In Love with an Idiot


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When the proud, arrogant, and daring Jian Suiying falls in love at first sight with Li Yu, his brother Jian Suilin’s classmate, he actively showed his affections. But his supposed “chasing” only caused humiliation due to Li Yu’s hostile attitude, stirring up this noble young master’s animalistic and insane nature. Desires and emotions mixed together, making it difficult for them to separate. And what should’ve been a competitive chase between the two became a forbidden secret to tell. And because of Jian Suilin’s ulterior motives, it gradually out of control, and ultimately, the hidden dangers burst out loudly. In the end, all of them will not escape the judgment of fate…

Associated Names
One entry per line
In Love with a Fool
My Beloved Fool
Yet You're In Love with an Idiot
Yêu Một Kẻ Ngốc
Related Series
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Additional Inheritance (Shared Universe)
Blazing Armour (Shared Universe)
Alpha Predator (Shared Universe)
Grey Uncle and the Mixed-blood Prince (Shared Universe)
Love Late (1)
Beloved Enemy (1)
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New SailorJuniper rated it
May 31, 2024
Status: Completed
Overall I found this story engaging and interesting! It's a similar style of plot to "Winner Takes All' another story in this universe, with the story focused on the betrayal of an attractive young 'princeling' by their younger lover/partner who they've fallen pretty hard for. I would say that the WTA plot is stronger overall, so if you've read WTA previously you might be less impressed with this work. IMO this story shines most in the beginning and up until the main conflict, which itself is very well done, with... more>> the confrontation between Jian Sui Ying (MC) and Li Yu (ML) being realistic.

The 'wife chasing' portion of the novel is its weak point. It's very random and disjointed making it much less enjoyable than the first half. There's a lot of random conflict for the sake of adding more drama and not necessarily for moving the plot forward. For example, LY brings JSY's grandfather (the only person JSY loves/trust/respects in his family) to Beijing but it's not clear for what purpose. It seemed like he was maybe trying to force JSY back into a relationship with him using his grandfather, but then he claimed he just wanted to convince JSY that they could work together without issue. Despite this plot device taking up almost an entire chapter, nothing comes of the grandfather's visit.


Another unnecessary plot point is Jian Sui Lin (JSY's bother) trying to kill LY. Yes, JSL is obsessed with his brother in a totally unnatural way, and there are hints dropped that he's becoming more and more mentally unstable, but JSL suddenly deciding to run LY over with his car? I just can't see someone who guards their image as closely as JSL does, doing something as reckless as that. Not to mention this serves no real purpose but to use the hospital setting to formalize the breakup between JSY and LY. In theory, this is a good idea, the stress and trauma of the situation is overwhelming to JSY who is dealing with the aftermath of being betrayed, r*aped, forced to give up the company he built, scammed out of millions and betrayed by his brother and the one man he thought was finally 'the one' for him. However, they wrap his 'firm stance' towards LY as being related to JSL's being injured and even have him sitting with JSL holding his hand... this makes NO SENSE considering JSL and JSY have already been shown to have a piss-poor relationship and JSL has r*ped JSY. While I understand the concept of family is huge in China, it felt wholly unrealistic that JSY would feel so strongly about 1) someone who r*ped him and 2) someone whom he's never had a great/strong relationship with. I found this plot point unnecessary, JSY's 'breakup dialogue' to LY should've been said at the very beginning when he initially confronted him about the betrayal.

In my opinion, the weakest part of the story is the 'reconciliation' which is brought fourth by manufactured drama involving LY, a character portrayed as mature and logical, engaging in illegal activities to repay the millions he and JSL stole from JSY. This development feels inconsistent with LY's touted noble and scholarly background. While LY's involvement in crime might seem plausible considering he previously stole millions from JSY, LY is not inherently a criminal. The initial scam against JSY started because LY felt sympathy for JSL, who appeared to be the bullied, shunned second son, mistreated by JSY and his family, due to being the son of a mistress. LY, feeling sorry for JSL, believed his lies about JSY planning to leave JSL and his mother destitute once he took over the Jian family. With a past crush on JSL, LY wanted to help him get what he 'deserved' from the Jian company before JSY could cut him off, so the plot to steal money from JSY makes sense from that perspective. However, LY's sudden involvement in illegal arms dealing seems implausible and an overly dramatic plot device to bring the characters (JSY and LY) back together. Again, delving into crimes does not align with LY's established character nor background and feels like a very forced narrative twist.


My take on the characters:

JSY (MC) : In terms of characterization, JSY's a wonderful complex character and his obnoxious and scummy behavior when contrasted with his sense of familial duty and responsibility adds depth to the plot. His earlier actions, which were quite repulsive given that LY was barely legal, contribute to his emotional meltdown at the betrayal and his eventual (slight) maturation in handling situations. He maintains an arrogant 'I can crush anyone and do anything' mentality, which fits his character considering his upbringing and general loneliness.

While I don't support JSL's deceitful win by scamming the company from JSY, it provided JSY with an opportunity to prove that he could start over and be successful. It also showed him that his employees, many of whom resigned and wanted to follow him once he sold his shares to JSL, truly respected and valued him as a boss. This realization was a crucial part of his character development, because it showed his ability to inspire loyalty and respect despite his flaws.

Another positive outcome of JSY being scammed was that it acted as a catalyst for him to finally stand up to his father, requesting that his father, his mistress, and JSL move out of his maternal home. This break from his family, along with the realization that he didn't need to maintain a relationship with his father, was necessary for his growth. Overall, JSY needed the chance to learn humility (even if the person humbling him was a POS) and to detach from the stress of being the one to hold everything together. However, it would have been more satisfying to see JSY mature in terms of overcoming his co-dependence. It seemed unrealistic for him to jump back into a relationship and stay with someone less than a week after everything he went through with LY. While the dynamic with XZ was different (with JSY essentially being XZ's sugar daddy), this quick rebound stifled some of the maturity JSY was gaining. He could have refused LY while living alone, which would have been a stronger plot point. Although I understand it was a coping mechanism, the author's reliance on the 'misunderstanding and fall-back/rebound guy' trope felt overused. Additionally, JSY's emphasis on liking 'young fresh boys' was off-putting. Whether the author intentionally wanted to make him sound as gross as possible or not, it didn't contribute positively to his character...


On the issue of JSY bullying JSL... so, yes, he was a POS to him when they were younger, but considering the circumstances it makes sense. JSL was conceived while JSY's mom was still married to his dad, and now once his mom has passed, his dad is bringing this mistress and her obviously not newborn child (JSL is 5 years old) into his home a few weeks later... but, at the same time, while JSY did bully him and even admits that he did, he still takes care of JSL as a brother, including confronting others who are bullying JSL. JSY also doesn't wish bad upon JSL, he hopes for JSL to do well on his college entrance exams and wants him to get into a good university so that he can get a good job. JSY hopes that JSL can marry a nice girl, he buys JSL a car for doing well in school and is willing to pay for a graduation trip for him. Until the betrayal, JSY doesn't kick JSL and his mom out of the house or speak ill of them in front of family even though as the 'head of the family' he could. This shows that while JSY was flawed and had moments of cruelty, he also had a sense of responsibility and care for JSL.

Li Yu (ML) : Ok... so, where do I begin with him? He's touted as being this mature beyond his years, stable, logical sort of guy, and you can see that somewhat in the beginning where LY comes across as level headed, mature, compassionate, selfless and it works well especially when contrasted against JSY who comes across as immature, childish, and wholly selfish. Where I think his character breaks down is during the big conflict.

During the 'big conflict, ' when JSY confronts LY with evidence of his betrayal and then attacks him, LY tells him to calm down. Initially, this seems reasonable—LY has just purchased a new apartment with the intention of living there with JSY, and he doesn't want JSY to continue tr*shing it. However, as JSY continues to swing at him, LY says, "Haven't you caused enough trouble? Can you calm down and talk it out?" This is where LY's character breaks down for me. On the surface, his response appears mature: "Stop having a temper tantrum, let's act like adults and talk." But considering the context, it's actually childish and arrogant. LY has betrayed JSY in a significant way, and expecting JSY to calmly discuss the matter immediately after discovering the betrayal is unrealistic and dismissive of JSY's feelings.


To be blunt, LY and JSL have stolen millions of dollars from JSY and used that money to start a company that is now hindering JSY's business. Also, when JSY first suspected something was amiss, he worked through the issue with LY, who pretended to help him resolve it while knowing the entire time that he and JSL were the cause of the problem. So, talk what out? It's a fact that LY scammed him and betrayed his trust. Now, because LY doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions, he's trying to belittle JSY's anger and hurt, making it seem overblown or unwarranted. Someone who is truly logical and mature would never try to shift blame in that manner. LY's reaction to JSY's hurt reveals a lack of accountability and empathy, and totally undermines his previously established character. A genuinely mature response would acknowledge the betrayal and its impact on JSY, rather than dismissing his emotions and trying to downplay the situation.


The problem is that LY is so accustomed to JSY constantly chasing him, compromising for him, and putting him on a pedestal that he believes he can simply 'talk' his way out of such a huge issue. LY truly thinks that, regardless of what he's done, JSY will forgive and forget, and they can resume their relationship as if nothing happened. He believes JSY will just 'get over' the fact that, for the past year, LY was conspiring with JSL to betray him. Sorry, but if LY was so mature, he would've been realistic about the situation, and moreover, he would've APOLOGIZED to JSY or better yet, worked to undue the damage and fess up before it got to such a critical point. Mature and logical people own up to their mistakes. LY never does that.


What's worse is that as the conflict intensifies, it becomes clear that LY doesn't feel he needs to apologize to JSY for scamming him. He never actually expresses an intention to apologize. This is because LY believes that JSY is his property and will never leave him, no matter what he does or how he behaves. Although LY feels a bit of guilt and is willing to 'compensate' JSY, he doesn't genuinely care about JSY's feelings of betrayal. What LY truly cares about is keeping JSY under his thumb. LY's lack of concern for the millions he cost JSY and the betrayal of trust shows that he doesn't value JSY's emotions or the relationship. Instead, LY even has the audacity to throw JSY's dedication back in his face, saying, "It wasn't easy for us to get where we are now, so calm down and let's have a good talk." This is infuriating, considering JSY did all the hard work while LY reaped the rewards. JSY showered LY with attention and gifts, doted on him, waited for him after college courses, attended his boxing matches and practices, took him on trips, and even allowed LY to delete phone contacts he didn't approve of, like Xiao Zhou, JSY had s*x with LY whenever he wanted. LY dominated their relationship, with JSY doing everything to keep him pleased, even forgoing his role as the 'top' because LY wasn't comfortable being a bottom. LY's actions and attitude reveal a deeply ingrained selfishness and sense of entitlement, demonstrating that his primary concern is maintaining control over JSY rather than addressing the harm he's caused and again, completely goes against this 'mature, logical, selfless' characterization the author started with.


Another thing the author has LY do, which I found super grating, is constantly saying to JSY, "You're angry/you're speaking out of anger." This phrase seems intended to reflect LY's maturity, but in context, it just doesn't work. JSY says a bunch of harsh and hurtful words, but they aren't all said 'out of anger'; some are simply said while he is angry, which is a key difference. It's extremely frustrating that the author still tries to give LY this 'holier than thou' and 'I'm so mature' attitude even in this situation. If LY were truly mature, he wouldn't get so easily riled up by things he believes JSY is saying simply out of anger. Instead, he gets upset and reacts violently every single time. He shows no semblance of maturity or calmness. The author's attempt to portray LY as mature falls flat because his behavior consistently contradicts this characterization.

Overall, I would say that if you have some free time, this isn't a bad read. It's not as solid as WTA, mainly due to the second half of the story post the big-conflict, but it's decent overall. There is a cameo by Shao Qun towards the end for those who love Sissy and (secretly) love Shao Qun. <<less
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holachica rated it
March 11, 2020
Status: --
this has a low rating for a good reason.

Let me break it down for you:

... more>>

MC is a f*cking arrogant incel. He gets mad all the time.

ML is a bland piece of shit... turned into a two-time rapist.

MC's half brother started out pitiful... turned into a rapist.

THEY r*ped the same person, ie. the MC.

MC loves ML. ML loved MC's half-bro (who was, in the past, severely bullied by MC) conspired with MC's half bro to scam MC. Later comes to 'like' MC. MC finds out. MC gets rightfully pissed. Also, when ML realized he was exposed... lmao he didn't even regret, instead of focusing on 'regret backstabbing' he focused 'why is he shouting at me? I don't deserve it.' Like bro he loves you and you f*cking stabbed him in the back. Think about it.


Anyways overall a shitty r*pe+love story. Like the rest of the author's works. Has the author ever gone without r*pe? I don't think so. It's like she has an obsession with this sort of shit... well, Chinese BL authors in general NGL <<less
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Wolvelyn rated it
September 27, 2018
Status: Completed
This novel is about a love triangle.

Here we've got MC, ML, and MC's half-brother. MC likes ML while ML likes MC's brother, until...

... more>>

It revealed that MC's brother is obsessively in love with our MC (in*est alert!) and he r*ped MC because he couldn't stand to see MC and ML in a serious relationship...


that happened.

The story itself is very dramatic and full of misunderstandings between MC and ML (and I feel like this story is built on this lol). The characters are not very likable, and I feel like I don't gain anything after reading this book. But yay, it has a happy ending. <<less
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RAGA rated it
October 1, 2019
Status: --
Drama, drama, everywhere. It's like watching a train crash in slow motion. For me, I agree with one commenter about the MC, prideful and egotistic (to the point of probable s*upidity, imho), but he's also strong in mind and spirit and honest enough with himself (side note: he's also frustratingly filial) that you would want to see how he resolves his misfortunes. Granted, some of these misfortunes seem to be just karma biting him back. However, with the MC's brother...

... more>>

At first, I didn't really blame the MC's brother for scheming against the MC, because we're told the MC was horrible to him during their childhood and the brother had a hard time fitting into the family (bastard son of the second wife/mistress who was born before the first wife died). Even when the MC chilled out later, they still had a strained relationship. I wasn't on the brother's side, but I could definitely understand why he acted as he did to scam the MC out of his money and conspire to take over his shares. Again, at first.

This makes me think the writer probably thought the brother was too sympathetic for an antagonist, especially considering the MC's character, that the writer also made the brother cross the line into yandare in*est r*pe, so readers wouldn't be so against the MC. But that's just my opinion. The brother basically gets away with everything too because the MC is too filial.


As for the ML...


Not a fan of the ML, but at least (and this is by no means a true positive in regard to him) he had to really work to get the MC's forgiveness, which also wasn't really earned imho. But it's better than the MC just straight up forgiving him, I guess? I personally would never forgive someone who betrayed and screwed me over as badly as the ML did the MC (ML was in love with the brother at first and helped the brother in scamming the MC while he was dating the MC, whom the ML didn't even like).

He r*pes the MC too, after the MC finds out about the betrayal and dumps the ML (this is before the ML even figured out he liked the MC--he mostly did it for his bruised ego because he thought the MC was able to throw him away and find someone new so quickly/easily). It disturbs me at how the ML realized that he "fell in love" with the MC--comparing his feelings to the MC as to the feeling of being the only one to tame an unruly, wild horse. Then, when the MC still rejected him, the ML self-destructs so bad that it got the MC's family involved. This basically pressured the MC to take him back.


The translations aren't great. There are parts that make it too confusing to understand what's going on, especially with the dialogues, and the slangs/idioms aren't always conveyed well, even with the story's contextual clues. I'm still thankful to the translator for their work, and if this was a better story, I'd even be ecstatic for these translations. But the story isn't worth trying to decipher the translations (the quality of the translations is definitely worth the quality of the story though, so I hope the translator didn't spend too much time with doing the translations).

I recommend this for anyone who likes a LOT of drama and comparably unfair retributions (technically it's still a happy ending), is prepared to not like any of the main characters (and some side characters), and doesn't mind going through 100+ poorly translated chapters. <<less
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RoseAmethyst remembrance
RoseAmethyst remembrance rated it
March 19, 2020
Status: Completed
I've read many novels by this author (Beloved Enemy, Years of Intoxication, Professional Substitute, My Little Poplar, and Winner Takes All) and this novel is by far the most unsettling and disturbing one. The angst and scheming in this novel really taken to the extreme.

Even from the first chapters, this novel unsettled me. I found the MC's predatorial behavior towards the ML to be very creepy as he was significantly older than the ML who was still in high school. And this is not even the most disturbing part of the novel...

I find that the MC has a lot in common with the MC of Love Late.
They are not particularly romantic or affectionate people by nature, but when they fall in love they fall in love very sincerely. They both have the tendency to engage in self-destructive behavior to cope with their pain and loneliness. Both of them have done something horrific to their younger brothers. Love Late is not as dark and convoluted as this novel though.

What attracts to Shui Qian Cheng's novels is the realistic elements. I get the impression that the author seems to have a deep understanding of the mentality of men. Many of SQC's novels explores deep into the character's mentality. The most notable traits that distinguishes these novels from all others is the parental presence and how their influences shaped the characters. In many of SQC's novels, the parents also carries a huge emotional weight from how their parental influences contributed to the terrible decisions that they make. We saw this with the MC's mother in Professional Substitute and the ML's mother in Years of Intoxication... and yes, we also see this with the mother of the MC's half-brother (Jian Sui Lin) in this novel.


In the end of this novel, Jian Sui Lin's mother finally realizes how her feelings of resentment towards the MC had passed onto her son and caused him to grow up into a twisted character who would start a series of events that would escalate and eventually tear up the entire family. He would commit a lot of heinous deeds: scamming, raping, and even attempted mu*der.


I can hardly believe that this novel is so closely intertwined with My Little Poplar and that the MCs are actually cousins! The MCs are total opposites and the lives they lead in their respective novels are totally different.

The MC of MLP is a ignorant rich kid who gets inspired by the hardworking soldiers to think about his own dreams and improve his own life. On the other hand, the MC of this novel is an accomplished CEO surrounded by schemers who craves to take everything from him as his own seemingly perfect and luxurious lifestyle spirals downwards and his heart is left with emptiness.
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aldehyde_chan rated it
December 28, 2022
Status: Completed

I gave this series a five only because of Jian Ge, a maverick, a man who dares to love and hate, a man with a hard shell yet a soft and generous on the inside. Also I’m sick of people white washing Li yu and Jian suilin.

everyone says that Jian suilin did right to cheat jsy company as it was deserved for all the childhood bullying and trauma but folks let’s be honest jsys had to live under the same roof with two people who indirectly lead to his moms death and he was like what 13 or 14. Having a step mother means having a stepfather as well especially if that someone was like Joan dongyuan who hated his eldest son for being too hard and not conforming to his standard as an ideal child. He was very partial to jsl. Regarding the swimming pool thingy we all know that jdy beat jsy up later and probably that was the case for each time jsy was unpleasant to Jsl. Jdy had the gall to cheat, and bring the mistress to the house that belonged to jsy mother and expect him to give them a good face, srsly I wouldn’t. Also let’s take the fact that jsy had been indoctrinated with family concept from the beginning, so it’s unlikely that things ever got too unpleasant, not to mention he gave jsl face in front of others and prevented others from bulling him and looking down on him as a son of a mistress. Srsly I haven’t seen an illegitimate child as lucky as Jsl, had the love of both parents, managed to cheat away a company with out tasting any repurcussions or hard work, what else should he want ? When jsy was his age, he went and established a business on his own and for 10 years let the bunch of vampires eat and live well. And jdy instead of letting jsl make a break through on his own by investing in stocks like his brother (he clearly received enough pocket money and jsy wasn’t stingy either) , let him rob his brothers efforts. As for jsl feelings for his brother, that simply nothing more then an insult. S0 people plz stop whitewashing this guy, he doesn’t diserve half of what he got.

as for Li yu, this mofo, the only thing wrong that jsy ever did was provoking this guy. The author ke-t emphasizing that this guy was oh so mature and stable but I don’t see it. Intending to administer the so called justice he clearly forgot to do his research. Putting the fact that he’s violent and a rapist aside, I haven’t seen a man as immoral and self centered like this. Jsl didn’t fool this guy, his own s*upidity cost him everything. He wasn’t scum enough? He wasn’t capable of inflicting more damage because after all who is Jian suiying? A man who set thriving business at age 22, jsy was far superior to him when it came to background, could’ve screwed him badly, could’ve screwed his family over but he didn’t. This little white face has a small heart and thinks others hearts are as small as his. The line that made me vomit blood was the when liyu claimed that his brother was innocent, what did jsy ever do to him to cheat him out of feelings and money ? He wasn’t innocent ?. And what qualifications did he have to interfere in others family business without thinking of repercussions?. Look at this guy, in love with jsl, sleeping with jsy, and thinking of marrying a girl while he was clearly bent. Every thing this guy got was far less then he deserved because everyone was willing to white wash him because jsy was clearly the bad person.
i srsly feel bad for Jian Ge because he was Truely out of all SQG MCs the loneliest and he managed to get out of his predicatement through his own efforts, he did not need anyones compensation because he is Jain suiying. Despite betrayals from his lover and his family, he forgave and continued to protect and lend a hand to them when they were in trouble. Even in my little popular, his care for bai xinyu is very touching. This work is memorable precisely because of jsys personality and it’s hard to find another shou with such a prominent character and conflicting yet well fitting attributes. Regarding the work itself, I feel it could’ve been executed in a much better way, as things were too rushed and towards the end, I kinda hoped that the author would give the cp a bit of a gap to cool off like the others Cps in the authors others works. This work is my favorite out of sqc works because this work had a lot of potential, reading the same work multiple times just adds more to the perespectives and cements my belief that only bystanders can talk about righteousness while the people in question not so

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oshaala rated it
June 20, 2020
Status: Completed
The only reason I gave this 2 stars instead of 1 is because despite how much of a disaster this story is you really find yourself reading on in order to find out what happened. I feel like that's Shui Qian Cheng's specialty, making you read on despite how much everything sucks. Technique-wise, Shui Qian Cheng really is a good writer. However, that's about it.

This novel is bad even when compared to Shui Qian Cheng's other works, which you know is saying something. Even though I couldn't stop myself from... more>> continuing to binge read this, after I finished I legitimately felt like I lost an entire day and a half of my life that I'll never get back when reading this novel. I gained absolutely zero emotional satisfaction from this novel, in fact I actually felt like I was actively losing brain cells while I was reading it. It's not even that the plot was s*upid or anything, it's just that the stuff that was happening was so unbelievably melodramatic and it just kept getting worse and worse. I legitimately feel like Shui Qian Cheng's works actively erode my worldview because of how unbelievably the characters react to and deal with the stuff that happens, and this novel is the cherry on top of the cake. I always feel like the author makes too many bad things happen to the characters for the resolutions to be satisfactory, somehow the main couple always just end up resolving things magically and get together with no problems at the end.

I think this novel is worse than the author's other ones because the characters aren't even likeable, so there's really no reason for you to root for them or care about the story other than wanting to find out what happens. Both the MC and the ML are super problematic and not sympathetic, I couldn't even bring myself to feel bad for them. There were tons of very disturbing scenes, and almost all of them are just angst p*rn.

In my opinion, read this story if you're into melodrama and angst, and don't try to see it as anything other than that. Those two things are definitely what the author does well, so if that's what you're here for you'll enjoy it. <<less
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Rehkzurr rated it
August 31, 2022
Status: Completed
Before reading this story, please read the tags first!!! If you are not the type of reader who loves to delve in the psychology of the characters and gives rating to stories solely because of the satisfaction it gives you (probably wish fulfillment lol), kindly and respectfully (not) turn away from this story.

This story deserves a 5★! The author is open-minded and knows what they're writing about.

MC is a creep.

s*xual harasser and borderline rapist


ML is a schemer.

two-faced scum and two-time rapist


MC's half-brother is a psychopath.

in*estuous fellow and a rapist


These, pretty much, are enough to disgust most readers to the point they gave this story low ratings (despite dropping this early on lol). But to be fair, all those disgusting things they did are reasonable development (based on their characterization, background story, and their psychology). You have to be really open-minded to understand why I said so.

All the characters had their own fair share of development, whether good or bad, and it's one thing I liked about the story. The consistency of their motivations is another thing to add.

I love how despite not knowing and understanding what really love is, MC came to love ML sincerely.

I salute to ML when

he didn't stop their scheme of bringing down MC just because he came to love him. He knows deep inside stopping halfway through will not take away the fact that he did scheme against MC plus he made his promise to his friend


MC's half-brother is my fav character tbh despite being the most disgusting among them three (lol) .

Most people would think that being a victim of a trauma will a hundred percent result to depression and su*cide which in fact, not really. There is a minority that for me, is the worst result of what a trauma can do and that is exactly what MC's half-brother is going through.

It is a known fact that when a person's brain can't take the traumatic event they are going through, it will either force the person to forget or love that trauma. The latter can be explained why some r*** victims relive their traumas.


In conclusion, this story is disgustingly dark and not for the faint-hearted but we have to give this story the rating that it deserves. Personally, this story deserves my 5★.

Those s*upid readers who gave low stars just because the characters don't fit their standards or that they want a saint for a character despite the tags, I hope they don't have a pit for a brain lol.

PS: My fav chapter is when

ML got stuck on a construction site and MC saved him despite the harsh weather


This cements the fact that MC loves ML sincerely (though he really had to do that because ML is his responsibility atm, his decisiveness tells it all) and that it is reasonable for ML to fall in love for MC despite MC not having that much good qualities to be of boyfriend/lover material.

Also, gotta add the chapter when ML chase after MC to redeem himself. His love for MC is true for sure.
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melongoh rated it
October 16, 2019
Status: Completed
This author wrote Beloved Enemy, Professional Stuntman, Intoxication. Her works are full of drama, lots of frustrations, angst... After reading this novel, it's as if is a roller coaster ride. This is the type of BL novel that I will pick up to read again and again.

I read the Chinese version and found that this story is in fact quite good. I really like the author's writing style. She covers all grounds on causes and effects without being lengthy in explanation. The author really stirred s**t out of the main... more>> characters.

Just to clarify with regards to some of the reviews about the ML suddenly liking the MC.

During this time, MC and ML had in fact broken off their f*** buddy relationship. MC thought there's absolutely no way the 2 of them would ever get back together again. In fact while the ML and the half brother both were in the midst of scamming MC, ML was trapped and injured in a worksite. MC braved the hurricane carrying 2 large bags of emergency supplies to save him. ML was deeply moved. No rescue workers could be dispatched to rescue ML but MC went all the way to find him.


With regards to the r*pe...

ML actually r*ped MC twice. The first time was in a hotel in Beihai. MC gave ML a peck at the beach causing the half brother to run off in a fit of jealousy. ML ran after half brother to explain and confessed that he actually love this half brother and not MC. ML was angry and drunk and went to MC's hotel room to pick a fight initially but ended up raping him in a fit of anger instead. The second time was when he already fell in love with MC, but MC found out that it was his half brother that he used to love. It was an unfortunate misunderstanding. MC went to his gay club. ML wouldn't allow MC to sleep around so in a fit of desperation he r*ped him there. The 3rd r*pe was committed by the pe*verted in*est brother. ML managed to find MC but it was too late. He was heart broken and deeply remorseful seeing the injured body of MC and cried. He must have remembered he too, r*ped him badly before once. There's a more detailed review on this novel on Facebook, search for "Chinese BL Novels" or "inlovewithanidiot".


The 2 lovebirds eventually came together after a long arduous journey ~ love, hatred, nerve-wrecking anger, pent-up frustrations, angst, passion, lust, jealousy, betrayal, r*pe, regrets, heartbreaks and finally forgiveness and acceptance. Really sweet and satisfying ending!!!! ❤️? <<less
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Gisele_179 rated it
January 7, 2023
Status: Completed
As the one comment here said, I don’t get why people assume MC deserves to get scummed from his half brother and his lover. Despite he hates JSL (half bro) and he bullied him it was reasonable because he was a kid at that time too. His father abandoned him and his mother for a mistress :)). And he also got punished a lot for troubling JSL. In this story, I hate the most is his father😀. He basically cheated on his wife and then brought his mistress and son... more>> into the house of his first wife. MC’s mother is a youngest daughter of the rich family and his father is basically more like a commoner as described in earlier chapters (I don’t remember) . It was an arranged marriage but whatever he basically favors half-brother over MC. Even Mac described that the only reason that his father forced him to come home occasionally was just becoz he doesn’t want to hear people gossiping that he doesn’t really care his first wife’s son. He doesn’t even care when MC’s injured while saving ML. He must have hurt as a kid too. I mean he doesn’t deserve to be scummed when everyone in that house is relying on him. Despite his prideful personality he doesn’t harm anyone even though he could harm. For eg. He doesn’t go after ML’s family or harm them because ML scummed him nor neither he make his company sinks in debt by fighting against his half brother. In chapter 83, it was MC’s father who told MC to give up the company lmao. He doesn’t even care and just sided with his favorite child and told MC to give up the company. Some of the people thinks it’s fair I really don’t get it. <<less
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gnessa14 rated it
October 5, 2019
Status: c31
For those who want to know, even though the MC actively pursued ML but the MC always bottomed for the ML.

I think the story is good but the readability of the translation is very poor. I compared it with google translation and it's very similar (same words, phrases and sentence structures) so I would say that this is more like MTL instead of translation. If you MTL yourself with Baidu, it's easier to understand than their version because at least the grammar isn't so broken.

I hope another group will pick... more>> up this.

EDIT: I'm glad to see that Chrysanthemum Garden is translating it. The translation is much much better but they're translating the censored version of the novel with a lot more s*x scenes (which may not be a good thing since there're more than one r*pe in it so it can feel more traumatic) <<less
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joun rated it
September 20, 2019
Status: c100
I didn't like the starting point and the MC at first. He was so arrogant and his love at first sight was kind of s*xual harassment (because the ML was annoyed and didn't like it or him). But I didnt stop reading and I found myself unable to stop until the last translated chapter.

Moreover the MC is very strong so I thought that I was prepared for everything (betrayal, deception, even the r*pe) and I was right. You wish to cheer for this strong MC who never let himself fell... more>> for too long. It's nice to met a MC that dont feel sory for himself all the time. You are sad but you still are in the mood to cheer for him. Well the ML who suffered from his mistakes and misunderstanding deserve all of it and the beatings.

Read it. <<less
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linolino rated it
July 21, 2023
Status: Completed
I give this novel 5 stars for the MC, despite disliking the relationship and ML.
    • Jian Suiying deserves better! He's not a likeable MC in the beginning as a shameless perv, but his character arc is amazing. Jian Suiying confident, charming and arrogant, but the arrogance doesn't come from nothing: he's very hard-working and committed to his business and everything he sets his goals on. The way he keeps roasting other people is my favorite part of the novel.
    • Li Yu doesn't have any redeeming qualities as the ML.

      He's supposed to be calm, but all he does is start fist fights?! He's not cute or charming, he's not witty or clever, he's just there.
    • I'll be the degenerate to say this, but Jian Suiying has much better chemistry with Jian Suilin. The dynamics and back story between these two is much more interesting.
    • In regards to wife-chasing crematorium:

      Li Yu gets off too easy for all the pain and suffering he's caused to Jian Suiying! There are three instances of r*pe in the novel. Li Yu r*pes Jian Suiying twice. Jian Suilin r*pes Jian Suiying once. The two of them together scam Jian Suiying out of his business. Obviously, both of them are scumbags. The only character that goes through the crematorium is Jian Suilin, though. Jian Suilin is in the end the one that ends up hospitalized, since he drove himself against the tree because he didn't want to hurt Jian Suiying. Li Yu does some shady business and earns money as his "redemption". But in the end Jian Suiying and his family have to safe his ass on the southeast coast. Li Yu definitely gets a free pass. Honestly, Jian Suilin should have been the ML as a crazy yandere.

    • Would I recommend this novel? Yes, but please check the tags and content warnings first. SQC's writing and Jian Suiying's characterization is amazing. Would I reread this novel? Probably not.
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Milina york
Milina york rated it
March 26, 2022
Status: Completed
i am wandering why the rating is so low, The story line is so impresive and intersted especially for the ppl who like angst and stand it like me but NOT for fragile heart ppl so be carful before reading it bc it contain all kind of non con (in*est TOO) and I think that is the main reason for its low rating, there is alot of ppl disgusting this kind of plot Including me but I want ovelook this for nowt

he Auther have skill in make her charecter... more>> ' especially the MC ' so much related to the reality and intersting (well written deeply despite the dog blood and unbelieveable events happend in the end of the novel) so I find it easy to involve with him and feeling exactly what he felt and wandering how he will get through what happend to him

following his charecter gradually revealed all its aspect with the passage of the story precisely what made the story interesting

In the beginning, his personality appeared as an arrogant person who refuses to compromise and is accustomed to being the upper hand without being deterred Unlike other shous in the Series which apeared good ppl from the very start

but as the story went on It turns out that what he shows to those around him of arrogance and this tyrannical aura that he is teeming with are nothing but covers that began to reveal about him one after another, showing him just a small child afraid of harm and and feels like fatal lonely could literally kill him

However, he himself was not aware of these feelings in all their details, and was accustomed to using his defensive means to feel safe and that he was able to protect himself under any circumstance so he was so fcking misunderstood.. In the novel and out of it.... I can't say that the end was satsfaying to him.... But anyway I am glad to know sucha intersting charecter <<less
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King of No Killing
King of No Killing rated it
June 20, 2023
Status: Completed
Sigh... I placed this on hold coz I thought I won't like a scum shou like Jian Suiying. But damn, I was wrong. Kudos to SQC as always. The author never failed to amaze me in all her works that I've read so far. And also, thank you very much to the translator 'wintersky' of Chrysanthemumgarden for finishing in translating this novel. I'm just leaving a comment to add on this novel's rating. This definitely deserves a higher rate. And please, there are tags and trigger warning ahead so don't... more>> just complain and give a lower rate. THIS NOVEL IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. You have been warned. So if you don't like the transition of the plot or the characters then scram. For those SQC fans, this novel won't dissapoint you. It's just something unique compared to other 188 boys. <<less
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rimirinrin rated it
February 24, 2022
Status: Completed
Please don't give up on the MC so soon!

I dislike his nasty mouth at first. His words are really harsh and he's so scummy and always can't wait to hop onto his next gigolo. After he met ML and start chasing after him (with bad intentions of 'conquering' him) and in the end got wrecked himself (sorry but he was deserving it), he gradually grew as a character. On the other hand, he is a capable leader and also a supportive pillar of the house. You can really feel that... more>> he is a responsible uncle, son etc. He's used to being rich and getting whatever he wants therefore he's overconfident and has a tatter mouth. Other than that he's a nice fella.

ML did trick him at a point and there's some non-con as usual, however he isn't as bad of a person as some other MLs of the 188 series. He's also a yingyingying monster and MC always falls for that lol.

Beware, there is an in*est part which made me really mad. I won't rate down the book because of that as it was warned, but it really riles you up.

In addition, I like how supportive the grandpas are. My heart was all warm and fuzzy from their care.

I like the cameos from other stories as well. It's a pleasant surprise. The extras were good too. <<less
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jojobebing rated it
October 14, 2020
Status: --
Just like the other novel of the author, I love it... I dont understand why other reader give this a low rating.. amidst of all the pain and suffering and betrayal this novel has a happy and sweet ending although the translations at the middle part a bit chaotic.. just give this novel a try its angst but its worth to read at the end!
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LinSo rated it
September 8, 2023
Status: --
I simultaneously hate this novel and love it to madness. He is full of feelings and sparks between ML and MC. But how much suffering! How much "dog blood"! If you are a sensitive person, perhaps you will suffer even more than me and you must understand that this novel is cruel. But. But how good is the chemistry between the main characters. How good is the plot and how good are the intrigues of the villains. All novels by this author are like this, but this one is definitely

It's... more>> your choice to read it or not, but if I had a memory arrow, then without any doubt I would read this novel.

P.S. It just so happened that the main character is a manager. This interested me and now I have more than 30 books on economics and company management on my bookshelf. I love it and will devote my whole life to it. This book was a turning point in my life and I love it with a bit of a masochistic love. <<less
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suitonjutsu02 rated it
March 9, 2022
Status: Completed
I love this so much that I can endure MTL. The main interesting point is that both of them, everyone, are not a saint. They have their own faults and share of mistakes, this creates a good dynamic for the plot. Most importantly, both of them are hot. It's rare to see both equally loveable characters. Very balanced. High chance gonna reread it again
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January 4, 2022
Status: Completed

A few weeks after finishing I still have mixed feelings, and it's so far the only 188 novel where I didn't read all the extras because I didn't care enough about the main couple. Some parts of the story stayed with me even after completing the book. After giving it a lot of thought, I'm actually okay with

... more>>

the in*est part - it stood out as being really well-written, although the scene itself is quite horrifying to read, but that's what makes it good. I have rarely been so uncomfortable, and I was forced to emphasize with the MC, despite the fact that I didn't really like him at all.


The aftermath is also handled quite well. The MC emerges as a character made stronger through his suffering, and his way of dealing with a hugely traumatic event and the reason why he ultimately forgives (but not forgets) seemed realistic to me.


I get why some readers would maybe want the MC to never forgive his rapists - neither the ML nor the brother - but in both cases, he decides that their lives are still important. He's not willing to watch his brother die no matter how much he hates him, and he realizes that sometimes there are more important things than dwelling over past wrongs.

I don't think the author means to make r*pe anything less that a brutal, horrifying transgression, but she effectively shows that being subjected to trauma doesn't also mean that you need to throw away your life or focus only on self-pity or revenge - sometimes the best way forward is to pick up the pieces and try to move on the best way you can.


SQC is the best when it comes to making her characters suffer and going through heartbreak and trauma - the angst really is top notch, even if I never warmed to the characters.


This novel isn't for the faint-hearted. Please check the tags and don't read unless you are comfortable with a whole lot of noncon, violence, noncon in*est, and characters being generally awful to each other.

I've read most of the other books in the 188 series, but this one was kind of disappointing. Unlike most of the other books, this novel has a pretty unlikable MC. Now, I'm normally fine with scummy or unlikable MCs as long as they're interesting and the author takes me inside their head, show me their world view and background story and make me sympathize with them despite the fact that they're awful people. I usually end up feeling sympathetic for SQC's MLs despite their terrible behavior for precisely this reason (and because I get to watch them suffer for their crimes, hehe). But in this case I just don't really like the MC. He admit himself that he's a hooligan and a bully, but he does some pretty heinous things in the first part without sufficient reason:


He not only sexually harasses the ML despite the ML being a close friend of his brother, plus a high school student 7 years younger than him, and also an intern at his company. The harassment isn't innocent either, it's everything from kissing and feeling him up, undressing in front of him despite the fact that the ML is clearly uncomfortable, grabbing him (to the point where they get into a fight), claiming that he likes him even though at first he clearly just wants to have s*x with him, and he even goes as far as giving the ML a noncon bl**job.

And then he gets pissed off when the ML repeatedly rejects him, continues his harassment to the point where it's unclear if he wants to attempt to r*pe the ML.

Yeah, this is the first time I read a r*pe scene (ML r*pes MC while drunk) and thought that the victim had it coming. That's how bad the MC behaves.

Later on he gets upset when the ML breaks off what is clearly a f*ck buddy relationship that is both super inappropriate (the MC being the brother of the ML's crush and also his boss) and inconvenient since the ML is only 18, doesn't consider himself gay and knows that his family will be very upset if they find out.

The MC attacks the ML because of the breakup and drugs him with the intention of raping him. Even if he doesn't go through with it, it's awful behavior - and the ML loses the opportunity to participate in an important game because of this.


Seriously, I don't get why the ML actually falls for this guy.


Well, they get back together because the MC selflessly rescues him and the ML realizes he's obsessed with the MC and can't bear to be away from him, but still. They were together for 6 months the first time and I don't get how the ML could stand him.


The ML was the one I had the most sympathy for, but it seems ridiculous that he enters a relationship with the MC when he has a crush on the MC's younger brother and doesn't even like the MC.

Also why do the MC and ML have to be violent to each other every single time they get into a conflict? Why is the MC so violent (he often initiates the fighting, and in the first half never for any good reason). It would be fine if it was just a few times, but it happens so often it just seemed exaggerated.

The MC's younger brother is the most interesting character, but so far in the story he hasn't been developed properly. Feels like SQC wanted to write about sibling in*est, but didn't know how to fit it into a 188 novel.

About the in*est:


It feels out of place. It's not badly written, since generally SQC is a really good writer and great at writing about s*xual abuse from a psychological perspective, but Suilin's obsession is weird. Why does he do his utmost to cheat the MC of his business if all he wants is to win the MC? Apparently his obsessive love for his brother spins out of control because he's jealous of the ML, but for someone clear-headed enough to meticulously plan how to take over his brother's business, if his objective is to either just r*pe the MC or to win his heart, why do something that will make his brother hate him? Why not just try to get into his good graces while scheming to drive apart the MC and ML? It makes very little sense. It would have been more realistic if Suilin just had an obsessive hate for the MC due to how he treated him as a child.


I guess it's there because the MC needed to suffer more? Jian Suilin's obsessive antagonist could have been put to better use in another type of story or if he had been developed properly. Maybe that's why SQC later wrote Wu Chang Jie to better explore this type of character?

I don't want to rate the story since MTL'ing doesn't seem to capture the writing style very well. Even if this isn't one of my favorite books in the series, I'm still glad that someone picked it up for translation. I sincerely hope the translator continues, since so far the translation is pretty good and sadly only 2 books in the 188 series are fully translated at this point, and several of the translations are just barely edited MTL. <<less
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hobibabe rated it
April 20, 2022
Status: Completed
I really enjoyed this novel, and it's one of my favorite of the 188 series!!!
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