Strategy to Capture that Scum Gong


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As a true over-bearing president scum gong, when Xie He for the nth time rejected his admirer, he heard a sentence in his head: “Congratulations on achieving the “rejects 100 hosts” accomplishment; as an award you will soon bind to the “Scum Gong and Cheap Shou” system, entering other worlds to complete capture missions.

As a scum gong, Xie He expresses that it is very easy to hide one’s true colors, but…

“I Heard My Boyfriend’s Brother Secretly Loves Me,”

“Teacher Love Me One More Time,”

“Raising Youth Manual,”

“Your Majesty, This Servant Obeys,”

“The Tyrant Lord’s Substitute Lover,”

“Captive of the Empire,”

“Disciple’s Cultivation Furnace”…

Xie He: Wait a minute. These words sound really strange… and why is my role the ‘cheap shou’?

System: Fighting poison with poison. Using scum to overcome scum. I’ll be relying on you to abuse the scum gong! Remember to not OOC~

Xie He: Hehe.


Xie He: Hm? You say all the scum gong love me? Sorry, I only love myself.

Scum gong: ???

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Công Lược Tra Công Kia
Related Series
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Even Until Death, the Scum Gong Thought I Was a White Lotus (4)
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172 Reviews sorted by

crownprince rated it
February 15, 2021
Status: Completed
Good story, but will not re-read. Might only re-read certain arcs. Would be rated higher if there is more character development on MC and ML side, as well as them together without acting. Because literally, the ML with his own personality interacting with MC is only in 1 arc. :/ And overall I have certain understanding of the MC but I feel that it's not enough. Would be nice to have this though.

Again, also would be nice to have more detailed papapa scenes :>

🟢 Good for those who likes angst... more>> and misunderstanding, and how MC makes ML regrets and bully scum ML.

🔴 Not suitable for those looking for romance plot or romance development. This is really only for the enjoyment of those who like to see abuse of scum ML (with bonus of HE). Also not suitable for those who don't enjoy death of characters (even though its transmigration and there's no real character death). <<less
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purpleBlackCat rated it
January 12, 2021
Status: c129
People who read this story, bore the wind and rain of our MC, witnessed the heart wrenching moments...

Could (possibly) become an M or S 😂

Anyway I love. LOVE the pain

This story can make your heart strong (because the moment I read this story —for someone like me who hate. Hate. HATE pain –the outcome was me becoming a masochist😂)

This should be named as 'strategy to have a strong heart'


  1. 'strategy to become an M'😂
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secondthots rated it
January 10, 2021
Status: Completed
My heart feels battered, my soul is in pieces, BUT REMEMBER- there is light at the end of the tunnel!

This is the story you want to read if you're sick of the same ol' pea-brained maverick who has no sense of personal boundaries nor understanding of consent. This is a novel dedicated to abuse scum gongs. If you're a sadist, this could be a story for your enjoyment. If you're a masochistic, guaranteed you will feel pain because the events are far from happy. I feel as though the deeper... more>> I sink into this novel, the closer I am to unlocking a part of myself that I didn't need to know about lmao. The pain hurts but it feels so good?? I'm gonna need a lot of fluffy stories to mend my mind & soul after this...

The plot can be baffling at times. The worldbuilding is mediocre, the concept of the system lacks some gravitas, but the author does attempt to explain through her notes. I don't think it's a completely difficult plot to grasp, perhaps the unraveling wasn't executed properly. I do respect the author's dedication & intentions; her story turned out to be very worthwhile (altho not for every reader). The premise revolves around an NPC character gaining the ability to transmigrate & complete instances (specifically the "capture the target" type). I've seen my fair share of "capture the target" themed QT novels, but this is the first time that a c*cky arrogant gong plays as the MC. There's a sense of hilarity in the irony of it all since his capture targets are fellow scum gongs. Due to the fact that he's naturally scummy, he knows exactly what goes on in the minds of his capture-targets. I thought it was hilarious & unique, so I jumped in..

BUT GOD IT HURT SO BAD! Not a novel to read if you're looking for pure fluff. The author just loves dog-blood plot & angst & there is A LOT OF IT. There's going to be many controversial scenarios; most of the arcs will touch on uncomfortable situation. SO PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION!

However, as mentioned before: THERE IS A HAPPY ENDING! The journey is long & arduous- you may feel like you've exhausted your mind, body, & soul BUT there will be peace at the end!

Best arc:


The last one... is that even a question lmao


Worst arc:


These dog-blood plots hit a lot of familiar tropes, so pretty much all of them hurt. The 3rd, 4th, & 8th made me sob. I was tuned out in the 9th one- probably lost my mind at that point.


Best thing out of this entire novel:


444! CAN I PLEASE HAVE HIM ASDFGHKL- he is such a precious baby & the interactions between him & MC are incredibly endearing. I loved how they balanced each other out, the former using his naivety & purity to combat the latter's more cynical & licentious perspective. For a hot minute, I thought 444 was the ML... I can't be the only one who had that theory BET. But I'm happy my baby got a HE!

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Sadistiques rated it
November 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Worth it, cried first three transmigrations, then got used to it, still hurt a bit. It might look a bit repetitive but it's actually all worth it for the end story. Persist thru if you can take it because it's worth it imo.
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TiredIsAPersonality rated it
November 24, 2020
Status: Completed
I am surprised that this has such good ratings. Even if I deign this as purely a novel and not get invested at all emotionally it still left a bad taste in my mouth. You feel like this novel is a chronicle of victims stories of FBI’s most wanted criminals. The torture and various ways to torment a human has been documented perfectly in this. While I was aware based on tags and chose to read being prepared still it was just too much. I would say steer clear of... more>> this novel if you get invested in your novels. <<less
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November 23, 2020
Status: Completed
The repetition killing my mood.. The cycle for all arc are like this...

MC have a normal live- need to get the ML heart- getting r*pe- MC become soulless- ML regret- ML fall in love- MC su*cide or died.

It's good for 3 arcs, I also shed my tears at the end of few arcs. But the same plot over and over make it f*cking boring
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CosmicLight rated it
November 22, 2020
Status: c145 part1
*WARNING* This story is really sad but I have heard it has a HE, if you don't like sad stories or abuse do not read.

I can't stand it anymore, this story made me cry so bad and made me depressed so I decided to skip to the last arc and ending so that I can know what happens. The story is good don't get me wrong it's just the same thing, the MC suffers and the capture target regrets but the MC has a bad end. Like even if the... more>> MC didn't transmigrate into tho

se bodies the person he turned into would have continued to suffer without the capture target not learning to regret and just having a horrifying life and sad end with no one caring. There could have been a chance that they would have moved on but I doubt it.

This novel should really have tragedy marked in the genre, I only clicked on it in the first place and got invested in it because it didn't have the tragedy tag and had comedy instead.

I can't stand tragedy, I'm surprised I had lasted this long. I added the tragedy tag.

It has a happy ending.

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kcNeko rated it
November 20, 2020
Status: Completed
After I indulged myself to fluffs, I hastily dived on this novel to balance my craving for both fluff and drama. I didn't expect that this novel will slap me 12 times which rendered me too tired to think happy thoughts. It's so angsty... I like!

The arcs have repetitive flow but every arc is unique on it's own. I do admire the author especially regarding to the life/love lessons. I also love such good translation. My favorite arc was of course the last arc where the ML shows up.

Characters: MC... more>> is a president of some company but a psychologist at heart. My favorite character, ML is a thug turned dog. 444 is a cute child 'til the end and 666 who is great at comforting it's host.

I did score this 3* but after the cute fluff at the end and the ending is satisfactory, I'll give this a 4⭐. Surprisingly I did shed a tear on one of the arcs and laugh at the last arc, though the last arc was full of info dump. This novel is not for everyone and definitely not for children but I recommend this, just ready your brain and heart.

Now since I'm seeking death, on to the sequel!!! \ (^o^) / <<less
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MynameisFork rated it
November 15, 2020
Status: Completed
If u like stuff similar to Perfect Destiny then pal u might like this

Personally I loved it ok I was hesitating on reading or nah Because of the reviews but then I realize I'm a big sucker for angst so then I was like oh well and oh god I do not regret it

Here's a pro of the story

-its angsty super angsty (this is like my first story where there's a time I was genuinely so sad but couldn't cry because I got numb but also because my eyes was... more>> to dry it was hard for me to sleep that night

- The interaction between 666 and 444 gives me life it felt like seeing a caring/prideful gong X naive/positive shou

-The MC is smart, cruel, and quite Efficient and you'll find out in the end why he was quite cruel

- In the last arc I love how the ML was head over heels for the MC

Now here's quite a corn but also be aware of T/W

- There's so much r*pe. If u are a type of person who like angst but can't handle r*pe then buddy I'm telling u to stop and not read it.

- Besides r*pe there are also heavy ish/Darkish themes such as Child s*xual abuse, s*xual Abuse, r*pe, Torture, Slight gore, su*cides, Drugs, etc. (So if you can't handle those then I highly recommend not to read this story at all)

Tbh that's the only con I can think of both of the CP are quite scums but that's how they were made so I can't really complain overall I quite like the story and it was entertaining to read. Will I read this again tho? Probably the angst was quite my taste afterall but overall this was a good story to pass time I'll give it a 4.5/5 <<less
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nctzen rated it
November 10, 2020
Status: Completed
Only read this story if you are fine with r*pe, non-con and su*cide. Other than that the novel itself is entertaining to read. Have you ever cried so hard but a sec after you just laugh hard. Yup it happens all the time in this novel. I cried in every single arc then laugh right after when I read the conversation between the MC and the system.

This story is basically the combination of what I love (gong-abuse or face slapping) and what I hate (angst) but I go through and... more>> still read it because I know what's gonna happen at the end. One thing I must say is that after like 10 arcs or so I did feel boring to read it and opt to skip some chapters because I know exactly what's gonna happen. I am satisfied with the ending and overall if you are fine with the things mentioned above then go ahead and read this. It's so much fun. <<less
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Caffae rated it
November 3, 2020
Status: c208 part2
One of the best BL quick transmigration novels I've ever read. The MC is actually intelligent, and also cherishes himself.


This is probably the only novel I've ever read where you can tell the MC really loves the ML but yet also can prioritise himself. The romance is realistic and sweet.


I think this is on par with quickly wear the face of the devil
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Myosmium rated it
October 29, 2020
Status: --
Do people even know how to read the tags anymore?

I guess the reason that I wasn't all that disappointed by this novel was because I wasn't expecting much for the plot. I came here to cry myself to sleep, and since it usually works as intended, I'm rating it a 4 (because 3 seems a little too harsh). As long as I get some good rest, I can overlook the plot holes and illogical thinking.
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PyonYan rated it
August 6, 2020
Status: Completed
Every single arc is pure dog blood. Not a fan of it, so didn't like the first few chapters of every arc. However, it is so cathartic to read when the gong abuse starts. The ML in each world gets their comeuppance and it's so satisfying to see.

But where this fails is at the very last arc. Gong abuse is nice when the gong deserves it. Not when they don't. And this is what happens in the last arc. The last arc, where the ML shows up, should be where... more>> MC and ML gets together and throw dog food everywhere, especially in this type of story. Take Perfect Destiny for instance. The arcs are similar in that all the arcs have BE and immense dog blood, but for PD the final arc is fluffy and sweet and very much worth the angst in all the arcs before. But for SCSG, when the last arc is reached it doesn't feel rewarding. It just feels like the previous arcs but this time worst as 1, the gong doesn't rly deserve it, and 2, it's MC and ML real selves. It just gives a sense of 'This is what I've endured all that angst for???'.

The actual sweetness and fluffyness is at the veryyyy end of the main story and one extra. While I love the extra, it's just one chapter out of 211 chapters.

I also have an issue with the ML himself. The juxtaposition between the last arc and all previous arcs is just way too large. I get why as in the previous arcs

he can't go ooc

but still. And I don't mean the scummyness, cause thank goodness he's not actually a scum. But more of just general attitude and attitude and treatment of MC. Don't agree with MC's actions in the last arc but I do sigh with him in disappointment at ML. <<less
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Severe rated it
August 5, 2020
Status: Completed
I can tell you that is is a quick transmigration. But that wouldn't explain sh*t. Because, my friend, this is what you call a real Angst. I can't transmit the exact feeling after reading each and every arc. So damn good. Firstly, I thought it will be another story about scum abusers, with r*pe, kidnapping, force and so on. But - it is actually not. We can clearly see MC bossy attitude and it smooths all the negative impact of gong behavior. But the main point is still the writing... more>> and translation - they are both excellent, such a good reading! O (*^▽^*) o

Anyways, If you wanna immerse yourself in an abusive tragedy (in a good way) - WELCOME ON BOARD! Masochistic train departs here <<<<<<: <<less
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MoniqGin rated it
July 29, 2020
Status: c211
So good... it's so sad as well... MC is defo a sociopath... but he's good at getting even with the scum gongs... it's such a tragedy. I shed so much tears, but I just love it...I'm not a M I am not a M I am not a M ??

I'm glad they were extras.

Thanks for translating. 🙂 So sad it ended.
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zestylemon rated it
June 18, 2020
Status: c113
i think that the relationship between MC and the system is so funny I like 444 a lot LOL
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LittleFlowerMJ rated it
May 30, 2020
Status: v4
Tried really hard to keep going but the abuse goes hard, im beat. There's too much r*pe which is basically just the recurring plot in every arc + victimizing a pitiful and naive MC who kills himself in 'fancy' ways to end missions. It's too much for me I think this is as far as I can go 😅
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lustasy rated it
May 13, 2020
Status: Completed
Started reading this because if quarantine, finished reading this ALSO because of quarantine. Not so much that I am in love with it, but it's a good read if you just want to spend some time doing something.

The MC is a sentient target in a game world. After defeating a 100 host that come to get his heart, the MC then get his own chance to be a host. From there we got 12 world with different arks. Now the ark themselves are pretty solid to be their own story,... more>> they just always end up in angst. So be ready to be in tears if you gonna read this.


There's only one ML, so don't worry for you out there harem haters. The ML is actually the MC's target in those 12 worlds, he just can't OOC because then the God system would be suspicious of him.

Now, although the 12 worlds ark are pretty good, there's really not much storyline in there that you could just skip through all that and go straight to the final chapter and you could still understand what was happening. They are mostly fillers.

For a novel with such an emotional fillers it sure has an anticlimactic ending.

There are some extra chapters too, and they are a much better ending than the last chapter of this.


Reading this will make you feel like a masochist

And if you ask 'why does the MC has such questionable personality' well my friends, he was meant to be a tyrannical character in a game world. <<less
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bigdipper rated it
April 30, 2020
Status: Completed
Read the whole story and this deserves 5 stars.

There is a reason behind every action the MC makes, a reason why he pretends to take things lightly and never truly falls in love. The twist is satisfying and you'll only ever know until you reach the final arc - although clues are dropped, here and there.

The capture targets behave terribly, but you can understand why they feel entitled to do so. When you consider their environment, position, status, and upbringing, as well as trauma and resultant psychological burdens. They eventually... more>> learn remorse, regret, and try to repent and atone - but it is always too late.

I felt moved by certain phrases the author used.

It may not be your cup of tea but it certainly was mine.

Not a spoiler but this is 1v1. <<less
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Scarlethail rated it
April 24, 2020
Status: c100
Okay so, I'm in love. This book is the type of book that you can't ready all at once or you'll just be frustrated. I advice you to take short breaks after the end of every arc. Anyway, give it a go. It's very good!
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