I Dare You To Run Away Again


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How did he meet such a bandit-like man? He drags you away the second he sees you! And yet, the only thing he can do is try his best to set the boundaries between them.


“Don’t you ever try to leave and reason things out. It’s futile. Yelling is also useless. This Laozi has already fallen for you and I shall make you mine.”


“Be obedient and wait for me at home, so I can pamper you till the day I die.”


“Running away? What about it?

You dare to run away again and this Laozi will spend his lifetime seeing you try.”

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Interesting
  2. planning to read soon pt5
  3. Slice of life/comedy danmei
  4. Interesting reads
  5. May read??

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31 Reviews sorted by

Maiasia rated it
February 19, 2019
Status: c34
I like it. Sure at the beginning Ml's aggressive pursuit of MC and disregarding Mc's wishes was annoying but MC is a strong, independent, straight male with his own strong opinions, so it'll take someone as aggressive as the ML to break the Mc's defenses. MC can hold his own against the ML and ML knows when to back down. IMO these two are perfect for each other.
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Suyo rated it
May 6, 2021
Status: c7
I like the personalities of the ML and MC. The story would be perfect if they had fallen in love slowly but unfortunately, he falls in love at the first sight. I don’t believe in love at the first sight. I call it admiration. That admiration can turn into love in the future. In the story, the ML falls madly in love at the first sight which is so unbelievable. No one would love someone that much when they just meet.
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Zemmiaphobia rated it
April 26, 2021
Status: c69
Not going to lie, sometimes I love this novel sometimes I don't. My main issue is the ML. It's pretty common in these types of novels to have a bit of domineering and grey area consent issues, sometimes you can ignore it and enjoy the story, sometimes you can't. Sometimes I love the ML, he's so cute and though he's a bit pushy, there's definitely a spark with the MC.

However, occasionally his pushiness goes into creepy territory and it seems that the novel is a step away from becoming a... more>> horror movie instead of a romance.

For example,


At one point, the ML has abused his authority as a military leader to actually kidnap the MC from his job and had taken him to location where he is threatening to tie him up and beat him, all because the MC refuses to quit his job and move to working at a place where the ML would have more control over him. In another genre, this would be a textbook stalker/horror scene.


It just really bothers me how thin the line is here between creepy, 'i can control your entire life' and cute, 'i love you so much I want to (forcibly) make your life better'. The author usually manages to somehow channel it back to 'cute' but it really feels like a rollercoaster sometimes. The writing and translation are good though.

Edit: oh my god, nope, I'm out. <<less
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July 25, 2020
Status: c3
oh wtf? 3 chapters in and I'm just ???

okayy I really love reading a possessive couple but this is not it. This is so wrong and sadly it is still a concept in most of the BL's.

ML literally just met MC and they fought, like getting on eachothers nerves.

... more>> *few hours later*

ML: why is he so cute when he gets angry? oh yeah I should make him angry and let him cry that'll be so fun.

So ML groped MC's bu*t and later used his contacts to get MC's information (i.e invasion of privacy) to get MC's address because he wanted to drop him home but obviously MC denied him which is obvious cause they're STRANGERS. Also he forcibly carried MC to the car.... I'm just so disturbed by this. <<less
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Simonye rated it
November 3, 2021
Status: --
Who care about making sense? This is not pushkin or tolstoy, don't think to much when you read this novel, just read it.

Its deserve better rank because it's 100% Romcom with a HUGEEEE protagonist halo all over the place XD

Props to the author who consistently can write dog food on every chapter (literally) lolol (it's so whimsical, I can't even... 😂😂)

... more>> 🥂 To the translator-sanma for having a job well done.

Oh also, did you read Thousands Autumn before ? if you think Yan Wushi is shameless, then on this novel you will meet Pan Lei, #1 shamless person I ever found in any danmei I read so far 😁

Being said that, treat this one as light as those romcom movies you enjoy during xmas or val's day.

5* because it makes me laugh over and over again. Its a good entertaining light novel <<less
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UnicornSquad rated it
August 15, 2021
Status: c58
I really don't understand some of the low reviews of this novel. I find it entertaining. There is no abuse but only unconditional love. The ML does everything in his power to insure the happiness of the man he loves. Initially the reason the MC reacts the way he does is because he doesn't believe in the unconventional relationship between two men. He is a straight man who never thought he could fall in love with another man. But he has fallen in love and I don't feel that the... more>> MC is being bullied by the ML because he can dish it out as much as the ML. I really like this storyline and look forward to what will happen in the future. I'm so happy that someone picked this novel up after having been dropped for sometime. <<less
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shouahang58 rated it
April 4, 2018
Status: c13
Although the pace of the novel is a bit fast I still enjoy the novel. Can't wait to see how ML will try to get MC to like him!!
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Smtha rated it
January 25, 2023
Status: Completed
This story will put off alot of ppl when they read the beginning of the story. The way ML “chasing” or more accurately emotional kidnapping the MC almost a bit psychotic. (And I will advice ppl if you met someone like that pls stay away from them.)

But as a fictional story, it’s tolerable, as also author will help ML to redeem himself. There’s will be alot of sweet pampering and fluff form ML to MC. He love him like crazy and dotes and spoils MC. Which makes the... more>> story sweet. But if MC is too strong and fight and not fall in love as ML it will be a very tragic story plot. Overall it’s entertaining, as after they fall n love, almost all chapters were dog foods. The spoiling and funny banters were hilarious. And of course the Pan family and their friends all are very funny and supporting. And I love their side cp also. There’s also some drama to add abit spice up the plots, but not those silly misunderstandings or s*upid villains.
For me it’s worth the read if you pass through the psychological hurdles of the way ML way of snatching a bf, then the rest is is a fun filled story. Thank you <<less
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Beauty_and_Brutality rated it
December 20, 2023
Status: c36
Dropped at chapter 36. I would describe the ML as overbearing/oppressive instead of possessive so this just wasn't for me.

The MC, a busy and successful surgeon who broke up with his girlfriend a few months ago, is threatened into operating on a special forces type soldier. The ML is that soldier's commanding officer who immediately falls in love with the MC and inserts himself into his life. He follows him around and acts like they are already in an established relationship and the only hiccup is that the MC doesn't... more>> love him yet but it's ok because as long as the MC gives him time, he'll love him eventually so why doesn't the MC understand that they are already together and do everything the ML says. The ML's family is apparently a famous military family with weight to throw around and his cousin is the chief of police so the MC can't even call the police on him. It's bordering on unhinged and his family is just like lol yeah he's been like that since he was a child, good luck with him! <<less
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ya-oy rated it
May 7, 2023
Status: c100
This novel has so many moments where you go wtf??

Before you continue to read my review and disagree with me, yes this is fiction and it doesn't need to make any sense, however, please keep in mind that literature is art and it mirrors life. I guess this novel is already old so the author has some f*cked up views on life like misogyny. I hate how the women are always seen as unreasonable, delicate, sensitive, or weaker than men.

I gave this novel so many chances that I reached 100 chapters. I didn't want to drop it as I already dropped a few books before this one but I can't continue reading it anymore.


The description of Pan Lei is very accurate, he's not only a bandit but an adult child whose tantrums could literally kill you. There was a part here where Tian Yuan had to go to the country for his work and Pan Lei got mad like the d*mb fck he is. He didn't like that Tian Yuan disobeyed him because DUTY CALLS. He got so mad he destroyed all of Tian Yuan's things and almost hitting Tian Yuan a few times, author tried so hard to make it seem like it's such a romantic thing like "oh look, this big child destroyed my things but at least he never laid a hand on me🥰" bruh.

that is the part where you are reminded that fiction is fiction and u should not apply real life rules there because in real life: if a man gets hella aggressive and destroys your things during a minor disagreement, get tf out of that relationship already because in the future, he won't destroy your things only but also you.

Pan Lei also won't take no for an answer (which is a big red flag already) he keeps pushing and pushing and pushing. "Wanna call the police because I kidnapped you? Baby I have connections they can't help you" 🤡

Tian Yuan never confirmed their relationship or agreed to him in the beginning but he already acted like they're together (talk about being delusional)

Anyways, all you need to know before starting this novel is that: Pan Lei is a big child who never grew up.
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Northdusk21 rated it
March 21, 2022
Status: c148
Just one chapter in and I have lost interest 🙃 the MC as far as I can tell is more on the reasonable but gives a dont force my hand kind of vibe, with a milder character setting and the ml... sigh... 😕 is flucking as*hole who obviously lacks common 🙄 sense , he's irrational, hot tempered and stubborn. Male lead is a hatred magnetic 😑 still only read 1 chapter so I'll give 4 🌟

Chapter 30

Ok the male lead is a dictator in is opinion and actions abd MC... more>> is really not so great 😒


MC says he wants the ML to leave him alone but gets angry because he says he find someone to practice kissing on, gets angry and tell ML to leave but calls him to do this and that 😮‍💨 he says he doesn't like him then 🙄 mutters🤨🙁🙄 about how it feels good for him to do this or that. ❤️‍🔥😮‍💨 honestly it

would have been better if he was written as gay but not interested or he has ?about which gender he is attracted to. Seriously Both be crazy 🤪

Chapter 36-38

So the MC is a tsundere?? Well the ML has grown on me quite a bit or maybe I'm just thankful he loves and admires the MC enough not to force himself on him 🤔 or is it that his seeking petty revenge for the MC that got me. Not sure at all its probably that despite being a rogue he's rather cute and caring😅😅😅😇🥰

Anywho I now like the ML quite a bit 😖😶‍🌫️😅embarrassed 😳 the ML character evaluation has changed to stubborn 😣 cutest times, vengeful, irrational and boyfriend material if you minus the stepping in and trying to takeover the MCs life, forcefull pass kissings, and confessing and wearing down the MC using manipulative means to ingrate himself into the MCs home. ML is one cunning, manipulative BS

Ha ha ha still 4 🌟 though

Chapter 148

Dog food every day all day 😆 🤣

I love them both and the othe characters as well. Love the translation 💕 <<less
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