A Will Eternal


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One will to create oceans. One will to summon the mulberry fields.

One will to slaughter countless devils. One will to eradicate innumerable immortals.

Only my will… is eternal.

A Will Eternal tells the tale of Bai Xiaochun, an endearing but exasperating young man who is driven primarily by his fear of death and desire to live forever, but who deeply values friendship and family.

Associated Names
One entry per line
A Thought Through Eternity
Nhất niệm vĩnh hằng
Sonsuz Bir Arzu
Una Voluntad Eterna
Yi Nian Yong Heng
Related Series
I Shall Seal the Heavens (Shared Universe)
Renegade Immortal (Shared Universe)
Pursuit of the Truth (Shared Universe)
Against Heaven (Shared Universe)
A World Worth Protecting (Shared Universe)
Outside of Time (Shared Universe)
I Shall Seal the Heavens (36)
World of Cultivation (15)
Renegade Immortal (10)
Heavenly Jewel Change (8)
Pursuit of the Truth (7)
Great Demon King (6)
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241 Reviews sorted by

sudipto rated it
December 27, 2017
Status: c1311
Without any doubt this is a must read novel.

The MC is a genius, funny, and heroic in nature. The side characters are well-balanced. The world is gradually building up as story progresses. The fights are well-written. And most importantly MC is not evil who kills people in cold blood. I can not find anything to cause me to not like the novel. Awesome novel overall.

EDIT: I have come back after finishing this novel on lnmtl to say this: This novel did not disappointed me once. Although the story felt rushed... more>> at the end, but is was totally enjoyable. I couldn't find any repeated scenarios unlike other novels. <<less
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Seregosa rated it
November 1, 2017
Status: c430
Haaaaaaaaaaah... So disappointing I don't even know what to say... But let's give it a choice anyway.

It started out quite decent with a lot of comedy, it all mainly stems from the mc's shamelessness and how he's quick to change attitudes about things, going from cowardly to c*cky in a split second and then the reverse. He's a guy terribly afraid of death albeit he won't accept bullying if he stands a chance and people push him. The other source of comedy mainly comes from animals in different forms... more>> who just happens to be as shameless as him or causes him trouble. However, it gets old quite fast and the mc's personality gets old even faster. The MC acting c*cky and getting screwed over only works so many times before you start getting irritated at how the gags are recycled with slight differences. Those who've read ISSTH will also be familiar with the style even if it's not really the same. It's just that this MC is far more childish in both thoughts and personality. His entire motivation for cultivation is living forever. That's all. Nothing else. No grand ambitions or anything, he simply doesn't want to die. What does he want to do with that time? Well, probably nothing, he's just a coward afraid of death. Hard to get behind such "ideals" and "ambition". Would be nice if it wasn't just a completely empty wish, like having thoughts on what to do with this time, perhaps wanting to build a sect, wanting to get a big family, wanting to solve the mysteries of alchemy/medicine, solve the mysteries of the universe... Anything would be good, but he simply has no desires other than living forever. Geez.

The harem definitely adds a lot of minus points. Don't get me wrong, I like harems. It's just that like with every other type of romance, you can fail at harems and it's probably even more likely. This author was always utterly and almost blatantly bad at romance. It can't really be called "romance" with all the quick developments from 0-100 and no involvement for the readers, no gradual development to let us also "fall in love" with the females or accept her.

But in this novel, he steps it up a notch by making it into a harem. It was pitifully bad enough even with just one girl that the MC ignored for 99.9% or more of the novel, doing his own stuff, but here we have a team of SEVERAL girls. When one goes away, we'll meet another one. There's the generic extreme rage because said girl gets hurt or the author becomes quite sad and really disturbed because they disappear for some reason, he's also prone to try sacrificing himself for them, not caring about consequences. It doesn't help at all that the MC is pathetic when it comes to females. He reminds me of a japanese teenager we'd find in some manga, anime or novels. By that I mean that he has no real resistance towards females at all and he'll always let it go to his head whenever he thinks that a girl likes him. Even worse, he can't handle the girls, he's a typical japanese-style doormat when it comes to the girls, the author thinks it's funny when the girls are fighting about him and he gets swung to the left and right and then gets so freaked out he'll have to leave and hide somewhere because he can't say "freaking stop it" or talk back at all. He'll just be intimidated and run away as he starts sweating, it's not really admirable. Well, the point is, this author is notorious for being bad at romance even when there's just one, so imagine several girls, every girl gets less screen time than they should have yet far more combined than what would be the case with one. None of them really have anything that I'd call "personality", at most they have some basic traits and exist to show how awesome the MC is to seduce these girls (of course only the most beautiful girls are worthy, as usual. Good personality? What is that? Is it tasty?).

Well, that's skippable, so not really what made me drop it. What broke the camel's back after already being fed up with the previously mentioned things was: a lot of adjectives and padding along with the fact that the author forces the plot when convenient. There are A LOT of adjectives. The author goes to great extent to describe everything (word count), so he needs to repeat how everyone feels so amazed, so shocked, so surprised and a million other forms to describe their emotions, often once for each character. Girls gets described as being godly beauties in various ways and no matter what happens, things will be exaggerated to high heaven, like the MC breaking through and he's now SO DAMN POWERFUL, which has to be described over and over again yet it turns out there was hardly any change whatsoever. The padding and information dumps are usually things like chapter after chapter describing something completely irrelevant or useless, like in a certain war, it took several chapters to describe everything and every part which was supposed to be a gear of the system in the following battle, including the surroundings, spells etc. Then it turns out that it doesn't freaking matter because before they even clash, they're stopped. Thanks for wasting half a hour of my time telling me about something that didn't matter and only served to lengthen the story...

Then there's group battle after group battle ("wars") where nothing much actually happens, 100 chapters of preparations and continuous wars only for nothing much to happen, it wasn't exciting, it was horribly dull. This author is also notoriously bad at wars/group battles, it will always make one feel disconnected from the story, being a chore to read because there's never anything happening that makes you think you should care. A few flashy attacks here and there, nothing else. The author is an expert at milking these scenes to their fullest by writing garbage that leads nowhere. The MC also doesn't have to even work for his cultivation levels, they just happen as he goes along by lucky encounter after lucky encounter that suddenly boosts him all the way to the next level after being just about stagnant for quite a while, the cultivation system is truly horrible.

Now on to the forced plot. I absolutely detest it when authors force their own plot to work as convenient to them even after having pre-established some facts earlier on. Things like this happen plenty of times in this novel, like giving the MC plenty of life-saving items but then pretending that he has none of them and forcing him to break through in a dangerous situation, not using a single one of his trump cards and then complaining about how he had no choice.

He's also a master at alchemy, or rather the "dao of medicine". He can create truly horrible poison that will disorient the enemy and he can even trap them in balls and use them like grenades, yet he won't use his own alchemy skills in any way for himself, it's just used to show off, a problem that was unpleasantly present in ISSTH as well. I don't like this at all, not even a little bit. If he has abilities and items, make him use them instead of forcing the plot for your own convenience...

Also, I can see how rushed and horrible the novel will be the further ahead we get. When you look at cultivation levels and when he reaches them, it's painfully clear how badly paced this novel is and how rushed the later stages is. Well, first of all, everyone seems to mention it in their reviews. But when you actually look at the cultivation levels... Holy sh*t. Imagine if meng hao didn't become an immortal before chapter 1000 and didn't have around 650 chapters to explore the world above the first world and gradually move through the stages. Imagine if he became an immortal around chapter 1070 and then had 240 chapters to get through just about as many higher realms as before. That's what we're getting here. Honestly... Well, Er gen is also notorious for being pretty good at the start but running out of steam quickly and then becoming worse and worse until he reaches an unsatisfying and often quite unsatisfying ending.


All of this made me drop this novel because I can see that it would truly be far more trouble than it's worth to keep on reading.

I was kind of wondering if I should put a 3/5 or a 2/5, but after some rumination, I decided that no novel that I was forced to drop because of how boring it ended up being deserves anything above 2/5 even if it had some decent parts that made me laugh, especially not if the author is best at the earlier parts of a novel yet bored me half to death even then. Maybe I can recommend reading the first 250 chapters, but after that we'll reach the first wars and the "romance" gets going more, so I recommend stopping by then. <<less
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L4 rated it
August 30, 2017
Status: c68
Here comes a little story first, which I found amusing.

I tried to convince my little brother to read this story that you could say, I value more than just highly. It was hard to make a deal. I'd have to accompany him to catch some legendary pokemon and he would read a chapter. So it happened, whatever. He read the first chapter, and said it was unreal, the character's dialogues were bad.

I gave up. How can you not find it funny? How can anybody not like A THOUGHT THROUGH ETERNITY?!

Preferences.... more>> Thus, I concluded, such people exists! And one of them had to be my little brother...

Anyway, here comes the review. Back then you could read some more on Xianxiaworld, which was taking down, because of rumored acts of stealing? I don't know. I just know that the story was very entertaining. The main character had a lot of colours to his personality. He was shameless, he was a coward, and when you needed him the most he was the bravest bloody hero that you could have wished for!

Just at the sword mountain arc back then, the translations stopped, sadly. Now it's back, with revered Deathblade, the guy who also translated Er Gen's I Shall Seal The Heavens.

Now looking forward to the novel, which made me start reading ISSTH in the first place.

Thinking back to the first chapter, where indeed there are conversations, as my brother said. I found them funny, but seems like maybe you won't find it funny. Maybe you don't find the novel's title interesting. Maybe you don't even like the main character.

Read 10 chapters. A story, where there is a fat protagonist, with a fat brotherhood. That is why I like China, I mean that's just funny aspects. It reminded me of the fatty back then in the Jackie Chan movies <<less
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pandoravanity rated it
August 26, 2017
Status: c150
Funny, funnier, getting even more funnier...... this novel managed to restore my confidence to chinese xianxia/wuxia genre novel.

Definitely much much better than coiling dragon. I regret ever reading coiling dragon.. the anger, sneer and fed up snort is forever unrepeated.
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Adyanthaya rated it
June 2, 2017
Status: --
Finally a novel with rib-tickling comedy!! The endless endeavours of an innocent yet michievous coward MC who's trying to pursuit immortality and who's 'supposedly' failing at trying to keep a low profile thus ending up troubling the one's around him unintentionally. Compared to the drawling bland one's like ISSTH I'd pick this one anyday. This is one of those must-read one's.
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October 15, 2016
Status: c136
This novel Er Gen really explored his comedic side. In I Shall Seal The Heavens, he introduced abit of humour but it is more prevailing in this story. Also this a much lighter story in terms of atmosphere when compared to his previous works. I feel the cultivation world here is more like that of A Record Of a mortal's journey to Immortality.
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d1puffpuff rated it
September 30, 2016
Status: c160
Er Gen's amazing at writing comedic xianxia works. This one is definitely one of my favorites!!

10/10, would recommend to all xianxia fans!

The only reason I can think of for people rating this novel 1 star is that they just want to offset it's potential 4.9 to something lower, which is why there is no reasonable argument of why this novel deserves 1 star.
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cutefrog rated it
September 21, 2016
Status: c110
The MC is mischievous and too shameless in an innocent way, different from rest of the novels. I laughed my stomach out in most of the chapter. Just read it.
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Widd rated it
September 20, 2016
Status: c16
I had read up until 16 the head, but just can not leave a comment.

Those who still doubt whether or not to read the novel, drive in the extra thought and ran to read. Even though I have read all 16 chapters, but lured me so much that I just can not stop reading it. Novella is really good. Especially liked the main character, which is to become immortal and attain eternal life will do anything you want, and the very character of his has attracted. Though outwardly it looks... more>> quite decent, but inside... Heh, heh, heh, he's a smart-ass, a bit like Mitsuhashi of manga "From this day forward I am!" So, start reading it first time, novel is definitely worthy. <<less
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SW84 rated it
August 26, 2016
Status: c95

this GREAT novel... how can not many other people aware of it.

i love how Er Gen took a new point of view to develop the MC and build the story.
as the ISSTH fans, I'm amazing at the quality of this ATTE novel, so much much much more better...

beside the funny part, how Er Gen build the emotion and the tension, its hook me deeply.

Main Idea:
"I cultivate to achieve immortality, and I have never been fond of fighting and killing.”

Character Development:
"He was mischievous, but he still had propriety. There were many things that he didn’t intentionally do. He had always remained kindhearted."

"He was afraid of death, so much that he came off as a coward. But when danger faced his comrades, his camaraderie conquered his fear of death, and with a roar, he risked his life despite trembling in fear."

"He had a wacky behaviour, but he valued those close to him. All those people who treated him well, he would remember for his whole life."
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KirbyReviews44 rated it
November 13, 2023
Status: --
This novel certainly is unique in the vast ocean of xianxia novels. It is one without a system or reincarnation or some kind of obvious cheat power. Instead, the novel mainly focuses on a deranged gary-stu anti-hero who's only goal in life is to live forever.

The positive aspects of this novel are that it really tries and a lot of comedy is hilarious. Really creative ways to incorporate cultivation tropes such as pill making, tournaments, raising beasts, in order to make a lot of funny jokes that will make you... more>> laugh.

But that's... where the positives end. The main character... the best way I can describe him is that he is a deranged gary-stu with very little redeeming qualities.

Why is he deranged? Basically whenever he needs to accomplish something difficult or important, he basically loses his mind and becomes this monster that solely focused on that task and is able to accomplish it by sole willpower alone. Need to make a difficult pill, become a psychotic pill making god. Life-threatening mission and surrounded by enemies, become a killing god who knows no limits.

This leads to the second problem in that he is a total gary-stu. He is good at everything simply because he is good at everything. Like I said, he has no obvious cheat power but he is the best at cultivation, he is the best at pill making, he is the best at taming beasts, he is the best at fighting. He succeeds with everything purely due to the main character halo. Other novels also do this but at least with some kind of cheat power, we can suspend our disbelief and go along with the flow. This guy, nah.

Last, the novel's sole focus is on comedy and spinning plot lines into comedic payoff moments. As such, plot lines are mostly pointless setups for jokes. Even after 100 chapters, there is no over-arching plot to the story, nothing to strive for, no mystery to solve, nothing to keep you going except the MC and his shenanigans. The focus on comedy also is a detriment to other parts of the story such as world building and side characters, all of which seem to be established for the sole purpose of jokes and can't stand on their own.

The novel is really funny. If you want a laugh, go for it. Just don't expect much else. <<less
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fang-oppa rated it
July 2, 2023
Status: Completed
Only novel I've read by far that has an almost actual living MC

Bai xiaochun has a freaking soul I can't even begin to describe it.

plot was interesting nothing super interesting tho, side characters close to MC are alright, his friends are amazing though namely 3 of them which you prob have an idea who if you've read novel. Villains weren't as much so.

... more>> halfway through novel,

Starry Sky Dao Polarity Sect, Great wall and Wildlands arcs are one of the best pieces you can ever read. Aside from those, latter parts of novel weren't nearly as good.

5 out of 5 for Bai xiaochun, one of the most unique and fun characters ever.

3.5 out of 5 for novel in general. <<less
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Brasdf rated it
April 18, 2023
Status: Completed
In short.

The good: Quite funny most of the time, most fights are interesting and well written, especially at the start. The story usually flows well and it feels like it is going somewhere. The world building is above average.

The bad: Characters have no depth, you will not feel like you got to "know" anyone, even the MC. The story is far too long for what it has to say.

Overall, it is at best okay. Too long for me, but that might not be an issue for you. There is little... more>> depth here compared to the length, but there are several stirring scenes sprinkled. I did laugh out loud multiple times.

In detail : The MC seemed interesting at first due to many serious flaws under which was a decent core, but he just won't change and improve even after experiencing life altering events. If you behave the same at 12 and at 50 it gets annoying, repetitive and even repulsive. The MC basically stays a 12 year old for a very large chunk of the story, and even then, the change is debatable. Often it looks like he is going to change, but then he reverts.


Judging by the epilogue he is still an irresponsible miscreant and

general bother.


The side characters in the story are all extremely lackluster and colorless. Like, what is the personality of the Eldest Fatty ? He is boisterous and loyal ? What about Uncle Li ? Those are very central side characters, but they are barely developed. There are basically no significant characters besides the MC. No one ever saves the day besides the MC except for one time at 90% of the story and this is "off-screen" and another time at like the 98% of the novel or something like that. This is a shame. I don't know why web novels never have an important cast of characters rather than just an all powerful MC.

It also looked like the MC wasn't going to get a harem or at least the harem would be justifiable, but that didn't happen. Er Gen writes nothing as poorly as women. They are just horribly written.

Sun Junwoo almost had a character when she was first introduced, but then she basically lost all her speaking lines and was sidelined completely. Zhimo's personality was basically erased once she became part of the harem. Also, the fact all the MC's relationships are based on a drug being used to r*pe him is just bad writing that shows the MC is not actually an adult, that his loving Daoist partners don't really love him or are able to communicate with him. Most of all, it shows Er Gen can't write anything as mature as two adults having a serious conversation.


Fights wise, in later parts too everyone becomes so powerful and with have regeneration so it becomes impossible to understand the progress of battles and tension is often lost completely. Oh, Char A puked blood three times and was pushed back 300 meters... I see... that means... nothing to me. Any novel that has cultivators becoming extremely powerful is going to have a hard time with battles, and the fights in this one are actually quite good, but there are like 5 battles that were just a long slog.

The overall pacing is bad. About a third of the story is pointless, and that character count could have been used to add depth to the existing story. Don't make so many cultivation levels or have a time skip or something, too much time was spent on pointless events.

Especially his time at Polarity Starry Sky Sect or whatever, and his time at the wall. The whole section about resurrecting Bai Hao for the second time was basically incomprehensible and pointless. First of all, I don't get why it is possible. Second of all, he revived Bai Hao urgently, but then didn't actually introduce him to his family or have him play any role in the fights later. What was the point of resurrecting him before they solved the urgent destruction of the universe issue ?


Unanswered questions, extremely spoliery obviously :
    1. I still don't get why Chen Manyu (?) was sent from the wild lands or how the turtle and the leaf got to the Stream Blood Sect. Why did they ens*ave the original Blood something ? Also, is it me or did Xiaochun never released the guy ? He presumably went insane inside his bag of holding.

2. What was up with Du Lungfei (?) ? I get it they reunited, but what happened to her ?

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blank1134 rated it
January 15, 2023
Status: Completed
Lighter than the other works of the author. I have quite a good laugh reading it. It's quite a refreshing story; it has it's own unique charm to it compared to similar cultivation novels.

Though it has it's downsides similar to cultivation novels like repetitive scenes; it's still a good read. If I was given a chance to read my first cultivation novel I'd choose this one for sure. It's simple, refreshing and a good way to start reading cultivation novels.
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MonsieurLimes rated it
August 26, 2022
Status: Completed
It’s a very charming and unique story for the first half. However, once it goes on, the charm you feel is no longer there as it just becomes repetitive.

y’know, I enjoyed the adventures of chicken thief and animal uhh.. at the start but it just doesn’t work later on because he’s older. I’m ashamed to admit, but the side characters that aren’t directly involved with the MC get more character development.

the dude with the MC aura, lost his lover and becomes quiet and lonely. no longer the arrogant braggart as... more>> he was before. The shining star lost his shining star, ironic.

dog master, shoos the dog away because it r*ped him, still feels bad for it when it died

the females who were in love with the MC- knew they didn’t have a chance so they gave him a farewell and presents.

when the MC becomes emperor, his goofy personality just doesn’t work anymore. I love it, however you’ve been in the game for a long time, you’ve survived countless perils and dangers. You should definitely have a somewhat serious attitude.

the author really missed his chance to have a emotional nostalgia moment where he compares the naive young him to the current him, hell, if you’re gonna kill my favorite sect niece, then you should do it.

also the repetitiveness. You know the pill making that was fun in the early chapters? It’s kinda overused later on, the ticking off of a stronger opponent? Yep- I guess what I’m trying to say is that, the unique charm and intrigue I felt at the beginning is lost later on because, given the circumstances and context, it shouldn’t work.

and onto the ending... y’know, I kinda like the ending. The ending doesn’t make a choice, you can make the choice yourself and make your own head canon... however it is completely ruined by the epilogue because it proves that one of them is the canon ending. <<less
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Dormideous rated it
July 27, 2021
Status: Completed
Lord Er Gen will never fail us! This is yet another gem that vastly outclasses the other piles of poop in the industry.

The character:

Bai Xiaochun is an incredibly well written, humorous, unique, and lovable character. Rather than being a character that you can relate to, he becomes more like a character that you would like to be friends with. In fact, the entire story progresses in such a way that the character grows on you in much the same way as a never before seen, twice removed family member grows... more>> on you.

As the name of the book suggests, Bai Xiaochun has an incredible willpower, a seething determination to live forever. This become the foundation of what drives him to cultivate, and it is one of the biggest unique aspects of his personality when compared to all the other novel MCs that you might find in other books. I read some of the other reviews, and was disappointed to see how a number of people lost the plot. They saw this fear of death, this determination to live forever as a weakness that created a huge flaw in what could have been the perfect MC. I look at these people and sigh in disappointment at their one track mind. In their search for the perfect being, they have doomed themselves to never reach that perfection. It is true that this fear of death is a flaw, and sometimes the MC makes mistakes because of it, but in being a flaw it also brings the MC to perfection. It is a perfect flaw. A fear of death is something shared by all living creatures, it is something that defines sentience and rationality in real life, it is also what grounds the MC’s character to reality.

In other novels, the MCs pursue pure power, abandoning everything else to achieve it. They lose their humanity and become immortal objects. At that point, readers begin to lose attachment to those characters. Here, however, even when he becomes capable of living for many many years, that fear of death becomes the I breakable bond between readers and the character, something that they can relate to despite how vastly more powerful Bai Xiaochun is depicted to be. A link between a world spanning immortal and the very, very mortal reader.

The Plot:

As in all of Er Gen’s novels, the plot is deep and very fulfilling. The only part where it sags is at the end, and I was left a little unsatisfied at the ending. It seemed abrupt, without a proper resolution. The Epilogue seemed to try to clarify things but I still want to know, what flower did the MC choose? Why? What did he see in it? What happened to Du Lingfei? Er Gen chose to leave these things out, and perhaps that might be what is best for the story, but I do feel a little miffed.

Do I think the book is worth the time needed to read the 1300+ chapters? Absolutely, it is incredibly rare to experience such good quality, consistent, and complete writing in the web novel industry. This can be considered chicken soup for the soul of the people who have lately been reading plot hole filled, grammatically abysmal novels. <<less
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Smallblackcat rated it
April 20, 2021
Status: --
It was a bummer it was good at the start the MC is afraid of death but now he is really good at courting death after he become a prestige disciple it was always how he swagger around the sect not focusing on his cultivation at all.

He was drown to his position and trying to inflate his ego, I drop it early as I'm sick how the MC acts I prefer him before without position and can be force to struggle to become strong.
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regimeswitch rated it
April 5, 2021
Status: --
A fun, quality novel that takes a silly approach to the standard martial arts story. Characters are relatively unique and likeable. Jokes land more often than not, which isn't always easy to do when translated. Only downside is sometimes it gets a little too goofy. Overall a fun, engaging read.
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April 15, 2020
Status: --
At first, the story seemed interesting. It started off with a funny and naive MC, unlike other MCs that are ambitous or retaliatory. But even after about 400 chapters, I saw no character development at all!!! The MC is still childish and even more annoying. He creates troubles every where he goes and then run away. There is no logic behind his thought or action. It was getting more tiresome so I gave up.
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JoAnna rated it
March 18, 2020
Status: c537
Stopped reading after c537 to read spoilers. Immediately dropped this. Unless if there will be a second season with a reincarnated matured Bai Xiaochun, none of his narcissistic trait and no harem, I will not be reading this anymore. Such a waste of time! I'm so disappointed, I'm crying. I Shall Seal the Heavens and Renegade Immortal were the epitome of xianxia must-read classics for me. And judging from the reviews of Er Gen's latest work, A World Worth Protecting, the MC there is exactly like Bai Xiaochun. Only, it's... more>> worse (and fatter, apparently). Whatever happened to Er Gen nowadays?? Could he be experimenting? But anyways, I will never hate Er Gen— just patiently waiting for better works from him in the future. <<less
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