Against the Gods


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Mythical Abode Mountain, Cloud’s End Cliff, the most dangerous of Azure Cloud Continent’s four deadly areas. Cloud’s End Cliff’s base is known as the Grim Reaper’s Cemetery.

Over countless years, the number of people that have fallen off this cliff is too high to count. None of them, even three stronger than god masters, whose power could pierce the heavens, have been able to return alive. However, a boy that’s being chased by various people because he alone holds a priceless treasure jumps off the cliff, but instead of dying he wakes up in the body of a boy with the same name in another world!

This is the story of a boy wielding the Sky Poison Pearl, cultivating the strength to oppose heaven and earth, a lord overlooking the world!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Evil God
Heaven-Defying Evil God
Ni Tian Xie Shen
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416 Reviews sorted by

sulili rated it
November 13, 2020
Status: c129
I thought this one was interesting at the first 100 chapters or so but I dropped it. I liked that the MC has a sense of humor and initially it was fun to see him get his revenge. But I just can’t get over how as the story develops the MC’s quest becomes more and more convoluted form of ‘get stronger and acquire more women’. MC’s breakthroughs in skill are truly fast and furious with the aid of mythical beasts, rare treasure, random side characters (such as unexpectedly encountering his... more>> grandpa!! Come on), and any other plot device you could name. His women are all supposedly skilled and caring, and they can be satisfied for life to simultaneously be the ‘most important’ in his heart (seriously I think this is the most unbearable part). The villains seem to be written without depth or backstory to allow MC to brutally kill them, and inevitably they become his life enemies who somehow don’t have any brains. So in summary, one person holds up the sky and protects all of his growing number of women, and tramples all others into the dirt. <<less
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Legendary V
Legendary V rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: c1265
Exellent Xuanyuan/wuxia (Culyivation) Novel, if not the best.

So enjoyable and satisfying in a great way that is perfect.

The fights are great, the romance is not shallow and have it's sweet moments/interc**rse wish-fullfilment chapters (there's some separation periods but it's definitly reasonable + NO LOVE INTEREST IS FORGOTTEN)

if you're new, this+martial world is my top recomendation in the cultivation (action/romance) genre.

You're welcome :)
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May 28, 2020
Status: c1700
5/5 Until he leaves for the God Realm, then the author starts to degrade YC's character for plot.

At the start YC was quick on the uptake and had a full understanding that a life dedicated to revenge s**ked ass and he will no longer sacrifice anything for it.

Currently, he's denser than lead and has dedicated his life to revenge with another soul inside him that has also dedicated its life to revenge.

At the start, YC and FMC were of the opinion that sacrificing one for the other is idiotic and... more>> they should just muddle through together.

Currently FMC is seeing how it goes.

At the start, YC was horndog.

Currently he has erectile dysfunction with a girl in particular because plot and won't commit to a relationship with a woman he slept with multiple times.

After God Realm it's basically turning into a chinese drama movie where everyone dies and it's all pretty sh*t in the end. <<less
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Jusbored rated it
March 20, 2020
Status: c1640
Currently waiting for a batch of chapters to be translated.

This is a really good novel, a classic story with a confident, arrogant, and just different MC. The best thing is he's a total chad and it meshes well. He does what he wants and goes for it.

Highly recommend it. It's a great/typical zero to hero story with continued power-creep progression.
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atomsphere rated it
January 30, 2020
Status: --
This is one of my top 3's among City of Sin and Second Coming of Gluttony.

The cultivation system is nice. The characters are distinct, even all of the harem members. The primary romance is just excellent. I'm about 150 pages behind atm because I'm letting it get ahead for a binge, and even though I've read plenty of stories since then, this story still resonates with me. I clearly remember many scenes that'll likely always stick with me.

That's not to say the novel is perfect. That's an absolute impossibility in... more>> any form of literature. For example, I don't always like the MC. But it's as close as it needs to be for me.

Enjoy your read. <<less
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laurerwa rated it
July 10, 2019
Status: c714
First off, if you really want to read it, I would advise you to completely protect your mind from Yun Che's ideas. Why? Because he goes against every law of survival, killing people just because he doesn't like them. I mean it's no big deal if you have enough power or schemes to do it, but he offends strong houses in public just because of face. He would rather be prideful and on verge of death than mantaining a low profile for a while. He's kinda a rare specimen on... more>> the jungle for being able to live for so long.

Second off, MC is basically a masosad and f**ker cultivator. He gets stronger putting himself in every dangerous situation while making s*x with every woman he meets.
How can he manage his time like that? Is he a Nasa computer?

It's really s*upid sometimes and if you dont take a break you might lose 50 IQ or even your life (only, of course, if you try to cosplay him). <<less
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Arafell rated it
March 17, 2019
Status: c1323
I can't believe I read almost 1400 chapters of a xianxia fic, but this story had me up till 4 AM reading on my phone until the battery died. This is the best xianxia I've ever read, and I've read my share.

Characters are fleshed out. Some of the villains are traditional martial stepping stones, but some of them stick around with their own personalities and goals. Some of them I even liked. I can't express how rare it is in this type of fiction to like a villain. The main... more>> character isn't always the smartest, cleverest of heroes (especially after his mentor leaves) and he does make horrible, horrible decisions sometimes, but he's not your typical edgey wish fulfillment protagonist. As a con, all the beautiful women have 'jade skin.' It gets... repetitive. Still, they have their own personalities, histories and powers, which is better than many stories out there. Just know that he's definitely an unashamed harem protagonist, and he gets called out on it often.

The plot moves quick. For the most part, this story moves at a fast clip, but it never fails to build tension. Che is always building towards a goal, always discovering new things, and while occasionally you want to smack some sense into him it never feels forced. Even the most egregious coincidences can be blamed on typical protagonist destiny, and the foreshadowing is almost always on point.

The combat scenes aren't bad. The story does run into the typical problem of simply sticking 0's on the end of numbers to make them bigger. Protagonist has the typical ability to beat people above his level. His style is generally made up of cheats and luck, which usually turns out well for him. Occasionally, he does run into situations he can't handle, and he's often forced into desperate strategies just to survive.

The writing is definitely where this series shines brightest. The author brings it all together with a master's skill, and it's clear that he's plotted things out far ahead of time on the macro scale. I don't give out 5 stars very often, but this one deserves it and more. <<less
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Sharry rated it
February 24, 2019
Status: c1331
Nice one.I got hooked from the first chapter. Author does really good sarcatic expressions. MC is quite a lecher which I don' t mind. MC really plays around while being a doctor which is hilarious. MC is very weak at the start but when he start to grow it's fast and Superb. Cultivation does not start until chapter 45. There are times where MC goes quite overboard & he can sometimes act very s*upid but story' is still interesting. Best part is no girl get' s buried and everyone of... more>> them has a presence.I like the funny parts more than the serious ones. There is a good balance of everything. Just skim what you don't like & it'll be avery good read. <<less
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January 31, 2019
Status: c1328

Gets extremely repetitive. It's always going to be become the strongest in a certain area, ascend and start from 0 again. If it is just this, I wouldn't mind but what I hate is his personality. In the lastest arvs, he knows that the whole world is going to undergo a calamity that only the strongest being in history has a chance of overturning, and he has a chance to get 3000 years of cultivation worth. In exchange, he will be late with his promise for 1 year if I'm not wrong, yet he wants to reject it. It's extremely frustrating and s*upid.

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deco morells
deco morells rated it
October 30, 2018
Status: c1212
I am up to date with the english translations which is basically chapter 1212 and from what I read I have to say this novel is by far one of my favourite (joint with Release that witch and the novels extra, I have read many other novels and their all tr*sh had to drop most of them within like 200 chapters). The novel started off perfectly and the romance and harem is good mainly because every character is actually important, they play an important role in the future and... more>> they are never forgotten like most other novels.

The main character is actually likeable, he has a goal but he is funny aswell as treating his woman right so their is a good amount of romance. What makes this novel great is the mystery aspect theirs alot of mysteries which have yet to be solved and the ones that have been solved are actually interesting.

the novel is really good and picks up straight away it has a lot of development up to around chapter 700 were it becomes repetitive so after the illusionary demon arc. I did drop it around that time but I picked it up again a couple months later but im telling you after you get through a couple chapters like from 750 to 930 then thats when it gets really good the story takes off at around 930 because of the god realm that literally changes everything. The story becomes amazingly interesting because theirs new plots goals characters mysteries and most importantly his harem.

against the gods is great because it actually makes a a guy with a harem work as every one of his spouses are an important element of the story and some of them are very important to the plot

btw I f*cking hate his lil aunt she was so annoying that was one of the reasons I nearly dropped it but thank god I picked it up because once you reach the god ream the story just becomes so interesting. Having an interest in a novel is very rare because most novels die out due to lack of plot or the author ran out of ideas and the story just becomes dead.

in terms of best girls chu yuchan no1, mu xuanyin no2 huan cayi no3, xia qingyue no4, jasmine dosent really coount feng xuer no 5 cang yue no6 and fooken hate his lil aunt hope she gets forgotten unfortunately she is extremely important to the plot in the future

issth is tr*sh. Same with mga which I dropped at like 2122. Emperors domination was tr*sh due to dislikable MC.. Sottr was also tr*sh due to it becoming boring as hell. Ast was tr*sh because theirs no plot just echii shit. A will eternal was bloody boring. Everyne else is returnee is also boring tales of demons and gods was atually good idk why the author isnt uploading because it has alot of potential. Warlok of magus world is atually good but if it had romance it would of have been perfect. Desolate era dropped at like ch 100 because it became boring. Martial world is also tr*sh beause of MC who has no personality and is not likeable and the even in the god realm the story is dead. Heavenly jewel change I hate the way the females act. <<less
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puchina rated it
October 28, 2018
Status: c1210
This novel is very fun to read, what I like the most is the harem tag, which might lead you to think that once the MC conquer a girl he will undoubtedly end up leaving her behind and thus keep conquering more women and then behind them behind, well on this novel we can see that the MC hang out with all of them, even at this far of the novel we still read about his first girl; every girl have their charm, they are unique and that’s what I... more>> like about this novel and the harem tag to its finest.

Even though most of the chapters are about fighting and training it is kind of ok for me, world building and character development is very crucial to keep the readers intrigued.

What I don’t like about this novel is, you might have guessed it....

-The lack of enough chapters of romance ahhh!!! <<less
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Ixcez rated it
May 31, 2018
Status: c650
This novel is the very definition of a one trick pony.

Basically the plot is MC get’s into a fight with young master, MC beats or kills young master. Then the dad comes out and beats MC, MC ”dies” everyone goes buuhuu, MC finds magic item to power lvl comes back beats the dad. The granddad then appears ”epic” fight ensus arc ends and then repeat.

On average every arc is 50-100 chapters and along the a-b-c-a-b-c plot random stuff are thrown out to hint at the MC’s background, the hidden world... more>> etc etc to keep the reader hooked for the future.

Sadly even that turns out to be more a-b-c. I wouldn’t mind all that much if it didn’t feel like the whole story is like the author has a prepard template in which he only changes the names and some minor details of the bad guys, harem members and fills in some blanks left to make the ”story” differ and thats it. <<less
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Ersicoada rated it
May 6, 2018
Status: c1097
I've been following this novel since the beginning and I like it (at first), because I thought the MC was decisive. (I'll be honest with you all, I'm just gonna rant in here) Well, he is decisive but only to male character. To female character (always pretty or sexy or cute bla bla bla), he became idiot.

Male character kidnap your family? UPROOT HIS CLAN OR SECT!

Female character is the reason why I'm hunted and my family almost died? No worries, in the end I will forgive her~

Male character is act... more>> like a saint? NAH, NO WAY HE'S A SAINT, I TELL YOU HE MUST HAVE HIDDEN AMBITION IN HIS HEART

What? Female character is otherwordly pretty? "Plot" start! She's not important to the story? Become my sister! <<less
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freedom1x rated it
February 16, 2018
Status: c772
There is always a key. And MC has it all!

Got bored after realizing that MC did not need to struggle that much to get what he wanted.
Lucky chances magnet.

Alot of memorable encounters, scene and twists. But over all the cliche is balanced by good style of writing.
There are some paragraphs that I skipped because, personally, I think it was predictable and sometimes irrelevant.

Not much to say but this novel can easily be forgotten, Not too much impact for me. I do not find any unique elements that are unforgettable. Like eating hard boiled egg spiced with salt. You remember the flavor, but you have tasted better food, so not much to say about it. But you will miss eating it again sometime, so you will crave it. That is how I feel about this novel.
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1234gary rated it
February 12, 2018
Status: c1024
Definitely sets a baseline for a slightly above-average cultivation novel (relatively speaking). On one hand we have an interesting MC with a multi-tiered backstory, as well as the author putting subtle plot hooks for the future everywhere. It definitely shows that the author put some effort into crafting the plot and the world. On the other hand, the story flows as you would generally except an average cultivation novel to flow; the same rehashed plot you've seen many many times across 10 different novels.

I would say ATG was definitely entertaining.... more>> It certainly sets what I would consider the bar to being a decent cultivation novel. While its plot is repetitive, what I like about this novel is that the author definitely put some thought into how he should flow from arc to arc and how he should subtly set up events in the future unlike many other of its contemporaries.

Story - 3/5

Enjoyment - 4/5 <<less
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Chachingmel rated it
January 16, 2018
Status: c10
For me, I usually make a choice of if I should read something within the first 10 chapters.

This story clearly wasn't meant for me.

Its my understanding that the actual story starts around chapter 150 and the chapters before it, are world building.

... more>> And it shows.

I really didn't care for the unhealthy amount of times the Author describes how beautiful the MC wife is, in the first 10 chapters.

And I don't care how the Author expects you to make it to Chapter 150 without switching off after chapter 10.

What I do care about is how likeable the MC is.

And here is the truth.

The MC is an idiot who thinks he's smart.

I've only read chapters 10 and I face palmed so hard, at the MC s*upidity in certain moments and how he tends to overreact.

The Author tries to hammer in the first few chapters that the MC is smart and calm.

Actions speak louder then words, and if you read about the MC actions, you would think the Author was joking

Yes, I admit the first chapter or first two chapters were amazing but then the story fell apart after he reincarnated.

This story was not for me. <<less
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Yuzu rated it
March 7, 2017
Status: --
Had an interesting start with the whole medical-doctor background. Though for me it got extremely dull after the MC is constantly being swung around women majority of the way. Literally every woman he meets has some sort of powerful standing in places they come from and hence the harem. Heck, his partner in his body is a girl.

Better yet, he manages a whole female sect. No wait, having a girl for a sword! Imagine that anime action, wielding a girl to battle.

Just know that every time he goes to a new place and gets stronger, he'll either be banging or marrying a new chick.

You won't find him having any great male allies aside from his brother-in-law. Enemies are all men with brain problems, greed and hell lot of hot air.

As for the plot, over seven hundred chapters just focusing on travelling between two points and back.

though the author saves us the wait of finding his real parents unlike other novels that spend 1k+ to just get there.

Then we have loli girl who keeps hinting and throwing in knowledge about a larger world, stronger existences, literally a walking encyclopedia just to introduce OP things to the reader and make them feel omg because of the background history behind it all. Yeah, the only 'Gods' mentioned so far was from her. To which you can pretty much predict that this story is to help jasmine go against the 'gods' which is pretty much her father and others [iirc]. So yeah, truly a harem plot to win end with getting her love.

Lots of plot armor as everything will go in the way for the Yun Che. He's always has someone to cover his ass and make a comeback that surpasses the enemy. The only time you see the author real into writing is when the chapters are considerably long trying to 'end' the subject there.

Expect this novel to be a seriously 'LONG' one with how exaggerated Jasmine keeps describing that they're all ants. With so much girls, the text is gonna be jammed pack with romance than action.
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eunice.goh rated it
March 7, 2017
Status: c752
This is one of the best novels that I really enjoy and the translation is great too. Most of the low ratings I've seen for this novel is actually due to the difference in taste. Honestly, if you can't accept harem stories, then it would be advisable for you to stay away from any novels with "polygamy" tag and just stick with the ones with "protagonist loyal to love interest" tag. While I understand that there are quite numerous novels with 'mindless harem', whereby the females fall head over heels... more>> in love with the MC for no reason, I felt that the development for ATG is actually just right. There are reasons for the females to fall for the MC and the progress feels just right for me. This is definitely not a mindless harem and all the harem members so far are really likable (with exception to one with the annoying 'kind personality' that made MC spared one of the villain)

This MC is not a saint so if you don't enjoy a story with MC who mindlessly slaughter people then this is probably not for you. I actually find his personality likable compared to the cliche righteous MC type. <<less
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MondoX rated it
September 1, 2016
Status: c1013
This used to be one of my favorite novels, but not anymore. I used to overlook the repetitiveness, but the repetitiveness as become repetitive, if that makes sense? I also overlooked the harem, but when the next girl becomes the most beautiful women of clan->city->nation..., it becomes annoying. However, it does not compare to the "Talking" arc, almost 100 chapters focused on talking. About 10% of the talking is interesting, the rest is "how dare?, " etc., and repeating the same conversations in different words. Unfortunately, I cannot drop it,... more>> because the author has some interesting plot lines that he has not gone in depth. <<less
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KKristen rated it
August 31, 2016
Status: c595
What you need to know about ATG:

• The author is very good at writing fight scenes, reaction scenes, and massive cliffhangers.
• This is definitely a fast-paced action novel with plenty of harem and crazy powerups.
• The beginning of the series is very interesting and will suck you in.
• The main characters (family & girls) are almost all likeable and there are some good emotional scenes related to them.
• The villains are completely two dimensional and will be forgotten at the end of each arc.
• As the series goes on, it gets VERY repetitive. Especially with tournaments, lolis, and finding treasures. It gets very predictable later on.
• The author gets increasingly long-winded and has the characters SAY everything rather than SHOW things. This leads to many chapters where characters just yell reactions, repeatedly yell the same reactions, yell their entire backstories, and yell their entire plans.
• However, the novel stays exciting, the fight scenes are still there, the reaction scenes satisfy your urge for soul-crushing superiority, and the cliffhangers are mostly still deadly.

• If you're looking for a fast-paced action novel with an over-powered main character, who has a sharp tongue and lots of harem, ATG is for you.
• If you don't like cliches, repetition, yelling, lolis, predictability, or bad writing, ATG is not for you.

• This is one of the first Chinese LNs I read, and it's the one that really s**ked me into xianxia/wuxia.
• I'm still reading it because I want to see where the story goes. And yes, the main character Yun Che fulfills my need for OP destruction/putting people in their place.
• But the more I read, the more annoyed I get with the author's bad writing

EDIT, 5 months later:
• Dropped ATG a long time ago. I no longer have any motivation to read the novel at all, other than wondering what happened with a few of his waifus. If I could just look up a short, bullet-pointed list of spoilers for those characters online, I would. Barely even have the motivation to do that, though.
• Also, I think these are good comparisons:
If you like stories like MGA, you'll probably like ATG.
If you like stories like World of Cultivation or Douluo Dalu, you might like ATG a little at the beginning, but you won't like it later.
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