The Duke’s Eldest Son Escaped to the Military


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Lee Junghoo died in a car accident. He braved each and every hardship in Jaiden’s body in hopes that he would survive once he cleared the game of the gods, but just when the Empire’s strongest family was about to fall and be killed by the monsters…

[The Beta Test has been completed.] Based on these words, it seemed like he still had another chance.

1 Stop the destruction of the continent.

2 Survive until the age of 35.

He was given these two main quests. He had tried to finish the first one during the beta test. However, he realized that there was no solution to this problem. So this time, he was going to pick the second.

And the first step for him to achieve this was to leave this crazy family of his.

“Maybe the answer is running away from home?”

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공작가 장남은 군대로 가출한다
Related Series
Trash of the Count’s Family (8)
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Swordmaster’s Youngest Son (3)
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The Editor Is the Novel’s Extra (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. all the BGs i've read so far (3.9 and below !)
  2. looks promising
  3. Similar to TCF
  4. KR Male Protagonist No Harem
  5. KR Novel (Fantasy/Historical/Adventure)

Latest Release

Date Group Release
09/26/21 woopread translations c43
09/25/21 woopread translations c42
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69 Reviews sorted by

Mr. White Tower
Mr. White Tower rated it
January 14, 2023
Status: --
This story had great potential, but it seems like the author just threw in random plot points without proper development. The characters and world building were lacking, and the story became clichéd and boring. It's a shame that what was thought to be a diamond turned out to be a fake. I would give it a rating of 1 out of 5, with the only redeeming factor being that the main storyline was somewhat interesting.
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dinuooos rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: c161
Well, all I can say is that it's alright.

The plot is interesting and would be amazing if done well, but in this case I suppose the writing is... just a little lacklustre, I'd say. I'm not sure if it was lost in translation or not but there were scenes where I couldn't exactly feel the passion or emotions the author wanted to convey. It didn't entirely ruin the experience, just slightly off-putting for me.

Of course, that doesn't mean I felt nothing at all while reading, there were many instances where... more>> I enjoyed the flow and couldn't stop reading for a second. All in all, it's a good book that, in my humble opinion, needs to be touched up here and there. But other than that, I like it. <<less
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February 25, 2022
Status: c165
I good novel compared to other kr novel out there. The school arc my favorite arc. After that side character disregard. It's lack side characters perspective. It's also become predictable. Even though I still reading it, I don't really anticipate it.
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Rlackbabbit rated it
February 24, 2022
Status: c181
The atmosphere is monotonous, there's nothing to break it here and there. It makes it a dull and droll read especially when bunge reading. The bad effect of not knowing how to pace would be mitigated if you were only reading a chapter every now and then with other fics in between, but that doesn't really justify how on its own the fic can drag.

That said, everything else is done better than average, its really too bad that the pacing is terrible. It makes everything else go down a level.
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ErikHarrison rated it
February 21, 2022
Status: Completed
A well written military novel with some obvious flaws.

Good: Writing, worldbuilding, power system, characters

Bad: Repetitive resolutions, dumb villains

If there was a little more difference in the battles it would of been a masterpiece. Still a great novel that I thought could of ended better.
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papapa rated it
February 15, 2022
Status: c122
i agree with the other reviews here.

  • this novel pace is very fast (typical for OP charas)
  • there's no proper description for the world setting and characters
  • it like a huge summary of fighting monsters, gaining powers, and leveled up again and again
  • i'll give it plus since the window system isnt like the others novel, that showing HP and skills in details (its annoying), the system only shows it achievements/merits.
  • no cringy relationships either
overall, this is an okay-light novel to read
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evankhll rated it
January 28, 2022
Status: c64
Having read some quality novels with great writing, Isoef Dzhugashvilli is right, although yes, I can see images in my head, I'm someone who needs to know about everything, in general I want more world building in this novel, the author seems to gloss over some details and it just really puts it out of the fun and made me even think that this was written by someone who wrote random stories in wattpad and got some leverage therefore, wrote something with average writing skills. Including the time where all... more>> of the ghosts gathered together, they seemed so out of place and their actions seemed so forced (Especially the part where that one guy said "Get stronger quickly." And then suddenly Lintel starts telling him what he actually meant, it's like some reader insert.) . As well as the academy and winter arcs that took such a long time that didn't really hold any relevance to the story at all (It's linked to the main story but why is there so much detail?) rather than showing off how cool Jaiden is and how much jjambap he's eaten. The author couldve glossed over those parts instead of the parts where it actually NEEDS to be explained. The main story should be explained better, its as if the author placed the main focus on irrelevant parts than the parts where it's actually relevant. More on with the fact that I don't really feel close to Jaiden, after so many chapters too, hell I'm not even cheering for him. This method can be done well, however the author has not done it well. More on with the fact that this novel had SO MUCH potential. Also I can't change it to 3 stars.

Thank you for listening to my tedtalk, I shall now leave my opinion for others to read <<less
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scorpion8282 rated it
January 26, 2022
Status: c100
First 60 chapters were good but after that it just goes downhill. MC has a lot of problems.i don't think that he is not talented it's just that he is ordinary. He doesn't pay much attention to surrounding people and that's not good. And there are tons of thing that didn't happen in beta so how the heck is this world so different???and what's with the royal family? It abnormal for all of them to be such psychos. And the story is really repetitive.a dimensional gate opens out of know... more>> by a race we haven't seen and this just repeats. And enemy's are clearly stronger so how the heck are they just defeated. Other characters are shallow and we don't see any deep bonds. Ghost could have been a lot cooler it's a real pity. But there are good things too. We don't have a s*upid harem and MC knows what's he doing. It's not bad but it's not that good either. <<less
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oatniel rated it
January 25, 2022
Status: c134
First of, don't get easily swayed by the bad reviews given to this novel. This really deserve a higher rating. I binged read it and was extremely surprised that this was actually a good one!

Mine is: 9.5/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • You need to widen your imagination. The world in the story is easy to imagine even if it lacks descriptive writing about it.
  • The isekai system doesn't work for the MC and he doesn't have any talent so he is working hard for it with lots of effort.
  • He isn't the type of MC where he fixes everything always. Remember that all of them failed the first time because the system that brought them in the world doesn't teach them anything and even in his second life, the MC still isn't given the clue on how to save the world. The system only shows up when MC meets a certain requirement or great achievements on his own.
  • The story uses local colors which is a fresh twist (jjambap, 'rolling' like the one used in militaries).
The story becomes more colorful as you progress chapters and there isn't unnecessary romance mixed in (or not yet I guess) . Please continue to read it and give it a shot!
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Triarkdown rated it
January 24, 2022
Status: --
The novel isnt that bad and actually had potential.

Until you realise 90% of the future info MC is supposed to have is thrown into garbage by locking him to North region he never spent any time at all. MC was in capital alot prev life (Not spoiler its 1rst chapter)

He is stuck in an outpost for like half of all KR chapters in novel. The premise went down hill the instant every other region MC visited prev life got cut off because of

... more>>

Independence/Revolution, he doesnt wanna fix the empire which is logical thing to fix to get unity for greatest threat to mankind instead he will divide the empire when his goal was to run away to all parts of empire to survive


Theres no romance either dont know what to say but it gets bad when heroines take too much time but Novels like Little tyrant has same goal as this novel "to survive" but still write good female lead too.

The author should have sent MC to imperial academy after military academy but pity <<less
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Eclat123 rated it
December 28, 2021
Status: c139
Somehow I feel like this novel is trying so hard to copy the success formula of tr*sh of the Count's family. A lot of the plot details and structures are just too similar, even the MC's character is too similar to Cale Henituse, with a little bit of Pokemon collecting on the side instead of skills collecting like in TCF.

The thing is, its worldbuilding fell short a bit too much compared to that one. Copying plot formulas seems to be the norm nowadays so we can let that slide, but... more>> if an author is constantly trying to mimic the feel of another work, of course they would be constantly compared. It doesn't help that TCF, the one it tries to copy, has a very solid worldbuilding and character settings. This one just seems like a cheap counterfeit of TCF. <<less
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Fergie93 rated it
December 12, 2021
Status: c122
Pretty good premise and I found it satisfying. The MC does not start out OP, sure he gets strong as he grows up, but after experiencing immense failure in his first life he puts himself through hell to gain what he needs so everything feels earned. And whenever he does get some great power just in the knick of time theres (most of the time) a price he needs to pay, so it doesn't feel like too much of a cheat.
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Ironman96 rated it
December 2, 2021
Status: c65
This by all means should be a banger (premise sounds awesome, decent start, and I'm a big fan of regression novels) however... it just falls flat on many levels:

After the solid beginning, I hate to say it, but things got pretty boring and it became tough to continue reading without skipping paragraphs. Probably a combination of the cliché side characters (empy/no one fleshed out), writing/dialogue feeling weak, and the translation (jjambap/rolling was annoying). Even during supposedly 'tense' action scenes, I don't feel any emotion.

Pacing was decent except for the multiple... more>> time skips that felt jarring (just when we get a solid cast and getting settled into things, time skip happens and MC moves onto something else).

I'm also disappointed because there could have been so much more done with MC's past life. Here the regression is used just as an info dump (basic war info/politics/technology/sword techniques). Anything from his previous life is told and not shown except for the prologue.

A great regression story has flashbacks that shows MC's previous actions/crucial decisions and the consequences. It has interactions with characters previously known along with emotions and struggles one faces. After all, what is the point of a regression story if you don't show progression from a failed past life to the current life. <<less
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Tenku_kun rated it
November 29, 2021
Status: --
It's okay, I guess.

The story is decent, the main character is decent, the word has a few plot holes but is still decent.

But, there is no real character development nor is there a character with a strong personality or even close to one other than the main character and even that feels like it starts to dimisnish as story progresses. There's no one for the MC to bounce of over and really grow, everyone else just exists.

The story was strong at the start, but nothing of his past is really... more>> explained other than the very generic outline we had in the very beginning of the book. And it follows a simple formula of "MC is seen as a "genius", other feel competitive/threatened so they try to keep up and end up improving he moves to another place" granted this has only held true for the first three arcs but it doesn't feel like it's layered with character/world development enough to hide/change it.

The story slowly lost its grasp on me as it continued and I kinda just feel like I wanna read something else now.

It's still a decent story even with all the faults that it has, so if you want to read something decent and dont have anything good to read you can go ahead and give it a try. <<less
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MilkTEA rated it
November 20, 2021
Status: c89
For a casual read, I think it's pretty good. You're only going to see the problems/holes of this story if you're blatantly searching for it so overall, I think it's a pretty solid read.

Now for why I'm personally dropping it for now. Depending on what you personally prefer, the pacing of this story and the direction it's heading towards is wack in my opinion.

... more>>

You get information that he's inside some 'game system' which partially reasonably explains his 'titles'. In my opinion it's just so he has some plot armour. Because it's not like an actual system where he has points and attributes.

Using this as a base the next 40 chapters is him following the 'game' plot because at this stage he still believes its just a game made by the system. This first arc is pretty good.

From chapters 45-60 it gets abit messy because it goes from him wanting to create a stronghold using his platoon to immediately finding a dimensional crack, dark elves, hell gates AND they solve all these issues in the same timeframe (it doesn't say but I roughly estimate a few months at most). Mind you during all this he's only 12yrs old, then it timeskipped another 2yrs so now he's 14yrs old by the end of this.

Now around chapter 60-70, you have a witch and a ghost king PLUS hints of a battle between gods. They obviously killed the witch and fixed more dimensional cracks, and surprise surprise they timeskipped so he's now 16yrs old by the end of this.

This is where I decided I'm dropping. Around chapter 75 is the introduction to Other-worlders and more mythical creatures like mermaid.

I think if they spent more time building up the lore after the MC finds out information about the gods and dimensional cracks from the Witch previously, it would've been a smoother transition into this completely new direction of 'other-worlders'. But anyways, I've lost interest so this is it for me

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Haienggg_cci rated it
November 18, 2021
Status: c96
The story is especially good at first, though it goes downward in quality after, overall is ok. However, the author's writing is too wordy and complicated. There are way too much narration and few conversations. Sometimes, the 2 respective long paragraphs just have the same meaning and content (paraphrase). Reading it sometimes made me feel tired due to the lengthy and wordy narration.
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MystiqueReader rated it
October 18, 2021
Status: c200
Plot:8/10 (it's good though it is a pretty generic plot)

Character: first 100 chapters (7/10), after 100 chapters, (2/10)

Setting: 4/10, basic setting as in genius MC in a world of idiots other than the good guys supporting him + they have no other motivation than supporting the protagonist.

Question for author: Why did the iq of the novel go down as the novel progressed?



  1. In the academy when the monsters attack which kind of person becomes famous like that? Especially in a place where monster attacks are frequent. (Its like saying Ronaldo/Messi was world famous all over his country for years for a goal he scored in high school? Or the class topper became a legend for scoring 100 in a really tough test)
  2. The other part is the one where the other kids have 0 motivation to work harder to get better than MC. They are freaking kids like massive balls of energy, and are idiotically overly competitive.
  3. It just wasn't realistic, like wouldn't it be smarter to train kids to be soldiers (still idiotic) away from the human eating animals? Like it's not like Harvard sends their students to be ceo's during college just cuz they want them to be succeful in the future.
  4. The MC as good as he seems to apear doesn't even want to save anyone just like a generic MC he just wants to clear anything and anybody in his path towards his goal and he does what alll MCs do, bulldoze everything against it, royal family, buldoze, enemy monsters, bulldoze, enemy alien overlords, buldoze, evil gods, bulldoze.
  5. This one isn't a fault in just this novel but life as a whole, dude our MC is no freakin serious. Very few adults and more but still few kids live like this--> wake up, study/work and study, exercise sleep. It just isnt normal, so having an MC like that just ain't normal, if he was in our era, his parents would just show him to a psychiatrist.
It was decent at first but still bad.

Just one question though, where do these authors get so many generic ideas from? One author gets an idea and all the others join him to start a writers movement or what?
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Kawaii Panda
Kawaii Panda
October 11, 2021
Status: --
I stopped halfway xD It was decent but I cant hell but get bored. Perhaps, it might be for the repetition scenarios or something. The MC is likable tho
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LiuWhite rated it
November 20, 2023
Status: c115
It is kinda exciting at the beginning but it turns more confusing and stagnant because a lot of time skip and it only show us the mc's pov so kinda boring.

I also have curiosity about the enemy's pov but... meh

I... accidentally clicked five, but it should be four stars.
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February 7, 2023
Truthfully, the story was nice but there are many parts that are boring yet I can't stop reading it. I got attracted to it for some sort of reason even though I don't read genres like this. 🤔😊
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