Top Management


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Jung Sunwoo was an average man. He had just taken his first job at W&U, a celebrity management company, as a manager. He could finally achieve his dream of being the manager of a world-famous actor or actress. On his way to work, he fell into what appeared to be a lucid dream about his future. As he went on with his day, he realized it may not have simply been a lucid dream.

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탑 매니지먼트
Related Series
God of Music (17)
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Recommendation Lists
  1. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  2. My Top Novels From the 500 Novels I have Read (KR,...
  3. Collection
  4. Male MCs with portrayals of women I enjoyed
  5. Favorite Best Novel

Latest Release

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08/10/17 Myoniyoni Translations c72
08/05/17 Myoniyoni Translations c71
07/31/17 Myoniyoni Translations c70
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07/19/17 Myoniyoni Translations c67
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104 Reviews sorted by

nightstrikr rated it
June 6, 2020
Status: c218
It's a great novel. Though there are some issues when changing POVs suddenly and sometimes in chapter transitions, it's a good novel. Esp as the MC doesn't know everything in advance, so we are on tenterhooks about what will happen.

Waiting for hiatus to be over! Though it has been a long time hiatus, I hope the author will pick it up again !
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Vulcan Hajin
Vulcan Hajin rated it
May 23, 2020
Status: c195
Definitly a great novel which shows some aspects of entertainement industry.

Things like budget, communication planning, writers and the directors involvement, types of actors, power struggles between entertainment agencys/ TV channels (or movies productions..), failures and luck playing huge part, favors as well as scandals. It has a certain charm to hit though it's difficult to get a feel of how tiring of a job it is the writing is great and conveys it a bit.

The winning point is of course the mental struggle of MC when he gets a... more>> glimpse of his future, what kind of person he became? How did he become that? His relationships and way to success after the choices (at least those we read) he did. It's a huge plus.

This is really sad that it's in a indefnite hiatus, I hope the author is going to pick it up and do a great job, better a hiatus than continuing considering it seems a turning point. Which is why I stopped at c195, I know I wont be able to deal with my mind if it stops in this arc.

Overall it's great, a little strange the lack of s*xual favors, well I may be a bit biased here since I don't really know much about the industry.

Recommended 10/10 for those who can bear the hiatus. Or those who are looking for a good read just to kill time. <<less
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zacolamp rated it
February 8, 2020
Status: c218
It is a good read. Initial chapters are full of jargon but once it is over, it's easy to read. (Until 5 or 6 initial chapters after that frequency of jargons decrease significantly)

But no updates even after so many weeks after chapter 218, so update frequency is quite not good. But I guess original was in hiatus so no translation available.

I hope they completed the last scenario at least until that 'City Jungle' plot was complete over.

... more>> Pros:

Writing style good (sometimes hard to understand who said what but reading few lines after you will understand)

Concept was good, the MC did not got a definite skill or future vision, he sometimes get visions and he utilize it well every time.



Some jargons make things confusing without reading TL notes below

Its wroth 4/5 at least . <<less
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Raysham rated it
July 12, 2019
Status: c164
Simply put, it's good. Very good. I recommend it for poeople who are somewhat tired of other generic stuff that's mostly occupying this site. Not saying that everything else is bad, it's just the first time I'v read a novel like this. Altough it may have something to do with my ususal reading habits. Anyways, the story is very good, I never felt bored throughout reading. The characters are also fine, there are some cliches, but they imo they're justified (like the actress that throws a hissy fit outta nowhere... more>> - I can see a celebrity with that kind of personality). I also really like the dynamic between the girls and the MC and the way their relationship developes as well as their ever-changing feelings for each other.

All in all love it, 5/5. <<less
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xxlhca rated it
April 28, 2019
Status: c189
This story is a really good career building novel. The characters are written well with distinct personality traits, especially the MC. The MC also isn't one of those dense guys which makes it a whole lot better to me at least, and I love how his ability isn't like super op since he has to actually put in the effort to figure out the hints of the future. Definitely recommend reading if you like realistic and satisfying stories

Also this is recommended if you liked God Of Music, this one IMO... more>> is better in terms of romance and characters are more lifelike I guess

Really can't wait for the updates! <<less
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detoxangels12 rated it
April 15, 2019
Status: c122
Edit: Supposed to be 3stars. Whatever.

chapter 122 in. Disappointing that the female characters are so dumb and childish. There are only few fem characters where they have intelligent side and they're supporting chars. Too. Most of the most mention female chars are so childish and it makes you think if they're really professional or not. The female lead, is so dumb and childish that she kept depending on the MC and always act cutely just to get his attention, I mean ffs you're a rising star, why does she... more>> keep making so idiotic actions? It's alright if they're in private but just because the MC stared at another girl, she pops out of nowhere and do actions saying "look at me too look at me" so idiotic.

The other girl is spoiled as F. I dont get why people like her, She mentally abuse and traumatized a person just because she was stress and the punishment she got was her one drama got transferred to another. Then she threw a fit broke things and sh*t like a mentally child do and when she show an interest to MC, she just did whatevertf she wants again, The MC knows she's a problem and that's that but he just ler her be and annoy their day or plans. For f*cks sake she traumatized your s*upid actress and u just let her be and not threaten her about the trauma to make that spoiled kid behave? Just because she shows an interest to MC everyone just gonna forget what she did and be bygones bygones. The f*ck.

But overall it's a good story. I just wish to see the characters to show how professional they are instead of fighting like middle schoolers. <<less
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N0r rated it
April 15, 2019
Status: --
I absolutely love how Top Management is written. It has an extremely strong foundation because every fundamental pillar of a good story is covered well. The plot is interesting and engaging, staying fresh with new turns and avoiding tropes. The characters have depth and their interactions feel smooth and organic. The writing itself is incredibly well crafted, with a perfect balance of description and brevity.

The thing that amazes me the most, and what separates Top Management from others of this genre, is the way it avoids reliance on the main... more>> character's supernatural power. While the power has an important presence and helps drive the plot, it doesn't act as an easy out or an overused deus ex machina. It stays a mysterious force that the main character cannot control. Not only does this add intrigue to the story, it allows for the main character to show that he does have his own skill. He isn't reliant on his power, and the writing does a great job portraying his hard work in carving his own path. The way he deals mentally with the situation he's put in is another facet through which great depth is created in his character.

Overall, an astounding novel. <<less
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Piknos rated it
March 14, 2019
Status: c178
An entertaining read, Top Management is that novel you'd read without needing to think too much.

Binged all the earlier chapters, they were really nice to read on a lazy morning. Doesn't have much in terms of conflict with the whole seeing the future thing. He never really does come off that crutch except in one arc if I recall. Towards the later chapters everything falls off and becomes uninteresting, his attitude becomes unlikable and self-centred (at least to me).

Overall a good read for when you crave a plain story with... more>> straight sailing. I mean, what do you expect from someone that can literally see the future and the scenes that tell him exactly how to do things to achieve it? Scripts? Easy. People? We got you covered! Which songs are a success? 100% guarantee.

As a side note there aren't any surprises either, the whole future vision covers that, so don't expect much in terms of that tingly OH MY GOD THAT WORKED AND WAS TOTALLY A SURPRISE! Feeling you'd normally get after a successful venture. Now that I think about it, reading Top Management is kind of like reading the cliffnotes of a story then reading it again, except it's part of the experience. Just me? <<less
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Meloonseed rated it
February 20, 2019
Status: c172
The novel... I doubt anyone could write something as good as this, like, ever. It's like... the MC... urghhhhh, how do I explain this... anyways, the characters are all pretty developed, to be honest, and... okay. It's good. If you see this review, don't have any doubts, and read this.

It's interesting every chapter, usually, since the chapters are quite long as well. Like, there's interesting things every chap, and the cliffhangers make you cry.

... more>>

Son Chaeyoung or Lee Songha? Idekkkk anymore. Crazies and ice beauties are equally cute.


EDIT: reading this 5 years later because heard about unhiatus... this is lowkey unrealistic.. girl groups are kind of things where u can just dump money into them and they become famous irl... it makes no sense that neptune is a nugu especially if their "visuals" are all actress tier <<less
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storybookknight rated it
January 14, 2019
Status: c166
One of my favorites in the slice-of-life genre. Great characterization, interesting story, in-depth and accurate looks at the Korean entertainment industry.
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tazor rated it
November 19, 2018
Status: c147
Seriously in my opinion the best in it's genre and definitely top 3 Korean novels for me. Every time I read I always laugh.

Mc's ability is not so convenient it doesn't always trigger when he wants it to and he has to work really hard regardlessly also due to he's success there's a ton of pressure on him for every new project.

Characters are well fleshed out and you can connect with each of them (Poseidon girl grp) you can recognize each of them from their actions {Characters don't end up... more>> looking the same}

Pacing is well done. Translation quality is excellent (if any demerit it will be the translation speed)

It feels very realistic showing the dark side of show biz although not excessively together with heart warming moments. MC is fighting to prevent himself from being COLORED BLACK by the society

Songha is definitely my favorite I ship her and sun woo

All in all FIGHTING!!!!!!! I hope the original can continue from the Indefinite hiatus <<less
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Meihua rated it
October 22, 2018
Status: c142
Honestly really well written. The MC tries not to rely solely on his ability, and understands that he isn’t invincible. His ability is unreliable, which allows him to actually develop as a real manager, and keeps him from getting overconfident. When he goes through ‘dry periods’ without visions, his nervousness and anxiety about his own choices are clearly transmitted to the reader, and he does make mistakes. However, as he learns and gets better at his job and better at reading others, you can’t help but cheer for him and... more>> jump when he succeeds (it’s actually so exciting, I’m so freaking INVESTED).


he’s so chill sometimes, it’s great watching him blacken lol

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sukets rated it
October 17, 2017
Status: --
While the plot isn't really creative, the way it deals with it is, and is actually well written.

It has been a while since the last time I bonge readed a novel, but this novel deserves it.

The only thing is that you have to wait 1 week for a chapter, but since the chapters of this novel is quite big, and the translate quality is also good, you can't really complain.
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faerro rated it
March 19, 2017
Status: c40
This WN is really great. The only major problem I can see at this point is the handeling of the premonitions. Every time the MC has a premonition he stares into space like a zombie for seconds to minutes, and almost every time a premonition ends he finds himself face to face with some character or another being asked if he is drunk/asleep/daydreaming/dizzy/sick or whatever. I start to cringe every time a premonition pops up, wondering how far we will make it into the story before one of the other... more>> characters finally asks him if he has a brain disease as he stares at walls so often.

I also hope the TL speed will pick up as I really want to know what happens next. Will there be romance with Songhua? What happens with Neptune I the future? Eh, so many things I want to know! <<less
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MooseReader3 rated it
March 11, 2023
Status: --
Honestly this is probably one of the best novels I’ve read on this platform. There’s so much to cover and I’m not that good at reviews so I can’t say too much in this case other than read it yourself. It’s worth it.

i hope by some miracle it gets picked back up again because it really is a great read.
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Yesquatch rated it
March 5, 2023
Status: c218
I'm not even kdrama or kwebnovel fan. I prefer kdrama and xianxia.

But this is such great execution. It is a man's fight against the person he might become.

Like how great romances are tragedies, we have this unfinished work.
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erogege rated it
February 28, 2023
Status: c120
currently thinking whether to continue reading it. Since I dont want to be baited like on what happened on IRAS. I love both novel but the heck, both of them are on hiatus/ drop. It's such a torture for me lol. Im loving the plot although it isnt that much action packed compared to IRAS but im closing to the "final" chapter and I already saw some review that it ended it such important point.
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ArmyBlink95 rated it
September 25, 2022
Status: Completed
This is not those typical entertainment novel.

... more>>

unlike those novel who gets got reincarnated to change their future MC here see his visions of his future but its not something he can control


MC is still relatable even though he had advantages that he can used. He still have hardship and decision making that he must face by himself and was not spoon feed to him unlike those other series who have a system that can give bonus/extra help.

I really like this hoping that the author will continue to write. This novel is really a jem.

If you like slow-pace and more into realism type of entertainment genre novel. This one is a must read! <<less
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katsuradesilver rated it
May 22, 2020
Status: --
Well written novel. The interaction between character is so realistic. Slow romance is sweet. So sad the author dropped this
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Jubaer rated it
March 28, 2020
Status: c218
This one is like my guilty pleasure novel.

I loved the character interactions and how every character evolves over time.

The reason I say this is my guilty pleasure was because I thought I wouldn't like this novel as much as I did because I mostly read dark novels.

Now my tastes have novels that are dark or that target the readers emotions.

This one is absolutely binge read worthy.
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