Flying Ash


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In the past, Zhou Jinheng thought that Yi Hui was an unsightly speck of dust in the air, a useless appendage, and he just wanted to lift his sleeves and brush him away.

It was only later that he found out that he was the ashes left after the blaze of a prairie fire, the fluffy cluster inhaled into his lungs that was enough to burn his throat and burn his heart.

The wound was dripping with blood, the medicine stone was useless, only he could heal it.

But he was already dead.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fly Ash
Tro Bụi
Related Series
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  3. finished reading
  4. Angst/crematorium
  5. Chasing Wife Crematorium

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53 Reviews sorted by

damnmei rated it
August 31, 2023
Status: Completed
It’s quite short for a wife chasing crematorium story, so it makes sense that I didn’t feel the ML had suffered or grown as a person enough haha! He really gave no space to the MC, which led to me feeling a bit unfulfilled by the time they got together again, as there wasn’t much time for MC to actually start moving on and ML to feel devastated and suffer. The novel kind of used a cheat card by—

... more>>

having MC get kidnapped and then ML get stabbed rescuing him and almost dying in MC’s arms, which led to MC finally forgiving him because he was scared ML would die


I mean, did it make me cry? Yes. Do I think it was a good method for dissolving the conflicts between them? Ehh debatable. I feel like despite the tears this novel had me shedding, it really didn’t deliver too well on the overall crematorium suffering somehow. Which is crazy for me to say too because


ML definitely suffered, to the extent where he burned his hand to match MC’s old life. But I think the problem is that this was all him inflicting pain on himself physically, and he did it all in front of the MC, which makes it feel more manipulative than actual suffering. Still painful to read, but a bit less effective at making me feel bad for him.


Anyways if you want a ML to really suffer then I recommend “The Obsessive Shou Moves On” because good god does that ML go through it. Otherwise, this does deliver on some of the best cremation novel themes, with a mentally strong MC and a crazy obsessed ML, and it definitely delivers on the pain for a bit. Would rate somewhere between 3 and 4 stars. <<less
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Anini rated it
September 10, 2022
Status: Completed
Like all other scum_gong_getting_second_chance novels, this in no way is a healthy relationship. In the first arc, ML hurt MC again and again, mistreating and never returning his sincere feelings. In the second arc, MC only wanted to hide and stay as far as possible from ML, but mf stubbornly chased after him this time. All kinds of negative sh*ts along with deception, stalking, lying, using force, manipulation, using self-harm to soften MC were done.

⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️ : MC in his first life was described as a 'fool' and... more>> his brain didn't work like others. I guessed it was probably implied Autism. The body he was reborn into was suffering from depression and was suicidal. ML was mentally harmed after losing MC and even restored to repeated self harm to redeem himself and feel the pain MC suffered and also to gain MC's sympathy. mf also have some inferiority complex and both has family issues and.... *sigh*

If we consider the mental aspects, the characters are in mess. But the novel is written in decent literature style. And MC wasn't like other soft heartened ones, forgiving ML the moment he apologised. It took a long process and ML had to slowly prove he can be trusted this time (including his f*cked up self-harm and manipulation sh*ts), but if you view it from ML's perspective, it wasn't deliberate and he really just wanted the man back whom he himself delivered to the door of Yama once through his ignoring and indifference. He also can't be blamed in a sense, cause he really did lose his sanity in his desperation of wanting MC back at any cost. And he really did it. He really did everything he could. He supported, cherished and protected MC with his everything in the second arc and this is why the redemption is so satisfying!

I repeat, this novel is really a mess in many aspects, but the redemption arc seems worth it. ML indeed suffered the equal agony he once caused MC. And the character development of MC was written well in my opinion. He slowly learned the meaning of living and grew stronger than his past self. He, who once revolved his life foolishly around a man, grew up to discover his own passion and happiness without that man. This was um... quite a character development for him. He is a kind hearted empathetic man and he respects and cherishes the people in his life and life itself. Despite everything he never gave up in his last life or thought of dying and fought to have a better life in his present one. I liked his character. And in the end he ended up forgiving ML rather than letting him drown in his quagmire of regret and yearning. It's a Happy Ending.

Personally I started the story with quite the interest and enthusiasm, but at some point lost it and skipped a few chapters in between. The story is average compared with many other danmeis, but among the wife chasing crematoriums, this is quite a decent one. Other stories of this kind are even more f*cked in psychological aspect and lacks logic. At the very least, this story still had the logical sense. So yeah.... If you are masochist enough to enjoy extreme pain and have the mental strength to read the self-harm in an attempt to atone for your past crimes, go for it. <<less
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crownprince rated it
May 20, 2022
Status: Completed
Short decent read of wife chasing crematorium story. It isn't amazing, but good enough for a short read, it's not draggy either. Though, the plot can be guessed and is quite cliche. There's a few plot hole but alls good. But author, Where's the extras I need on Tang and Yang???

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CieloPA rated it
February 29, 2024
Status: Completed
It was an easy novel to read, I think there are some gaps in the story, there are jumps that leave the plot a little empty but in general the story is good, ML paid the price of being indifferent to MC, MC was strong in resisting ML's conquest, since he was reborn in another body he did not want to make the same mistakes of the past and was resistant to ML.

ML did everything possible to get him backAlthough I didn't like the part about MC apparently always being... more>> in love with ML despite everything, I would have liked him to have overcome everything and built their relationship again.

The secondary couple's relationship left me with doubts It would have been good to see what happened to them, or at least know what its end was.

In general I thought the novel was good, although I didn't feel the anguish, just helplessness for MC who continued to love ML despite everything, it's not my cup of tea, MC would always live remembering the past and seeing the face of the person who once did not save him and who died because of him. <<less
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January 8, 2024
Status: Completed
I like a novel whr the ML goes crazy, gets depressed, self-harms. LMAOOO.

I'll be like 'f*ck he's crazy' and then love it lolol.

I do have to say tho. The other 'pairing' was left open ended so I rly wonder what happened to them. Maybe they got a BE as opposed to our main pair's HE.

I think this novel could be a lil longer. Idk why but the ending/the way the got back tgt was kinda cliche for me. I think if the author didn't go that route, it would take... more>> more chapters and would have a better (?) effect. Tho this is just my opinion and I don't write hahaha.

it's a good groveling novel. I am satisfied. I cried. I hated the ML then felt my heart soften a lil then hated him more. ◡̈ I have to say, I might still dislike him but then I read his extra and his a pouting mess and I love that sh*t HAHAHAHA. Then I rmb he's still somewhat of a child. (24 not a child but dude sure acts like one too LOL.) IDK. I like MLs that pout and shit. I find it cute hahaha. So yeah.

I have to say, it's quite evident that the MC still really really liked the ML, even aft what happened. And you have to take his child like mentality into account. Yes, he got a lil more enlightened with his new 'brain' but inherently, he has always been that way. Altho I expected him to be soft hearted, he rly isn't. And he tries his very best to stay away from the ML (altho it fails). I get so sad for the MC whenever I read his past and I'm so happy for him that he was accepted for who he is in his new life. <<less
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December 23, 2022
Status: Completed

I love the story, the plot, the flow, the regret, redemption, and how they get together. HOWEVER, I'm not quite satisfied with the ending. Of course, I felt happy that it is a HE, but I don't like the rush when they finally get together. I'm not quite satisfied with it, the ending is not fulfilling. So it's kinda sad that it is SO close to perfect but that part really makes the story lacking.
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hycave rated it
December 11, 2022
Status: Completed
This novel was not that bad but I got kinda bored towards the end. The flow of the story was just fine and the translator did a great job with the translation but it just doesn't attract me as much as other chasing wife novels I've read so far. I don't hate it but it's not my favorite as well.


although they're not the main couple I wish the author include what happened between Tang Wenxi and Yang Chengxuan too.


Overall, I'm giving this a 3.7.
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Exuria rated it
September 11, 2022
Status: Completed
Oh man I cried so hard for MC. I still don't think ML deserves a second chance just because I'm a bitter and resentful person haha. I want to know what happened to the side couple in the end too....
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March 13, 2024
Status: Completed
I must say that I really like the writing style of the author and the way Yi Hui’s (MC) death was portrayed in Zhou Jiaheng’s (ML) POV in the beginning of the story. If Yi Hui never came back and the story ended after Yi Hui’s funeral, I would be fine with that. However, I must say that the wife-chasing in this novel isn’t as good as others and I’m still unsure if Zhou Jiaheng should be forgiven or not for his actions, even if it makes sense. I just... more>> want Yi Hui to be happy.

To the people reading this review who haven’t read the novel yet, just letting you know that you shouldn’t let the summary of the story trick you into believing that this is a tragedy. It has a Happy Ending that I personally am not that satisfied with but it definitely works. <<less
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Fairlady1996 rated it
February 28, 2024
Status: Completed
Honestly this is the best wife chasing cremation I ever read!!. Yes, it so hard wretching that I stay up crying. And the next day, my eyes swollen so bad I can't open it 😂😂.

If you need a cry. Read this novel. This is a good novel to cry.
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Seeing Stars
Seeing Stars rated it
August 25, 2023
Status: Completed
It was an easy read, so it didn't contain a lot of surprising elements, as expected for a dog blood novel.

I liked the pining and the buildup of ML finding out that MC was dead, made me almost cry as it it perfectly envisioned how I want a love interest to find out that their lover was dead.

But I believe it kinda fell of at the end. I didn't like how the "I hate you for ruining me" to "I still love you" transition went for the MC. I was... more>> wondering why the MC still wasn't feeling anything sympathetic or remembering the happy days with ML at Chapter 50, as it was already nearing at the end.


I really didn't like it that it only costed one arc/scenario for the the MC to forgive him. I mean I get it, a life and death scenario where ML almost died, but it failed to buildup to that point of forgiveness.


It's still a good read if you need something to pass your time, so I'll just give it a neutral score. <<less
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rimirinrin rated it
November 21, 2022
Status: Completed
Yi Hui (MC) has died. He woke up in another body and remembered he has died. He has a new identity and a new caring family. In his previous life, Yi Hui was a little slow in his mental development so he was like a child, enduring all the scummy actions Zhou Jin Heng (ML) did. This time, he decided that he will no longer repeat his mistakes.

As usual, this plot is filled with dogblood and also a crematorium story. I think 3/4 of the novel is all the crematorium... more>> route and I really find it very hard to forgive the ML as I felt that he indirectly caused MC's death. Also, I can't forgive him for

(leaving a scar on MC's hands)

. I was rolling my eyes when he clearly did a Shao Qun since MC really did not want anything to do with him anymore. But the final arc made me teared and forgave him.

Not bad, quite a good read even if the plot is so traditional. However it still kind of pales in comparison to other crematorium novels I have read. Because it took me so long to finally feel like the ML could be forgiven, I feel tired halfway during the chase. <<less
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May 11, 2024
Status: Completed
A nice short and satisfying chasing wife into crematorium story. I'm losing interest for novels set in the showbiz but thankfully this book doesn't have pages upon pages of online comments like others do, overall recommended read.
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