The Novel’s Extra


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Waking up, Kim Hajin finds himself in a familiar world but an unfamiliar body.

A world he created himself and a story he wrote, yet never finished.

He had become his novel’s extra, a filler character with no importance to the story.

The only clue to escaping is to stay close to the main storyline.

However, he soon finds out the world isn’t exactly identical to his creation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
소설 속 엑스트라
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Recommendation Lists
  1. Academy Novel
  2. fantasy
  3. everything ive read (part 1)
  4. my reads
  5. thesauce

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06/08/18 Wuxiaworld c5
06/07/18 Wuxiaworld c4
06/07/18 Wuxiaworld c3
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397 Reviews sorted by

Misufro rated it
April 3, 2019
Status: --
A really great mix of stories and I really love the characters as well.
Somehow the vibe I got from reading is surprisingly similar to from the anime rakudai kishi no cavalry well for the academy part. But what I really personally enjoyed is when the tower of wish appeared it almost feels like Hunter x Hunter well I can't really express all of my thoughts in regards to this novel but what I know is that all the LN, animes and mangas are mix in this Light novel it is really enjoyable so I hope you guys read this as well if you can relate as well.
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ResidentialPsycho rated it
December 19, 2018
Status: c188
This is an entertaining action series. The chapters are exciting and have been able to hold my attention. I like the apathy and focus of the MC, and I feel like he showed a lot of depth when he killed off a certain character. The action scenes are fun to envision, but they're rather short for the most part. The sense of tension this series provides is awfully weak since the MC always returns as the victor no how dangerous things are. With one exception, there aren't any permanent dangerous... more>> repercussions to the MC specifically thus far, so the suspense is weak.


There was a leap in quality when he kills off his girlfriend/not-girlfriend's brother, and he and his friends got tormented by the guilt of that knowledge. Unfortunately, more could have been done with this, and this girlfriend's character development is weak and shallow.


Although the MC develops a little over time, it isn't much, and I feel like the character I'm reading about four years or so into the story is practically the same as in the first chapter. This might be because he's so OP he doesn't struggle much at all. The Chameleon Troupe characters are more interesting and have funny interactions. They strongly remind me of the Phantom Troupe from Hunter x Hunter. All the other side-characters, though, are shockingly flat. Even the original novel protagonist and novel rival are flat and uninteresting with little show time and hardly any development.

This novel touches on some drama, but it actually doesn't appear to affect the plot much except as an excuse to make one of the love interests grow stronger. It does so in a tragically cliche and weak-willed manner that doesn't help the story at all. It also touches on romance with a few different characters to the point it gives me the vibes of a dating sim. However, all of the possible love interest candidates also have very weak characterization and appear to largely be based on stereotypes, although this improves a little as the series goes on. All of the girls are rich, strong, and pretty. With the exception of one, they're all from noble backgrounds, too. The romance feels so forced and faked that I can't consider it to be a true genre for this series.

The plot is centered in sci-fi Korea (South Korea?) about ten or so years into the future, and they have a slightly different history due to the emergency of monsters and magic. It's nothing new. The MC goes to a military/hero-training school, but it's not treated anything like the military. These kids have been training since before being sent there, but they can't cook food or survive on their own. There are no room inspections, and the staff is shockingly lenient with the rules. Although the MC is chronically late, he never gets in trouble for it.

There are plot holes all over the place, which leave me wondering if the writer forgot about some of the plot elements that were already inserted into the story.

Even so, it's fun to read. Although some of the characters are exceedingly flat and bland, there are also some who grow in quality as the story continues. If you're looking for dramatic character depth or a flawless plot, then this is not the one for you. If you're just looking for something with action that's entertaining with fast-pacing, then this is one that can keep you busy for awhile. <<less
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Raison D
Raison D rated it
November 27, 2018
Status: --
i know this novel is good like background, plot, complex world and character development. But is not complete yet. Remember, this novel is the same author who writes A Monster Who Levels Up. So I dont wanna my hope get crushed again, because in this novel where MC get transported to his own novel, the ending can be predicted. For example : he met the one who transport him and back to his world alone then start to writes again about his journey then just end it like that, no... more>> question asked. Or wake up from his dream and realize all about is just dream (and crying of course) and start writing about that dream and his journey. But the novel itself get 5 star. <<less
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hasula rated it
November 9, 2018
Status: c160
As usual the author is good at making an interesting premise and will start off very entertaining and fun then slowly became stale until becoming boring
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Zilva rated it
November 3, 2018
Status: c153
I think this novel is very great. I love the characters and how the author build the world.

i love how the author make the protagonist as real as possible. He have feelings. He also grows in terms of mentality and maturity. And it is well written.

the side character also very attractive and feels really lively, especially the heroine. I think there is no one in this novel that outrightly love the MC from the first time they met unlike other novels.

well there is something that make people angry like misunderstandings... more>> between characters, but I think it's not really that bad. I mean it's funny and also very amusing. And it's understandable because it is an action that is necessary to make the side character to grow, well maybe there are other alternatives but I love this novel the way it is. <<less
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Seraphic rated it
October 9, 2018
Status: c80
It's been going pretty good. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have read this if I knew that the author was the guy who wrote A Monster Who Levels Up (MLU) because I detested that novel with the fury of thousand suns, but so far the action and plot has been fairly engaging. Of course, MLU was also engaging at first but devolved into dreary monotony later on, but so far The Novel's Extra has been much better paced. In fact, in many ways, this novel feels like the author was trying... more>> to rewrite MLU with new inspiration and experience as a better writer, and the premise of the novel's setting almost feels like a self-critique. Hopefully the quality will continue as the novel goes on.

However... the pseudo-harem misunderstandings/dense-af MC romance is still annoying as all hell. While it doesn't completely blot out everything of interest like his previous work did, for me it's definitely the least enjoyable part of the novel. <<less
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Kneeldownscum rated it
September 20, 2018
Status: c111
This novel is brilliant with a rare few annoying parts (wouldn't notice them unless one is scrutinizing seriously). I love the story progresion and the fact that women aren't dumb and one-dimensional. Characters are unique with consistent personality (extremely rare). The part that ticks me off is the stagnant stats of the protagonist. Like literally doesn't grow at all and he doesn't put any effort to do anything about it either, even though he has those SP points. The SP points are used in making those bullets and other stuff.

... more>>

He has the abiluabto gain points by attracting attention. He doesn't use these points to develop his pitiful stats. He has an ability to sing so I was hoping he would use that skill to gain some SP points to improve his stats.


I don't like those overpowered, egoistic, maglomaniacal protagonist either, but I wouldn't want to see a weak protagonist either.

Overall the story is different in a good way and definitely worth a read. <<less
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1life4death rated it
September 16, 2018
Status: c82
It's a good read and very interesting novel but it does has its flaws. Such as using his perception as an excuse...a lot. Or his relationship with one of the female leads. Yes, I get that it builds depth for the characters but some of the situations can be avoided if he chose better options, personally he's practically a tsundere towards this particular female lead.

Even though he keeps mentioning he just want to be a side character or background character at the beginning so the main storyline of the novel... more>> can progress. His actions seems to be the exact opposite of what his original plan was. Because he took over the hero role as he carries the "original" heroes through all the major events. Due to this his OP skills are shown off even though he seems to not be aware of it himself. I'm not saying these things are bad because it does make for an interesting plot but I would think he will be more aware and level headed when it comes to the fact that his action has consequences being one of the creators of the novel he's stuck in. <<less
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Fily-91 rated it
August 29, 2018
Status: c85
This novel is one of the most interesting I've been reading so far! I'm just a little disappointed with the releasing speed of chapters, but I just want more!!!!. 85 chapter is too little to show how the world is built, in my opinions this is the first time I'm seeing a world within a novel. Just the first few chapters are a little hard to read and to figure it out!
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Reader00 rated it
August 26, 2018
Status: c84
This was an enjoyable read so far. Pacing is just the right speed and character interactions aren't boring.

MC is cheaty but isn't overpowering the entire world right off the bat.

Speaking of the world, world building is the weakest point in this novel. Being thrown into his own world just makes it hard to feel any suspense for the reader. Why care about a fictional fictional character and the said fictional fictional world?

Most of the details about the world like magic and rpg elements just feels like its thrown out there... more>> with no plan in hopes of it turning out good. Earth history and modern world mashed with fantasy could be good if the author had had actually thought of utilizing it.

Apparently a country with 51 million population is crushing the competition based on innate human potential. The numbers are just too silly.


Let's be honest. Chameleon Troupe is just the inferior version of Phantom Troupe from HxH


Worth a read as it is better than most of the stuff around here <<less
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Xharyel rated it
August 22, 2018
Status: c80
So, I rated it 3 stars but I'll start by saying that I really enjoyed what I read so far. I binged 80 chapters in one night and I just couldn't stop. But still, I can't seem to rate it higher for a critical reason : the world.

Basically, we follow our MC who somehow enters and become part of the novel he wrote. That's exactly my problem. I can't foresee any "good ending" about it. I mean, he's in his own novel... I would have liked it much more if... more>> he had transmigrated into a whole new world or even into the future. At the end of the story, what will happen ? Will he wake up and say "I had a good dream" ? With this setting, although interesting at first glance, is a trap in my opinion. At the end, these characters were just part of his novel and came out of his brain, although some dude "helps" him modify his novel, he still knows everything about these characters (strenghts, weaknesses, habits, hobbies, personnalities, past, background, etc.).

That aside, if I ignore the part that he's in his novel, and treat it as a "new world", it's really not bad. The pace is good, the characters are good, the MC is... weird. After 80 chapters, I can't seem to like him, but that may be just me. He just seems so detached and bland compared to the girls (they are great and yeah, other male characters are bland as hell).

So yeah, overall I just read it to know what happens to the characters (the girls) as I kinda like them as they feel real (the irony !). But in the end, I can't help but think "welp, he's in his own novel". I still wonder how it will turn out in the end. I might change my rating later on depending on that. <<less
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optjam rated it
August 20, 2018
Status: c63
Peeps..! This is a must read so far. I love how this novel has progressed. Its not over the top too often, but the plot keeps you so engaged. There's so many underlying plotlines and all the characters are super interesting. Great read!
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Dj5822 rated it
August 10, 2018
Status: c232
At first, I was worried about the pacing of the novel, but now I see that my worries were unfounded. The pacing doesn't have any issues at all.

The novel has lots of similarities to 'Omniscient Reader's Point of View' (ORPV), but instead of being a reader, he is an author. The best chapters by far are when the main character (Hajin) has flashbacks of when he was an author. It feels like the author of The Novel's Extra is putting his personal struggles and feelings into the novel in these... more>> chapters. It is at these moments that we realise that the author is just another nobody in Korea that's churning out novels every day in order to make a living. It makes the main character seem so much more human, likely because it really is the author's real-life human feelings are being described in the novel.

I can already see some interesting foreshadowing. I won't go into the details, but I get the feeling that the ending of this novel is going to be very interesting. <<less
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August 6, 2018
Status: c64
Best korean novel I have read as of this review (and ive been gone from reading NU stuff for a while now). While he is an op MC, along with the cliches of korean novels in general, the difference that this one makes is that characters actually have depth and act not because they were written that way but according to how a person would act like based on their personality traits. Though, the things that actually makes this good is the character depth and good writing. All the other... more>> stuff you can find in a general korean style novel. Reading this would actually ruin your experience of the generally recommended korean stuff because this one is written more carefully rather than the simplistic writing most kr novels have. <<less
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Varno rated it
August 6, 2018
Status: c63
The premise is, the author falling into his own story, probably by way of a whimsical god.

While you may have seen this plot before, the execution of this novel is nice enough and true enough to the premise while being written at a satisfactory level to keep you reading.

I may have said that the premise holds true to expectations, but, there is a problem. Foreshadowing isn't done very well, there isn't anything of consequence for the reader to look forward to, because it done sloppily. The author straight up tells... more>> you what's next, but a certain twist in the novel may make the given information inaccurate and this leads into my biggest problem with this novel.

I do not care about a single character, after reading 50 plus chapters. Eveybody seems to be unlikeable and inconsistent. Despite being saved multiple times by the MC, most characters dislike him, rightfully so, as he goes above and beyond to be stand-offish and petty when given a chance to make ammends-thought it shlould be known this is purposefully done. It is still annoying.

Because of it's fast moving story, with little character progression and the intentional crippling of the mc's growth, 4.2/5.

Please, if any of you ever write's a story, make sure that the main character can use the magic system. It is very... I don't feel like cursing. <<less
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Nioninja rated it
August 3, 2018
Status: c61
This novel is AMAZING it's the generic drudge feast that most books are and while there are some ugh moments for me I still absolutely love the story and everything about it check it out trust me you won't be disappointed.
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Cutu rated it
May 5, 2024
Status: c306
This novel has too many similarities to HunterXHunter.

It's clear that the author borrowed some concept from hxh and there's nothing wrong with that. But as the story progresses, it becomes too hard to ignore when the author blatantly copies each arc concept from hxh.

Few example:

... more>>

Spider Troupe = Chameleon Troupe

Both are the most wanted criminal groups in their respective series having more or less around 12 members with powerful abilites.

Greed Island = Tower of Wish

Both are mysterious IRL game that will grant rewards to anyone who completes the challenges.

Chimera Ant = Monster King Orden

Both monsters are main antagonists from their respective arc who have the ability to give birth army of chimera each with different genetic makeup.


Putting aside the similarities, the story is pretty good in the first arc. But after that, the story slowly went downhill. The author way too fond of using constant misunderstanding and ridiculous plot-armour to progress the plot. At a certain point, the story gets downright ridiculous. <<less
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Moltenwings rated it
November 7, 2023
Status: --
I definitely have a soft spot for this novel so there's a need to take my review with a grain of salt. On that note, I absolutely adore this novel. It's definitely in my top 3 of all time due to its significance to me. While others have described it's faults such as the misunderstandings taking forever to clear up and some filler arcs, I never had a problem with the second since the character moments and relationships are so heartbreakingly real at moments. The first "fault" I mentioned is... more>> something I love the novels for because personal relationships are not simple and I like that

the main character had to endure the actual consequences of his actions and didn't get saved by just explaining his pov because he did commit the mu*der of a friend's brother and no matter what his reasoning, it doesn't fix the fact that at the end of the day he pulled the trigger.

Definitely not a perfect novel and definitely not for everyone/is very divisive but certainly a very original and meta read on the genre at the time of its release and what I would consider one of the forefathers of the isekaid main character knows what is coming in the future subgenre. Give it a chance if you have the time and I hope you get the same emotions I got from this one. <<less
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Zikraha rated it
September 4, 2023
Status: --
Good stuff. The characters are great but the ending was somewhat disappointing.
The side stories are better than the ending IMO.

The author has a reputation for bad endings.

But because I'm biased, and the fact that this novel was what got me into the isekai trope. I'm giving it 5 stars.
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Pelouch rated it
August 3, 2023
Status: c157
I binge read till chapter 157 (the middle of the tower of heaven arc) or about 40% of the story... It's really long about 1M English words excluding the side stories or like 14 normal length light novel volumes. Famously long novel War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy clocks at 580k words so this is 1.7 times the length of that, obviously this has much simpler prose and plot but still it's long as hell

The premise is really good, I like the concept of a sharpshooter in a modern fantasy... more>> world, it has some really cool ideas like the SP the "Concept power" and the mirror breaking stuff... Anyway it's really creative, but the core of the story is a melodrama which is really well done to be fair but with the novel being so long it starts dragging on a lot, it relies on misunderstandings and plays a lot with how character give and recieve information so it ends up feeling forced a lot of the times.

Still it's really well written it feels like every plot point has relevance and every conversation has a purpose which is rare-ish for a webnovel.

Just by reading the chapter titles of the next chapters I have a fairly good image of how the story is going to end and I'm not sure I like it.

In any case the writting is good but the drama is heavy and you have to be tolerant of the information plot device also I'm surprised this isn't classified as "Tragedy" because:


The main character is forced to kill the brother of his love interest whom he created to be a mentor figure in the original story. Whom he loved deeply as an author.


That being said the "co-author" of the remake is a real psycho, huh? The original author will probably never recover after everything is done is my guess <<less
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