Dream Life


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A middle-aged engineer who was weary of life ended up being reborn into a different world as Zack, the son of a frontier feudal lord. Once there, he received a mission from God. He was told to prepare himself for the task of “guiding the future hero of the world”. With that in mind, Zack not only trained himself in swordsmanship and magic but also committed himself towards reforming problems in hygiene and education. After developing a new local product, Zack was reminded of his once forgotten dream: brewing alcohol! As he resurrected his long lost passion, it was the beginning of his “Dream Life”.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Dream Life ~Living in an Oneiric Parallel Universe~
Trinitas Series - Dream Life ~Living in a Dreamlike Parallel Universe~
Trinitasシリーズ ドリーム・ライフ~夢の異世界生活~
Related Series
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Date Group Release
12/17/20 DragonTea v1c11
12/14/20 DragonTea v1c10
12/12/20 DragonTea v1c9
12/10/20 DragonTea v1c8
12/08/20 DragonTea v1c7
12/05/20 DragonTea v1c6
12/03/20 DragonTea v1c5
12/01/20 DragonTea v1c4
11/23/20 DragonTea v1c3
11/17/20 DragonTea v1c2
11/09/20 DragonTea v1c1
11/02/20 DragonTea v1 prologue
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12 Reviews sorted by

EumenesOfCardia rated it
November 4, 2017
Status: v1c1 part6
This story is somewhat nice and there was a lot of potential with the narrative, but poor characterization really killed it for me. The MC is actually well-built and human, with a depressing but normal past life (without being a NEET, which is always a plus). The problem is when he attempts to interact with others, it always falls flat. If it was just the MC it would be fine (even interesting) but none of the other people in this story seem real at all but just automatons designed to... more>> make the MC more comfortable in this Medieval world.


Case in point, in the chapter I just read (v1c1 part 6), he decided to tell everyone that he was a reincarnator. This would be a very interesting decision, and a logical one, especially with his desire for an interesting and self-fulfilling life. However when he tells his parents, they... well, they still consider this 45 year old inside their child exactly the same.


It just killed the narrative for me and made the previous poor characterization even more obvious.


If you want something like this, but with better characters, read Duke's Daughter or one of the "recommendations". This just does not stand up well as a story.

Again, the sad part is the potential was there. The MC seems like a smart and capable person who does not wish for superpowers but to use his knowledge to build a better world and live an interesting life with people. Unfortunately again, the author does not live up to his own expectations. <<less
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July 11, 2017
Status: --
Im a pretty harsh reviewer so be warned you may like this. All I can say with the chapters out right now is that its the usual. Normal guy goes to other world, growing up with his pretty mom. Blah blah. He doesn't seem like an OP jerk so far, that good, but I could not keep reading. It is marked slice of life, but that does not give it a excuse for that life to be uninteresting.
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plainwalk rated it
November 1, 2020
Status: v2c29
The story needs harem and shotacon tags. The MC is 10 years old (physically) and has two adult women after him, plus a little girl. The translation is almost purely machine translation (calluses on his hand are called "sword octopuses" for example,) and the story is primarily narrative with little dialogue or action. Lots of potential, but poor execution.
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AlphaOC rated it
July 26, 2020
Status: v2c12
I've enjoyed reading this so far, but the translation is pretty flaky and I worry a bit that I'm missing some of what's going on. I feel like I understand most of what's going on, but that a lot of nuance may be lost.

Story wise, a lot of it is in the MC's head so to speak. He spends a lot of time thinking about plans and reacting to things and not so much actually talking with people. This can leave a lot of the other introduced characters without a... more>> great deal of developed personality.

Part of why I like it is because of the introduction of technology to a medieval society. The MC isn't a highschool student, but rather someone with a legitimate engineering background. It's a lot more realistic for him to have the knowledge necessary to implement those technologies. That said, I think the author underestimates the technologies already present in those societies (like smoking as a method of preservation/flavor).

Personally, I like what the story has been about so far but I feel like the quality of the translation is starting to fall short. None of it is "great" but the earlier chapters ranged from "ok" to "good" for the most part. In more recent chapters a lot more is being "lost in translation". <<less
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morido rated it
December 9, 2021
Status: c520
I enjoy the novel, but its not good, I am very disappointed since it had a lot of potential, that's why I am a bit sad since I could see this one being really really great.

First the premise and world building started good, but it gets tedious with all the Brewery stuff, I get that MC was an engineer in his past life and he could make some improvements in his new world but they focus to much on this part and really brings not much to the "main plot".... more>> The politics and education where ok but they over did it with the brewery stuff.

I really loved the main heroine, and I am always a sucker for a romance story, but the harem was really unnecessary and was beyond forced and it was only a convenient way of adding some fighting power for MC that was not really needed, it could have been handled in other ways with same result and I would not have had such a bad feeling at the end.


I have nothing against harems when are handled correctly like World finest assassin, but this harem was dumb, main heroine permits him having more women since she will out live him and cant have children, ok that's an ok reason, but him adding an old tiger lady out of the blue makes no sense why the main heroine would permit and encourage it, since she will also not be able to give him children and she will die first than him, makes no sense, the childhood friends while qualify in the baby making department, its just disgusting, he supposedly see them like daughters and then he just decided to randomly add them as brides ok they were adults by then have no problem but there is no romantic development afterwards other than some forced kisses and hugs we don't see any development, they are just plain extras that do their thing while fighting and in the background they barely interact with MC, it only distract from main heroine to shine, and also we don't even get to see if he had kids or not really dumb seems like Author had no clue how to handle the harem and we got nothing good out of it.


Magic and fighting system seems to be very awkward and really would have been better not to have such thing, it was either overkill or do nothing, could have been handled way better.

Ending is beyond rushed abrupt and terrible after all the world building, it should have taken at least some more chapter to do a proper ending Author seems to not have had more time to wrap it up I guess otherwise I don't understand....


When he confesses to his family that he is from another world and there was no negative reaction and they just accept it non clamantly right three I should have stop reading since its a given character development is going to be bad.

I feel like most of the plot was dedicated to him being the god of alcohol and there was no real main plot, takes ages for him to find the child he is supposed to guide, then after it was found it literally does nothing for more than 1 year and takes many chapters till something happens (there was never real guiding from him) and then suddenly he is not supposed to help that child because the gods say so, then a big fight happens that kills almost all the people he cares for including all his harem, he throws a tantrum with the gods it works and everyone comes back to life :/ I could not believe it, then there is no development from there, next thing we get after the big and deadly fight is that he is dying on his bed from old age and main heroine was the only one there before he dies like wtf, we don't know what happens to the cast, did he had children? did he mourned the death of the other harem extras? probably he outlived the tiger lady but what about the other childhood friends at least Sharon had also magic ability so she should have lived long enough but we get nothing the harem was handled terrible if the author already committed to have an harem at least don't do this kind of crap to try and redeem that the most import one was the main heroine, then when you think it cant get worst, we get teleported back to japan and MC picks up from where it left at the age of 45, gets a ring on the door and somehow main heroine is there the end I almost lost it on how bad it was handled... suddenly I had flashback when I was a kid and finish Mario bros 2 for the NES that ending was equally terrible

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FluffyBacon rated it
August 24, 2020
Status: v1c7
Disclaimer- I only read 7 chapters before I dropped it.

To start off, The slice of life I read so far I ended up liking. The character so far doesn't seem to bad since he's a middle-aged man reincarnated. He doesn't seem dumb like MCs in other novels, so far.

The reason I dropped this. The Translation. I found it really hard to read. I tried to ignore it since I enjoyed the plot but it just kept getting more annoying. It isn't spelling errors but more grammar errors. When it comes... more>> to the exposition and describing events, it isn't too bad; However, when it comes to dialogue, you can really see more errors.

If the translation doesn't bother you then you might enjoy this novel. <<less
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Ziprasidone rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: c236
Have read the raws up to 236 (MTL).

The novel is just about making alcohol and how much dwarves like to drink it, that's all. The jokes about dwarves were mildly amusing the first 10 times but it's become almost every chapter now.

There is some adventuring and the MC uses magic a bit but honestly the way he uses it is boring.

... more>>

He eventually can make custom spells seemingly at the drop of a hat but doesn't really do anything ground-breaking or even modify them to be tactical. It's pretty much: shoot spell - does damage the end. For humans being hit seems to be basically instant death and for monsters it either works and kills them or does nothing.


The mission of "guiding the future hero of the world" doesn't start until late into the novel and is immediately ignored.


Child is found after around 200 chapters but even when it's found the chapters just march on ignoring the fact that the fated child is found and just talking about dwarves and alcohol like usual. As I've said I've read up to 236 and so there have been over 30 chapters after the child is found and none of them even have a mention of the kid. Why? Isn't that supposed to be the main plot? There are 529 chapters out as of me writing this review so I guess there is still time but it really saps my motivation to keep reading if the main plot isn't even slightly addressed in almost 40 chapters. End Rant


Don't even really want to talk about the pathetic harem building aspects but I will. Pretty generic harem stuff overall but the characters are quite bland and don't seem to have any real impact except for increasing his party's fighting strength.


He rejects (in a very weak way) his two childhood friends because he is an over 40 year old man and they are around 12 but then it is just sort of glossed over and assumed that he will add them to the harem when they are old enough which is honestly quite disgusting. Meanwhile he is having continued s*xual relations with two other older women.

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atomsphere rated it
July 12, 2020
Status: v2c79
Everything just feels a bit underwhelming. Stats and skill levels don't feel impactful and mostly disappear as the story progresses. As Japanese novels tend to be and despite it being a harem, it is very low on interpersonal interaction. Most of the text is exposition on tangents. Even though it's pretty typical for a Japanese webnovel, it gets points for not talking about the following: the superiority of mayo as a condiment, breakfast isn't breakfast without rice, ketchup belongs on omelettes.
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gautam1989 rated it
February 13, 2021
Status: v1 illustrations
This is a nice twist on the 'slow life' and 'reincarnated as a noble type' Isekai.

Unlike nearly every other such series

1. The MC's goal isn't to be a hero or save the world, and in fact his combat skills, adventuring etc are incidental to the main story.

2. The MC's previous life experience in the modern world is more important than his special abilities in this world because that's how he gets the knowledge for making civic improvements and brewing alcohol, which is what he becomes known for.
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Pisteuo rated it
February 4, 2021
Status: c30
Not too sure why so many people are giving bad reviews but it is what it is. In my opinion unlike most novels this has a good build up and doesn’t rush right in to everything, but I get most people don’t have the patience for that. The story concept itself is also unique. First time I’ve read a novel like this and it’s really promising. The main characters and harem members, are also good, it’s a little early since they’re so young but it’s a good start. Anyways it’s... more>> a good casual read so far, I’d recommend. <<less
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ThomschK rated it
February 15, 2023
Status: Completed
I stumbled upon this one long after reading it and felt like adding a review.

Edit: Just saw someone allready concluded the main issues after finishing it.

Also dont get confused with the numbers of chapters. Its not really 528 there were some data/ illustration releases mixed in.

So... The story starts nice and slow but around 120 lost alot of momentum where it felt like a new genre. Not slow life, more like those food novels just for alcohol. The mainplot is basically gone at this point and if you reach 300... more>> you will feel like its a similar story written by someone else. Maybe it wont feel that bad in english translation.

The harem and mainplot were annoying just like a filler. If the author had cut the story in two projects it could have been pretty nice. A drama filled mainstory (after fleshing out the story and setting proper goals) and a slowlife sidestory (Inventions, politics and all). That way he could have been more motivated to write the story (after return) on earth into a nice small romance. The story had it all. All the nice bits we love (I dont like harem but thats my issue), to make at least 2-3 good stories within the same universe. Nothing wrong with that but maybe author was rushed by studio/ host/ private matters.

Its a solid 3 star because I cant stop dreaming about those 3 stories I have in mind while recalling the novel. <<less
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May 10, 2022
Status: c30
It's an alright SoL isekai

The draw is making alcohol and that he told literally everyone he is reincarnated. Nothing special and I didn't enjoy enough to continue reading
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