Flying Ash


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In the past, Zhou Jinheng thought that Yi Hui was an unsightly speck of dust in the air, a useless appendage, and he just wanted to lift his sleeves and brush him away.

It was only later that he found out that he was the ashes left after the blaze of a prairie fire, the fluffy cluster inhaled into his lungs that was enough to burn his throat and burn his heart.

The wound was dripping with blood, the medicine stone was useless, only he could heal it.

But he was already dead.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Fly Ash
Tro Bụi
Related Series
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Pain Fetish (2)
Recommendation Lists
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  3. finished reading
  4. Angst/crematorium
  5. Chasing Wife Crematorium

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53 Reviews sorted by

Eden rated it
December 31, 2022
Status: Completed
A nice novel.

Has everything I expected from a crematorium type of novel.

The focus is on ml's redemption and his regret doesn't feel abrubt.

... more>> I also liked how my own attitude towards him went from wishing MC dumped him for good to truly shipping them only when MC forgave him. So unlike in other novels, I was spared the dozens of chapters where I shipped a couple that just wouldn't get together because of some misunderstanding or an MC that doesn't make sense.

The relationships are well written, the main reason this novel felt so satisfying to read. Mc's new sister was a nice surprise. She gave me 'obsessed princess' vibes at first, but turned out very understanding and considerate really quickly.

There are some minor inconsistencies and things that don't really make sense but they're not really the point in this type of novel so fortunately it didn't spoil the reading. <<less
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switbluangel rated it
December 21, 2022
Status: Completed
This is by far one of my favorite novels. It has just the right pace for character development for both the MC and ML. Honestly, I was hesitant to read it at first because I am more into novels where MC has a unique personality (eg; strong-willed, a genius, sassy, etc). Plus I try to avoid psychological novels as much as possible, inclining to the more fluffy romance type genre or comedy genre.

The first few chapters got me hooked. I cried my heart out while reading what they both experience... more>> (yes I even cried out while reading the ML's regrets and what nots). It was not as angsty as I expected it to be which is a good thing.

There was definitely a good balance of emotions and the writer seemed to know when to stop the angst before it gets too much to handle.

Did I enjoy reading it? Yes.

Will I read it again? I might.

Will I recommend it? Definitely. <<less
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Little Cloud
Little Cloud rated it
September 8, 2022
Status: --
I really liked this story. The story line was amazing and well written. It was fair for every character. The people who deserve the retribution had their punishment. As I think it was completely fair. The warmth within the families and the moments they shared was very touching. A good reading experience.

Highly recommend!
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JieJieJora rated it
August 23, 2023
Status: Completed
The emotional roller coaster I went through is just... so painful and fulfilling. I love MC so much. I love how he stood his point until the deepest sincerity delivered. MC recognized the behaviors as well as actions of ML, and didn’t foolishly fell for him, I saluted him that. Also, This isn’t just ML trying to atone to his sin carelessly. He did what he could, with every tricks he knew. What crazy was around chp51-52. I would like to beat ML so much in the beginning, but with... more>> how devoted he was to changing and having MC back, I saluted him. A bit like a spoiler: I thought author gonna made him d-ed like MC in the beginning, but the injury accident wasn’t expected!! 4.6/5⭐️ <<less
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February 12, 2023
Status: Completed
I'm not one to usually read a wife chasing novel, but I decided to try this one because I was in the mood to read about an ML suffering the consequences of his actions. This novel was a bit confusing at first, because I didn't understand that the MC was rebirthed and so the first two chapters were a bit confusing. But the characters are set up nicely and you don't really have many moments where you get confused in the story. Now for the part you want to hear:

Yes,... more>> the ML SUFFERS. HE SUFFERS SO MUCH.

The novel delivers perfectly in that respect. We see our ML spiral into groveling, stalking, and there is self harm so do be warned. Most of the self harm is inflicted to get the MC's attention. He is also a bit of a yandere.

Our MC was "a fool" (that's how they describe it in the book) in his previous life (I think the author was going for a more autistic type of MC, but I'm not a doctor and don't know fully. This is just a guess). He then is rebirthed into a "normal" person. Idk, I didn't like this aspect much, but I did like to see the small achievements our MC makes in his new life, he's a cinnamon roll and you need to protect and cherish him because god he loves so sweetly. Maybe it's just me but I wouldn't have minded seeing the ML suffer more...

Overall, it's a good novel, a short read and it delivers in the most important aspect: The ML suffering. <<less
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dee_ism rated it
April 25, 2022
Status: --
With how abusive ML on the past life, he get back MC way too easily. Oh yeah I know that he's also a victim of his family, but that doesn't mean he has the right to abuse MC physically and mentally. Their past anger me with no ends.

I do like how he regret after MC died but his redemption arc is not satisfactory. I'm so bothered about how the ML chase MC back. He's way too creepy, forceful, still not treat MC wishes seriously and get on my nerves.
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peppergum rated it
April 14, 2022
Status: c28
This novel's very romantic and all but please, I can't be the only one thinking this:

... more>>

The way that the ML chases after the MC is plain freaky. Like hear me out:

He hires someone to find his new address, sets himself up in a hotel across the mc's house to watch his every move, makes a fake weibo account to interact with the MC, follows the MC every time he leaves the house, stands outside the mc's house to watch him every now and then?! Someone call the mf police lmao. I'd be scared out of my mind if my ex pulled this sh*t on me.

And even funnier is the fact that the mc's friend, Tang Wenxi, is under the impression that the ML only bumped into the MC a few weeks ago at the gallery, and then travelled 10+ hours to silently stalking the two of them on an entire day trip. But apparently, Wenxi has no problem whatsoever with this, chalks it up to "courting", and can even crack a few jokes about it. Where on earth are these characters' sense of danger? I honestly find this more bizarre than reincarnating into a different body. Man, the things that pretty privilege can get away with.


I know I'm not supposed to, but every time the ML does something creepy like this, I find myself laughing at this novel's logic. And the thing is, I like overbearing and obsessive ML's. It's just, the way this one does it is kinda... cringy. But hey, I'm not hating. It's still a good read. Just please, don't try any of this at home. It will get you a restraining order. <<less
11 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
March 24, 2022
Status: --
I dont know why reviews hate ML is stories like this when what should be hated is arrange marriage and forced relationship. The ML isn't the most caring and not pampering, yes he isnt even trying because he feels the whole situation has nothing to do with him, young and arrogant, can't say he is bad but he isn't good. ML is also under the marriage age (22 in china) And he is 17 years old (a minor) while MC is older during their cohabitation (no one wants to criticize?... more>> Or is it because MC has idd?), he is ambitious and seeks financial independence being forced to marry MC a person who has intellectual disability disorder, MC even claims himself to have a child mind before rebirth. The problem lies with the family who allowed their child with IDD in that situation when they're the one who knows his capacities, he is a precious being. Forcing people in a relationship isn't the way to go but MC gets a free pass since he is unaware, you can't expect people to love you because you love and are devoted to them. Unwanted attention isn't really comfortable. ML is not evil, he is capable of guilt and most important, capable of change. When he was starting to cherish MC, it was already too late, growing up takes time but the world won't wait for you.

Aside from that MC deserves better since he has good character and mindset. He perservered long enough, he loved and loved even when he is deep end.

And you! Yes, you who is reading this, you deserve better so don't and never stay for anything less. The only love you need is from yourself not from others, and it's something no one can take from you. <<less
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Rlackbabbit rated it
April 27, 2022
Status: c59
Note the other 2 star reviews. I'm of the same mind.

I was waiting for the male lead to mature and change in the coming chapters but then it just fukcing ended just like that. Still a forceful selfish egoist. He hasnt changed as a person, only his target for good intentions have changed.

I pretty much read this for the "wife chasing into the crematorium", I got the regret and angst out of it, but that's it. There was so satisfaction and no relief.
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Devrai rated it
June 17, 2022
Status: extra 2
First, the translation is first class.

The story is easy enough, MC (mentally disabled to a certain point) got into a marriage contract with ML for business reasons. While MC is honestly in love with ML and cares in his childish ways, ML was coerced into it by his family. The next 3 years he basically vented his frustration on the innocent MC to a point where MC s*upidly died. He got reborn in another body and was found out by ML which realized late his shortcomings and... more>> love to him. From then on ML tries to win MC (not longer mentally disabled) back.

So this novel has some great parts that deserve a high rating. Especially the beginning parts where ML still doesn't know that MC is dead and in a overly self righteous way started to reflect and change. Then when MC was found dead and the following breakdown... I was crying buckets. It's heart wrenching and written superb.

Unfortunately the next parts lacked. Maybe it is my own expectation that made me feel this way. I was hoping for sweetness and a way of healing and learning about each other anew... but the story is much more centered on the regret and hurt. MC is constantly denying to be the original and wanting to live a new life. Although his new life is a bit 2d. I would think if this is so important to him, he might delve with more intent into this new life. Basically the whole coming chapters are about ML trying to make MC admit his prior personality while MC is denying it although being super obvious. This struggle was just tiring and got old over time.

So I would recommend to read it once but do not hold your breath for sweetness or real communication. <<less
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Zbasir rated it
April 28, 2022
Status: Completed
One of the best MLs ever in a BL. I know his extreme actions of not letting go at the beginning was a bit unpleasant, but I felt happy when he gave freedom to the MC in the end. I liked how the MC was not considered a property but rather a human being respected as he is. 🤗
7 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
April 28, 2022
Status: Completed

Tears rolling down when we read how ML regret how he was late on realizing his own feeling. If you like well written dog blood story, this is the one for you!

MC is so precious, can’t help to love him and want to protect him from scummy heng heng. Yet the angst so strong in the beginning chapters it feels so sweet when we read how he chase his wife back to his arm. Creepy? Not as creepy as the scummy gong in SQC novel, yet it... more>> satisfying to find our beloved MC didn’t forgive him so soon.

I love how cliche story told with not many villain char, even summy ML here is not that bad actually, written in a beautiful words and good structure. I like how he repent and the sweet gesture from dora hum hum chasing wife back.

In the first 10 chapters, we’ll get a glimpse how MC who was not so capable in mental development found he was dead and his soul occupied a death by su*cide person with similar face, name, and talent. MC for the first time clear his mind and head with his new mentally capable brain realise how s*upid he was before his death. What I like he didn’t strive for revenge, but cherish his new life and his new loving family. We also get to know how scummy our ML toward our lovely cutie MC and then he fell to despair once he found out his wife already gone before he realise that he already fallen so deep and regret his past act so so much.

This novel is a HE. Angst? Yes it hurts my eyes. Sweet? Very fluffy. Translation? Very nice. Overall? Highly recommended if you like dog blood troupe. <<less
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Inanis rated it
October 29, 2022
Status: c24
I'd give the story 5 stars for writing and translation but I just hate the male lead and dropped the series. This really needs the crematorium tag.

The ML is obsessive about the MC and continues to stalk him even when the MC tells him to. He isn't necessarily a horrible person, just an a**hole.
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aoikotoba rated it
June 8, 2022
Status: Completed
So I've read a LOT of wife chasing novels and I don't know but I couldn't quite like this one. I like the regret and wife-chasing part but I don't know maybe it's the fact that there's something wrong with the ML's brain? Or how the author wrote him and his persistence on saying that it's really the MC even though he said he understood he's dead but then still persist he's that person irked me? I've read PBD and how the ML there is actually quite a bit realistic... more>> on how at first he was so confused on why the MC (in his new body) is so familiar despite not knowing him. This one he just insist on saying that it's the MC not even feeling confused, heck

his friend even showed him the death certificate and at first he seemed "awake" then the next day keep on persisting


I don't know but if it were me I would also be confused on how I seemed to know a person whom I have never met but then again it's fiction. I just don't like how the ML seems so forceful and manipulative and even quite "stalker-ish" in "chasing" his wife back not even questioning his own sanity on why

he so persistent in believing the person came back to life in the new body.

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wired.eye rated it
May 6, 2022
Status: extra2
The writing isn't superb, but here at NU you have to consider the fact that some d*ckheads downrate just because it's a bl novel, so to compensate, my rate doesn't represent my actual rating of the novel.

yes, it's another wife-chasing-crematorium novel, but lighter and more romantic than most.

the premise of MC being reborn in a body with a functioning brain I found interesting. I cannot separate thought and perception of the world from the brain responsible for them. The growth of the MC as a person was according to his... more>> own history and previous experiences, with a sharper perception of reality. At the same time, he did not become a cruel or insensitive person.

I didn't mind the ML either. Just someone completely lost, not knowing what to do to regain what they lost. A stalker? One can say that, but the author made it very clear the despair in which he found himself.

Only the existence of a cruel and mischievous antagonist, was unnecessary.

if you want to feel a little bit of angst, without the need to take anxiolytics, this story is for you. <<less
5 Likes · Like Permalink | Report
March 11, 2022
Status: c17
If you compare our MC here with the other MCs in other angst novels, Yi Hui is special.

Both in his attitude and his outlook. The way he look at things is different from people like us.


Our novel moves slowly. Pulling the slow pain of both our MC and ML and tying them together as they finally meet.

Waiting from more from our lovely translator.
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harupin rated it
April 20, 2024
Status: Completed
The novel really showed the emotions of regret, desperation and change. It may be only 61 ch but it didnt felt rushed. Love the paintings descriptions in the novel. This was a great chasing the crematorium danmei

Yi Hui, the MC, fighting his struggles and standing up was natural and not abrupt (his inner thoughts while encouraging himself up was so relatable) ... more>>

I think at first, even if YH chose to forget his past and start anew as JY, his reason for it is him being a fool in love to ZJ. Unconsciously thinking that ZJ did no wrong like "it's just a marriage of convenience, it's my fault why I fell in love" or "I was willing so it's my fault, so I wont do the same like the past" something like that (and ofc the reason that he stole the body). But as YH gains more confidence and love to himself, he now became aware and admit that what ZJ did was really bad and cruel. (Lol hope my thoughts got acrossed)

It can still be felt that he has feeling for him but complicated. As the novel moves on, YH can see the big changes and sincerity of ZJ even if he doesn't wanna admit it until ZJ was on the verge of death (saving him from abduction) that he got the courage to love ZJ again.


Zhou Jinheng, the ML, during the chasing, his actions were desperate and selfish

like telling YH to go home with him having that as if things would be that easy and all is well. Even became a stalker and pestering YH. He can't understand why YH doesn't want to be with him anymore "since we both like each other". (Tho I know that YH's death made him like that). Dora hum hum was hilarious

But I felt his growth when his mind didn't just center to himself, thought of YH's emotions, realized that what he did was unforgivable and YH hating him is reasonable. Don't worry, his groveling was satisfying


ZJ's self harming was painful to read. His psychological state was really going unstable. I feel like if YH didn't reincarnate, for sure ZJ would end himself to "join" YH. Tho with YH back, he got the chance to change
ZJ comeback arguements to his father tho was satisfying lol


YH and ZJ's past srsly broke me down to the core. It made me want to hug YH, strangle ZJ and feel frustrated.

the abuse srsly, man...

when ZJ read the letter for his bday with red roses and him remembering the handkerchief got me bawling fr for YH.

Best scene for me was when YH opened ZJ's phone in the hospital seeing his own face as wallpaper smiling innocently. Plus his thoughts there. Got me burst my tears

Tho glad ZJ redeemed himself, became a changed man and cherish YH (as he should). I really wanted more happy chs of the CP after marriage

The Jiang fam was so wholesome. Jiang Yimang was prob my fav charac, I thought she would be annoying but no

During her fangirling days, when facing ZJ she wasn't being a creep, didn't spread gossip or show off and respects her idol's personal life. She got that "gotchu fam" vibe. As sister, she was supportive and caring to YH. And when she learned the truth, she protected and sided with YH from ZJ.

I didn't expect YH to reveal the truth, mom hugging him made me cry but also knowing that your own son ended his life was painful.


Since Ye Qin and Cheng Feichi got their own novel, hope Tang Wenxi and Yang has too

idk but the amnesia seemed fake

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erialolita rated it
January 10, 2023
Status: Completed
This was well written and the translation was good, but it just not my type of crematorium novel. I like the ones where the scum Shou/gong gets to go back in time and have a redo. I find the relationships of ones where they both remember too toxic.

The beginning of the novel had me confused. I missed the part of the MC dying and taking over another body, thought it was a back in time thing, so I was very lost for a while.

Think my biggest issue with the novel... more>> is that the ML was too much of a scum to begin with and with MC remembering it all, I couldn't believe he would take him back, especially because he is supposed to be smarter. The author did put work into the ML's redemption, but I just didn't buy it. Too much physical and mental abuse for the MC to get over, hence why I like second chance type stories more.

I think I would have loved the novel more if it was more of a moving on novel for MC with a different ML and ML was just a passerby canon fodder.

I do like the length of the book, some crematorium novels really suffer from being too drawn out, but this one felt just right. I liked his relationship with his new family as well, even if it was highly unrealistic.

The extras were meh to me and left me unfulfilled. I'm not a fan of side couples usually, but I was looking forward to at least 1 extra for the best friends redemption and recovery.

All in all not my cup of tea, but if you're into both the shou and gong remembering what happened, this is one of the better ones. <<less
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Aebpl1 rated it
July 27, 2022
Status: --
It's well written (but not well occupied)... Among wife chasing danmeis this is gold... but just like any other wife chasing story it has its own cliche and filthy tropes: ... more>>

Emotional scenes like the ones ML sacrificing himself in order to save MC.. ML guilt-tripping MC (but fortunately ML was more human than other wife chasers)... ML stalking MC... ML threatening MC



As for the subject of " little fool", it was really disrespectful how author made a mockery out of it in the whole novel



As for their love, it was not fully detailed... ML's love started out of his guilt and expectations and MC's love was so rushed out you never had any taste of his love in the end

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lhsmjae rated it
June 19, 2022
Status: extra 2
That was a good read, but in my opinion, I hate how the ML [ Zhou Jinheng ] kinda won't accept the MC (Yi Hiu ] 'no' which literally irky me.

I love how the MC overcame his trauma like seeing ML since he (ML) started his nightmare.

... more>>

And oh boy, I was deeply hurt when ZJH lucid dreamed of the death of YH


Rate : 8/10

Angst Rate : 6/10 [ maybe because I read novels that is much painful than this like erha, remnants of filth, and deposed general empress, etc etc ] <<less
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