I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!


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Liam Sera Banfield is a reincarnator.

He had reincarnated into a fantasy world of magic and swords, but at the time the civilization had already been making advancements into outer space.

The setting takes place in an intergalactic empire, a space opera-like universe where humanoid weapons and spaceships battle.

Liam, who had been reborn into an aristocratic family in a monarchic society, has the ambition to one day become an evil lord.

In his previous life, Liam had unfortunately lost everything and died in despair.

— It’s foolish to live for others.

— I will live for myself.

Keeping those feelings in his heart, he has decided to fulfill his goal, but is instead worshipped as a virtuous ruler due to his difference in values.

Will Liam be able to become an evil lord?

Associated Names
One entry per line
I am the Villainous Lord of the Interstellar Nation
Ore wa Seikan Kokka no Akutoku Ryōshu!
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Action - Adventure - Fantasy (JP On-Going)
  2. Drama Supermacy
  3. Guilty pleasure
  4. My Top Novels From the 500 Novels I have Read (KR,...
  5. Strong misunderstanding

Latest Release

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11/12/22 Cheldra’s... v9c7
11/12/22 Cheldra’s... v9c6
11/12/22 Cheldra’s... v9c5
11/11/22 Cheldra’s... v9c4
11/11/22 Cheldra’s... v9c3
11/11/22 Cheldra’s... v9c2
11/11/22 Cheldra’s... v9c1
11/26/20 Lokiillusius v6 prologue
11/20/20 Lokiillusius v5 epilogue
11/20/20 Lokiillusius v5c12
07/20/20 SlothTranslations v5c6
07/05/20 SlothTranslations v5c5
06/29/20 SlothTranslations v5c4 + illustrations
05/31/20 Deep Translations v5c6
05/29/20 Deep Translations v5c5
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165 Reviews sorted by

user2099 rated it
October 10, 2019
Status: v4 epilogue
It's an entertaining story set in an interesting universe. Plot twists and excessive drama don't improve every novel, and some, like this one, are perfectly fine being straightforward and simple.
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August 1, 2019
Status: v4

This novel is comedy, therefore, it will not maintain any logic, it's also built on the basis of misunderstandings of multiple levels.

If the reader wants to read this novel because it's a "space opera", better to avoid this, since in scale, technology or variety, everything is at the level of a culture that is just exploring space and not an intergalactic empire.

Details to why it is a bad space novel

The MC already has access to ships and products that only the nobles can acquire and that, therefore, are almost at the pinnacle of technology.

-Even so the military ships are around a few hundred meters to a couple of kilometers (being that of a couple of kilometers and a Capital ship that are supposed to be the "largest ships" of a fleet), in the field of space novels (intergalactic cultures) military "common ships" are already handled in kilometers and only light ships are several hundred meters.

-Time is used worse than in Chinese novels, for some reason all takes decades to be education or the development of planets (it's an intergalactic empire, right?). And the author only expanded "Human Growth" so that a person will go through all the common stages but multiplying the age in hundreds, this makes a child with the appearance of 10 years already has more than 100 but is still treated as a child, In the end what is the sense of driving so much time in each jump.

-Something like access to means of treatment of losses or deformities of the body is still something that even the nobles rarely see (in an intergalactic empire)


Details of why comedy ruins a novel even if it's a comedy novel.

-Jap comedy throws everything into the absurd and infringes the logic that the author himself exposes or the logic that he wants to show as the fact that it is an "interglactic empire" (but nothing shows this), even every detail is removed to give pass to the "Comical" events quickly.

-Variety and depth.

-There are "Learning Capsules", even so the MC that used it to learn how to manage its territory but for some reason does not learn that gold is something cheap and that magicals metalas are even more valuable. - Destruction of what has already been established by the author.

-The reason that the wife of the MC was unfaithful continuously is shown in all the chapters, the MC is ignorant of everything that happens around him, everything, also the MC creates his own "story" of what happens in front of him but for being comedy nothing bad will go through such a level of ignorance and his false perception of reality.


This is basically a new version of "Dragoon" (by the same author), I hope this does not go the same way and ends up the same.
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KetchupOnSoup rated it
July 23, 2022
Status: --
To be honest... I only learned of this through a manga and you know what? It's shit😂.

... more>>

I mean come on... MC trained with the sword for 20 years yet suddenly, the conman instructor says "he surpassed me after 10 uears" like what the f*ck is this inconsistency.


I don't know if something like that will keep on showing up but... I really hate it when something like that happens cause it'll mess with your understanding of the flow. And you know, like they said... "Small things will keep filling up until it'll become a big issue" and that is why I hope that the author of this Manga/Novel will pay attention to such details.

The MC's interesting... That's all I can say really😂.

As for the villian... I don't know, they're what? A transcendental being? The only one in the whole multiverse or something? So is that the reason they can fiddle with things as much as they want? The level ain't even up to an evil god or some evil incarnate, it's more like a kid's frank to be honest. <<less
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KeyonDrenson rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: v3c16
Okay to read if you want some filler action sci Fi, but the characters are all a little too flat to really care about

Funny but a little too mysogenistic for my taste, story premise interesting but overall falls little flat, I like having an OP protagonist but everything literally just falls into his lap, after a while it gets a little boring
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May 3, 2022
Status: --
It's quite fun although I do agree with some people that not a lot was explained and that the MC was just too lucky or unlucky but none of them seems to know about the doggo which is akin to the MC's guardian angel influencing these events in favor of the MC...

It's interesting to see an MC act more with his impulses rather than logic which is why the existence of the android is acceptable although the other girls were indeed strange additions as the MC doesn't want to have... more>> a kid anyway and even to the extent that girls themselves even stole his sperm while he was teleported into a faraway native planet...

The entire fief revolves around the MC as it would seriously crumble to ashes without his domineering presence keeping all the crazies in tow which makes this somewhat fun.

all I can say is that there are a lot of interesting things here which add to the novelty of it all. <<less
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MachiV rated it
March 13, 2022
Status: v9c11
A comedy of errors. Fun to read if you don't take it too seriously.

Couple of things I dislike are

  1. Release schedule ~1 per week
  2. Weak supporting cast. Often times have to recall who they are and/or where they came from/what did they do. Can't really differentiate the girls in the "harem". The release schedule is not helping this as well
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somebodi rated it
March 9, 2022
Status: v9
This novel does not present any attempt at deep worldbuilding and character development. It's a good misunderstanding comedy that doesn't overstep its bounds by shoving in things that don't belong, though if you prefer a well crafted masterpiece that engages your mind then you should probably turn away.
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TeTaNo rated it
January 30, 2022
Status: v9c5
It's a very nice novel I enjoy the world building and the misunderstanding part.


I would really wish the MC is not too p**sy, he's literally already engaged for almost 50 years but he hasn't touched her, he's also avoiding the girl and giving all excuses just to avoid getting laid.

the house banfield need a heir but his testosterone levels are very low so it's almost impossible for him to have a son/daughter.

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WrongColor rated it
August 29, 2021
Status: v6c15
Passible writing without a clear flaw but very rarely has a stand out moment; translation feels a bit awkward at times but is perfectly understandable. Despite being entirely rooted in comedy it like to pretended its in other genres: politics, action, romance, harem and will greatly disappoint if your looking for any development in these areas.

from the hero to the plot a lighthearted comedy pretending to be dark but not much else
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M3R rated it
August 29, 2021
Status: v7 prologue
Fortunately this novel is a comedic relief only and it doesn't force you to use your brain while reading it or else I would have rate it lower.

So, if you don't like a simple novel with simple one dimensional MC as of the moment who has high luck. Then you might not like this novel. Also, it has most common JP novels that has 3 stars vibe actually.


The MC is a huge disappoinment for me aside for comedic relief. And so does the Guide. Heck, I wish the MC... more>> is truly suffers to make him realize or have development.


The MC is a lucky son of a b*tch. Sure he has talent but most of all, he is s*upid one. No wonder he got NTRed by his ex-wife before reincarnated and suffered. He is incredibly naive and s*upid. Also he is delusional to think about evil lord a lot but in fact a good lord. Fortunately it is a comedy lol


All of the characters feels like one dimensional.


there was no improvement that much, most of the characters come either as punching bag for MC or being fanatics to MC. I am disappointed that the MC doesn't get over his trauma and treat people close to him better. He has no self-development at all.

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epepe rated it
August 16, 2021
Status: с14
So my issue with it is that whole thing feels fake altogether, like no realistic developments or depictions of decision making, ruling this "empire". It feels like a child imagines running a country - throwing big numbers around. Buy n-thousands ships, spend n-millions of money on that and this... Invest into domain "development", get fast return. It wouldnt be bad if there was something else but... apart from that there is ongoing misunderstanding gimmick where MC thinks he evil and everyone else thinks he is good, personally I find opposite... more>> much more fun. <<less
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bakairosan rated it
May 21, 2021
Status: v7c3
First of all I would like to thank the translators, all of them! They all have done a splendid job. The story is not lost in traslations like some other good novels out there.

Its an amzing story. Period. The author has put in a lot of hard work and it shows. Characters develop as the story progresses. The titles never convey the story within and there are indeed twist and turns. I will quote the MC here " This is not for serious people". This story will stoke the evil... more>> lord in you for sure.

Ppl complaining of plot armour can sit and watch Game of Thrones where Aria kills a white walker, Dragons couldn't and say "oh this is legit".

I will not tell you anything about the story and spoil it but if misunderstanding in plot is not a turn off go ahead and read this story. It will take you on a ride with the MC. You can get a glimse of this world through his eyes while the others PoV will keep you in touch with realities of the situation.

This is coming from someone who has read my share of crapy stories to the real gems hidden within. This is a novel worth reading and supporting! <<less
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Tintl rated it
May 18, 2021
Status: V2c7
Im super irritated by Nias, MC does a favor for her buying her ships that look ugly and don't have much diff in specs compared to other better looking ships, yet she whines and complains to/about him?! So. f*cking. Irritating. And she refuses to pay more attention to fixing the defects of her ship models. And she keeps on parasitizing off of MC by having him solve all her mistakes and still refuses to feel grateful!!

this is why I usually hate harems for guys bc they tolerate all these really... more>> s*upid women.
that said, I like enough about this:

- MC isnt all gaga for the women, hes actually the opposite bc trauma

- although unrealistic, I really like the misunderstandings

-there are also other notable male ppl like Kurt (altho im starting to suspect she might be a she... I hope this doesnt happen bc there truly are no other notable male characters which is super common in jp harems plz no)

but I also dont like a lot of other things:

-why is the Guide so s*upid, and fixated on making MC miserable when hes essentially being tortured by MCs happiness. Why not find another person to temporarily get some misery and regain some power to then attack MC? The plot holes are everywhere.

ANYWAYS BOTTOM LINE TL;DR: I disliked the plotholes but you cant expect much frolm a comedy about misunderstandings in the forst place. I disliked common jp girl harem for guy tropes. But if you dont have problems with that then its actually a lot better than other jp harems since MC is at least not blushing pretending to not like b**bs (he blatantly squeezes his maid robot's b**bs, true to his new goal in life) and has a legitimate reason to shy away from them (the before mentioned trauma) <<less
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lzx rated it
May 16, 2021
Status: v7c2
This series has moments that made me laugh out loud with how absurd the misalignment of reality the protagonist has with the rest of the world and yet make sense in a weird way. Another point that made the plot of the story interesting is the unique dynamic and circumstance of the antagonist that I have never encountered before. The antagonists has some interesting parallels with the protagonist that play well into the comedy of the series.
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SunderMind rated it
January 4, 2021
Status: v5 interlude 2
The story can be really enjoyable at times, but there are many faults. My biggest issue is the shallowness of characters. Besides that, it also feels as if there is a lot of lost potential. It's as if the author uses a time-skip or a Deus-ex-Machina whenever facing difficulty in writing. If I were to sum up how the story feels, it's as if the author is skimming the could-have-been story in order to reach a non-existent plot.
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November 29, 2020
Status: v6 prologue
- reincarnated into small noble family ruling a galactic system. Very similar to "tr*sh of the Count’s Family" but space-themed.

- MC levels up both himself and the kingdom, raises in society standing through power, plenty of kingdom building e.g. New planets, creating allies, building economy, recruiting knights etc

- oblivious & cuck MC despite harem (makes you eye roll when you read)

... more>> - comedy scenes are plentiful, funny antagonist and story developments

- however the trope of " doing smth as this is what a evil lord would do but end up turning him into a good nobleman" gets old after a while. Feels like this series should end soon instead of dragging it out so much. 6.5/10 <<less
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Bored Guy
Bored Guy
October 20, 2020
Status: --
This is an amusing story that you should read.

The problem with this series is there are too many different elements mixed inside it. You have sword, magic, robot maid, gundam, space travel, the devil, reincarnation, etc.
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GabeZhul rated it
September 11, 2020
Status: v4 prologue
This is a fairly standard misunderstanding comedy, with a strong hook, a fairly lame payoff, and some pretty weak and inconsistent world-building.

The MC dies after having a miserable life on earth, even though he tried to be an upstanding citizen. However, on his deathbeat, bootleg Nyarlathotep shows up to grant him a second chance in a science-fantasy universe. Unbeknownst to him, this seemingly almighty entity actually feeds on the negative emotions of select people, and he is only setting the MC up for a fall into despair, but due to a spanner in the works in the form of (what I presume to be a sort of) guardian spirit, the MC avoids all the misfortune sent his way, and instead sets out to become an evil overlord, only to fail at it so spectacularly he becomes a beloved nobleman instead.

The story is set in a woefully underdeveloped and under-explained science-fantasy world, with an actual inter-galactic empire, and the MC's new family being counts who rule over an entire galaxy. Despite of this, the actual scale of the world is incredibly narrow, both in terms of time, numbers, and things like economics and warfare. One interesting, if equally mistreated setting element is the fact that humans in this universe age very slowly, and because of that, at age fifty the MC not only looks like a thirteen years old, but he is also treated as one by society, to the point they send him to elementary school after he had been ruling a whole galaxy for forty-five years and personally destroyed a notorious pirate fleet. In other words, the setting is undefined and often willfully incoherent, most likely on purpose so that the author can set up weird misunderstandings and contrived situations at their convenience.

The MC, along with a few other characters, show some promise (especially early on), but at the end of the day, this is a typical misunderstanding comedy gag story, so all character-traits and motivations are subject to change on a dime; if the author wants to push through a misunderstanding or a gag, nothing is going to get in the way, established characterization be damned. Unfortunately this also means it's pretty hard to get invested in the characters, as all of them are prone to suddenly turn into idiots when the plot demands it.

The overarching plot is about the MC trying to become a selfish, evil overlord in order to define himself as someone different than the man who died in the prologue, but because this is misunderstanding comedy (and bootleg Nyarlathotep's unwitting influence), he always ends up earning the admiration of everyone around him instead. Other than that, it follows a slice-of-life format with lots of decades long time-jumps where little if anything changes at all, and even that's mostly off-screen.

Final Verdict:
As far as misunderstanding comedies are concerned, you can do much worse than this. The writing and the prose is great on a technical level, and as far as comedy is concerned, the gags are not terribly illogical (a pitfall a lot of misunderstanding comedies fail to avoid and ending up as cringy, loliamsorandom borefests), but the haphazard world-building and the flashes of character depths that get buried under comedic convenience still drag it down quite a bit. Overall, if your suspension of disbelief can handle the scarcely defined yet still idiotic setting and the misunderstandings, then this is going to be an enjoyable read, and you can add another star to my rating. However, if you have little tolerance for such things, I simply cannot recommend this novel for you.

P.S.: I'm going to keep reading the series, so the score and final verdict is liable to change later.

[Edit:] After reading two more volumes, I would firmly place this into the "guilty pleasure" category. The MC becomes slightly less likeable over time, the humor gets a little repetitive at times, and the world building is haphazard and nonsensical as ever, but overall it's still an enjoyable read. Overall, I would say that this is an objectively flawed work that is a pretty fun read despite of that, and how much you will enjoy it is going to be entirely predicated on your suspension of disbelief and tolerance for predictable, slightly repetitive writing.
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AcceptingTanuki rated it
September 5, 2020
Status: v5c6
This is a true comedy of errors--a romp through space with pirates, magic, androids, secret sword techniques, and mecha battles! Sure, deus ex machina abounds and this is the sort of novel to binge rather than savor, but if you're all right with that, it is absolutely delightful.
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October 15, 2019
Status: v4c3
I hate characters who go "its bad to kill, Imma leave this bad buy alive"or "this guy needs help, Imma help him even if theres nothing for me". The MC here really only lives to satisy himself MOST OF THE TIME. For example he saved victims of pirates which is kinda charity work but at the same time if someone asks him for help he tells them to do it himself and it's in the latter's instances where Im satisfied with the MC and his workings.
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