff with their personalities, with Roel discovery of how they came to be like how they were in the Original, you can't just sees it the same anymore after what Roel been through you just can't imagine the difference anymore.

The System is an unusual one I say it's unique and power is so different that you can't predict what's the antagonist power ganna be because of the power of each individual different from another, you can't be prepared enough when facing them.

The System doesn't force plot device on the MC is also a big plus as well, what usually go with mission and stuff doesn't exist here.

World building is one of the best I've seen so far, with how we got to discover each and bit's of the history through out the journey from the (third epochs), second epochs....

The Side characters are never meant for nothing, they each have their purpose they doesn't just discard after introduction, you just can't hate any of them

The antagonists are freaky, they are scary, mysterious I don't mean the minor canon folder young Master bulls*** you sees in Chinese typical the ones you sees here are crazy, calculated each of them mean are different no matter how much you prepared you can't never prepared enough, and the power systems doesn't help either. Roel our main protagonist always face with risk and one wrong choice spell death in every way.

Almost forgot the translation done FANTASTIC JOP IN THE TRANSLATION. 100/10. It's Perfect, just Perfect <<less
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Karma_Kinsmen rated it
January 4, 2023
Status: c443.1
The main character is quite fun and interesting. His conversations with the various Gods and characters (NPCs?) is the reason I look forward to reading the very next conversation. It's pretty fun (hilarious) to see his reactions and responses to the actions of the FLs as well. If the previous was why I was interested in the novel, the world building and the atmosphere of the whole novel is what really sells it.
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Dirty Mick
Dirty Mick
December 2, 2022
Status: c527
A good casual read. MC seems to have improved greatly from chapter 400 onward, and his dynamic with his girls is also improved. The plot remains solid and is still interesting after 500 chapters.
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Captain_Hevy rated it
July 10, 2022
Status: c513 part2
Reading this novel was rlly gd. Many people say this harem is toxic and stuff but I would say that the context allows for the interactions they perceive to be toxic. The MC is a very caring individual after all. While it may not be the most realistic, it is a rlly gd read if it suits your tastes. So my recommendation for anyone who reads the reviews is dont care so much abt what we say here, if its for you its for you, but you wont know till... more>> you try. So pls pick it up and give it a shot. But all in all I love this book :) <<less
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kingryuga rated it
May 29, 2022
Status: --
"Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End" is an amazing novel that let you asking for more. It is one of the best novels in its genre (that is isekai and reincarnation) thus far for me.

There is age progression of characters and MC becoming strong from week. It has harem, yandere genre but it has a lot of romantic plots. The MC is dense but not s*upid.

At first it looks like one of those galge game reincarnation story but the main story has a lot of mystery.... more>> MC has a mysterious family history. MC has a bloodline with a lot of secret powers. MC is really smart and cunning, he falls into a lot of dangerous situation to change his future and use his acquired knowledge, swift thinking to solve a lot of situations.

It might be a harem story with a dense MC but the MC is conservative and realist and all the female leads has situations which led them fall for MC. In the story MC even almost gave up his life to save them and they also risked their life for MC. Even with yandere harem this story has a lot of romance.

Among all the CN it must be one of the best with western novel like plot. There are so many variety of power system and mystery here that it reminds me of "Harry Potter" though there are not any chants here.

All in all, this is an awesome and wholesome novel and I highly recommended it. <<less
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stevedtat rated it
March 4, 2022
Status: c71
I give this 4 stars, the story is good and the setting is great. The author even builds the characters really well. But there's a limit to being too descriptive... I mean, do we really need a half page to describe the origin of a sewer? Come on, there's just to much filler the author will mention one subject... Then a few chapters later will describe it... Then a few chapters later will give back story of it... Then describe it in the present situation. Geez, we don't need to... more>> know how and why a soldier carries a sword, we just want to know that they are and what it looks like, and leave it at that. <<less
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Sherrynity rated it
February 24, 2022
Status: c136
I almost stopped reading at this chapter (ch136) thanks to the behavior of his sister.


... more>>

This series is a solid 5 / 5 until this point (ch136), where it just plunges down to 2-3 / 5. Reader discretion is advised.


It might seems like a romcom etc, but when we're talking about nobility, there are lines that should not be crossed as a noble. Purposely ruining bilateral cooperation because of her personal feeling? After the author persistently emphasized the importance of nobility on the setting?

Let's just say I almost closed my tab when I arrived at that scene.

There are times where you can put it as a light joke. But when you do that 'light joke' in a completely serious situation, especially when it runs contrary to the setting... even an avid reader might be turned off in just seconds.

Thanks to that scene, my favorability for his sister went down to the drain, putting her as the worst heroine amongst all heroines in this series.

She has zero understanding of her brother's situation... what a big talk from someone with that Origin path. <<less
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notacomputer rated it
January 25, 2022
Status: c110
This is a real shame.

Honestly, the concept is pretty good, but the author is way too much of a "lolicon". I don't really think that word is strong enough. Weird comments about little girls all over the place. These characters aren't even 14, much less legal. It's a reincarnation story where the mentally adult MC has thoughts about 10 year olds.

If you can get over how creepy that is, then the premise the story eventually seems to go to is a decent one.

... more>>

The MC gains a power where he can go back in time to experience historical events first hand. This leaves plenty of room for inserting developments past chapter 100 or so, so look forward to where that's going.

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FluxXimuX rated it
December 18, 2021
Status: c500
To be honest I love the story build up, the conspiracies the cliche and ideologies when an ancient being contracts to him

the heroines have characters and not two dimensional they have life and emphasis unlike other heroines who only live up on the cliche yandere, kuudere, tsundere and more, the strategy of the author to do that is good by giving a review on what character to expect from the heroines, the information and foreshadowing of whats going to happen is also great, the conflict they face and how they... more>> overcome it. I think this is my cup of tea. The MC is not overbearing nor a pushover (does not apply to heroines and family), has great morality (unlike some hornd*gs character who only knows how to flirt and show their strength like other typical chinese novel who cares about face this face that, how im underestimated and im a low key good guy then make them regret.) The story is easy to understand which helps the audience to appreciate the novel more (thanks to the translator as well for making the novel easier to follow and understand). I like the plot and how the usage of his earthly information is use unlike other novel who make reincarnation / transmigration novel just for the tag without using its context as a plot. Overall this novel is great this is in my top 10 along with the novels extra. <<less
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jjerro rated it
November 11, 2021
Status: c184
Pretty much fun to read except the over-densed (read: more likely "intentionally unaware") MC when interact with some characters (esp. The harem), which many times seems forced --while in the supposed and expected clear situations--. The interaction supposed to be funny, but since it's forced, what supposed to be fun-and-lol sometimes become unnatural to the point of awkward and inconsistent. (Well.. MC becomes unreasonable Beta when it's about the harem but a bit reasonably smart when it comes to actions, decision, strategy, etc), if you're ok with that, go ahead and try it.

(Btw, I'd wanted to gave out 3.5/5.0, but 3.0/5.0 should be enough as it's still early)
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Kurai Oji-Sama
Kurai Oji-Sama
August 18, 2021
Status: c459
Hmm... after several hundred chapters story has progress to where the MC only fights like a pokemon trainer. Usually just MC summoning his gods or calamities to command them to attack his enemies who are actually fighting. Kind of a let down really.

here are some of my recommendations as the story has kept me to the end or updated.

-Warlock of the Magus World

... more>> -The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary

-The God Slaying Hero of Seven Covenants

-Risou no Himo Seikatsu

-Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

-Dragon Maken War

-tr*sh of the Counts Family

-Everyone Else is a Returnee <<less
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August 15, 2021
Status: c10
his strength comes from affection points. Meaning it is solely dependent on his relationships with other people. In a way, it is like the system is forcing MC to pretend to be good to others than do it naturally. Hence the relationship with other characters will always feel forced and artificial. Im out.
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August 13, 2021
Status: c110
It is kind of interesting, but it's also all over the place. It's pretty wordy, which helps with the characters (that aren't the MC) development and story building. I think my main problem is that it's too wide. None of the interesting bits get developed enough to really make me want to continue. Something new is introduced, explained a bit, and then it just moves on to the next cool system. I'm sure it'll be mentioned again in 50 chapters, but it's kind of slow going.

Also, it really didn't need... more>> to have 9-10 year olds as the MC's and then try to justify it as "well they mature faster." They act like teenagers and are described in weirdly s*xual terms at times (literally called one a "perfect woman" who he was resisting seducing him). It hasn't crossed any lines, but why are you even toeing the line when you could just bump your characters like 4-5 years? Whatever.

Honestly, I think the translator kind of nailed it, so go read starvecleric's review. 3/5 I think the ideas are there, but the execution is lacking. <<less
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