The Demon King Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him


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Bai Yang is the youngest son of a rich family who grew up spoiled, unambitious and having no one expect anything from him. He doesn’t really mind this though, because he’s still able to live a simple and happy life.

One day, however, his older brother got into an accident and is now comatose. Bai Yang’s father now has to consider his youngest son to take over the family business. Unfortunately for him, Bai Yang is a weak, timid, and cowardly child. How can he ever succeed?

Wanting to change his son’s personality, the father has Bai Yang transmigrated into the world of Wild Wind, a very famous fantasy novel. Bai Yang’s father hopes the environment of that world will shape his son to be more arrogant and domineering, as a child of a wealthy scion family ought to be.

However, due to an error with the Main System, instead of transmigrating as the protagonist, Bai Yang ends up becoming a cannon fodder villain, Xie Zietian, from the Demon Realm! In order to safely and quickly return to his world, Bai Yang has to ensure that the protagonist, Zhou Ying, ascends to the heavens so his transmigration mission will be complete.

In order to sneak into the human realm and help Zhou Ying, Bai Yang comes up with a variety of excuses to the Demon King of Eternal Night, such as…

Bai Yang, in a dignified manner: “Your Majesty, that person might threaten the demon world. I went to the human world to kill him for you!” (Actually, I went there to meet the protagonist.)

Bai Yang, proclaiming his loyalty: “Your Majesty, hang in there. I will go to the human world to find the elixir for you!” (Actually, I went there to save the protagonist.)

Bai Yang, with an attitude of selfless dedication: “Your Majesty, I just want to go to the human world to further your great cause!” (Actually, I went there to see the protagonist.)

The Demon King’s face remained impassive but, in fact, the tips of his ears were red. He was thinking: I can’t believe he loves me so deeply…

Demon King: “Hmph! Seeing how clingy you are, I’ll accept your love. Tell me! Whatever you need, I’ll give it to you!”

Bai Yang: “****! Your Majesty, I don’t love you.”

Demon King: “No, you love me.”

The Demon King truly believed Bai Yang and he shared a deep mutual love until he discovered that Bai Yang was having an “affair” with a “wild human” …

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Ma Quân Luôn Cho Rằng Ta Thầm Mến Hắn
The Demon Lord Always Thinks I’m Secretly In Love With Him
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127 Reviews sorted by

chocolatechipcookie rated it
August 4, 2019
Status: c15
1. DON'T LISTEN TO THE NONSENSE OF Saikyi (https://www. Novelupdates. Com/user/116757/Saikyi/) like What kind of nonsense is that person babbling about? WHAT r*pe? There's literally no sign of r*pe and as far as I'm concerned, smutty scenes happen so far into the novel and it's bloody consented. No r*pe. (Saikyi probably also liked his/her own comment) That guy's a troll. This is literally a fluffy novel, kind of, still fluffy.

2. It's nothing like FOD or SVSSS, difference is extremely large especially FOD. Transmigration is the only thing that's similar... more>> to SVSSS, but the process of transmigration is different.

Anyways, I like this better than SVSSS in all honesty. This seems like it's going in a better direction, but then again that's what I thought about SVSSS too until I grew to dislike Shen Yuan as well as the so called "romance" in SVSSS (Ugh it was forced, the extras made up for SY and Bingmei's relationship tho *it became kinda cute*. But the highlight was definitely MBJxSQJ and Shen JiuxYQY)

Hopefully this wouldn't end up like SVSSS, AND hopefully MC would gradually genuinely fall in love with the Demon King ML. So far so good. <<less
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September 27, 2023
Status: --
i wish NV had a reply to a comment option (if it does I can't find it) . This novel is both funny and well written and the chapter 70 that most of the reviewers are talking about is definitely not non-con.


The ML is really inexperienced and like every inexperienced person he hurt the ML on their first and second encounter, but after being told off he asked for advice and improved he's skill, the MC clearly states that he enjoys it a lot.

I don't get why people get... more>> bu*t hurt over fictional worlds and characters 🤦‍♀️.

Also when your partner coaxes you to get it on, stops when you say stop 🛑 but continues when you start enjoying yourself that's not r*pe (otherwise we will ALL be needing explicit disclaimers every time we get at it) .

stop under rating a good book because of your insecurities.

#doneranting enjoy 😊 <<less
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March 14, 2023
Status: --
The reviews being put off by the noncon and dubcon definitely didn't read the tags so before reading pls do!!!

And pls remember that the ML is a 4, 000 year old demon king! He will do evil and questionable stuff but in fact, he's on side of tame MLs.

Plus there's no angst!! I kept waiting for the shoe to drop but the author chose the comedy and lighthearted route. Wc definitely made me laugh.

So don't be too discouraged by reviews. If ur into danmei, transmigration, silly MC and an also... more>> silly ML, try this! <<less
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teoradom rated it
October 5, 2019
Status: Completed
You think it would be a cute story, but it was so dragged out, you just want to end. I only enjoyed up to the ~40 chapter.

There are no smut scenes in the book if anyone is curious, those scenes are glossed over very quickly. All you'll read is the discomfort MC feels after the act and implications of what happened during the session.

I would give this 3.5 stars, the beginning is really cute, but the ML kept losing points for me since MC kept making him look bad (for... more>> the reader), which I don't appreciate. In the end, it lost its cuteness. More and more misunderstandings pop up to the point I'm jaded.

Anyway, compared to other Xianxia, this is a light read. The narration is simpler and easier to understand. This story includes more of the development of MC and ML's relationship rather than plot. The relationship wasn't great for me that's why the story wasn't as enjoyable. Plus, the lack of smut scenes leaves alot to be desired. This story is focused on the main couple, but truthfully, the love story isn't that deep, they have a lot of suggestive scenes, but none of the actual clap action.

My verdict is that, its not exactly focused on plot, also not smut, relationship focused, but not deep, cute but not exactly it. It's all of those things, and at the same time not. It's just a really lack luster novel for me. <<less
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WI.J rated it
April 7, 2024
Status: --
I had such huge expectations for this novel at the beginning but now it’s dwindled to nothing cause I started disliking both the MC and ml.

First off the very forced miscommunication I was getting extremely tired of and the way the author wrote the MC made me feel like he didn’t actually feel any love for the ml. Their relationship is hella toxic and manipulative, like literally everytime the MC would anger the ML then when he wants something from the ML he starts lying and bullshiting, only acting nice... more>> when he needs something from the other just made me feel extremely icky. Next our ml... where do u even start. had so much potential but in the end ended up as your avg rapist idk why authors like to ruin their own characters. I could only feel disgusts towards the MC and ML no matter what after ch 50 so I dropped the novel <<less
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June 6, 2023
Status: Completed
This is one that depends on what your prefrences and tolerance levels are.

It's not as bad as they get but it's definently on the more uncomfortable side. And it's being framed as comedic when it's really not.

But, if you get past that, it's pretty fun read. The ending was not that great for me. It was alright for this story.

... more>> The romance between the two leads is... questionable. It's like they're supposed to be friends but someone decided to play house and make them lovers instead.

All in all, if you're not into that stuff, don't read. You're not missing out on anything spectacular. At least until ch. 70. And maybe the chapters leading up to that.

Remember to read those tags carefully. <<less
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November 27, 2022
Status: c104
(My real rating is more 2.5 out of 5)

I have so many things to say about this novel, I don't know where to begin.

This novel is nice to read, not the best written but it's funny (at least in the begining).

... more>> There is a r*pe scene. Twice, and one is a punishment. They arrive around the middle and ending of this novel. No is no boys and girls. The victim blaming was honestly disgusting to read too.

If this bothers you don't read it, or just read until chapter 70. I went in it without knowing, I don't think I would have read it if I had read the review, but I did and I finished it. And I, in overall, liked the novel. Except the ML.

The story went downhill in the middle, and it honestly killed the vibe of this novel.

However, if you are still intrigued by the plot and is curious to see where it ends I have to say that the Chapter 102 is the reason I liked this story. No seriously, I loved that chapter for many reasons that I will not spoil, but I think it did a good job with what it had.

It's the only chapter that stays in my mind when I think of this novel.

Had the ML and MC relationships be healthier and better this novel would have had higher ratings.

Some can argue that they are demon, so the r*pe is justified by their environment and whatever. No.

The way it was written was bad, the action and the victim blaming was disgusting and I can't blame people for not being able to finish it, posting those review or not wanting to read it.

I wouldn't recommend it, but it was fun to read. I did pass my entire day reading it so, the beginning was nice <<less
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agustdsaur rated it
June 25, 2022
Status: Completed
At first, when I read the tags I wasn't sure whether to start reading or not, but somehow I gave it a try.

Let me tell you, this book has become my obsession.

I laughed because of the MC's sense of humor and all the misunderstandings going on... and cried when I saw how much the ML loved the MC.

... more>> I got attached to every character, and the ending was *chef kiss*.

It was shorter than I expected as I finished reading all the chapters in 2 days. Still, a really well made storyline and the ending, strangely, was satisfying (although I'm craving for more extras pls I need more).

Overall, give it a try as it surely deserves a better rating. <<less
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afton1307 rated it
January 28, 2022
Status: Completed
To be honest, I loved this novel and I read every chapter with relish. I know many people didn't like the ML because of some reason since they described it very much in the comments of some chapters or some don't like the system and MC but I loved every single chapter.

... more>>

The romance may have been bred because of misunderstanding but it doesn't mean that mc's love for the ML isn't true later on or earlier on since most of the time the MC lies to himself that he wasn't moved cause' of what the ML did for him. Most don't like the ML cause of the 'rape' but it wasn't r*pe since the MC originally agreed to do it but the ML really went a little too far cause' it was his first time and his resistance wasn't all fantasy-like most novels when the ML magically knew what to do or how to do a lot of stuff and heal the MC, btw the ML never had experience beforehand so he didn't know he had to prepare the MC before ehm. I love the Luke, I'm your father vibe later on ps: you'll what I mean if you read most of it

so please don't immediately hate this novel it's pretty wholesome. <<less
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January 12, 2022
Status: Completed

Listen. It was good maybe even great. My only complaint was Zhou Ying. I NEVER care about the side characters, but the one time I do the author leaves me hanging.

... more>>

The last thing we see about him was him crying 😭 what happens next? Did he remember? Do I even want him to? Being the only person to remember an entirely different set of memories while knowing that someone... someone important is missing.


I agree with another person here and was more interested in the relationship of Zhou Ying and MC. I do like MLxMC and their scenes but I already knew how they were going to end. I wanted MC to step up for Zhou Ying more in a genuine sense and for that relationship to grow. I really enjoyed their scenes and felt we didn’t get enough time with them.

Also, a lot of information was left out


I thought the author was going to make their world real because of the scenes in the western type place where it was implied that there was like a broader area outside the novel. But that idea was never explored again. Secondly, the boundaries between the virtual and true reality was never explained. We learn that Xiao Ling was an AI based off an actual person but was unexpectedly life like. It’s never explained what that is? And are the other characters also capable of this or were they acting off their programmed personalities? 😢 like don’t leave me here. I need answers.

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SadisticSenpai rated it
January 10, 2022
Status: Completed
It’s shounen-ai and not yaoi; there’s no H scenes unfortunately. A good read. It’s a comedic story, not to take things seriously. I was disappointed that there was no H scenes. Also, if people have too much problem with dub-con then don’t read and make s*upid fuss.

I'd have preferred if it wasn’t a simulation/fake world but instead a real transmigration story with real world.

This story could have been developed well if author put more effort but they seemed to just wanted it to be sweet comedic story.
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Staringatastar rated it
December 31, 2021
Status: Completed
I love the misunderstandings, desperate lying, and wrapper story! The pampering and slow relationship development is very satisfying. This is a fun read without any deep moral. The only criticism I have is that the demon story ending came too quickly and was essentially unresolved.

I think it's a shame that people might be put off from reading this novel because of the slightly lower ratings (tags and a couple reviews should be enough warning for those that dislike dubcon). The novel bashing because of the dubcon/noncon in a fantasy is... more>> a bit tiring. Please just be aware that coerced s*x would not be OK in real life, no matter how interesting it sounds in a novel. That said, I think it's reasonable to trust other readers to have the intelligence and awareness to not bring fantasy into reality once they know its not acceptable (unless the other party fully consents and has safe words). Don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome people are more aware of what true consent should be (and what it isn't). I think it's awesome that people recognize when full consent is not present in novels. But just like how people should be trusted not to go on violent rampages just because they see them in movies, books, video games, etc, I think people can be trusted to not to r*pe someone because it sounds sexy in a book. <<less
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25th bamm
25th bamm
December 20, 2021
Status: c82
Honestly I wanted to drop after ch 70 but kept reading in hope of it getting better. I honestly don’t think I want to finish it. Like a lot of the other reviews it was to do with SA. The way it is handled and viewed as the MCs fault. It is truly a shame because I liked the MC and the ML. I also liked their duo and interactions. However their relationship got toxic, manipulative, and abusive. I haven’t read through the rest of the chapters but I don’t... more>> think it gets better. If you think you can read though that for 40 something chapters then go ahead. Definitely one of the most disappointing novels I’ve read. <<less
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Peerless White Chrysanthemum
Peerless White Chrysanthemum rated it
November 16, 2021
Status: c98
4-4.3/5 because of the great writing and translation

As everyone in the comment stated, it was really, really good in the early chapters but for me it was the same until the end. The interactions between the MC, ML, and the system are truly hilarious, nice, there's also plot and tears. I would've saw some light if the ML tried harder after what he did and didn't ended up as a joke/comedy on it.

... more>>

Like okay, in the story it was said that Demons has like animal instincts unlike humans, let me just think that's why he ended up moving and forgetting ****. But he also lied to get it/MC and he did a second time to BY again, so minus points... Let's say MC is easy to coax but.. he still developed shadows for it.. So it's a no-no right for us right?

But if the r*pe didn't exist or if the ML repented so hard in the first time and they never did a second time/did just connect, did enough repenting, no coercion too to make your head hurt you would be rating it 4-5 stars, no?

But We also know that he's the demon king.... So idk, it was already said in the story he believed that he is a ruthless, arrogant and cold (not to mention, a virg*n in relationship [and he didn't seek out some advice to Hua]) demon lord himself, he also forgot his memories so... He won't be a demon king if he's nice, that's ooc. Unless he got the best surroundings to pick up good deeds... Victim blaming is a headache. System, you should've been on the side of BY but who am I to say that?

Would've like the story more or would give 5 stars if there are extras showing their relationship or treatments in the real world would be better. Also to know if the ML is sincere and learned his faults.

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Maririma1408 rated it
July 14, 2021
Status: Completed
As a whole, I enjoyed this story. The development, the characters, the comedy, and the ending was pretty good imo.

Ok, so the other reviewers have mentioned r*pe scenes that yes, there were a lot and I also thought it was horrible. R*pe will always be a horrible and traumatic thing and it should have never been included in this story or any other story for the matter if it will not be handled with care and seriousness (especially since the r*pe scenes didn't even affect much of the plot and... more>> it seems like it was just put there for like effect or something idk). I guess all that I could do was accept the fact that mistakes were made in the writing of this story and just read the rest because I really wanted to know how the novel ends and yeah...

Honestly, without the r*pe, I'm sure the story would have progressed just fine if not better. I think that there are so many other situations and events that the author could've used that would have been better than r*pe or forcing the MC to have s*x. It's honestly such a shame. <<less
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Korumi Misaki
Korumi Misaki
April 30, 2021
Status: c72
I worried that it would be love triangle with the protagonist of the novel. But I was surprised by the increasing interactions between MC and ML. The misunderstanding between them was really funny and entertaining.
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Alex Blue
Alex Blue rated it
February 11, 2021
Status: Completed
This one was so fresh!

The 100+ chapters felt like nothing even though I'm so busy right now and I don't have so many time to read.

It's funny, but also had me weeping a little bit in some chapters, I absolutely recommend this novel to anyone who (like me cofcof) is a tr*shy tr*sh for transmigration novels haha <3 especially if you don't want to suffer so much.

... more>> The only thing is now I need more of Zhou Ying haha, especially after the extra... Anyway, just my dreamy wish.

This is a hilarious novel with a hilarious MC and a hilarious ML, but also with plot and other interesting characters; so, yes, if you are into the transmigration stuff, this is a must <3 <<less
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Zjy rated it
January 3, 2021
Status: Completed
Overall this was an interesting story. I liked the beginning of it more than the end, but the ending is satisfying enough. I picked up this novel because I love transmigration into xianxia/wuxia/ancient China with comedy and BL (SVSS is my favorite). This one definitely delivered that well in the beginning. The MC's attempts to help the story protagonist being perceived by the Demon King as devotion is hilarious. The plot is actually deeper too as the story develops.

The author did a good job pacing the story and keeping the... more>> humor throughout even as the story got more complex towards the end. It's also nice that this story didn't unnecessarily drag out into 200+ chapters. However, I wouldn't give this 5 starts either. I also feel like the ending is a little... too out there?


The premise that he needed to go through his journey as a villain so that he can wake up in the real world is a bit too much for me. I really can't suspend disbelief enough on this kind of treatment. Also I'm not too fond of the trope of "and then MC & ML woke up in modern day real world and got together." It's too much of a cop-out / deus ex machina for me. There are very few novels that do this trope well.


TLDR this story is a straightforward and entertaining read, but doesn't leave a strong impression in the end. Read this if you just want to have fun reading a transmigration BL with some comedy sprinkled throughout. <<less
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Solistae rated it
August 31, 2020
Status: c60
The romantic part of the story is built on many, many misunderstandings.

And that's what I like a lot about this novel. Each misunderstanding/misconception on the part of the ML and other characters (even the MC at some points) is humorous, and the author really hits the nail on the head by showing different perspectives on the misunderstandigs.

I like the system's interactions ("harass a hottie a day"), though at some points I did find the system a bit tedious.

I like it enough that I'm not going to throw away my brain... more>> cells MTLing, and will patinetly wait for Chrysanthemum Garden's translations (which I quite like, to be honest). <<less
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Angel921 rated it
August 16, 2020
Status: Completed
I really liked the beginning, the middle was boring, and the ending was satisfying for me. There's not alot of depth to the MC and the ML's relationship at all. I feel like their relationship wasn't that deep. Their love all started on misunderstandings and I felt the whole book this never really got resolved in that they didn't really get to fall in love with their true selves.

Overall its still a good read. The MC was annoying sometimes tho. And you feel sweetness for the ML who has never... more>> known love before. Always blushing and trying his best for his love. <<less
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