Clearing an Isekai with the Zero-Believers Goddess – The Weakest Mage among the Classmates (WN)


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Makoto Takatsuki is a normal high school student and a hardcore RPG player.

However, “normal” goes out the window when his whole class is involved in a bus crash and whisked away to another world! Powerful gods rule this strange new land of magic and monsters, and every newcomer is blessed with strong stats and unique skills.

Well, not quite. Makoto’s stats turn out to be pathetic, and his skills are super weak compared to his classmates’…he’s even stuck as an apprentice mage. Worse still, he’s given only ten years to live!

Luckily, Makoto soon meets a minor goddess named Noah, who appears in Makoto’s dreams and asks him to become her first believer. With the help of Noah’s blessings and a divine weapon, Makoto seeks to become strong enough to rescue his goddess from the dungeon where she’s been trapped.

By training hard and using his weak skills in unorthodox ways, Makoto proves that, even when playing on hardcore difficulty, an RPG player always makes it to the end!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Full Clearing in Another World under a Goddess with Zero Believers (LN)
Shinja Zero no Megami-sama to Hajimeru Isekai Kouryaku
Related Series
Clearing an Isekai With the Zero-Believers Goddess – the Weakest Mage Among the Classmates (LN) (Light Novel)
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Recommendation Lists
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  5. Isekai Fantasy | #1

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GabeZhul rated it
September 22, 2022
Status: Completed
Since my in-debt review was accidentally deleted by the site randomly refreshing the page while I was writing it, here's a super-condensed one instead:


MC gets isekaid with his class, he gets a seemingly useless cheat power, so he trains up his basic skill, but then he gets scouted by a sealed goddess vilified by the local churches. He continues to train, gather party/harem members, and get embroiled in the classic hero vs. Demon lord plot, all the while aiming to free his goddess from the impossible dungeon at the... more>> bottom of the sea.

The good:

  • The character-interactions are generally good, though they become a bit repetitive by the end of the story.
  • The plot has a well-defined arc, with properly foreshadowed twists and turns and a couple of really interesting developments
  • The prose is good, and the pacing is great at the beginning, though it gets a progressively worse in the later volumes. It never really gets bad though, just kind of irritating.
  • The basic world-building is solid, with the world, races, conflicts, and religions making sense, at least for the first half of the story.
  • The romantic interactions are well-written, though they unfortunately lead to nowhere.
The bad:

  • The MC is a static character, not allowed to grow in any way by the plot. He starts out as socially awkward virg*n who can't read the mood and gets jostled around by all the women around him, and he remains the exact same after several years of adventuring and becoming a physical god capable of sinking continents.
  • While the characters are nice and distinct, they also get lost in the noise. The two starting love interests have it the worst, as after a time-skip arc, they stop being characters with their own motivations and become comedy punchlines, and the rest doesn't fare much better.
  • The world-building kind of falls apart halfway through due to the classic mistake of fantasy-authors: overscaling. In short, initially it seems like this is a self-contained world with its own metaphysics and religions, but then it's revealed that the goddesses are responsible for governing the entire universe, parallel universes, and branching timelines, and yet they have troubles with this one tiny conflict on this one tiny world. Furthermore, they are all millions of years old, yet they all act like immature teenagers.
  • Plot armor. A whole lot of it.
  • Last, but not least: inconsistencies and aborted arcs. There are a lot of them. Also, while a lot of plot-points are well-foreshadowed, many come out of absolutely nowhere and get filled in retroactively.

In short, this is a series that grew too big for its own good, and because of character- and plot-bloat, the world-building and writing consistency suffered. That said, it's still a remarkably entertaining read, where the early parts suck you in, so you get through the less polished finale just to see how it all ends for the characters. I would honestly recommend this to anyone not put off by over-inflating harems combined with constant ribbing on the MC still being a virg*n despite a dozen women actively trying to le*d him. However, be warned that while the story starts out strong, and remains so most of the way, it takes a dip in quality in the last two arcs. Temper your expectations accordingly. <<less
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lowah rated it
September 7, 2022
Status: afterwords
One of the first novels I have started reading on NU, and one which I had followed through till the end, partly thanks to Reigokai-sama’s amazing work in translating everything.

To summarise my impression of the story. “Weakest Mage” fulfilled everything it promised, and beyond. What started off as an interesting power fantasy becomes more interesting as time goes on. Every new arc brings new adventures for the MC and his heroine (s). Sure, the story lacks depth in terms of character developments and dynamics. But to me, what I am... more>> looking forward to in a power fantasy is a constant stream of new experience and entertainment. This story has done that more than enough.
The heroines are some of the cutest I have ever seen too

If I were to highlight the most notable genre for this story, it would be: Adventure, Fantasy, Action (in order from most notable) <<less
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Wily Rodent
Wily Rodent rated it
July 10, 2022
Status: c341
There are a lot of amazing things and a lot of annoying things about this novel.

At its core lies the question about the value of faith in a world where Gods are real and offer tangible benefits to their followers. MC is approached by a shifty goddess in his dreams who asks him to be her believer. Although reluctant at first, he eventually agrees.

As a reward, he receives a dagger... now, at this point, there is nothing stopping MC from turning to another god and converting. In terms of rewards... more>> or blessings, there isn't much benefit for him in sticking to his goddess since everything she could give him has already been given. Moreover, the goddess didn't approach him in good faith to begin with, trying to manipulate MC and hiding the fact that she is an evil god who was imprisoned for waging war in heaven... and once other gods become involved and offer their own blessings, his incentives to convert begin to multiply.

This checks off the zero believer goddess part. As for the weakest mage part, it kind of is and isn't true. Yes, MC is weak. Comically so, in fact. His physical traits are a joke, his mana pool is shallow and his only redeeming feature is good control and accuracy with his spells. But he is incredibly resourceful tenacious to no end and was given a frighteningly overpowered dagger that puts all the holy swords in the world to shame.

As for his party, there is the half elf fire mage with a massive mana pool and zero control and a brawler with no mana at all who can literally punch a dragon to death. Did I mention that both of them are girls and this is a harem story?

And this is where we need to talk about the bad parts of the story. MC has two friends from his old world, both of whom create big harem of their own and yet when it comes to his own relationships, nothing ever happens... scratch that. It would be better if nothing happens, instead we get constant teasing followed by a predictable c*ckblock. And as the number of candidates for the harem increases, so does the time wasted on playing out the same routine over and over again.

To sum it up, the story does everything right, except for interpersonal relationships. <<less
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Le-Ether rated it
June 27, 2022
Status: c140
How should I say this. The novel is pretty decent. I tried reading it at first and was discouraged but then I tried reading it at the perspective of a japanese view (accepting cliche's and plots) and honestly it became quite okay for me. The entire story is great and the world building is something you would expect from an isekai.

Most characters are named after myths/legends like savior abel (abel from bible, demon lord iblis (islamic demon god), and etc.

Characters are cliche but overall has unique personalities and won't be... more>> a turn off. The romance on the otherhand is so annoying with the c*ck block which is understandable since the author might risk his account getting deleted lmao.

Overall. Pretty decent read and give me some insights. <<less
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Mahesvara_ rated it
June 8, 2022
Status: c340 Afterword
It's a bit fun early, but quite a lackadaisical ending. The MC was being c*ckblocked by the author the whole time. After all the virg*n shame the MC gets from people around him the main story still ended with the MC being a virg*n. So don't trust the tags. Not very wholesome tbh. I was kinda looking forward to him having cute Snake Daughters from Aya. Damn it! I don't regret reading this but the story feels like a foreplay without the main course.

It didn't satisfy me at all. My... more>> satisfaction meter is only around 65%. Tho the MC had some badass moments but the romance in the story is quite bad.

Also a tip: I prefer art similar to Korean manhwas or something like Overlord/Mushoku tensei. If you like mature-looking characters in your imagination, I advice not to look on the internet about the appearance of the characters.

The art here is kinda cartoon like— everyone looks like lolis and shotas not very accurate to the character description on the novel.

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Saint Life
Saint Life rated it
May 16, 2022
Status: c339
Overall, it was a good read. Despite how saturated the isekia genre has become, I would recommend this novel. Just like any other book it has flaws but not enough to ruin the story like other novels have.

If you are here for the Yandere tag, you will be disappointed. Although some heroines have some Yandere "moments", it's very lighthearted and don't act like Yandere at all throughout the entire story.

If you are here for the romance, you might be disappointed as well. Although romance is present, it is sprinkled lightly... more>> throughout the story that it feels underwhelming. It's the typical dense MC, harem members very proactive while the MC is always on the receiving end, and every time where it seem like they are gone tie the knot, they are interrupted with being attacked or someone barging in. It is done every single time that it got old real fast. MC doesn't even try to build a romantic relationship since the harem members do it for him that it feels one sided which makes the romance in the story so lackluster. If you are expecting romantic moments with the main heroine (goddess), you will only find that at the very end of the story since it's practically non existent throughout the entire story.
Despite these issues I had, the book was a good read and would recommend. <<less
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Ntzxo rated it
May 14, 2022
Status: c135
It's okay (?) I mean it's not bad but like this is not good either... this is just another story that you'll read and forget about it as soon as something else catches your attention; everything feels so blend and sometimes things are too forced... but like if you are looking for something to waste some time on I mean you could give this one a go (?) though you'd probably find something better if you looked around a bit.
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asiandude918 rated it
March 20, 2022
Status: c331
If you have read a lot of isekai manga, you may agree with the same sentiments as I do when I say that it's oversaturated and superficial. Most of the ones you see now seem to be clones of the popular ones but redone in slight miniscule changes with no substantial happening whatsoever.

Similarly, I did not expect much for this novel. The beginning was typical japanese classroom plot setting and how one guy got "left behind/abandoned" which happens to be the main character. He slowly gets stronger and piques the... more>> interests of new characters, relative to the new world or from the previous world that he came from. After reading for a while, I was pleased that nothing seems to be overtly rushed. The pacing of building the story and characters seemed to happen at a great pace and I enjoyed slowly understanding what was happening in each line of the chapter. I was even surprised that the author lead the story in a new direction that I did not expect. This made the novel extremely fresh and entertaining.

As you would expect from an isekai, the main character almost never loses. This seems to be a common recurrence in isekais and I can understand why people might not enjoy this part of the novel. The main character seems to also be popular with women but does not appear to overstep his bounds. This may irritate some people who would like to see developments with the mc's relationships but I don't mind too much. As long as you are open minded about the general structure of an isekai, I think most people will enjoy this novel.

Another great bonus is that the translators are great and fast at what they do. Overall, I recommend 👍 <<less
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cakekid rated it
January 11, 2022
Status: c322

MC is weak but becomes strong by focusing on skill proficiency, he's a training junkie who juggles water in his spare time. He overcomes adversity and discrimination throughout his journey. He pays the price from burning himself alive to sacrificing limbs to save not just girls but his party or group. He earns the respect of people who tosses him aside due to prejudice.


First. I wanted to add a good review because there are some readers who I do not respect that give very awful ratings.

I will agree the protagonist is somewhat dense at the beginning of the story and it later becomes part of his character in certain aspects but he is overall not an idiot. The protagonist starts off weak but grows to become stronger per arc. He accepts his weaknesses and focuses on his strengths. His RPG skill is vague 'passive' and 'active' and it is slowly revealed in its power throughout the entire story, it may appear to come out with no purpose at first but it later becomes more apparent each time he uses it.


The main protagonist has weak talents across the board meaning his growth is stagnant no matter how much he trains in the majority of his statuses and magical capacity. However, a Goddess take pity on him and choose him to be his apostle and grants him a knife (mythical grade) and spirit language. His crux is his magic capacity, he compensates it with water magic proficiency. The more skills he is, the less mana he would use. Later he learns to borrow power from spirits which is a massive source of nature mana.
The protagonist goes through a lot of hardships to get where he is at and he is lucky to meet colleagues who also have their own faults and work together to persevere hardships.

Massive spoiler:
The protagonist seems dense to other characters because he uses an ability called calm mind at almost 100%. His RPG 'passive' and 'active' helps him view the world in a 3rd person perspective as someone playing a game on the screen which also stacks with a calm mind. His main ability is water magic and uses spirit language to borrow power from the spirits to compensate for his lack of mana. The crux of his abilities is that it takes a massive toll on his stamina and lifeforce, meaning he can't go around spamming his abilities, or else he will literally use all his years of life. He can earn back years of life by killing mobs. He later earns a skill called 'Synchronize' which allows him, a skilled magic user to have access to a large mana pool of someone else. He does create his typical harem and it is acceptable because of polygamy. He generally, uses all his cards as a last resort and pays the ultimate price whenever a fight reaches the climax. He gets burned alive while synchronizing with a fire magician. He almost kills himself standing his ground. He sacrificed parts of his body to use ultimate techniques.
The gods are complicated and their power is fully explained towards a later end.

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SolidG rated it
January 6, 2022
Status: c322
I like this story dispite me rating it 3 stars. Having said that, I like this type of story a lot. If you dislike typical dense or weak japanese style protagonists, you will hate this, a lot. If you are going into this expecting a new take on Isekai novels you will be dissapointed, a lot. I've seen a few 1 star reviews and I do understand why. But, if you like just sitting back and reading a decently engaging isekai story I think you will actually enjoy this. I'm... more>> giving it 3 stars because there's just to many inconsistencies for me to really overlook.

I can't say for certain, but I'm fairly confident that the author is kinda just trying out different things and playing with a few ideas in the WN version of this. For the most part the author does a decent job of telling a good engaging story. Every so often though, there's a chapter that just... doesnt fit. Some of the ideas early on contradict what characters say later on in the story. Some of the logic is pretty flawed and doesn't fit within the confines of the story world. After a certain point the author becomes a big fan of foreshadowing except he doesn't do it subtly, he uses a sledgehammer. That's fine, except you know whats going to happen about 50 chapters in advance. The skill system seems to be.... meaningless at points. I'm still not quite sure if you are able to increase you skills or not. Some can, some can't its not really consistant. There's a few other things that bother me as well but I don't feel as though I can explain them without spoilers.

If you are a big fan of the genre, give it a go. There is a chance you will really like it. If you have issues with the typical cliches of the genre it would be better too try a different novel. <<less
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k40235 rated it
December 15, 2021
Status: c315
the setup is half-cliche, story is not that good, power system doesnt explain anything, characters doesnt have much depth to them, MC does have unique and good sides but not a great one either.
so why did I read that long ? Answer is : this story doesnt have anything set in stone, author completely decides what will happen next by the current events, which leads the story to original ways and makes characters relevent to the story unlike the other stories that uses everything as a tool and makes the story satisfiying to read even its not a great one.
if you are reading this manga trying to predict what is going to happen, drop it. You wil be dissaponted
if not, this one may give you a unique experience

if you dont want to be dissapointed at the end, read spoiler


what I said till this point completely crashes down in chapter 315, author breaks all the characters, and makes them behave the way they would never behave just to write a story


I quit novel after that, even though story is going to finish in next 30-40 chapters I never once thought I should read it to the end. It made me that dissapointed
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llde rated it
November 18, 2021
Status: c313
I would say maybe 3.5 show better my vote then 3.0.

I did enjoy this story, mostly but there are some part I consider flawed.

Worldbuilding: 7/10.

The worldbuilding is interesting, we don't see often direct partecipation from gods in these kind of series. There are some elements that could have been explored more (for example why and how the class were transported to that world, why Aya was an exception)

... more>>

More in detail, some important questions are avoided and forgotten. For example when the group go in Rozes capital, they cross an anti-monster barrier, but Aya, now a lamia, is totally unaffected. Same thing in the Great keith and Highland capitals. No one that knows about Aya race, asked anything.

Even in chapter 311 a demi-god barrier was deployed, affecting the taboo monsters in Iblis's castle, and Aya was totally unaffected, while Mel was affected hard. Now this was explained in-story as there are exception, but the only one that could have sneaked a lamia exception in the barrier was Momo (this is by assuming that everyone contributing to the barrier cast the same spell), and that no one else found that strange. Unless Aya being a monster is now know to more important people after the 1 year skip, but this is not stated anywhere. (Is not even clear if Sofia herself knew, as she entered the scene later when Aya revealed herself to Furie, albeit Eir could have told her, as Althena could have told Noel).

Or when Alexander commented Aya "Invicible Time" as "putting a leg into Divinity". It was totally ignored after. Even after Makoto and the others learnt that rainbow is the symbol of divinity and divine spells.

Also this is again an example how mindlessy inserting time travel can ruin the self-consistency of the story, if the rules aren't grounded at the start.

First of all there are some elements that make think about a "stable time loop". The coffin in Momo residence, that we seen pre travel, Momo behaviours themselves. Abel statue changing colors, and only Makoto is able to recognized it, instead suggests a progressive tampering with the timeline. Then at the meeting it's the resurrected GDL to tamper with history (couldn't have done that if it was alive, and there isn't a loop), and sending makoto back is a described as "not happened before".

Not a good job on this I have to say.


There are other little grievances with this, but they are honestly minor, and maybe are already resolved (or will) in the LN or adaptation (I already seen some differences between the first chapters of the WN and LN/Manga). Most require a couple of lines more, other a bit more, but still small. The only one that's more difficult to fix up is the last in the spoiler.

Characters 6.5/10

The MC is barely passable and he mostly hasn't a significant emotional growth.

Makoto is a sociopath, thanks to his skills, and while he do recognized sometimes that they are affecting him, he "forget" the moment later. While he being dense in relationships sense is understandable at the beginning, and some of the situation are hilarious, it stop being in this way after a while, and their interjection mostly seem comedic reliefs.

Aya and Lucy have more growth, as they grow more attached to Makoto and to each other. However while Lucy is shown improving her emotional state, from totally insecurity to a person with overall more self-esteem, albeit she still have quirks, Aya is supposed to highly emotionally unstable


being reincarnated in Leberintos and having her isekai family mu*dered


and hellbent on revenge. It was shown that way at least near the chapter with Makoto reunion. Then after the left Laberintos


and having killed the Harpy Queen

, this is as if it was forgotten, with a bit of remainder when


she ask for her sister location to Furie, disguising as a fortune teller in Synphonia

and then forgotten again.

Story: 7/10:

Overall the story is quite good, and quite enjoyable. Seeing makoto find unusual solutions to problems is quite the main point of this WN.

Makoto itself doesn't seem to have a fatal flaw. A possible Fatal flaw can be his uncontrollated recklessness (due to his skills), but while this did give him troubles, it's not causing a loss for him or his friends. (Albeit sometimes thanks to the goddesses that act as a personification of the story plot armour)

Lucy is the only one that have a proper fatal flaw. Her insecurity in fact at the beginning (but overall in the first part of the novel) is actively preventing her growth.

There isn't a proper midpoint for Makoto (a midpoint can be identified for Lucy's own story, where she start resolving her fatal flaw), but seeing spoilers, there seem to be an event that can be seen (with my limited info) as a "death experience" (this is a term used by some narratologist, as Dara Marks).

Translation: 8.5/10

Translation is quite good, well comprensible, there are some little mistake here and there. Nothing relevant (except a big one in chapter 294, but I don't know whetever the issue is in the translation or an error in the source material)

Some idiomatic speech figures could have adapted instead of being rawly translated and explained in a note. (Same with the honorifics, I'm not a fan on having the honorifics reported, albeit I'm aware that they could have been difficult to adapt in english (maybe easier in other languages)). It's not like there are cultural references that are important to the understanding of the setting (like could be with Yeon Lok Eun for example) <<less
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Z-Stern rated it
September 11, 2021
Status: c305
for me, it’s a good story on the same lines as death March. Light mood, with some good humour, not too many worries and a harem. I quite like it specially a few things that make this stand out :


the main character is not completely dickless! Yeah a virg*n and he keeps getting c*ckbloqued, but at least reciprocates love, kisses and so on, if anything else this is worth reading just for that

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ReinforceZwei rated it
August 24, 2021
Status: c302
Good start with weak MC premise but quickly went downhill.

Low effort in combat and ability utilization

There are few instances of strategizing and they're mostly early on like using water needle to target weak points of monsters. Later on it's just whoever has more power/better equipment. MC borrows power from companion/spirit/goddess and 1 shot whatever he comes across.

... more>> Low effort in power scaling

World follows a stat leveling system but it only serves as a plot device for characters to mock MC for being weak. When situation arises, author pulls a Deus Ex Machina and MC magically resolves it. Only thing MC needs is grinding proficiency because anything else can be borrowed.

Negative effort in characterization

MC has no other motivation other than being a simp for pretty girls.

Wanting to clear last dungeon? -> Goddess is pretty and trapped there

Becoming hero of water country despite his mistreatment there? -> Yes Princess of said country is a pretty girl

List goes on...

On top of that, MC is also a push over beta with self-esteem issue like most Japanese protag.

Low effort in story

No negative consequences for any decision if MC is involved.


Good when you want to read with your brain switched off <<less
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Wuxtor rated it
August 12, 2021
Status: c302
The story is fun for me. I don't know if others are rating this novel badly because it doesn't suit their preferences or not. The story explicitly and implicitly explains things especially for MC's personality or his own skills.

MC is pretty dense but I feel those who attributed MC as simply dense need a reminder of what RPG Player does as well as Clear Mind. RPG Player lets the user experience this as a game or outsider. That's why mental spells don't affect him. His past and beginning of the story gives credence to the person that is MC and why his actions make sense.

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sweetbabyalaska rated it
July 25, 2021
Status: --
There are a decent amount of isekai cliches but the author is aware of this and subverts my expectations here and there and manages to stay fresh and exciting. The introduction of the origin of skills, the magic system vs spirit magic system, as well as divine powers/the goddesses that take a big role in the story are something that I found extremely refreshing in an isekai WN.

I generally hate the typical isekai tropes, but here they are used well. Not as a crutch holding up a shoddy story but... more>> as a way to enhance the depth and immersion in to this other world. The MC doesnt start out OP and he doesnt start out as the weakest and immediately gain immense power for some s*upid reason. He starts out extremely weak and works extremely hard and intelligently to scr*pe through life and death situations in order to become stronger. His power feels well earned and well used. None of that edgy OP cliche bullsh*t here. Thats why I love it.

Id highly recommend this. <<less
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twdavis78 rated it
July 11, 2021
Status: c297
This is one of the best stories on Novel Updates. Translation wise, the skill of the translator is of the highest quality that can be found on NU.

Romance wise, the majority of the love interests are well developed. They spend time with the protagonist which lead to their own reasons for falling in love. There is very little of the "You saved me so I must fall hopelessly in love" or the "Your so powerful, handsome, and skillful, you must be mine" garbage that you in many isekai. While not... more>> perfect, the romance level is well above most isekais.

Power wise, the world has rules and the characters (including our protagonist), walk a knife edge where if the conditions are not right, their powers become useless and they can be killed. It is not like other Isekais where the over powered protagonist can yawn away a villain and have a pokemon *cough* love interest captured. In fact, the main protagonists powers are non standard and actually present a danger to himself. As he powers up, he is in danger of dying from his own abilities he has. The author has really thought the power system out.

Plot wise, the author has actually outlined the story so inconspicuous events actually have meaning later on. A very nice change. Furthermore, our main character's denseness actually has a reason in the plot.

While the story does not beat the reader over the head about it, the protagonist has a clear mind skill which is constantly activated in order to train his magic. This skill suppresses emotion to allow for clear thinking. The side effect is that it basically neuters our main lead. When the love interests actions become to obvious to miss, the main character instinctively activates the power preventing incidents that may destroy the balance of his relationships. Furthermore, the RPG gamer skill has the side effect of disconnecting him from the world making it seem like a game. This power allows him to withstand being in the presence of the goddesses without losing his mind but helps to exacerbate the lack of emotions. Throw in the main character's single minded goal to free Noah, you have a recipe for a dense character

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Akshayrauth rated it
June 19, 2021
Status: --
Hmmm not sure how to say it. It's a good novel but a bit too plane. No revenge, no real motive or threat to become powerful, it's just your every day average Japanese too good MC.

Harem is also very plane. Don't expect his classmates to treat him as piece of tr*sh like arifureta. No exciting power ups, no really op powers.

MC and harem goes on adventurers etc, . His classmates are good people lol. It's just your average isekai novel where MC just takes quest, completes it, gets level up,... more>> gathers harem, and fights demon lord. <<less
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EosTamar rated it
June 15, 2021
Status: c293
Story: Before the latest arc I would have given it a 4 easily. If you read a lot of Isekai you get used to over powered protags even with the weak at the start god the next chapter is done frequently enough to be a trope of its own.

Character development: Way to many issues with it to write about. It would read like a complaint blog so instead I'll say that the author needs help with building characters. I would recommend talking to more people and learning about them it... more>> may help.

Story line (different from story) :

This is its own category since the last arc was one I hate the most, Time travel. Author spent a lot of time doing a good job a world building only to have a third of it useless.


Recommenation: This will be good for anyone that likes/can stomach dense protags, polygamy, Time travel. Think less development per character than To Love-Ru. <<less
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DTeck rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: c161
It is a good read. I like the story and the MC. But at the same time I cant stand the way, where whenever something turned serious the author would thrown some harem situations at the readers, it just made all the seriousness disappear. Dont get me wrong I dont hate harem, but can you not read the flow of your own story here.
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