The E-Sports Circle’s Toxic Assembly Camp


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Chief tactician Lin Yan entered an e-sports novel. At this time, there was still a whole year to go before the original plot started.

The big devil who would frighten people in the future was still a thin-skinned little anchor; the disaster who once disturbed the e-sports circle was playing as an accompanying player; the best healer was sitting on the cold bench of a third-rate team; the strongest king at shooting his mouth off offending the media and his black materials were flying all over the place…

They would shine as the plot progressed but unfortunately, their teams weren’t strong enough. In the end, they couldn’t escape the fate of a cannon fodder.

Lin Yan couldn’t bear to see these talents being wasted. The e-sports professional reality show started and he spent money to set up the GH Club, moving from east to west to select his team.

The variety fans: ??? Is this ‘Go Home’ team picking up the junk?

This lasted until all the opponents were coughing up blood at GH’s tactics and could only watch GH get a ticket to the professional league.

The entire e-sports circle knew that apart from their captain Jing Yuanzhou, the entire GH team was a group of barely qualified variety show players not worth paying attention to. As a result, this toxic team swept through the field and reached the top in their first year of the league.

When the media interviewed GH: Captain Jing, why did you agree to Coach Lin’s proposal and join GH?

Jing Yuanzhou: He pestered me every day saying ‘I want you’. It was really difficult to turn down such great kindness.

Lin Yan: “???”

Check the salary deduction warning.

The entire Internet went crazy: Parental love is real!!!

Associated Names
One entry per line
The E-Sports Circle’s Assembly Camp of Demon Kings
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ZeyFletcher rated it
November 8, 2021
Status: Completed
Aww, I obv wanted more. just like what I read in the comments 'we were fed until we were full but we still want to more' huhu, so good. This is really game focused but the BL scenes are still very much perfect hehe

... more>>

I'm not really critical in the gaming things and I get to keep up with the narration, I actually liked how they just skipped the first fight against three where GH lost lol, it was a surprise but it was also good that not much chapters were wasted their. I kinda guessed from the number of chapters that they would probably win all the way to the world championship but it was still fun. I also liked the other Chinese groups, LDF, PAY, BK members, Three, I like how there were no chapters focused on them until the extras, and no unnecessary couple overpowered the Main couple.

Some may have complaints about GH being OP but I think it's just right? Gu Luo (Gloy) was just taken earlier but his skills are proven in the novel and he even have the support of Lin Yan so his growth is understandable. Chen Yushen (Abyss) is a genius who wasn't given the opportunity to shine because of what happened before and he was already strong from the start, with Lin Yan there, he got to be even more OP. Bi Yaohua (BB) was also just a bit unfortunate with his teams, altho he is not that OP, like Lin Yan said, he might be the most suitable shooter for them. His mindest and atmosphere is just the best so he is a must needed addition in GH. Jian Ye (Gun) well, he is just really right for the team that Lin Yan wants, he is specifically wanted and needed by the team, his foundation is already good, he just needed a team who can maximize his skills, a much needed good but strong person. Jing Yuanzhou (Titans) , bch is there a need to question this? Lin Yan basically made team for this man, he deserve so so much with the restraint and burden and pressure that was given to him, he is so strong, he is full of love, and he deserve a team made for him. He is perfect, it was a bit surprising that he instantly chose to retire after winning the championship but I guess there were already many foreshadowing, I am so happy that he got to play as himself in his last season as an official player of GH. He was so mistreated and I'm really happy he got his happy ending. Lin Yan (Eternal), I will forever be bittersweet about him, the parallel world extra is just putting a band aid and won't really cure the pain I felt for him. The fact that he destroyed the opposing team flawlessly when he heard that the captain got into an accident, bch. He was also literally just a child, for him to have such a life changing mental illness because of that.. Imagine training for so long to do the thing u wanted to do the most and after getting a taste of it you have to surrender it, together with the person you idolize? bch, that hurt. It was a bit of a pity that the pov of this novel doesn't really focus on the player's/characters' thoughts so I never really got to know his deepest worries and desires and all. He never told anyone the fact that he transmigrated but, I understand him. He just wants a new start and nothing would really change even if he does tell anyone, the important people in his life are also in the novel, which as he said, is the main reason why he chose to stay. I love him and he deserves the world, he deserves to be the protagonist of his own novel.

The games? it was just right, it was exciting, the face slapping of the sunspots were really nice, I'm not really critical about the technical stuffs and my knowledge is only from playing mobile legends and I think I pretty much got a clear imagination of what it is about which was really great, if it's a different game I might have to watch a video first but this one, I understood it already and I liked it. I actually wanted to see a quote like 'and this is the start of the generation of e-sports where tactics were given importance' or smthng, cause the other teams just doesn't have much planning, which is alright but if u play against teams who do have tactics, they just be giving their heads.

The romance? gurl, I felt the s*xual tension all the way to my seat outside this novel. They are literally made for each other, IDC what anyone says. #ParentsCP. Lin Yan is so cute and stubborn and smart, Jing Yuanzhuo is so strong, caring and loving. Gurl, this is what I want, why can't I have this 😭 hahahhaa I love them so much, omg with their kiss in the karaoke hehehe literally in front of everyone. It's a pity they didn't kiss in public like in the parallel world hehehe but I guess they are old enough to be able to restrain themselves. They are MTB, they are each other's cure to the cruel world, they are each other's light in life. I love how moved Titans is from all the things he received from Lin Yan, he just be giving u what u deserve man! (and himself too ehe) I love their usual teaming up in lives, and their team ups in the competition, they really be overwhelmingly strong if not for Titans age and Eternal's PTSD. Again, I would forever be bittersweet with the nickname Eternal... The fact that he had hope, and that he was happy just being able to play sometimes when he has all that skills and talent. Bch deserves so so so so much, I hate mental illnesses. They literally don't have any cure wth. How can something so damaging to a person's overall life have no cure, sighh.

Btw I always got curious to their ages, specially Lin Yan lol. Their old is literally a young to other profession so imagining was a bit hard loll, even in the parallel world, I was thinking they were kids but I think they were already 18 at that time so not really young lol.

I haven't read any other game novels so I don't have anything to compare with, but this novels really has so much retirement and it really tackled the experiences of older generations in e-sports or older players in e-sports.


Now I'm hungry for some more gaming BL novels sighh- this was so good, not much plot twist but so satisfying. May be a bit easy to guess but doesn't really matter cause u get attached to everyone that u just want them to be happy. I love this so much. Didn't have expectations cause it was the first game novel I read but I love it so much. The BL is just *chef's kiss* they be mtb, they be the love that I want. This, , just try it. U're seriously not gonna lose anything. Reread? gurl, this novel taught me what bittersweet really means, I ain't letting myself feel that again. Just kidding. I actually can. I really liked the characters and the straightforward plot. <<less
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LookingforanotherPIT rated it
October 26, 2021
Status: Completed
I enjoyed this. You can feel that the characters in this story are more mature than most other esports BLs, which is a nice change of pace. The romance is basically attraction at first sight, but in a pretty realistic way. Such a healthy relationship, with a perfect give and take between the two.

If you need break from other heavy novels read this one. Some E-Sports novels tend to have overly detailed matches and skills, but this one doesn’t. I find matches descriptions enjoyable and satisfying to read. All teammates... more>> are lovely ‘children’ who are also potrayed throughout this story. I wish we could have had more of the extras talking about their future.

Translation Great

Overall rating: 5 <<less
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Ouryane00 rated it
October 20, 2021
Status: c66.1
This is a kind of fluffy novel and the chemistry of the ML and MC is just ❤️❤️❤️

I love MC’s personality!

I -1 star because I’m not really familiar with e-sports (although I’ve read other e-sports novel) it was hard for me to understand the terms used etc. I wish the technicalities of the games were explained more
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nctzen rated it
October 9, 2021
Status: Completed
A very good read, keep me excited for all chapters. The e-sport part thou was quite hard to understand. I can't really imagine how the fight goes. It's true I dont play the game but usually when I read a gaming novel I can at least see how the game goes. Nevertheless, the rest of the stories are very engaging and interesting.
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twobada rated it
October 5, 2021
Status: --
I tend to avoid esports novels because they tend to bore me (as an outsider) with the gameplay details. But this was done just right and what made it even better was that the side characters actually had lives of their own and weren't just there to serve as foils for the MC/ML. The relationship between the main CP is even better because it was so straightforward without incessant push and pulls.

Overall an enjoyable read even if you don't like the esports theme.
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Moocakey rated it
October 5, 2021
Status: c194
Another top e-sports novel! The MC and ML are a match made in heaven. Unlike most e-sports novels whose couples are both players, the MC is the coach/owner and the ML is the captain. The first few chapters of their encounter are hilarious and it's what got me hooked on this novel.

The team's dynamics and backstories are also very interesting. Definitely give this novel a read if you like E-sports!
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booop rated it
October 4, 2021
Status: Completed
I binged read this story like crazy and it is honestly so worth it!!!! This is one of the rare time where I wish there's a sequel to read and not just leave the story as a happy memory ;-;

I love the dynamic of the team and the relationships between all the characters, you'll definetly find yourself rooting for so many people. The fans dialogues are hilarious and the gaming components are not complicated or super dragged out like some other esport novels.

This novel didn't leave me with any regrets.... more>> Highly recommended!!! <<less
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bluedrop rated it
September 30, 2021
Status: c194
The first e-sports novel I ever enjoyed and it was really effing fantastic. I loved the development of the relationship and the tension and all the secondary characters too. The games were written really well to the point that I got pretty excited in some certain parts. I'm so sad it's over but at the same time so friggin happy I came across this gem.
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En-Jay99 rated it
September 30, 2021
Status: Completed
Very fun e-sports novel.

I liked the difference that the MC is the coach, a fun new spin on things. He's a transmigrator but that's only important in the beginning when the team is being assembled, after that it's all his own strength and the teams.

Good novel, good romance, good cast!
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Aniv2008 rated it
September 28, 2021
Status: c187
Ahhh... finally finished. I love the story, love the relationship btw MC and M, a healthy supportive relationship. MC was so smart and really shameless hahaha but that's what I love about him. He knew what he wanted and was not afraid to go all out for it. He was tough and badass when he needed to be and protected his precious Titans. Both MC and ML were straightforward in their approach to relationship. This is something that I can read again... a feel good story!

And good job to the... more>> translators/editors... really nicely done! Thanks!

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Wei-Ran rated it
April 5, 2021
Status: c88 part1
It's the first e-sports story I've read and even though it's still ongoing, I'm having a lot of fun. Despite some technical terms there aren't many and the story is a lot of fun.
All the characters are more likeable than each other and even MC and ML when they realize their feelings do not hide at all and deal with them calmly (they are really sweet).
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April 3, 2021
Status: c87 part2
I literally blinked and now I caught up ತ_ತ


(ノಥ, _」ಥ) ノ彡┻━┻

I love this toxic family of pro gamers, especially the Main CP. And now I gotta wait for more so I can binge readddd (≧Д≦)
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