The Academy’s Deceased Ate It All


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If I were to fall into a game, I wish I would fall when I was young.

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Academy's Stagnant Water Ate It All
아카데미 고인물이 다 해먹음
Related Series
The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy (4)
The Novel’s Extra (3)
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Surviving the Game as a Barbarian (2)
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Academy’s Black-Haired Foreigner (2)
Recommendation Lists
  1. Favorite List : Transported to Novels/Games/Otherw...
  2. Spirits | Espiritos
  3. Academy novels ( male mc )
  4. Interesting looking
  5. Junk foods

Latest Release

Date Group Release
02/19/22 Single Translations c97
02/16/22 Single Translations c96
02/14/22 Single Translations c95
02/12/22 Single Translations c94
02/09/22 Single Translations c93
02/07/22 Single Translations c92
02/05/22 Single Translations c91
02/02/22 Single Translations c90
01/31/22 Single Translations c89
01/29/22 Single Translations c88
01/26/22 Single Translations c87
01/24/22 Single Translations c86
01/23/22 Single Translations c85
01/22/22 Single Translations c84
01/21/22 Single Translations c83
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29 Reviews sorted by

titor420 rated it
September 8, 2023
Status: c206
Very solid transmigration story. Good action, characters, romance, and with a dash of tragedy, it's got everything you'd want out of this kind of novel. Misunderstandings accumulate, and lead to interesting, frustrating, and funny scenarios, but the author shows skill in knowing when to back off, so they never get in the way of the story or lead to excessive drama. MC has extensive knowledge of the game, and uses it to enrich himself, but he never becomes too overpowered or omniscient. He doesn't know everything, so there's still plenty... more>> of good mystery to build up. It feels like this novel will actually try to answer the why or how of his transmigration, as it's clear at this point there's a big backstory to it. The side cast is developed well, and all the love interests are given extensive back story and character development. There are also quite a few good male side characters, who are often conspicuously absent when you see the "harem, academy" tags.

It isn't a perfect novel though. The pacing is a tad too slow. MC, though not quite dense, has very little tact with women. It feels like he's always just barely toeing the line between stability and disaster in his relationships. The novel is also a bit derivative, borrowing so many concepts from other works the plot can seem a bit predictable at times. This is the main thing keeping me from giving it 5 stars, but it does have a lot going for it so if you enjoy this genre it's an easy recommend! <<less
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Decarabia rated it
August 11, 2022
Status: c74
To put it bluntly: this is an inferior The Novel's Extra. I give it a 3.5 because, no matter what angle I see it from, it's beaten by Novel's Extra (which I would give 4.5 but never finished). Unfortunately, this one is not unique enough to avoid the comparison. And mind you, this is my reading experience while skimming a lot of uninteresting parts, otherwise it would become a solid 2.

It must be stated again that it's not bad in the sense of unreadable, but yeah: inferior in comparison.... more>> And since Novel's Extra is not really a masterpiece... Let's just say this one is barely ok if you skim.

The side-characters are not portrayed with the same level of care, buildup and intensity. Neither is the MC, actually. This results in characters being less memorable, likeable or realistic.

All abilities and their applications are not as interesting. In fact, MC chose a very cliche route: shadow assassin.

Misunderstandings don't pack much of a punch, either comedic or in the feels. Might be a plus for people that don't like misunderstandings.

Events are not evenly paced, a LOT of stuff happens in what appears to be a few days/weeks.

Lacking in tension. That's because it lacks a major antagonist most of the time. Compare initial antagonists: Shin Jonghak played a significant role early on in Novel's Extra. And there were many minor antagonists, each one with a different reason, to create tension. Ahn something makes literally no waves as far as I've seen, so much that I've forgotten his name. There are persistent minor antagonists but they are of the most pitiful type, one is a face slap cannon fodder, a big villain dies immediately because of MC's interference, while another is simply a non-issue.

World building, harem, action and storylines are completely inferior. Some characters are complete add-ons.

So even though it's not perfect, you're better off reading Novel's Extra. <<less
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kingryuga rated it
April 28, 2022
Status: prologue
Nice novel. Characters are distinct and feel real. The plot is interesting too, especially character interactions and funny misunderstandings.

The premise of the novel is the MC transmigrated on a game he played years ago. At first he took the world as a game but slowly he starts to take it seriously. Because he came from a different dimension he could only relay on his knowledge of the game at first but soon he sees difference of his knowledge. Although his knowledge is mostly correct but he finds out many stuffs... more>> in this world which do not exists in the game. also because MC came from a different dimension he does not have any true identity in this world witch creates many funny misunderstandings.

For the personality, MC is not vicious but I personally think he is also not kind. He just know which to prioritize for survival and in order to return back home. There is a system that aid him but it's not completely a cheat since it actually only help him by appraising himself and the materials & weapon he got.

The story leaves a lot questions about MC's past his enemy and why he fall in this world. there is also question about how he become young. But I am sure the author will answer those questions in future chapters.

All in all I like this story and hope it becomes better.

So I recommend it.... <<less
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hose246 rated it
April 18, 2022
Status: c21
Well, I honestly don't have much to say about this novel.

The characters in this novel is generic, but not completely one dimensional, so I guess it's alright. Honestly though, this novel doesn't really focus much on its characters.

And the world building... what world building? Lol. There's a complete lack of descriptive languages in this novel. I have absolutely no idea how the world looks despite reading to chapter 21.

Tbh, there's no real goals in this novel. I know that the MC want to beat the final boss and return... more>> to his original world. What I mean is that the plot is unpredictable, in a bad way. There are certain choices that the MC made that's just plainly weird, and the author also won't add description or details on why the MC think that way.

I guess this novel did provide a bit of entertainment, and that's why I gave it a 3 star. And the protagonist still got emotions, unlike some other generic novels, so I guess that's a plus too. <<less
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katsuradesilver rated it
January 8, 2022
Status: c50
Well this novel is what you will expect to see in this kind of turning into extra characters novels, and that kind is my favorite so not Im not really complaining.
But one thing that quite bug me that is the author give so many future plots to unfold, and I wonder those will really be important events or just some one time mentioned things. If those are then it will go up to 5 star for me, but now it will just promising
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GrayMao rated it
December 17, 2021
Status: c54
The premise of the novel is the MC transmigrated on a game he played years ago.

The story is actually not that bad. The MC is the type from 'weak to strong' by taking advantage of his game knowledge. For the personality, he is not vicious but I personally think he is also not kind. He just know which to prioritize for survival and in order to return back home. There is a system that aid him but it's not completely a cheat since it actually only help him by appraising... more>> himself and the materials & weapon he got.

As for why it is four star - I have two reason. First, the beginning chapters are light and for some, it might be boring. It takes time for the MC to adapt on his transmigration. Secondly, there is too much info dump. In other words, too repetitive.

But I am still looking forward to this. I am hoping the story to develop further for the better. I recommend you still read this. Give this a try. It might not be the best, but it is still worthy to read.

PS: This is harem. I read interactions with potential harem member but it's low-key that you will not even notice it. <<less
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glorfenork rated it
April 3, 2024
Status: c179
I have seen a lot of the reviews, and I must say, they are untrue. I won't say this is some kind of literary masterpiece, but it is overall very good.

First, the character relationships.

I would say they are rather well fleshed out and quite a realistic depiction compared to the majority of stories I've read like this if not overall the most realistic. Not quite at the level of a proper published novel, though.

... more>> Second, the plot.

I would say I have certain qualms with the plot up to now; not enough struggle, a bit of plot convenience, etc. But that is a personal opinion and should not be spoken of as inherent flaws.

Third, the main character.

I think he is a relatively well made main character. Not too unique, but I think people overestimate the differences in personality between most normal people. He has a proper backstory too.

Overall, a solid 8.5/10 up to now. <<less
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sang230105 rated it
January 7, 2022
Status: c72
Not to mention the translation, I consider the story worth reading. The plot is already summarized so I won't mention it. I especially like the way the characters communicate with their actions. The way of speaking and communicating is not too secretive, many conspiracies and left for the reader to speculate (I only read for fun but there are many novels that keep confusing me). It's also not as revealing as the Chinese novels. Communicate naturally and act too naturally. There are many comments saying it is annoying. Well, maybe... more>> you don't like this kind of natural communication like real-life communication, you can look to lower-class novels. It's a place where there will be a very OP MC with god-level skills and useless compliments from everyone. Or an MC with Yandere stalking like koalas (Really, I was too). Believe me, you try to calm down, read it and put yourself in the position of the character you will not find it uncomfortable at all. And if you're still looking for an MC OP or a clingy Yandere cast, this is not a good choice (Actually, at first I also looked for a low-class Yandere novel for entertainment and then gave up, but after reading it I cannot be dropped). <<less
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Cypher4496 rated it
December 23, 2021
Status: c61
It feels very similar to Novels extra, but it isn't complete copy or bad attempt at copy either, story is good and enjoyable so far, doesn't bore you, MC is smart, and doesn't really feel like a harem, he also properly makes a point that he isnt trying to get into relationship, also unlike others of same catagory ending the story doesn't mean you go back, instead he is trying to get a villain that has space related powers, there's also comedy mixed in, translation is great also they update... more>> one chapter a day, so so far 5 stars from me, oh also they have illustration on their discord server which are all worth being my wallpaper. Srsly its comparable to begining after the end level manhwa. <<less
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