Under the Oak Tree


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The daughter of a duke, the stuttering Maximilian, married a knight of lowly status at her father’s coercion.

After their first night, her husband departed for an expedition without another word.

He comes back three years later, this time as a famous knight in the whole continent.

How would Maximilian face him on his return?

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상수리나무 아래
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171 Reviews sorted by

Xuhan rated it
March 6, 2023
Status: c184
The FMC (female main character) has been pissing me off throughout the story, and there was almost no growth for her. But, because I was so interested in the FMC and the MMC's relationship, I couldn't stop reading, so I kept reading and reading until finally the FMC decided to change. However, she is still annoying.

The story is full of frustration (very true) but at the same time, it's full of love. So, would I recommend this novel? Well, read the manhwa first, and if you like it, then read... more>> the novel. The difference between manhwa and the novel is that manhwa skips some details in the novel but both still go on the same route. Also, if you hate the female being the MC, then don't read because she is the main focus of the whole story. If you have patience, you will be able to continue the story. I almost had with the story but I stood strong and it was good that I did.

I am still in the progress of reading so I might update this review. <<less
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Chronossama rated it
November 20, 2022
Status: c256
As of now this is all I can give this novel. It started out great, I could understand the awkwardness between husband and wife. I could understand her timidness due to years of abuse. But what turned the dial for me was the MC’s recklessness. I get it, she feels she has no self-worth so she feels she has to do something. But most times her ‘doing something’ is what nearly pushes her husband to insanity. As a husband he’s not wrong to want his wife safe, someone who is... more>> clearly not trained for combat and sheltered all their lives shouldn’t be the first one rushing to the battlefield. Yet, every time she does this and the author tries to make him look like a d*ck for rightfully scolding her. How many times has the MC nearly killed herself because she choose to do things without checking it out with her husband first.
what really tripped me up is that she made the decision to separate herself with consulting him. He might have had a better plan, she drives me nuts for never considering how the ML feels. What kind of man would be okay seeing his wife in poor conditions, tired, overworked, and covered in blood. He clearly wants her to find happiness in simply being his wife. They could have that if she would learn to do things in moderation and trust him for once. I don’t know if I even want to keep reading at this point. Just reading it for Riffan at this point. Max can go kick rocks. <<less
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August 30, 2022
Status: epilogue
I've finished book1 as well as the spinoff and I must say, this is the first webnovel I ever read twice.

For webnovel (or just novel) : plot is pretty common ---a knight in shining armor saves the damsel in distress, they fell in love and poof, challenges and romance til the ending.

What astonishes me is, despite the 'cliche' story, I cant help but read each chapter while imagining how things turned out. The story is written in an elegant and clear way, perhaps it's the translation or the author is... more>> simply amazing in describing the events, characters, etc. (And these were translated beautifully)

For the graphic novel/manhwa : the art is 10/10 for me. It's perfect and clearly depicts the novel <<less
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ShiroEtto rated it
February 8, 2022
Status: --
This story gets a 5 star from me, but pegged it down to a 4 cause I can’t seem to access the site anymore 😔

I probably like this novel mostly because of how I personally relate to Maxi’s line of thinking. Watching her fight to overcome her anxieties and low-esteem makes you feel kinda hopeful that things can be better when you’re kind of struggling with the same stuff.

The author and the translators did an amazing job in making it so readable. I rarely get hooked in by novels, especially... more>> romance novels, but this one, for me, had a nice mix of narrative and poetic metaphor. I hope I could continue this some day because from what I've read it really is promising. Definitely recommending! <<less
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January 4, 2022
Status: --
I just got done with the last chapter last night, and a whole new bunch got released today!!!!!! Thank you!!!🥲🥰 I am so involved in this story, and absolutely loving it so far! I sympathize with other readers that it can be painful at times, but I love that the main characters are flawed and not so, "Mary jane". I began reading the comics on 'Manta', and when I found these translations was so happy!!
*You can not truly love someone else unless you first love yourself! * Max needs to find a way to change and Riftan needs to trust her. But he is also broken/ flawed, and extremely insecure. However, she will just keep resenting herself and eventually her feelings will shift to also resenting Riftan if she just blindly follows him.
Maybe max will leave for the world tower then find out she is pregnant and return! If the author throws riftan out of a window though, I'm not going to be happy 😑. I can't wait to continue reading ! I believe we are finally going to get a greater breakthrough with riftan! And start to figure out why he's so screwed up. I appreciate that the emotions for each character are very believable so far, even if very frustrating! Just hoping all this build up will have a satisfying ending bc those make the greatest stories 🙏 🙌 😌 ✨ 👌 ❤
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Kimumchi rated it
October 19, 2021
Status: --
Read the manga first.

Felt so happy to found the novel translation, huge thank you for the translator. Its a great read their translation of the novel.

Though at times I feel a bit tired of how self-putting the FL is but overall I love the novel, very much so.


Interesting development

Cute couple

Good story so far
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Hailbailsenpai rated it
October 5, 2021
Status: c219
I’ve been obsessed with this novel for over a year now and I absolutely love the characters development and this is translated so well!! I love the characters so much and grew so attached to all of them!! One of my first knovels and it’s still my favorite. Honestly haven’t found one that I enjoy more. Definitely recommend
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HappyNovel rated it
September 1, 2021
Status: c201
Thanks for the hardwork from the translator, it’s really a good novel!

For those who likes Lucia should read this🥰🥰🥰
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Rino_Spell rated it
July 23, 2021
Status: v2c1
I fell in love with this novel and can't wait for the sequel. The physical and emotional violence caused to the protagonist is the reason for the fear she has for anyone. Everything Maximilian has gone through justifies her doubts and fears, as well as the fear of loving someone, and it's fascinating to see how she overcomes difficulties and her inner demons. Reading Riftan's perspective also shows us why he has become what he is and why he feels inferior, justifying his stance towards the nobles. I really hope... more>> the writer recovers and goes back to writing this novel that slowly keeps us captivated by each character and looking forward to the outcome. <<less
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Rj Junsay
Rj Junsay
June 1, 2021
Status: c157
I appreciate how the author makes the readers feel how humane the characters are. I like the character development of Max, really shows how realistic her personality is; anxiety mix with her success in gaining her presence of self worth. You will totally understand Riftan in the next chapters especially in Book 2. You will fall in love with him while reading the chapters with his POV (how hard he worked in order to be deserving of Max). I really emphatize with the characters, it's really hard to open up... more>> genuinely to someone especially if you deeply care for them since you do not want to be seen in the bad light. I really like how the author takes you to a roller coaster ride of emotions. Prepare tissues in the next chapters especially at the end of Book 1. Looking forward for more updates. Thanks to the author, translators and the rest of the team. <<less
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weebinggreat1992 rated it
May 13, 2021
Status: --
I love this novel. I am glad I found a better translation in this site! I’ve read it over and over again and it never gets old. I am just so in love with the main characters.
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Bolovis rated it
May 12, 2021
Status: c213
It is nice, but could have less s*x time. After some time I got bored of it, it is not my cup of tea. But overall it is nice and wholesome at parts. Regardless of the fact that sometimes both MC deserve some slaps, but that is part of the fun.
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Ruby_088 rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: c126
This is some good sh*t I tell you. Yes, the ML is a little harsh and rude to MC at the start and I admit it but after about chapter 30, his attitude started to get better so don't get swayed by it at the start of the novel. First of all, for someone who is abuse by his father, her behaviour is totally logical and you can see how much those childhood traumas affect her. It was not something that you see in the typical novel or manga. Usually,... more>> it was always some confident and over-powerful genius MC but this one is different. The MC started from the bottom and slowly work up from it and it just very refreshing to see it. Even tho it was quite slow, you can see how much had she improve from the start and it was very heart-warming. Also please take note that ML spend most of his time on the battlefield or improving his castle so you cannot really expect him to become a white knight or something like that. His attitude is something that he learns from childhood and something that you had to expected especially from the environment he living in. Anyway, I recommend it very much for everyone to read it and I hope you have a great time reading it. 😊😊 <<less
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Kkurokun rated it
December 12, 2020
Status: c11
I had been reading the graphic novel of this story but reading the light novel translation is heavenly. So much more information, storyline, and descriptions. It really fills things out. It is a wonderful story of misunderstandings and of the couple trying to work their way through them all, despite outside interferences. I love it and love the translators! Long may they reign!😁
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Missy2894 rated it
September 16, 2020
Status: --

Edit :

I know some of you give a bad review abt this story, but guys let's be honest, in our life, progress doesn't happen just a year, there are probably more years for someone who was being abused since childhood to finally get over the trauma

... more>> So far in WE - ch 106, it is not even a year since the couple lived together after Riftan comeback from war,

so hold your judgement!

The novel has two parts of book and still not reach the end yet, in OG novel the chapter you read is still in chapter 54 because WE divide the chapters into two parts that is why it is 106 chapters already, there are more than hundreds of chapter the author wrote in the first book, emphasizing on Maxi perspective, later in part two of the book, you will see how much she has grown from timid lady into a brave one who can speak her mind

I must say there is none I don't like about this novel

You should read this!

How the author write the story is very neat, the detail that was given really satisfied many question I can ask. The plot is interesting and enjoyable.

The author also can write the snu part beautifully. The other thing is the story give us perspective from both MC and ML, so we can understand why the did what they do

The character and their personality development were also very rich, although you must be patient to see them growing. But what I love is, it is relateable with real life experience

Their backstories were heartbreaking yet beautiful

This gives me mixed feeling, I can laugh, smile, get angry, crying, being a heartbreak as I read the story

For the characters, there are three that really catches my interest

    • MC
Maxi was kind of related to the old me who had a lot of insecurities. It was resulted by constant emotional abuse that I experience as a kid. So I really can relate to Maxi for that. What I like about her that she doesn't stay the same but willing to change (ofc with the help of the people around her)

Life is not about perfection, it is about growth to become a better person

    • ML
Riftan, this tough man actually has the most miserable past but did not give up on life

Riftan is rude with his words, but he was a man that respect his wife, cherished her, and very honest in every conversation. He never sugar coated his words and humble enough to ask for forgiveness when he knows he was wrong

And what I like about MC and ML is they are the reason for each other to stay courageous facing life

Riftan past was dark and cold but Maxi is the only light and warm he ever experience in his childhood. That give him a courage to face life

Later Maxi character growth was because of Riftan constant shower of love for her. She become a brave woman because she want to stay by Riftan side

    • Ruth
I personally like Ruth character because he is the kind of person you need to develop your potential. His critics towards maxi was not meant to humiliate her, but rather to get her to the next level. If Riftan is Yin, then Ruth is Yang for Maxi.

Actually I hope that I have friend like Ruth in real life. Someone that honest enough to tell me if I am wrong but also acknowledge me if I do right

I love this novel to the bone! <<less
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shanderiasan rated it
September 13, 2020
Status: c103
This is one of a few novels out there I find really unique. First of all, the MC is very relatable and seems like a real person to me. At the beginning of the novel, she can't do anything. She has a lot of flaws and, in fact, a "damsel in distress". She cries a lot and helpless sometimes. Eventually, she will get better and better. Watching her slowly comes out of herself makes me feel very happy and excited. I'm rooting for her and the ML! O (≧∇≦o) If... more>> you looking for a strong female lead, this story is not for you.

I find this flawed MC is very refreshing. I read many transmigrated or reincarnated novels where the MCs have been blessed with future knowledge and opportunities you know. They're like goddesses who have no flaw and just naturally good at everything. Those stories are still enjoyable but sometimes it just feels repetitive to read about the same archetype over and over.

The story so far is very interesting, can't wait to see the rest of this novel o (≧∇≦o) <<less
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glennsa rated it
September 7, 2020
Status: c97
This novel, oh this novel. I started reading it after a long journey searching for it and then deciding to start it or not. I saw this really beautiful art and thought it was from a Manhwa, so I asked around, most answered it was Under the Oak Tree. So I went around until I found it here. But I read some comments and felt like “should I read this?”. But eventually I just gave in thinking “let’s read just one chapter”. I’m so glad I did. The writing is... more>> really entertaining, the translator love’s it very much, we can tell from their work. Oh, and the characters, DAMN these characters. They just pull you like gravity to keep falling into this story. Max is the most lovely and strong FL I’ve ever read about, and she’s very real, many times I could relate to her throughout these chapters, and her development?? Astounding. I love her. Then there’s the ML, u might think he’s just cold and rude if u don’t read it carefully, and he’ll make u wanna punch him sometimes, he’s a man after all. But you’ll just fall in love with him and wish all ML were more like him. *Insert here that gif “u know what’s that? That’s growth”*. The smuts scenes are great too, have to mention them cause they certainly left a mark, a good one majorly. Really, just give this work a chance, it’s sooo worth it. Bando de caralho q sabe inglês básico tbm super recomendo, com um dicionário por perto pq chega a ser engraçado o tanto de palavras inesperadas q a tradução usa. <<less
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September 7, 2020
Status: c97
Its a lovely story, with a good amount of character development and hot scenes that I love hahaha

you should read it if you enjoy a good love story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The translator is amazing, thank you for the hard work!!!
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Imaperv rated it
September 2, 2020
Status: c85
Not exactly a review but a warning! Do not read this novel in summer unless you want to be heated up at 100°C as I am now. I'm literally burned down to my bones. (edit : I meant to give it a four star but idk how I made a mistake. Sorry bout that)
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nana0_san rated it
September 2, 2020
Status: c97
I think if I were to describe the story and the characters simply, I'd liken it all too a tangle of threads. As the story rolls out, the characters we meet aren't neat bundles of perfect new thread but tangled, imperfect, complex masses. We follow their story as if we're unraveling a ball of tenacious knots the process is slow and satisfying, but occasionally frustrating as well. It's a pleasure to read how these the tangled characters smooth and braid themselves out as they come to understand and truly love... more>> one another.

Big thanks to the translators for bringing this gem to english readers! <<less
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