The Transmigration Survival Guide


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The end of that era means the start of a new era, and those who belong to this new era quietly appear.

He doesn’t have a sword, but he has a more dangerous and terrifying weapon……

He can’t use magic, but he can get the entire empire to focus their eyes on him……

He was toyed with when he came here, treated as a s*ave, but in the end, the entire world trembled in fear at his words…….

He’s not the demon king, but they call him the demon king……

However, he is an invincible demon king.

This is a story of love and contention. The jealousy and destructive powers of the women are no less than that of a man. Females’ hearts are set aflutter everywhere he goes. Countless flirtatious eyes are always on him. However, as the man who adopted the succubus daughter of the demon king, he has something more important to do right now.

Raising a daughter isn’t easy for a guy after all.

And if your daughter loves him in some weird way, then not even mom will get to go near her dad.

“Lord Dongqing…… Father……. Darling……”

Associated Names
One entry per line
My Yandere Succubus Daughter is Mommy-Warrior’s Natural Enemy
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Recommendation Lists
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Latest Release

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11/17/20 Wu Jizun v10c59
11/16/20 Wu Jizun v10c58
11/13/20 Wu Jizun v10c57
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34 Reviews sorted by

February 10, 2021
Status: c450
I read this as a time consumer then it quickly became my everyday to read novel.

Then it just slapped at my face with unexplainable plots.

MC became an ultimate simp for his love interest. It just ruins the story. He saved the queen at what cause? The queen fell in love with him after being saved by him. I can forgive the fact he became a simp. But I can’t forgive the fact that he betrays others, used the love he received from girls to simp a girl. The plot is... more>> so bad I became from don’t like situation to hate situation.

For future readers, if you like a simp MC who he absolutely does everything and betrays everything to simp, enjoy this shitty novel <<less
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Logical rated it
March 18, 2020
Status: --
The author is to blame for this novel, if you're reading this I suggest you learn more about writing.... you think japanese light novels are bad? Guess what, this novel is 10x worse than that, what is this a bankai?...... I have one impression for the MC of this novel and that is unhealthy obsession toward love..... I think Chinese authors always trying to make their MC as human as possible judging by their attitudes and inconsistencies, but the thing is, they really need to differentiate between likable human and... more>> smart beast <<less
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Kidusk rated it
October 28, 2019
Status: v5c18
It's an enjoyable read.

The other novel by this author was also interesting in its own ways but I found it a bit stale and lackluster in comparison. This novel however, piqued my attention and held it quite well.

The story begins and sets the tone to be rather grey and gritty, which I believe was done fairly well. It's not overloaded with death and gore, but rather simply as a necessity to drive the progression of the plot. It's accentuated with accompanying elements of character development and world building written in... more>> between. Sure there were moments that were personally distasteful, but that doesn't take away from the overall feel or atmosphere of the story. Additionally the tension is always kept within the story, giving the feeling of always wanting to find out what happens next, which I really enjoyed.

Ah yes the characters, like the wine that accompanies a meal, It can often enhance or ruin one's experience. My two cents on the characters are that they feel real. From what I've read so far, every character has their own motivation that fuels their personality and actions. Nobody is a simple cut-out that simply exists to appease the readers or to progress the plot. Not every character's motivations are explained, but the few that are revealed gives way to why those characters would act or respond a certain way.

What's also interesting with this novel is that the characters seem to evolve through their actions and interactions, albeit fairly slowly. They change based on their interactions with each other and through the circumstances of the setting. It adds a certain layer of complexity in that you truly never know how a character will act or respond based on what changes around them.

Style. It's well done. The author (or maybe even the translator) has clearly gone through great lengths to make the novel both easy and enjoyable to read. It can be detailed and verbose, or just crude and simple; the author knows when to employ both.

So if you're just browsing through reviews to decide whether or not to pick up the novel, I would say it's worth reading for at least a few volumes. <<less
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Rand0mDick rated it
February 12, 2019
Status: v2c45
Everyone who read under 20 chapters gave this lower than 3 stars. So read over 20 chapters plz. (I left spoilers out of this review)


It is a great read and I highly recommend it. There are a lot of scenes that really get you thinking instead of the mind-numbing "hack and slash"; However if you don't like slow novels then this is not for you. Think of it like a detective novel but with some le*ds and a loli.

... more>>


-MC is not op

-most of the cast is not 2-D

-very little plot holes

-the plot has a purpose

-there is close to no filler

-translation is not garbage


-The characters should be fleshed out more (It would be nice to see more character flaws, but we still see growth.)

-its slow compared to other fantasy novels (it's like overlord. Not really a con but a style)

-A lot of character are subdivided into M&S

-I wished that the novel tried harder to nuance and perfect its message to us. The main topic is: family is important, but it doesn't give us too many examples why. This series could be "awesome" but it stays at "great". If it had more characters that were examples of bad families then this story would be exceptional.

Give this book a try. Read 20 chapters at least. <<less
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Salmonburger rated it
January 19, 2024
Status: v2c40
It kind of feels like he and his daughter are competing for women 😂 like in the latest chapter I just read “I gently hugged Leah and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Lucia felt envious watching us. She looked as if she also wanted to give Leah a kiss on her forehead. I turned to Lucia and explained”

I don’t know if this is just the protagonist misunderstanding or what. But it is also the same for Veirya, like the protagonist thinks she doesn’t care about him and only... more>> keeps him around because Leah is his daughter. But that could also just be his misunderstanding <<less
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August 29, 2022
Status: Completed
The ending was unsatisfactory. And yes he breaks many hearts, so if the human Queen or elven queen becomes your favourite character then you are in for nastiness at the end of the novel
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Crim Phantom
Crim Phantom rated it
August 22, 2022
Status: v12c11
The MC here is a guy who isn't strong in any sense but has the cunning to survive when thrown into an alien world. The other characters are fun and interesting. The love interests all have a degree of yandere or possessiveness, making it fun.
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Katakara123 rated it
October 4, 2021
Status: --
Uh its orettu frustating, the MC acts like a woman, a p**sy. Hes more like a female character than a male. He always gets flustered then runs like a scared pu*sy especially when he gets skin contact with veirya, it really left me soeexhless and frustrated the way the MC acts all through out the novel. Damn I really got frustrated with this novel. Its like im reading a novel thats I thought was soft vanilla and gentle to the heart but ended up knowing that it was actually a... more>> hardcore NTR but the damge was already there and cant be undone. <<less
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Detheagle666 rated it
January 16, 2021
Status: v12c1
This really isn't that great of a story. Frankly, the author had no plan, the plot will suddenly pivot for no good reason, going from a story about a transmigrated s*ave and the demon kings daughter trying to survive the world they now live in, to a story about building a fortune, then an "accidental" harem, then to preventing war (s) and driving people to su*cide, with plot points just being dropped because they were inconvenient or forgotten. And then, suddenly, time skip for no appreciable reason, new main characters,... more>> with additional time skips that add in random sh*t like summoning "heroic spirits" that was never explained or continued. It seems this is more of the author's evolving fantasy, where he is the main character and wants to have a loli "daughter" love s*ave, 2 queens, a kuudere love interest and her nympho mother, all while being some random badass economic superpower/god. Another title could be "The Author Fellates Himself for Twelve Volumes." I dropped this without finishing volume one the first time around, but this time I managed to read all of what is currently available (up to v12 c1) and can honestly say, it's okay but if you take it seriously it's horrible. Which is exactly what this author's other series, "two son-con moms" (can't remember the actual title, but that's essentially it) is, more written autofellatio and poor planning. And absolutely horrible if you expect more than the level of writing in some cheap skinny from an airport duty-free shop. If you want world building and characters you give a sh*t about, look else where. If you want something to keep you occupied for awhile and don't care about the contents to much, it's okay. 3/5, author needs a life <<less
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July 1, 2019
Status: v3c54
This novel and author imo does not deserve a high rating, probably a 2 or 3, but I rate it a 4 because the story isn't the worse but enough to be entertained. The translator is also good at what he does and a good guy. I have read this author's other works including Son-Con and Commander and it is obvious to see that this author in general loves the type of MCs you see in Japanese novels that will usually bend their knees when a pretty woman is involved... more>> and will usually take abuse from a woman especially if they're pretty without retaliating too much except with small protests or thoughts.

To be fair, this novel is not as bad as the other two works of the author, especially Son-Con. The MC here is at least a BIT more respectable, but just a tiny bit. The author attempts to make the MC seem smart and crafty due to his life and experience, but the problem is the author tries to revolve the world around him and make everything go at the MCs pace, making everything fall into place for the MC. The other characters however, are way more interesting and this makes me keep reading because they are the type of characters that grow throughout the novel. The MC acts irregularly sometimes, but his character is persistent as one thing that stays the same about him is his "passion" to abandon everything for his "family" no matter how s*upid. It's not unbelievable, as I think most people would probably do the same if they find something they truly care about. <<less
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jjerro rated it
December 17, 2021
Status: --
3/5 is good enough. Since the story revolves around MC, even if the pace, development or fan-services are good enough, can't give more than that. Man, especially the others background story is very well designed, but MC hypocrisy is just too much.
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Lovise rated it
November 15, 2021
Status: --
You know it is bad when the title name have nothing to do with the story. What survival, what guide? It should be renamed to shetty business man. The author tried to hard with the business theme when he don't understand how business work. I suggest taking a few business classes or read some very fine business books.

God the MC started out with observational skill or a very keen sense. That trait disappeared right after. Like wtf? On one of the arc, the MC does a pozi scheme. But god... more>> damn he suck at it; the original one in real life is so much more interesting to read about. Robbing peter to pay paul.~ That said, you know the book is bad when the book started out with 1 MC in medieval ish time and end with another MC in a fight jet. Like WTF? That's it? WTF is this ending/ <<less
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kirito12345 rated it
July 22, 2021
Status: --
The novel started okay-ish but during last part the queen saving arc...... BOOM what the F? Where is the original plot it suddenly diverged into queen simping arc without any side chapter or no explanation......

Honestly I thought it would get better seeing the emotionless FMC and the barely in*estous adopted daughter. I really don't recommend this but if you like MC who chases after FMC who has no chance of displaying romantic emotion even tho there is a harem tag and with the plot that will make you throw away... more>> the device from whatever device you're currently reading it from then you're welcome to read this garbage.🙂 <<less
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Handoro rated it
November 30, 2020
Status: v11c10
It was good until arc 10, then he put a strange FSN parody in an additional volume, from then on the series declined a lot with the time jump, it just feels empty and the chapters are boring, added to this the protagonist already has approximately 40-50 years. The author does not seem to know how to give a good ending to his series (including the other one with which he shares the universe). I repeat: The series can end in volume 10, from there nothing to highlight.
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