Heaven Official’s Blessing


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Eight hundred years ago, Xie Lian was the Crown Prince of the Xian Le kingdom. He was loved by his citizens and was considered the darling of the world. He ascended to the Heavens at a young age; however, due to unfortunate circumstances, was quickly banished back to the mortal realm. Years later, he ascends again–only to be banished again a few minutes after his ascension.

Now, eight hundred years later, Xie Lian ascends to the Heavens for the third time as the laughing stock among all three realms. On his first task as a god thrice ascended, he meets a mysterious ghost who rules over the ghosts and terrifies the Heavens, yet, unbeknownst to Xie Lian, this ghost king has been paying attention to him for a very, very long time.

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La bendición del Oficial del Cielo
Thiên Quan Tứ Phúc
Tian Guan Ci Fu
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479 Reviews sorted by

Nyaa.23 rated it
May 25, 2021
Status: Completed
With that much of chapters, sometimes I feel that the novel isn't going anywhere and there's too much fillers. But I mean it do talk about MC past experiences that is long as hell. MXTX writing is dear to my heart. She rlly mastered the way of telling a story filled with action without forgetting the original purpose of the story. I would say that MXTX creation is a classic and timeless piece of art.
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Brumalis rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: Completed
This is one of the best stories I have ever read. There are some plot holes, but the characterization, the adventures and all the twists and hoops make it more than worth it.

It is just so sad and many characters deserved a better fate than the one they got, I wish they had more spin offs where they all could have a happy ending T.T

My heart cries for many in this story, especially the Wind Master and Jun Wu!!! They should have had a kinder fate T.T
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qiuxxy rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: Completed
I may have some bias because of my love for xie lian but so be it

This is my first bl novel that I got around to finishing and I'm thankful for that. Reading about xie lian's past and the heartbreaking tragedies he had to endure could be a separate novel in itself, his reaction to ... more>>

the fall of xian le as a sheltered prince

felt so real and raw, mxtx really put her heart and soul into building his character.


I felt that the nuances between jun wu and xie lian was really what made this a special read, the depth of it and how the comparison really highlights xie lian's pure heart made his character even better

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Lighthouse Snail
Lighthouse Snail
May 10, 2021
Status: Completed
I need to say that Heaven Official's Blessing is my favorite novel of all times. I've read it some months ago and took sometime to read more novels, but none of them made me feel the same way I felt while reading this one.

I love the world-building MXTX created for her story, it's absolutely gorgeous. And the characters are so likeable that I could barely bring myself to hate the main antagonist.

... more>>

Even Qi-Rong, that s*upid ghost, made me like him to the point that I felt a bit sad over what happened to him.


The MC, Xie Lian, is really really really kind and he's got the vibes of a cinammon roll (which I love to death). He suffered a lot but he never betrays his own heart and don't hold grudges against anyone who did he wrong. You can see how much he matured during his time wandering around and how beautiful (in every sense) he is.


A single kind act of someone towards him was enough for him to not go mad! TEARS!


ML, Hua Cheng (aka hottest ghost in the freaking block), is the most charming, devoted and reliable person I've ever seen in a story. He never abandons Xie Lian and is always by his side, no matter what. In a world where most people consider Xie Lian the laughingstock of the three realms, Hua Cheng is the one who sees him as an unyielding flower and suports him in everything.

FRIEND, WE'VE GOT SOME REAL DEVOTED LOVE HERE! It goes beyond what my poor mortal words can say. Go read it!


Actually, a 800 years old unwavering love.


The romance in Heaven Official's Blessing is everything I could wish for! MC's relationship with ML is so beautiful that I am nearly brought to ugly fangirl tears everytime I think about it. My pinterest is full of fanart of these two, it has almost become a sanctuary for hualian fanart.
After reading this, I started to doubt mortal love (I'm joking... maybe).

I've read all of MXTX's novels, and out of the three couples, Xie Lian & Hua Cheng holds a special place in my heart.


Xie Lian to Hua Cheng: "The one basking in infinite glory is you. The one who's fallen from grace is also you. What matters is you and not the state of you."

Hua Cheng to Xie Lian: "I am forever your most devoted believer."


Be ready to find some painful angst while reading this (and I'm not joking). This is the first and only novel I cried over. Xie Lian past made me cry rivers. Seriously, my soul was so crushed that I'm afraid to read Books 2 & 4 again.

If you are the type of person who dislikes reading flashbacks, then be warned. The novel is divided in 5 books. Books 2 & 4 are both there to show Xie Lian's past, but they are the smallest books so the suffering and ugly crying will only last a couple of chapters.

If anyone here is searching for a story with exquisite settings, devoted characters and amazing development, Heaven Official's Blessing is definitely THE choice. <<less
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April 16, 2021
Status: Completed
There were a lot of weird things happening in the heavens, but I really loved this story. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are so beautiful together-they don't lose to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. I hope that this story gets a drama and more anime seasons.
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Akibaby rated it
April 2, 2021
Status: c40
This was the very first danmei I got so invested in reading.

The world is vivid, MXTX has a way to bring you into her created world. The characters, events, monsters, places, everything. ML is really the first character that I had a strong attachment of the word 'devotion' to. I cried even when I knew..

.. That ML will be back as his ashes were safe with MC, I knew yet I brawled.


You'll be able to see how MC grows, his baseline kindness is there, but his naivety in his youth disappears.

The characters, in particular, have a rich background, and some of the twists were unexpected which makes you yearn to know what happens.

I know some reviews will say this novel is overrated.. But to me, it has a special place in my heart.
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aileeey rated it
March 29, 2021
Status: Completed
5/5. This is the novel that I will never forget.

This is my most favourite novel of Mò Xiāng Tóngxiù. I've read all of Mò Xiāng Tóngxiù's novel and I can say that this one is the most unforgettable novel (for me).

Please, finish the novel first because you'll know the reason why Xie lian didn't depend himself despite the people humiliating him. You'll also know why Hua cheng is in love with him.

But to be honest, the back story of Xie lian, around 190+ (?) I think if I'm not mistaken,... more>> is slightly boring for me to read but I can't drop the book because I love it so I still read it and it helps me a lot in understanding Xie lian more. There's a lot of information that you can get and your 'why is that' will be answered.

After reading this novel, I don't know what to read anymore. I'm sad because I want moreeee. This novel brings me joy and it always makes my day whenever I read it. <<less
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candycandypop rated it
February 23, 2021
Status: Completed
oh. My. God.

This novel completely blew me away. I really liked that the side characters had issues if their own and we got to know them and their backstory too. ML's devotion is unparalleled, WOW. It's long, but I loved every second of it. It took me a while to read (because I'm the kind of person that gets distracted easily and finds it hard to finish shows and books, even if I liked them) but Heaven Official's Blessing kept me coming back. The story is compelling and the romance... more>> is *chef's kiss* I adored this novel. At times, while reading, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry <<less
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CherryCoffee rated it
February 16, 2021
Status: Completed
This novel was great!

It was slightly leaning towards a more peaceful story, so there wasn't that much tension until the end. I would definitely prefer MDZS over this since it has more of a plot, but I definitely stayed for Hua Cheng since he's just a great character to simp over.

The world-building was wonderful and I loved how all the side characters had a small arc for themselves too. Shi Qingxuan is def my favorite character ;)
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baticeer rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: Completed
(Overall: 4.5/5 stars)

STORY: ★★★★☆

TGCF's plot unfurls with several distinct adventure arcs (two of which are long flashbacks that give backstory), which stops the pacing from ever getting boring even though the novel is very long. The core concept of the story, that its protagonists are ascended gods & demons/ghosts, gives it a unique quality as they are immortal but still deeply affected by the events in their mortal life... I love stories about larger-than-life beings with deeply human foibles, so it's perfect for me.

There's a lot of excellent... more>> action scenes, creative supernatural powers, and exciting plot twists. The angst can get heavy and dramatic, but is balanced out by enough humor and sweet moments that it doesn't drag.

My only real quibble with the plot has to do with a particular side character's arc that I wasn't satisfied with how it was resolved (if you've read the book, you can probably guess what I mean).


Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are just... so sweet together, and the development of the relationship is excellent. There are so many scenes with incredible s*xual tension. They kind of get together partway through the story, but still have a lot to work through and learn about each other before they can reach their happy ending. I felt that the balance between the romance and the rest of the plot was perfect.

There are no canon side couples, but a lot of side character relationships with interesting dynamics that you could ship.

The non-main cast are a mixed bag, some of them I adore (Shi Qingxuan is my favorite!) and some of them I found irritating (Qi Rong for example), but all of them are well developed. The fact that the gods can switch between male and female forms if they choose is a fun gender related element.


The English translation by rynn & suika is well-written and complete. It's hosted on gdrive and also downloadable as epub & pdf. <<less
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Juvia_ rated it
January 25, 2021
Status: Completed
Your heart and your imagination will love this.

Vibrant and colourful. Perfect balance between adventure and horror, romance and action. Lots of lovable characters.

Emotional beats hit you right where it hurts (hurts good). The few scary bits really struck me with terror at times (I had to take a ten minute break at one point haha). The romance will make your heart swell with goodness (lots of fluffy moments).

This novel has a nice contrast between the happier adventuring of the present and the catastrophic misery of the protagonist's backstory. You get... more>> the gut wrenching tragedy of his past in between the soothing present.

The protagonist is very lovable and his dynamic with his love interest is playful and wholesome. Their relationship development is beautiful and very relaxing to read. If you're allergic to betrayal like I am, you'll be happy to know there's none of that here.

The story arcs are really fun and the way they unexpectedly tie together later is great. This novel receives some criticism from fans for this one arc that weirdly ends without a proper resolution but dont let that put you off from reading it because that is just one arc - about a supporting character - in a pretty giant story.

Cannot recommend this enough. One of my favourite things ever <<less
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Qy rated it
January 16, 2021
Status: Completed
I have to write a review for this one because even though this story might drag a bit too long it's so worth it because it's so good.


I love the fact that Hua Cheng still loved Xie lian after seeing the bad side of him and all that.


The MC and the ML are so worth it and I also loved the plot twists. This might not be everyone's kind novel but to me it's like one of the best.
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DevotedReader1 rated it
December 19, 2020
Status: Completed

My heart is still crying and my face is still smiling, I just finished this masterpeice litterally 5 minutes ago so I'm still feeling the heat and may this warmth spark an everlasting flame in me.

This is the first bl novel I've ever read and it has dragged along with it whole new oppurtunities of novels to read and I can't thank this author enough for creating such an intricate and flawed world with it's own flawed characters.

I feel like this... more>> is a great novel for those who are just entering the Bl world as along with it's heart felt romance IT ALSO HAS AN AMAZING IN DEPTH PLOT with characters that hold greater meaning and additions to the plot and not only there to only not be seen again. And then you have the sporadic flashbacks which had me hooked while bawling my eyes out.

I love how the author has designed such realistic emotions in realistic situations in a fantasy world which makes it all the more touching and relatable.


for example when xie lian suffered through the aftermath of the fall of his kingdom he didn't act like those characters you see still being righteous and abiding by their morals and calm, he acted like a human being, a person filled with hatred towards the cursed world they are forced to live in. When your brought down and down again it changes a person. I love how the author portrayed this which only made me cheer harder when he opposed White-faces idea and returned to his original self- actually no he didn't turn back to the person he was before, he was reborn and mentally stronger than before. This character development is what really gets me going


I've read some comments complaining about the slow burn but honestly what's a good romance that happens in an instant also the plot makes up for it. Also if your patient you will find that this romance has already bloomed and tied them both a long long time ago without one even realising it.

Alright I'll stop my ranting and distracting you from reading this heavenly novel.

Pack yourself some tissues and snacks and then isolate yourself in a comfy place and just READ

Now I'm going to check out the other MXTX novels I've been waiting to read <<less
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ZeyFletcher rated it
December 11, 2020
Status: Completed
I liked this. Xie lian is just so loveable. Honestly I just came here for the gay but the plot was also interesting but I have to be honest that the ending part just seemed off, like I was literally laughing with the ... more>>

Gundam feels

I liked how honest and unbothered xie lian is with everything that happens and how powerful he is. I def recommend anyone who's scrolling through the comments to give this a try, I think this mostly focuses on the BL? Idk I just feel like that was the main focus, but the non BL aspects are acceptable? I've read other non BL novels and I just think that the real focus is the BL? Cause they will make you feel the love hahaha


ANW, the most most most memorable part of this novel for me is the flashbackkkk, like, hngg you can really really see and feel how much xie lian have changed because of the things that happened to him. How ruoye is made still makes me so sad, I cant, , = (.. I would have liked it better if I got the opportunity to know more about the other characters, like mu qing and feng xin, like a bit of their feelings would be shared, and all that. I still hurt with the stabbing scene, =' (and I hate that feng xin and mu qing never knew about it, cause! Everyone have to know it!! Just how vicious jun wu was to xie lian!! I really really can't forget about how much xie lian changed and I'm so freaking glad that hua cheng have always been there for him somehow..

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cristiel rated it
November 27, 2020
Status: Completed
Words cannot describe how much I love this Novel. I read it in like 11 days, and im currently rereading it again. The relationship between Hua Cheng and Xie Lian is soooo pure and wholesome and so cute that my heart cant get enough of it. I was never bored reading this and looked forward to each chapter. This is my favorite novel of all time, not even joking, its soooo goooodd and I love it so much.
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squishycrow rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: Completed
okay I gotta say out of all mxtx's novels this was my ABSOLUTE favourite. The world-building, the characters, the fluff, the misery was so incredibly well-written and got me hooked enough to finish within a week (during my exam period no less TT)

first of all, our MC, xie lian. We are first introduced to him as an innocent, cute lil scrap god who seems to be incredibly misunderstood amongst his godly peers. But as we dived deep into his past, the series of events that shaped xielian as we... more>> know today were resurfaced and boy did I cry. Everything the other commentors seemed to hate I LOVED. His incredible fall from grace fueled by his stubborn need to do good was admirable as it was heartbreaking. Many couldn't stand past!xielian because of this but imo, the way he tried so hard yet his good intentions inevitably worsened things was so incredible well-written and heart-wrenching and it really made me cry for our MC. I won't lie and say that some parts were a little draggy but I only really felt that way for like a very short while as I felt his struggle with morality was integral in understanding his character

and our ml! I will never get over hua cheng's one-tracked devotion to xie lian, I cried and cried over

hua cheng's small ghost trying to protect xielian in the temple despite his futile efforts and how it motivated him to get so powerful just to protect xl, can you imagine the painful, miserable wait of 800 years? And suffering alone through the mountain volcano thing (i forgot) just yearning and yearning for one individual???? That kind of devotion is INSANE and although many didn't like that it felt superficial I really loved it and didn't see it like that, I mean this stranger protected him again and again, as a young impressionable child who was going through a dark time, it's no wonder he put xl on a pedestral. Oh and the part where child!hua cheng prayed to him in the temple and xl responded, wow that part really made me cry AGAIN


i also thought that their relationship was very understandably fluffy, I mean hua cheng literally knows him inside out from being there at his worst to his best. It was very refreshing to see an ML not being manipulative and kinda r*pey but instead being wholeheartedly loving and doting to our MC. It was also a literal breath of fresh air to see xie lian enjoying the present with hua cheng given the immense misery he descended into in the past, so I don't think its bad at all that they got along so well unlike what many say.

and the side characters! The wind god is my absolute fav although I felt the ending did not do him justice. As for mu qing and feng xin,

their abandonment (esp mu qing) made me really sad and upset with them but in the end you can see they truly did care for xielian

and their rivalry as the two junior gods was highly entertaining. I loved that the side characters weren't just there as cannon fodder but had their own personalities and stories that made this novel so much better

overall this was a FANTASTIC read and I really recommend anyone to begin reading this. It took my breath away the first time I read it and until now I still can't over this beautiful story <<less
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sailormoonserenity99 rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: c252

I don't want to compare this with MDZS because the situation is different and the immortality/rebirths add so many factors, but if you enjoyed this author's other works, you'll fall endlessly and hopelessly in love with this one.

Aside from the incredible, detailed, and wonderfully heartwarming/heartbreaking character backstory and development for the main characters; Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, I also feel that all the supporting characters have their own 'spirit' even though the author did not spend too many words on them. Within one chapter, you could... more>> go from not knowing anything about someone to almost crying over their life story and wishing for a bonus chapter on their life.

I read the novel in original Chinese and MXTX's writing captures all the emotions so perfectly to the point that in one chapter, I went from crying my eyes out in one line to laughing my head off at the end.

The themes touched upon are quite deep and meaningful. In the end, I wonder if this novel really had a 'villain' or if humanity is the villain, yet also its saviour. Truly a story that makes your mind think (after you stop fangirling/fanboying lol) <<less
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lucascommageorge rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: Completed
Thoughts, just thinking thoughts, head full, head so so full of Hualian.

I just have to say that during quarantine, it's been really hard for me to focus on anything. I have had to DNF at least ten different books because I could not get myself to sit down and read. But this book?!?!? I spent every free moment reading this book. And if I wasn't free, I made the time to read this book. It has become my favourite book ever and I know it will forever be my favourite... more>> book. I fell in love with the main couple so quickly and so deeply and I don't know how to move on from here. MXTX, you are a god and I am forever your most devoted believer. <<less
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Lahell rated it
November 10, 2020
Status: Completed
I love the novel, the plot, the heartbreaking moments and especially the characters.

It’s totally worth five stars because it’s really well written but I liked mxtx’s other novels better (maybe because they had the time to grow on me and become part of my favourites novels off all time, while tgcf is still fresh).

Nevertheless, tgcf is a beautifully written masterpiece. I especially appreciated how it portrayed human nature, its ugliness but also its beauty. I like how mxtx grew the philosophical aspects in her novels
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November 4, 2020
Status: Completed
I just can't help missing and rereading this for the nth time. This novel is more than excellent. Honestly I enjoyed reading this more than anything else.
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