In a Different World with a Smartphone


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Mochizuki Touya, a 15-year-old boy, who got zapped by a flash of lightning due to a freak accident caused by God, wakes up and finds himself face-to-face with God.

“I am afraid to say that I have made a blunder…” laments the old coot. In order to smooth over the fault, God says that he can reincarnate Touya into a world of fantasy, and allow Touya to bring the smartphone! Then in a new, anachronistic pseudo-medieval world begins Touya’s adventure.

Friends! Laughs! Tears! Inexplicable Deus ex Machina! Mochizuki Touya sets off on a journey full of wonder as he absentmindedly travels from place to place, following whatever goal catches his fancy. The curtains on an epic tale of swords, sorcery, and smartphone apps lift!

Associated Names
One entry per line
In Another World With My Smartphone
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomoni.
Related Series
Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyusoukyoku (WN) (8)
Mushoku Tensei (WN) (4)
Shinka no Mi (3)
Instead of Being Transported to Another World Directly, I Was Given the Abilities of the Strongest Character in the Anime World (2)
The Man Picked up by the Gods (2)
Sevens (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. hiatus
  2. Isekai Fantasy | #1
  3. Mecha,Space,Sci-fi,fantasy webnovels
  4. Jnovels
  5. Progression Fantasy

Latest Release

Date Group Release
05/13/16 Raising the Dead c67
05/07/16 Raising the Dead c66
04/30/16 Raising the Dead c65
04/23/16 Raising the Dead c64
04/15/16 Raising the Dead c63
04/09/16 Raising the Dead c62
02/26/16 Raising the Dead c61
02/17/16 Raising the Dead c60
02/17/16 Raising the Dead c59
02/13/16 Raising the Dead c58
01/28/16 Raising the Dead c57
01/28/16 Raising the Dead c56
01/28/16 Raising the Dead c55
01/20/16 Raising the Dead c54
01/06/16 Raising the Dead c53
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95 Reviews sorted by

LivingCorpse rated it
September 17, 2017
Status: c180
Honestly, this is not a masterpiece per se, but it was a decent read. Just another Power Fantasy Isekai Novel like other Isekai there is. But it was a good read when you have nothing else to read nonetheless.
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Fraggermdg rated it
July 7, 2016
Status: c61
Odd and wacky and lovable for all the reasons we might like our typical campy animes.
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Fulmine rated it
May 19, 2016
Status: --
Though I understand the MC's personality. He has an OP smartphone and an OP powers and yet he easily go with the flow and is pretty passive when it comes to decision makings when it involves the girls around him. Passive being, he obviously sense what the girls wants and without any resistance he just go with the girls.

It also gives off a slice of life feeling in a different world even though his reactions aren't really realistic especially his interactions with the people who inhabited the world.

I... more>> understand that the gods are watching him for amus**ent and may be the reason for his good and easy interactions with people but...

Really, it just doesn't seem right to me.

I guess what I really want to say is...


Though I admit, there are some parts that shows the cool side of MC but still... He has no ambition what so ever.

I'd probably continue reading it if a person like Weed is in his circumstances. Now that would be interesting!

*Someone please do a fanfic of that please!* <<less
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Zeikfried rated it
December 22, 2022
Status: --
The cardinal sin of this story is that the smartphone is not used as a smartphone. You'd think the author would make access to the Internet and all our worldly modern information integral to the plot, but no. I don't think he does that even once in any meaningful scientific or tactical way, much less having it affect the main story line.

It was generic drivel when it was first released.
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nin rated it
October 28, 2022
Status: v21
Smartphone is a series that I have a love/hate relationship with. I mean, I read 21 volumes and still plan to read more, so I definitely like it.

Let's start with the negatives, of which there are a lot. The MC is very bland at the start and very quickly becomes OP, the pacing is very slow, the plot is meandering, often flipflopping between filler and dramatic plot moments, and many of the characters are shallow.

With all of that said, it does still have a lot going for it. The world... more>> building is can be interesting, especially with how the dieties work and the various worlds work, and the MC becomes a bit less bland once he acknowledges the love interests as lovers and becomes protective of them, sometimes even becoming angry for their sake. Also, the mechs are pretty cool, with each waifu having their own unique mech. He's clearly a fan of mecha anime, which as a fan myself I can't help but respect. Oh, and while the characters themselves are mostly shallow, their interactions are still fun to read. I can't help but keep reading once I get going, despite any qualms I have with the work overall.

As far as I'm concerned, Smartphone is mediocre, but it's mediocre for lack of skill rather than a lack of passion. The author is clearly doing what he wants, and while I wish he was better at it, I can't help but be attracted to what he has put his heart into. I definitely recommend giving it a shot, even if there's a good chance you'll end up regretting it. <<less
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Pikachu123 rated it
April 30, 2021
Status: --
I read the light novel and I am still surprised that if there are 32 arcs does that mean that the series will get 32 volumes. This series is great because it goes beyond just defeating the one big villain that is set up in the first volume it goes on and has other big issues that I wasn't even expecting to happen.... more>>
Can someone tell me which web novel chapter does volume 21 of the light novel series end on? <<less
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Kuro Alicia
Kuro Alicia rated it
November 10, 2020
Status: c487
This is basically Slice of Life with a little Adventure, Mecha & God things

Plot? It have, but you'll had to wait hundreds chapter to get into it

The Harem girls character is so-so~

... more>> Now im on arc where they had kids and it's BORING

Well~ maybe because I don't like their kids character and MC (Touya) character not progress at all (basically all of them include wifes)

He's still naive like from the start

The difference is they married, thats all

I know there much story where their character not progress but still, seeing naive MC is pain in the a55 hahaha V: <<less
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Rudra Nautiyal
Rudra Nautiyal rated it
November 3, 2020
Status: v21
It has a cliché but a good start. When I read the first chapter I liked the idea of him having a smartphone in another world and looked forward to it. Honestly, even if it was a Harem, the story till Volume 9~10 is decent, not fantastic or very praiseworthy but an enjoyable read. However, it started to go downhill from there and oh boy did it. It looked like the author had run out of ideas for the plot. So, he started doing whatever!

... more>>

Like WTF!? This story was unique because ONLY he had a Smartphone. But by Volume 11~12 he started to distribute smartphone to others. Like I understand if he had only given them to his wives/yes women's, but he started to give them to anyone! LIKE ANYONE! You get a smartphone, he gets a smartphone, everybody gets a smartphone! He lost his individuality.



Also, at the start, he had a personality. But that only lasted for like 20~25-ish chapters and then he became very....... bland? I don't know, I am just not able to put it into words. Like he becomes a character that is just......I don't know.... too perfect? I just don't get it but like if I met a guy with a personality like him in real life, I would praise him, admire him and even want to become his friend but I wouldn't want to become like him. His lifestyle seems just too..... boring. What I mean to say is that he is flawless which in turn becomes his biggest flaw.

So, should you read it? Hmm.......... yes, but I recommend only till he forms his own nation.

Which had the s*upidest and idiotic name I may have ever read in my entire life.

After you reach it, I recommend you consider it the end of the story and this would please you. I have read till Volume 21 and honestly, I read it only because I had considered it to be a good read and downloaded 21 volume and read them while travelling in one go. I wanted to drop it but not having anything else read made me continue reading this nightmare.😂😂 If given the choice I would have dropped it at Volume 11~12-ish.

Hope it helps <<less
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Master10K rated it
June 13, 2020
Status: c300
Here's a Light & Web Novel that feels more like an "Iyashikei" than an "Isekai" to me and I would have labelled it as such, if it didn't develop a world-ending plot. Honestly it's easy to see how bland Touya-kun is, after experiencing countless other Light & Web Novels, with "Mr. Nice Guy" Japanese MC. Not until the "plot thickens" that Touya-dono is troubled by the people and the land he has to protect that you start getting hints of his progressive yet surprisingly sadistic side. If only he wasn't... more>> hampered by a PG-Rating.

The harem would have felt annoyingly clichéd if it wasn't for best girl Yumina keeping everyone in check. Nevertheless beyond the harem, it was the {all cheats unlocked}, trouble-free Kingdom Building that hooked me in. And gradually breaks the mold of a stock standard Isekai fantasy world, becoming incredibly expansive and constantly changing as the story progresses. Yet no matter how many interesting plot points are added to the story, the stakes remain incredibly low throughout and one thing is for certain. Any semblance of story is wrapped up by Volume 19 (of the LN) and beyond that is just an extremely long and occasionally entertaining epilogue <<less
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r3xr4pt0r rated it
April 23, 2020
Status: --
Actually this is a good slice of life isekai story

Idk about everyone else, but for me Generic-Overpowered-harem like this, is not bad at all

I do pretty much enjoyed this
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phreakinsane rated it
January 8, 2020
Status: v7
I really enjoyed the series for a long while. Im not sure just how far back it was that MC started to contradict himself but even 10 pages in to book 7 I was already highly agitated by the blatant oversights & contractions that MC makes. Now here I am 50 pages further down the road and writing a review. Gotta give author props for making a novel series that would continue to be great if not for the way he makes the MC's IQ drop so fast in the... more>> last few books.

His actions and logic are so inexcusable I'm having to drop the series to save brain cells. It sucks because if he wasn't the weak, pathetic, beta imbecile that he has become in this volume; or if he wasn't making decisions so s*upid they make you cringe, I'd still be happily reading away.

I have a deep seated hatred for book series that go this way. He is making s*upid decisions and changing the rules of his abilities just so the author can tell the story the way he wants too. So very annoyed.

Book 7 is definitely no more than 1 star. Book 6 was decent, 3-4 star the previous books were all 5 stars.

It should also be noted I detest the typical spineless Japanese MC and he is definitely one of those. So if mc's that are soft hearted to the point of s*upidity (towards very evil enemies rapists, mu*derers, pedos, etc.) don't bother you, you may continue to enjoy this series beyond where I had to stop.

It was hard to get past some content in the previous book because he doesn't appear to have balls. I prefer a MC who can and will be merciless to tr*sh who threaten to r*pe your loved ones and who have done and continue to do equally unforgivable actions. <<less
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April 21, 2019
Status: --
Okay Okay for those wanting a traditional story with conflicts and character growth etc etc if you are a man of a culture you might not like this one.

But for me I honestly like this, why because it is somewhat different to the usual light novels that I know that relates to harem and love comedy. It is just a happy fun story as day by day goes by, for those saying the MC is s*upid, well duh he is in another world dummy -_-.

If you hate harems that just... more>> won't happen

If you hate how some harem comedy LN just teases you and breaks your heart

This is the one for you it is simple and very different, and it is a happy ending. Some may say it is boring but I mean you guys are just so used to typical Lightnovel geez think outside the box sometimes. <<less
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IamBurden rated it
August 13, 2018
Status: c283
It not the worst that I have read, a light-hearted and fluffy novel that you will enjoy if you don't mind the usual isekai tropes.

However, you can ignore the romance tag because it never goes anywhere. The girls sometimes just never appear for long periods of time nor have any weight in the plot after their intro and induction into the harem. The only indication that these girls are his romantic interest is that they are mentioned and shown more than other girls. No dates nor any action that indicate... more>> that they are in a romantic relationship <<less
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korneliswicaksono rated it
June 24, 2018
Status: c174
The story is quite nice, really showing the laid-back nature of the MC. But the harem 'humors' about MC that is so s*upid in love are too forceful makes it not funny anymore. 1/10 cuz of harem 'humors'.

8/10 without harem humor.
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Mnotia rated it
April 24, 2018
Status: --
I thought the story was going to be amazing but it turns out it's just like every other isekai story.

The polygamy is really f*ckin s*upid, like a kings really gonna let 2 princesses leave to marry some commoner. OH, your a super old android that has access to something super important, you wanna marry me? SURE!!

I really cant deal man.

The story had a great pace in the beginning but now its all, "Let go explore other countries and steal princessesand the children of important people."
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Aho555 rated it
December 3, 2017
Status: c75
The blandest most pointless novel ever. The MC collects spells, achievements and harem members like picking up pebbles on a road.

You say it's a relaxed, slice of life story? That needs to have well developed, non generic characters that can give you enjoyment just reading their interactions and about them doing the simplest things. You won't find that here.

Other novels about overpowered protagonists with an easy life is like playing a first person shooter with god mode and infinite ammo cheat turned on, this novel is if you went a... more>> step further and added one-shot kill and only used a handgun for the whole game. <<less
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Salokin rated it
October 11, 2017
Status: --
Bland and boring, I was seriously surprised it got an anime. If the characters have personalities or motivations I couldn't find them. Everything feels like it was designed with the specific intention to be a 'generic European-style RPG world', unfortunately there seems to be no sign of this being a parody or doing it intentionally.

MC is a harem protagonist and that really tells you everything you need to know. He cares about those around him, yet he sighs alot like its a hassle. He diligently studies and expands his magical... more>> knowlegde, yet he goes through most days in a plodding and meandering fashion. <<less
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Okabe_rintarou rated it
September 13, 2017
Status: --
Honestly it's a great concept. If you are transported to a different world of magic... Then you must have a smartphone! The retro world will bore you to death unless you can browse our world's internet from over there. Add in a few more cheats. It's awesome.

But you don't need someone in the background to repeat "Yare yare! You'll get used to it soon" or "As expected " blah blah blah... It's so damn annoying.

The MC is a spineless wimp when it comes to his harem.

He gets kicked for no... more>> apparent reason and gets forced to dogeza even though he's much stronger than them in status and strength (in every way). He doesn't even evade. In such situations he totally lacks self respect.

When someone explains something. He's always in awe but never tries to understand it.

Him being dense is understandable. Because the girls around him are all minors! But it's weird how he can easily accept a child as a bride after talking so much about his morals?

Other than these minor details it's a really enjoyable story.

But it's hard to neglect the annoying things when the author is desperate to add annoying stuff to every paragraph! <<less
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YesMan rated it
August 28, 2016
Status: --
It is quite a heart warming story as reading it makes you happy and their is always a smile in your face. Their is never a time comes when you hate the characters as they are fun.

"Revenge, Bitterness will always make you angry but a tiny spot of life will make you smile like there is no tomorrow"
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synchroz rated it
June 23, 2016
Status: c70
It have kinda refreshing story and good character, but how do I say this... it`s just personal opinion but I feel the translator kinda trying too hard to act cute and show that he know Japanese

Since you see overly repeat use of ohh kawai and other words kinda emm weird for me
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