The Novel’s Extra


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Waking up, Kim Hajin finds himself in a familiar world but an unfamiliar body.

A world he created himself and a story he wrote, yet never finished.

He had become his novel’s extra, a filler character with no importance to the story.

The only clue to escaping is to stay close to the main storyline.

However, he soon finds out the world isn’t exactly identical to his creation.

Associated Names
One entry per line
소설 속 엑스트라
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396 Reviews sorted by

adurian rated it
March 5, 2021
Status: --
It's a good premise filled with interesting stories and characters. However the story outgrew the author in the last third, and it was obvious the author couldn't tie it up as well as how the story started. Nevertheless an enjoyable journey, hoping the author gets proper serialization and edits the story with better pacing.
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Siwuri rated it
February 10, 2021
Status: Completed
It‘s been a long time that I completed this novel. I still can’t forget it - so I decided to write a recommendation.

After reading so many different novels where the protagonist travels into a novel - this one is quite different and is in my top 3 (regarding this topic).

Story progress is top! Romance, Comedy, Action is appropriate included! The writer makes sure to give us a insight of the Charakters life’s and how they become strong bit by bit. The ending is not rushed. And I’m happy with this... more>> ending!
I‘m not good with reviews- give it a shoot and u will know why I’m so fond of it! <<less
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iRein rated it
January 19, 2021
Status: c378
For me this novel is in a very bad love-hate situation. I can't stand how unfulfilling it ended, but at the same time I can't be mad at it since it wasn't bad and I actually enjoyed it.

Tl;dr (since it ended up as a rant) A recommended read, but expect to feel empty afterwards.


As I was nearing the last translated chapter (main ending, haven't read side stories) I started realizing that the author will have no realistic way to wrap up the brilliantly set up plot points. Many amazing ideas... more>> just got completely scraped or ignored in the end.


The biggest unresolved plot point I can't ignore is Chae Nayun. The highlight of the whole novel for me was the whole dillema that MC had at the beggining arc, where he wanted to be hated by Nayun. But as the story continued their relationship started looking out for the better. Even though at this point the MC still only thought of the world as a novel so he didn't want to get invested in any one of the characters, even though the feelings Nayun had for him were very apparent. It also didn't help that he had to kill her brother. That whole point in the story ripped my heart apart. The guilt that MC felt when he did it. The complete despair Nayun felt when she first found out it was him. Absolutely brilliant set-up in my opinion. The whole novel after that even the smallest interaction between them felt like a godsend. And what did it all boil down to? The most uninteresting way I could have imagined it. The whole thing left me wanting for more. I would have looked past any and all plotholes just to see them actually resolve their feelings and possibly (and preferably) end up together. I even thought of trying to learn korean just so I could read the side stories since some say she uses the reggresion stone she got at the end and ends up with him in a parralel world.


The other glaring plot points which were not resovled also bug me, but the completly unfufilling way the author wraped up the mentioned one just does not sit well with me.

This novel had potential to be something great, but it got crushed by the sheer amount of things it prepared for itself but left unresolved and/or unexplained.

But despite all this I would still recommend it to people who are even slightly interested. <<less
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October 11, 2020
Status: c300
It was fine until the end of the school arc. After that the novel became cringy as hell. Well.... more like it lost a lot of depth. The ending is also bittersweet.
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evtopian_entity rated it
July 3, 2020
Status: Completed
Was not the worst. But it kind of grated on me by the end.
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HopGoLuck rated it
June 28, 2020
Status: Completed
Started off pretty good with the world-building and interesting characters. Later in the novel, it started getting worse and worse but by then I was already too invested to stop reading. (The ending was horrible)
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June 27, 2020
Status: c377
My favorite novel at one point but it loses a lot of what made it so good in the latter parts of the story. The beautiful character developments, the wonderful world-building, the great sceneries and events depicted by the author at the beginning are overshadowed by its rushed writing, forced plot points, and lazy storytelling at the end makes this novel break my heart.

It was really good and I loved it but near the end, I dragged myself to finish it but I never really did.
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June 24, 2020
Status: c378
It starts good, it is good in the beginning till the half, then the writer looses his motivations clearly. Story goes its own way and dies with a really disappointing ending.
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Jack bucket
Jack bucket rated it
May 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Not too sure why there are so many 5 star reviews, I don't think it deserves this much.

The author, Kim Hajin is the author of a webnovel, but is basically on hiatus because of his sh*t writing. One day some dude emails him and ask if he can re-write his novel, and long story short he says yes and this causes him to be transmigrated as Kim Chundong (I think that's how it's written?), an "extra " at the YuuEi Hero Academy Cube, a hero/cadet training thing.

Now here's a few things that I'd like to nitpick about this novel, which may be wrong because I'm not actually good at paying attention at the small details.

  • Both Kim Chundong and Kim Hajin have basically little to no backstory at all. The most we find out about Kim Chundong is that he's an orphan, does some charity work and

    also got isekaied to the world where the original MC (Kim Suho) came from but there's not much important info here

    . And Kim Hajin has ZERO defining traits at all
  • Most characters are basically cardboard cut-outs. The protagonist Kim Hajin is overpowered as balls and thats it. Sure, some reviews here say he's not that strong at all, but he faces pretty much no difficulties at all in the whole book, due to all the skills he gets through the whole novel, which I think can be considered overpowered. He has no interesting traits and no characters growth and just gets stronger through the whole book. None of the other characters have any growth at all either. The main characters that Kim Hajin originally wrote don't play much of a part in the book. An example is Shin Jonghak. He's introduced in the first chapter as the rival to the supposed main character of the book, but gets side-lined as a generic bully characters to our "cool and awesome " Kim Hajin and that's it. That's him for most of the time he shows up.
  • Kim Hajin knows basically the whole book. Sure, the co-author changes some things here and there, but dude remains on top and it feels like this book is no different from the crappy vrmmo book that's Reincarnation of the Sword God (if you liked the Novel's Extra even after this review please don't read that book) Basically, I'm comparing it to the reincarnation genre where the main character basically remembers everything that happens to them in their past life, which is absolute bullsh*t if you ask me.
  • Filler, and lots of filler. A third of the book is a glorified school arc with more attack by bad guys than harry Potter gets through his whole series, another third is a tower and leveling arc that's similar to the Tutorial is Too Hard and Second Life Ranker that nobody asked for, and the last part is just him flexing his skills on bad guys.
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eeza rated it
February 1, 2020
Status: Completed
I’ve been reading some reviews in other sites and I see a lot of low ratings and condemning the author for having shallow characters, plot holes, etc...

But seeing this readers have only read up to a few chapters they can’t really say that they truly understood the story. So they really shouldn’t roast the author until they have finished the whole novel.

I found this story enjoyable and different from the rest, although there were some parts that you had to slough through, I found the settings, characters, and the plot... more>> to be refreshing. The characters started out shallow and unoriginal but you can see that as the story progress the character development shows its true worth. The characters dvelop in way that makes them feel human, they are not perfect and we can see them develop, we can see their ups and downs and how they overcome it. The emotions they feel are realistic and makes you think that this might really be how a real human might feel.

The plot seems unoriginal at first but as time goes on we can see hidden depths, giving the reader a wonderful time, engrossing them within the world inside the novel.

Although there are some plot holes I can say that this novel was truly a wonderful experience. <<less
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Okabe_rintarou rated it
December 20, 2019
Status: Completed
Exceptional. That's the only way to describe this novel.

Right from the beginning to the very end you'd never get bored, the author never lets your curiosity die.

The conversations are so damn well constructed. You'd probably never find such realistic conversations in a similar setting in any other Asian novels.

... more>> Like other Korean novels, I struggled to remember the names of the characters when they were pure Korean, but even so, I could still remember the main ones because there is real character development for more than just the MC.

The misunderstandings are fun, there is some gag manga like moments, but nothing annoying. The Korean nationalism and the general lack of knowledge on Christianity that we see in most Asian novels. But there is no racism or hate towards some particular nation or any religious group, something that we commonly see in some popular Chinese novels. <<less
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jonm8389 rated it
November 15, 2019
Status: Completed
I think that the first half of this web novel deserves five stars. But, as with most web novels it loses its steam as the story progresses. That being said, I definitely recommend reading it as many aspects of it are done very well. For example, it has strong side characters who are very well written and fleshed out, the stories background universe is interesting and has a lot of detailed elements, and the way the MC solves problems - like he's putting together a puzzle with his knowledge of... more>> events and limited skills.

The main problem for me, is that at a certain point the author kind of threw away all of his previous world building as random sh*t just started happening to drive the plot. Furthermore, as the MC got stronger, he started to have way to many insane miraculous skills that took away any suspense from the novel (not that there was much to start with). The MC also seemed to have very limited social skills and personality.

The ending is lackluster, but as they say its about the journey not the destination. All in all, read it and enjoy it for what it is, but don't expect a satisfying ending that ties everything together or makes sense. <<less
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nortechel rated it
October 26, 2019
Status: Completed
I really appreciate the early chapters of this novel. They were simply enjoyable to read and I starting with the Museum Arc the story and the characters really developed into a world I could see in front of my eyes.

I was not disappointed with the developments early in the story or with character growth and their interactions. However, as the novel drags on - despite being relatively short at 378 chapters for the entire story - you can really see the authors brilliance drawing thin. The ending to me was... more>> an utmost disaster, completely turning my happy feelings and jovial laughter as I read the first 200 chapters into disappointment.

I don't mean to sound harsh or to criticize to strongly but the author had everything he needed to reach a great ending and for whatever reason, he failed to do so. Instead he continued adding plot points even within the last 50 chapters that were completely pointless and would not even be discussed.

So, simply because this novel has a disappointing ending that I believe makes it not worthwhile to read the early chapters, even though they were so brilliant for me - I'm scoring this novel a 2/5 to keep future readers from wasting their time. <<less
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September 14, 2019
Status: Completed
First of all everybody has a different opinion about novels, some may be positive and some are negative so even when you see low evaluations on this novel you can only explore it yourself and be the judge. As for me it was a pretty satisfying novel that I have read, Even though it made me stop reading it time to time I still managed to finish it and I pretty much find it enjoyable ti'll the end.
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Eternity Warrior
Eternity Warrior rated it
July 17, 2019
Status: c311
It started out very good. The first arc, also known as the cube arc was full of character development and interactions, and our MC using his powers in a creative way. There was also a cute little romance going on the side.

But after the cube arc, things start to go down hill. Side characters get little screen time and almost no character development, story becomes very boring and cliche, especially in the Tower arc. It is also important to point out that MC becomes very OP very fast, which kills... more>> any chance of a good plot progression. As we read further, the plot moves at light speed, and the plot itself is also pretty crappy with generic tropes. I would give this a 5 star for the first 150~ chapters, and 1.5 star for the rest of the chapters. I will average it around 3 stars because the beginning was indeed exceptional. <<less
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July 8, 2019
Status: c320
At first, I thought this is a great story. Well, now I just think this is a good story.

From the begining I thought the MC will end up in relationship with chae nayun. But how can it become more and more like he will end up with the Boss ?

In my opinion they are not suitable as lover, but suitable as brother and sister.
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atronache rated it
June 28, 2019
Status: c333
It would have been a 5/5 if I didn't knew the author. The ending is coming soon and the author literally destroyed his previous novel with the shitiest ending ever. I can already see it coming, for now this novel is a jewel but it starting to fall appart. I will change my rating if it doesn't.
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rorpuissant rated it
June 4, 2019
Status: c12
I'm really really trying but I can't understand why I'm constantly seeing comment like how awesome the story is, or how the MC is great.

We're already chapter 12 and there is a reuse of the "Oh, I just remembered" trope, just to conveniently give a little bit of EXTREMELY important informations. Even with a prologue chapter on the story.
There is a need to situate characters better, being by physical features, or even more informations of their personalities : As of now we still don't know how to differentiate some of the important ones.

The protagonist never mention his plan or goal more than one chapter in advance, or simply forget an important event altogether, the changes in his story and attitude he gives to others do not mix at all as instead of being low key, he is constantly despised with people still being able to analyse his abilities, yet everybody forget his name while knowing he is tr*sh. Really can't see anything other than a lazy guy who cannot even panic or prepare in his own novel. I don't get where there is realism with his reactions, and even less on how to relate to him.

Anyway since the beginning the MC never changed or got his attitude together, and never even showed the readers more than : "I may try, I'm scared of being hurt tho" so I'm dropping it.
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Anonymous Raver
Anonymous Raver rated it
May 26, 2019
Status: c140
First off, this novel is undeserving of the OP tag applied to it at least up until chapter ~140 because the MC is average.

Spoiler Alert

Problems I have:

  1. There is no better way to sow discord in a new recruit than setting him up like is done to the MC and the fact his tattoo is given away for the mu*der.
  2. Already mentioned it, but the OP tag this book has but doesn't deserve. The MC is not OP in my books. At most he fits the weak-to-strong criteria, but all he really has is knowledge going for him at this time.
Good things:

  1. Character development is definitely a plus in this story.
  2. Other small things you don't realize.
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Baabaablack rated it
April 13, 2019
Status: c57
The story has a good idea but it doesn’t know where to go or what role the MC will play. Originally this was a 4 rating. It was fun and the draw backs that the main character were funny and entertaining but it had a few problems that I was hoping that would be addressed. It doesn’t happen. Instead the problems I had keep piling up and according to other viewers who have read this novels 200+ chapter it doesn’t get better.

The problems that were easy to spot had to... more>> do with the characters power set compared to everyone elses. Most people had one type of super power then would some times develop a second one. (they are called gifts) by chapter thirty he had access to the equivalent of 6 gifts, 1. super accuracy, 2. skill and item and gift, creation\modification, 3. super luck, 4. super knowledge, 5.a book he can manifest that can q&a with 100% accuracy (limited by his magic consumption), and 6. minor magic hack. Technically he only has one gift (super accuracy)..... but not really. this doesn’t include the pet and the weapon artifact he’s got. (making sound worse that is really was at the time). Thematically the powers don’t really match either. It takes a while to catch on. In the end it really isn’t a skill set for some in the roll of side character. <<less
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