So What If It’s an RPG World?


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Hey? Why is there a HP Bar and a Title above your head? Why do you know magic? Hey, why are there people slashing their swords at me!? What’s wrong with this world? Why is it so much like an RPG!? HEY!!

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11/16/15 Scrya Translations v6c22
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11/12/15 Scrya Translations v6c18
11/11/15 Scrya Translations v6c17
11/10/15 Scrya Translations v6c16
11/09/15 Scrya Translations v6c15
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47 Reviews

May 11, 2016
Status: --
This Novel has a lot of flaws that will give you headaches. There were many times I wanted to drop this. The story is Random and all over the place. Don’t read this for Plot or Setting. But read this for the Action & Comedy.

Ill say this here and now but the Romance is absolutely terrible. Don’t expect any good Romance.

The Main Character is incredibly insensitive and Alters the Memory of his Fiancé to stop liking him. He also has called a 7 year old attractively beautiful. What the hell? As for the Yandere tag. The Author has failed making a Yandere. The Girl Oyando is merely obsessed with him to the point of annoying. Most of the time she doesn't even act her Yandere role! It was forced upon her.


Here are a few points I’d like to make. Please read them.

-Characters and their personalities are well thought of and great but aren’t used to their full potential. Which saddens me. Once they have a Role they are discarded for later.

– if you like RPGs or Transfering World stories this Novel is for you. Especially if you like Death March. This Novel gives a very Japanese feeling to it. Which makes it easy to read.

-First the Main Character is strong then weak then strong. The cycle never ends. Its really irritating.

-Their are Arcs that feel very forced. Like School Arc. Makes no sense why its there.

-its true what some reviewers say. The Author is indecisive and can’t decide what to do with the Main Character and other Characters! He never thought things through..

– The only cool thing about this story is Players wrecking Havoc on a parrelel World.

I think giving this story 3 stars is approtiate. How can you give it a perfect 5 when it has so many inconsistencies?But I am fond of this Novel. Its a good read. Just don't give it 5 stars and falsely give high expectations...
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Mar 10, 2016
Status: --
So what if its an Rpg world? I can only say that its a Chinese Novel with a Japanese Feel.. Well written novel. Funny and definitely more hilarious than some japanese novel with the same "Transported to another world" theme.. A bit slow phased and more on goofing around.. But soon you will realize that all those goofing around are slowly connecting with the plot. Which is cool in its on way.. if you guys wish to read a "LIGHT HEARTED" (non serious) novel.. Then this novel is for... more>> you! <<less
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Jan 16, 2017
Status: v9c10
Personally I really like this kind of main character. A lot of people called him a pushover but I think he's just more laid back than other main characters out there. I've read all the chapters currently translated. The powers and events that happened never felt dull or rushed to me, and the characters weren't all the average run of the mill side characters that can't think for themselves with no personality at all.

The main ''objective'' felt kind of ignored most of the time while they all went about and... more>> did their own things, they never really addressed things such as why they were there, how they got there, and if it's possible to get back. Obviously they are trying to find ways to figure that out, but so far they have made next to 0 progress.

The main character is OP for sure when he gets into a fight, but despite that even when he wins a fight against someone, he doesn't kill them or injure them greatly unless he considers them to be an enemy... AKA someone who hurt him or his friends. To me this gives a lot of appeal to this novel because he isn't the typical arrogant bastard you find in a lot of novels.

Overall, despite it's occasional faults for me this novel is worth the 5 star rating. Give it a try for the first volume or so to see if it appeals to you. <<less
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Jun 09, 2017
Status: v9c10
I'm proud of myself for reading until chapter v9c10. This novel just has so many flaws that it makes me wonder did the author actually put effort in it. Here are 2 biggest problems I found with this novel

1. Annoying Japan-based characters. And yes! I'm looking at you, love-interests! So we have a few tsundere who, just like every female characters ever, can't come clean with their feelings. A yandere sister type that can be very annoying. The undead elf, who openly expresses her affection to the MC but got... more>> forgotten 'cuz some annoying yandere won't let her get near the MC. Basically, this is a smash up between Japanese and Chinese novels. Chinese antagonists and friends while Japanese love interests. Oh! And don't even get me started on the MC, he's denser than Yuuki Rito in To Love Ru series! At least Rito sometime questions Haruna's love for him, but this guy is just plain out s*upid. This is the biggest problem with the novel.

2. Plots are all over the place. I mean are you even trying right now author ? Your plots are so messed up I can't even describe it. Have you ever heard, one problem at a time?!! I mean f*ck, I read this twice and I can't even understand what it is about. The biggest plot is what is this world, but the author seems to only focus on nonsensical plots that have no relation to the main story without advancing the story at all, and overly large amount of plots make it very hard for reader to catch on with what is happening. <<less
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Oct 12, 2015
Status: v8
The chapters jump all over the place. The first three volumes are ok, but the fourth volume has ten different settings and constant new characters being introduced with the plot jumping all around.

I have read up to the current chapter, and I feel like no improvements have been made since vol 4. I was disappointed after the drop in quality in the vol 3 to vol 4 transition. Reading from vol 4-8 has made it even clearer that the author is constantly pulling bullsh*t out of his ass near constantly... more>> when writing this. The setting is near consistently inconsistent, with the main character being a perfect godlike being, and the side characters being incredibly one dimensional. The author makes up for not having a plotline or consistent settings by constantly pulling events out of his ass, I feel like I'm reading a marvel comicbook with their constant cross overs and events that "will change the marvel universe forever" <<less
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Oukis Lips
Oukis Lips
Sep 10, 2017
Status: v2c16
I won't say the plot is nonexistent, but the author places way more importance on crappy one-liner jokes than plot. Moreover, the entire first volume was a waste. I can't say exactly how without spoilers, but essentially you could just read the first 3 chapters (out of 28) and then skip over the rest of the first volume, and you'd still be able to understand the second volume.

As for the MC's personality: I think the author couldn't decide whether he wanted to follow the general Chinese WN trope of 'weak-to-strong'... more>> and 'pragmatic, ambitious, ruthless' protagonist, or the Japanese WN trope of 'OP' and 'naive, understated, pushover' protagonist. So he decided to mix the two... only he chose the worst attribute of each. We end up with an MC who has to work his way up from the dregs of the strength hierarchy, but at the same time he's a completely understated, naive, pushover who refuses to kill and wants to be viewed as a hero. <<less
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Aug 04, 2016
Status: v4c58
So far, this whole story is without a goal. There is no build up, no climax, nothing. The MC wanders around doings quests, getting into impossibly idiotic sotuations, and just generally being op. Not only that, the constant tsukkomi comedy is terrible. No offence, I like that kind of comedy... in moderation. They "drop a tsukkomi" seemingly multiple times per chapter which are relatively short compared to other light novels. Honestly, I only started this because of how much content was already released but I just can't continue. I can't... more>> truthfully say I completely regret starting this novel but I can say I regret reading as much of it as I have. It was good for a short while. Thats it.


One other problem is just how many mistakes the MC makes allllll the time. For example, the unique skills (sacrafices). By the time he unlocked being able to upgrade the skills, he still had many, if not all of, his skill points. As we noted with his mini-map skill, the unpleasant side effects of the skills have the possibility of being removed with more level-ups. With that in mind, would it not be worth the risk to instead invest in an over-powered skill like the one mentioned earlier in the novel with the ability of a god within a certain area but being trapped for eternity. If he could invest all of the skill points he earns afterwards in the skill, wouldn't it be possible to be invincible?

The point is, this MC just makes too many mistakes and its kind of frustrating him walking around all cheerily when hes doind s*upid sh*t all the time.

Also, side note, with such a care-free character, throwing in serious moments like when talking about his fiance with "World" is just awkward and throws off the pace.


Anyways, this is a post from the guy who read to v4 c58 and rated 2/5. Thanks for suffering through my complaints.

-Mundi <<less
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Mar 24, 2016
Status: --
Def. 5/5 for me... And something the last reviewer said that is fundamentaly wrong... He isn't a Japanese MC... This is a Chinese novel ^^.. Anyhow.. From the cool skills /interface, the yandere little sister or the tsundere best friend.. Love this book
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Asakura Ouryuu
Holy Dragon
Oct 23, 2015
Status: --
Just to make it clear for everyone, this is a Chinese novel (the translator said so), but who said Chinese people can't write something like this. The plot was interesting, some say the author change the plot rather quickly maybe that's true but from the recent chapters, I can see that the author follow it with a follow-up plot.
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Jun 22, 2018
Status: v9c3
I assume this novel, altho its CN its damn similiar with JP novel. MC power is similiar to jobless novel. MC are one who do anything valuable for him, such killing stealing scamming etc, treat the world like vacation place yet he is nothing to aim, and so dense so theres nothing romantical progress in this story. This isnt bad, but felt out of place.

The story.. Since theres no clear aim, MC does anything. A lot character introduced, some of them has detail, rest you could call them filler character... more>> like in naruto anime.

Theres a good ammount of humor out of nowhere, MC almost like tsukomi anything he seen. I wouldnt lie to myself that im enjoying this novel so far. <<less
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May 06, 2016
Status: --
If you are expecting a something along the lines of ark or virtual world: unparalleled under the sky then this is an good read. If you are expecting something like coiling dragon, against the gods or RE:Monster then you will be disappointed. Things are getting boring then skim through until you get to bold letters and then start reading a paragraph or to above, you will still be able to understand to story if you do this. It is a fantastic thing to read as long as you don't think... more>> to hard, (IE: if you are bored) very easy to understand (as long as you are at least a senior in high school) and will get you hooked on it after a tiny bit of boredom. I am currently at the 3 volume and I only started reading this like 5 hours ago, (I stopped skimming after the first half of the first volume) <<less
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Apr 01, 2016
Status: --
Kind of confusing to me the protagonist is going to a lot of places very quickly, its like the author introduces a place and people but doesn't like it in the end and than the MC goes somewhere else and same thing happens idk
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Sep 09, 2016
Status: v2
The story for this novel is just all over place... main character is just a push over and pretty much follows the decision of what ever new character just turn up made, it's so dull... give out a feeling that he can't think for him self and is there to be ordered around.. There aren't much character development either, every single character feel stale and boring..

The story is just a mess, character could be in a dungeon some where and then suddenly appear in another country doing something else in... more>> like 5 sentence... 2 "main" character could be standing in a dungeon and then one of them die off because some bull sh*t reason, then the MC just continue with the story and like nothing ever happened. <<less
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Sep 04, 2016
Status: v8c1
If I had to compare this novel to something it would be Death March.

Just like that novel it is rather funny and light hearted, and the MC spends most of his time wondering why has he been dropped in an RPG like world (it has not been verified if the world is a VR like Matrix or simply a different world with game like rules like Death March). True to the title the MC can't accept the world to be "just a game" and tends to always take the moral... more>> high ground, even when it gets him in trouble. Mostly the kind of trouble that leaves me roaring with laughter.

What I like most about this series is the leveling system, various classes, skills, races and abilities. Watching the characters progress through the story is quite interesting.

Good novel to read if you want something light to lift your mood. 5 stars. <<less
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Feb 11, 2016
Status: --
The story is a bit random... , okay, really random. MC is surrounded by loli’s, resembles a Japanese novel, more so than a Chinese one. Really lighthearted for the most part because the main characters know that they can’t really die. MC tries to keep his distance from the game, not getting too involved with the “NPC’s”. But as the series progresses, he finds it more difficult to treat the world as a game. It’s a decent way to spend some time, not really a novel you’d read for sophisticated... more>> or complex plot or relationships. <<less
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Dec 14, 2017
Status: v7c32
Early volumes might be worth 4 stars, but later volumes go downhill (at least those which I managed to finish reading).

First five volumes were a decent read. Some plotholes and random stuff but not too much. In 6th volume story was getting slightly annoying and reading 7th volume was a chore. As for 8th - didn't even manage to get past prologue.


In regards to story, it is ok early on. World building might be a bit shallow, but it doesn't have big impact on the story. MC is OP with prety decent plot armor. There is some foreshadowing for harem, but sadly MC too dense. Many girls introduced, but nothing happening up until vol 7. No idea how it is later, but this point alone takes one star away from me.

Fights might be a bit bland, but don't expect too much when to use skills all they need to do is to press one button.

This review is uninformative and might be a bit negative, but I still enjoyed reading this story. But be warned, later volumes will become repetitive or annoying. And if anyone manages to get past vol 7, feel free to message me and tell if it gets better.
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Jul 06, 2016
Status: v9c1
The story has no plot or a foundation to hold it from one story arc to the next. Things happen because they do and most of the plot is to setup a joke reverence to another work of media. If you're into nonsense and randomness for the sake of being random its worth a read. If you actually want a story or characters or plot or anything not gag related look elsewhere.
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Jun 09, 2016
Status: v8c24
before I begin let me just say that I want to like this novel, but it feels like the author has no idea what he's doing. In the beginning it starts of a little shaky, finds it's way, and then completely loses track of what it was doing in the first place.

the protagonist has some cool powers angel wings one of bone and one of feathers that let him use necromancy and light magic for no Mana. He can also use every skill but none of the stats that compliment... more>> them. Meaning he can learn and use all magic and powers, but isn't a match for anyone else his level without them, setting him up as a jack of all trades. This setting makes it so the author has to get creative on which enemys he faces and what he tells the reader about stats. As far as I can remember the author mentions very little about the stats, he tells us that the protagonist has less stamina, health and mana than other people but is very vague about everything else. Probably because it seems he doesn't seem to have less attacking power than other Characters with classes. I don't have a particular issue with this but this does lead into confusion in certain battles. The scaling in Levels is rather drastic but when facing higher level enemies the protagonist always seems to come out on top for one reason or another.

the protagonist in the story does not make sense in a lot of his decision making and the story usually has him blunder his way around the world while putting on the appearance that he secretly knew what he was doing the entire time, but all the while making his decisions illogical and impracticable. His personality as well does not make sense good and bad in equal measure but not neutral as much as good and bad when the author feels like it. That said it does occur to me that it may have something to do with his race and the whole angel wing, bone wing thing pointing toward he is Evil and Good. But my real point is that he comes across less like a lovable rogue in the story and more like a bi polar mentally handicapped.

There is also the Harem aspect that pulls along a thousand 7 - 25 year old's in the protagonist's wake. Usually this is people's preference so I won't say anything other than that romance tag is bulls**t. all in all this novel is fun but is not compelling. The story tries to have everything demons, angels, elves, dwarves, western theme, eastern theme, swords, western magic, eastern magic, martial art, even hints at kind of Xianxia style way. But despite all this it still ultimately feels like a hollow story, very pretty but no substance. <<less
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Sep 12, 2015
Status: --
Just finished volume one and not that thrilled. MC doesn't appear that bright, dialog is blah. Maybe the humor plays better in Japanese but in English it is coming off as something for 7th graders. Maybe it gets better and if it does, let me know. I hate giving a work a bad review knowing that a great bunch of people have invested a lot of heart and time translating it, gomenasai and thanks for your hard work.
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Sep 24, 2020
Status: --
MC already knows the situation is far removedvfrom the norm, he knows custom and rules are not the same as what he is used too, and he knows hes got some convenient cheat potential that puts himself above others. SO WHAT DOES MC DO? MC got his hands on someone elses secret skillbook and he s*upidly tries it out right in front of them after learning it right away. He lands in trouble~ MC identifies ppl with UI and calls their names, even after seeing they are criminaks and fugitive... more>> in a urban open area. He lans in trouble ~. I read this sloppy story before its just a 12yr olds rendition of "dumb ways to die". I suspect the author is trying to be funny because nothing make sense, no story or planning. Nothing to describe the places; just, he did this or he did that or there is this person which author describes the look but without context. After hastily setting the listed above, the author makes a beeline to some sort of suspected punchline before he repeats again with another hazy scenario/joke (?). <<less
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