Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God


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Starting over once more, he has entered this “living game” in order to control his fate.

This time, he will not be controlled by others.

Previously the Level 200 Sword King, he will rise to a higher peak in this life.

Money earning methods! Dungeon conquering strategies! Legendary Quests! Location of equipment! Undiscovered battle techniques!

Even the secrets Beta Testers had no knowledge of, he knows of them all.

Massive wars, entering godhood, reaching the peak with just a sword; the legend of the sword god has just begun.

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connivinglamb rated it
November 7, 2019
Status: c1831
around 1600+ chapters into this shitshow and cannot stress this enough, if you want to read a mmo themed novel there are FAR better options Legendary moonlight sculptor, Overlord, ark and several more.

character progression is a key aspect that needs to be tended to in every novel and while cliches and tropes are expected in these novels this author clearly needs some improvement MAJORLY. While it starts off strong thats about it, many other users have commented on the neglect of certain characters mainly blackie, his parents, everyone in the... more>> other regions that joined his guild/asura adventure team. It is understandable that certain aspects are forgotten. Unfortunately that is where my sympathy ends, the repetitive nature does not stop in that every combatant or possible enemy underestimates them, despite the countless times zero wing has challenged "super" or "first rate" guilds with "countless foundations and years of experience" there is a constant threat that the guild can be annihalated in minutes at the click of a CEO of a big guilds fingers. While the MC is 1 Dimensional calling the supporting cast anything other is an insult to better novels. The enemies are quick to temper and show little to no critical thinking. Lets demolish the smaller guild, research. Whats that? Past exploits? Whats that? Fighting force. Time and time again the MC either wipes the floor or beats them "just in time" with an OP item he got LITERALLY chapters before. This cheap writing strategy can be seen all over the place but if you truly want to understand how bad it is an example is the demon kings horn, mana weapon tower, ballista recipe, mana pulse cannon just to name a few. A lot of these are bullsh*t but the greatest oversight so far has been the constant NON use of items/abilities. Many aspects of items or abilities are neglected or completely forgotten. Fivefold strength array? Never mentioned after the fight with the guild bounty hunters an item, which allows normal users to exert the abilities of a refinement realm expert is mentioned once. A serious joke, the only thing keeping me on the hook was the kingdom building aspects and its really cool to see the advancement but not even that can save this trainwreck.


i spent my time reading 1800+ chapters of this, cut your losses and dont bother unless you want to read a novel where the MC and everyone else despite reincarnation is dumber than a typical Harem anime protagonist. Cheers. <<less
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Piknos rated it
October 14, 2019
Status: c2000
This story is one of those that you read when you have nothing else to do and want something where you don't have to think. Honestly speaking, anyone diving into this novel with expectations on plot, logic or even common sense is going to be severely disappointed, but hear me out.

This story is the usual dose of an MC reincarnating with future knowledge and skills, however what makes it so good is the fact that it doesn't try to be anything more than that. Pure and simple, it's a VRMMORPG... more>> at the core and avoids the usual plot twists to merge it with reality. No weird stat screens in real life, bringing items from the game into the real world or crazy foreboding omens of alien invasions. This novel is the kind that brings you in without trying to be something it isn't, and for that I have to give it props.

With that being said, there are admittedly many valid flaws with the story itself, with the prevalent one being how awful the public is with their reactions. Honestly, compared to the antagonists the ones that are the most irritating are the bystanders who comment on practically every little thing. They're the kind of people that follow others and in a split second change their mind once then tide turns. While this is an attempt by the author to emulate what the average person would feel at certain moments it has an adverse affect and makes it annoying. To give an example, the public could be against Zero Wing for going against a super guild in one chapter and a couple later they would be hailing it as one of the best around. A few times would be understandable but with it occurring literally every time something happens it quickly becomes annoying.

That aside, mostly everything else in the novel is simply average. Average plot, average characters, average plot armour and average OP skills. You won't be walking away from this with a sense of fulfilment but neither will you feel a tinge of disappointment. My recommendation is to take it as what it is, a VRMMORPG with reincarnation.

TL;DR: Take it at face value and you won't be disappointed. Hold it to anything more you won't find what you're looking for. <<less
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August 20, 2019
Status: c817
If you're going to read this please reconsider because it made me cry for the time I lost reading this piece of junk jumbled together.

Let's start at the plot, Oh wait there is no actual plot just makes the MC super LUCKY I mean literally that so lucky you'll be rich w/o doing anything. And how he has the 'Best Members' who is 110% loyal etc etc. Don't forget the enemies that the author keeps describing 150% Evil.

So how does the pacing goes, For gods sakes I never have read... more>> such ridiculous plot that a person can solo a boss that have lvl 10-30+ gap oh cmon let's be realistic. And how his so called 'rivals' are billionaires/company owners. I mean how the fck does those guys can play in their full of work daily life, cmon I have never even seen the author add a non-pay-to-win character that actually succeed in the game..

So I'd rather suggest you read other MMORPG Novels that actually have a depth and not this novel that looks like a mixed up delusion of a kid <<less
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mitreremix rated it
August 7, 2019
Status: Completed
This novel is a complete mess. Don't bother even starting. Rushed ending.

There are so many plot holes and inconsistence... Many characters and other things simply vanish from the story. Don't think too deeply if you're reading it, cause it won't matter later in the story.

The author just doesn't know where he wants the story to go. They add a bit of this a bit of that, and in the end nothing adds up. It's so badly thought out, that it hurts my soul.

Ya'll know how a piano has white... more>> and black keys. They're compared to life, white keys represent good moments in life, black key bad moments. You could say the same for this novel, just that this piano has black keys where the white should be and white keys where the black should be. It's a total mess.

TL;DR Read "Legendary Moonlight Sculptor" or "Overgeared" or "Second Coming of Gluttony". They all fall in the same genre as this novel, but they're much better written than this novel. <<less
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VLeeAzn rated it
July 11, 2019
Status: c1604
Despite having god like advantages that should put them 20 lvl ahead of any other guilds every 3 chapters all members of his guild ends up behind by 5 lvls. Tbh by the way I see it they are so incapable they should just honestly disband instead of wasting the lucky encounter of true great guild that always ends up ahead of them. It would have been much more interesting reading what those guild members do to always be ahead of MC's guild.

Despite being a god d*mn celebrity and shocking... more>> the crowd every 5 chapters people have a hard reset or had their brain melted so much from playing they have no clue what even MC's guild is when mentioned.

Despite MC making the right decision every single time the women around him will doubt him and ask him obvious sh*t like "are you sure" "you are too stubborn" etc. then proceed to get frustrated and "hopeless" at MC's choices feeling that MC was a dumb bloke or something.

The other players are just NPC or broken recorders repeating "just how many secrets does MC's guild have ?"... I kid you not.

If you can get past all these cons and others that people here mentioned then it should be readable Tbh I don't know how I read this far so I am adding a star. <<less
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justchris rated it
June 21, 2019
Status: v26c16

This story starts out as a flawed, but interesting MMO story. Then it goes very Xianxia, but is still pretty interesting. I was getting impatient, so I started reading the machine translations, and after a while, the story becomes roughly 93% filler. It takes around 10 chapters for anything to actually happen. That's one thing. And it repeats itself, over and over again. You can tell how the next 5-10 chapters will go after reading a few paragraphs of a chapter, because it is the same... more>> thing every time.

It's just worth the time. <<less
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justien01 rated it
January 23, 2019
Status: c1300
Before I read this novel, I read its review and said to myself it can't be that bad. So here I am, I regreted wasting my time to this novel.

1. MC is ignorant. If you read the novel then you probably notice despite being reincarnated MC doesn't know sh3t. MC be like "what there is this kind of item I never heard of it, what there's such an expert but I dont know him on last life, What there is such a big and powerful organization why I never heard... more>> of it" something like that is very common even though 10 years of gaming holy crap what an ignorant MC.

2. MC is ridiculously passive. He has this OP items and 10 year knowledge. He never attack or counter attack those guild that made it hard for his guild. We are on 1k chaps gentlemen and his still not attacking only defending. I'm so disappointed with this cause I love face smacking plot. This one sadly is not.

3. Absurd time frame this author has a lot of ideas on his head that he wants to compresed it on so little time. For example MC enemy planned that they will attack the town of MC in 5 days. It took 300 chapters literally from that chapter to actual attack began. So 300 chapters happened in 5 days lol. So much that I find myself skipping /skimming chapter. Author focus so much on detail that novel itself became boring. <<less
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AlchemicalVirtue rated it
October 12, 2018
Status: c781
Starts off decent and keeps that pace for a while. However, the public in the game seem more like NPCs then players only praising the newesr achievement and hating all the previous ones.

It also randomly throws in some wuxia about chapter 300 or so basically for no reason.

After about chapter 200 you can predict what happens next: need money, get one in a million drop, get title and super rare quest, change timeline without any actual lasting effects, repeat.
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UnderTaker26 rated it
September 3, 2018
Status: c131
meh 2/5

Just another generic reincarnated vrpg story. Guy goes back in time and uses foreknowledge to become rich. It’s basically rebirth of the thief w/o any side characters or romance. And the MC halo is even more ridiculous.


... more>> guy was originally despised bc he never worked out and after reincarnating decides to change that. But after only a day or two of light exercise between gaming sessions he beats one of the top fighters in school in front of the whole class.

Hows does a guy get that strong in so little time? He also gets broken items throughout the novel allowing him to get strong and make a fortune like Nie Yan but what irks me is that he’s also a master crafter. I feel that was just pushing it as mastering two professions, even with knowledge of the future, is too difficult and time consuming but the broken items make up for it. However the biggest problem is the lack of originality. I found myself falling asleep bc I’d seen all this countless times before and had to force myself to continue until I just gave it up. If I have to force myself, it’s just not worth my time. <<less
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Storm Echo
Storm Echo rated it
July 30, 2018
Status: c154
It had a good start. But it's annoying that he can get all the good drops he want and the enemies are just so dumb. And the enemies with only days of experience on the game can actually threaten the MC with 10 years of experience. And what happened to stats? When I was reading this he had so many OP items and insane stats but apparently some assassin could actually get the best of him because he was "careless".

Then now there's an unknown organization that can be on par... more>> with the MC's Overpowered self. And apparently the members are "dark and evil". Damn, 10 years worth of experience is apparently not worth anything to those rich folks that have no experience in the game.

Though I like the part where making items give experience since it actually makes sense that production classes would not be too under-level. I also like the MC could get the OP mask. I expected the MC to be OP but that does not seem to be the case.

I'll give this a 3. It started good. Maybe others might enjoy this stuff. But it's just way too inconsistent. And reading the comments, apparently they get wuxia abilities in the future. So inconsistent. <<less
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randolf27d rated it
June 22, 2018
Status: c460

Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God is a lie from the start, the title it self is a lie. What do you aspect when the title is not before he is reincarnated he was not even first rated player not to mention strongest. Title should be Reincarnation : Road to become The Strongest Sword God. Author should be more careful of their title.

... more>>

There are few thing that might spoiled the story so ill add the spoiler for precaution.

  1. When MC mention currency value it should be equal to today dollars but is the money come out of the tree for a company that invest in the workshop or studio? To invest more that a billion is something that cannot be done easily. Is the author doesn't know the value of currency at all? Billions in early stage of the game LOL.
  2. The author forgot about many thing he mention earlier and change them to whatever he like to MC advantage.
  3. The Card he mention that fill the MC Bank is completely forgotten.
  4. Level ten 50 man dungeon cannot be clear by level 20+ while MC is already prepare for level 20 100 man dungeon. This make no sense at all.
  5. Why isn't MC farm Sun God Cave and abuse like hell when he has a chance? That gold mine should be abuse but he left alone for no reason at all.
  6. And what about the Ghost Rider in the early first update? Doesn't he vowed to kill him again?
  7. The Combat system is weird, player can use their own skills from real life and its more op then the epics skills wtf? MC use Void Step which is more Op then blink will system really allow that?
  8. Why does in game economy always to MC favor? Isn't that too much of a plot armor?
  9. When the weapon first mention epic and magic weapon is the highest but when MC goes to the war god temple things change even Legendary and Divine weapon appear wth.
  10. Last but not least there are too many nonsense just to fill the quota, reading become chore after chapter 200. And from that nonsense it make me wonder is the author really bad at math and doesn't really know the mmorpg. Many of the term use is complete wrong.

I really respect the one who can read more than 1000 chapter. How can you force such a chore to yourself, and ill pray for your eye health. <<less
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Afxarr rated it
June 6, 2018
Status: c754
Currently up to chapter 420

I simply love this novel. Currently my favorite virtual reality themed novel for sure. Legendary Moonlight Sculptor was my first light novel and will always hold a special spot in my heart, but in some ways, this one is as good as LMS, which is high praise. There's almost next to no comedy element and no romance. For comedy. Not many can beat Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor in this genre and as for romance.... I couldn't care less. For all those who loath harems and... more>> constant beauties falling inexplicably in love with the main lead, fear not, cause there's none of that garbage in this novel.

The translation speed/quality are both good and there's a decent amount already translated so happy binging everyone. While this is in no way a perfect novel without any flaws, it's still a worthy inclusion in the virtual reality game themed novels. Plot holes and dropped plots so far have not been many and I got no major complaints

Updated review after reading up to chapter 754

Novels gotten mighty infuriating at this point. So many recycled cliches and 'plot' twists. So-called rare as Phoenix feathers type "experts" are even more common than cabbages, popping up everywhere to act as main characters new nemesis. The levels, attributes, skills, hard work and knowledge of the game mean NOTHING cause so many hidden experts just log in for few hours and becoming as skilled or better than main character and spank his guilds tushy lightly, causing the masses to bemoan the mediocrity of the guild, only to have him win in the next chapter causing everyone to ooooh and aaaaah and wanting to join the guild again. I'm gonna give this pile of poo a 2.5 stars maximum <<less
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AvraLost rated it
March 25, 2024
Status: c3540
Depending on what you value in a story, RotSSG will either be a waste of a month, or one of the best (and simultaneously most aggravating) reading experiences you'll ever have.

Pros - Exploration, Combat, and Progression

If you enjoy reading scenes of a character exploring new areas (such as the graves of an ancient cultivator or hidden realms in cultivation fantasies, pretty much everything in tower-climbing stories, dungeons in dungeon Earth stores, etc.), I genuinely can't recommend this story enough. The author is amazing at writing scenes focused on Shi Feng... more>> (the protagonist) exploring all sorts of areas that he absolutely should not be in, and I love it.

Despite being a swordsman, the combat is written more like a cultivation story or Dragon Ball Z, with more of a focus on the spectacle and strategy of combat than the combat itself. My personal favorite combat scenes (the fight against the

sentient robot

, and dozens more) are alone worth reading the entire story for, but they definitely don't resemble real combat in the slightest.

A good bit of the story is entirely focused on Shi Feng progressing in some sort of ability and being able to overcome some sort of obstacle because of that. If chapters detailing how Shi Feng tests out the limits of a trap and uses it to train his reflexes (made up example, but probably exists somewhere in the story) doesn't sound enjoyable to you, I would recommend not reading this story. If that does sound enjoyable to you, I can't recommend this to you enough.

In addition to the following three, Shi Feng also (minor spoiler)

becomes a guild leader


Cons - Combat, Face-Slapping, and Underestimation

While I personally love the combat, if you're looking for detailed descriptions of martial arts then this is not the story for you, at all. Stay away at all costs, because it will be a painful read.

Antagonists consistently underestimate the main character, try to embarrass him, and then get embarrassed themselves. This is a recurring theme throughout the story, and while I personally found it easy to ignore in favor of the more enjoyable parts of this story, it was definitely an issue.


There's probably no-one in the world that could enjoy every single bit of this story without finding some sort of problem with it (I'm currently considering remastering the story myself to fix some of the major flaws I have with it, for example), but I do believe that it's at the very least worth a try. <<less
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January 24, 2024
Status: c2918
The basic structure and world building is superbly amazing. The game-world, the class built, power structure, growth, leveling, Stories & char to explore. The different formats of competitions, Legendary quests and rewards, Guild wars, and the Real world skill upgradation and leveling are well thought-out and open to explore in more depth.

The story goes up and down and later on just boosted thought everything. The story was good but became just power leveling due to non exploration of concepts that were introduced. The writing style is not good enough for... more>> this level of world.

I would give 5 stars to world building. It was awesome. <<less
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absenior19 rated it
October 20, 2022
Status: c20
too many problems and mistakes. Thinking is something that MC never does and actions are something that never matches the bs he spouts from time to time. Complete garbage waste of time. Anyway, can't read more, you guys can carry on. I will just save some of my brain cells which might go away from reading this which is made for broken and MC is very s*upid and has too many plot holes. Which can pull your iq below negative.
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JeanButButler rated it
August 28, 2022
Status: Completed
I admit, it's quite addicting if you're looking for a face slapping, op, MC that you know will never lose. But yeah, I agree with those who rated this poorly, so just go read their reasons. But I must add those insanely long and redundant explanation/exposition that seems like used for the sake of the word count. Like we know it's rare and strong, but do you know, we also know that after reading that long-ass explanation (which I just now skim btw) it won't matter or even contribute in... more>> the story coz you'll introduce or explain something again that will neutralize how "amazing" it was. <<less
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BoriCats rated it
August 12, 2022
Status: c2490
I have basically put some time and effort reading this book to the point where I'm nearing the ending in the 2900s chapter. Why? That despite a lot of issues of the book it still warrant my time for it to finish it to the end. Here's the thing, I can't find any good books anymore to read after this. I've reading for more then a decade and my taste has waned a lot with the common tropes and cliches authors seem to like having in their works.

Why I tolerated... more>> this? Because it still has a lot to offer. To the point where the author has come to the point where he/she had bitten more then he/she can chew. There are a lot of loosed ends in the plot because there is a lot of things going on. The author basically trying to involve the MC to a lot of things in a short time to the point that it becomes fictionally unrealistic. The result, the author forgot about certain elements that were vital to the story progression. Like he's gonna face some fortuitous opportunities but after some chapters it will not be developed anymore. Like the author's gonna ignore it probably as a lot of new things has always been added every chapter to the point where certain important concepts was just made out of the bat which is contrary to what was established in the first chapters of the book.

Aside from that it was really annoying that every fights or face up will have a lot of conversation happening together with the scene. Like are they just gonna stand there and listen to there monologues? Especially in the middle if the fight. Audiences conversation will be shown first before it continues. Like that is super annoying. Can the author do that after or before the fights, and not in the middle. <<less
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peelpeyl rated it
August 7, 2022
Status: c3235
If you've read the original novel or are dropping it, I would highly recommend reading the sequel on Hostednovel. com. It's one of the greatest novels on this website. it's a little repetitive and lacks character development, but has pretty amazing worldbuilding.

To an old reader like myself, I often find that many stories lack originality or fail to do anything unique. What I like about RSSG is how incredibly over the top and creative it is. If you've read the main novel and a bit of the sequel, you'll find... more>> that this modern/virtual reality low-superhuman wuxia world has slowly transitoned to complete and utter cultivation sc-fi.

He goes from competing against v-esports corporations and massive finanical groups to ancient families, to aliens/humans from of thousands of merged parallel worlds (who all play this goddamn virtual reality game btw), and millenniums old conglomerates capable of using technology from 4-dimensonal civilisations.

Less than 100 God-ranked experts in Shi Feng's world in the original story? Okay. How about over a million God-ranked experts competing in a selection at a third-rate city of a planet three times of the size of earth, right next to the couple planets thousands of times larger than the sun?

This actually happens in the story. And that's just one city of one tournament of that one small ass planet. This is also just one example in the sequel. The main character has far more ridiculous things in feats alone.

This sequel is about

Shi Feng transmigrating back into his old body in his original timeline after experiencing an additonal 9 years after the ending of the OG novel. Everyone you know from the main novel (including guilds, villians and important characters) is there, except far stronger.

While the main character is a nobody 32 year Tier 3 Sword King who was just kicked of Second-Rate Guild Shadow and had his account deleted. He really is starting at the absolute bottom, except for having the full memories of his first and second lives.


What I also like is the author has also written notes to his readers on his WeChat (where he publishes the novel) admitting that he doesn't remember much outside of the most recent dozen chapters or so. So he's basically been generating his story out of thin air.

And yet he's written practically the best worldbuilding I've seen in my life, I have no idea how he's making these extensive backgrounds on so many of these items, cities, worlds, backgrounds, guilds, etc, basically without any prior planning on a weekly basis.


26 chapters after I wrote this review (around chapter 3209 to 3235), the author has given the main character three major powers ups, an inferior mythic quest and entered him into a competition with 10 billion participants at the God-ranked expert combat standard at t4... Literally the original novel but on crack

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JackTheRipper rated it
July 22, 2022
Status: c2919-3178
OK, so the author clearly didn't learn anything after his second hiatus (when he tried to continue and scrap everything after the rushed ending so he doesn't have to deal with all the events, characters and items)

Everything is so predictable, MC finds something amazing, people underestimate him, he builds a city, people rush over but then underestimate him, he shuts them up with a new feature in the city, people rush over again but a strong enemy appears and then they underestimate him...

Also the inconsistency, local superpowers have (this)... more>> many experts... 10 chapters later: even the greater superpowers don't have this many experts... some chapters later: some greater superpowers have rule over 100 God's domain (s)

So if you'd read the first part, you can predict most of what's gonna happen, now I really like all the lore in this novel and the set pieces but a lot of it is ruined by all the repetitiveness and inconsistency, and I really hope he doesn't forget about all the characters and events he introduced here later on.

Also the novel seems so simple, I remember when I started with chapter 1 there was a lot more detail

(The 3 Star was a sleight of hand) <<less
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Huchbg rated it
July 17, 2022
Status: --
Although everyone seems to be hating this novel, I can say this is my favourite novel and I am not mentally ill or something, it just makes sense for there to be someone stronger than MC and someone luckier (he was literally fired from second-rate guild) and the whole system of Refinement and Realms of truth is amazing and really fits in, otherwise how would there be Super guides and super-first rates, if everything it takes to be powerful is to have a lot of money so you can buy... more>> coins and equipment, and employ more people. Also there is a really big reason and plot explaining why so many corporations are investing in a virtual game and in an advanced world where there is no worries the game world where you can be superman and make money is enough to make billions of people interested. I admit that there are some annoying characters and some problems until 1600-2000, but as the novel progressed the author makes a lot of progress as well and I can seriously state that it becomes a master piece the longer you read, and now there is the sequel that is amazing and we finally understand why the name is so strange a lot of things start making sense, this is so far the only novel I have ever re-read and I loved it, in my opinion no one should hate someone's work so much, everyone is different if you didn't like it drop it and say it, as a years long web novel reader I can say most popular novels are garbage. I have even dropped some of the titled masterpieces of the web novel community because the power system is inconsistent and the MCs are bullsh*t (I dropped "i shall seal the heavens ", "the legendary mechanic", "reverend insanity" and a lot others for exactly the same reasons most of you are listing on this novel) , and I have never given anyone a one star review and started hating, you people for me are the same one dimensional characters (girls, enemies) that you listed to be problematic. Maybe a lot of people didn't start this novel because of your reviews (maybe they would have liked it) by don't this you are exactly like the enemies in the novel, and then you hate they were one-dimensional characters when you are one-dimensional characters. <<less
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