I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father


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Lin Xi spent fourteen years at this family and never did figure out why she had always been mistreated.

She finally learned that she was living in a cliché novel with radical moral standards.

Her mother was the female lead and her ‘father’ was the male lead. Before the male lead fell in love with the female lead, he had belittled and abused her in all sorts of ways. He even offered her up to others and, finally, the female lead had intimate relationship with a strange man.

The male lead fell head over heels in love with the female lead after that and expressed that he did not mind the child. Nevertheless, the existence of said child was a like a thorn in male and female leads’ hearts and it reminded them of their past constantly.

Unfortunately, Lin Xi was this child that should never had been born.

In the extra, Lin Xi tried to set up her sister out of envy but it backfired on herself and she ended up strangled. The male lead was able to locate the man who had intimacy with the female lead and ruined both his reputation and family fortune.

After 10 seconds of hesitation, Lin Xi decided to leave the family where she was not loved and go live with her own father.

Associated Names
One entry per line
I want to go find my father
Related Series
My Whole Family Are Villain (12)
I Just Want to Freeload on Your Luck (5)
My Son Might Be A Villain (3)
Flowers Are Bait (2)
Even If It’s Not Love (2)
Doberman (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Real/Fake Daughter/ switched at birth
  2. Faves
  3. Doting Family Squad
  4. Just slice of life for your boredom
  5. Child protagonist

Latest Release

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January 21, 2022
Status: Completed
TLDR; Gu Family is precious, Lin Family can go to ---- for all I care. Read this if your focus is childcare>romance.

I wanted to rate this 5 stars purely for the existence of the Gu Family (tag:childcare) except for

... more>>

Yang Wanni, Xie Yaobai, Sun Feiyan and Xie Xuer.


Gu "Dad" Shao Appreciation Corner


Also called my place where I dedicate my gushing to the admirable Dad Gu.

  • He does not have any experience in handling kids so he is very careful to the degree that he ask for counsel from people he knows AND devote time with freaking taking notes with researches and articles about parenting. It's funny but the commitment makes my nose itchy.
  • His first and constant concern with Gu Xi is having her live happily to enjoy her childhood. I think I saw someone mentioning this already, Gu Shao does not involve his child with the revenge against their family enemies. Not just that, he used to skip meals in the morning but now he dines with his lovely daughter. Gu Shao assists in every trouble that Gu Xi encounter but if it has anything to do with a competition, he accentuate the original idea of his daughter while only providing assistance with convincing the "experts" with a real working model or prototype of some sorts (without polishing the flaws left by his daughter's team). He showed Gu Xi's real time growth progress.
  • This dad is very involve with his child's life. He allot time for important events of his daughter. Not every parent can afford this but I'm glad that in this work, we have a child with a loving dad on her side.
  • He spoils her rotten. (Gu Xi is not aware of this but his behavior says as much). His doting makes me wanna squeaaaaaaal! They're absolutely adorable!!!

Monitoring his daughter's spending is normal, not invasive at all. She's 14. You know what I did at that age? Spend $400+ in exchange for game currencies. I wanna smack my past self so bad. Anyway, she's probably getting her own once she gets to college.

Preparing defense against this hypothetical puppy love is normal for parents. I don't see anything wrong with that, they just got together as daughter-father pair but he wants the best for her. I got no doubt that if Sheng Xiuyan (or atleast I think he is the male lead, I'm not yet done reading) prove himself worthy and Gu Shao sees that both of them are passionate, he would "reluctantly" accept their pairing.


<AAA> & <Lin>'s Identity


Thankfully this <Lin> is not related to that Lin Family but is actually an older cousin of Gu Xi who is called Gu Yanlin. On the otherhand, the chatterbox genius <AAA> is the aloof schoolmaster classmate of Gu Xi, named Sheng Xiuyan. Lmao, he used the ID of his mother's (Shen Yi) older brother, Shen Ye.

Sasuga, Gu Shao, very fast!


Gu Xi's Romantic Partner


The pig who stole Gu's cabbage is Sheng Xiuyan. Their relationship was not given many spotlight since the focus is Gu Xi's relationship and happiness for this life.

Sheng Xiuyan's a freaking cutie! I'm not just talking about his 'mature facade' but the way he takes care of our cinnabun is so sweet in the extra! He even aligned his future career and plans with the snippets that Gu Xi told him about when they were young. This nerd wooing/confessing another nerd,



Original Timeline: Lin Family is garbage, not human at all.


It happened just like what Gu Xi had dreamed about. Even worse- the Lin Family used Lin Xi to threaten the Gu Family, leading them to their downfall because they're too busy trying to locate their Lin Xi. Her freaking mother successfully stole one of her lungs and then the family caged her in the Lin Residence. Weakened and not aware of the newfound relation with the Gu Family, she was dispatched and disgraced due to the flan of her disgusting foster father. Gu Shao managed to find Lin Xi but it was too late, she died and her death was pinned to the father she had not have the opportunity to meet.


Speaking of MWFAV, despite how similar they are, I very much prefer this one in terms of romance (it's definitely not because of the age difference of the former ah, there's just really something I like with IHDTGLFMF even tho romance is only seen in extras), competition, the main character's skill and progress.

Definitely both good tho, if you're just interested in the good family relations.

Last Read Translation:

tc109 "That was short of a public Execution (2) " - rc29 "Public Execution"

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January 19, 2022
Status: Completed
It follows a pretty stereotypical plot, with little to no improvements in the plot line, its only saving grace this that the writing isn't bad. The pacing and the dialogues are comfortable enough to read. The story isn't rushed, the dialogues aren't fake, and I can follow what is happening in the story without being surprised by terrible writing. The writing makes the story smooth for the most part.

Regardless, it's still a feel good novel with little to no plot besides MC being OP and MC getting along with family..... more>> All events that happen can be concluded in the last sentence. There is no turning point, and no actual sequence of events that tell a story that is well, interesting. Maybe there is a very bad build-up and a half-assed resolution, but in the end, I feel like the story has been very flat the whole way. There are weird plot holes and major s*upid feel good logic, making the story overall feel even more flat. The plot is pretty generic and I could actually guess that a character was the ML just by the first sentence he appeared in. I'm not sure if that's good or bad thing, but it's just obvious how things turn out in the story for the most part.

If I didn't care about plot and just read it without a care, I probably would've enjoyed it. Was it a good novel? No. Was it enjoyable? Not really. Did it help me pass the time without making me feel uncomfortable because of shitty MLs? Yes. It did.
TL;DR It's not a bad novel to pass your time with if you have nothing else to read, but it's not a well-written novel. <<less
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Mecketh rated it
January 4, 2022
Status: Completed
While it is the same basic plot of MWFIV it is handled way better.

Not only the MC suffers the effects of trauma but, while she is overpowered (genius and all), she still is clearly a kid and do a lot of dumb things. Her original family is sh*t but, somehow, in a believable way:

... more>>

It is explained clearly why the mother hated her and why she was kept close to the family. The abuse and negligence is made clear and the effects of this affects the character thought the story. The use of a kid for their organs is clearly f*cked up but is a good reason for keeping her. I was thinking that she got off easy but the end solved it with the mention that the MC father would f*ck her up later.


Overall? It's a fun read and you will enjoy it. It's not Shakespeare but for the genre is very entertaining and well written. <<less
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Straysheepy rated it
December 29, 2021
Status: Completed
There is not much romance in this one. MC and ML pretty much grow up together through the story but actual romance is mentioned only a little bit in the last few chapters.

Not a lot of drama either, it's a slice of life story mostly about family love and a heroic dad. The plot and "revenge" on the original's family is kept at a minimum - more like background noise.

Overall cute story with lots of warm moments and is an easy read. 👍
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Nelle rated it
November 26, 2021
Status: Completed
Honestly, it's not the best father-daughter story out there, but I really liked the premise of the story. I loved every character (except the antagonists ofc). Not much romance here.

It was heartwarming to see the progress in the father-daughter relationship. They went from being so guarded from each other to becoming each other's pillar. I especially like the last few bits of the story, I think it's fanwai?

The author should also be commended for using technical terms and describing intellectual scenes well.
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CaliforniaMaki rated it
October 25, 2021
Status: Completed
Aww this is so heartwarming. Yes, much of the competition part was similar to (idk if plagiarize 🤔) my whole family was a villain, but this was one was able to invoke in me such hate for FL's mom and stepdad (villain).

The FL's supposed path in this one is really tragic and you just really want to beat up the woman who gave birth to her and the pychotic stepdad. Such hate for that family really got my blood pumping (other novel's villain that got me feeling like this is... more>> Yandere came during the night).

The family interactions were healing and the ice block father slowly thaws. I especially love the extra on the parallel world healed me so much! 😊 <<less
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J Doe
J Doe rated it
October 19, 2021
Status: c27
This is a cute story where our MC, Lin Xi (then Gu Xi), dreams of her life as a side character/villainess in a novel with dubious morals. Her realization also helps her to understand why her parents never seemed to give her affection, being biased toward her sister. Knowing that her biological dad was out there and was a powerful figure in the business world, she plots to get to him, not knowing if he'd take her in or not.

To get this out of the way- yes, it is similar... more>> to "My Whole Family Are Villains" but it is its own story. I like both stories, so not judging. In this story, we have Lin Xi's previous family and their complicated plots and plans for her. During her dream, she realized the man she thought was her father is a very scary man.

It seems in the original novel, he used her existence to keep her actual dad in check.

Even the grandmother that she is blood related to is out to get her.

This review is a bit early, not sure how things will develop, but so far, it looks like her new dad and she will find their way, thus avoiding the bad ending she dreamed about. <<less
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xXShiratori_HimeXx rated it
August 22, 2021
Status: c8
It’s really a lovely story between the father and daughter relationship. The ending was really beautiful and brought out some tears with how the father handled everything that happened to him on the last chapter. It’s really a sweet story and not as complicated which is good if you have nothing else to read or don’t want too much drama. This was a great read for me and I’ll give this a 5* because I really liked how the plot went and that ending really got me wishing where I... more>> could find my self a father like Gu Shao! <<less
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Ecirteab rated it
August 5, 2021
Status: Completed
Simple and sweet novel about a father pampering his daughter. Easy enough to read till the end, antagonists are evil and easy to hate. Very little romance only about one to two chapters towards the end, ML is cute though. Teens act like teens (other than how s*upid smart they are) which is refreshing.

Nothing complex but an easy read to pass the time
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paneer rated it
March 3, 2024
Status: c159
More a 3.5 than a 4 but I decided to round it up because I really did enjoy it initially. I really enjoyed Gu Xi's relationship with her new found family but it just really lagged to me as the story progressed with unnecessary focus on her competition projects and complex language. Another thing that really put me off the story was the constant mix-up between the names of the cousins and even the name change of the ML himself - while I am appreciative this story was translated in... more>> the first place I feel like it could have easily been remedied through editing. <<less
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resepnin rated it
January 31, 2024
Status: Completed
This novel is family focused not romance focused but you can pretty much guessed the ML. If you are looking for romance and fluff, this isn't for you.

The story isn't too long (100 chapters - the translators just chopped them up.) and quite nice to read. (For consideration, I didn't read any reviews and didn't expect much from reading it.)

I really like their family dynamic especially the father-daughter relationship though, like many novels, all members of Gu family is obsessed over MC. And face slapping isn't that satisfying. Like... more>> they are still going to have happy life?


I wondered what will happens to MC's best friend after graduating. Like what university she decided to apply and so on. She just disappeared.

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kyrez rated it
January 23, 2024
Status: Completed
It's a very nice story. I enjoyed reading it-- not too long nor too short~

The story focuses more on the MC's growth and healing.. and definitely on father-daughter love and relationship..

... more>>

Romance for the MC is at the very end, but the interaction between her and her 'ML' started as early as when she found her father..

What I appreciate about the story is how the adults take the front line in opposing their enemies. Kudos to them!

Though it does irk me some when the father always say "leave it to the adults"... but that's really how it's supposed to be.. MC was still very young, and fortunately she does act her age (which is good).

There was no 'super-know-it-all' kids who saved the world, but MC still has her own credits in some plans and strategies.

It's like a day to day story.. and the extras really give depth to the MC's fear and despair, as well as redemption and 2nd chances.. they bring tears to the eyes 😭


All in all, the author writes very well~
Recommended reading to all 🌈🌥️ <<less
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Fujaiya Sumyoshi
Fujaiya Sumyoshi rated it
October 26, 2023
Status: Completed
5 star to make up for someone who gave a 1 star. It doesn't deserve it. I have fallen multiple times for low rating and skipped reading some really good novels. This novel has its good points and not so good ones, but it balances out perfectly.

The beginning of the novel is, as usual a bit confusing, but soon everything clears. The MC Xixi doesn't transmigrate or is reborn. She just dreams about her life which is a novel. We need to remember that she's a 14 years old young... more>> girl, and there are many things that she can't do on her own.

She's seen to follow her grandma to the village where she knows she might be assaulted. However, thanks to her dream, she's prepared and knows how to defend herself, so we can say Xixi knowing about the plotline isn't useless.

Next when she reaches her father after a long struggle, a lot of people comments how she should have made herslef more presentable. It's not realistic, a girl who just experienced near r*pe situation and walked a long path to the cab to look presentable and dusty.

The MC is called timid at times and OP at some other. She's timid because of her childhood experience and her times in Lin Household. It moulds her character to be timid, and not confident and outgoing like a lot of transmigrated OP characters out there. Again, reminder, she's still a 14 year old girl, not a 21-25 year old lady in the body of a 14 year old girl. Her OP-ness isn't god gifted, more like it's her coping mechanism against all the traumatic experiences she had to go through.

MC dad Gu Shou is not the best father ou there, but he's seen trying to do his best understanding his new daughter. He is able to shower MC with the right amount of attention and care she needed.

ML, as predictable as it is in the story line, is not to be completely blown away. He has his fair share of contribution in the story. I like how the story doesn't focus on the romance, but on family love more. The ML's grandfather, being a good friend to MC's grandfather makes the relations even more beautiful.

The suspense in the plot, at times, felt a little lacklustre, but was able to move the plot forward, so it's a success.

All in all, it's good read. <<less
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l8rose rated it
September 29, 2023
Status: Completed
Not really sure why someone complained about the MC going along with the plan to send her to the pe*vert. She's a young teen who is constantly watched by bodyguards and servants, there was no way to escape until she got to the village. It's also explained that she is both very smart and studied a lot because she wanted to get her parent's attention so her level of knowledge does make sense. Yes, she's a little Mary Sue-ish but it's all plausible with the explanations in the story.

This story... more>> is indeed very similar to "My Whole Family is Villians". Some story beats are the exact same, such as:


The MC had to take an exam to get into a new school and there just so happens to be another student who skipped out on the monthly exam so he needed to do it as well.
The Competition is very similar (person using the same style name as from MWFiV and she has to use an ID num that isn't hers).
Jealous girl competing for school flower and failing.
There are more but you get the point.


That being said, there are differences that kind of make up for it. For example:


The MC's paternal line is about 100 times better than the one in MWFiV, and they genuinely love the idea of having a new kid in the family.
MC's dad is also a bit more expressive in his anger as compared to the colder CEO in MWFiV. He outright destroys his mouse and keyboard after hearing the recording from where the MC was nearly r*ped by the creepy pe*o (then goes and beats the ever-loving crap out of the guy).
The ML is the same age as the MC and more interesting than the one in MWFiV (in my opinion anyway as he genuinely feels like the same age as the MC). He also doesn't feel like he was tacked on near the end.


Both have the same extra story of the dad witnessing another version of his life where the MC never came to find him. The ending is a bit better than MWFiV's ending as it's more fleshed out and doesn't feel like it was comprised of notes. Unfortunately, this isn't fully translated and the mtl is a bit rough for the last few chapters but otherwise, it's a nice fluff story about a girl finding a family that genuinely loves her. <<less
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User.948761 rated it
June 21, 2022
Status: Completed
update: I finished the rest of the story thru mtl and it wasn't too bad to read thru the translation - it was decent enough translation. Overall, it was a nice and easy read. I think the family love between daughter and father was nice and fluffy. It's one happy story (mostly). I particularly liked the last two extra chapters ... more>>

where Gu Shao goes to the OG novel timeline and saves his daughter

I think it's important to note that this story is not huge on romance for most of the story. It's sort of a vaguely insinuated puppy love in the background. The official romance doesn't happens until basically the extras and even then it's only a few chapters worth.

Eh. It's okay. Like easy read to binge on. If you crave one of those, family is crazy about MC type of stories, it's great. I guess what's great about this story is that the MC actually acts her age. Often times in these stories, MC is just a miniaturized adult but here she actually acts her age (albeit very intelligent). Some handwave-y science but just ignore that as being due to a fictional world. The chapters are split into parts tho. It's not a perfect translation with the frequent errors in names but still understandable. No true romance yet. Up until now it very much feels like a story showing slice of life for daughter (MC) and bio dad with family doting and school life and a sprinkle of face slapping. Oh I also like how the "novel" she's remembering from her dream is still relevant through this story - sometimes stories like this will only have it be important to set the scene and then it basically doesn't really come up again. <<less
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Mishi98 rated it
May 17, 2022
Status: --
I really like this despite the really tragic starting point of the book. One thing I have noticed is that this book has one of most harmonious comment sections that I have seen. A point that I would like to talk about is the MC she is a genius, but not the unrealistic types you generally see in such novels. I saw a comment saying she is overpowered but aside from her test scores all of the genius stuff she does is actually within boundaries of realistic

... more>>

she makes a homemade taser and pepper spray which is totally doable with middle school physics and chemistry


one thing to point out is that while she knows the future plot she is not transmigrated nor reborn and the plot she knows is biased to her birth givers point of view so is not reliable in any way shape or form. Usually I would get annoyed if a character put to much trust in a plot that has proven to be false several times but in this case most of the Mc's belief in the plot is somewhat in character with the parts of her personality that came from being abused, and the amount of abuse she endures before she meets her dad is at the level of she's lucky to have survived. You only see a small fraction of it but its enough to make you want to execute the Lin family via Lingchi. That said most of the novel is the MC being treasured by her fathers side of the family.

on the topic of the ml?, he is interesting. The have common interests, he is not overbearing and usually can't actually beat the MC despite similar overall ability. He's earnest and enthusiastic online but a sloth (in a cute way) in real life, though his real life encounters don't really leave the best impressions the first few times. Also he works really well when teamed up with the MC. The typical overbearing president you usually get in these novels is completely taken up by the Dad of the MC except instead of being deeply in love he is an over protective insanely proud Dad who wants to announce to the whole world that this is his daughter despite the initially cold reception that she receives (which is totally reasonable given that one day out of nowhere he suddenly has a 14 year old daughter) <<less
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CaelumBlue rated it
April 25, 2022
Status: Completed
This was...a wonderful read, I enjoyed every minute of this novel, and when I got to the part, where they told what really happened, that broke my heart, but I loved how everything was resolved and above all, all the love that our Female Lead received....... if you are thinking of reading this story, do it, you will not regret it
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annhsu0222 rated it
April 6, 2022
Status: Completed
This is a very fun and light-hearted novel, I like how MC is actually pretty realistic as far as her reactions to things go, maybe a bit young to do everything but at the same time, it's halfway believable. I like ML's first impression is surprisingly goofy which is a good change from the always, cold and elegant ML's. I wish the author showed more of the goofyness. I do dislike how almost every girl character related to MC is evil and how everyone just dotes on her even the... more>> uncles? That's a bit far but it was cute to read so it's not a big deal. Gu Shao is a pretty good dad because he changes and adapts to his daughter's needs and genuinely wants to do well.

Kinda annoying part is where everyone at the end is so against the ML even tho dad kinda reluctantly accepted it. Honestly its kinda annoying but I think its just I was craving romance scenes and they were getting in the way of that. Also wish there were more scenes between ML and MC but the author just kinda time skipped over it

The quality is pretty high as far as books that you read just to pass the time goes but still don't think about the plot too much when you read lol. <<less
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Lightkaitou rated it
December 25, 2021
Status: Completed
It is an alright story for people that like slice of life. Otherwise, people might find it rather boring and slow. Romance is low key not there. But father and daughter connection is pretty nice.

My only complaint is I wanted more family interaction in different places. Most of it takes place at school, competition, home, and the Gu’ family home. I would have liked them to have gone traveling or something.

The protagonist is a young girl that had a dream of her future, which is full of r*pe and illegal... more>> stuff. While she is smart, she is not perfect and flawless. She is physically weak and can’t do much on her own. Still a child both inside and out.

She slowly improves throughout the story from knowing random technology information to building a foundation through diligent effort from reading books and her dad. So you will see growth in the field that she loves. Though some aspects are pretty unrealistic, like the competitions.

All the villains sort of just easily get taken down cause of their corrupt past being found out. Normally, they get sent to jail while their wife and daughter flees to another country to escape from being target by society.


With the exception of the Gu Shao personally beating up a person before sending them to jail soon after, in both timelines. The first one being the rapist and the second one being the MC’s stepfather.

Basically, at the end of the story, Gu Shao has a dream of the full tragic ending of what happened to the MC that didn’t know he was her father. He, somehow, ends up temporarily in that version of the world and immediately goes to corrects everything with his past experience to help him.


Overall, this story did nothing new but like all other stories, we just want to see how the author plays things out. It could have been better if the story was more in detail about stuff. And the villains had more of a role in things. It did leave a lot of holes but it was not the worst story I have read.

I did like the tactical agreement interactions between the MC and ML. And the funny dark histories of some people. I especially liked how the MC could be relatable for her age by sneaking snacks and drinks even though her father forbid it. Or learning to play a game rather than studying for an important exam.

It is the small things that make it a decent story. After all, it is slice of life so it is pretty normal for it to be slow and have easy to miss small steps in build up.


Like the MC being awkward with her dad at the beginning. And trying to pay for her living even though it was unnecessary. It showed that the MC was still an immature child trying desperately to prove that she won’t be a nuisance on her father that had her by accident so that he would keep her until she grew up. She also tried to cook and clean to prove her worth in order to stay. Later on, through many small interactions their relationship grew to be a more sweet and spoiling interaction. Though Gu Shao is pretty firm about her studies at all time before indulgences. He takes his role as a father very seriously and cherishes her while hoping to guide her correctly in the right direction.

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jinkies rated it
December 2, 2021
Status: Completed
This is like, a more melodramatic version of My Whole Family are Villains, down to their names. Is it plagiarism? Is this one inspired by that one? Did they get the same prompt? Who knows. I tried checking the comments on JJWXC and there isn't a review pointing it out afaik.

To elaborate MFAV, the main character and her twin brother is named Su Bei 苏贝 and Su Xiaobao 苏小宝. If you put those names together then it's 宝贝 (treasure). Here, our MC is named Lin Xi 林昔 and will change... more>> her name to Gu Xi 顾惜 from the word meaning 珍惜 cherish. Maybe I'm stretching it but... ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯


They both similarly are xueshens, they both meet a boy coincidentally the day they are made to take a competence test. There is similarly a vote for the school flower where this male classmate and mc's male relative (s) help campaign and get votes for her. They also both win and choose to do a piano performance. They both join online competitions anonymously and through stealing their father's information. MFAV concerning hacking and this one regarding technology...? The teams are both in groups of threes, with teammates who are coincidentally in MC's circle in real life. There's also camps where the father and child (ren) wear matching outfits.

Among a lot of other stuff, I'm just listing off the top of my head.


That all being said though, I do think the author did more research into the niche that the MCs carved for themselves, and I liked how the relationship between father-daughter developed here as well as that with the male lead, even if the romance was at the very end, because we saw that it was developed across the duration of the novel and not during the timeskip period.

Also, because the ML happens to be the classmate and not some older college guy, I have less issues with the romance morally. The review I posted right before this one explains why.


Finally, while there are many things in common, there are a few divergences. For example MFAV had their mother abandon them at birth while here, the mother was a victim whilst simultaneously a real abusive b*tch. The whole Lin family are. And I think it's how the story diverged, and how certain characters were merged/separated (you'd understand what I mean if you read it), that I could better appreciate this one.

Also hats off to the translator, like I said I do think the author did some research into this so there's some pretty heavy science stuff that will be translated later on. God knows because I'm more of a conversational speaker, I had to run to deepl to understand the more science-y aspects. <<less
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