Bite Your Fingertips


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Chu Yu was good-looking and had a good family background. Despite being male and an irredeemable slacker, he was still elected as Jianing Private School’s school flower by an overwhelming number of votes.

The whole school knew that Chu Yu was on bad terms with the second year’s top student who’d won so many awards from various competitions that his hand had gone limp with exhaustion just from holding them. He was the cold, restrained, taciturn, and indifferent to anyone school grass, Lu Shi.

That was until one certain day after school, when someone saw Chu Yu amongst the trees behind the school building, pulling on the sleeves of the study god’s white shirt while speaking pitifully, “Lu Shi, give me a bite, I’ll be gentle.”

Lu Shi put his finger in Chu Yu’s mouth. “It doesn’t matter if it hurts a little.”


Chu Yu was frightened to discover that, overnight, he had awakened a strange bloodline that required him to suck a drop or two of blood everyday in order to survive. However, the blood of everyone was bitter and smelly, except…Lu Shi’s.

#The Heavens must be pitting me#


*坑 (lit. Pit.) means a teammate that intentionally or unintentionally screws their teammate over.

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CarinaNovel Updates
CarinaNovel Updates rated it
September 28, 2022
Status: Completed
4.6 out of 5 stars

MC: simple minded, insecure, lacks familial love, busy career mother + siblings, sickly since birth, cheeky, doesn't like to loose face, rich

Character growth: more independent, hard working, sincere, open minded, has a future he is working towards

ML: terrifying, cold, fights to vent the anger deep inside him, suicidal, loyal, lowkey obsessed with MC

Originally MC was the kind of person ML hated the most, unsuspecting, clean, and unguarded.

My Summary

... more>>

MC heard of an amazing hidden restaurant in a 'ghost town' and rushed there immediately. But he couldn't find it and instead stumbled upon a gang threatening a handsome guy who is indifferent and mocked them instead. A fight broke out ML beats them up, hidden scared MC called the police. They (ML who threatens MC) tricked the police and played innocent students.

Since then MC has weird symptoms: thirsty but not thirsty/hungy, hot all over. Thinks ML's blood smells delicious.

Later MC drinks ML's blood with ML's consent and encouragement.

(Reason/Flashback: He hears a woman scream: "Bastard blood is flowing though your veins!") ML:“I want him to need me, rely on me, and be inseparable from me.”

Only me.

Lu Shi indulged in this pleasure of being craved.)

They get along well and MC tags along with ML and his friends.

Someone insulted, challenged MC to be in the top 200 of the next mid term test (?), insulted and made MC insecur/realise his mothers lack of intrest and presence in him and his life. MC doesn't care about the provocation but he wants to prove something to himself: that he is not usless and that his mother actually cares about him and isn' indifferent.

ML is supportive and seriously helps him with catching up and studying. So wholesome! MC achieves it and is super happy someone framed him for cheating. MC is indifferent and offers to retake the test. He proves his innocence his mom came, because the principle called and MC cry. She disappointed MC and proved she only cares for him to not make trouble, ML silently comforted him.

When their class went on a trip and MC and his friend get imprisoned in a cave in the woods, because of a landslide. ML is the first one to search for MC, disregarding his own safety and health searching hours (and days?) on end.

Afterwards he also helps MC in dealing with the traum caused by the incident. For example he let's MC sleep on the same bed with the lights turned on and an emergency backpack on the side of the bed.

They are always by eachother side and when some thug threatens/tries to sexually harrasse MC (while they are out eating at a stall/restaurant) he protects MC by beat the thug and his gang up and stabbed a fork (?) Into the leaders palm, in front of MC.

ML slowly revealed his everything befor MC, layer by layer (because he wants MC to fall in love with his true self) as not to scare MC off. Because he thinks of himself as dirty and dark person who wants revenge for his birth mother's mu*der. MC realizes he likes/loves ML and told him that he would be with him and be his accomplice. He knows ML is ruthless and his countenance was sometimes filled with coldness, hostility, and paranoia, but he also knows that ML is more fragile than he wants to let on.

MC is very reliant on and sticky to ML. After a long time of coming to terms with reality he accepts the fact that his mother doesn't care about home and moves on.

ML resolves his revenge and exposes the mu*derers of his mother. His step mother ends up in prison, her brother as well, ML's father too and his grandfather lays sick in a remote care home.


They have a happy highschool live and then...

Me: *reads* chapter 88 (end)
Also me: QAQ What? This is too sudden.
What about MC’s vambire trait? What happened to the ML’s father’s company after his imprisonment?
I have so many questions! I don’t want this story to end just yet.
Wuwuwuw. (╯ರ ~ ರ) ╯︵ ┻━┻
But I can’t deny that this last chapter somehow gives closure. T^T It has a very fresh and youthful feeling to it. I wish every character a bright future eventhough I don't want this to be an open ending.

This dog is still hungry for more.

4.6 out of 5 stars <<less
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November 17, 2021
Status: --
Really sweet so far, however, I’m dropping it for now. I want to wait until the translation is done, because I can never resist MTL once I get caught up. The story in general is really cute and I love the dynamic between the MC and ML. I feel really bad for the MC because of the relationship between him and his mother.
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ScarletGlassesMochi rated it
February 24, 2021
Status: Completed

The slow built up of romance is great and the transition of selfish "love" to genuine love in a gradual approach is the best. It may have been a little dark if you look at their progression closely and each others thoughts on how they confirmed how they'll feel about the other. But aside from that, IT'S A BEAUTIFUL STORY.

... more>>

I'm just a little vexed at the ending because I wasn't able to discover anything about Chu Yu's family, especially his dad and his mother's intial approach in acting indifferent with him. The only issue that was visibly resolved is in Lu Shi's side, however, it's still a satisfactory ending because the point in this story is walking along side the 2 main protagonists resolving current issues. The matter about Lu Shi's dad nay have been a matter of the past but because he hold on to it and has plans for his family - that's why the matter is visibly read and compromises half of the novel. It's the protagonist's resolution. And Chu Yu doesn't want to explore about everything in his family's past. It's like playing a game in the character's perspective. So instead of looking into the story in a whole picture, we can only see through their eyes and we're limited to which area can we see and explore. Thus, we weren't able to look into Chu Yu's past because he didn't want to explore it. He already let it go - which is one of the "themes", about letting the past go, or chain and torment yourself because of a past. The indifferent treatment of his mother made him also indifferent, but because he still hold on that hope that he and his mother will one day become intimate again, he wasn't able to grow up and thus need an external force for him to expand his views. This matter may haven been half manipulated by Lu Shi by being always on Chu Yu's side, a trustworthy shoulder to lean on, the mother in the end said those words in her own accord. And thus the chance to rightfully correct her position and her son's disposition was gone. She also can't rebute because she herself is aware of her own actions thus can't reasonably defend herself. But ofc, I can't truly decide if she's a character worthy of sympathy because the author truly fit her role as a workaholic mother. Thus her minimum presence in the story is logical.



The matter about the vampiric qualities of Chu Yu (for me - a theory) is the manifestation of fate, to intertwine him with Li Shu. Think of it like the author's real role is like Cupid, they just have to make an opportunity where these two lone souls will meet, and the rest of the story is the climax and the conclusion of the encounter and the author is a reader himself, he's just writing whatever he sees while following the story of these two people.

Anyway, so the vampirism, the sudden thrist is like opening a new world, a new perspective, an awakening to maturity. And by maturity I mean, is to open your eyes and calmly accept the cruel truth. Also the thirst itself is a symbolism of looking for something to fill in the void, which is the lack of familial love. He may have been pampered by his siblings and other relatives, but he's extremely bothered by his mother's indifference so he subconsciously looking for something to fill that lack of love. And of course, it's pretty evident about the obsession of Li Shu in his own blood. The sweet scent may have been a calling to finding someone who fits to be the person you're yearning for (the smell of sweet loneliness). It's a theme of two lone people, seeking comfort and happiness in each other's arms. And yeah, acceptance (accepting his blood and accepting his pain/Li Shu - accepting his naivety, his insecurities about himself/Chu Yu).


I'm sorry, i've been binge watching all these game theories so I have a thing in making in depth theories this period 😅 <<less
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fireflying rated it
January 26, 2021
Status: c18
Note: I'm basically following the translated chapters, and have somehow resisted to urge to MTL.

Somehow, this has the same vibe as Transmigrating Into The Heartthrob's Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend (but is still very unique in it's own right). Am I the only one who sees it? The beautiful rich young master MC x handsome intelligent ML - also set in a school setting, with them being major figures, and everyone anticipating their every interaction.

This story is very endearing for me to read, I don't exactly know why. Just, I feel... more>> some sort of nostalgia when I first read it and I could not put it down. The word I would describe this with is "refreshing." It's incredibly refreshing and sexy (is that too strong a word?) to read about, and I'm always anticipating a new chapter.

The main couple's relationship is very similar to TITHCFC, but somehow, it's still very much unique and interesting still (maybe because I'm just a sucker for this kind of plot). So, it's TITHCFC + VAMPIRES thrown into the mix, and I'm really glad they actually went into his cravings and feelings instead of "Oh welp, guess I'm a vampire now lol guess I gotta deal with it now haha, " like in a lot of media. I'm hoping they go into how he becomes a vampire, instead of just brushing it aside. I'd definitely recommend to anyone. Especially if you like Transmigrating Into The Heartthrob's Cannon Fodder Childhood Friend. This is a better love story than Twilight, promise. <<less
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bluedrop rated it
June 10, 2023
Status: Completed
Aww man I wish it was just a little bit longer. Or at least have some extras or a sequel 😭

I'm so glad I finally got to read this. I kept skipping it despite it being on so many Rec lists. Mostly for the shounen ai tag lol and the weirdo concept.

I'm so happy to have read it and enjoyed it immensely. It hit a lot of my kinks although I'm still feeling unsatisfied with the ending. Great story and so very well translated. Great characters all around.
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xosekaixo rated it
December 26, 2022
Status: Completed
do they depend on each other on a "unhealthy" level? short answer, yes. BUT who cares??? they're treat each other so well. ML treats MC like a precious treasure! they wouldn't dream of hurting each other! it's always "us against world".

healthy relationship, unhealthy relationship doesn't matter. the most important thing is, they NEVER hurt each other mentally nor physically. they love each other and can't live without each other. MC is ML's whole world and vice versa.

even though they are in school, there isn't any school drama. same goes for... more>> vampire thing. it's just there.

story revolves around MC n ML relationship.

only if this were yaoi..... imagine the smut! however don't worry there are sooooo many real lip n neck kissing! hehe

ML's love is obsessive, possessive and dirty (ML said it himself) JUST imagine the 18+ scenes!😭😭😭😭😭 (when I said dirty I didn't mean bd*m. ML would never hurt MC. not even during sxx for pleasure.)

it'd been perfect if there are extra chapters when they're in late 20s.

Ruthless cold-hearted business tyrant ML and his highschool sweetheart husband/wife MC! AHHHHHHH!!!!

(of course at the end of story ML already own everything, company shares, properties, assets everything! but since he's still studying he's working behind curtains.)


not naive. he's carefree. good to his friends. little arrogant but not annoying. overall he has a good heart. in begging you may think he's bad at studying but that's not the case. he's smart. even tho MC is good person he doesn't believe in killxng hate with love. if someone hurts him, he would hurt him back.


Genius! super smart. he had a rough childhood.... tragic past.... his world is dark. all that matter to him is revenge. then came MC. brighten up his world. he's ruthless but he's a bottom line.

STORY ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

kept invested till the very end!


thank you sooooooooo much for translating this diamond!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


(sorry for my grammar. English isn't my first language.) <<less
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Ritsuka rated it
October 4, 2022
Status: Completed
I actually came in just expecting some normal cute highschool romance because they are all more or less the same when you've read a lot? But oh. my. god the s*xual tension in this is through the roof!!! I was fangirling so hard throughout the novel!

In danmeis, angsty romance, cute romance, normal romance they are the norm. There are only a a handful few which have such s*xual tension between the leads that it's palpable and this is definitely one of them. What Shounen-ai? Their kisses amd the blood sucking... more>> bits were hotter than most yaois i've read! So go in expecting some super great treats!

The ML... Lu Shi is such a sexy bad boy and you guys know what? I used to read novels and be like idk why girls are attracted to bad boys always and If all the bad boys are like Lu Shi, then imma sign up for them right here right now! If I like a character then its not from the descriptions of beauty by author in the novel cause ofc I can't see them so no simping but rather its from the character settings and development of a character and I really think Lu Shi is super sexy with all his fighting, teasing, aura and behaviour! (Hell guys he even does car racing! >\<) I'm also fatally attracted to him! He's a total obsessive yandere but not the one you roll your eyes at but the one that gives you dangerous vibes (no kidding I had chills in the starting chapters) but whom you're still attracted to like a moth to a flame.I totally love his honesty in showing the MC all sides of him before asking MC to go out with him because he wanted MC to fall for the real him! Plus he was so loving, adoring and indulgent to the MC when he fell in love. Letting the MC decide whichever race he runs, always supporting him in whatever he does, spoiling him and plus the stimulating situations whenever these two kissed! I'm so soft!!!

MC just straight up surprised me so much. Like the ML, I also expected him to be an unaware and guarded young master but the MC proved us wrong by first showing how mature he was. He didn't question why the ML might dislike him and be annoying about it but chose to stay away and be comfortable. Whenever something like people slandering him happened, he was calm and knew how to deal with the situation! I'm in total awe of his narcissistic self confidence regarding his beauty! We need more of that! But what made me love the MC more was how proactive and indulgent he was towards the ML! I love proactive MCs and everyone of them are definitely in my favs list, but the majority in danmeis you see are still passive ones. Its always the ML just giving and MC accepting in most of them. But in this MC was so doting and indulgent, whenever ML asked for something seemingly non-sensical, he would agree and follow through with it no matter what. Plus the proactiveness of him has just literally won my heart! The initiative he took for the kisses, for expressing his love, for hitting on the ML just left me screeching!!! We stan bois like that! Plus he was such a simp for the ML! I get you MC I get you. He would always get dazed after staring at the ML cause of his beauty and initiate kisses and such cause he just couldn't resist the ML's beauty! He even loved it so much whenever ML showed his possessiveness over him thinking that there's someone that loves and wants him this much! Lets not forget his drive to work hard and become strong, just for the ML! That literally became his goal to strive for!And I love that in the end he stood up for himself! Total badass! Thats the kind of character development I love! The character development is really good! He became so mature from the past indecisive him that yearned for his family love to someone who can calmly face his family and stand by the one he loves!

I can just keep going on and on about the ML and MC but imma stop and talk about how good the romance was! Palpable s*xual tension coupled with fluff!Imma use these words for all the interactions between our leads! Oh boi I freakin enjoyed it so much! I would be smiling goofily at my phone excited that all my family noticed it lol!But can you blame me? Their kisses and the blood sucking (believe me I'm not lying!) were literally hot enough to make you ascend (shall I mention how hot it was whenever Chu Yu l**ked and bit ML on his shoulder drawing a tremble and sigh out of him? >< I mean whatever stimulating situation you can think of they did it! Even the blood sucking kiss from the lips! I should shut up lest I spoil it all for you guys) and their interactions were so cute!!And Ugh their relationship was so equal, two way and trusting! ML was the one who caused all the character development of the MC by taking him around to experience new stuff that he never could before and broadened his horizons. He doted on him and indulged him so the MC finally got someone to depend on and believe in wholeheartedly when he always drew lines because he was neglected! On the other hand, MC was a safe harbour for the ML, someone who believed in him, someone who indulged him, needed him to keep him grounded to the world and to make him feel that someone loved him so much in this world despite knowing all his sides which he considers filthy and dirty. Someone who's willing to jump in the quagmire with him and pull him out slowly. Their relationship is just so beautiful! It wasn't just instant but rather slowburn and I loved how it developed. It started from just the ML's obsession without any care or love (it chilled me tbh) and then he did manage to get the MC dependent on him but boi did he fall hard in the process. It honestly was such a treat to see them slowly but surely get along, revealing their feelings more and more, depend on each other and then fall in love. Most obsessive ML stories start with love and I'm so glad it didn't, we got such great relationships development!

The side characters were really funny, a great addition of good comedy to this! The mystery about Lu Shi's past was really compelling. Good Job, Author I was really intrigued to know and then in its resolution after the reveal. The Author handled it really well. Like others I also really wanted some exploration about the MC's blood sucking bloodline but then I also think that the Author ended it in a good place.

This may have its flaws but oh boi my enjoyment level while reading this was really high so its a solid five star for me! I 10/10 recommend this to everyone! Its such a unique writing in highschool romance!

Thank you to the Author for writing this gem and to the translators for bringing it to us! I loved the translation! A lot of dialogues and quotes in it were straight up fire!! Loved this novel! <<less
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September 14, 2022
Status: c87
"If you're giving love to me, then I want you to fall in love with only the truest me."—c57

Definitely a novel you won't regret losing sleep over

If you have a biting kink, love your hot possessive male leads, & enjoy some rich family drama—be sure to read this novel. BYF is a delicious pot of many traits that I enjoy. From the scandalous drama & secrets of the wealthy to the s*xual tension that can only appear when you're 18 & sucking on another's neck for blood in the school's... more>> greenhouse. The novel has the perfect amount of angst & warm kisses to make you shift moods in a split second. &Amp; I COMMEND the author for writing one of the best bad boy formulas because truly—Lu Shi—is *chef's kisses*. It's a recipe for utter reading bliss.

I wish it told more details in regard to the whole vampirism origin, but who knows what the last chapter may bring <<less
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Fisukisuki rated it
September 7, 2022
Status: Completed
It's Absolutely Wonderful beyond expectations ever!!!

How the MC and ML get to know each other. What they think and feel about the Blood drinking situations. How they grow their feelings.

It's a Mutual Obsession and Dependency. MC make ML feels that his life has meaning. While ML let MC grow up emotionally and mentally (in super caring loving doting way that was PERFECT for MC). And of course it's Mutual Love and Affections!

For the plot wise, beside the Vampire problem, there's also Family Complex problem. It was almost as Important as... more>> the Vampire, if not More! It was Deep and Very Well Written!

This novel is Almost Perfect, but I cant confirm nor deny it yet because I'm still not finish it yet. Waiting for the last chapter to know if it Perfect or not. 🙏

What I can confirm is; this Novel is Truly Absolutely Soooooooo Damn Gooooood!!! Sooooooo Great and IM ABSOLUTELY LOVING IT!!!

Finished at 29 September 2022:

Till the end the Dog Food is Perfect!!! Chefkiss. jpg

Sure this novel is Not Perfect.



But put aside the flaw, the Rest of the Story till the end totally Magnificent and Absolutely The Best of THE BEST!!!

The Dynamic and how the story goes till the End... Truly Delightful! ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT!!! FOREVER TO THE MOON FOR THE ETERNITY AND BEYOND!!! <<less
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jellyfishies rated it
May 3, 2022
Status: Completed

Note: I finished reading this through raws but the translation is very high quality! Big shoutout to the translator.

Bro this author is so good at slow burn. MC and ML didnt get together until like chapter 60+, but it didn't matter at all because it burned so GOOD. Like there aren't that many dramatic romance-related revelations or anything you just know that the MC and ML are in love with each other wayyyy before they get together. The MC has been very reliant (and face-obsessed) on the ML from very... more>> early on, and there was an ambiguous period where it wasn't clear whether or not the MC really liked him, or was it just dependency. But then later on the novel it becomes very clear that the MC really really liked ML. And on the ML's end, he kind of has obsessive tendencies. So at the start all of his possessiveness was really just a desire to control, to conquer, to own, and not really love. But ahhhhh he softens up to the MC so much and ajghaopahvia there was a very poignant Moment^tm in the story where it just becomes astoningshly clear that something Changed about the ML's feelings towards MC. And that he had seriously fallen. And taken apart and separately examined, the relationship might not seem perfectly healthy. But the two really are perfect for each other. Due to their respective family backgrounds (oh boy the ML's family is a shitshow) the two grew up without much emotional security. And therefore ML's unhealthy attachment and possessiveness provides a cage that the MC is willing to walk right into. And MC's overreliance (some of which he plays up because he knows ML needs it) and attachment becomes the best assurance for the ML that he is needed, wanted, and shackles him to the world. Anyways! They are really cute! And ML' family shitshow was very intriguing and exciting! And oh also the MC drinks blood I completely almost forgot about that premise LMFAO. It was definitely a big thing early on but later on it didn't really have much prominence. It wasn't really explained either, it kind of just is <<less
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Devil Heart
Devil Heart rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: c55
My heart just melt

It was heart wreching, I'm so supportive of their relationship despite being a little bit scary but MC like him too just as much as ML like him so...

They need one another. Full stop. No one else can interfer.


Especially when MC's mom just left, then ML hug MC and "if she doesn't want MC, he wants him"

I just... UWU there
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wasififi rated it
November 22, 2021
Status: Completed
This book was very good. The character development is realistic, you can see growth but the characters personalities as well as troubles aren't magically solved but falling in love. Instead they navigate through their problems together and are there for each other. The ML is a yandere, he is possessive, he's not a good person so be warned before starting to read this.

Even at the end, he isn't a good person and it would unsatisfying if he was

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Kazekaachan rated it
May 22, 2021
Status: Completed
'll say it, this novel is a little dark I think?

however, at first the relationship between MC and ML became close not because they liked each other, but because it seemed like an obsession. MC is obsessed with ML blood, whereas ML really wants to make MC his and can only depend on him (and actually I don't understand why he wants to make MC depend on him instead of liking him or making him fall in love, I think ML is sick because of his family factor? Has a... more>> tendency to injure himself too)

the plot is not bad, believe me, the story is amazing. No need to wait long to find a cool plot (the scene when ML invites MC to a car race, then MC drinks ML's blood and ML enjoys MC's bite, fck is too passionate !!)

right, this story is hot in every bite vampire MC 

[Edit after completing the chapter] end of chapter 88 I thought it was very sudden? The author didn't make any gesture before ending it and when I wanted to continue, it was done. Shit, I'm not ready, why don't author write their ending with eternal happiness or an extra chapter on their daily lives as adults? !! <<less
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giyhakhan rated it
December 24, 2020
Status: c88
Overall the story is good. Both the MC and ML try to face reality and overcome their pains and struggle while becoming a pillar for each other through their journey.
The unsatisfactory part is that there is no explanation of how the MC got his vampire characteristic setting from and the background of the MC has been put much thought into.
MC and ML are too dependent on each other but there is no clear goals for the future except wanting to live with each. Like after the ML had completed his revenge he didn't no what to do with his life except living for the MC.

I like the story if viewed generally ignoring the plot holes in the story. The possessiveness of the MC and ML adds a charm to the story. How the become the strength of each other. Good development of the story.

Just the story should have some smut scenes it would have been more awesome, cuz too little stories go into dark romance genre would good storyline.
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meatbunluver rated it
January 10, 2024
Status: Completed
Not a full review because I don't remember most of the plot, but I remember being suprised at the depth of the plot compared to the summary. I agree with the other reviewers that the blood sucking is a plot device that never gets fully explained. Instead it's used as a catalyst to further the MC and ML's relationship, so I sort of wished the author gave a better explanation or had some other reason to tie the two together without the dependency that came with the "vampirism".
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Tee jay
Tee jay
December 18, 2023
Status: Completed
A very beautiful and poignant love story with a little angst mixed in.

It was lovely but the ending was just too abrupt for me. I have so many questions! Like what about MC’s vampire trait? What about Iris, didn't she feel she was used?
I'm still hungry for more. A single extra would have done to tell us what became of them after college.

Still it was beautiful. The romance caught me in the feels, it was so sweet I got cavities.
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HiddenHermit rated it
July 13, 2023
Status: Completed
I read this a year or two ago and remembered enjoying it. Reading it for the second time, it was harder to finish cause the anticipation of finding out the unknown was not there. Therefore, it’s best not to read the spoiler as it might affect your reading experience.

MC, Chu Yu, is an easy going boy from a wealthy family. ML, Lu Shi, is aloof and cold with beautiful hands. I wonder if the author has a hand fetish since ML’s hands got more mentions than both MC’s and ML’s... more>> parents combined. 😂


MC for some reason has a blood sucking trait. The reason is never completely explained in the novel. MC needs blood and has physical reactions when he is in withdrawal. ML’s blood is the only one that smells good to MC.

ML was portrayed as being mysterious and has self harmed himself. He realizes before MC that MC is attracted to his blood. ML believes his blood is dirty so he feels good knowing that MC doesn’t reject his blood but craves it. ML gives MC blood daily and this leads to the blossoming of their romance.



ML was mentally unstable because the woman he thought was his biological mom was actually his stepmom. He was then told that she died in childbirth but ML was suspicious. Later, ML discovered that his mom was mu*dered by his stepmom. His father and grandfather knew and covered it up.

In the end, ML was able to gather proof and completed his revenge.

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bebravenow rated it
May 28, 2023
Status: Completed
For me personally, I don't think there's a more interesting or compelling fictional relationship archetype than 'Both sides are unhinged for the other' and this story has this in spades. The 'male yandere' tag is accurate but there isn't a tag to show how Chu Yu is Capital-I-Into-It. Both characters have flaws and needs that are absolutely unhealthy but perfectly mesh with one another's. Every time I thought the story would shift into the 'One character goes too far and has to prove they can Change Themselves for their love'... more>> the characters only got more starry-eyed over each other. This is exactly my cup of tea, this is my absolute shit, this hole was made for me.

My only complaint is I thought there would be more on the supernatural side of things, but that honestly gets glossed over and there are no answers. Most of it is slow burn and fluff, and the drama instead goes more into Dog Blood, Soap Opera, Corporate Family Drama, which isn't bad I just wish I had more of a heads up going in. That complaint is small because even then the focus is more on how it affects the characters and their relationship and explains why they are the way they are. Ultimately a great story I binged in a day and a half and I wish there was more I'd read 200 chaps of this exact dynamic. <<less
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JuneV rated it
November 16, 2022
Status: Completed
The dynamic of Leads are so good. HighSchool love, the environment, the students everything brought me back to my schools days. [Sobbing in a corner. Jpg]

They are people with faults, everyone lack something in their life that they always yearn for.

ML and MC are typical example of minus and minus becomes plus. Their relationship may seem little bit toxic according to today's trend, that they are dependent on each other, but I see nothing wrong with that. They can't live without each other also, they are like light for each... more>> other's life. ML is shown a bit like Yandere, but tbh he is not yandere to the core, you can see that when the chapters go along. He respects MC and if MC says No, then it's a NO.

Highly Recommended!! <<less
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auroraRMC rated it
October 10, 2022
Status: Completed
Haven't been reading for a bit and oh boy, can I say this was worthy of being the novel that dragged me back into it? Finished it in one day and instantly catapulted to being one of my faves.

Absolutely riveting. This is a book of complexity, of contradictions. It's shounen ai but is filled with more s*xual tension and sexy vibes than some of the yaoi novels I've read. It's a story about 17-18 year olds but the ML feels nothing like a young teen. It has some of the... more>> purest, most lighthearted playful moments of kids at school, but is also filled with some of the darkest, most painful, and scary things imaginable. And that's representative of the dynamic between our MC and ML.

The ML, the ML. It's hard to imagine how a kid of only 18 years old could have survived through the life he led and the pain he experienced. He's so dark and twisted and mentally problematic, but it's beautiful. One of the worst yanderes you'll see for sure, but can you really blame him? Luckily for him, the MC has a symbiotic relationship with him. Neither can live without the other, and the blood is honestly used in a beautiful way as a way for them to vent, to express their need and obsession with each other. I love both of them so much and I wish this story were longer. I wanted to see more of my two beauties together. <<less
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