A Will Eternal


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One will to create oceans. One will to summon the mulberry fields.

One will to slaughter countless devils. One will to eradicate innumerable immortals.

Only my will… is eternal.

A Will Eternal tells the tale of Bai Xiaochun, an endearing but exasperating young man who is driven primarily by his fear of death and desire to live forever, but who deeply values friendship and family.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Thought Through Eternity
Nhất niệm vĩnh hằng
Sonsuz Bir Arzu
Una Voluntad Eterna
Yi Nian Yong Heng
Related Series
I Shall Seal the Heavens (Shared Universe)
Renegade Immortal (Shared Universe)
Pursuit of the Truth (Shared Universe)
Against Heaven (Shared Universe)
A World Worth Protecting (Shared Universe)
Outside of Time (Shared Universe)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (36)
World of Cultivation (15)
Renegade Immortal (10)
Heavenly Jewel Change (8)
Pursuit of the Truth (7)
Great Demon King (6)
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241 Reviews sorted by

llxamllz rated it
January 7, 2020
Status: c500
  1. MC doesn't know how to think. It is fine if in the early of the novel that the MC is naive but after the story proceeds he still the same. MC always asks a question that "Why cultivator has to kill or fighting " while he also kills a lot. I wait for an event that makes MC grows but until chapter 500+ there is no sign of it. So I decided to drop this novel.
  2. It seems like the novel shares a similar cultivation method like ISSTH. ISSTH cultivation is intensely concern with Dao while in this novel is too vague especially in concoction medicine. MC always produces additional lucky medicines that he also doesn't know those medicines are despite he is already tier 4 in concoction medicine. What inconsistency is this?
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Sheik Yerbouti
Sheik Yerbouti rated it
December 2, 2019
Status: Completed
Er Gen = Quality. This one might be my favorite Xianxia yet. Has everything I want from a Cultivation Novel; Perfect Translation by Deathblade, an awesome Story, Unique MC and some of the funniest sh*t I ever read.

This and Renegade Immortal are Er Gens best works, if you want something lighthearted that makes you laugh read this, if you prefer a more dark and serious story try Renegade Immortal.

10/10 can't recommend enough
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IMakeCopperMirrors rated it
September 3, 2019
Status: Completed
Rating: 5/10

Another novel that is hard to rate because its quality drops so dramatically. The 1-2 hundred chapters still followed some basic common sense and attempted to maintain the characters' personalities true to themselves. The overall plot was also gradually revealing itself out of the mystery so it couldn't be judged. Moreover, it had many brilliant comedic moments even...

But then the fire nation attacked... or the equivalent of that happened to this novel. The lack of an overall layout for this novel crashed all hopes. Everything became a ravaged mess... more>> with plotholes like Swiss cheese. Even the humor vanished. I want even bother going into details because I could write a mini novels describing all s*upid things done or left undone by the author. Enough to see what special piece of sh*t the ending is.

Honestly of the last 90% of this novel only the last epilogue chapter is worth a damn. <<less
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ysers rated it
July 27, 2019
Status: Completed
Plot: +0.5 - Good plot with many twists. Many realms, each with its own stories. Good translation. +1
The ending was confusing. Later arcs lost the story's dramatic effects. Seemed like things were becoming too easy. -0.5

Challenge: +1 - Main character faced many difficulties.

Main Character: +1 - Consistent character. Dynamic. Not cruel.

Romance: +1 - Fun relationships. Many twists.

Drama: +0.5 - Not many losses. Passage of time or other challenges didn't have a strong effect (compared to ISSTH)

Comedy: +1 - Good amount of humor.

Overall: 5/6 (Good series)
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bhankit rated it
May 11, 2019
Status: epilogue
This is one of my all-time favourites. I like this better than ISSTH. Now, in my opinion, the novel is not perfect as there are some things that I did not like:

Animal r*pe (used once as a comedic device)

A very rushed ending (seriously, it ended so fast that you could feel the rush author was in to close this story)

... more>> Weak Romance

Most of Er Gen's novels have a lot of suffering for the female lead but this one left a bad taste in the mouth at the end.

But apart from these things, this is a masterpiece among the pile of sh*t that CNs are. The translation is awesome as is the writing. So no more complains from me. It is practically flawless. I recommend this highly. <<less
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happyfanatic rated it
April 26, 2019
Status: --
Very funny and creative. In my opinion an improvement over ISSTH which the author also did since it has better pacing then ISSTH did. He's not padding the word count as much.

Yes, there is the usual Er Gen stuff. Animal r*pe humour, check. Melodramatic number counting (10 meters! 15 meters! 20 METERS!!! OMG), check. Main character who somehow outsmarts everything under the sun in unrealistic fashion, check. That weird thing where anonymous onlookers make expository dialogue as events happen.

Personally, I still think its 5 stars easily. The author is talented... more>> and his writing strengths far outweigh the problems with his storytelling. Love this story, warts and all. <<less
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LeylinIsOP rated it
April 24, 2019
Status: c1315
Awesome novel and a must read if you've read I Shall Seal the Heavens... It also ties up with the rest of Er Gen's universe, although at the end.

PS- Read it on the original translator site wuxiaworld. com mostly because you'll have a lot of questions at the end of each of the last few chpaters and the comments there mostly answer them.
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tyrn rated it
April 14, 2019
Status: c1296
Readers of Er Gen's previous novels (ISSTH, Renegade Immortal) who are familiar with his writing style will find that for the most part, A Will Eternal conforms to his take on Xianxia novels. For those unfamiliar of what that entails I can only describe it as a mixture of comedic highs and very emotional, sometimes heartwrenching, lows. An important distinction is that AWE is more comedic than his previous works and if you enjoy Er Gen's brand of comedy AWE will have you chucking and grinning most of the way.

However,... more>> it's here that I believe that a lot of AWE's appeal falls apart. The majority of the humor surrounding our MC, Bai Xiachun, centers around the "heaven-shaking" disasters that he brings about and the unexpected good fortune he experiences afterward; only for him to do it all over again, and again. This formula gets stale and while the individual arcs themselves never feel poorly written it becomes hard to stay invested when the reader knows it's just going to happen all over again. Overall I think it all boils down to whether the reader enjoys the comedy of AWE and doesn't come into the experience expecting BXC to suddenly have a profound personality change. <<less
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Littlegirl78 rated it
April 14, 2019
Status: 881
I won't say much.

A Will Eternal is the funniest novel I ever read and I'm a person who has read all genres which means I read plenty pf different books.

It's the only novel that I read again and again. You'll say you haven't finished it yet and I'll say that I went back to read some parts of it even before I finished it. It's just so good.

There's only one thing I don't like and that's relationship between Bai Xiaochun and FLs. But that's probably because I'm a girl so... more>> it is not so important.

Well when I looked at what I wrote actually I said a lot, aren't I???? <<less
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FishCream rated it
January 19, 2019
Status: c713
Aldight, at this point I'm completely addicted to this. The MC is top tier shameless in a well balanced combination of surprise and dreadful precognition along with a bunch of interesting side characters.

I could drag the positives out infinetly but there are a few things that make me annoyed in the otherwise fantastic experience: The author seems to be addicted to describing things as "Heaven-shaking, earth-shattering" and it's absolutely ridiculous. When EVERYTHING is earth-shattering from the get-go it just become increasingly hard to feel the rising power levels throughout the... more>> novel. Secondly there's a reoccuring sentence in almost every single battle something along the lines "all this takes time to describe but happened in the time it takes for a spark to fly off a flint", it's always the flint comparison and it completely disrupts the flow of the battle. Finally, the author apparently doesn't know what an area is since they are often described as "3 000 meters" which is clearly a length and pretty often cripples the world buildning, by the way those lengths are also pretty sketchy from time to time like when they described a courtyard in a fortress as "30 000 meters" *press (x) for doubt* unless that's the circumference that's a "heaven-shaking, earth-shattering" courtyard right there.

Alright I'm done venting and I know I'm just nitpicking but these three things really stand out in this otherwise fantastic novel so if they would just disappear that would be great thanks author-kun :) <<less
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Seblang4818 rated it
January 11, 2019
Status: c858
I have really enjoyed the story so far. If you liked the MC from ISSTH then you will really like this protagonist. He is shameless and funny but somehow he still manages to be a total badass at times.
Even though there is alot of comedy, there are still many epic and incredible action packed moments.

One of the only things I did not enjoy about this story from Er Gen is the harem. I prefer non harem novels but still decided to give this one a go. Eventually though I got used to and it did not really bother me all that much.

The story is totally awesome and you should most definitely give it a shot.
You will not regret it.
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DLSloth rated it
December 1, 2018
Status: c1314
I'm in the dark lurking force mtling this one so I don't even know what's what.

Ok the MC is pretty shameless (i mean very shameless), though I don't kinda like his childish behavior but er gen really shows why's that (well, the MC is the spoiled young master of his sect, and he acts like a young master too, like a lot)

Er gen is really good at keeping this MC different to his other MCs, tho there's kinda little development happening to BXC like MH cuz of forcing the comedy, but it's still really fun reading this.

The world building is done ok, not much info dumps and was explained slowly.

Can't say much cuz I even doubt what I read (it's yo fault dark side, my eyes are now corrupted!) I only know the end is much worse compared to his other three novels cuz


aftwr the hundreds of chapters slow cultivation, he pretty much speed breakthroughs


Well I heard it's cuz Er Gen leaves QI so he pretty much rushed the ending, but he should still take it slow even tho he will leave.

Pretty much recommended to those who wants a pretty good laugh.

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baelar rated it
July 26, 2018
Status: c752
This novel is a 5/5 and the only bad thing to say about it its that its not fully translated.

I would pick this novel over ISSTH any time.

"With the flick of a finger, I lord Bai made whoever wrote this review reset his novelupdates password because he had to log in to give me 5 starts."

I will probably pay the translator to unlock the final chapters once it gets to the final 100 chapters.
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July 23, 2018
Status: c740
Simply an amazing novel. Personally I love the MC's personality, albeit a bit shameless at times. Every arc had a bit of suspense, action and a healthy dose of drama. I'd rec this to anyone in a heartbeat!
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Megosu rated it
July 9, 2018
Status: c719
It's my most favorite novel out there :D I always can't wait to see what next trouble Lord Bai is going to get into. It's hilarious and very fun to read. I read ISSTH but dropped it near the end but this novel is so much better. I adore MC character, he is so shameless that it's almost cute ?
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June 4, 2018
Status: c650
What happens when you add good humour to a well written cultivation novel. Well, something extraordinary.

A small boy, timid and very much afraid of death dreams of being an immortal. This dream could be quickly realised by the keepsake of his late father, an incense stick that could summon an immortal.

AWE is one of the best novels in its genre. It's a fresh approach. It's unlike "Pursuit of the Truth" where there is almost always a solemn seriousness. Neither does it resemble "Ultimate Scheming System" or "The Strongest System" which... more>> become too focused on the comic element that there is no plot to speak off.

So there's a plot. Good story progression. A likeable MC, with super antics. And the occasional comic element to keep the novel fresh. The great part is actually the accumulation of all of the above in a great way.

If anything, the mental character growth of the MC leaves much more to be desired of. But this is easily ignored, a flaw that you might never even realise.

So go on and give it a read. You can't call yourself a Chinese webnovel reader unless you read this golden of a gem. <<less
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Yang Emperor
Yang Emperor rated it
February 28, 2018
Status: c450
Honestly this is the greatest novel I’ve ever read in my life so far. Er Gen has really outdone himself this time.

The comedy in this novel is 10/10, and the action is 9/10. The only thing that kinda bothers me is that he barely ever focuses on his cultivation, but levels up faster than everyone else. Other than that I highly recommend this book.
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ZeSzymi rated it
February 25, 2018
Status: c451
After reading sad, emotional and brutal Renegade Immortal I've never thought that Ergen can write something so different yet as good. Funny and great story maybe sometimes a little bit too long but anyway 5 out of 5.
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VvvV1225 rated it
February 12, 2018
Status: c425
Sometimes the humor is off, sometimes it follow your typical cultivation novels. However this is a priceless novels.

for the following reason:

The MC is a hit or miss, meaning either you like him or not.

... more>> The world is well build with a story progression.

Lack of brain-damaged random old dude that hunt the MC because of a random"young master".

Arrogance is on point. Well balanced.

Pretty much every fight has a "LEGIT" reason behind it.

Regardless of the positive, this novel does have some shortcoming, but for me they are drown into the positive.

TLDR: a must read novel. <<less
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Sleyzhi rated it
February 8, 2018
Status: c417
The funniest novel I have ever read. It's that kind of novel you would read when you feel down and that will make you feel better. It is not only comedy, it has epic battles REALLY NICE ONES. I love the MC and his s*upid way of refining pills and how he loves peace but always makes people so angry. It's really enjoyable, really, you should read it.
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