Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear


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Yuna, a 15 years old girl started playing the world’s first VRMMO. She has earned billions of yen in stocks. She confines herself in her house playing the game without going to school. Today, a huge update has arrived. She obtains a non-transferable rare bear outfit. But the equipment is so embarrassing that she can’t wear it even in the game. Furthermore, when she answers the survey regarding the new update and relaunches the game, she appears in unknown forest in a bear outfit. Where is this? Email from God? Different world? If she wears the bear outfit she’s a cheat, if she takes it off she’s a normal girl. Her adventure starts just like that. Yuna began doing as she liked.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Bear Bear Bear Kuma
くま クマ 熊 ベアー
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. enjoyed my time
  3. Isekai w slow life no harem tags
  4. Read and chill
  5. JP Novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
10/12/16 Xant & Minions c74
10/12/16 Xant & Minions c73
10/12/16 Xant & Minions c72
09/25/16 Xant & Minions c71
09/25/16 Xant & Minions c70
09/17/16 Xant & Minions c69
09/17/16 Xant & Minions c68
09/06/16 Xant & Minions c67
09/06/16 Xant & Minions c66
09/06/16 Xant & Minions c65
08/26/16 Xant & Minions c64
08/19/16 Xant & Minions c63
08/17/16 Xant & Minions c62
08/11/16 Xant & Minions c61
08/04/16 Xant & Minions c60
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136 Reviews sorted by

Liv rated it
March 15, 2016
Status: --
This story is ridiculously cute.

Very slice-of-life, but pretty good among the genre. Some chapters can get a bit boring, though (like when it’s just Yuna spending three chapters getting people to taste a cake she made). Most are more interesting than that, fortunately.

Also, I like the title a lot. Hurray for bears!
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BobTheBuilder18 rated it
February 22, 2023
Status: v1c2
It's terrible, I don't mean the plot, the characters or anything, the writing is terrible, worse than amateurish. Just because you can string words together it doesn't mean you should.

Even books for kids have more complex sentence structures.
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Miney rated it
November 13, 2022
Status: --
Alright so I'm here writing about a bear girl....

Right, unusually cute bear girl who is trying to go on in her life while wearing the most cutest but also a embarrassing costume ever, ❤️❤️

Then again this story is all about fun, comedy and light hearted to read when you're in bad/good mood, I'll recommend reading it whenever you're in a mood for some fluff 😍😍

Very enjoyable as well
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November 13, 2022
Status: --
I've read the comic first before reading the novel.

I like it. Its more of a slice of life with bouts of action, and while it give the vibe that this is an experimental novel, the fact that it has such a long run means its popular for a reason.

Its a "typical" isekai novel, but its from a schoolgirl's perspective, not your typical adrenaline charged shounen trope ones. So expect a more easygoing story.
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Attattin rated it
November 13, 2022
Status: c574
Some people complain about the story being slow.

Others talk about how the action scenes were short.

And a few just simply hate it for what it was or where it's going.

... more>> But that's because this is not an edgy, action-packed, bullsh*t hero/anti-hero novel.

This novel focuses on living a relaxing life. A slice of life, if you will. And a lot of cooking and foodstuff. The Author just writes whatever floats his boat and not really digging deeper into the story. He's not good with plots (admittedly at some point). He also wasn't really a big fan of action stuff (and admittedly being bad at writing that part). And instead of focusing on the story, he just wants to rush things and go back to fluff.

If you're looking at a story with a solid plot, action-driven, and hi-octane scenes that can get you on edge, this ain't it.

This is more of a cutesy, relaxing, exploring, food-hunting, everyday life, and just a tiny bit of action on the side. A good story for taking a break from the other edgy novels. <<less
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mimne rated it
June 14, 2022
Status: --
Super cute and light hearted. Definitely slice of life, sometimes not too much happens -- I almost didn't start reading this series. I woulda been missing out! And in these times, some days this is what my brain needs. So definitely give it a try. Actually there's an official translation being published, and I have been buying them too -- more editing, cute pictures :)
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hose246 rated it
April 24, 2022
Status: c99
This novel is one of the most chill and dull slice of life novels out here.

The author isn't trying to make this novel into some godly or unique slice of life novels, he/she just wants to make a slice of life but with a cut girl wearing a cute bear outfit.

The characters and world building are definitely written in 20 minutes. With not even the amount of braincells I use to solve a high-school freshman math problem. And the author knows that too.

I honestly applaud the author for having some... more>> self-consciousness on how lazily the chapters were written. The rare actions chapters are dull, the slice of life chapters are boring, the characters are one dimensional, and everything goes the protagonist's way.

The pov chapter are written by a recap robot, the food aspects are written into the point of repetitiveness.

Now, you must be thinking, why did I rate this novel as a 3 star instead of 2? Well, that's because I honestly enjoy this novel, partially, at least. It's mainly because I have nothing else to read and just want to find something to waste my time.

Now then, I won't recommend this novel to anyone except those who's looking to stave off their boredom or just wants to read something using zero braincells. <<less
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cavler rated it
March 18, 2022
Status: c664
This story has a realy sweet and cutely atmosphere. The MC is extremely overpowered in the beginning, but the fights are fun to read and well choreographed.

However, you shouldn't read this story for the fights, its a slice of life first and foremost. Allot of things the MC does is for self-indulgence, but in a way that others benefit allot as wel.

If I had one complaint, its that the MC doesn't talk about her past to others. The mc's friend has proven trust-able and acts like a surrogate family (sister).... more>> The MC should explain why she is so grateful to her friend.

Overall a fun to read story. <<less
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SolidG rated it
February 21, 2022
Status: c156
Oh boy, does this have a boat load of 5 star reviews.

Is it cute? Yes absolutely, it is mind numbingly adorable. Do I recommend reading it? If you like slice of life novels in general or just cute stories then 100% yes. Is it 5 stars? No, no it is not.

The author himself is a gem in my opinion. He freely admits that the story has no direction and he's making it up as he goes. He even points out numerous times when he is unhappy with what he's written.

Knowing... more>> that the author knows of these issues and points them out kind of makes me feel bad for further harping on them but I really do feel that they should be acknowledged.

At several points the dialog is almost jarringly basic. "What happened to you was bad." "Yes, you are right, that was bad". That kind of almost robotic type of dialog.

The other major issue is the no direction thing pointed out before. Honestly most the time it is fine, and it is pretty common in most slice of life novels. But there have been a few notable points where you can tell the author is forcing a new element into the story and realizes there is no foundation in place for it. So now the MC can suddenly do this thing or this event is happening because of past events and silly MC for not checking sooner.

Even considering both of those things I really do recommend giving it a try. The story is cute entertaining and a great way to unwind. Maybe just temper your expectations a bit from the tidal wave of 5 star reviews you are sifting though. <<less
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Snuffey rated it
August 27, 2021
Status: --
I am not sure whether this can be called a review. Kuma bear is just a fun relaxing story about a Hikikomori girl who is forced into another world where she finds a happy if sometimes dangerous and tumultuous life. It is cute fun story appropriate for all ages. Also there are bears or Kumas as they are called.
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March 4, 2021
Status: c379
I have been following this novel and patiently waiting for updates and have been rereading it a few times already.. I really love it especially the protagonist is a female with op.. The story is fluffy and the translator did a good job.. But today, I just realize went I accidently saw shoujo ai and harem tag (which is not there before) and kinda dissapointed since I have been hoping for romance for yuna. Fyi I don't like yuri so if the starts to lead for a weird... more>> direction I might stop reading it.. I 'm not stopping others from reading it though since our preference might be different but that is juat ny own opinion.. <<less
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the_sins_beyond rated it
January 3, 2021
Status: c372
As a lover of this generic isekai series with overpowered MC, I love it.

If you want some relaxing novel but with some action at the same time you should read it, but do not have high expectation for super flashy fights as this mainly shows our MC Yuna doing adventurer things all over the place and her daily life.
At last I’d like to say as someone that isn’t used to speak english as it isn’t my native language, that this is a novel I found quite easy and fun to read for everyone.
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Monk3yofchaos rated it
July 28, 2020
Status: c343
Yeah it's just a Chill Isekai, nothing much to say about it. Story mostly revolves around the MC (Kuma Yuna) who mostly does what she wants.

There isn't really an END GOAL (like some kind of Demon Lord or something) but each volume has its own goal.

It is very light hearted with just a little bit if seriousness sprinkled on top for some impact.

... more>> You can binge it or read it slowly, they both work.

I'd like some WN/LN like this but I think I've read it all but if someone has a hidden gem. Please tell me :^) <<less
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Banesephy rated it
July 22, 2020
Status: c295
This novel is slow and nice. The battle scenes aren't too long and done just right. The characters are also pretty well made, you get a lot of insight into their personalities to the point where you can kinda predict how they'd react to situations.

Another plus is that Yuna is a bad ass. She isn't an imbecile like other female protagonists (like Mitsuha) and she isn't under anyone's control at all. My only issue with this is the translation drops in quality after c290 since the first translator dropped it... more>> due to licensing. The new translator just isn't as good. You can still read it but the text doesn't flow naturally anymore. I think it's because the first translator just did such an excellent job that's why the difference is so apparent. <<less
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tamix rated it
June 17, 2020
Status: c292
Be aware that the translation for chapter 290 onwards is complete tr*sh. However, everything before then is very well translated and edited. There's a good chance you might have had enough of this novel by then anyway.

This novel just has nothing going for it. You could call it "relaxing", but I firmly believe that a relaxing story does not have to be uninteresting. The author just cannot think of interesting events and characters. The MC just goes around helping people and making cakes, bringing modern ideas, and showing OP powers... more>> for people to wow at. Other characters are not being thought of at all. Chapters with different points of view clearly show the author's inability to have various characters with their own interesting thoughts, impressions, plans, etc. So what could be left to read about for dozens of hours in this novel?

I do not like the common meaning that people attribute to the word "filler", as that is usually used for content lacking in action and battle scenes, which to me are the most filler content there is. So when I say that 80% of this novel is filler content, I certainly do not refer to the lack of combat scenes. In fact I much prefer it that way. What I refer to as filler in this case, is simply something that, true to the word, is only being written to fill in pages. Easy to write content that requires no thinking about how characters with unique personalities interact with each others. Or writing the same interaction over an over.

Think for example of the scene where the MC is being thanked for something and she then japaneses out about how other people should be thanked instead and she didn't do much at all and decided to do it on her own anyway so she shouldn't be rewarded.

Which one? You would surely ask, probably even without having to read the novel. That, is exactly what filler content is. You might think it's not that bad, but you'd be surprised at how much of this novel is just this one scene alone, repeated over and over. It might honestly amount to almost 10% of the novel. And that's just for one filler scene, over at least one hundred times.

This novel has dozens of these filler scenes that are repeated every chance there is. Every time MC steps outside, write an entire large paragraph about people staring at her weird bear outfit. Every time someone calls her Bear-something, write something about her thinking she wishes they would call her by her name, and other derivatives of her bear identity. Usually, such things are said a few times, then do not need to be explicitly repeated until they undergo some form of change or are applied in different interesting ways. But this novel just keeps these boring filler events around forever in an unchanged way because it just does not have anything interesting to replace them with, nor any good idea on how to develop them.

It is a somewhat cute and chill novel, but there are plenty of others that are cute, chill AND interesting, funny, filled with nicely developped and unique characters and worlds, etc. This novel has none of that. <<less
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priest1drago rated it
June 15, 2020
Status: c344
I love this story! It's definitely your answer if you're looking for a lighthearted fantasy with a female protagonist (who is surrounded by cute girls). Yuna is OP but uses her power to help people and it's guaranteed to cure your tired heart.

It is also being adapted into an anime, with the manga already at 4 volumes, so give it a shot!
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Neptunez777 rated it
June 4, 2020
Status: c335
I'm just start being novel reader like 2 months and I read manga before reading novel. This kuma kuma kuma bear is wonderful for me. Story are relaxing and heartwarming. Sometimes author editing plot and it's make a bit confused. But it's progressing well. I saw complain about pov and I don't really mind it. Seeing from other view is okay, It's make clear of story.

All I can say is, I really recommend to read it. It's worth to try and pls don't angry our bear.

Ps. I'm not very good... more>> in grammar but I try my best. <<less
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WanderingReader rated it
May 22, 2020
Status: c230
I absolutely love this novel, it's one of the first novel I read on this site.

It's mostly about the daily life of the MC who got a power based on Bears, MC is OP but because the story is slice of life the OP-ness of MC is the interesting thing to read. It's fun reading what the MC will be up next

If you're looking for detailed, drama, plot driven story then perhaps this is not for you. But if you're searching for a good quick slice of life light reading... more>> then this is an absolute must read! <<less
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vondarkmoore rated it
April 1, 2020
Status: c316
A cute story about shut in, dressed as a bear in another world. I love the MC and how she approaches her new life and the people she meets along the way ?
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2for5 rated it
January 1, 2020
Status: c253
To appreciate this story remember the MC is a 15 year old girl hikikomori living alone and hiding from her useless parents that spend her money though she insists everything's okay. She is transported to another world and saves people and becomes involved with their families. Except she has been dressed in a bear costume that has many cheats.

... more>>

The closest thing to having her own family are two summoned bears. At first the bears are big adults but later she gains the ability to turn them into small cubs


The writing is very good and because the MC is female it doesn't have the distracting harem and perversion garbage that distract from the story.


Reminds me a little of I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years

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