I’m Not Human


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After suddenly dying while trying to meet a deadline, Gu Huai transmigrated and became a non-human race.

This race is cruel and cold, making them feared and shunned by everyone in the interstellar world.

As the new king of the race and facing the group of parents who see him as a baby, Gu Huai said he was under a lot of pressure.

Associated Names
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Ta Không Làm Người/Tôi không làm người nữa
Related Series
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Recommendation Lists
  1. The Rise of Zerg Novels
  2. Dropped
  3. cute cravings
  4. Read: Completed (Both Meanings)
  5. Finished

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129 Reviews sorted by

Keshij rated it
November 20, 2021
Status: Completed
Such an adorable story. Never knew one day I would actually start to like Zergs where in many other interstellar novels I hated. I’ve reread this book recently and loved it all the same.

It’s adorable on how MC treats his people as family and heartwarming to see on how the zergs dote on him.
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warspite rated it
October 31, 2021
Status: Completed
VERY CUTE! THIS NOVEL WILL MELT YOUR HEART! MC was pampered by an entire race! The plot's nice and light-hearted! 10/10.

The twist at the end of the main story reminds me of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint! Love it!!!
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August 31, 2021
Status: Completed
I preferred this over the novel it is based off of, The King's Game... it's pure sugar. So sweet, so fluffy, that's all... yup. Pretty much sums it up. It entertained me when I pictured the Zerg from Starcraft doting on their baby. Alves is a sexy beast too, but Chirp Chirp is toooooo cuuuuute, especially with Huaibao hehehehe. Cute. This story is feel good, cute, sweet, fluff... that's it.
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Reltu rated it
August 3, 2021
Status: Completed
I've not read The King's Game so this review is not affected by that.

This novel is fluffy. Like extremely fluffy. It felt soft as the clouds and warm like the spring sun. It is a light and short read (in my books that is). It has cute moments that makes you go "awwwwww", but there isn't too much of that. It also has an interesting setting, which will now lead me to tell you why I didn't give it full stars.

The settings, the enviroment and overall the universe in this... more>> story was really interesting, but they weren't used completely. We were given information about the world and creatures during the whole story, which made it fascinating. I think it's a good thing the world is fleshed out more. But this story didn't utilize it. Close to the end we were given even more build up for something, but then it was just wrapped up hastily and told "yeah, that's the end". Thank god there was the extra chapters, so it didn't leave too sour of a taste in my mouth.

Next, the male lead. I don't actually understand was it necessary to have romance in this. I think the story would have done perfectly without it. It didn't really impact the plot, it didn't take it forward nor backwards, it was just... there. Usually if a story has romance, it gives the story something, but here it didn't matter. The ML could be just a good friend and we could still say the story is fluffy puffy cute muffy.

In my opinion this was cut short. There was so much to anticipate for, but we crashed against a wall and were left wondering where is the rest. But still, this is a nice little read with lots of happy moments, in which some make you laugh. <<less
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July 11, 2021
Status: c95
Overall, light and amusing reading. You'll see if it's your cup of tea after a few chapters.

I think the premise has lots of potential that went wasted. The world is very interesting and there could be many societal aspects to explore, including politics and military. Unfortunately it all stays on the surface level.

One issue is a very weird 'romance'. The novel could have done without it.


Why so many of these web novels have such unhealthy relationships?!
If you are wondering what type of unhealthy: one person is obsessive, possessive and dominant while the other is sweet and fluffy and innocent with a golden heart.

Neither of participants is mature enough or ready for a relationship.
Considering who the MC is, and the powers he has, I found their their whole dynamic implausible.
It also feels forcefully added into the plot to make it a BL.

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hiddencloud rated it
January 6, 2021
Status: Completed
The entire novel is just FLUFF MOE FLUFF MOE!!!

I can never see zergs as cold, mean, unruly, mindless killers anymore... my viewpoint has been forcefully altered by this novel and how precious these creatures are ><

ML is such a cute obedient kitty with sharp claws when required. His world revolves around MC 24/7. Really precious boy.

MC is often struck helpless to what his 'people' want so as to placate them but its so cute seeing all the zergs fanboying/being excessively doting parents for MC. He is also super OP when... more>> time calls for him to step up and can solve anything without any bloodshed~

The alpha, beta and other zergs are just so precious as they pamper and care for their little king~

Highly recommended! Can be read solo even if you haven't read the source novel! Come and melt due to all the fluffffffffff! <<less
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Cler rated it
December 6, 2020
Status: c79
Most of the novel was as expected. Low tension, not a lot of drama... but I was not expecting that there would be a villain. I enjoyed most of what I read, however, one event in particular made me feel like I was force-fed a handful of wilted, unwashed leeks. Rather than feeling sad, I just felt a bit uncomfortable and disappointed.

In the end, I wasn't able to make myself finish the novel.
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Tearlesereph rated it
August 22, 2020
Status: c95
Okay, so MC is totally OP. Like God level OP. ML is also OP enough that if MC is #1 then ML is definitely #2 in the universe. Usually that would annoy me in novels but it works for this story because it's PURE FLUFF!

There's no major antagonist/enemy they need to fight off with their OP powers. Well, there was one, but he was cannon fodder at the end because the main battle they were fighting was the bad reputation of the Zergs and MC pretty much used his powers... more>> to show how nice and friendly and caring the Zergs could be. It was just so fluffy. Some parts literally fluffy with the MC and ML turning into fluffy patamon like creatures.

In almost every other novel, Zergs are insect-like but in this novel they have a slightly cat like quality and refer to their babies as like... cubs.

Tiny side note thing I keep wondering about even after I finished this novel was

... MC and ML were apparently born on the same abandoned planet, in the same cave, literally side by side in the same nest. Aren't they siblings!? I can't imagine two different zerg parents deciding "oh, hai there, let's lay our genetically different eggs together randomly on some far off planet with nothing on it just for funz!"

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Cole rated it
May 6, 2020
Status: Completed
this is such a fluffy and cute story~ it's also funny and heart-warming. This is really a recommended novel to everyone.

i first read the first arc (zerg arc) of king's game before reading this and it made this story a lot more wholesome. Go read this noooow~
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November 8, 2019
Status: --
I'm kind of scared to read this because I've read the King's Game and my heart is still broken. I'll have a mental breakdown if this ends the same with it's counterpart.
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May 26, 2023
Status: Completed
I don’t normally write reviews but I truly enjoyed this novel. It is a really fluffy story. Like the fluffiest I have ever read. MC gets the family he deserves! Cute fluff ball and scary protective parents with a dash of a scaly cat on the side.

For those who want in depth plot and action, this isn’t for you. But those who want something sweet and soul soothing, this is your novel.
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Chipmunkch33k5 rated it
February 20, 2022
Status: Completed
4.5⭐️: I admit that my rose tinted glasses where of a thickness that can make a McFlurry jealous when it came to the arc in King’s Game; but this story was still fluffy enough to soothe me.
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nitan rated it
September 9, 2021
Status: Completed
It was nice! I enjoyed the premise and I think it's very interesting. Got hooked from the first chapter -- seeing things from the perspective of zergs and being on their side for once is very fascinating. I enjoyed it up until around ch 60-80 where it starts to drag on, feels a little boring because of how there's so many flags but nothing really ever happens. If you're worried about bad ends - it doesn't really happen? It's a good end, lots of fluff. Just - in the general... more>> theme of the story, it's abit touching. Anyways, I like the experience of reading it!! <<less
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August 23, 2021
Status: Completed
done reading king's game- the Main novel

this story is about the 1st world/arc in the king's game. More details and description here and the bonding of the zergs. This story is relaxing and of course a happy ending for everyone:)) thanks for the author and translators
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July 7, 2021
Status: Completed

HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!! One of my favourite!!!

This story was such a gem!! Didn't know what to expect, except that Zergs didn't sound appealing due to their bad reputation in other interstellar stories. But WOW!!

... more>> Premise: MC is a succesful screenwriter, died and transmigrated. He finds himself in egg and stared at by 20 scary low-grade Zergs after he hatched.

The Zergs are the most ferious and scary race in the universe. They plunder, kill etc. Doesn't have any allies because they don't need them as the strongest. The Zergs are divided in sub species; the low grade alien like ones up to the high grade Alpha army leaders (only 4, and ML is one of them) in humanoid form. But what they all have in common is their racial instinct to 200% protect, obey and worship their King. So far the Zerg never had a King, but the moment he was born (the Zerg all have a telepatic link with eachother) the Zergs go in a frenzy to find him and dote on him.


1. The MC and especially his cub form. The cub is the cutiest animal in the universe. The loyal Zergs faint when they see him so cute and as a reader you can imagine your own version in your head. I died from diabetes!!

The MC was super kind, smart and especially bad ass as soon as his powers evolved. He was the most powerfull person in the universe (yes, even stronger than ML), but he gets little chance to show his ability as he is the best protected treasure in the universe. MC treats every Zerg with care and loves them back equally. He doesn't disdain the low grades one but is very filial and see them as parents. MC establishes connections for the Zergs and completely reverses their bad reputation in the universe.

Btw MC looks like a weak human boy and this lead to many entertaining misunderstandings.

2. The Zergs: as the specie that is always described as the bad guys in other novels, I always skipped this novel as a result. But WOW.... I LOVE THE ZERGS!!! Their pyramid structure and innate telepathic ability/connection with their King makes them the most honest, loyal, protective, united and doting race in the universe. Their King is their life and their world. They feel such pain as soon as their little, cute King trips over something or thinks he is a bit sad. They have less emotions than other races, but that doesn't mean they don't have any. When it involves their King their feelings are much stronger than other races.

It was great to read about a race that is so incredibly strong, efficient, united, doting and loyal. No dog blood, petty scheming etc.

3. Side characters: this story has many lovely side characters. Though they had simple characterization, it was definitely so much better than most BL novels I have read so far. It was so easy to love them because they were so wonderful parental figures. The few other non-Zerg side characters were hilarious or very loveable. I loved how the author described their appearances. So cute and funny

4. (also a warning here) The love story is super cute and even contains explicit smut, but... this story is less focused on the ML. ML is super strong (I guess strongest person in universe untill MC developed all this powers), has these super cool Zerg abilities, is super protective and doting, but you can tell that ML's character is less prominent than in some other stories. ML has strong presence in beginning and end. In the middle part focus was more on building the Zerg reputation.

I didn't mind it at all, as the fluff and love from the Zergs for their king and all other side characters were so pleasant to read.

5. To say that this story doesn't have a plot as some other readers say, I don't agree. A lot of things happen and describes how MC managed to turn around the Zergs reputation in this universe. And this journey was great, fluffy and funny! I agree that this journey was quite an easy one, but that didn't bother me.


None, maybe the things I already touched upon above but what I didn't mind at all:

- smooth sailing of everything that MC wants to do

- Great love story but ML plays less prominent role in this whole story. It is predominantly about the love of all Zergs, incl ML, for their most treasured King <<less
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May 19, 2021
Status: Completed
If you like slice of life stories where nothing really happens but there is fluff and slow civilisation developpement this story is for you.

The only iffy thing for me is that there a relationship when the MC is literally a baby for this story.

The main story is about a transmigrated guy getting reborn as the king of the zergs and they all love and worship him and will do anything to satisfy his desires and that's what most the story is about the zergs going around doing things to please... more>> their king <<less
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natsumeyuki rated it
April 14, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel was just too cute, though the MC was a bit too OP. And you don't have to read The King's Game to understand it.
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bunnydesuuu rated it
March 11, 2021
Status: Completed
This story is mainly about a human being transmigrated into an alien baby king. The human-like alien (MC) was severely protected and in turn taking care of his people while developing his "country". The romance was sparse and to me, it felt more like protective instincts rather than love, so. Interesting but not particularly romantic. Little fluff balls sound cute tho
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123shortpum rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel is good if you want a light read. There's not much angst and drama. I was able to read this within 2 days (in between studying for the exams).

I wasn't expecting a villain tho. The villain was like a shooting star, it came just as fast as it went. I didn't really get attached to the villain since his actual appearance was only covered in 2-3 chapters (even though he was mentioned several times in the other chapters).

The MC is the definition of a Mary Sue tho (or... more>> Gary Sue). He didn't go though that much hardships nor were there any difficult obstacles that hindered him and his goals. It didn't bother me tho. Aside from one scene that made me cry (coughAIYIcough) everything was just pure fluff.

Romance wasn't the focus of this novel, it mainly focused on family love (?). The romance scenes are limited to kissing on the lips, hugging and slight hint of mating (but you need to use your imagination in this area because they don't explain what happened in detail).

A good read overall. I was able to find a novel were I didn't have to think that much and at the same time would bloom flowers in my heart. <<less
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June 27, 2020
Status: Completed
So fluffy, cute and adorable! It is a very interesting story with good side characters and an adorable main couple.
The plot is logical and not very complicated.

And now I will never be able to dislike Zergs anymore...╮ (╯▽╰) ╭

Seriously, just how are we supposed to cheer for heroes in other novels if we always get heartwarming bl stories about Zergs/villains/... ?!? (╯‵□′) ╯︵┻━┻
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