Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu


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High school student Misumi Makoto is called into a fantasy world by the god Tsukuyomi, in order to be a hero. However, the Goddess ruling the world isn’t as thrilled to have him there, and kicks him to the edge of the world. Tsukuyomi declares that Makoto is free to find his own way after Makoto is abandoned by the other Goddess.

Associated Names
One entry per line
Moon-led Journey Across Another World
Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy
Related Series
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu (Light Novel)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. thesauce
  2. series i've read
  3. enjoyed my time
  4. Anime 2024
  5. My absolute favourites | Ranked

Latest Release

Date Group Release
04/14/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c102
04/10/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c101
04/07/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c100
04/04/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c99
04/01/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c98
03/30/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c97
03/27/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c96
03/23/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c95
03/23/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c94
03/21/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c93
03/19/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c92
03/17/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c91
03/14/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c90
03/11/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c89
03/09/16 Reigokai: Isekai... c88
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253 Reviews sorted by

Overlord rated it
December 19, 2015
Status: c117
An average novel, good as a filler read between other releases. Typical 0-8-15 Shounen setting, behaviour of the MC illogical within the story. Writing and phrasing on an okay level, nothing special.

Several interesting attempts and ideas, but the author made weird decisions for the continual plot..


Why make the MC OP on god lvl, if he prefers to take a merchant route? Moreover he handles most of the situations in an incompetent way. O.O In addition the Drama tag feels totally off so far..

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mukkaar rated it
December 4, 2015
Status: --
Hmm... I would say this is really, really average story. So average it becomes bad. You read it and its something you can read, but doesn't really have good story or excitement. It's basically just some words and sentences thrown into something that resembles story. Its one of those Japanese "casual" stories like Death march and s*ave harem. By casual, I mean there is no thought put into characters or the story.

I don't really get how these run so long as they aren't just really bland. As I am... more>> reviewing Japanese novel, what's better than comparing it to food? This novel is like chicken soup that is just boiled chicken and nothing else, not even seasoning. It's bland, flat and even chicken is sparse. After eating it for while you just get sick of it.

I feel like many of these Japanese novels are more like templates for manga, not stand alone stories. I have read some of the manga versions for boring Jp novels and they are pretty good. You can see expressions and it conveys so much more. And manga is totally different form of story so most things that make these Japanese novels so bad don't affect manga.

And then there's ofc main character that is dumb as a rock with no character development. Not to mention author likes to throw female characters at MC just to tests his virg*n shield.

I find it really hard to say these kinds of stories are bad because it's just so bland. It's like some kind of mind numbing agent. Which I would argue is lot worse than actually bad novels, bad novels you actually notice fast and can stop. These novels try to bait you with potential story development and some exciting stuff that never comes. It takes while to actually realize that novel is just empty words and it won't get better. It feels kind of like scam, someone found out he can produce some words and get money for it. <<less
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Melakias rated it
November 7, 2015
Status: --
MC’s kidnapped and taken to another world, unknown to him, it was something he should have known previously it would happen, but was instead forced to take the position of hero or let it fall on one of his sisters. He chooses to comply and goes on with the summoning, sadly the goddess from the other side doesn’t like him and discards him to the edge of the world, kidnapping a couple other people instead to be her heroes.

MC turns to be s*upidly OP and soon finds himself with an... more>> troupe of followers and a whole town too. Funny interactions, interesting development, a really light city building aspect.

And if you want to know about the other heroes:


They are barely presented, each one had only one chapter and haven’t been talked again up to chapter 50

By chapter 77 the Heroes turn out quite bad, one has the makings of a hero but the other turns into a pathetic sob who runs away at the first sight of not being on top and is being used.


A little thing that irks me, the need from the author to remember us that the MC is the only ugly hyuman (not human) when all the race's made to look perfect. <<less
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March 11, 2024
Status: --
When entering the world of the work "Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu", we are introduced to a promising universe, full of possibilities and potential. However, as the story progresses, the narrative decay and stagnation of the protagonist becomes palpable, as he finds himself trapped in his own mediocrity. Furthermore, the transformation of the heroes into detestable characters and the protagonist's irritating behavior towards them cast a shadow over the plot.

Initially, the plot attracted readers with a captivating plot and intriguing characters. However, as the chapters unfold, the progressive decline in... more>> the quality of the narrative becomes evident. The main character, instead of evolving and growing, is portrayed as trapped in a cycle of mediocrity, unable to break through the barriers that limit his emotional and intellectual journey.

The story, once engaging, becomes monotonous, wasting the potential that had been established. The heroes, instead of being inspiring figures, become nauseating caricatures, diverting the public's attention with their laughable and unpleasant actions. The protagonist, in turn, reveals irritating behavior towards these characters, further undermining the credibility and interest of the plot.

At the end of our critical analysis of "Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu", it is imperative to recognize the decline in the quality of the work, which disregards the initial potential in favor of a mediocre and uninteresting narrative. The transformation of the heroes into irritating characters and the protagonist's incoherent behavior only intensify the audience's feeling of disappointment and disinterest. Therefore, it is essential to rethink the construction of characters and the development of the plot, in order to restore the quality and involvement of readers in the story. <<less
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pIRaTZE rated it
February 2, 2023
Status: extra 69
Unreliable MC, master and whatnot.. Not only makoto is gay, with no attraction toward lusty Tomoe and Mio, he might as well just chopped his sorry excuse thingy called dyck and just become eunuch instead of being "fighting merchant".. And he is easily duped by his senpai aka bytch hibiscus who has ulterior motive but not as annoying as tomato-sh*t ass hero who only love to fuched around any holes he can grab, this gayish MC rather believed in her because of they're being the same japanese on isekai rather... more>> than his trusty subordinate who is willing to sacrifice themselves towards their master.. Reading this to only view how shyt-show this MC is really frustrating, despite his "oh so awesome power", it's hard to get that satisfying feeling of trampling his enemies like any other OP novel I've read.. Because.. The MC is utterly s*upid.. Brawn but no brain!! <<less
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CadmarLegend rated it
December 21, 2021
Status: c217
I love the novel so far. It has some decent world-building, which you can't normally find.

As for characters, they are the standard "good-enough for web novels, ready to be animated with voices in an anime" characters.

What I mean is that I feel most web novels try to cater towards animators, so their characters are often aloof and flexible, so that anime can fit them anywhere.

Still, our author here did make some good characters! They aren't the best ones you'll find, but they are the ones which you will remember. The... more>> plot is also decent since it's basically just Makoto trying to find out who his parents were in this new world, while also adding plot mechanics. These mechanics help to further the interest in the novel.

I will admit, this will get boring at time. I even dropped it for almost 2 weeks because of how slow the hot springs chapters were going. But I picked it back up again, and oh boy, I quickly read the chapters that annoyed me and started on the others. After having watched the anime cover up to barely 1/20th of the chapters I'd read, my spark of curiosity was lit.


It is an enjoyable story, has some dark elements, is pretty humorous, and the plot is nice.

Give it a try, and try to stick through the first few chapters. You'll like it later if you don't like it at the beginning, don't worry. <<less
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howl99 rated it
November 18, 2021
Status: --
this is a good novel, certainly putting effort in world build and character building, the pacing is nice enough to not find myself bored mid way, which usually happens when I read novels that are too obvious or too slow. This novel worth more than the current rating (3.9).
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November 1, 2021
Status: c396
The story starts off pretty interesting and has several entertaining arcs. But at a certain point the author just goes off the rails, and combined with the rough translation the story stops making sense.
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kenjitamurako rated it
October 2, 2021
Status: c408
This series ends when the Lorel arc begins. That arc was really drawn out and uninteresting as the author seemed to want to move as much focus away from Makoto as possible in order to develop other characters. The author even went out of his way to justify his trip to Lorel in order to recruit mercenaries as "for whatever reason I can't just go around brute forcing and solving everything myself". Eventually the story starts to devolve into a "follow around random side characters daily life" short stories focused... more>> on things like business management and food with barely any hint of the original action and adventure the series started with. <<less
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SecondKing rated it
September 22, 2021
Status: v7c433
I have to give a very low review on this. At first, it was like, wow amazing, but after reaching the sixth volume, I'm tired of it. All they talk about was food this fight that, there is no thrill at all.

The most s*upid thing the author writes was the s*x part. I mean come on, we know that MC was a virg*n but giving the store goods for free for a few days to customers as a celebration for popping his cherry was exaggerated.

Finally, the part where the author... more>> never makes MC take the initiative to fight the Goddess but lets her sent her subordinate to kill him instead. The MC is on the defensive right now and waiting for who-knows-what right now. <<less
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Valhard rated it
August 9, 2021
Status: c414
It was a good read on the earlier chapters but ... more>>

after the war in limia and the attack om gritonia the story went on different areas the next arc was bland... up to this chapter


I know he is japanaese with all that meek docile respectful sh*t but dude having too many chapters that only regards about food is f*cked up. I mean he could have

more details of alphine romance and not got out and do sh*t like everyone suddenly become in love with hazal one vacation trip with bia he definitely f*cked them all


anyways if you can handle all that japanese culture sh*t about food and references you migjt finish this in one read BUT if you can't just take 10 - 20 chapters at a time


what I hate the most is when tomoki attacked makoto and the kuzunoha company he didn't do sh*t even when he warned him not to stand their way... the same guy who killed the apostle of the goddess just because she attacked tomoe and ema

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damnboy rated it
February 9, 2021
Status: c251
So, first of all Iwant to say that I quite enjoy this web novel, it has it's ups and downs but overall I would call it a good read.

1 (Characters)

Since this is mainly a slice of life story with action, fantasy and a few other things mixed in I think characters are very important. Whitout spoiling anything I'll say that the reoccurring characters are pretty good and unique although apart from a few cases they aren't developed all that well. The reason being that the relationships between said characters... more>> don't eveolve that much, or I should say that the lack of meaningful internal and external conflict keeps them from having a realistically in depth relationships, which is usually achieved by the characters having good, unpleasent and what I would call deep situations to overcome toghether or against each other. For this reason I believe that character growth in this novel is way too slow and it's not the good kind of slow but the slightly unerving kind.

I won't talk much about all the other characters that appear, but I'll say that they achieve their purpeous pretty well, they are mostly intersting and, although some have yet to be explored all that well, many of them come back in meaningful or at least interesting ways.

Lastly there is the MC, the biggest point of controversy about this story. First of all I'll say I find my self kind of in the middle between liking him and disliking him. I don't think he is unbelievably (Like many people say), I do think he is still naive (But thats fine) and I would argue that his laid back personallity isn't equivalent to him being a p*ssy, he is more complicated than that (I'm not talking about his cold and heartless side, which hasn't been explored properly yet). He is laid back where he thinks he can take advantage of the fact that he can be laid back, that's why he doesn't apply himself properly unless under pressure. That said I think his development into whatever he will become is very slow, keeping everybody at arms lenght all the time makes him too static, this would be realistic for sure (Since many people are like that, especially in an alien enviorment like another world), but with the lack of an ultimate objective and the fact that this is mainly a slice of life story his almost static chracter translates to a very slowly paced plot (Or at least that is what it feels like).

2 (World building)

Again I won't say much about this topic, I'm too lazy.

I think the world building is great, most ideas aren't original but well executed, some are totally unexpected and cool and some, like in most stories, are contradictory or uninteresting.

I'll say that the world feels alive, realistic and interesting to explore, although the atuthor often ponders way too much on some things just because he feels like explaing every single deatail about them (Which is something I enjoy but many don't).

Lastly the conflicts produced by the various "factions" (Like countries, races, divine beings ect..) are well built and interesting.

3 (Plot)

I like the plot, since I like the characters flaws and all, I really do enjoy the scattered and aimless plot. It really does feel like the life of an avarage kid blessed with strenght and good morals, living in a fantasy world. What is happening in the background keeps me invested along with the everyday life of our MC.

4 (Love and hate)

I enjoy this novel, I enjoy it because it has an interesting story developing in the background, I enjoy it because I think some of the characters are memorable and have lots of potential. I like the MC, he's not s*upid, but he does have what I would call a semi-boring attitude which is developing way too slow. I like the world building.

I hate the slow as h*ll pace of the story. I really hate the relationships between the main characters because they lack conflict and meaningful changes. I don't like how inconsistent the OPness of the MC is.

Characters: 6 (Hoping their relationships develop well, but they are mostly unique and interesting)

Plot: 7

Worldbuilding: 8

Writing: 6 (In part because of the translation, but don't get me wrong, I respect translators more than my self, it's mainly because it can feel overly simplistic or confusing at times)

Originallity: 7 (For an isekai story I'm even being a little too strict here)

Potential: 9 (I see great potential in this webnovel, it's slow but interesting and well crafted)

Enjoyment: 8

Overall: 7.4

I recommend this to anyone who likes slow paced sories with some action, some kindom building, unique characters and ideas.

If you want good character development I'm pretty sure it will happen but it hasn't yet, if you want a fast and acton packed plot go elsewere, if don't like stories where the journey is the main point than run as fast as you can.

I liked this specific mix and that's why I'll keep reading it. <<less
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EvilKitsune rated it
February 6, 2021
Status: c381
The most recent arc was trying too hard to force modern Japanese idol culture into the story and the PRG arc was just ok. Aside from that, whether this will be a good novel or a mediocre isekai depends on how they address the MC’s mentality and prejudices in the long run.
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paulinybarra rated it
January 30, 2021
Status: c384
Decent story. Though the main character still does not learn from his experience on how to behave and plan schemes as a merchant.

The relationship between his two followers was slow, took him 305 chapters to progress yet I felt that it was a sudden development.

EDIT: As of chapter 384, the story really is going downhill. The author seems to be adding filler text that prolongs the story. I'll put this on hold until maybe it reaches 50+ chapters, and hopefully with that gap I can see some sliver of progress.
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January 13, 2021
Status: c143
Never have I ever felt so frustrated when reading a japanese novel. I can't point out what's wrong with this novel and that just frustrates me more. Still gonna read till the end of the main story, but f*ck, why so slow? It's like there haven't been any plot yet as of c143. Is this just made to make money? Plus, the MC is overpowered but the amount of times he capitalizes on it is almost non-existent. 5/10 as of now. Hope it f*cking improves
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superdude201 rated it
September 30, 2020
Status: c237
The problem with this novel is that it had so much potential in the beginning (well first 150 chapters or so) that it feels like someone smacked their hand on your face the further you read along the story. It literally felt like a chore to read when it shouldn't.

If I had to sum it up in a few words; the story lacks a good climax in its arcs so you are never satisfied at the end.
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DimaShishandra rated it
May 11, 2020
Status: c301
Beginning was really nice.

There is char development, nice plot and etc.

Problem this novel is like a tree. At the beginning you have strong plot and strong presence of several key characters (trunk). But longer you read more new characters appear and they don't disappear. So instead of strong plot and nice ~20 chars now you have plot filled with water (branches) to the brim and 100 chars (leaves) who brings nothing to the story except extra pages
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December 27, 2019
Status: extra 37
the author is experiencing burn out and more over the story is keeping on extras chapters, in the past few month. The story gets on somehow blurry and vague which raises a question of the MC development and fulfilling his objectives.

He is certainly OP but his problem lies in his way of thinking. He is just being clueless along the way, as example he becomes a business man that makes medicine and out of nowhere he becomes a teacher in certain school. Which questions of the MC plan or preparation... more>> against his enemy the Goddess themselves were somehow getting ignored. In other words, it goes off track.

As a reader, it was fun but as it reaches extras chapters, the fun becomes confusing. <<less
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Zet258 rated it
October 27, 2019
Status: c297
Honestly, one of the fluent reads I've ever had finished 297 chapters in two weeks. Points that make this story interesting is individuality and realism personality vise you can empathize with characters aside from Tomoki that guy is a lost cause
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silentlord rated it
April 23, 2019
Status: extra 47
The MC is incredibly naive and painfully dense about his own abilities until he discovers his main technique. After that he crushes fools like they deserve, and the story becomes much more enjoyable.

Yes, the MC is the negative stereotypical beta male. If you can get past that, the world building is great; and I've re-read from about chapter 85+ three times.
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