Against the Gods


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Mythical Abode Mountain, Cloud’s End Cliff, the most dangerous of Azure Cloud Continent’s four deadly areas. Cloud’s End Cliff’s base is known as the Grim Reaper’s Cemetery.

Over countless years, the number of people that have fallen off this cliff is too high to count. None of them, even three stronger than god masters, whose power could pierce the heavens, have been able to return alive. However, a boy that’s being chased by various people because he alone holds a priceless treasure jumps off the cliff, but instead of dying he wakes up in the body of a boy with the same name in another world!

This is the story of a boy wielding the Sky Poison Pearl, cultivating the strength to oppose heaven and earth, a lord overlooking the world!

Associated Names
One entry per line
Evil God
Heaven-Defying Evil God
Ni Tian Xie Shen
Related Series
Martial God Asura (31)
Martial World (20)
Chaotic Sword God (13)
Tales of Demons and Gods (13)
True Martial World (12)
Emperor’s Domination (12)
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416 Reviews sorted by

Rahan06 rated it
November 1, 2018
Status: --
Reviewing again. Rated 0.5/5. Not 5, It doesn't deserve it..

This is a total shit. don't read it. don't read this crap. I was naive back then and also a beginner reader.. didn't know much about plot storyline... Totally fall for it.

Complete Rubbish is this novel. same arc again again again..... how MC level up? r*ping and r*ping women. all the women are for MC to level up. sh*t head rubbish MC. worst. just worst novel ever.. Don't waste your time reading this sh*t.

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Jojo775 rated it
October 27, 2018
Status: c1210
A lot of you are looking at it wrong, if you don't like wish fulfillment xianxia/xuanhuan bs with it's 1D characters then don't read and rant here! For what it is ATG is one of the best novels in it's genre. First the battles are epic and the cultivation system interesting, second it doesn't get boring now matter how many new realms MC reaches and the cycle repeats, third it has great humor and that's saying something considering that this genre rarely has humor at all.

That's it from me, everything... more>> else rdawv has said, haters gonna hate for reading the genre they don't even like, I suggest you ignore every 1 star review. <<less
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Winddragco rated it
July 27, 2018
Status: --
I hate this novel because all problems are solved by f*cking a powerful girl. Like every god damn time the me is on the verge of death, and then have one of his harem members f*ck him. Then me gets powered up by only couple levels, and slaughter the s*upid enemies like chickens. Like wtf just couple levels is enough to be that big of a differences? Also he slaughtered near hundreds of thousands of innocent people just because of one d*ck head.

Then he r*ped a girl, and that lead... more>> to that girls death. Also it is always so god damn predictable when he heads to some small worlds. He gets lose in the world then finds an evil god's seed, and when he comes back his family is at risk. He then slaughter millions, and then leave the main culprit alive. Wtf just like millions of lives loss, and you leave main culprit alive wtf. <<less
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Grarg rated it
July 1, 2018
Status: c240
This is one of the worst storyboarded stories I've ever read. The author doesn't even bother hiding the fact that he's constantly pulling things out of his ass. Some spoilers detailing why this novel is so terrible:

  • A lot of CN novels start the MC off with some sort of advantage (past memories, powerful spirit teacher, or OP treasure). This novel starts the MC off with all three so he's disgustingly far ahead even at the beginning of the story.
  • Much of the plot development is dependent on supposedly wise characters doing insanely s*upid things. The MC is outed as adopted and expelled from his clan because, I sh*t you not, his grandfather was loudly talking about it in front of a gravestone and someone who hated the MC happened to walk by and hear everything. At another point, the MC robs a sect clean while disguised. Instead of intelligently escaping and getting away scot-free, he scrawls his name all over the treasury to make sure this super powerful branch sect knew EXACTLY who robbed them. This s*upidity almost gets him and one of his lovers killed and quite possibly endangered his family as well. No reason is ever given. Throughout the rest of the story, the MC constantly goes out of his way to make enemies for absolutely no reason through unnecessary insults or provocations.
  • Finally, huge swaths of the story read like an incel's fetishy fever dream. At one point, a woman is severely injured protecting the MC (through a sequence of events instigated by him). The only way to save and cure her is, surprise, surprise, s*x. Eighty chapters later, another female character has a bloodline power she can share, also unsurprisingly, through s*x. This is the first time I've read a story and honestly felt disgusted.
Other CN novels range from decent to bad. Against the Gods takes the cake... more>> as one of the worst and it's story (if it can be called that) is nothing more than the author's masturbatory fever dream. <<less
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Sytohden rated it
May 2, 2018
Status: c1093
This novel is good in the begining but then leads to mostly garbage. Even in the begining the plot points are questionable. Where the translation is now in particular is completely horrible. This novel and author have serious problems. Considering that this novel is current meaning it is being released atm and the translation is very close to the current chapter I'm glad I don't really have to waste my time any further. Imho novels under 5 stars are almost worthless to read therefore this novel isn't worth reading. Do... more>> yourself a favor and try finding some novels that are better and easily pirated on the interweb via a few google searches instead of picking this one up. <<less
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EvilGenesis666 rated it
October 17, 2017
Status: c960
Novel starts of amazing and keeps being like that, however the quality deteriorates as the novel progresses. Same stuff gets repeated, newly introduced side characters are the same as the ones before (that had the similar role as them), MC acts the same in similar situations...

... more>>

MC is multiple times on the brink of death, gets a powerup / inheritance, comes back at LITERALLY the last minute before everyone dies / is crippled and saves the day. It was amusing at first, but then it just became repetitive and expected.


The worst thing (for me at least) about the MC is that he becomes somewhat hypocritical as the story goes on, which bothers me the most since I hate hypocritical MC's.

Overall, if you like hotheaded MC, mass powerups (inheritances), easy harem, tons of fights, consecutive breaktroughs and higher realms, this is the novel for you. <<less
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Loriel rated it
August 1, 2017
Status: c382
Giving it a 4 because some of the hate it gets is unmerited and you gotta respect the translator for putting so much effort into it.

Its not a stunning piece of literature. Its a feel good harem novel. The MC isn't perfect, and while some of his harem members do come off as one dimensional, its not such a bad read.

Its not like ATG is the only disappointing harem novel on novelupdates anyway.

So, read if you like harem and OP MC's that fight beyond their level. The MC does go... more>> overboard at times, but which MC doesn't? <<less
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Weed2 rated it
March 8, 2017
Status: c752
The plot itself might be generic (Reincarnate into another body, looked down upon, train, face-slapping the bad guys), it's still an enjoyable read overall and I like majority of the characters inside. Though still a word of precaution, like what was already stated in the comments, you probably would not like it if you're not the type who enjoys reading harem stories since most of the people in powerful standings are women (who might or might not be added into MC's harem).

Hence, if you do not enjoy this kind of... more>> story, then this might not be your cup of tea. Seriously, there's a harem tag plastered there, so I don't understand why those who hate harem stories still read it. I mean seriously, if you hate harem, then don't read it. If you do then be prepared for it. Don't go on complaining about how MC's hitting on almost every pretty girls or about the harem later on. <<less
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Fenhir rated it
February 25, 2017
Status: c748
Yun Che is great, his girls are awesome, the pacing is good and dont waste time with the boring parts of the cultivation like most of the novels of the genre (entire chapter or even more every single time the MC have a breakthrough, looking to his dantian and stuff like that)... for the ppl complaining about the antagonists and/or the plot is repetitive... I really think you should try changing the genre you are looking for, 90% of the xianxia are just like that, and its even a lot... more>> worse because even tho the plot indeed repeats itself sometimes, the author here still does a pretty good job keeping it entertaining. For me ATG is the best of the genre and the only part that I really dislike is having to wait 2/3 days to read a
single chapter lol. <<less
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Dark_Messiah rated it
January 1, 2017
Status: c529
+Interesing story, powerful MC, and good pacing.

-Old love interests barely mentioned after a while, too many "love" interests for no reason even though MC keeps saying that the only true love he will ever have is the girl from his previous life, MC is way too lucky and has way too many oppurtunities for no reason, s*upid decisions done away with ridiculous actions even though the MC is "clever", s*upid enemies.

Originally, I wanted to give it 2 stars, but this novel's s*upidity is actually amusing to some level which makes... more>> it worth reading, so i'll give it 3 stars. <<less
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Logan_Cross rated it
November 20, 2016
Status: c666
There's a reason why this is popular. That's because it's that awesome!
Don't get me wrong it's pretty generic at times and characters love to repeat themselves when arguing with the MC, but it's still entertaining asf! The plot seems predictable but I believe that the story is still in it's baby stage, so it might gets mindblowing when they start introducing some god characters.

Main Character- Yun Che as a character is very entertaining. He's smart, ruthless, and just damn awesome. He has a policy that I really love: If someone treats you kindly, repay them with 10 times the generosity; but if they if they mistreat or harm you, repay them with 100 times the cruelty. I'm not going to lie, I love it when he gets angry, because there's always a massacre that follows lol.
overall Yun Che is a pretty good MC, although a lot a people thinks he's a hypocrite.

Harem- first of all, Yun Che has a pretty impressive harem, mostly tsunderes but still great. Two princess, a empress, a goddess or something similar, Two world shattering beauties, etc.

Let's get a little in-depth:

Xia Qingyue- Yun Che's first wife and to be honest my favorite. Because of her obsession with finding her mother, she devoted her whole life to cultivation. She comes off as cold as first but she's actually a kind person. When Yun Che was still a powerless nobody she protected his honor and his family for him. She also comes to his defense several times even after he became powerful. She's always the first to fight with him when things get rough. That's why I respect her.

Cang Yue- The second wife and princess of Blue Wind. To be honest I didn't really like her. I'll admit that she's strong willed but she was kind of a damsel in distress. However, that was the past. She's proven that she's no push over in the recent chapters and i'll say without doubt that she's had the biggest character development of the harem. Even though she's weak, she's a badass ruler and deserving of respect.

Chu Yuechan- little fairy is the first and only baby mama at the moment. She is similar to Xia Qingyue since they're apart of the same sect and practiced the same technique as master and disciple. Little fairy is a fan fav because of the loyalty she showed towards Yun Che when everyone thought he died. She didn't hesitate to erase all of her techniques and leave her sect to protect their baby. She even went on her knees and cried before her master to keep the baby. I mean the woman literally vomited blood when she heard that yun che died! If you don't respect her you're an idiot. The only down fall about her character is that we don't know where the hell she is!

Snow Princess- she's a darling, you just can't hate her. She's a really cute character. A bit sheltered but is a good girl, and powerful too. Although her family deserves a thousand death!

Huan Caiyi- Yun Che 3rd wife and supreme ruler of a entire continent. TBH I love the little demon empress. Her life is a bit tragic and she only have 3 years to live (for now), plus she can't have kids (for now). However, this 100 year old loli can't be look down on. She's smart, ruthless, and powerful asf! She's a bit of a tsundere but the lovable kind.

Jasmine- Everyone's favorite loli master who lives in yun che hand.... well the pearl in his hand. Her backstory is still a mystery, but we've learn a few things and guess the rest. She's currently just a spirit but she's still by far the strongest character in the series at the moment. She's also a big tsundere but don't worry when she gets her body back she'll definitely fall into Smooth Che's embrace.

Ling'er- the woman who's the most precious to yun che. She's his lover from his past life and fiance in his current. Yun Che won't be able to get closure until he marries her.


All in all, the characters outside of the harem are pretty amazing as well. Just give it a try and you'll see what I mean.
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grandplex rated it
August 30, 2016
Status: c593
Almost 600 chapters in, that's a lot of chapters, unfortunately, that included a LOT of filler. ATG is filled with repetition, at first, it was hard to predict what the MC would do, but in the last couple hundred chapters, practically everything could be predicted, because it was the 3rd of 4th repetition of something that happened before. It isn't quite as bad as MGA, where it not only has repetition, but the most nauseating MC ever, but the MC is not enough to makeup for a plot that can... more>> just be flipped through in 2 minutes to figure out almost everything in the chapter, flat side characters, and no plot twists. I give it an extra star above a 1 star for the MC. <<less
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piledriver rated it
August 19, 2016
Status: c576
ATG is one of the most popular xuanhuan novel you could read in the web. It starts totally brutal and the way the MC served his vengeance won me over. So why I rated it 3? In one word, the latest chapters and as a whole it can be summarized as - "repetitive". In two words - "early bloomer". In three words - "too much dragging".

How is it "repetitive"? The plot is, or to be more specific, the way the battles work is repetitive. The pattern is pretty much simple.... more>> The MC gets oppressed by a "group" of people far stronger than him. He gets into trouble and gain some heaven defying benefit from it. He always then proceeds to "single-handedly" obliterate his enemies while his cultivation is one or several realms lower than them which would always receive awed expressions time and time again. In all of the tournaments, he would always represent his side alone, gets mocked first because of his cultivation level, and proceeds to smash everyone by himself. Why is it an "early bloomer"? Because it has already matured long ago. The recent chapters have nothing new to offer the readers. Sure, smacking the face of this vile antagonistic characters seems satisfyingly good all year round but atleast make most of them, if not all, not one-dimensional, brainless fools and fodders who only knows how to insult and oppress the MCs and his harem then later on gets butchered by the MC whose cultivation is several realm lower than them over and over again. Even the best antagonist is depthless I daresay. Too long; didn't read it reminds me of Bleach. Started great, later on so-so.

Why "too much dragging"? I'm not going to spoil it but in one of the recent arcs, you would find out or rather feel out that the author is dragging 'too much'. Exposition is fine but facts that have been already covered and laid out in the past would be repeated many times over in every chapter in this arc. Content-wise the chapter could have ended in one or two paragraphs but for some reason it would be stretched into 10 or so paragraphs just to fit the word count necessary to call it a chapter. The rest are recycled words including the cursing of this arc's antagonists. Their arguments and motivation are the same, you just need to change their name and viola you have a "brand new" antagonist. In short, copy-paste characters. Unmemorable. Fodders. You can't even call them side characters even though they somehow have their own dedicated chapters. To add salt to injury, there's dozens of them.

So is ATG worth reading? Yes it is. It's still one of the better novels you can find. To be fair, the beginning is really great. However if you're a critical person that dislike depthless characters and repetitive plot then you're not going to like the latest arcs. Reason? It's all stated above. <<less
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Breaker12 rated it
July 21, 2016
Status: c536
This used to be my favorite novel. This is also the one which introduced me to the world of Wuxia and Xianxia. Originally, I thought that it was the best one out there, but after reading other novels, I realized how wrong I was.

Against The Gods is good. Yes, it is. However, it isn't original at all. It dearly lacks originality more than anything. Why? Well, let me describe a few of the many examples:

... more>>

Let's start with the basics. This novel is almost a rip-off of Martial God Asura. The similarities between them are ridiculous, and we can link thousand of things. Firstly, the cultivation system is almost the same, and the method to go up a realm is identical. Then there's also the fact that both main characters are ruthless, smart and handsome. The difference? Yun Che knows medical things and doesn't r*pe girls like Chu Feng. By that point alone, I believe that Against The Gods is better than Martial God Asura. A remastered version, if you will. Then, there's also the fact that Jasmine is basically Eggy, and many other thing.

Anyhow, there's still more. Remember the banquet arc of Against The Gods? 'The Battle That Shook New Moon City' arc? Well, just a few days ago, Martial World began a new arc (It begins around 365). It's also an exchange of pointers, and the other powers bully the sect or clan the MC belongs to. Even the battles are almost the same, specially the first few ones, with the reactions of the people who lose and the elder exactly the same. However, it must be noted that Martial World is finished, and over 2000 chapters (2253 to be exact). The author has already begun another series, True Martial World, which is 524 chapters long so far. Against The Gods is only 676 chapters long at the moment. It's obvious who thought of the idea first.

Now, let's continue our analysis. There are many other elements, but I'll speak of another who which made me angered. You guys remember the arc in which Chu Yuechan was injured, and Yun Che had to take care of her? Yes? Then, isn't the similarity between it and the arc in Battle Through The Heavens where Xiao Yan takes care of Yun Yun (Or whatever her name was) rather uncanny? Again, Battle Through The Heaves is already finished, with 1648 chapters. It's more than obvious who came up with the idea first.

Also, Yun Che uses a heavy sword. Xiao Yan uses a heavy sword.... how strange, don't you think?

There are also many other similarities between Against The Gods and other series, but I won't go too much into that. There are also many cliches used: Yun Che has a mysterious past, he gets a legacy left behind by someone, and a peerless master in his head. The only different point is the fact that he has some superb medical skills, but he rarely uses that anyways.

Anyhow..., what I mean to say is that Mars Gravity is a great author. Superb, even. However, he could really use some originality. In my opinion, he would be better off writing fanfiction or something.... Anyways, if you haven't read other Xianxia and Wuxia, Against The Gods is a great place to start, as it's amazing. As long as you don't have previous knowledge of other novels, that is.

However, if you're looking for more originality, and much less cliche, along with an amazing plot and everything else, then, well.... You should give World of Cultivation a look. It starts slow, but I can say that it, along with I Shall Seal The Heavens, are the best novels I have ever read. I'm not talking about Xianxia and Wuxia Novels... I'm talking about ALL kinds of novel. They are simply amazing in every single way. Martial World is also an awesome novel, and although it's rather cliched-ed, I believe that it's pretty good, much better than Against The Gods and Martial God Asura, at the very least.

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DarkD rated it
June 20, 2016
Status: c356
The story isn't bad to start with, but what they did around chapter 350 was just too brutal, it's a problem that evolves as the story progresses. The biggest problem is that the protagonist is a dumbass. He will never back down from a fight, he will always respond to the other parties taunting. He will always make enemies with anyone who causes him even the smallest of slights. He basically wonders from town to town pissing off almost everyone in it.

The protagonist is an ENORMOUS hipocrit too. At one point, he tearfully said to his dead wife that he wasn't going to seek revenge anymore.


The protagonists actions in the story can only be described as the most vengeful, spiteful, hateful p-o-s to ever walk the planet. There is intelligent merciless. Then there's just evil merciless. The protagonist is definitely the ladder. The chapter I stopped reading on, was the point where this merciless behavior reached critical mass. This is like, spare no man, woman, or child type of thing. Piss me off, I'll cut of your ears, gouge out your eyes, destroy your spine, break every bone in your body, then cut your thing off. That one actually happened fairly early in the series too, but I could live with that because it only happened to a genuine bad guy.
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Delroy rated it
June 11, 2016
Status: c400

At some point this novel just became pure sh*t with the Protagonist treating women as tools to be acquired for prestige and selfish motives while still hypocritically pretending to love them (this is all true as he immediately forgets his current woman for ages after he's wooed her into bed.

The protagonists are also just the dumbest human beings I have ever seen in my life, failing to recognize mount Tai when they see it. I guess I cant blame them though after all the MC's plot armor is so thick that even if they brought their whole sect of immortals, the MC would still win even while being 20 levels lower in power.

Anyway, I just can't get myself to give this novel a rating that's any lower as it started out pretty decently. Plus, there's r*pe (which the author tries to justify) in this book soo.....

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LombokHot rated it
May 30, 2016
Status: c461
Its just Mars Gravity being Mars Gravity. His novels always starts good but keep going down the further it goes. I got the feeling that he suddenly went out of idea in the middle of the novel and decide to simplify the whole things and sometimes drag things out. He didnt always drag things out, but when he do, he really drag things out, really really dragging it out that you feel like you better never read this novel at all.

You're eager to see the outcome that can be... more>> concluded in around 5 chapter. Instead of the outcome, MG gave you the legendary fillers, the shocked chapters, the reaction chapters, the chapter of overly long unnecessary explanation, the shocked chapter again, the another stronger opponent that suddenly help the currnt opponent, the shocked chapter again, the another stronger opponent that suddenly help the currnt opponent chapter, yet again..... and so on till you lost your curiosity and the long awaited outcome that isnt as epic as you hoped it would be

This novel is good but dumb, awesome but sometimes bored you to death!!! Read it when you have a lot of free time and patience to build stacks of chapters before binge read it. You can expect awesome things in the early 200 or so chapters and continue to read without stacking things up. The moment you feel that things are starting to be dragged out, then start stacking up chapters to avoid the urge to kill the author. <<less
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Emphasisedreality77 rated it
June 21, 2022
Status: ---
Tbh this novel is for newbies to this cultivation genre. if you have any experience then this is not for you imo. This is an MC who imo is the king of all simps. The greatest beta male the world has seen. Many people praise him as a chad etc, well yeah he is a chad to men but against a pretty woman? he will turn into a spineless coward that cant think.

Later on women just pile on in his harem but the story turns into a drama in later... more>> stages and is quite enjoyable to some, but unfortunately I had to drop it since im sick of simping MC. Simping for p**** is not cool or commendable. it makes you look like a desperate loser, but if your name is Yun che its allgood? lol...

Also the r*pe many people complain about, in these novels this is as cliche as it gets. it is also by far the worst cliche of them all. And no for an MC who tortures people to death im not saying r*pe is where I draw the line or any of that. All im saying is, to save a woman who doesnt want to be r*ped by raping her is as low as it can get. Before you come for my throat if you are defending this action saying 'oh but she was going to die' Well yes she would have. But a human has dignity, especially a virg*n who has lived thousands of years old. They take this very seriously, now you might say im using this worlds logic in a xuanhuan fantasy. well yes you are right, the logic in these fantasies are different, but r2pe is looked down on in that society just as much as it is in ours. And someone who has lived tens of thousands of years as a virg*n... theyd rather die then get r*ped to lose their first time.

Overall was enjoying this novel at the start and started off strong, however as I said I draw a line with simps. no matter how cool they are, a simp will always be a simp. this guy will bend his back and walk on all fours if a pretty woman asked, but if a man asks him nicely please move aside, he will say who do you think you are and start a beating. im all for ruthlessness but when its unbalanced it looks weird.

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April 14, 2021
Status: c1827
One of my favorite cultivation story novels. I bet most of the people who voted 1-2 stars have not read the late chapters yet. So they don’t know how awesome this novel is.
In my country, the population is around 66 million, this novel gains 45 million views. I think this can guarantee how awesome it is.

In the late chapters, the story is very good and intense, the plot is twist and really interesting.

What I like:

1. Cap level of cultivation is very high.
2. MC is a good person, not dumb, don’t hesitate to kill anyone who harm him and his family and friends.
3. MC is not invincible. He almost dies so many times.
4. There are many characters. Each of them has their own characteristics, not just an idiots supporting char.
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farvskun rated it
March 30, 2021
Status: c1778
A cultivation story with a predictable plot. Yes.

Top-tier MC. Yes.

The plot? Superb.

The harem is beautifully done.

ATG is my first ever novel that got me hooked into chinese novels so I may be biased when compared to others because all the other novels I read before is dropped.

What I love in this novel is ofcourse the plot, no. 2 is the harem, and most of all the MC's character.

It has it's tearjerking moments, good comedy and badass moments.

... more>>

(Minor spoilers) this novel got really good after 1300+There's a big turn in the plot and in the MC's character.

Well I will never state that this is a perfect novel, it has it's downs, especially that prolonged arc where the MC eradicated the Burning Chicken sect. Other than that, I wish the hiatus would stop, hehehe.


Overall it deserved my 5 star because it satisfied my tastes. My first novel that I reviewed in this site btw. <<less
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