The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack


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Zhou Xu, an interstellar military counselor, was selected by the “will not die in peace” system, and as a result, even though he had a great fear of pain, began his journey as the villain, forced to die a terrible death over and over again. Zhou Xu, after going through a hundred worlds and dying a hundred times, finally changed. He wanted to retaliate!

When Zhou Xu crossed for the 101st time, an error occurred in the system.

Zhou Xu, ready for revenge, seized the opportunity, and at last, placed the system under his control.

Haha, Zhou Xu laughed. The villain had always been killed by the protagonist. Now, he would like to see who killed who.

Cruel and merciless shou vs domineering bully gong

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Recommendation Lists
  1. Chrysanthemun (Reading Completed)
  2. Chrysanthemum Garden (2)
  3. QT danmei novels (completed)
  4. planning to read soon pt3b
  5. Showbiz Novel

Latest Release

Date Group Release
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12/16/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c85 part2
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11/19/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c83
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11/04/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c81 part2
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10/14/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c80 part1
10/06/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c79 part2
09/23/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c79 part1
09/15/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c78
09/08/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c77 part2
09/03/20 Chrysanthemum Garden c77 part1
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hy-d-ra rated it
February 27, 2020
Status: Completed
I personally don't think this is a ground-breaking read, on the contrary in later arcs it gets worse and worse. Worst arcs are: arc 5 (that have insensitive trans hate jokes we don't accept in this house), arc 10 (with MC being in the body of a 4yo sexually harrassing ML, I hate these type of stories of uncle/nephew growing up to later be groomed, yuck). It's not good for passing time if you don't condone. I often read QT for face-slapping factor with all the unreasonable, fake white lotuses... more>> getting their cheeks purple. But I prefer strong MC and that comes from compassion for wronged people, who became victims to scheming people, not this scheming unscurpulous b*tch. But what lowers the value of novels like this one is: it's easy to forget the story (like I made a pause or two and I can't remember shit, except bad parts), which means the story isn't that catching, there is no accent on MC and ML feelings development that would make it more profound (it's more like vulgar hooking up each arc), OP-ness of the MC and the help of ML make the challenge almost non-existent and boring. There's no charm in characters. Stories are very ciche with little to none interesting moments. And I think most important - is the main goal of the novel absent. PS: The Arc with cross-dressing is one of those that is handled really poorly. Which makes me wonder if people in China don't really inverstigate about those things or because of censoring it's really hard to get the info. In my city the topic of cross-dressing is basically non-existent, but I try not to be ignorant about these topics. So when I saw author intentionally or not writing trans hate, my opinion plumetted.

PPS: I re-visited this novel review during reading and my evaluation changed from middle to lowest and I threw it into a tr*sh BL list as a result, where it belings. <<less
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Mai Mee
Mai Mee rated it
December 17, 2019
Status: c56
So... the following review was written when I didn't know better.

... more>>

I don't remember why I stopped reading (but didn't take it off my reading list) before the mermen arc (don't remember any of the story before), so I can't comment on that, but from that arc only, I'd give it a 3 to a 4 star.

The next arc, the uni with "transvestite" designer arc though... (the original host also had some kind of social anxiety, but (spoiler!) that just got erased by the MC ?) There are so many issues I don't know where to start. Well, maybe start with the fact that a "crossdresser" and a "transvestite" is different.

I know the intent may be good, or might, but writing about it and getting it wrong, further promoting misinformation and stereotypes and harmful views, I'd say maybe do some research? It shouldn't be that hard to at least not offend, or get the basics on. If you write BL, you should know the struggles of being a minority and being misunderstood. I'm not of the affected minority, so I can't educate you myself but ugh... You can't bring up someone (gays) by dragging someone else (trans) down, even unknowingly. Ignorant sexism is still sexism. (Or whatever the appropriate term for discrimination based on gender identity and s*xual orientation is. I prefer "XYZ-ist" cause it seems more conveying of the definition—person who discriminate based on XYZ—for me, but I am probably not using the correct term)

Anyway, can't support that. Sorry. Not to mention the "It's not like they go into the wrong toilets" comment. :shaking_head:


English is not my first language, and in my country—Thailand—we have many different kinds of labels for people in the "trans category". I kinda assumed "transvestite" was a derogatory term for transgender/trans*xual people. It wasn't. It was a "mental illness" crossdressers get diagnosed with. According to Google anyway. Now it is a term many find offensive.

On that tho... according to the author, (some minor spoilers here) CSJ (antaginist#1) 's dad is a "transvestite, " and so a crossdresser, I presume, but his actions (needing to dress in female clothing) speaks to me more like he is trans as in a transgender woman? He came to like guys after his divorce with his wife, so a straight trans woman to me? That may just be my prejudice but... since the author doesn't really tell if someone identifies as what...

Anyway. That was weird. Weirder is that somehow in c56 there's a "debate". CSJ says transvetism is a mental illness. Others say it isn't. And that's where it starts to break down.

One of the person defending crossdressing "joked"

"... In addition, transvestites will not go into the wrong toilets, so what kind of disturbance will they cause?"

That's totally not ok! How can you put down transgender people to put up crossdressers??

(In case you don't understand the context. Trans people using the bathroom have been a very controversial thing. Some say trans women are predators and shouldn't be allowed in girls bathroom. Yep. So what do you think the joker meant.)

Still can't support that. No corrections by the TL or in the comments as well.

In the arc, there is also the "love is love" "it doesn't matter who or what gender you are, I will always love you" BS. Well it's not BS (I'm sorry pan friends.), but it definitely isn't what gays think (which is what the MC identifies as).

What definitely is BS tho, is that "I'm not gay. I'm straight but I love you (male) " thing the ML had.

// I came across my old review and reread the arc to re-review this.

The 1 I gave might have been too harsh, and so I changed that to a 2. I mean, the thoughts are great, but not enough effort. <<less
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Dragon_Reader rated it
November 8, 2019
Status: Completed
It's a good read. Common tropes seen in usual QT novels have been used, but there are plenty variations within each trope. Plus there is a proper conclusion/ reason to why all of this began.


I really really really pity the villain. Especially when, in the end, MC realises that despite his threats and grand plans, the villain actually did not do anything bad but instead kept their world running in top shape. For me, it's a first time when I wanted the villain to survive boohoohoo

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ri_n rated it
April 25, 2019
Status: Completed
Quite a good read. And I'm kinda biased towards the arcs with lots of fighting and actions. It is immersing and it totally showcases the MC's capability for command and action.

... more>>

especially the zombie arc and kinda a bit of the interstellar one


The interactions between the ML and MC are really sweet and cute (in some arcs)

I do admit though that a lot of arcs are too tedious to read and just pointless. Like you can skip it coz it isn't interesting and it doesn't have any bearing with the final revelation.


especially the arcs that were nearing the end


This is also the reason why I gave it a -1 star.

And the author somehow kinda loves dog blood drama. Some arcs start off with an interesting premise but the conclusion just crashes and burns


there's an arc where his character wanted to be a majorly known pianist and it ends up with assassination with which the circumstances had totally nothing to do with the premise. The author was so caught up with the love rivalry between the MC and original protagonist that the pianist part was just not focused on.



there's also that part in the interstellar arc in which halfway through it became some noon time drama where the original ML, protagonist, and villain are caught up in some love triangle and they all want to kill each other in a love hate relationship. Again, with which has nothing to do with the MC. The MC was literally watching the show in the shadows coz he was "kidnapped" but managed to free himself and so decided to just watch the show on the side


Overall, even though you can't really expect an active vengeful retaliation from the MC (check rhianirory's review for details) and there are a few annoying arcs, this is still a pretty interesting light read. <<less
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Babobaya1712 rated it
March 3, 2024
Status: c50
Kinda fun at first but after reading through 50 chapters, you start to realize that every world's plot progression is basically the same and you get so tired of it.

The story is very simple, the type that you don't care how big the villain is because you know very well the MC will beat the heck out of them anyway.

The face slapping and romance don't feel so good either, just really bland. Only recommend if you're bored and have nothing better to do.
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AelterG rated it
February 5, 2024
Status: Completed
A 4/5 mainly because I liked the mentality of the MC. He knew he has double standards and didn't try to paint himself as a good person.

Although sometimes I did feel that the story did try to paint him as "better than." Most arcs were interesting but some sort of dragged on or resolved too quickly with a few sentences explaining the MC's accomplishments. If not for the MC's character I probably wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. His back story was also so confusing at times mainly because we... more>> got like 5 chapters to flesh out what actually happened and a lot of "I'm a genius" moments.

It wasn't bad or so awful to read but I did wish it was better paced and elaborated. Also, the childhood sweetheart arc was by far the most unfortunate and unnecessary. I don't see R*pe as a retribution and was super uncomfortable with the entire arc because I kept thinking that Ru Yi could have grown to be a good person if he really had found a good family. The Yang family was bad from jump, even their bio kid didn't like them and the way they just "disposed" of RY really showed how little they actually loved and cared for him. RY isn't excempt from his bad actions but he never had a change to begin with.

Anyways, likely not a re read type of story for me but do recommend for people who like sticky gongs and strong shous. <<less
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Taliante rated it
November 16, 2023
Status: Completed
It's fun to see the face-slapping, but the stories felt compressed rather than short. The pacing in the beginning and end of each arc can be considered to be rushed. The beginning was filled with lore and explanations which is ok when it's rushed since it's not important, but each arc usually has the MC and ML meet within 1-2 chapters and then instantly the love entanglement and teasing ensues. No build up, just the instant doting ML that is present in a lot of other stories. This does get... more>> explained through the overarching plot, but again that explanation is quite common, you can even see that plot trope in the stories in the Recommended list above.

What I think adds to the feeling of the arcs being cramped is that a lot of the arcs actually have side couples on top of the main couple and the original novel couple that are being counterattacked. That's 3 couple arcs in what is usually 5-15 chapters. It's also a bit strange, but even though they are emoting and diverging from the original plot as needed the original protagonist ML and "FL" feel like robots under the control of the Original Novel. Sort of stiff and not very reactive. At least for the first few arcs and then it starts to get interesting in terms of how the original ML and FL interact. The entire reason the system exists is really convoluted and the base reason really makes you want to ask the author why did they make the person who created the system like this, it just comes out as petty.

To describe the ML: He a little (obsessed, posessive, crazy, s*upid, needy, confused), but he got the spirit... probably too much "spirit" (loving the MC) . He also feels like a majestic and handsome samoyed... that's also very sticky, possessive, s*upid and prone to body-slamming loved ones (catMC) and lying on top of them. "catMC is so cute and pretty *drool* I just wish he wouldn't tease me with his tail and run off"
To describe the MC: It's my way or the highway you punk. He also feels like a street cat recently adopted into the same household as dogML very vicious and protective of his own happiness, but "who made this s*upid samoyed be so warm to cuddle with. Now if only that dumb samoyed would stop trying to flatten him into the ground and could he stop poking me with that thing... though it is fun"

The sidekicks, attendants, underlings, bodyguards, etc side characters are hilarious though and make the arcs a lot more fun and less dog-blooded[Dramatic/Contrived]. The mechanics of the soul transfer makes the side characters extra interesting. Reuse and Recycle as the saying partially goes.

Could not stop laughing [Not a major spoiler]:

Ok, usually the ML has some mark or behavior/kink that lets the MC know that he is the ML. I've seen moles on palms, unique eyes, wanting to be called dad/be the MC's dad, supreme facial paralysis, being the Boss in an horror instance, etc. I have never read an ML having a bright red mole/dot on his pen*s. When I read that line I had to take a break because I could not stop laughing. The ML's pen*s is literally a one (red) eyed white dragon long snake XD *wheeze* Had to take another break in the Primitive World because my prophecy of the one red eyed long snake came true and it really became like a snake. Also for some reason the author keeps on adding giant and big and large and other descriptors to the ML's pen*s and at this point idk if their audience or the author has a *mumble* sze knk


Arc List:

Entertainment Circle 1-14
Fun. Interesting Plot, setting up as first world was good.
Apocalypse 15-26
Ok. Interesting Plot, ok ML this time.
Ancient "China" 27-40
Ok. Interesting Plot, ok ML this time
Ancient Chinese Fantasy 41-45
Meh. The plot was brain dead, but ML a bit s*upid in a cute way
University Life 46-56
Ok. Typical Plot. Hobbies of MC was fun and the ML was funny
Interstellar 57-65
Meh. I like Interstellar worlds but but ML was boring
Modern CEO/Rebirth 66-74
Ok. Plot was ok but the Dog-like behavior of the ML was funny
Primative Era 75-84
Ok. Beginning was bad but it kind of got interesting closer to the end
Cultivation 85-92
Meh. Flat plot though interaction between ML and FL was interesting.
Modern Childhood 93-101
Content Warning. MC is 4 and ML is 18. Ambiguity starts at 18, but MC has been planning since he was 4.
Modern Voice Actor 102-112
Content Warning. Reference to non-con and aftermath of non-con
Plot Climax 113-121
Felt more like a jog than a sprint, but the ML being a h**ny love-brain made the plot funny.
Extra 122
ML is really..... unique. MC has suffered a lot XD I'd beat my ML in that situation too


I'd recommend this as a crash course to QT and the various different kinds of world settings. The chapters are short and the arcs are typical QT settings so it's like a learner to gain an understanding before moving onto more lengthy and more nuanced QT novels. Of course, this story is also good for those that hate how long novels get in the 100+ chapter range and it feels repetitive. I can say it's hard to get bored of the novel when the characters are in a different world every 10 chapters. <<less
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July 29, 2023
Status: c46
I am clueless why people stated it to be bad novel. I like MC, he is logical, and ML is more in supporting role.

People are calling MC idiot of being afraid of pain, but the writer had many times mentioned that he has psychological shadow of dying for 100 times in those initial worlds... So, he does fear pain, and anyone would.

Its a Good story, I like all the arcs so far, first one was little stretched but latter ones I enjoyed specially the Merman arc.

So, I can say, novel... more>> so far is Good.

If you don't like it, then than that might be of personal preference. <<less
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1dumbho1 rated it
July 19, 2023
Status: Completed
it was ok no depth in arcs and sometimes the ML wasn't even present or he did everything. Smut chapters not translated Probably wont reread unless really bored. Real world arc was super boring. Last extra chapter is all smut.

Edit: I reread it : (and its worse than I remember


... more>> strong implications that women arent capable of having opinions. In one of the chapters MC says that a female character is bold for having and standing up for her opinion as a woman. Transphobia

There's a whole arc where being trans and crossdressing are used interchangeably. JUST BECAUSE YOU CROSSDRESS DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE TRANS. There was also a whole speech made about how crossdressers aren't hurting anyone as long as they don't confuse which bathroom they use. ????. MC Hypocrisy

MC in one arc fully believes that people born in a lower social status should bear any abuse someone of a higher social status imparts on them. If a person of a lower social status tries to change their status or seeks revenge for all the abuse they suffered they deserve to have nothing. The author may have realized that the readers were supporting the 'villain' and not the MC so they tried super hard to make that character evil by throwing in random tidbits that should've been in the world recap chapter of the beginning of every arc on how that chara is actually evil. When MC himself becomes a lower status individual suddenly revenge is necessary and lets all feel sad for the OG Protag. The MC has no values or morals and only does what benefits him to the point that I've seen some comments under the chapter start to support the narrative that if you have no power in the world then you deserve to suffer. You get SA'd and the perp has more fame, money or power? Too bad so sad. You're in an abusive relationship and get beat on everyday and are losing the will to live? Better luck next time! <<less
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Pop_up_ninja rated it
June 17, 2023
Status: c14
I read the first arc but will be dropping this one. The main reason is because this isn't storytelling, its story summarising.

The novel has a lot of potential which makes this all the more disappointing. To give you an example of what I mean by summarising, the main couples kiss is summed up in four words: "and then they kissed." The descriptions are as simple as that. I feel no tension, no chemistry, and generally find it hard to understand the characters thought processes because they just aren't explained

... more>>

When the worlds protagonist is ignored by the MC and thinks "don't blame me for being rude" then sends 4 big men to beat him up. What is he thinking!? The way it's written makes it seem like he is arranging to cripple the MC just because he ignored him. And don't get me started on the worlds female protagonist deciding to kill the MC.


The end of the arc is summed up in a few lines just stating achievements and time lines. Quite frankly I can't even say I was bored by this novel, I felt nothing other than frustration that something that could have been so good just made me feel nothing. <<less
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lotuslilac rated it
May 7, 2023
Status: Completed

It’s difficult to describe this novel. I loved it but also I admit there was something missing. Each world was amazing, the ML’s and MC’s love for each other was evident. They’re both super OP in each world, especially the MC. The “villains” who were opposing the MC, were just not even a slight challenge for our MC. Some readers might find this boring but I liked it. It’s nice to read a book like this sometimes where the MC always wins and is OP!

also our ML, soo loyal and... more>> loving towards our MC!! 😭❤️ I love them together and honestly, I binged this book (took me 5 days). No offence to the Knox translator, they did a good job but some parts were hard to understand. The quality of translation in the first chapters was exceptional so it was a bit hard to change from that to suddenly Knox. But compared to most translations on Knox, this was easier to read!

if you’re hesitating to read, just give it a shot! The worlds are so interesting, I usually don’t like primitive worlds and Merman worlds but it was alright in this one! <<less
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earlgreyt rated it
March 30, 2023
Status: Completed
I generally like QTs so I was just reading this one to pass the time.

To be honest, the MC is seriously pretty cruel/ruthless, and he pretty much acts identical to the protagonists that he seems to hate. For example, not being generous or forgiving, responding any perceived insults with 2x or 5x the revenge, etc.

In a way that exemplifies his "villain" moniker, but alternatively, it's a bit of a disappointment because MC always acts like he's not a villain, so side-characters still think of him as the good guy, which... more>> imo, is just a flakey way of presenting the premise that he's a "villain."

As often with this type of QT, the main villains (aka the story protagonists) are extremely one-dimensional braindead characters. There's really no question about how the plot will progress.

The romance was somewhat better than some of the other QTs I've read before, and the character development was done better. There was also better tension with the mystery behind the system world... but I do think QWTFOD (same premise) did better on the mini-plots. This one was extremely predictable.

Anyway, I only finished this because I like QTs as short reads.

Also huge plot hole - the author forgot


that she put in the first world that if the original protagonist or male lead/female lead were killed, the world would be destroyed, so that's why the MC limited his counterattack. Yet in the last two or three worlds, the MC directly went to kill the protagonists with no repercussions.

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Konzenkoryuu rated it
January 20, 2023
Status: Completed
I was wary about this one since the top recommendation if you like it is QWTFOD which I dropped during arc 11 due to annoyance with the characters and story in general.

Anyway, as of arc two, I like this one so far. The MC makes no bones about being a good person and doesn't even try--and has 100 lives of being forced to be a villain to explain why he's so OP in some aspects. I like too that (so far) he doesn't hide his true self from the ml.

As... more>> of arc 8, I'm still liking this story. The MC is a bit arrogant, but he also has a ton of knowledge from transmigrating into various worlds to back that up.

I also like


that there seems to be a deeper story here. There's a reason he was shoved into the transmigration system, and a reason his lover is also unconscious most of the time but looking for him. Currently I kinda suspect the brother, but we'll see.


and probably my favorite thing is that there is little to no conflict between the main characters. It's nice to have drama for story's sake and the cp being all fine.

Re-reading because it updated and I have another theory:

that the protagonist of each world--possibly still the brother?--was jealous of the MC being op and stuff and rather than simply accept it/work hard himself, tossed the MC into this transmigration system, which is why the MC was forced to be the villain for a hundred lifetimes, dying in cruel and painful ways. Because too, we see that the protagonist of each world is not all that angelic and rather sinister themselves, when things don't go their way.


I'm not unhappy with the ending. It seemed a little quick, but also a long time coming at the same time?

my theory was right ^^ not the why so much, but a little? It definitely explains the s*upid world protagonists. Also also, super happy for the brother to have found his lover again too.

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zenivamp rated it
October 10, 2022
Status: Completed
Another quick transmigration BL worth binge reading. Although our MC had a system I wouldn't put this under the system tag though because all the system does is provide the world's info at the start of every arc and the rest of the time our MC has no help apart from the ML. So this is a novel where the MC has a strong independent type character.

Includes a lot of different arcs like mermen arc (the MC isn't a merman though the enemy is damn *sad), apocalypse, uncle arc lol... more>> (not blood related obviously) + MC starts of as a cute 4 year old, primitive world/hunter gatherer type clans + farming + building houses + docter skills +poison skills + multiple transmigrators, showbiz, entertainment world arc, prime minister x emperor historical arc, cultivation arc fox king x bear (demon king), student x teacher (childhood friend of original host), etc.

Also although it's not mentioned much I love our side couple (MC's brother and coworker).

Just finished reading this a second time. The ML is so sticky! He clings to the MC so much that the MC runs away in the extra🤣🤣 also the extra was really hot +18 damn author🔥 <<less
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seasaltxx rated it
September 3, 2022
Status: Completed
As explained in the beginning of the novel, MC was picked up by the system in order to play the villain in the worlds. And on his 100th death which was described so painfully, the system glitched and at that moment he seized it and controlled it.

And then he travels the next world next just determined to live well. Tbh he has no other goal besides trying to escape but he does not know how so he decided to just live well.

After the first arc, the real life ML is... more>> introduced but very briefly and very vague. Tbh I loved these parts because in every end of the arc, the ML is shown to be recovering slowly and then it is shown that the MC has some history with him,

so they were childhood friends, and then the MC lost his memory, and the ML's memory was also altered basically someone was erasing MC's traces


The chapters are fairly long (in terms of chinese novels) but the entire novel itself only has 122 chapters about 11 arcs only.

the arcs were all okay, except for one where I was uncomfortable with but at least there was a time skip it was

the one where it starts as the MC being four years old and the ML as 18 and that the ML is like an adoptive uncle to the MC. Tbh I preferred better that the MC is unaware of the ML and the arc would have been cute but the MC being 4, kissed the ML with tongue since he was already aware that the ML was his lover. But the ML is super respectful and stopped the MC.

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darkelf01 rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: c40
It's an alright read. Not too good or too shitty. In one hand, I like that the MC's actions weren't restrained by the existence of a system, so he's pretty carefree in the worlds he hopped into. Also, a big thumbs up for the author about the MC's character growth. He started out as a cringe-worthy mock villain with all the motivation in the world to be a chaotic evil. From the second arc onwards, his role slowly changed into saving the worlds. He's quite proactive, too. He changed the... more>> world's situation for the better with the ML. On the other hand, it seemed like just another faceslapping-counterattack of the cannon fodder QT novels you usually read, no real surprise or something.

I think this novel would've been more interesting if the ML is the ori!MC. The vibe of enemy-turned-lover would be more of a catch in this otherwise boring novel. Also, I kinda want to see the MC becomes a true villain, since the evilness level of his counterattack is just petty. I want to see the struggle of protagonist halo vs. Counterattack halo, not a villain who takes the protagonist's halo. <<less
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StarrEyed rated it
May 7, 2021
Status: --
I love love it so much. Part of that may be because I love world hopping and FOD is probably one of my top favorite novels. This is one is already up there as well. I love the revenge the MC gets towards all the horrible people in the past lives. They deserve what they got. I also love how possessive and loving the ML is. I think they make a beautiful couple. I'm really thankful to the translator for sticking through this novel, and I can't wait to read... more>> more! <<less
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Nyxan rated it
July 15, 2020
Status: c66
Ah! Some people compare it to QWFOD but I honestly like it much more. I got annoyed by the revenge part in QWFOD he said he'd leave the protagonist alone but literally never did and his characters typically more or less deserved what they got (which I guess is the point of him being the villain but still ?). This one the MC isn't so much a villain in each story as cannon fodder for black bellied protagonists, which is probably more my style. Can't wait for the next arc.
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June 17, 2020
Status: c27
Basically QWFOD but with worse writing. Honestly seems like this author read that novel and then tried to recreate the settings in their own novel, but didn't really put much thought into it. The story is rushed at times, oddly slow at other times, and somehow boring even when in the midst of an action scene. Very little real explanation/demonstration of the characters' emotions; the author just kind of tells you they feel a certain way and you're expected to just believe it- even with no evidence, or evidence to... more>> the contrary.

By the end of the second arc, I felt like I was wasting the time I could use reading better BL Quick Wears (I could easily list 5 off the top of my head I'd rather reread than finish this novel). I rated it 2 stars as there isn't anything that makes me vehemently despise this novel, but there's nothing it does well (and very few things even at a passable level, tbh). To anyone looking to read, I'd honestly suggest not wasting your time; this is just a bad novel. <<less
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numba1nobody rated it
June 5, 2020
Status: c3
dropped at ch3 I cant handle this I got the vibes of FOD but this is getting ridiculous really bland characters it did get interesting but it got worse.

I just don't like the ML because he negotiated with those bribery I can't handle it the ML is so tr*sh that he neglected someone for money f*cking gold bit*h tr*sh.

That moment was literally where a good face slapping could start but I was disappointed.

... more>> SUPER fast paced when I said fast paced romance like really.

I'm so angry about ML accepting bribery I don't know what to do f*cking hell im just so mad!!!!!! (casual discerning because this happens in real life and in other novel about bribery but right now it is the ML and like really... it's ridiculous)

Spoiler below:

Police and mu*derer movie with western elements like evil and righteousness WTF... (author has weird taste e.e) <<less
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