I’m Not Human


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After suddenly dying while trying to meet a deadline, Gu Huai transmigrated and became a non-human race.

This race is cruel and cold, making them feared and shunned by everyone in the interstellar world.

As the new king of the race and facing the group of parents who see him as a baby, Gu Huai said he was under a lot of pressure.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Ta Không Làm Người/Tôi không làm người nữa
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. The Rise of Zerg Novels
  2. Dropped
  3. cute cravings
  4. Read: Completed (Both Meanings)
  5. Finished

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129 Reviews sorted by

SpicaGG rated it
June 11, 2020
Status: Completed
I havent read the King's Game so I don't know about the other story. But based on this one I can say it is pretty cute and quite different from other QT story coz it focuses on the relationship btw the Zerg.I gave this a 3 coz for me there wasn't enough romance and it's wat I was looking for. Nearing the end I almost give up reading but persisted. Well, this is just personal preference. Feel free to read it's still cute.
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Kailyria20 rated it
June 3, 2020
Status: c87
If I didn't read the story it was adapted from I would like this quite a bit, but because I did I found myself greatly annoyed instead. After thinking over it carefully, the contradiction I saw directly scrapped 2 stars for me because it doesn't make sense at all, like the author didn't think throughly about how to expand the story and just tossed in an obstacle just for the sake of doing so as an afterthought.

... more>>

This feels more like a spin off like, what if GH was Not the creator of the rules and so the rules therefore rejects him and cause him pain because for some strange reason that wasn't mention he had somehow got dragged into this world to be zerg king and yet was rejected by the rules of the world, even to the end he has to endure pain to stay with his family and love.

If his existence was not meant to be then why was he loved so much as if he belonged there, this irritating tangled thought of some drama tossed into the story by the author made me think it was completely pointless and not constructive to the story.

So the question here is if he was not meant to be there who put him there and why? It's a contradiction by the author to attempt to expand this story while also ruining it in process.

Supposedly this "someone/something" accepts him to stay but the rules will still reject and still hurt him, this attempt of the scene of mc's sacrifice for love is not necessary imo. It just feels like the story contradicting itself in a messy way that pisses me off.

It's like oh, I put you here cuz the zergs lack a king but because you don't belong here you have to suffer... this is the message I got and this makes me upset.. maybe the actual reason is different from what I read, but it stills comes down to MC suffering because author couldn't come up with a better and fluffier reason.

Maybe I cannot word what makes me upset clearly, but after thinking about the lack of why he was put there but still being rejected by the world doesn't make sense, even if I didn't read the other story I would feel that this is wrong.
Skimming the extras didn't explain it in an acceptable way either.

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pocketbear rated it
March 2, 2020
Status: c60
This novel makes me so happy. So fluffy and fun and cute and F L U F F Y. You will never be sad reading it unless your like me waiting for the next chapter and sad you've caught up.
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Hannalrd rated it
February 2, 2020
Status: c45
Cute! So much heartwarming fluff! This has to be one of my favorite novels right now. I feel like I was corrupted by these vilains in any other novel like that, so now I'm actively cheering for them. Not much drama as far as I read it (chapter 45), feel good vibes about familial love, belonging and changing the image of a violent destructive race into the biggest doting family ever.

It healed my soul after so much violence or blackbelly, vengeance novels.

The MC family is united with the single goal... more>> of spoiling him~

ML is easy to spot and eats so much vinegar its comical.

The author weird fetish about ML's silver tail.

And more~

Pretty nice for a lazy sunday afternoon, give it a chance! <<less
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December 12, 2019
Status: c1
I absolutely adore the MC! I think I've become one of those zergs! If you read the King's Game this is a must read.
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starcake rated it
April 30, 2024
Status: Completed
1.5 stars: Super cringe on multiple levels story with a way, waaaay overpowered very, very Mary Sue MC that literally everyone loves and worships and adores because it's genetically instinctual for them to love, worship, adore, protect, pamper, serve and obey him because he is born as their genetic "king". I saw all the reviews saying how cute and fluffy the story was and gave it a shot and boy do I regret it. This is just not the novel for me, though it clearly hits a bullseye with a... more>> lot of people, so your mileage may vary.

The only thing I liked in this story were the beginning zerg who were fully insectoid/beastlike, simplistic, and protectively regarded Gu Huai as a baby. Given that Gu Huai transmigrated into a giant egg and hatched from it looking like an adult human male, I found it super cringeworthy and weird how the other more humanoid zerg treated him like a baby-adult but were still super obsessed with him as adorably cute, to the point that he'd be sitting in a council room full of brutal military generals who are humanoid zerg and they'd all be crowded around staring at him and taking videos of him drinking his milk (since he is technically a baby), and going into a frenzy of cute aggression because some of the milk dripped from the corner of his mouth. Because he's their king, and everything their king does is lovely and adorable and they'll do anything for their king, anything at all, and are determined to pamper and protect him.

Later, Gu Huai can turn into a cutesy fluffy baby zerg, and so can the ML for reasons I no longer remember because my brain leaked out of my ears from secondhand embarrassment and a surfeit of utter cringe. But let's be real, the reason is so that they could be "cute" together as baby fluffy animals.

Everything Gu Huai does is treated with reverence and his every whim and wish is a command to be instantly obeyed, and although he's frequently hesitant and bemused by his position as King of the Vicious Zerg, because he's such a beloved king he has literally no trouble instantly turning them from a violent, aggressive race feared by all into the peacekeeping protectors of the galaxy. All he has to do is tell them not to go around killing people anymore and to protect innocents instead and they are eager to obey.

The ML is super in love with him because Must Love King but also there are other reasons for his blind love and adoration, and the MC is super special for reasons to him. I guess it was fluffy, as so many other reviews have said, but it's all fluff and no substance.

Later on, as if not already OP enough, Gu Huai develops like SSSSSSSSS-level psychic powers on top of everything else. The scene is incredible. In a super bad cringe-y way.

Multiple times I almost dropped this story but my morbid curiosity and masochism compelled me to continue reading (more like skimming) because my god, how much worse could it get? And the answer was: A lot worse. Even more worse. It can always get worse.

It got an extra half star from me for those simplistic animalistic zerg. The way they looked out for Gu Huai was genuinely kind of cute. Maybe they were cuter because the rest of the novel was so awful. Otherwise this was definitely a 1-star. <<less
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Foxy-nalune rated it
January 26, 2024
Status: Completed
This novel can be described in one word "cute"!

But thats it tbh. It doesnt really have Instances where MC is forced out of their comfort Zone for character development. Everything is in MC's benefit.

But that doesn't mean the novel is bad. The writing is good and pace too. Occasional funny, cute moments.

So to conclude, this Novel is purely for enjoyment and if you want some pure fluff. Also a quick read (for me 1, 5 days with some interference from stuff for my Uni)
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iriss rated it
December 27, 2023
Status: Completed
If life make you feel like needing a break, reading this story feels like drinking sweet hot cocoa with melted marshmallow on top in front of heater during the peak of winter, if there is a story that can cure depression, I I'd recommend this one as the one, I joke you not. Incredibly grateful for the author and the translator for this highest quality fluffy epic-ness.
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BlTransmigrationfan rated it
November 3, 2023
Status: Completed
Fluff, so much fluff

... more>>

a zerg novel but it only has males and females and different rangs of them the lowest are the insectoids form, the highest has only one spect of insectoid remain, MC is the king who looks exactly like human and everyone regards him like their child even though he is in adult body and has a mentality of adult, it's great that ML (one of the highest grade zerg) didn't had a chance to see MC and doesn't view him with full obeyment or like his own child so they have a cute romance, in latter story the author will bring some bitterness but it will be sweet in the end. Fluff, so much fluff, a zerg novel but it only has males and females and different rangs of them the lowest are the insectoids form, the highest has only one spect of insectoid remain, MC is the king who looks exactly like human and everyone regards him like their child even though he is in adult body and has a mentality of adult, it's great that ML (one of the highest grade zerg) didn't had a chance to see MC and doesn't view him with full obeyment or like his own child so they have a cute romance, in latter story the author will bring some bitterness but it will be sweet in the end.

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ReluctantMTLReader rated it
May 16, 2023
Status: --
If you're looking for cuteness, you're in the right place. Be prepared for scary creatures doting on their little baby who is really an adult at heart, and MC gradually adjusting the image of his adoptive race in the eyes of interstellar society.

The Zerg become absolutely adorable creatures under his rule (while still being terrifying to their enemies), and ML is like a big, silent Zerg cat that will chomp any threat to MC out of nowhere.
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candylane rated it
April 4, 2023
Status: Completed
CUTE. Came to write a review after I reread it. This novel will heal your soul. A great read after a heavy, angsty novel. I have no bad things to say. I felt the pacing was great and the translation is also great. Shout out to the translators. They are the real angels
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March 2, 2023
Status: c12
And here we have yet another story I started, (finished?) and forgot to leave a review. So on to the re-read and I will review as I go.
I did read The King's Game novel first, and then went to this spin off. It's basically one of the worlds in the King's Game, but way more fleshed out and its own story. You don't need to read one to read the other. They can stand independently of each other.

I had never heard of Zerg before reading this, so it wasn't really until I looked them up that I really realized what they were supposed to look like and everything. Which makes them being so gentle to the MC all the more interesting, a bit.

I don't understand

Gu Huai's hangup about drinking milk. I guess it's because he associates drinking milk with being a kid, but hello, he was just 'born' a couple weeks ago so...

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Ymihere rated it
November 20, 2022
Status: Completed
Honestly glad I took the time to read this after kings game it gave me more detail and better closure to this original story arc. I liked how it was written. I can see how this could slide on its own as a story without the need to read kings game as well. So the choice is yours!
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Oku_HMG rated it
October 1, 2022
Status: Completed
Though I haven’t read The King’s Game this was still very enjoyable. Because of this story I’ll be reading it! Very fluffy and I love the MC and his big Zerg family.
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Salem_Wolf rated it
September 2, 2022
Status: --
This was a cute fluffy read. The zergs are so cute compared to how we usually see them in interstellar novels. And the fanart of the fluffy baby zerg king made me want the plushies from the novel.

It's also one of my favourite arcs of KG but this novel made me wants spin offs of the other arcs as well.
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Julvlynjmyx23 rated it
May 31, 2022
Status: Completed
Well, I read the king's game before this and I like the arc one very much. The Zerg is so cuteee

Then I discovered this OMG, I'm screaming this one is a MUST READ.

But I suggest to read The King's Game first before reading this. So you can understood the story, but if you want to read this first I think it's not really a problem because the story just basic on the arc one.

Personally I like MC and ML so much but there is Tak Zergs, like the shou named the tak zerg 'Karu' AAAA I'M DYINGGG


You need to read this!!
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I.D. rated it
May 30, 2022
Status: Completed
After the Texas attack I just needed something fluffy and happy. This fulfilled that need, especially the extra chapters. No obvious smexy but clear love and paternal madness all around. Thank you author and translator!
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remarkablyrenee rated it
December 16, 2021
Status: Completed
Excuse me while I die from the adorable. This story was so good ugh.... Honestly it could be twice the length and I feel like they wouldn't run out of things to do. For a slice of life novel this was pretty active!

A sweet romance with engaging side characters and found family vibes.
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Ariss rated it
November 16, 2021
Status: Completed
This is a very cute and fluffy novel about a transmigrator into another world where he is the king of an alien race known for their viciousness and brutality. His attempts to slowly change his people and their standing in the galaxy come along with a strange romance with one of his generals.

If you want a slow, almost "slice of alien life" novel with some humour and romance then this novel is the perfect thing to read on a stressful day.
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October 14, 2021
Status: c65
The novel had a different take on the Zergs which made me read it until this point. However, the MC's golden finger got too overwhelming. Since everything revolved around him, the chapters lacked tension and was unable to engage my attention. It felt like everything can be forgiven and fogotten (e.g. Grey Tower members) without any substantial consequences. Also, since almost everyone obeys him to a cetain point, the side characters did not have the personalities and interactions that can help the MC develop further. They were just there to... more>> emphasize the MC's golden finger. <<less
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